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^/^/7jd:  'vivu.-r 




MARES, 16,446—17,216. 

STALUONS,       ....      12.793—13,243. 



1.  To  iwi^inti>.in  nnimpured  the  purity  of  the  breed  of  horses  known  as  Clydes- 
dale horses,  and  to  promote  the  breeding  of  these  horses. 

2.  To  collect,  verify,  preserve,  and  publish  the  pedigrees  of  the  said  horses  and 
other  useful  information  relating  to  them. 

3.  To  promote  the  general  interests  of  the  breeders  and  owners  of  the  said 

4.  To  investigate  suspicious  or  doubtful  pedigrees  of  the  said  horses  or  other 
alleged  misrepresentations  relating  to  them,  and  to  publish  the  results  of  such 

5.  To  arbitrate  upon,  investigate,  and  settle  disputes  and  questions  relating  to 
the  said  horses,  etc.,  etc. 

COUNCIL  FOR  1906. 

Retirb  in  1906. 

Mb.  Johk  Badchop,  MUlbum,  Renton. 

Ms.  Qbobob  Bsak,  West  Ballocby,  Montrose. 

RxT.  John  Qillssfib.  LL.D.,  MouBwald  Manse, 

Ruthwell  R.8.0. 
Sib  John  Gxlmoub  of  Montrave,  Bart,  Mon- 

trave,  LcTen,  Fife. 
Mb.  Johh  M.  Haknah,  Girran  Mains,  Oirran. 
Mb.  John  Kbbr,  Redhsll,  Wigton,  Cumberland. 
Mb.  Jambs  M*Glkan,  Auchneil,  Stranraer. 
Mb.  John  M.  Mabtin,  Murieston  House,  Mid- 

Mb.  Waltxb  8.  Pabk,  Hatton,  Blshopton. 
Mb.  Thomas  Smith,  Blacon  Point,  Chester. 
Mb.  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew. 
Mb.  Jambs  Wbib,  Sandilands,  Lanark. 

Retibs  m  1907. 

Mb.  J.  DoiTOLAS  Plbtohxb  of  Rosebaugh, 
Avoeh,  N.B. 

Mb.  Albx.  MacRobbib,  Sunnyside,  Aberdeen. 

Mb.  J.  Brmbst  Kebb  of  Harviestoun,  Dollar. 

Mb.  Jambs  A.  Huntbr,  Machriebeg,  Campbel- 

Pbdccipal  M^Call,  F.R.C.V.S.,  Glasgow. 

Mb.  William  Dunlop,  Dunure  Mains,  Ayr. 

Mb.  Ani>bbw  MrrcHBLL,  Barcheslde,  lUrkcud- 

Mb.  William  M'Connbll,  Glasnick,  Newton- 

Mb.    Robsrt    Bbvdon,    The    Dene,    Seaham 

Mr.  ARohd.  MacKat,  Bruohag.  Rothesay. 
{Two  «a«an«ie«.) 

Retire  in  1908. 

Mb.  Andrbw  B.  Lbttch,  InchsteUy,  Foires. 
Mb.  John  Marr,  Upper  Mill,  Tarvee. 
Mr.  Robbrt  Gardinrr,  Henhill,  Fortevlot 
Mr.  Jambs  Rodoir,  Keir  Mains,  Dunblane. 
Mr.  St.  Clair  Cunninoham,  Hedderwlokhill, 

Mr.  John  Pindlat,  Sprlnghlll,  Baillieston. 
Mr.  Albx.  A.  Lang,  Gameyland,  Paislev. 
Mr.  Thomas  O'Mallby,  Woodlands,  Raheny, 

Co.  Dublin. 
Mr.  Wm.  Montoombrt.  Banks,  Kirkcudbright 
Mr.  R.  8.  MKIIaio,  Kilhilt,  Stranraer. 
Mr.    John   Wallags,   Hayclose,   Calthwaite, 

Mr.  John  Brown,  Maiden,  Hertford. 


1.  Persons  desirons  of  becominK  Members  of  the  Society  will  fill  up  and  siffn 
the  Form  of  Application  for  Aiembership,  which  may  be  obtained  from  the 

2.  Every  Member  must  either  be  a  L\ft  Govtmor^  a  Ltfe  Member^  or  an  ArmwU 
Member.  Persons  not  resident  in  the  United  Kingdom  can  be  Life  Governors  or 
Life  Members  only. 

3.  Every  Member  shall  pay  on  entrance  an  Entrance  Fee  of  Ten  Shillings.  In 
addition  to  the  Entrance  Fee,  Life  Governors  shall  pay  a  Subscription  of  Ten 
Pounds ;  Life  Members  a  Subscription  of  Five  Pounds ;  and  Annual  Members  an 
Annual  Subscription  of  Ten  Shillings,  payable  in  advance. 



ARCH^-  MacNEILAGE,  Secretary. 







BEFORE  l8T  JANUARY,  1905, 





SOCIETY  AS  AT  1st  JANUARY,   1906. 


%oiumt  ^toents-iSiQhth. 


9tinie)>  «t  i\u  Bnititr^fiis  Press  lyj 

EGBERT    MACLEHOSE    &    CO.    LTD. 


BnUr9d  ol  SUUionere  SaU, 

Tllh   MW  ^ni'K 


ASTOU.  I  .    ■•)'.    -Ml' 
R  IMi  L 



1877-7&    President, 


^V  \President,       • 

1880-81.    President, 


1881^.    President, 


1882-83.    President, 


1883-84.    President, 


1884-85.    President, 


1885-86.    President, 


1886-87.    President, 


1887-88.    President, 


1888^.    President, 


1889-90.    President, 


1880-91.    President, 


'^P  \President,       - 







1886-97.    President, 


1897-98,  \ 

1898-99, 1  Prendmt, 

A  189»-(  Vice-President, 

i9oa  J 

1900-01.    President, 


19014X2.    Premfent, 


19024».    President, 






1905-06.    President, 


Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Dunmore. 

Sir  Wm.  Stirliko-Maxwkll  of  Keir  and  Pollok,  Bart.,  M.P, 

Ths  Bight  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Dunmors. 

Sir  M.  R.  Shaw-Stewart  of  Greenock  and  Blaokfaall,  Bart. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Strathmors. 
Thk  Hon.  Thk  Lord  Arthur  Ckoil. 

Thk  Hon.  The  Lord  Arthur  Chcil. 

Sir  Archibald  C.  Gamfbkll  of  Bljthswood,  Bart.,  M.P. 

Sir  M.  R.  Shaw-Stewart  of  Qreenook  and  Blaokhall,  Bart. 
Archibald  Gamfbkll  Douglas,  Eaq.,  of  Mains. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  The  Earl  of  Galloway. 
John  M.  Martin,  Esq.,  of  Anchendennan. 

His  Graok  Thk  Dukk  of  Montrosk,  E.T. 
Patrick  Stirling,  Esq.,  of  Kippendavie. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Abkrdkkn. 
Archibald  Gamfbkll  Douglas,  Eaq.,  of  Mains. 

His  Orack  Thk  Dukk  of  Portland. 
John  Gilmour,  Esq.,  of  Montraye. 

John  Gilmour,  Esq.,  of  Montrave. 
Alkxandkr  Baird,  Eeq.,  of  Urie. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Hopktoun. 
W.  Harrt  Lumbdkn,  Esq.,  of  Balmedie. 

His  Gracr  Thk  Dukk  of  Fifk,  K.T. 
ROBKRT  Patkrson,  Esq.,  of  Robgill. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Lord  Polwarth. 
R.  Sinclair  Scott,  Esq.,  Bnmside,  Largs. 

Thk  Right  Hon.  Thk  Earl  of  Cawdor. 
R.  Sinclair  Scott,  Esq.,  Bnmside,  Lsjrgs. 

Thk  Most  Noblk  Thk  Marquis  of  Londondkrrt,  K.G. 
H.  R.  B.  Pkilk,  Esq.,  Mansion  House,  Greenock. 

His  Grack  Thk  Dukk  of  Bucclkuch,  K.T. 
Sib  Robkrt  D.  Moncrkiffb,  Bart. 

Sir  Robkrt  D.  Moncrkiffk,  Bart. 

John  M.  Martin,  Eaq.,  of  Anchendennan. 

Sir  John  Gilmour  of  Montrave,  Bart. 
Principal  M'Call,  F.R.C.V.S. 

J.  Douglas-Flktchkr,  Esq.,  of  Rosehaoish,  N.B. 

St.  Clair  Cunningham,  Esq.,  Hedderwidcbill,  Dunbar. 

J.  Douglas-Flktchkr,  Esq.,  of  Rosehaugh,  N.B. 
Robkrt  Brtdon,  Esq.,  The  Dene,  Seaham  Harbour. 

St.  Clair  Cunningham,  Esq^  HedderwickhiU,  Dunbar. 
Robkrt  Brtdon,  Esq.,  The  Dene,  Seaham  Harbour. 

Robkrt  Brtdon,  Esq.,  The  Dene,  Seaham  Harbour. 
Principal  M'Call,  F.R.C.V.S.,  Glasgow. 

Sir  John  M.  Stirling-Maxwkll  of  Pollok,  Bart. 

St.  Clair  Cunningham,  Esq.,  HedderwickhiU,  Dunbar. 


C    ° 

a  - 

( • 


The    contents    of   this   volume,   as   compared   with  preceding 
volames,  are  as  follows: 

VoL  XIV.    Vol.  XXVII. 

Vol.  XXVIII. 

Additional  Produce, 

1253              861 


Mares  with  Produce, 

842              537 



378              382 



-     485 





South  America, 


South  Africa, 

Russia,  - 


New  Zealand, 

2473  1780  2263 

The  number  of  horses  and  mares  exported  during  1905  was 
653,  as  compared  with  536  in  1904. 
The  exports  in  1905  were  distributed  as  follows : 

-  17 

-  12 

-  5 


The  portraits  appearing  in  this  volume  are  those  of  thc^ 
Cawdor  Cup  winners  of  1905,  Mr.  Matthew  Marshall's  Hiawatha 
Godolphin  (12,602),  and  Mr.  Wm.  Park's  Rosadora  (VoL  XXVII,, 
p.  214).  The  latter  was  exported  to  Canada  by  Mr.  W.  Bryce» 
Areola,  Ass,,  in  August,  1905,  almost  immediately  after  she 
had  won  the  highest  trophy  open  to  a  female  Clydesdale. 
It  is  also  a  melancholy  fact  that  her  esteemed  owner,  Mr.  Wm. 
Park,  Brunstane,  Portobello,  died  on  3rd  January,  1906.  He 
was  a  member  of  Council^  wheee  fellowship  was  much  valued  bjr 
his  brother  Councilmen.  Rosadora  is  the  first  Cawdor  Cap 
winner  of  either  sex  which  has  been  exported. 


This  volume  appears  much  earlier  in  the  year  than  did  most 
of  the  volumes  more  immediately  preceding  it.  This  has  been 
accomplished  through  the  last  date  for  issuing  schedales  being 
fixed  as  at  1st  September,  and  by  making  an  addition  to  the 
staff  during  the  period  of  preparing  for  the  press  and  printing. 
No  entry  was  accepted  later  than  a  month  after  the  above  date. 
The  principle  laid  down  in  1904  will  hereafter  be  adhered  to,  and 
it  is  very  desirable  that  members  of  the  Society  assist  the  Council 
by  making  their  entries  as  early  as  possible  after  mares  have 

Two  stallions  formerly  named  and  numbered  appear  in 
Appendix  A  with  change  of  name.  Hattonslap  Chief  (11,370) 
will  henceforth  be  known  as  Lord  Falconer  (11,370),  and  Royal 
Drummond  (11,902)  as  Scotland's  Fortune  (11,902).  The  latter 
was  exported  in  February,  1906,  by  A.  G.  Soderborg,  Osca^  111. 

The  Council  have  to  repeat  what  was  said  in  last  volume 
about  duplicate  entries  of  stallions.  Horses  were  entered  by 
their  breeders  or  first  owners  under  one  name  and  by  their  later 
owners  under  another,  with  the  result  that  the  duplication  was 
not  detected  until  both  entries  were  in  print  and  brought 
together  on  final  revision.  One  of  necessity  had  to  be  taken 
out,  and  as  substitutes  had  to  be  found,  in  alphabetical  order, 
correspondence  was  necessary,  and  delay  ensued.  But  in  two 
cases,  those  of  Black  Chattan  (12,857)  and  Sir  John  (13,203),  it 
was  impossible  to  do  this  as  the  horses  under  the  later  names  had 
been  certified  for  exportation,  and  had  been  some  time  out  of 
the  country.  Reference  is  made  to  these  two  horses  at  pp.  xii. 
and  559,  and  again  the  Council  ask  those  who  enter  horses 
to  keep  a  record  of  the  fact,  and  of  the  names  under  which 
they  enter  them.  It  is  not  too  much  to  expect  that  gentlemen 
who  dispose  of  entered  animals  should  hand  the  names  under 
which  they  have  registered  such  horses  to  their  new  owners, 
and  thus  save  expense  to  them  and  much  trouble  to  the  officials 
of  the  Society. 


The  following  compoeed  the  Editing  Ck)mmittee  under  whose 
supervision  this  volume  was  prepared  for  the  press: 

Sir  John  M.  Stikung-Maxwbll,  of  PoUok, 
Bart.,  President, 

Mr.  St.  Clair  Cunningham,  Vke-Presidenty 

Mr.  Kobbrt  Brydon. 

Mr.  Oeorge  Bean. 

Mr.  James  Weir. 

Mr.  Andrew  Mitchell. 

Mr.  John  Bauchop. 

Mr  James  Rodger. 

Mr.  Alex.  A.  Lang. 

Mr.  John  Kerr,  Bedhall. 

Mr.  Wiluam  Taylor. 

Mr.  John  M.  Martin,  Chairman, 




16    The  dam  of  Lady  Marmion  is  Bell  of  Buchley  (10,128),  Vol.  XIIL 
50    The  sire  of  Lady  Anne  (16,106)  is  Scottish  Prince  (9673)  nU  Scottish 

55    The  filly  ont  of  Nelly  II.  of  Netberton  (15,062)  has  three  white  lega 

and  not  four,  as  stated. 
81    Rose  of  Ball3*caal  (16,207).     Produce  in  1905  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893) 

not  (11,839). 
158    Stella  (16,447).     Sire,  Royal  Reign  (10,440)  not  Record  Reign. 
229    Carmuirs  Princess  (16,672).     Sire,  Prince  Ethelbert  (8135)  not  (8635). 
260    Loma  Doone  (16,769).     Produce  in  1905  by  Royal  Ghattan  (11,489) 

not  (11,485). 
375    Maggie  Albion  of  Pyeston  (17,131).      Produce  in  1905  by  Lathrisk 

Baron  (11,392)  not  (11,398). 
425    Baron   Selkirk  (12,844).      Gr.-dam,    Merry    Sunshine  (13,963)  not 

430    Black  Chattan  (12,857).      This    horse  was    exported    to    lUly  in 

September,   1905,    under   the  name   Squire  Chattan.      He  was 

owned  successively  by  his  breeder,  Mr.  William  Park;  Mr.  W. 

Taylor,  Park  Mains ;  the  Seaham  Stud,  Ltd. ;  and  M.  Ranucci, 

472    Ethelbert  (12,969).      G. -gr.-dam  by  Cairnbrogie  Stamp  (4274)  not 

479    Gallant  Knight  (12,986).      G.-g. -gr.-dam  by  Byron  (101)  not  Keir 

571     Villager  (13,235).     His  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Mall,  has  no  number. 


Oltdbsdale  Stud-Book — 

Preface,  - 
Errata,    - 

Additional  Produce, 
Mares  with  Produce, 



Appendices — 

(a)  CorrectionB  and  ChangeB  in  Ownership, 

(b)  District  Stallions,   .  -  . 

(c)  Premium  Winners, 

(d)  Obituary,     -  -  .  . 





KoiiL  OF  Membbrs,  - 


Indices — 

Breeders  and  Owners, 


Horses,  - 







Special  attention  is  directed  to  the  preceding  Errata  Pages, 

The  arrangement  of  thii  Volume  ii  the  same  as  formerly. 

The  Second  Editions  of  Vols.  I.  to  VI.  should  be  consulted  for  numbers 
referring  to  either  of  these  Volumes. 

Foals  entered  in  this  Volume  and  distingnisbed  hy  an  asterisk  are  not  qualified 
to  receive  numbers  in  subsequent  Volumes. 

M.B.  signifies  Mating  Breeder.    F.B.  signifies  Foaling  Breeder. 

Marks  of  interrogation  indicate  that  the  identity  of  the  animals  whose  names 
they  follow  has  not  been  established. 

The  following  memoranda  may  be  useful :— 





Vol.  L 

(Retrospective)  contains 

■  •  •                ■  «  • 



contains  •        .        .        - 



































8417    9108 

















12,698    12,977 















If       "        "        "        ■ 




»t       -        -        -        - 





15,352    15,908 

11,986    12,410 







ABXBCROMBY^  BIB  OSOROK  WILLZAM,  Bart,  Forgtoift  Haase,. 


BARBARA  OF  FORGLEN  (13,335);  sire,  Royalist  (6242),. 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  2.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  May,  1905,  Barbara  II.  of  Forglen,  bay,  white  down  face,  fore  fetlooks- 
white,  hind  legs  white  half  up  to  hock,  grey  hair  through  tail,  filly,  by  Billhead 
Chief  (10,774),  Vol.  XXH. 

LADY  ROTHESAY  (14,126);  sire,  Duke  of  Rothesay  (9191)„ 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  101.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  Lottie  of  Forglen,  g^ey,  white  down  face,  filly,  by  Pearl 
Oyster  (10,831),  Vol.  XXII. 

LADY  CLAY;  sire,  Prince  of  Clay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  2.)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  April,  1905,  Jess  of  Forglen,  bay,  white  down  face,  four  legs  white  up  to 
knees,  grey  tail,  filly,  by  Billhead  Chief  (10,774),  Vol.  XXII. 

ADAIB,  JOHN,  SpiinglMUik,  Stranraer. 

GIPSY  QQEEN  (10,343) ;  sire.  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  2.)    Additional  produce — 

July,  1904,  brown,  colt  (dead),  by  Baronson  (10.981),  Vol.  XXIII. 
12th  July,   1905,   brown,  face  and  legs  white,  filly,  by  MarceUus  (11,110),. 
Vol.  XXIII. 

ADAM,  JOHN,  Mmmt  Walklnahaw,  Benft-ew. 

JESS  OF  WALKINSHAW  (15,909);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  137.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  Jeaniewatha,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  Dear  hind  pastern  and 
Jwth  fore  pasterns  white,  filly,  by  Biawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIIL 

VOL,  XXVIII.  .  FOALS*  .      3 

ADAM,  WILLIAM,  Brondwa^OT,  Skene. 

LADY  LOCKHART  (11,269);  sire,  Darnley's  Hero  (5697), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  15.)  Additional 
prodnce — 

23rd  June,  1904,  Lady  Lookhart  II.,  dark  ohestnat,  white  ratoh  on  face,  three 
white  feet,  fiUy,  by  Leonidas  (12,207),  Vol.  XXVI. 

Srd  July,  1905»  Broadwater  Pride,  cheiitnut,  white  face,  four  white  feet  and 

legs,  oolt,  by  Baron  Borgue  (10,969),  Yol.  XXIU. 


AITKXNHBAD,  WALTBR  A.,  Meadowbank,  Polmont. 

MIMOSA  (14,331);  sire.  Mains  of  Aides  (10,379),  Vol.  XXIIL 

(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  163.)     Additional  produce — 


20th  April,   1905,   Harry  Lauder,    bay,   stripe  on  faoe,  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol:  XXIIL 

BLANCHE   (15,354);    sire,   Sir  Thomas  (9681),  Vol.  XXIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  2.)     Additional  produce — 

17th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  o'  Buohlyvie 
(11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

AITOK,  HUGH,  Allaada,  Beafrew. 

MAGGIE  TAYLOR  (15,355) ;  sire,  KiUellan  (9552),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  122.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  June,  1904,  Miss  Maggie,  dark  brown,  white  on  face,  hind  l^s  white^ 
filly  (owned  by  G.  £.  Eaid,  Simooe,  Ontario),  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527)^ 

ROSIE  OF  ALLANDS;   sire,  Lord  Beresford  (4178),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XVII.,  p.  3.)     Additional  produce — 

6tb  July,  1903,  Jenny  of  Allands,  bay,  white  scratch  on  face,  white  hind  leg8» 
flUy  (owned  by  (1)  Wm.  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll* 
Ontario),  by  Clan  Chattan  (I0..527),  Vol.  XXI. 

AUCXANDXB,  DONALD,  auoybrae,  Watten. 

DAKLING  II. ;  dark  bay,  spot  on  face,  white  hind  feet,  foaled 
June,  1894;  bred  by  and  property  of  Donald  Alexander, 
Quoybrae,  Watten,  Caithness-shire;  *sire,  Bounding  Boy 
(9501),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam.  Darling,  bred  by  D.  Alexander,  by 
Lord  Rosslyn  (1750),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam.  Gentle,  bred  by 
D.  Alexander.     Produce — 

Ut  May.  1904,  St.  Clair  (Vol.  XXVIIL),  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind 
legs,  colt  (owned  by  (1)  Wm.  Swanson,  Bockhill,  Wick ;  (2)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery), 
by  Lord  Harry  (11,097),  Vol.  XXIIL 

4  CLYDESDAJ.E  STUD-BOOK.  .  vol. 

ALXiAN,  DAVZD|  South  Fod  Farm,  Dnnfermltne. 

PRINCESS  MAY  (14,911) ;  aire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122^,  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol,  XXVI.,  p.  3.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  Princess  Alioe,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  four  legs  white  to  a  little 
«bove  pasterns,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol  XVIIL 

ALLAN,  JOHN,  AlketuOilU,  Newlmrgli,  Aberdeen. 

LILY  OF  AIKENSHILL  (14,465);  sire,  Duke  of  Rothesay 
(9191),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  103.) 
Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331), 

BOLDIE  OF  AIKENSHILL  (15,915);  sire,  Golden  Chief 
(7775),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  139.) 
Additional  produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Prince  of 
Bathgate  (8913),  Vol.  XIII. 

ALLAN,  ROBSBT,  Howwell,  Klrkoudlirlgbt. 

PANCY  OF  THE  FLEET  (12,172);  sire,  Knight  of  Lothian 
(4489),  Vol.  VIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  44.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

May,  1905,  Royal  Rose,  brown,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  stripe  on 
face,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  James  Picken,  Torrs,  Kirkcudbright;  (2)  W.  U. 
Pugh,  Claremont,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Soot  (11,179),  Vol.  XXIII. 

SALLY  m.  OF  TOWNHEAD  (14,204) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  23.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1906,  brown,  white  on  faoe,  near  hind  les  white,  filly  (bred  by  the 
late  John  Edgar,  Townbead,  Kirkcudbright,  ownea  by  James  Phillips,  Garse, 
Kirkcudbright),  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ALLISON,  JA1CK8,  CUfton  Maine,  Batbo. 

BLACK  BESS  (14,915);   sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  3.)     Additional  produce — 

18th  May,  1904,  black,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Baron  Mitchell 
(10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

7th  June,   1905,  brown,    white  ratch  on    face,  hind   feet    white,    filly,  by 
Alexander  Everard  (11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 


AMDKBSON,  OSOROX,  ilngmflk,  Old  Meldnuii. 

GLOAMING    (15,359);    sire,   Fitz-Gallant   (9209),   Vol   XIV^ 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  123.)    Additional  product 

7tli  May,  1905.  Bessie,  chestnut,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  flllj,  bj  Prinoe  of 
Carraohan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

ANDKRSON,  OXOBGX  A.,   Comlsty,   HunUy. 

ROSEBUD    (12,387);     sire,    Mount  Royal    (8065),   Vol.   XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  4.)     Additional  produce — 

17ih  May,  1904,  Princess  Maad.  brown,   face  and  four  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Royal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY'  MARGARET  (13,981);  sire.  Lord  Colum  Edmund 
(9280),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  4.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

3rd  June,  1904,  Princess  Victoria,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  filly,  by  Boyal 
Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BEAUTY  OF  COMISTY  (15,361);  sire,  Moncreiffe  Marquis 
(15953),  Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  124.) 
Additional  produce — 

27th  April,  1906,  Electricity,  brown,  with  white  hairs  through  body,  white 
face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Silver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ORPHAN  PRINCESS  (15,362);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  124.) 
Additional  produce — 

25th  April,  1904,  BriUiant  Princess,  brown,  three  legs  and  face  white,  filly,  by 
Brilliant  (11,285),  Vol.  XXIV. 

27th  May,  1905,  Silver  Princess,  brown,  three  legs  and  face  white,  filly,  by 
Stiver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ANBKB80N,  HUGH,  DromlAMle.  Torphins. 

ROSIE  ROYAL  (15,363);  sire,  Crown  Royal  (4315),  Vol.  VIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  124.)     Additional  produce — 

30th  April.  1905,  Royal  Tom,  black,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  colt,  by 
Prince  of  Marionburgh  (10,85.'),  Vol.  XXII. 

6  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  .    voi^ 

▲NDBR80N,  JOHN,  AnolieBOlolOli,  ICIHiariiliaw. 

J£SS;  bay,  white  on  face  and  hind  legs,  foaled  1891 ;  bred  by 
W.  Anderson,  Auchencloich,  Kilbarchan ;  property  of  John 
Anderson,  Auchencloich,  Kilbarchan;  sire.  Lord  Marmion 
(6003),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Bell,  bred  by  R.  Stirling,  Pottishaw, 
Bathgate,  by  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VIL 
Produce — 

1899,  Sir  Iain  (11,537),  Vol  XXIV.,  hay,  oolt,  by  Prince  of  Johnston©  (9986), 
Vol.  XVIL 

May,  1904,  hay,  itripe  on  face,  near  fore  1^  and  hind  legs  and  off  fore  pastern 
white,  filly  (owned  hy  William  M'Kendrick,  High  Auohensale,  Kilharohan),  by 
Boyal  Citizen  (11,896),  Vol.  XXV. 

ANDBBSON,  JOHN,  NewMggliiff,  Ceres,  Flte. 

JESS  II.  OF  NEWBIGGING  (14,917);  sire,  Rosario  Y9996) ; 
Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  4.)  Additional 
produce — 

2l8t  May,  1905,  hrown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  off  fore  pastern  white,  filly,  by 
Scotland's  Motto  (12,353),  Vol.  XXVI.  | 

ANDBBSON,  JOHN  P.,  Dmmmoral,  Isle  of  Wlilthom. 

JEAN  OF  DRUMMORAL  (12,388);  sire,  Windsor  (2509), 
Vol  V.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  5.)  Additional 
produce — 

30th   May,    1905,    brown,    face    and  legs  white,  filly,   by  Durbar  ^(1 1,695). 
ToL  XXV. 

POLLY  OF  KIRVENNIE  (12,704);  sire.  Prince  Robert  (7135), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  5.)  Additional 
produce — 

2l8t  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  fore  feet,  oolt, 
ty  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

BLOSSOM  OF  DRUMMORAL  (13,681);  sire,  Homeward 
(7822),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  4.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  a  very  little  white  on  hind  hoofheads,  fore 
legs  black,  filly,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

jcxviii.  FOALS,  1 

AMBBBSON,  SOBBBT,  VlttwIlAld,  Uxqnluurt^  Wkgln. 

ROYAL  PRINCESS   (15,920);    sire,  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  aXVIL,  p.  140.)    Additional  produce — 

SlBt  May,  1906,  bay,  white  on  face,  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
T'oL  XIX. 

KOYAL  RUBY  (15,921);  sire,  King  of  the  Roses  (9927), 
Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  141.)  Additional 
produce — 

27th  May,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  white,  white  and 
•blue  markings  on  other  feet,  oolt,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 

AMDSBSOM,  WnJilAM,  topboek,  Old  Meldnun. 

SAPHOCK  QDEEN  (12,982);  sire,  Montrose  (1226),  Vol.  IL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  AXIL,  p.  5.)    Additional  produce — 

16th  April,  1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  feet  white,  oolt,  by 
Prinoe  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

EMMA  (14,472);   sire,  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIII.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XX VL,  p.  6.)     Additional  produce — 

3rd  June,  1906,  Eileen,  browo,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  and  both  fore  feet 
white,  filly,  by  Everkisting  (11,831),  VoL  XXIV. 

LADY  MAY  (15,926);  sire.  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  142.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  Princess  May,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and 
hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Oarruohan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

ABOO,  JAMBS,  Crannabog,  Bothto-Norman. 

FORTUNE'S  FAVOURITE  (14,136);  sire.  Prince  of  Fortune 
(9826).  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  6.) 
Additional  produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  Fyvie  Leader,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  colt,  by  Prinoe  of 
•Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

ROYAL  FORTUNA  (15,369);  sire,  Fortune  Still  (9752), 
Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  127.)  Additional 
produce — 

27th  May,  1906,  Evergreen,  brown,  dark  fore  points,  white  hind  points,  filly,  by 
Eyerlasting  (11,831),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BELLE  IDEAL   (15.370);    sire,  Gold  Mine  (9540),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  127.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  April,  1905,  Farmers'  Advocate,  bay,  less  white,  stripe  on  face,  oolt,  bv' 
Beit  of  All  (12.048).  Vol.  XXVI. 

ARMSTRONG,  JOHN,  Hajrboroiigli  Farm,  Manrport. 

LUCY  LOTHIAN  (12,398);  sire.  Knight  of  Lothian  (4489), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  4.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,   off  fore  pastern,  near  hind 
pastern,  and  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  General  Moray  (12,163),  Vol.  XX VL 

BECKY   SHARP   (12,949);    sire.   Dictator   (7643).  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  6.)     Additional  produce — 

lOth  Mav,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  fore  pasterns  white,  filly,  by^ 
Attractive'Prinoe  (11,590),  Vol.  XXV. 

ARTHUR.  Meurs.   O.  *  A.,  Benston,  New  Ciuiuioek. 

LADY  mvma  (15,372);   sire,  Lord  Irving  (9786),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  7.)     Additional  produce — 

11th  May,  1905,  roan,  white  fice,  four  feet  and  legs  white,  white  spot  on  far 
side  of  belly,  filly,  by  Baron  Romeo  (11.266),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BAINBRXDOX,  R.  *  J.,  Carleton  HonM,  CMrllsle. 

SMILER;  dark  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind 
Ifgs  white  up  to  knee  and  hock  juints.  near  fore  leg  white 
above  pastern  j«>int8  and  up  front  of  log  to  knee,  foaled 
IS97;  bred  by  John  H.  Topping,  Anthorn,  Kirkbride ; 
property  of  E.  &  J.  Bainbridge ;  sire.  Farmer's  Profit  (9207)^ 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  a  brown  mare,  bred  by  Mr.  Hodgson, 
White  Close,  Rigg,  Longtown,  by  Charmer  (2014),  Vol.  V. 
Produce — 

June,  1908,  Rosalind,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  White  legs,  and  white 
stripe  up  tore  thighs  of  hind  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  ChriMtopher  Palmer,  Cotehill; 
(2)  A.  A  W.  Montgomery;  (3)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton.  Ontario),  by  Royal 
Champion  (8956).  VoL  XIII. 

XXVIII.  ,  FOALS,  ^ 

BAXBD,  J.,  Bridg^hop— ,  Amiadalo,  West  Itotlilan. 

NELLY  OF  WYNDFORD  (8049);  sire,  Talisman  (2456), 
Vol.  V.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIL,  p.  277).  Additional 
produce — 

2nd  June,  1902,  Medea,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg  white, 
fiUy  (bred  bj  Robt.  Arbnckle,  Little  Brinsbury,  Pulborough,  Sussex  ;  owned  by 
(1)  R.  Braes,  V.S.,  Linlithgow;  (2)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery;  (3)  W.  D.  Flatty 
Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Tam  o'  Shanter  (12,387),  VoL  XXVI. 

HABK¥iR,  JAMXS  C,  Anobenliay,  Twsmliolm. 

MARY  OF  AUCHENHAY  (14,139);  sire,  Flashwood's  Best 
(9211),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  8.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  brown,  star  on  forehead,  near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet 
white,  Ally,  by  Royal  Scot  (11,179),  Vol.  XXIII. 

BABNXT80N,  BKNJAMIK,   MUton,  Wlok. 

FANNY  IIL ;  dark  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  bind  feet  white 
and  near  fore  foot  white,  foaled  10th  June,  1900;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Benjamin  Barnetson,  Milton,  Wick  ;  sire^ 
Koh-i-noor  (8742),  Vol.  XIII.;  dam,  Fanny  IL,  bred  by 
B.  Barnetson,  by  Goldenberry  (2828),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam> 
Fanny  I.,  by  The  Provost  (2411),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

18th  June,  1904,  King's  Crown  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  hind  legs  and  near  fore 
leg  white,  colt  (owned  by  (1)  Wm.  Swanson,  Rockhill,  Wick  ;  (2)  A.  k  W. 
Montgomery),  by  Lord  Harry  (11,097),  Vol.  XXIII. 

1st  June,  1905,  Shapely  City,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  feet,, 
colt,  by  Prince  Shapely  (10.111*),  VoLXVIIL 

BABB,  JOBN,  Coalbog,  KlllMur<diAn. 

DAINTY;  black,  white  on  face,  ringled  eye,  foaled  5th  July, 
1892;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Barr,  Coalbog,  Kil- 
barchan ;  sire,  Netherwood  (8869),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Dinah, 
foaled  13th  June,  1888,  bred  by  John  Barr,  by  Prince 
Adino  (5255),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily.     Produce — 

14th  May,  1904,  Dainty  Bit,  brown,  spot  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  filly, 
by  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 

I'Hh  May,  1906,  brown,  two  white  marks  on  face,  hind  legs  and  fore  pastema 
white,  colt,  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 


BABK,  WILLIAM,  Norm  Brae,  BarrhMd. 

MAGGIE  OF  SHIELDHILL  (14,929) ;  sire,  Springbank  Prince 
(9017),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  100.) 
Additional  produc< 

24th  April,  1903,  Qloriosa,  light  bay,  white  face,  four  white  points,  fillr 
{owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  FUtt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Prince  Aliok  (10,100),  Vol.  XVITL 

BXAN,  OKOBGB,  West  BaUoidiy,  MoatroM. 

GLOW  (11,690) ;  sire.  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  6.)     Additional  produce — 

15th  June,  1905,  Glencairn,  bay,  white  face,  some  white  markings  below  knee 
•on  near  fore  leg,  hind  legs  white  up  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Baron's  Treasure  (11,615), 
VoL  XXV. 

MATTIE  EVEEARD  (12,479);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  9.)  Additional 
produce — 


8th  July,  1905,  Maramere,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white  below 
hooks,  fore  legs  white  up  to  knee,  colt,  by  MarceUus  (ll.llO),  Vol.  XXIII. 

SCOTTISH  RUBY  (12,642);  sire,  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VIL, 
p.  261.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  Shane  O'Neil,  bay,  white  ratoh  down  face,  near  fore  pastern 
white,  hind  legs  white  about  half  up  to  hooks,  colt,  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837), 
Vol.  XXII. 

EOYAL  QUEEN  (13,700);  sire.  Mount  Royal  (8065),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.)     Additional  produce — 

21st  May,  1905,  Royal  Blacon,  bay,  white  ratch  down  face  a  little  to  near  side 
at  nose,  near  fore  pastern  white,  smaU  white  spot  on  outside  off  fore  hoofhead, 
hind  legs  white  fully  half  up  to  hocks,  colt,  j  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837). 
Vol.  XXII. 

SCOTCH  MIST  (15,258) ;  sire,  William  the  Conqueror  (9093), 
Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  204.)  Additional 
produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  SUver  King,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  leg 
white  to  knee,  off  fore  pastern  white,  hind  legs  white,  below  hocks,  colt  (bred  by 
the  Seabam  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.).  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184),  VoL  XXIII. 

XX  VIII.  FOALS.  11 

TIBBIE   (15,938);    sire,   Fei^iMBon   (9626),   Vol.   XV.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  aXVII.,  p.  146.)    Additional  produce — 

28tli  June,  1905,  Zita,  bay,  white  face,  little  white  round  outside  off  fore 
hoof  head,  hind  legs  white  nearly  up  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Baron's  Treasure  (11,615), 
VoL  XXV. 

BBAN,  JAXXS,  Mains  of  Diimlireek;,  Udny. 

PHYLLIS  II.  (15,380);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  130.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  off 
fore  foot  half  white  and  black,  colt,  by  Carbineer  (10,522),  Vol.  XXI. 

BBATTIX,  JAKES,  GUthBo,  Urle,  Stonehaven. 

DANDIE  OF  GLITHNO  (14,479) ;  sire.  Prince  Napoleon  (8921), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.)  Additional 
produce — 

12th  May,  1905,  Olithno  Mary,  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  leg,  filly,  by 
Cannyman  (10,323),  Vol.  XX. 

BBATTIK,  JOHN  B.,  Baorob,  Bl«g  S.O.,   CorlUile. 

DIAMOND  IL  OF  BAURCH  (13,362);  sire.  Lord  Blackburn 
(10,579),  Vol.  XXI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.) 
Additional  produce — 

lOth  May,  1905,  dark  brown,   stripe  on  face,  Jliind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Sir 
Andrew  (11,188),  VoL  XXIII. 

KATE  OF  BAURCH  (14,144);  sire,  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195), 
Vol.  X.'  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  6.)  Additional 
produce — 

12th  June,   1905,  brown,   white  face,  three  white  pasterns,  a  little  white 
on  off  fore  foot,  filly,  by  Sir  Andrew  (11,188),  VoL  XXIII. 

ANDRIA  (14,480) ;  sire.  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIIL     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.)     Additional  produce^ — 

1st  July,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white, 
off  fore  leg  black,  filly,  by  Royal  Fashion  (10,878),  VoL  XXII. 

LADY  CRUSADER  (14,937);  sire,  Crusader  (9178),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  10.)     Additional  produce — 

14th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Sir  Andrew 
<11,188),  VoL  XXIII. 


BBLL,  JOHN,  Oowtfhaw,  LoelunAbMi. 

ROTHESAY  QUEEN  (14,483);  sire,  Duke  of  Rothesay  (9191), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  108.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  June,  1903,  Miss  Bell,  bay,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  Ally  (owned  by 
)  A.  &  W.  Montg  ^    -     —         _       - 

[10,638),  Vol.  XXI. 

(1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.   Flatt,   Hamilton.   Ontario),'  by  Roselle 

BICKXT,  DAVID,  LoMlt,  PortnaliaveB,  Islay. 

LOSSIT  DARLING  (10,411);   sire,  Garnet  (3622),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  11.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  May.  1904.  Darling's  Prince  (Vol.  XXVIII.).  bay.  white  stripe  on  faoe» 
hind  legs  white,  half  shank,  oolt,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8,899),  Vol.  XIII. 

24th  June,  1905,  Darlinf^s  Royal,  brown,  white  face,  far  fore  pastern  white, 
near  fore  pastern  half  white,  hind  legs  white,  half  shank,  colt,  by  Mount  Royal 
(8065),  Vol.  XII. 

BLACK,  DAVID,  *  SON,  Notts  Farm,  TlUtngliam,  Soutjimlnrter. 

JESS  in.  OF  SOUTH  FLANDERS  (14,484);  sire,  Fortune 
Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  11.) 
Additional  produce — 

19th  April,  1{K)5,  Dora,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  leg 
white,  filly,  by  Bute  Baron  (11,642),  Vol.  XXV. 

BUkCK,  HUGH,  Olblistoii,  g«wi*^M>ii*t 

NANNIE  OF  GIBLISTON  (15,944);  sire.  Prince  Gallant 
(6176),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  148.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

April,  190.5,  bay,  bell  on  face,  white  on  hind  feet,  colt,  by  Prince  Alexander 
(8899).  Vol.  XIII. 

BLACK,  J.  *  J.,  AuohonfoU,  KUmaoolm. 

BLACK   BESS   (11,703);   sire.  Top   Gallant  (1850),  Vol.   IV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XVL,  p.  141.)     Additional  produce — 

1903,  Bonnie  Princess,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  William  raylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  8.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll,  Ontario), 
by  Handsome  Prince  (10,366),  Vol.  XX. 

xxnii.  .  FOALS,  13 

JXLkOKy  JOHN,  Pwrtarwrroek,  WUtaioni. 

SALLY  PORTER  OF  PORTYERROCK  (14,939);  sire,  Com- 
missioner  (4934),  Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  104.) 
Additional  produce — 

April,  1903,  Magnolia,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  and  legs  to 
hocks,  off  fore  foot  and  the  hair  on  ankle  white,  fillj,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475), 
VoL  XX. 

July,  1904,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  and  legs  white  to  hooka,  off 
fore  foot  and  leg  white  half  way  to  knee,  oolt,  by  Eureka  (11,031),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ELLA  OF  PORTYERROCK  (15,945);  sire.  Meridian  (9323), 
VoL  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  148.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  July,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face  and  across  nose,  three  black  feet, 
near  bind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Gay  Spark  (11,724),  VoL  XXV. 

BLACKWOOD,  CALDWXLL^  KlbUlMton,  lUlllkmi  Park. 

MAGGIE  OF  DUBTON  (11,191);  sire,  Newtonairds  laU  Mac- 
Lellan  (4564),  Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  37.) 
Additional  produce — 

1901,  brown,  colt  (castrated — bred  and  owned  by  R.  G.  Marshall),  by  Clan 
€hattan  (10,627),  Vol.  XXL,  or  Lothian's  Best  (10,374),  VoL  XX. 

1902,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  ankles,  filly  (bred  by  R.  C.  Marshall), 
by  Royal  Success  (11,513),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,   bv  Sir  Hugo  (10,924) 
VoL  XXU. 

BOAO^B,  JOHN  S.,  Ckitim,  LampliiCli,  Coekormoatli. 

OATRA   LASS   (14,940);    sire,   Gold  Reef  (9541),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  12.)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  paatems,  colt,  by  Primate 
<ia099).  Vol.  XVIII. 

BONX,  JAMXB,  Botatone,  CMrvan. 

ALEXANDRINA  (14,150);  sire.  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  12.)  Additional 
produce — 

23rd  April,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  and  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Dunure 
Castle  (11,028),  VoL  XXIIL 


BONK,  WILUAM,  BballAKdi  Park,  GtrrMU 

CLOTILDE  REQINA  (U,941);  fiire,  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  12.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  Dora  of  Shallooh,  dark  brown,  near  fore  foot  black,  other  feet 
white,  filly,  by  Baden  PoweU  (10,963),  Vol.  XXIII. 

HOPE;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  black,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  June,  1899 ;  bred  by  Claud  Hamilton  of 
Sundrum,  Ayr;  property  of  William  Bone,  Shalloch  Park, 
Girvan ;  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,045),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam, 
bred  by  Andrew  Wilson,  Killom  Cottage,  near  Caimryan, 
Stranraer,  by  Glen  Campbell  (3640),  Vol.  VII.     Produce— 

1902.  bay,  filly  (bred  by  Claud  Hamilton),  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIH. 

1903.  General  Benefit  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  coH  (bred  by  William  Bone;  owned 
by  Peter  Crawford),  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

1905,  Charity,  dark  brown,  near  hind  leg  and  far  fore  leg  white,  other  lega 
black,  filly,  by  Baron  o'  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BOWHAN,  JOBBPH,  Crooklands,  Wigton,  Camberland. 

SALLY  OF  CROOKLANDS  (15,953) ;  sire,  Montrave  Lawrence 
(10,241),  Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  151.> 
Additional  produce — 

20th  April,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998>» 
Vol.  X. 

BOYD,  JAMX8,  Carlakey,  Sonthend,   Campbaltown. 

MAID  OF  ATHENS  (14,606);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  12.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  July,  1904,  Prince  of  Athens,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind 
legs  white,  colt,  by  Breadalbane  (11.62^),  Vol.  XXV. 

TOPSY  PRIDE  (15,394);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  134.)     Additional  produce— 

19th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  white  inside  near  fore  pastern,  near  hind 
pastern  and  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  IS 

BOTES,  JOHN,  Woodhead,  Klrkmalrblll. 

GAY  PRINCESS  (15,955);  sire,  Gay  City  (10,194),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entoy.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  151.)     Additional  produce — 

15th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  with  a  brown  spot  on  forehead,  hind  leg» 
white,  near  fore  foot  white,  off  fore  foot  partly  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Alister 
(11.595),  Vol.  XXV. 

BSI008,  J08XPH,  DoTvnliy  Onuiffe,  CoolramMnitli. 

BLOSSOM  OF  BLINDCRAKE  (10,425);  sire,  The  Bishop 
(1542),  Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  13.)  Addi- 
tional  produce 

25th  April,  1905,  BIoMom  of  Dovenby,  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  foot  white^ 
■pot  on  near  hind  leg,  off  hind  foot  and  near  fore  foot  tipped  with  white,  fiUy^ 
by  Top  Knot  11.  (10,472),  Vol.  XX. 

BROADFOOT,  BOBBBT  BC'C,  Inch  rarm,  Sorlito. 

THE  BELLE  (14,487) ;  sire,  Belvidere  (9128),  Vol.  XIV.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  13.)    Additional  produce — 

14th  June,  1905,  Lady  Baronson,  bay,  white  faoe  and  under  lip  at  near  aide,  far 
fore  and  hind  feet  and  legs  white  to  knee  and  hocks,  patch  of  white  on  front  of 
near  fore  leg  from  lower  naif  of  knee  to  half  way  down  shin,  patch  of  white 
between  fore  legs  visible  at  far  side,  fiUy,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  VoL  XXIII. 

TRIM   (14,488);    sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  110.)    Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  Baronson  Ruby,  bay,  broad  white  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  foot 
and  pastern  white,  streak  of  white  on  outside  of  fare  fore  hoof  head,  near  hind 
foot  and  leg  white  to  hook,  far  hind  foot  and  leg  white  to  hock,  near  side  and  half 
way  far  side,  fiUy,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ZILLA  (15,957);  sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XII.     (Last  entry^ 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  152.)     Additional  produce— 

8th  June,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  white  spot  on  near  side  of 
heel  of  near  fore  foot,  far  fore  foot  and  pastern  white,  hind  feet  and  legs  white 
half  way  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

BBOATCH,  OXOBOX,  Tbwalte,  ButhweU  B.S.O.,  I>nmfHe«dilre. 

BESS  OF  THWATTE  (15,958) ;  sire.  Lord  Blackburn  (10,579), 
Vol.  XXI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  152.)  Additional 
produce — 

2Dd  Hay,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Boyal 
Fashion  (10,878),  VoL  XXII. 


BROWN,  ARCHIBALD,  Bttleralg,  Por^WUllam. 

TRIM  OF  BALCRAIG  (13,716);  sire,  Darnley's  Last  (6663), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  9.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  bay,  etar  on  forehead,  a  little  white  on  far  fore  and  hind 
paatems,  colt,  by  Gay  Spark  (11,724),  Vol.  XXV. 

LADY  GARTLY  (14,153);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  8.)     Additional  produce — 

loth  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  pasterns  white,  fiUj,  bj 
X)urbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

BROWN,   JABKBS,  BfUton  HtU,   Foms. 

ROYALINA  (12,999);  sire,  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X.  (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVll.,  p.  13.)     Additional  produce — 

1st  April,  1905,  brown  ratoh  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  oolt, 
by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

BROWN,  JAMBS  LXTTLB,  FiaglAiid,   KlrktirUte,   GMrlUOe. 

SILVER  BELLE  (14,491);  sire,  Farmer's  Profit  (9207), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  14.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  June.  1905,  Belle  Boy,  bright  bay,  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt, 
by  Chief  Ruler  (11,303).  VoL  XXIV. 

BROWN,  JOHN,  Bridgehonae,  Sorbie. 

BRIDGEHOUSE  NELL  (9429);  sire,  Tom— Auchleach— (877), 
Vol.  I.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  287.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1901,  Young  Nell,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  legs, 
filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XXI. 

28th  May,  1902,  Trim,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  fetlocks, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  Arch.  Crawford,  Broughton  Mains,  Sorbie ;  (2)  A.  Holm,  for 
South  Africa),  by  Moneycom,  Vol.  XIII.,  page  40. 

BROWN,  JOHN,  HlllhfMMl,  Airdrlo. 

LADY  MARMION ;  light  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs, 
foaled  1893;  bred  by  Robert  Renwick,  Buchley,  Bishop- 
briggs ;  sire,  Lord  Marmion  (6003),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  bred  by 
James  Fleming,  Garmuirs,  Larbert,  by  Callendar  (4901), 
Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  by  Sir  Wyndham  (4728),  Vol.  VIII. 
Produce — 

May,  1902,  Juno,  bay,  white  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A. 
M.  Simpson;  (2)  Jas.  Weir;  (3)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (4)  W.  D.  Flatt, 
Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Thomas  (9681),  Vol.  XV. 

:xxviii.  .  FOALS.  17 

BESSIE ;  dark  brown,  small  ratch  on  face,  foaled  1896 ;  bred  by 
Alexander  Russell,  Moss-side,  Bathgate;  property  of  John 
Brown,  Hillhead,  Airdrie ;  sire,  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Darling,  by  His  Royal  Highness  (2165), 
Vol.  V.     Produce— 

1901,  Marquis  of  Cowal  (12,241).  Vol.  XXVI..  colt,  by  Prince  of  Cowal  (10.849), 
Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1902,  Lady  Browu,  dark  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  A.  M.  Simpaon  ;  (2)  James  Weir ;  (3)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (4)  W.  D. 
Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Thomas  (9681),  Vol.  XV. 

BBOWN,  WILLIAM,   Chapeltoii,  ReiTlok« 

BESS  OF  CHAPELTON  (5979);  sire,  King  Victor  (1708), 
Vol.  IV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  16.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1903,  Qneen  of  Chapelton,  dark  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  white  marks 
on  body,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Dugald  Ross,  Streets- 
TiUe,  Ontario),  by  Woodend  Gartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXI. 

BROWN,  WILLIAM,  Templeball,  Ormtoton. 

MAY  (14,495) ;   sire,  Ormonde  (7092),  Vol.  XL     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  112.)     Additional  produce — 

1894,  Gogar  Queen  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly, 
by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. 

1895,  Johnny,  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt  (castrated),  (owned  by 
John  BaiUie,  Kancfield,  Ratho).  by  Johnnie's  Style  (6867),  Vol.  XI. 

1896,  Hero,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  colt  (castrated),  (owned  by 
Mr.  Keid,  Laurencekirk),  by  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. 

1897,  Maggie  II.  (Vol.  XXVIIL).  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol  XII. 

1898,  Lizzie,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  T.  Miir«h'fLl|^ 
GoodoakhiU,  Holytown),  by  Prince  of  Millfield  (9650).  Vol.  XV. 

1899,  Lady  Jane  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly, 
by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 

June,  1901,  Royal  Ratlio  (12.338),  Vol.  XXVI.,  colt,  by  Harmsworth  (10,566), 
Vol.  XXI. 

1902,  Hector,  dark  brown,  colt  (castrated),  (owned  by  James  Pettigrew,  junr., 
Bogside.  Newmains),  by  Baron  Robgill  (10,689),  Vol.  XXII. 

BBUCX,  ANDBXW,  JordaastOB,  Meigle. 

NETTY  IIL  OF  JORDANSTON  (15,401);  sire.  Mains  of  Airies 
(10,379),  Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  16.) 
Additional  produce — 

May,   1905,   brown,   white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Favourite 
(10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 



BBUCX,  GSOROX  A.,  InaohfleUI,  InMlu 

VIOLA  (15,404) ;  sire,  The  Scottish  Hero  (7340),  Vol.  XI.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  138.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  Inschfield  Veronica,  dark  brown,  a  little  (white  on  near  hind 
foot,  fOly.  by  Baron  Ruby  (H,  268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NELLIE  OF  INSCHFIELD  (15,406) ;  sire,  Knight  of  Albion 
(8734),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  16.). 
Additional  produce — 

2Srd  April,  1905,  Inschfield  Ruby,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  white  half  way 
between  tetlook  and  hock  on  near  hind  leg,  colt,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268L 
Vol.  XXIV.      • 

BBUCK,    GSOROX,  Toohlneal,  CaUen. 

BESSIE  AIRIES  (14,499);  sire,  Maine  of  Airies  (10,379), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  16.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  July,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  socks,  filly,  by  Pearl 
Oyster  (10,831),  Vol.  XXII. 

BKUCX,   PBTKR,   Myreton,   Insoli. 

TOPSY  OF  MYRETON  (14,168);  sire.  Beggar  Man  (7477), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  110.)  Additional 
produce — 

24th  May.  1901,  Jane,  {bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  ftUy,  by 
Botanist  (4872),  Vol.  IX. 

16th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore|leg  and  hind  legs  white,, 
colt*  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NELLIE  OF  MYRETON;  sire,  Captain  Harrison  (6679), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  9.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  May,  1901,  Queen,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  very  Uttle 
white  on  fore  feet,  filly,  by  Botanist  (4872),  Vol.  IX. 

BBYDIX,   WILLIAM,   SbtolhlU,  Braco. 

MISSIE  OF  SHIELHILL  (13,722);  sire.  Daybreak  Again 
(9186),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXII.,  p.  112.) 
Additional  produce — 

16th    April,    1904,    brown,    white   hind   legs,    filly,    by    Marmion    (11,429), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

2lBt  April,   1905,   brown,  off  hind  leg    white,   fillv,   by  Marmion    (11,429),. 
Vol.  XXIV. 

xxvnL  FOALS.  19 

BUOdJEUCH  AND  aiTSBNSBB&Y,   K.a,  K,T.,  His  Oraoe  The 
DnlM  oi;  Drmntonrlg  Castle,  Tltomliill,  DnmftleMblre. 

EUROPA  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (12,727);  aire,  Newhope  (3029), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  16.)  Additional 
produce — 

90th  Maj,  1905,  Europe  VI.  of  Drumlanrig,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
]«g  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11.257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BLOSSOM  IL  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (12,728);  sire,  Lawrence 
Again  (7909),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  17.) 
Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  Baron  Lowther  of  Drumlanrig,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799),  Vol.  XXV. 

PRIDE  III.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (13,003);  sire,  Prince  of 
Drumlanrig  (9368),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIII., 
p.  10.)     Additional  produce — 

2l8t  May,  1905,  Pride  V.  of  Drumlanrig,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore 
leg  white,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  LOTHIAN  IL  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (13,724);  sire, 
Williamwood  (8391),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV., 
p.  12.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  June,  1905,  Master  Francis,  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
white,  colt,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MAGGIE  m.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (14,501);  sire,  Prince 
Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  17.) 
Additional  produce — 

27th  April,  1905,  Lord  Montagu  of  Drumlanrig,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore 
leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MARCHIONESS  IV.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (14,952);  sire, 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  17.) 
Additional  produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  Lord  of  Carron,  brown,  wbite  spot  on  face,  hind  ankles  white, 
colt,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 


LADY  HAMILTON  (14,953);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII. ,  p.  18).  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Earl  of  We9tinorland,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore 
pastern  white,  bind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799),  VoL  XXV. 

BESSIE  III.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (15,411);  sire,  Prince  Robert 
(7135),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  18.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

9th  June,  1905,  Bessie  IX.  of  Drumlanris,  brown,  Btri]>e  on  face,  far  fore  leg 
white,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Beaulieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

EUROPA  m.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (16,968);  sire,  Glenzier 
(10,353),  Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  156.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  Nina  II«  of  Drumlanrig,  dark  brown,  hind  ankles  white,  filly, 
by  Baron  BeauUeu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BURNS,  JAMS8  B ,   Priestdykea,  Lo4iliiiiabeii. 

LADY  SOLWAY  (13,719);  sire,  Farmer's  Profit  (9207), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  17.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  May,  1904,  Lady  Lothian,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  fore  l^s  and  feet 
black,  hind  legs  white  to  cannon  bone,  filly,  by  Ix)thian  Again  (11,804),  VoL  XXV. 

11th  June,  190.5,  Lady  Kyle,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  and  feet  dark, 
hind  legs  white  to  pastern  joints,  filly,  by  King  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX. 

LADY  MAXWELL  (14,695);  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600).      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  173.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1904,  Lady  Shapely,  light  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  and  off 
fore  leg  white,  near  fore  and  off  hind  leg  black,  with  white  atripe  in  front  of 
off  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIII. 

23rd  May,  1905,  Toxa,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot  black, 
other  feet  white,  colt,  by  Ascot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. 

CABBY,  THOMAS,  TarreUw,   Wooler. 

GLENDALE  QUEEN  (14,507);  sire,  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074), 
Vol.  XVm.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  13.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  k  W. 
Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

XXVIII.  .  FOALS,  21 

CSAfiT>»R,  OaOBOX  A.,  AiudiorBoroMt,  DnnblMie. 

MUSIC  (15,165);  sire,  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  17.)     Additional  produce— 

5th  July,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt  (dead),  by 
Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

CAIiDKB,  JAIOBS,  of  Ardargia,  Forgandoimy,  Perthshire. 

GITANA  (14,717);  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  19.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg  white 
below  knee,  off  fore  foot  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

GAU>WSU.,  WILLIAM,  Ward,  Kllhar<^han. 

JESSIE  RICHMOND  (15,973);  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  157.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1903,  Jean,  dark  brown,  white  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  Walter  Bowie,  DykebarhiU,  Paisley),  by  Prince  Qallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 

CAMXSOlf  ft  SONS,  ARCHIBALD,  Westside  rarm,  Brechin, 


QUEEN  (15,974) ;  sire,  Eastfield  Model  (6721),  Vol.  XL     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  158.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind  legs  to  hock,  filly,  by  Pride 
of  Blacon  (10,887),  Vol.  XXII. 

KOSE  OF  PERT  (15,975);  sire,  Handsome  Prince  (10,356), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  158.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  near  hind  leg  white  sock,  oolt,  by 
Pride  of  BUcon  (10,837).  Vol.  XXII. 

CABEPBBLL,  ALEXANDKB,  Balnabeen,   Cenon  Bridge. 

NELLIE  OF  BALNABEEN ;  sire,  Lucky  Lad  (7986), Vol.  XXVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVT.,  p.  18.)     Additional  produce — 

3l8t  May,  1905,  Lady  Grace,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  white  below 
knee,  fiUy,  by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 


CAM PBVLL,  ALBXANDBB,  VtowbUl,  Oollaiiileld,  iBTameM-abtre. 

VIEWHILL  BUTE  (15,427);  sire,  The  Malcolm  (9438), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  145.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  brown  with  white  markings,  filly,  by  Baron  Afton  (11,255), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

CAMPBELL,  ALKXANDER,  Warrenlilll,  Tbaakerton. 

DARLING;  brown,  spot  of  white  on  forehead,  hind  ankles 
white,  foaled  14th  June,  1898;  bred  by  James  Nimmo, 
Braehead  Farm,  Fauldhouse;  property  of  Alex.  Campbell, 
Warrenhill,  Thankerton;  sire,  Border  Knight  (9716), 
Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Rosie,  bred  by  James  Nimmo,  by  Pride  of 
Bute  (1782),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

SCay,  1902,  Mijuie,  brown,  spot  on  forehead,  filly,  by  Royal  Norman  (10,885), 
Vol.  XXII. 

20th  May,  1903,  Flora,  brown,  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned 
by  T.  k  J.  Purdie  Somerrille,  Moirnouse,  Camwath),  by  The  Provost  (11,560), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

7th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  down  face,  white  on  outside  of  near  fore  hoof,  hind 
legs  white,  oolt,  by  Royal  brummond  (11,902)  Vol.  XXV. 

CAMPBELL,  JAMES  A.,   CraUrle  House,  Ayr. 

PEINCESS  ALBION  (11,382);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXL,  p.  11.)  Additional 
produce — 

llth  May,  1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs  and  feet,  filly,  by 
Baron  o'  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

7th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs  and  feet|  oolt, 
by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

CAMPBELL,  WILLIAM,  Anohlane,  CaaUe-Donglas. 

QUEEN   OF  THE  ROSES   (12,302);   sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.     (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,   p.  66.)      Addi 
tional  produce — 

May,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  ankle  white,  colt  (bred  by  Leonard 
Pilkington,  Cavens,  Dumfries ;  owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Charmer  of 
Coniston  (11,655),  Vol.  XXV. 


jcxvixi.  FOALS,  23 

GiLlIPBBU.,  WILUAM,  Chapel  Ontoa,  WUtborn. 

KOSIE  OF  BARWINNOCK  (U,961);  sire,  Mains  of  Airies 
(10,379),  Vol  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  111.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  Jane,  1903,  brown,  white  face,  a  little  black  outside  of  near  hind  foot, 
-other  feet  white,  oolt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXTIL 

OLYMPIA  (14,962);  sire,  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*),  Vol.  XVIIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  111.)     Additional  produce — 

lOth  May,  1904,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  white  hairs  on  body,  outside  far 
<fore  foot  white,  filly,  by  Lord  Stewart  (10,064),  Vol.  XVIII, 

16th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  far  fore  foot  white,  colt, 
by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

CARRICK,  TBOMikS  A.,  Bast  Cambosdreniiy,  Stirlliig. 

MAY  QUEEN  (11,246);  sire,  Callendar  (4901),  VoL  IX,^   (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  11.)     Additional  produce 

1st  June,  1905,  Eva,  bay  or  brown,  white  face,  {four  white  legs,  >filly,  by  The 
Dean  (10,987),  Vol.  XXII. 

CARBUTKKBS,  B.   Shearenton,  Crieff. 

JEANIE  OF  SHEARERSTON  (13,734);  sire,  Cairnbrogie 
Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  18.) 
Additional  produce — 

15th  May,  1906,'  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  off  fore  leg  black,  oolt,  by 
Baron  StirUng  (11,611),  Vol.  XXV. 

CliABK,   BOBKRT,  Hawldean,  Newton  Meams. 

MINNIE  HA  HA  (15,992);  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVTL,  p.  164.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  July,  1905,  Minnie's  Best,  light  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  filly, 
by  Baron  8  Best  (11,597),  Vol.  XXV. 

CLABK,  TB01IA8,  Drybnrgh,   Castle-Donglas. 

CLARINDA  (14;976);    sire,  Baron's   Pride  (9122),  Vol,  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  116.)     Additional  produce-r- 

5th  June,  1903,  Olare,  bay,  ratch  on  faoe,  white  on  both  hind  l^s  and  on  off 
fore  leg,  filly  (owned  by  John  M'Taggart,  Culnaightry,  Castle- Douglas),  by 
Sturdy  Royal  (11,959),  VoL  XXV. 


COCHRANE,   ANDIUEW,  Fyal  Farm,  Alyth. 

BEAUTY'S  QUEEN  (16,369);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),. 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  288.)  Additional 
produce — 

Slat  May,  1905,  Lothian  Squire,  roan,  stripe  on  face,  one  foot  and  three  legs- 
white,  oolt  (M.B.,  Thomas  Smith,  Blaoon  Point,  Chester  ;  F.B.,  A.  Ooohrane)». 
by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

COCHRAN,  ROBERT,  Portenoallle,  Stranraer. 

LADY  BAY   (10,501);    sire,   Prince   of  Wales  (673),  Vol.    L 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  15.)     Additional  produce — 

6th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  over  hind  pastems,  a  little  white  on- 
near  fore  foot,  colt,  by  Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

LADY-KATE  (13,389) ;  sire.  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  22.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  and  off  fore  legs  white,  and  a  little  white 
on  near  fore  foot,  filly,  by  Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

NORA  M^GEEGOR  (U,175);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.^ 
or  Montrave  Mosstrooper  (9806),  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  22.)     Additional  produce— 

2l8t  June,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  near  fore  pastern  white,, 
a  little  on  oflP  fore  past-em,  colt,  by  Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

COCKKR,   O.   &  J,  HiU  off  Petty,  Fyvicw 

EVELINE  (9504);   sire.  Garnet  Cross  (1662),  Vol.   IV.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  23.)     Additional  produce — 

10th  July,  1905,  Daisy  Bell,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on 
oflP  fore  hoofhead,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ROSE  MARY  (14,983);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  23.)  Additional 
produce — 

1st  June,  1905,  brown,  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  off 
hoofhead,  oolt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

xrviii.  .       FOALS,  25- 

LADY  IDA  (15,438);   sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  23.)     Additional  produce — 

Ist  April,  1905,  Lydia,  black,  face,  near  fore  and  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white 
on  front  of  off  fore  and  off  hind  legs,  fillj,  by  Ihince  of  Carruchan  (8151),. 
Vol  XII. 

COLLINOWOOD,  H.  T.,  FUpoke  Farm,  HMleden,  CMtte  Sden, 

Co.  Dnrluun. 

DAPPER ;  black ;  bred  by  Mr.  Dolphan,  Old  Hall,  Wolsingham, 
Co.  Durham ;  property  of  Messrs.  Collingwood,  Fupoke 
Farm,  Hesleden,  Castle  Eden,  &).  Durham ;  sire,  Julian 
(9254),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  bred  by  Mr.  Dolphan,  by  Wynyard 
(4117),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  hy  Lochnagar — M*Robbie's — 
Vol.  IL,  p.  47  i  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

May,  1901,  Gertie,  black,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  H.  Tumbull,  Twizell  HalU 
Chester-le-Street ;  (2)  Arthur  Forster,  3  George  Street,  Carlisle ;  (3)  A.  &  W. 
Montgomery),  by  Gartly  Squire  (10,360),  Vol.  XX. 

CONNBLL,  ALBXANDXR,  Benoloioh,  Lonnoztown. 

DARLING  OF  BENCLOICH ;  black,  white  on  face,  hind  fetlocks 
white,  foaled  about  1^93 ;  bred  by  William  Macadam,  Kep- 
culloch,  Balfron  ;  property  of  Alexander  Connell,  Bencloich,. 
Lennoxtown ;  sire,  Coronet  (8543),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  bred 
by  Wm.  Macadam,  by  Young  Topsman  (1038),  Vol.  I. ; 
gr.-dam,  bought  at  a  farm  sale  about  Dunfermline,  by  True 
Blue  (1334),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

1902,  Whitecroes  Ruby,  bay.  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  leg8,  fiUy 
(owned  by  A.  M.  Simpson,  Whiteeross,  East  Kilbride),  by  County  Squire 
(10,726),  Vol.  XXII. 

1903,  WhitecrosB  Gem,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  a  little  white  on  hind  pasterns, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  M.  Simpson;  (2)  Wm.  Anderson,  Milton,  .\matilla  Co., 
Oregon,  U.S.A.).  by  Here's  Luck  (11,372),  Vol.  XXIV. 

OOOPKB,  JOHN  A.y  Dannydeer,  InBoh,  Aberdeensblre. 

PRINCESS  OF  NEWTOWN  (13,393);  sire,  Parnell  (3051), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  16.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  June,  1904,  Princess  Ruby,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,, 
filly,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

Princess  of  Neictoicrk  is  now  dead. 


SPOTLESS  (U,309);  sire,  Pandora's  Prince  (10,391),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  156.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  April,   1905,   Baron  Insch,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  white 
socks  on  both  hind  feet,  nolt,  by  Baron  Buby  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

OOOPBB,  JOHN,  Ley,  Baiioliery« 

ROSEINE  (15,445);  sire.  Handsome  Robin  (10,201),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  150.)     Additional  produce — 

24th  April,  1905,  blaok,  hind  feet  and  leg^  white  up  to  hooks,  fiUy,  by  Baron 
Style  of  Glaanick  (11,618),  Vol.  XXV. 

OOOPXR  A  SONS,  Mn.,  Onghterby,  Klrkbampton. 

FOREST  MAID  II.  (15,446) ;  sire.  Forest  Hero  (9529),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  151.)     Additional  produce — 

6th  July,  1935,  Nora,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face  to  ab^ve  nostrils,  hind  legs 
white  below  hooks,  filly,  by  Lord  Londonderry  (10,5S5),  Vol.  XXI. 

COBRIB,  ROBERT,  aienliead,  Aoldgtrtb. 

LOTHIAN  MAID  (12,102);  sire.  Knight  o'  Lothian  (4i89), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  24.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  Jess,  bay,  white  down  forehead,  near  fore  foot  white  far  side 
pastern,  far  fore  foot  white  above  pastern,  hind  feet  white  above  pasterns,  filly, 
by  Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799),  Vol.  XXV. 

CORR1B,  THOMAS,   Soafhpark,  Borgne,  Ktrkondliriglit 

SOUTHPARK  JESS  (14,522);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  120.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  inside  of  near  fore 
pastern  white,  oolt,  by  Coronation  (11,665),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLORA  OF  SOUTHPARK  (14,523);  sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144), 
Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  120.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs 
white,  ftUy,  by  Majestic  (11,421,,  Vol.  XXIV. 

jtxviii.  FOALS.  27 

0OB8ON,  WILLIAM,  nenoblarg,  GftMhouM. 

PEG;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  feet,  foaled 
16th  June,  1893  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William- Corson, 
Fleuchlarg,  Gatehouse;  sire,  MacMurray  (9602),  Vol.  XV.; 
dam,  Fanny,  bred  by  the  late  William  MacCourty,  Glachan, 
Gatehouse,  by  Young  Prince  of  Wales  (1017),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

Isi  June,  1904,  DoUy  Kinlev,  brown,  white  rateh  on  face,  white  on  far  fore 
and  hind  feet,  filly,  by  MacKinley  (10,228),  Vol  XIX. 

19th  June,  1905,  Mary  Mitohell,  brown,  broad  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  foot 
white,  far  hind  leg  white,  spot  on  near  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Baron  MitoheU 
aO,688).  Vol.  XXII. 

COWAN,  JOHN,  Barlangh,  Maybole. 

ROYAL  DARLING  (14,201);  sire,  Royal  Champion  (8956), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  21.)  Additional 
produce — 

llth  June,  1905,  Baroness  Buchlyvie,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  four 
white  feet  and  legs,  fiUy,  by  Baron  o'  BuohlyWe  (11,263).  Vol  XXIV. 

CM>X,  WILLXAH  HBNRT,   of  Snaiffow,   Murtlily. 

SNAIGOW  WINSOME  (13,752);  sire.  WiUiamwood  (8391), 
Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  120.)  Additional 
produce — 

drd  July,  1905.  Snaigow  Willing,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  white  feet 
colt,  by  Silver  Coin  (11,934),  Vol.  XXV. 

CRAIG,  ANDREW,  Townhead,  CkttolMmM. 

SALLY  OF  TOWNHEAD  (14,179);  sire.  Koh-i-noor  (8742), 
Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL.  p.  117.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  with  white  hair,  white  hind  feet,  filly  (owned 
bv  James  C.  Barber,  Auchenhay,  Twvnholm),  by  King  of  the  Roses  (9927), 

CRAWFORD,  HOOH  W«  B.,  Chftpmaiiton,   CastlA-Donglas. 

DAISY  OF  CHAPMANTOX  (14,989);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  120.) 
Additional  prodace — 

July,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  far  hind  fetlock  white,  colt,  by 
King's  Crest  (ll,3a5).  Vol.  XXIV. 


KATE  OF  HALL  (16,005);  sire,  The  Prior  (10,470),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  169.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1904,  browii,  face  white,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Bverlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

May,  1905,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  lege  white,  filly^ 
by  King's  Crest  (11.386),  Vol.  XXIV. 


CRICHTON  PRINCESS  OF  CLAY  (16,013);  sire,  Prince  of 
Clay  (10,407),  VoL  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  171.) 
Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  lower  jaw  and  side  of  head,  white  feet,  colt,  by 
Royal  Edward  (11,495).  Vol.  XXIV. 

CROSS,  ALXXANDEB,   of  Knookdon,  Kaybole. 

PRINCESS  EVERARD  (14,990);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  27.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  June,  1905,  Princess  Mar,  bay,  ratch  of  white  on  face,  white  fore  feoL 
near  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Marcellus  (11,110).  Vol.  XXIII. 

CROSS,   DAVID,   Ingliston,   Blshopton. 

SUNSHINE  (11,286);  sire,  Macffregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL     (Last 
•entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  23.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  April,  1905,  Sunshade  of  Ingliston,  bay,  white  mark  on  face,  white  fetlock 
and  pastern  of  near  fore  leg,  black  off  fore  foot  and  bind  feet,  with  slight  white 
marking  on  near  hind  hoof  and  pastern,  filly,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII. 

CROSSLEY,  JOHN,  Skinner  Howe,  Hawkshead,   Lanoasbire. 

BESS  OF  SKINNER  HOWE  (16,015);  sire,  Pride  of  Lendal 
(8893),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  172.) 
Additional  produce  - 

8th  May,  1905,  Marcellus'  Son,  dark  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  white  sock 
near  fore  1^,  white  socks  on  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

CROWS,  T.   IT.,  Sontbern  Laws,  Trindon  Orange. 

HAZELNUT  (13,042) ;  sire,  Laughton  (8750),  Vol.  XIIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  27.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  white  above  fetlock,  far  foot 
white,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Airies  Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 


CRUIGK8HANX,  JOSBPH,  Anobreddle,  Xllon. 

BLOOM  OF  AUCHREDDIE  (14,530);  sire,  M'Camon's  Erskine 
(9941),  Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  24.) 
Additional  produce — 

7th  M»y,  1904,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Carbineer  (10,522), 
Vol  XXL 

CRUICKSHANKS,  JAUXS,  CavUeoreaTle,  Kirkondlirlght. 

CLIFTY  OF  TORRS  (15,225);  sire,  Royal  Carrick  (10,270), 
VoL  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  194.)  Additional 
produce — 

April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt  (bred  by  James  Pioken, 
Tons  Farm,  Kirkcudbright),  by  Royal  Scot  (11,179),  Vol.  XXIII. 

GnJLLXN,  ARCHIBALD,  Woodend,  Gleiibol«. 

JESSIE  OF  WOODEND  (8270);   sire,  Damley  (222),  Vol.  L 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  24.)     Additional  produce — 

Uth  May,  1905.  brown,  white  spot  on  face  and  nose,  hind  legs  white,  fore  1^ 
black,  and  white  spot  on  each  fore  pastern,  filly,  by  Brilliant  (11,285),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NANNIE  OF  WOODEND  (12,747);  sire,  Gallant  Prince 
(10,552),  Vol.  XXL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  17.) 
Additional  produce — 

nth  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs  black, 
filly,  by  Brilliant  (11,285),  Vol.  XXIV. 

CmiMINO,  JOHN  FLKKTWOOD,   Cardow  Farm,   Knookando, 


SCOTTISH  GRACE  (16,017);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  173.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  May,  1905,  Cardow  Princess,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  filly,  by  Prince 
Thomas  (10.262),  Vol.  XIX. 

CUNmNOHAM,  JOHN,  Tarbreooh,  Dalbeattie. 

KATE  OF  CRAIGLEY  (2530) ;  sire.  Dandy  Jim  (221),  Vol.  I. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XVIIL,  p.  27.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1903,  Pavonia,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  little  white  on  fore 
legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 
OnUrio),  by  Prince  Shapely  (lO.lll*),  Vol.  XVIII. 


CUNOrOHAMB,  J.  C,  of  Dunragit^  Wlgtownslilre. 

BELLE  OF  BROADGATE  (13,402);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  24.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  April,  1905,  light  bay  or  roan,  white  face  over  off  eve,  white  legs  and  white 
markings  on  body,  colt,  by  Marcellua  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

CHOIR   BELLE   (14,992);    sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.   III. 
(Last  entr}',  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  25.)     Additional  produce — 

9th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  and  off  fore  foot  white, 
colt,  by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 

CUNINOHAIIS,   B.   JK  BARRX,  of  Daolir»e,  New  Ottlloway. 

ROSIE  OF  LEATHES  (16,367);  sire,  King  of  the  Roses  (9927), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  287.)  Additional 
produce — 

8th  May,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face  and  below  both  hocks,  and  white 
near  fetlock,  colt,  by  Baron  Hood  (11,260),  Vol.  XXIV. 

CURR,  D.  ft  J.,   Merrylee,  NewUuida,  Glasgow. 

LADY  ISBEL  (14,994);  sire.  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  25.)  Additional 

5th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  white  markines  on  fore  legs,  white  on 
inside  of  near  hind  leg,  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Baron^i  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

LADY  PEGGY  (15,4;)3);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  153.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  March,  1905,  brown,  white  on  fsce,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol  XVIII. 

DAVIDSON,   JAIUBS,  Newton  Cairnie,   Hnntly. 

LADY  MONTGOMERY  (14,534);  sire.  Prince  of  Scotland 
(8920),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  29.) 
Additional  produce — 

15th  April,  1905,  Missie,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  feet,  fillv,  by  Ever- 
lasting (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 


MARY  11.  (14,535) ;  sire,  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIII.     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  124.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  June,  1905,  Mary  Everlasting,  bny,  white  face,  four  white  legs  to  knee^ 
filly,  by  EverUsting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

DAELING  OF  NEWTON  CAIRNIE  (16,026) ;  sire,  Prince  of 
Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL, 
p.  176.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  Evermore,  blaok,  white  face,  [legs  all  [white  to  knees  and 
hocks,  colt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

DAVIS|  JAM X8,  Bogton  Farm,  Catlioart. 

POLLY   (14,536);    sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  26.)     Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1904,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  colt,  by  Pride  of 
Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 

DAWSON,  ROBXBT,  IXoireblU,  PollolDiliAWS,   GlMffOW. 

PRIMULA  (13,763) ;  sire,  Ethiopia  (5750),  Vol.  X.    (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  18.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1904,  Keir  Primrose,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  o£f  hind  leg  white,  filly 
(bred  by  John  Dawson,  Menstrie  Mains,  Menstrie  ;  owned  by  Captain  A.  Stirling 
of  Keir),  by  Honesty  (11.746),  Vol.  XXV. 

DAWSON,  THOMAS,  Woodend,  Btgrigs,  CnmlMrland. 

MAY  OF  WOODEND  (14,537);  sire,  Londonderry  (7934), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  27.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  down  face,  near  fore  foot  and  ankle  white,  hind 
legs  white  to  hocks,  colt,  by  King  Edward  I.  (11,765),  Vol.  XXV. 

CASTLE  COUNTESS  (14,538);  sire,  Castleguard  (9155), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  29.)  Additional 
produce — 

30th  June,  1905,  black,  white  mark  down  face,  fore  feet  and  ankles  white,  hind 
legs  white  half  way  to  hocks,  filly,  by  King  Edward  I.  (11,766),  Vol.  XXV. 


SALLY  OF  BEWALDETH  (14,998);  sire,  Royal  Mertoun 
(9389),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  27.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

24th  April,  1905,  black,  white  down  face,  near  fore  and  hind  feet  white  to 
anklea,  filly,  by  Hadriom  (10,771),  Vol  XXII. 

DSWAB,  ANDREW,  Amprlor,  Port  of  MoBtalth. 

ELLP:N  terry  (12,583);    sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  30.)     Additional  produce — 

9th  May,  1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  legs  white  below  knees  and  hocks,  filly, 
t)y  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

NANCY  OF  ARNPRIOR  (12,753);  sire,  Brooklyn  (6547), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  18.)  Additional 
produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs  below  knee«  and  hooks,  ooli, 
by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

•QUEEN  OF  ARNPRIOR  (14,189);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  27.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  socks,  oolt,  by  Baronson  (10,981), 

JESS  OF  ARNPRIOR  (14,999);  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,045), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  30.)  Additional 
produce — 

20tli  May,   1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  four  black  legs,  oolt,  by  Montrave 
fionald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 

DICK,  JABfXS,  Ballintoii,  Klppen. 

JESSIE  ANN  (12,448);    sire.  Mountain  Boy  (6099),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  20.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1904,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  off  fote  paatem 
white,  filly,  by  Roosevelt  (12,312).  Vol.  XXVL 

6th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  The  Real  Maokay 
<11,968),  Vol.  XXV. 

xjcviii.  FOALS.  33 

MAGGIE  OF  BALLINTON  (14,542)  3  sire,  Jordanshaw  (3343), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  30.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ist  Mar,  1904;  brown,  ratch  on  face,  three  black  legs,  off  hind  pastern  white, 
fiUy,  by  Baron  o'  Buchlyyie  (11,263),  VoL  XXIV. 

12th  June,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  near  hind  leg  white,  near 
fore  pastern  white,  other  two  black,  oolt,  by  Donuie  Blend  (11,691),  Vol.  XXV. 

POLLY  OF  BALLINTON  (16,030);  sire,  Clinker  (7590), 
Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  177.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  black,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Menteith  Favourite 
(12,248),  VoL  XXVI. 

DICKIB,  WILLIAK  P.,  CnuiBlacvonrartyy  Botbesay. 

DANDIE  (16,032) ;  sire,  Height  of  Splendour  (6836),  Vol.  XI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  178.)     Additional  produce — 

19th  July,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legi  white,  spot  of  white  on 
near  fore  leg,  fiUy,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 

DONNAN,  ANDRXW,   Shaddook,  WlUtHorn. 

SIBYL  GRAY  (13,049);  sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XII.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XX.,  p.  110.)     Additional  produce — 

27th  June,  1904,  Matilda,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot  white,  hind 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Eureka  (11,031),  Vol.  XXIII. 

Ist  June,  1905,  Margaret,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  foot  white,  white 
bind  legs,  filly,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

JENNY  GARTLY  (15,470) ;  sire.  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX VL,  p.  158.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  June,  1904,  Minnie  Presa,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  white  feet,  hind 
legs  white  to  nearly  hocks,  filly,  by  Eureka  (11,031).  Vol  XXIII. 

4th  June,  1905,  Sadie  Press,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Durbar  (11,696),  Vol.  XXV. 

DOUGLAS,  ALLAN  BI.,  Spotamaliui,  Kelso. 

KITTY  OF  KIRKCUDBKIGHT  (13,382);  sire,  MacMeekan 
(9600),  Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  31.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  Kitty  of  Spotsmains,  dark  brown,  white  blaze  on  faoe,  white 
hind  feet,  filly,  by  Baron  o'  Dee  (11,264),  Vol.  XXIV. 



DOW,  DAVID,  BalmanBO,  Bridge  of  Bath. 

JEAN  X.  OF  BALMANNO  (13,766);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  31.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  black,  off  fore  foot 
black  and  white,  hind  feet  white,  colt  (owned  by  James  Gray,  Birkenwood, 
Gargunnock),  by  Baron  Stirling  (11,611).  Vol.  XXV. 


SCOTTISH  MISEK  (14,194);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  121.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  April,  1903,  White  Rose,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  fUly,  by  Lord  Laughton 

lutb  Apni, 
L,100),  Vol, 

(11,100),  Vol,  XXIII. 

DUFF,  TBOMAS  OOBDON,   of  Drnmmulr,  Keitli. 

BESS  OF  DRUMMUIK  (13,768);  sire.  Gay  Gallant  (7742), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  32.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  Geordie  Gordon,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet, 
colt,  by  Moncreiffe  Marquis  (99B3),  Vol.  XVII. 

JUBILIA  (14,547) ;  sire,  Sir  Morell  Mackenzie  (9416),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV L,  p.  29.)     Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  Prince  Saladin,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  foot 
white,  inside  of  near  hind  foot  white,  colt,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

ISLA  MCGREGOR  (15,009);  sire,  M*Ilroy  (9795),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  32.)     Additional  produce — 

1st  April,  1905.  Trout,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  colt,  by  Imperialist 
(10,359),  Vol.  XX. 

DUFF,  ARCHIBALD,  Manklnlim,   areonook. 

NANNIE;  .dark  brown,  foaled  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Archibald  Duff,  Maukinhill,  Greenock;  sire,  Prince  of 
Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  bred  by  Archibald  Duflf, 
by  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X.     Produce— 

5th  May.  1903,  Maggie  Duff,  dark  brow^n,  fore  legs  white,  one  hind  leg  white, 
miy  (owned  by  (1)  \>'alter  S.  Park  ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Boyal 
Bounty  (10,873),  Vol.  XXII. 

FOALS.  35 

DUNBAR,  SIR  WZLUAM  O.,  Bart.,  of  Modhmm,  Wigtown. 

JESS  OF  GRANGE  (14,548);  sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  32.)     Additional  produce — 

Mav,  1896,  Lanift  of  Orange  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  paetema 
and  far  fore  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Prinoe  of  Carruehan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

28rd  May,  1901,  Mary  of  Orange,  brown,  white  on  face,  dark  legs,  filly,  by 
Prinoe  of  Roxburgh  (10,616),  Vol.  XXI. 

29th  May,  1904,  Beauty  of  Orange,  brown,  white  on  face,  dark  leg§,  filly,  by 
Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIII. 

18th  June,  1905,  Maud  of  Orange,  dark  brown  or  black,  white  on  face,  white 
hind  legs,  filly,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

DUNIiOP,  JAMBS,  Baraasle  Farm,  Troon, 

YOUNG  EOSIE  (14,550);  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  33.)     Additional  produce— 

Ist  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  o'  Buohlyvie 
(11.263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BARASSIE  MAUD  (15,010);  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  33.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  April.  1905,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Hiawatha 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

DUMLOP,  WILLIAM,  Bimnre  Mmliui,  Ayr. 

DUCHESS  OF  YORK  (15,011);  sire,  Flashwood  (3604), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  33.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May.  1905,  White  Silk,  bay,  face  and  legH  white,  filly,  by  Baron  o'  Buoh- 
lyvie (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BUXOM  LADY  (16,051);   sire.  Buxom  Lad  (7633),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  184.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  Dunure  Queerman,  roan,  face  and  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  o' 
Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NANCY  YOUNG  (16,052);  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  185.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

22nd  April,  1905,  Dunure  Anchor,  bay,  face  and  three  legs  white,  off  fore  leg 
grey,  colt,  by  Baron  o'  Buchlyvie  (11.263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

36  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  ,    wu 

•  DUNHi  DAVID,  BoKlNurgli  KaIim,  Rozlmrfl^li. 

ROXBURGH  QUEEN  (16,054);  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
VoL  XVIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  186.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,476),  VoL  XX- 

DURHAM,  XAKL  OF,  LamMon  CMtto,  Fence  Houmb,  DarhMD. 

LAMBTON  PHYLLIS  (15,021);  sire,  The  Scott  (10,015), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  35.)  Additional 
produce — 


2nd  June,  1905,  Lambton  Dora,  light  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legs, 
flUy,  by  Umbton  Maogregor  (12,633),  Vol.  XXVII. 

DUBNO,  JAIOBS,  Kftstertown,  Old  Meldmm,  Aberdeen. 

QUEEN  OF  THE  MAY  (12,759);  sire.  Mount  Royal  (8065), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  35.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  Jessie  Carruchan,  brown,  white  snip  on  face,  near  fore  leg 
white,  near  hind  foot  white  round  iwkle,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  black,  filly,  by 
Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

SIGNORA    (14,532);    sire,    Royal    Signet   (8967),   Vol.    XIII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  31.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  bay,  near  fore  leg  black,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  white  over 
ankles,  colt,  by  Carbineer  (10,522).  Vol.  XXI. 

BLOOM  OF  FYVIE  (14,551);  sire,  Independence  (6861), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  23.)  Additional 
produce — 

28rd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white  over 
ankle,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  black,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151).  Vol.  XII. 

D0RNO,  JAMBS,  Jaokston,  Bothle-Norman. 

BLOOMING  PRINCESS  (15,486);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  164.) 
Additional  produce — 

21st  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and  off  fore  ankle  white, 
colt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV.  ^ 


MAY  BLOSSOM  (16,058);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  187.)  Additional 

19th  April,  1905,  Royal  Emblem,  black,  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  foot  white, 
oolt,  by  Bverlaating  (11,331),  XXIV. 

DURNO,  JAUBS,  Westertown,  Warthill,  Aberde«ii«lilre. 

EOYAL  MAID  (13,415);  sire.  Mount  Royal  (8065),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XaVL,  p.  31.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  bay,  large  white  face  to  near  ride,  off  fore  ankle  white,  off 
hind  leg  white  almost  to  knee,  near  hind  ankle  a  little  white,  fiUy,  by  Prince  of 
Oarmchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

LADY  MADGE  (14,553);  sire.  Gallant  Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  32.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  large  white  face,  white  hind  legs  np  to  knee,  and 
a  little  white  at  top  of  hoof  on  off  fore  ankle,  fiUy,  by  Everlasting  (11,331), 

DUBNO,  LXSLZB,   Mftlwi  of  Olaok,  Pltoaple. 

EOYAL  MAID  (12,457);  sire.  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  22.)     Additional  produce — 

28ih  April.  1905,  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  off  hind  leg  white  over  fetlock, 
other  legs  black,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Camiohan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

ROSE  M'CAMON  (13,417);    sire,  M*Camon  (3818),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  24.)     Additional  produce — 

11th  May,  190.5,  black,  white  down  face,  black  fore  legs,  hind  leg  white  nearly 
to  hock,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Garruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

GWENDOLINE  (14,202);  sire.  Royal  Alexander  (9997), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  35.)  Additional 
produce — 

July,  1905,  brown,  colt  (dead),  by  Prince  of  Garruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

FLORA  MACDONALD  (16,060);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  187.)  Additional 
produce — 

30th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  down  face,  black  fore  legs,  filly,  by  Prince  of 
Oarmchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 

Flora  MacdoncUd  died  in  July,  1905. 


XADIB,  DANIXL,  HUton,   Glenferg. 

BELL;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  foaled  1893;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Daniel  Eadie,  Hilton,  Glenfarg;  sire. 
Prince's  Heir  (8168),  Vol.  XH. ;  dam,  Rosie,  grey,  bred  by 
W.  T.  Malcolm,  Dunmore  Home  Farm,  Larbert,  by  Boy  in 
Blue  (5578),  Vol.  X.     Produce— 

29th  June,  1903,  Jean,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  1^  white,  fillj 
(owned  by  Alex.  M.  Simpson,  Whiteoross,  East  Kilbride),  by  Boreland  Pride 
(10,318),  Vol.  XX. 

BADIE,  WILLIAM,  Notlierton,  by  Polmont. 

TIBBIE  OF  YONDERHAUGH;  bay,  white  face,  white  ring 
top  of  fore  foot,  off  hind  leg  white,  foaled  May,  1891 ;  bred 
by  Robert  Wilson,  Kersefield,  Talbot  Street,  Grangemouth ; 
property  of  William  Eadie,  Netherton,  by  Polmont;  sire, 
Speed  the  Plough  (8283),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Jess,  bred  by  the 
late  Robert  Garsewell,  Airth  Mains,  Airth,  by  Zetland  (1044), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

15th  May,  1899,  Jenny,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  near  fore  and  near 
hind  legs  white,  filly  (bred  by  Robert  Wilson),  by  The  Gallant  (11,961), 
Vol.  XXV. 

20th  May,  1900.  Rosie  of  Muirton  (Vol.  XXVIII. ),  bay,  with  white  hair  through 
body,  white  face,  fore  legs  touched  with  white  over  feet,  hind  legs  white,  filly 
(owned  by  James  AValls,  Muirton,  by  Stirling),  by  Rothesay  Bay  (10,624), 
Vol.  XXL 

1st  June,  1902,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  filly  (bred  by  R.  Wilson ; 
owned  by  John  Meikle,  Konoland,  by  Bo'ness),  by  Rothesay  Bay  (10,624), 
Vol.  XXI. 

12th  July,  1903,  light  bay,  three  white  legs,  filly  (bred  by  R.  Wilson ;  owned 
by  William  Henderson,  Bieinkhead,  Avonbridge),  by  Rothesay  Bay  (10,624), 
Vol.  XXI. 

14th  May,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (bred  by  R.  Wilson ; 
owned  by  Andrew  Alston,  Braokenlees,  Bothkennar),  by  Baron  Hawthorn 
(12,029),  Vol.  XXVI. 

XABLS,  BICHARD,  Kllerton  Manor,  Soorton,  Darlington. 

RUTH  OF  ELLERTON  (13,058) ;  sire,  Milton  (8853),  Vol.  XIII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol'.  XXVII.,  p.  35.)     Additional  produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  Silver  Chord,  black,  white  face,  near  fore  and  off  hind  legs  a 
little  white,  off  fore  and  near  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

ROSIE  OF  ELLERTON  (16,061);  sire.  Knight  of  Cowal 
(10,074),  Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  188.) 
Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  and  both  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Silver  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

:xxviu.  FOALS,  39 

KDOAR,  THOIIAB,  Dmiiiflk^os,  Whitbom,  Wlgtownalilre. 

NELL  OP  DRUMSKEOG;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  three 
white  feet ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Edgar,  Dram- 
skeog;  sire,  Lockhart's  Blend  (9572),  Vol.  XV.;  dam, 
Nancy,  bred  by  Thomas  Edgar,  by  Lord  Dalkeith  (4517), 
Vol.  VIIL ;  gr.-dam,  Mafi,  bred  by  Thomas  Edgar. 
Produce — 

June,  1903,  Viola,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  fillv  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  h  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Boy  in  Blue 
(5578),  VoL  X. 

■LLIOT,   DAVID  P.,  Niibet  Hill,   Duns. 

LADY  SINCLAIR  (14,556);    sire,  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry,  Vol,  XXIV,  p.  130.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1903,  Milly,  dark  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  ankles,  filly 
gowned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Dugald  Boss,  Streetsville,  Ontario), 
by  Montrave  Dauntless  (11,119),  Vol.  XXIII. 

KLUOT,  JOHN,  WMt  Middles,  LllUeatoaf. 

SONSIE  LASS  (14,386^;  sire.  Scene  Shifter  (8978),  Vol.  XIII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  77.)     Additional  produce — 

29th  May,  1902,  Nance*,  chestnut,  white  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly, 
by  Knebworth  Conqueror  (Shire). 

lOth  July,  1903,  Lilly,  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  legs,  filly 
(owned  by  John  Holliday,  Dinlabyre,  Newcastleton),  by  Alexander  Everard 
(11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1904,  no  foal. 

2Dth  April,  1905,  Border  Rosie,  brown,  near  fore  leg  white,  white  hind  legs, 
fiUy,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

FABQUHABSON,  JABfSS,  Sootaton,  Inaoh. 

NELL  OF  SCOTSTON;  bay,  round  white  on  face,  white 
off  hind  leg,  foaled  5  th  April,  1902;  bred  by  and  property 
of  James  Parquharson,  Scotston,  Insch;  sire.  Ascot  (10,494), 
Vol.  XXI. ;  dam.  Love,  bred  by  James  Farquharson,  by 
Gallant  M*Camon  (6766),  Vol.  XI.     Produce— 

8th  June,  1905,  Scotston  Rose,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  little  white  on  both 
hind  legs,  filly,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

40  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK,  .  vol. 

nSBGUSON,  am.,  Ardnahoe,  RotUMay. 

ARRAN  LILY  (15,495) ;  sire,  Mountain  King  (7074),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  167.)     Additional  produce — 

lat  May,  1904,  Ardnahoe  (VoL  XXVIII.),  brown,  white  stripe  on  faco,  foor 
white  legs,  colt,  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 

16th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  and  near  hind  leg 
white,  white  stripe  inside  off  hind  leg,  colt,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 

Arran  LUy  is  novo  dead. 

FINBXJkTXR,  OXOBOB,  Jerylflwood  Halns,  Irfuuurk. 

MORAG   (U,594);    sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  83.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  black,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  fetlock  white,  white  on  inside  of  far 
hind  fetlock,  filly,  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

LADY  GRIZZEL  (13,790);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  37.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  spot  on  outside  of  far  fore 
foot,  filly,  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

FANNY    m.    (14,211);     sire,   MacMeekan    (9600),   Vol.   XV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  37.)     Additional  produce — 

June,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Hedder- 
wick  (11,604),  Vol.  XXV. 

MAGGIE  OF  JERVISWOOD  (16,033) ;  sire,  Montrave  Sentinel 
(10,094),  Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  37.) 
Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  spot  on  near  hind  foot,  filly  (owned  by  A.  k  VT. 
Montgomery),  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

FINDLAY,  J.  W.,  BaUUewhlrr,  Wlilthorn. 

FLORA   (7231);    sire.  Garnet  Cross   (1662),  Vol.  IV.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XL,  p.  311.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  colt,  by 
Durbar  (11,695).  Vol.  XXV. 

xxvm.  FOALS,  41 

.riNBLAT,  JOHN,  Sprtiiglilll,   Ballltoiitoii. 

SPRINGHILL  BARONESS  (13,792) ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),. 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  27.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  August,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Sir- 
Randolph  (12,372),  Vol.  XXVI. 

FHVLATSON,  OSOBOS  W.,  KIrkton,  CnlroM. 

NANCY  OF  KIRKTON  (12,768;;  sire,  Darnley's  Hero  (5697),. 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  34.)  Additional 
produce — 

2nd  July,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Royal 
Fame  (10,272),  Vol.  XIX. 

QUEENIE  (13,425) ;  sire,  Williamwood  (8391),  Vol.  XIL     (Laat 
entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  34.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Baron  Brltoi> 

(10,078),  Vol.  xxn. 

FINIiATBON,  ROBXBT,  Waster  Camps,  CSamook,  DunfevmUne. 

FANNY  OF  WESTER  CAMPS  (15,037);  sire,  Boy  in  Blue 
(5578),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV,  p.  135.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

lOth  April,  1905,  Just  So,  bay,  white  faoe,  hind  feet  and  ankles  white,  near 
fore  foot  and  pastern  white,  colt,  by  Protector  (10,113),  Vol.  XVIII. 

FINLATSON,  ROBXaT  S.,  Ashes  rarm,  Cnlross. 

LILY  OF  ASHES  (16,072);  sire,  Williamwood  (8391),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  191.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  bay,  three  legs  white,  other  leg  broMm,  colt,  by  Protector 
(10,113),  VoL  XVIII. 

ROSIE  OF  ASHES  (16,074);  sire.  Prince  of  Craigend  (10,104), 
VoL  XVin.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  192.)  Addi- 
tional  produce— 

15th  June,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs  black,  filly,  by 
Oeneralissimo  (11,725),  Vol.  XXV. 


F»LAYBON,  WIUJAH,  TbriMk,  BtlrUiig. 

MISS  ORLANDO  OF  THROSK  (12,769) ;  sire,  Orlando  (8092), 
Vol  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  106.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ist  September,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  outside  of  near  fore  pastern 
•and  oflf  hind  ankle  white,  colt,  by  Matoppo  (11,823),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLORA  OF  THROSK  (12,770) ;  sire,  M*Kinlay  (8010),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  38.)     Additional  produce — 

12th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  oa  face,  fore  and  off  hind  ankles  white,  filly, 
hj  Matoppo  (11,823).  Vol.  XXV. 

VINNIE  OF  THROSK  (13,426);  sire,  M'Vinnie  (9318X 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  25.)  Additional 
produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  ankles  white,  oolt,  by  Matoppo  (1L823), 
Vol.  XXV. 

DAISY  OF  THROSK  (13,794);  sire.  Botanist  (7511),  Vol  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  34.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  April,  1905,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  hind  ankles  white,  oolt,  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

PRINCESS  ROYAL  OF  THROSK  (15,498);  sire,  Royalist 
(6242),  Vol.  X.  (Lafit  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  39.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

19th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  ankles  white, 
filly,  by  Matoppo  (11,823),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLKMING,  ALXXANDXR,   Rattb  Farm,   Bothwell, 

LILY  IL  OF  RAITH  (13,067);  sire,  Plantagenet  (6142), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  34.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white  to  pastern,  other 
legs  dark,  oolt,  by  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

FLXBUNG,   ANDRXW,   West  BtaliiB,  Newbtgglng,   CftrnwatH. 

DARLING  OF  WEST  MAINS  (12,772);  sire,  Harold  (2854), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  26.)  Additional 
produce —  **-* 

20th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  face  white,  four  >hite  feet,  oolt,  by  Baron 
Hedderwick  (11,604),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  43 

nJBmifG,  JAMBS,  Bent,  StratliaTen. 

BENT  DOLL  (13,069);  sire.  Loyalist  (6022),  Vol.  X.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  25.)     Additional  produce — 

12th  June,  1905,  Bent  Nanoy,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Sir  Simon  (10,465),  Vol.  XX. 

BENT  TIBBIE  (13,429) ;  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XIL    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  39.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  Bent  Baron,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  brown  on 
body,  colt,  by  Baron  Alister  (11,595),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLBKINO,  JAMBS»  rrtoOk  Mains,  Friookbelm. 

MAY  MORN  (13,798);  sire,  KUlellan  (9552),  Vol.  XV.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  39.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  May.  1905,  Iris,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  legs  white,  filly,  by  Boyal 
Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

MAG  OF  FRIOCK  MAINS  (15,502) ;  sire,  Goldfinder  (6807), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  40.)  Additional 
produce — 


15th  June,  1905,  very  dark  brown  and  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs 
id  near  fore  leg  white,  colt,  by  Boyal  Pavourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

FLBTCHBB,  J.   DOUOLA8,  of  Bosebaagh,  Avooh. 

MONTRAVE  PRIMULA  (11,773);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  35.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

2l8t  April,  1905,  Primora,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  leg,  off  hind 
leg,  and  near  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Silver  Plate  (11,936),  Vol.  XXV. 

MONTRAVE  MARIETTA  (12,474);  sire.  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  26.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

8th  June,  1905,  roan,  white  face  and  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Silver  Plate 
tll,936).  Vol.  XXV. 

FUCHSIA  (12,775) ;  sire,  William  wood  (8391),  Vol.  XII.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  35.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  black  points,  colt,  by  Uriesid* 
(11,569).  VoL  XXIV. 


SALLY  OF  ROSEHAUGH  (13,433);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  36.)  Additional 
produce — 

8th  June,  1906,  BaronesB  Sally,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Baron»B  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

PRINCESS  KATRINE  (14,213);  sire,  Prince  Albert  of  Rose- 
haugh  (9357),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  36.) 
Adaitional  produce— ^ 

29th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe  and  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Silver  Plate  (11,9.36), 
Vol.  XXV. 

LADY  ROSE;  sire.  Sir  Bernard  (10,136),  Vol.  XVIII.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  41.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1906,  Lady  BoBamine,  brown,  white  ratch  on  faoe,  four  white  lega 
filly,  by  Silver  PUto  (11,986),  Vol.  XXV. 

rOBSBST,   BOBBRT,  Kniwlriiilaw,  KIlmariKWlr. 

NANCY  LEE  (13,855) ;  sire,  Flashwood's  Best  (9211),  Vol.  XTV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  41.)    Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Koselle  (10,638)» 
VoL  XXI. 

rOBSYTH,  JOHN,  VaUeylleld,  Stranraer. 

TRIM  OF  VALLEYFIELD  (14,570);  sire,  Darnley's  Hero 
(5697),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  42.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  Bluebell,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  hind  feet  white,  fiUy,  by 
MarceUus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

rOBSYTH,  BOBXBT,  Claydalea,  Alves. 

POLL ;  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  white  hind  ankles,  white 
mark  on  near  fore  foot,  other  foot  black,  foaled  April,  1898 ; 
bred  by  John  Adam,  Corskellie,  Rothiemay;  property  of 
Robert  Forsyth,  Claydales,  Alves;  sire,  Royal  Standard 
(9847),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Jean,  bred  by  David  Bailie,  Mains 
of  Rhynie,  Gartly,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

April,  1903,  Nett,  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  white  mark  on  near  fore  and 
near  bind  leg,  other  legs  black,  filly,  by  Mark  Over  (11,111),  Vol.  XXIII. 



rOBSYTH,  B.  W.,  HOlend,  AUngton. 

EOYAL  DAMSEL  (16,083);  sire,  Royal  Champion  (8956), 
VoL  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  195.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ut  June,  1905,  black,  face,  near  hind  leg,  and  off  hi  ad  pastern  white,  filly,  by 
Baron  Templeton  (11,270),  VoL  XXIY. 

FBXNGH,  WZLUAU,  MiUrlea,  Blggar. 

YOUNG  MAGGIE  OF  MUIRLEA  (13,077) ;  sire,  Prince  John 
(8140),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  28.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

June,  1902,  Miss  French,  brown,  face  and  near  hind  leg  white,  fiUv  (owned  by 
<1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Acme 
(10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

June,  1903,  grey,  face,  near  fore,  and  far  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Acme 
(10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

OABDINSB,  BOBXBT,   HenhlU,  Fortevlot. 

MONCREIFFE  GWENDOLINE  (13,810) ;  sire.  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  39.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

12th  May,  1905,  MacEario  II.,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,   by 
MacEaric  (10,590),  Vol.  XXI. 

6ABI.AND,   THOBCAS,   Ardletbeii,   XUon. 

MARY  HAMPTON  (16,088);  sire,  Merry  Hampton  (9615), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  197.)  Additional 
produce — 

%d  April,  1905,  Ardlethen  Belle,  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  hind  legs  white 
baif  way  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

OSMMBLIi,  DANZBL,  Kerrytonila,   Botheaay. 

NANNIE  OF  KERRYTONILA  (13,438);  sire.  Height  o' 
Splendour  (6836),  Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL, 
p.  44.)     Additional  produce — 

18th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  black  marks  on 
feet,  filly,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 


MARY  11.  OF  KERRYTONILA  (16,089);  sire,  Sir  Everard 
(5353),  Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  197.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

Ist  Jalj,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  black,  hind  feet  whiter 
fillj,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 

QBlfMlSliL,   JOHN,   Dalriooli,   CAmpbeltowii. 

BELL  OF  DALRIOCH  (3514) ;  sire,  Fitz-James  (1138),  Vol.  IL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  82.)     Additional  produce— 

1894,  Jess  of  Dalrioch  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  broad  white  stripe  on  face,  four 
white  legs,  flUy,  by  Primus  (8897),  Vol.  XIII. 

1896,  Mary  of  Dalrioch,  light  bay,  white  face,  four^white  legs,  filly,  by  Mark 
Him  (12,671),  Vol.  XXVII. 

GIBSON,  THOMAS,  Barlmle,  Irongray,  by  DnmfHMi. 

NANCY  OF  MONIABROGK  (8583) ;  sire,  King  of  the  Forest 
(1170),  Vol.  IL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  29.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

lOth  June,  1903,  Lucy,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)- 
A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Professor  Gumming,  Halifax.  N.S.),  by  Prince  of 
Balmanno  (9976),  Vol.  XVII. 

OILB»RT,  FRANCIS,  Norluun,  Cone  Conll,*  Iqr  Lnmphanan. 

MAGGIE  OF  NORHAM  (15,516);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  173.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

25th  April,  1904,  black,  small  ratch  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white  a  little  above 
ankles,  filiy,  by  Elator  (10,940),  Vol.  XX. 

15th  April,  1905,  brown,  small  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs  about  half  way  ta 
knees  and  hocks,  filly,  by  Aerial  Prince  (10,665),  Vol.  XXII. 

GILLXSPZX,  Bev.  JOHN,  LL.D.,  BConswAld  Manse,  SnthweU  B.S.O. 

QUALITY  (14,420);  sire,  Prince  of  Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  1(»7.)     Additional  produce — 

18th  July,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  little  white  on  near  hind  foot,  and  white 
spot  on  far  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Gallant  Lawrence  (11,717),  Vol.  XXV. 

8th  July,  1905,  black  or  dark  brown,  colt^  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 


OIUIOUR,  Sm  JOHN,  Bart.,  Montrft^e,  Leven,  Fife. 

KEEPSAKE  (10,624);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  45.)    Additional  produce — 

dOth  April,  1906,  Montrave  Kestrel,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  off  fore  and  hind  legs 
white,  fSlly,  by  Montrave  Wisdom  (12,258),  Vol.  XXVI. 

BALMEDIE  QUEEN  MAB  (13,513);  sire,  Eoyalist  (1642), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  31.)  Additional 
produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  Montrave  May  Queen,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legs^ 
filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

MONTRAVE  MEEMAID  (14,224);  sire.  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  40.)  Addi^ 
tional  produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  Montrave  Matador,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  hj 
Barcm  o*  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

OIXiMOUB,  MATTHEW,  IncMnnan,  Renfirew. 

MINNIE  OF  CROSSFLAT  (14,967);  sire.  Gallant  Prince 
(10,652),  Vol.  XXL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  46.) 
Additional  produce — 

28th  June,  1906,  dark  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Clan 
Cfhattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

OILMOUB,  W.  P.,  Balmangiin,  Klrkondbrlglit. 

MISSIE  OF  BALMANGAN  (14,226);  sire,  I^rd  Erskine 
(1744),  Vol.  IV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  32.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

10th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  bind  legs,  filly  (owned  by  A.  k  W. 
Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

KATE  OF  TROSTRIE  (16,100);  sire.  The  Raider  (11,561), 
Vol.  XXIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  201.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

3rd  June,  1905,  brovm,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 


GORDON,  0«loii«l  OXOROa  COSMO,  of  CnlOratn,   OartlF. 

MADGE  OF  CULDRAIN  (14,588);  sire,  MoncreifiFe  Marquis 
(9953),  Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol,  XXIV.,  p.  140.) 
Additional  produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Silver 
Light  (11,629),  Vol  XXIV.  •^      J'.    / 

CK>BI>ON,  BDWABD,  Dui^op,  Gastle-Donglafl. 

BORTHWICK  QUEEN  (9816);  sire,  Master  of  Blantyre  (2283), 
Vol.  V.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  408.)  Additional 
produce — 

8th  June,  1903,  Dunjop  Queen,  dark  bay,  white' ratoh  down  face,  near  hind  foot 
and  near  fore  foot  white,  filly,  by  Bute  Baron  (11,642),  Vol.  XXV. 

Barthtoiok  Queen  died  19th  June,  1903. 

DAISY  OF  KELTONHILL  (13,444);  sire,  Nobleman  (6110), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXL,  p.  115.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  May,  1904,  Daphne,  sooty  brown,  verv  white  face,  four  white  legs,  flUy, 
by  Ariel  Prince  (10,665),  Vol.  XXII. 

26th  May,  1905,  Brigadier,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  colt,  by  Baron  Hood 

<ii,260),  Vol.  xxrv. 

OOBRIB,  DAVID,  Ardooli  of  Oallery,  lIontroBe. 

COUNTESS  OF  KILNHILL  (13,578);  sire.  Crown  Royal 
(4315),  Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXL,  p.  153.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

20th  May,  1905.  Pride  of  Ardoch,  bay,  white  face  and  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Pride  of  BUoon  (10,837),  Vol  XXII. 

OOUBLAY,  FRANCIS  N.  K.,  Broomlteld,  KonUive,  ITninfrln— lilrti 

MOLLY  GLENCAIRN  (14,689);  sire,  William  the  Conqueror 
(9093),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  33.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

10th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  near  hind  foot  white,  ooli,  br 
Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799),  Vol.  XXV. 

GRAHAM,  OSOROE,  Faraway  Farm,  Klppen  Btatfon. 

LADY  NANCY  (12,846) ;  sire,  Knight  Errant  (4483),  Vol.  VIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  33.)     Additional  produce — 

nth  July,  1904,  Miss  Jane,  brown,  face  and  three  legs  white,  filly,  by  Dunuro 
Blend  (11,691),  VoL  XXV. 

xxviii.  FOALS,  49 

LADY  MAEJORY  (15,061);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  142.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  May,  1904,  Min  Mary,  dark  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs 
dark,  flUy,  by  Boyal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

7th  June,   1905,  dark  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Dunure  Blend 
<1 1,691),  Vol.  XXV. 

GRAHAM,  JAMXS,  Ckirsook  Bridge,  DallMattle. 

LILY  OF  CORSOCK  BRIDGE;  black,  far  hind  foot  white, 
foaled  23rd  May,  1896;  bred  by  William  Miller,  Powilli- 
mount,  Dumfries;  property  of  James  Graham,  Corsock 
Bridge,  Dalbeattie ;  sire,  Montrave  Laird  (9957)  Vol.  XVII.; 
dam,  Jean,  brown,  bred  by  William  Miller,  by  Cheviot 
(2672),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam,  bought  from  Robert  Maxwell, 
horse  dealer,  Maryholm.     Produce — 

6th  May,  1903,  Shapely  Queen,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  ankles,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  William  Johnstone,  Dumfries;  (2)  Peter  Crawford,  Dargavel, 
Dumfries;  (3)  George  Hay,  Laohute,  Montreal),  by  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*), 
Vol.  XVIII. 

GRAHAM,  JAMBS,  WyMbjr  HIU,  XoolefoohAn. 

NANCY  OF  WYSEBYHILL  (14,231);  sire,  Lyon  of  Purdoms- 
toun  (4549),  Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  33.) 
Additional  produce — 

17th  April,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  pasterns  white,  filly, 
by  Gallant  Fauntleroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 

LILY  OF  WYSEBYHILL  (14,232);  sire.  Prince  of  Johnstone 
(9986),  Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  47.) 
Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  far  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet  and 
pasterns  white,  colt,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

OBAHAM,  JOHN,  Barharrow,  Oatehonse. 

JESS  OF  BARHARROW  (15,524) ;  sire,  Lord  Marmion  (2620), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  176.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  NeU  of  Barbarrow,  brotvn,  face  white  and  ratched,  far  fore 
leg  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Mitchell  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 



NORA  OF  BARHARROW  (15,526);  sire,  Prince  Ariel  (8901), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  176.)  Additional 
produce — 

10th  May,  1906,  Kate  of  Barbarrow,  brown,  white  8trii>e  on  face,  little  white 
on  hind  pasterns,  filly,  by  Baron  Mitchell  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

GRAHAM,  ICrs.  J.,  Balataok,  Loolcerbie. 

DARLING  (16,104);   sire,  Fitz-James  (1436),  Vol.  IIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  202.)     Additional  produce— 

Ist  June,  1905,  Bosie  of  Balstack,  light  brown,  star  on  face,  four  white  feet^ 
filly,  by  Ascot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. 

GRANT  SB  DOUGLAS,  BaUiemore,  Nothy  Bridge. 

LADY  ANNE  (16,108);  sire,  Scottish  Chief  (9673),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  203.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  March,   1905,   Imperialist  Junior,   bay,   white  face  and  legs,  colt,  by 
Imperialist  (11,376),  Vol.  XXIV. 

GRAY,  ADAM,  XnglMton  of  Borgne,  Klrkendbriglit. 

KEMPLETON  JESS  (13,826);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  34.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ist  May,  1905,  Wanda,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  near  fore  leg  white 
to  pastern,  little  white  on  hoof  of  far  fore  leg,  filly,  by  Majestic  (11,421), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

ORAT.  JASCBS,  Inohbeaii,  RIooarton,  KilmAmook. 

KYLE  ROSE  (15,116);   sire,  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  68.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  April,  1905,  Jeanie  Gray,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  off 
hind  leg  white,  near  hind  fetlock  white,  filly  (M.B.,  Bobert  M*Kinlay ;  F.B., 
James  Kilpatrick;  ovmed  by  James  Gray),  by  Baron  Kinross  (12,457)» 
Vol.  XXVII. 

GRAY,  JOHN,  GreenhUl,  Gftitooidi. 

WYOMA  (13,676) ;  sire.  Gay  Wyndham  (6778),  Vol.  XL     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  96.)     Additional  produce — 

15th  July,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  and  off  hind  leg  white,  a  little 
white  on  near  fore  foot,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 


GRAY,  WILLIAM,  Sbanter,  Kayboto. 

HIGHLAND  MARY  (11,364);  sire,  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I. 
(Last  entry,  Vol  XXV.,  p.  35.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  and  both  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by 
SpringhiU  Baron  (10,652),  Vol.  XXI. 

DAISY  OF  SHANTER  (15,536);  sire.  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  49.)  Additional 
produce — 

Slst  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  flUy,  by  SpringhiU 
Baron  (10,662),  VoL  XXI. 

GBXOO&Y,  A.  M.,  MarybUl  and  Netlier  Bogslde,  Slgln. 

CYNTHIA  (16,115);   sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  206.)     Additional  produce — 

19th  March,  1905,  dark  brown,  near  hind  leg  white  over  fetlock,  white  spot  on 
inside  of  off  hind  hoof  head,  small  white  spot  on  forehead,  flUy,  by  Prince 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol  XIX. 

Cynthia  died  20th  March,  1905. 

OBICS,  WILLIAM,  Soaton  Hall,  Bootle,  Cnmberlaad. 

SALLY  OF  SEATON  HALL  (14,604);  sire,  Londonderry 
(7934),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  49.) 
Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  chestnut,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Chapelhill 
(11,654).  Vol.  XXV. 

OXXBBINS,  JOSBPB  H.,  Annegrove,  CatrigtwohiU^  Co.  Cork. 

MISS  PRIMROSE  OF  CARNELL  (14,236);  sire,  Prince  of 
Millfield  (9650),  Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  134.) 
Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  hind  feet  and  pasterns  white, 
colt,  by  Royal  Logan  (11,915),  Vol.  XXV. 

BAIO,  BOBBBT  F.,  KUbrido  Farm,  BUlllioiise. 

JEAN;  bay,  four  white  feet,  foaled  1892 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Robert  F.  Haig,  Kilbride  Farm,  Milihouse ;  sire,  Blythe 
Prince  (8478),  Vol.  XIIL ;  dam,  Jean,  bred  by  R.  F.  Haig, 


by  Lord  Ailsa  (5974),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Richard  III. 
(1802),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

1902,  oolt  (castrated),  (owned  by  Walter  Bowie,  Dykobarhill,  Paisley). 

July,  1903,  light  brown,  filly  (owned  by  Walter  Bowie),  by  Lord  Blelboume 
(11,410),  VoL  XXIV. 

1904,  light  bay,  oolt,  by  The  Real  Mackay  (11,968),  Vol.  XXV. 

HALL,  BOBK&T,  Thomtree  Hoiue,  Seatontmm,  Dadley  ItB.0., 


SNOWDROP  (13,837);   sire.  Pride  of  Crieff  (7111),  VoL  XI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  32.)     Additional  produce — 

14th  May,  1905,  grey,  white  face  and  legs,  filly,  by  Lord  Roberts  (11,103), 

Vol.  xxrii. 

HALL,  THOMAS,  FatAeld  Honse,  Washington  K.S.O.,  Co.  DnrluuB. 

ISSIE  (10,761);  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  X 
entry,  Vol.  XX VL,  p.  44.)     Additional  produce — 

h  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  forehead,  fai 
oolt,  by  Cairnie  Standard  (11,644),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLOSSIE  (10,76 l)j^  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.     (Last 

nth  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  forehead^far  fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  white, 

ONDINE   (12,169);    sire,  Gallowmuir  (2111),  Vol.  V.      (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  50.)     Additional  produce — 

2l8t  May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face  and  nose,  a  little  white  on  near  fore 
pastern,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Cairnie  Standard  (11,644),  VoL  XXV. 

SAPPHIRE  (14,813);   sire,  Holyrood  (9546),  Vol.  XV.     (Last 
entry,  VoL  XXV.,  p.  74.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  down  face,  near  hind  ankle  white,  oolt  (M.B., 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.),  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184). 

HAMILTON,   JOHN,   Springfield,  Linlithgow. 

EOSIE;  light  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  7th  June, 
1901;  bred  by  Robert  Jackson,  Kinneil  Mill,  Linlithgow; 
property  of  John  Hamilton,  Springfield,  Linlithgow ;  sire, 
Elator  (10,340),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  bred  by  Robert  Jackson, 
by  Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI.  Produce- 
May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  inside  of  near  fore  ankle  white,  hind  legs  white. 

Ally  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Captain  Hope,  St.  Mary'    Isle, 

Kirkcudbright),  by  Drumflower  (10,537),  VoL  XXI. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  53 

BAMILTON,  B0B8BT,  Low  MotherweU  Farm,  MotliMrweU. 

JENNY  OF  HIGH  MOTHERWELL  (8483) ;  sire,  Baron  Teck 
(2689),  Vol.  VL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  97.)  Additional 
prodace — 

28«h  May,  1899,  County  Belle  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  white  atripe  on  face,  white 
fore  ankles,  near  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Prinoe  of  Brunatane  (9977), 

26th  June,  1902,  Black  Arrow  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  black,  white  spot  on  forehead, 
Uttle  white  on  off  hind  pastern,  filly,  by  SprlnghUl  Baron  (10,652),  Vol.  XXI. 

19th  June,  1903,  Country  Belle,  black,  white  face,  hind  ankles  white,  fiUy,  by 
Lord  Fauntieroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

HANNAH,  J.  M.,  Glxran  Mains,  Gfrran. 

LADY  REGNANT  (16,122);  sire.  Prince  Regnant  (10,418*), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  208.)  Additional 
produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  black,  white  face,  three  legs  and  far  hind  foot  white,  colt,  by 
Baden  Powell  (10,963),  VoL  XXIII. 

HANNAH,  BOBXBT,  Barend,  Parton,  N.B. 

LILY  OF  BAREND  (16,123);  sire.  Golden  Chief  (7775), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  208.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  Rosamond,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by 
(l)B.  Little,  Breckonichill,  Dalbeattie;  (2)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery r  (3)  Graham 
Bros.,  Claremont,  Ontario),  by  Woodend  Oartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXI. 

28th  July,  1905,  Daisy  of  Barend,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks, 
near  fore  foot  white,  fiUy,  by  Boyal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

HANNAT,  ALEXANDBB,  Bronghton,  Skeog,  Sorbie. 

JEAN  IL  (10,651);  sire.  Prince  Edward  (1254),  Vol.  IL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XVI.,  p.  52.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1899,  Jenny  Hannay,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  shin  and 
off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  VoL  XVII. 

HABPBB,  BOBEBT,  Kelleaalde,  Inaoh. 

VALERIE  (13,842);    sire,  Knight  of  Albion  (9562),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  45.)     Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1906,  Baron  Ruby's  Pride,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and 
off  fore  leg  white  up  to  hocks  and  knee,  near  fore  leg  black,  colt,  by  Baron 
Ruby  (11,268),  VoL  XXIV. 


HARBISON,   ANTHONY,   Lowllold,   Kirkoswald. 

DINAH  OF  PARCELSTOWN  (12,720) ;  sire,  Vanguard  (4768), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  10.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  May,  1903,  Miss  Harrison,  bay,  fore  feet  dark,  a  little  white  on  hind  feet, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  Walter  S.  Park ;  (2)  T.  H.  Hassard,  MiUbrook,  Ontario), 
by  Montrave  Lawrence  (10,241),  Vol.  XIX. 

HATTB&SLKY,  NBIL  8.,  lHaswInton,   DumfirlM. 

LADY  GLARE  (14,613);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  45.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIII. 

HAYTON,  HOBSBT,  Bowsteadlilll,  Bnrgh-by-Sands,  Carlisle. 

ROSALIJ^D;  bay,  stripe  down  face,  far  hind  leg  white,  foaled 
May,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  Hay  ton,  Bow- 
stead  hill,  Burgh-by-Sands,  Carlisle ;  sire,  Prince  of  Kosa 
(6195),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Sally,  bred  by  the  late  William  Clark, 
Wavcrton,  Wigton,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Sally,  bred  by  the  late  Z.  Clark,  Waverton,  Wigton,  by 
Samson — Robinson's.     Produce — 

4th  May,  1902,  Lord  Lothian's  Heir  (Vol.  XXVIII. ),  bay,  colt,  by  Lord 
Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

1903,  bay,  colt  (castrated),  (owned  by  Mr.  Hope.  Gerard  House,  Wigton),  by 
Lord  Lothian  (5998),  VoL  X. 

1904,  Lady  Rosalind,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Lord 
Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

2l8t  May,  1905,  Lothian's  Last,  bay,  white  face,  a  few  white  hairs  throughout 
body,  Btripe  of  white  down  near  fore  leg,  and  spot  on  far  fore  leg,  hind  legs 
white,  colt  (owned  by  John  Kerr,  Bed  Hall,  Wigifcon),  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998), 
Vol.  X. 

HKAD,  SARAH,  High  Netherscalea,  Smbleton,  Cookermonth. 

JESS  OF  NETHEKSCALES  (12,788);  sire,  Lord  Seaham 
(2978),  Vol.  VL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIl.,  p.  34.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

8th  May,  1905,  Darling  of  Netherscalea,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  foro 
leg  black,  far  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Lord  Jim  (11,407), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

XXVIII.  .  FOALS.  66 

HXMOSRSON,  DANIBL,  NethertOB,  TifciiglMmlf. 

MISSIE  (4316);   sire,  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XII.,  p.  104.)    Additional  produce — 

1903,  Royal  PeeresB,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
W.  S.  Park;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid.  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Roval  Peer  (11,175), 
T-oL  XXIU. 

NELLY  IL  OF  NETHEETON  (15,082);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  149.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

April,  19(^,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIII. 

HSNBXBSON,  JOSXPB,  M«lkle  Drips,  Thorntoiiliall. 

NELLIE  OF  DRIPS  (16,129);  sire.  The  Summit  (9442), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  210.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  brown,   white   face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Hiawatha 

(10,067),  Vol.  xvm. 

ANNIE  OF  DRIPS  (16,130);  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,045), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  210.)  Additional 
produce — 

12th  June,  1905,  light  bay  or  chestnut,  white  face,  near  hind  foot  and  leg  dark, 
other  three  feet  white,  fiUy,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067).  VoL  XVIII. 

HKNBKE80N,  WILLIAM,  Woodalde  Hotel,  Bonne, 

VICTORIA  WOOD  (15,550);  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,045), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  184.)  Additional 

24th  April,  1905,  Bonnie  Jean,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white, 
filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10.067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

Victoria  Wood  is  now  dead. 

HSZn>BY,   JOHN,   Cliapel,  Rlxigford. 

ROSIE  OF  CHAPEL  (13,094);  sire,  Lothian  King  (6985), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  45.)  Additional 
produce — 

90th  May,  1905,  bay«  white  face,  far  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white  on  near  hind 

mil  AiaT, 
t,  colt,  b, 

foot,  colt,  by  Baron  MitcheU  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 


ROSEBUD  (14,614);  sire,  Montrave  Matchless  (9959), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  52.)  Addi^ 
tional  produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  black  legs,  oolt,  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

HKNBY,  BOBXBT,  Kirkbrlde,  Creetown. 

MAGGIE  (15,551) ;  sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XII.     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVII. ,  p.  52.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  Blossom  of  Kirkbride,  brown,  white  scratch  on  face,  far  hind 
foot  white,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

HBWXTSON,  J.  ft  B.,  Baltersan,  Newton-Stowart. 

JENNY  ERSKINE  (12,789);   sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p,  52.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  June,  1906,  black,  white  ratch  on  face,  a  little  white  on  off  fore  foot  and 
pastern,  hind  feet  and  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  VoL  XXIII. 

DAISY  OF  UPPER  BARR  (14,508);  sire,  Orlando  (8092),. 
Vol.  XII.  (Laat  entry.  Vol.  XX VL,  p.  46.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  pastern  white,, 
off  hind  foot  and  leg  half  way  to  hock  white,  filly,  by  Baronson  (10,981),. 
Vol.  XXIII. 

BARR  BLOSSOM  (14,617) ;   sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  149.)     Additional  produce — 

3rd  May,  1905,  black,  white  face,  four  white  feet  and  legs,  colt,  by  Baronson 
(10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

JIPSY   (15,083);    sire,   Petruchio  (9967),   Vol.  XVIL      (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  149.)    Additional  produce — 

3rd  May,  1905,  black,  white  face,  four  white  feet  and  legs,  colt,  by  Baronson 
(10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 


CARRUCHAN  LADY  (16,131);  sire,  Prince  of  Carnichan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  211.) 
Additional  produce — 

1st  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  pastern  white,  off  hind  foot 
and  leg  white,  near  hind  foot  and  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Baronson  (10,981)» 
Vol.  XXIII. 

LADY  CURRANS  (16,132) ;  sire,  Petnichio  (9967),  Vol.  XVIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  211.)     Additional  produce — 

26Ui  May,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  pastern  white,  a  little  white 
on  far  fore  foot  and  hoofhead,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),. 
Vol.  XXIII. 

HIOOnVSON,  J.  B.,  Oreenlleld  Boose,  Bigher  Boad,  Urmston, 


QUEEN  OP  THE  GARTLYS  (15,552);  sire,  Royal  Gartly 
(9844),  Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  185.) 
Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1904,  Bay  Hector,  bay,  white  blaze  down  face,  hind  legs  white 
nearly  to  hocks,  near  fore  pastern  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Clyde  (12,023),. 

BILL,  TBOMAS,  WUn  CloM,  Stlloth,  Cumberland. 

GLADYS  OF  ABBEY  (15,085);  aire,  Gartsherrie  (2800), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  52.)  Additional 
produce — 

March,  1905,  Bet  of  Whin  Close,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  and  pasterns 
and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Douglas  Chief  (11,682),  Vol.  XXV. 

BIND,  JOBN,  SeavOle  Cote,  SUloth. 

SMILER  OF  SEAVILLE  COTE  (14,618) ;  sire,  Queensberry 
Prince  (9993),  Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL, 
p.  53.)     Additional  produce — 

29th  July,  1905,  Lady  Boy  of  Seaville  Cote,  dark  bay,  white  face,  a  little  white 
on  hind  legs,  flUy,  by  Gallant  Faantleroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 

BODOSON  ft  SON,  WILSON,  Mldtown,  Plumbland,  Aspatrla. 

NANCY  OF  FLAGSTAFF  (15,087) ;  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (5998), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  47.)  Additional 
produce — 

23rd  Juno,  1904,  Sunflower  of  Plumbland,  brown,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and 
hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Drumflower  (10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 

6th  June,  1905,  Kate  of  Plumbland,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Damley  Again  (9182),  Vol.  XIV. 


HOLLIDAY,  JOHN  B.,  Hlgbrlgg,  Hntton-in-the-Forest,  PenritlL. 

BLOSSOM  OF  HIGHRIGG  (14,620);  sire,  Baron  o'  Threave 
(3403),  Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  150.) 
Additional  produce — 

May,  1903,  Tibbj  of  Highrigg,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and 
fore  pasterns  white,  filly,  by  Gold  Mine  (9540),  VoL  XV. 

May,  1905,  light  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Baron  Solway 
Kll,269),  Vol.  XXIV. 

HOIJ.IDAY,  JOHN  TORDSPF,  WolBty  Staags,  SUlotlL 

BELLA  OF  WEDHOLME  (12,790);  sire,  Gartsherrie  (2800), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  47.)  Additional 
produce — 

19th  June,  1905,  black,  white  face,  four  legs  white,  colt,  by  Lord  Lowther 
(12,650),  Vol.  XXVII. 

HOI.I.IDAY,  JOSEPH,  Hawbray,  Hayrlgg,  SUloth. 

MAY  QUEEN  (14,621);  sire,  Queensberry  Prince  (9993), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  53.)  Additional 
produce — 

29th  March,  1905,  Solway  Queen,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  and  near  hind  leg 
white,  a  little  white  on  near  fore  ankle,  filly,  by  Boyal  Champion  (8956), 
Vol.  XIII. 

KOYAL  NANCE  (14,622);  sire,  May  Duke  (10,089),  Vol.  XVIII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  151.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  June,  1905,  Kathleen,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  filly,  by  Speciality 
<11,547),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JEANIE  OF  MAWBRAY  (15,088) ;  sire,  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  151.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  Bobina,  bay,  face,  near  fore  leg,  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  bjr 
lloyal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

HOLMES,  JOHN,  Olenshinnoeli,  Bishopton. 

MAGGIE  II.  OF  GLENSHINNOGH  (13,466);  sire,  Blythe 
Prince  (8478),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  135.) 
Additional  produce — 

23rd  May,  1904,  Blythe  Maggie,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  face,  white  hind 
leg,  filly  (owned  by  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  GaUant  Fauntleroy 
01,716),  Vol.  XXV. 


BOOB,  DAVID  A.,  Balffreddaa,  KlrkondlirU^t. 

LADY  DOROTHY  (15,560);  sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  188.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  bay»  white  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

HOOD,  WILLIAM,  Cliapalton,  Borgne,  Klrkondbright. 

ROBINA  (12,182) ;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  54.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  bav,  white  face,  white  on  near  hind  leg,  a  little  white  on 
inside  of  the  far  hind  hoofhead,  colt  (owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

LADY  DIANA  (13,468);   sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI,,  p.  48.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  far  fore 
T>astern  white,  colt  (owned  bv  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. 

MIRANDA  OF  CHAPELTON  (13,857);  sire,  Flashwood's  Best 
(9211),  Vol.  XIV  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  48.) 
Additional  produce — 

2l8t  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  white,  filly 
(owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

ELSA  OF  CHAPELTON  (14,623);  sire,  Flashwood's  Best 
(9211),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  54.) 
Additional  produce — 

Slat  May,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white  on  the 
inside  of  the  far  hind  hoofhead,  filly  (owned by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

HOPS,  Capteln  JOHN,  B.N.,  of  St.  Mary's  Isle,  Kirkoudbrlgbt. 

MONTRAVE  LORETTE  (15,561);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  188.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  May,  1904,  oolt  (dead),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
13th  July,  1905,  Orange  Lily,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly, 
by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 


HORNSBY,  J.  ft  J.,  WoUty  Clooe,  SUlotb. 

DAISY  BELLE  (12,791);   sire,  The  Monk  (8337),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  54.)     Additional  produce — 

6th  July,  1905,  Kate,  brown,  white  mark  on  face,  far  fore  and  near  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Scottish  Fame  (11,929),  Vol.  XXV. 

LADY  BELL  (15,562) ;  sire,  Sherrie  Lothian  (10,284),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  188.)     Additional  produce — 

12th  May,  1905,  Expectation,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  far  hind  leg  white,. 

"  -     -  ^    -     tishr       

little  white  inside  near  fore  leg,  colt,  by  Scottish  Fame  (11,929),  VoL  XXV. 

HOWATSON,  JABEKS,  Potstown,  Boolefeoluui. 

DARLING  OF  POTSTOWN  (14,253);  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXV.,  p.  40.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  dark  bay,  with  a  dash  of  white  in  centre  of  face,  hind  legs  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  John  Kerr,  Red  Hall,  Wigton,  CumberUind;  (2)  R.  &  A. 
Warwick,  Nether  Denton,  Carlisle),  by  Lothian  Again  (11,804),  Vol.  XXV. 

HOWIE,  HKNBY  B.,  Fenwiok  Steads,  Beal. 

DIANA'S  PRIDE  (15,096) ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  55.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  fore  legs  white  over  knee  lids,  hind  legs  white  above 
hocks,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

HOWIS,  JOHN,  Boghead,  Cralgle. 

ROSIE  OF  BOGHEAD  (12,189);  sire,  MacNeilage  (2992), 
Vol.  VL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XX.,  p.  34.)  Additional 
produce  — 

May,  1903,  Luna,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William 
Smith,  Gararrie:  (2)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (3)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 
Ontario),  by  Royal  Raider  (11,922),  Vol.  XXV. 

HX7NTEB,  JAMES  A.,  Maoliribeg,   Campbeltown. 

NELL  OF  MACHRIBEG;  black,  foaled  April,  1900;  bred  by 
and  property  of  James  A.  Hunter,  Machribeg ;  sire,  William 
the  Conqueror  (9093),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Nora,  bred  by 
James  A.  Hunter,  by  Bonnie  Prince,  Vol.  XII.,  p.  407 ; 
gr.-dam,  Jess,  bred  by  Mr.  Rodger,  Southannan  Mains, 
Fairlie,  by  Prince  of  Birchhill  (3921),  Vol.  VIL     Produce— 

let  July,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Sir  Hugo  (10,924),  Vol.  XXII. 

ixviii.  FOALS,  61 

H'JMTJUt,  8TKPHKN,  Wblteteys,  Stnuiraer. 

OLGA   (13,860);    sire,   Handsome  Prince   (10,356),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  38.)    Additional  produce — 

30th  Jane,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Eureka  (11,081), 

ORISSA  (15,567);   sire,  Prince  of  Quality  (10,416*),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry,  vol.  XXVIL,  p.  55.)     Additional  produce — 

14th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Marcellua  (11,110), 

SHAMROCK  (15,568);  sire,  Prince  of  Quality  (10,416*), 
Vol.  XX..  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  56.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  Hay,   1906,  bay,  white  faoe,   off  fore  and  hind  feet  white,   oolt,  by 
Meroutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 

GLADYS  (16,372) ;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122).  Vol.  XIV.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  289.)    Additional  produce— 

lat  May,  1906,  brown,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  oolt  (M.B.,  Thomas  Smith), 
by  RathiUet  (11,870),  VoL  XXV.,  or  M'Raith  (10,229),  VoL  XIX. 

HUTCHISON,  SAMUXL,  MoIHw  Farm,  Condorrat. 

NELLY  TAYLOR  (14,258) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5363),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  56.)     Additional  produce — 

21it  May,  1905,  Lady  Pollock,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  and  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIII. 

MOLL  OF  BLAIRLUSK  (15,100);  sire.  Coronet  (8543), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  56.)  Additional 
produce — 

IS  11th  June,  1905,  Lady  Lancer,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  two  far  feet  white, 
and  inside  half  of  off  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Lanoer  (12,634),  VoL  XXVIL 

XBXLAND,  WTLfiTAM,  Falrladles,  St.  Bees,  Cnmberland. 

LEEZIE  LINDSAY  (12,606);  sire,  Rob  Roy  Macgregor  (9659), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  39.)  Additional 
produce — 

1st  May,  1906,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  far  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  white, 
oolt,  by  Primate  (10.099),  VoL  XVIIL 


SARAH  LINDSAY  (16,146);  aire,  Blacon  Kenneth  (10,166), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  216.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

29th  May,  1905,  baj,  face  and  muzsle  white,  four  white  legi,  filly,  bj  Baron's 
Fashion  (10,973),  Vol.  XXIII. 

KOSIC;  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1893; 
bred  by  the  late  Joseph  Hope,  Dockray,  near  Wigton, 
Cumberland ;  property  of  William  Ireland,  Fairladies,  St. 
Bees,  Cumberland;  sire,  Macbeth  alias  Oceana  (6118), 
Vol.  X. ;  dam,  bred  by  the  late  Joseph  Hope,  by  Simon 
Pure  (769),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  by  Mosstrooper  (548),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

4th  April.  1897,  bay,  white  on  face,  filly  (dead),  by  Rising  Star. 

17th  March,  1901,  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  B. 
Kendall,  Greysouthem),  by  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195),  Vol.  X. 

24th  June,  1902,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Hadriom  (10,771), 
Vol.  XXII. 

4th  April,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Red  Ticket  (10,866), 

JACKSON,  ARCHIBAXJ),  Cralgendmnlr,  Steppa  Boad. 

MISSIE  IL  (14,262);  sire,  Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  42.)     Additional  produce — 

let  June.  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  three  white  feet,  near  fore  foot  black,  oolt, 
by  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370).  Vol.  XX. 

MISSIE  III.  (15,102);  sire.  Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  57.)     Additional  produce — 

2l8t  June,  1905,  black,  ratch  on  face,  three  white  legs,  off  fore  foot  white,  filly, 
by  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

BELL  II.  OF  CRAIGENDMUm  (15,578) ;  sire.  Gallant  Prince 
(10,552),  Vol.  XXL  (Laat  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  193.) 
Additional  produce — 

Srd  Julv,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Here's  Luck 
(11,372),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  MUIRHEAD  (15,579) ;  sire,  Prince  of  Craigend  (10,104). 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  57.)  Additional 
produce — 

16th  July,  1905,  bav,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  near  fore  foot  black,  spot. 
below  knee  and  leg  black,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIII.    . 


JACKSON,  JOHN,  Whitemofls,  Blahoyton. 

BELLA  OF  WHITEMOSS  (U,263);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  51.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  June,  1906,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  off  hind  leg  white,  a 
little  white  on*  inside  of  near  hind  pastern,  filly,  bj  Prince  Alexander  (8899)» 
^o\.  XIII. 

JACKSON,  WILLIAM,  East  Kerse  Bfains,  Bo'ness. 

YOUNG  MAGGIE;  black,  with  a  few  grey  hairs,  foaled  1893; 
bred  by  and  property  of  William  Jackson,  East  Kerse  Mains, 
Bo'ness;  sire.  Lord  Blackburn  (10,579),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam, 
Old  Maggie,  foaled  about  1884,  blacK ;  bred  by  Robert 
Gray,  Greenrigg,  Slamannan,  by  Auld  Reekie  (1920),  Vol.  V. 
Produce — 

May,  1903,  Miss  Jaokson,  black,  grey  hairs  through  body,  face  and  legs  white, 
fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  1>.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),. 
by  Field  MarshaU  (11,707),  VoL  XXV. 

JAKDINX,  Snt  KOBSBT  W.  BUCHANAN,  Bart.,  of  Casttomllk, 


ROYAL  LILY  OF  CASTLEMILK  (11,830);  sire,  Top  Royal 
(9862),  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  39.) 
Additional  produce — 

2(Hb  May,  1902,  Lily  of  Castlemilk,  light  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  white, 
other  legs  white  to  knee  and  hocks,  fiUy  (bred  by  the  late  Sir  R.  Jardine),  by 
King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII. 

JOHNSTON,  THOMAS,  Crear,  KUberry,  ArgyUBhlre. 

EOSABELLE  (15,586);  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  196.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  nostrils,  and  mouth,  near  fore  leg  black,  off 
fore  leg  white  over  knee,  hind  legs  white  up  to  near  stifles  on  inside,  colt,  by  Gay 
EFciard  (10,758),  Vol.  XXII. 

KAT,  BOBBBT,  FUakmlllam  Newburgh,  FlflB. 

LILY  OP  MAINS  (12,802);  sire.  Master  of  Lundin  (8842), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  52.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  June,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Up  to 
Time  (10.475),  Vol.  XX. 

14th  June,  1905,  brown,  small  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by 
TJp  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 


KOSIE  OF  MAINS  (15,587);  sire,  Royal  Reign  (10,440), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  196.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  brown,  hind  and  near  fore  foot  white,  colt,  by  Up  to  Time 
<10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

KKMP,  CHABLKS,  Anohenorieve,  Bothiemay. 

LADY  KATE  (14,829);  sire.  Gay  Montrose  (9916),  Vol.  XVIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  212.)     Additional  produce — 

let  May,  1905,  Ardmeallie  Pearl,  dark  grey,  filly  (bred  by  James  Smith,  Ard- 
meallie,  Mamooh),  by  Pearl  Oyster  (10,831),  Vol.  XXII. 

ARDLETHEN  BEAUTY  (16,156);  sire,  Gold  Mine  (9540), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  219.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  May,  1905,  Everlasting  Beauty,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

KBNMBOT,  JAMES,  BMMrtCNdaigg,  Johnstone  Bridge,  LotikerMe. 

NELL  OF  BEASTOCKRIGG  (15,589) ;  sire,  Fitz-Gallant  (9209). 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  197.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  Pretender,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  coli,  by^ 
Ascot  (10,494),  Vol,  XXI. 

KSNNKDY,  WILLIAM,  Luce  llalii*,  Boclefeoliaii. 

JESS  II.  OF  LUCE  MAINS  (16,590);  sire,  Penicuik  (8102), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  197.)  Additional 
produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  hind  legs  partly  white,  the 
near  one  just  a  little  inside  fetlock,  oolt,  by  Gallant  Fauntleroy  (11,716), 
Vol.  XXV. 

KTCRR,  JAHliS,  Low  Longthwalte,  Wilton. 

SONSIE  (15,109);   sire.  Lord  Balgray  (6953),  Vol.  XL      (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  157.)     Additional  produce — 

3l8t  May,  1903,  Lady  Howatson,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  John  Kerr,  Ked  Hall,  Wigton ;  (2)  William  Armstrong,  Teeswater, 
Ontario),  by  Lord  Howatson  (11,406),  Vol.  XXIV. 

9th  June,  1904,  Baroness,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  and  a  little 
white  on  near  fore  foot,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  John  Kerr,  Red  Hail ;  (2)  Mr. 
Speddie,  Middle  Farm,  Douglas,  Isle  of  Man),  by  Blacon  Baron  (I0,dl0)» 
Vol.  XXI. 


KBSB>  JOHN,  Bed  HaU,  Wlffton. 

BLOSSOM  OF  REDHALL  (12,524);  sire,  aartfiheme  (2800), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XX.,  p.  37.)  Additional 
produce — 

April,  1899,  bay,  star  on  face,  one  hind  leg  white,  fillv  (owned  by  Walter 
Proton,  Howe,  Whitehaven),  by  Royal  Champion  (8966),  voL  XIII. 

June,  1903,  Lady  Kerr,  dark  bay,  star  on  face,  one  hind  leg  white,  filly  (owned 
by  John  Armstrong,  Teeswater,  Ontario),  by  Gartly  Recruit  (11,046), 

Jane,  1906,  dark  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Speciality 
<11,  547),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  CARLISLE  (14,267);  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  53.)     Additional  produce — 

April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  fonr  white  legs,  filly,  by  Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799), 
Vol  XXV. 

,  J.  KRNXST,  HanrlMitoiui,  Dollar. 

KATE  LOUDON   (8753);    sire.   What  Care  I  (912),  Vol.  L 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  53.)    Additional  produce — 

1904,  London's  Favourite  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs, 
colt  (owned  by  James  Kilpatrick),  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

1905,  bay,  face  white,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Favourite  Blend 
(12,141),  Vol.  XXVL 

SCOTTISH  DANDY  (14,389);  sire.  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
VoL  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  53.)  Additional 
produce — 

1906,  bay,  white  face  and  off  hind  le^  white  spot  on  off  fore  ankle,  colt,  by 
Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

LADY  GARNET  (14,636) ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  63.)    Additional  produce — 

1904,  brown,  face,  fore  and  near  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Roval  Favourite 
(10,630),  VoL  XXL 

1905,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,690), 

PRINCESS  BEAUTIFUL  (14,791*);  sire,  Cedric  (1087),  Vol.  IL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  103.)    Additional  produce 

1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  oolt  (bred  by  Lord  Rosebery, 
K.G.),  by  Baron*s  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 



BARON'S  BLOSSOM  (15,111);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (La«t  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  54.)  Additional 
produce — 

1905,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  oolt,  by  Favourite  Blend  (12,141),  Vol.  XXYI. 

CAMILLA  (15,592) ;  sire,  Buxom  Lad  (7533),  Vol.  XIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  198.)    Additional  produce — 

1904,  Camilla's  Favourite  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  brown,  stripe  on  face,  oolt  (owned 
by  James  Eilpatrick),  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

BERYL  (15,593);  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI. ,  p.  198.)    Additional  produce — 

1906,  brown,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Boyal  Favourite  (10,690),  Vol.  XXL 

CHESTER  PRINCESS  (16,371);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  289.)  Additional 
produce — 

1906,  bay,  face,  near  fore  and  near  hind  legs  white,  oolt  (M.B.,  Thomas  Smith), 
by  RathUlet  (11,870),  Vol.  XXV. 

KSKB,  THOMAS,  Klrkohrlst,  Klrkeadlirlitl&t. 


JEAN  OF  KIRKCHRIST  (16,161);  sire,  Macgregor  (U87), 
Vol.  IIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  221.)  Additional 
produce — 

1st  Ifay,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  diamond  on  forehead,  four  white  feet,  yery 
small  spot  of  white  on  top  of  nose,  filly,  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

KBRB,  WILLZAK,  Hondston,  Qlnran. 

LADY  GRANGE  (13,483) ;  sire,  Eari  Grange  (4350),  Vol.  VIIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXII.,  p.  41.)     Additional  produce — 

21st  May,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Dunure 
Obstle  (11,028),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ELSIE  MACDONALD  (13,878);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  59.)  Additional 
produce — 

16ih  June,  1906^  Winkiboo,  dark  brown,  faoe  and  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Spring- 
hill  Baron  (10,662),  Vol.  XXI. 


XnntOM,  AIIDBXW,  DrnmaUaB,  mutVUuie. 

BET  OF  HUNGRYHILL  (11,836) ;  sire,  Knight  Errant  (4483), 
VoL  VIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  42.)  Additional 

12ih  May,  1906,  Bosetta,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  fiU j, 
by  Mannion  (11,429),  Vol  XXIV. 

KEBKBT,  MATTHXW,  Denrtiam,  BlMrypoit. 

ROSE  OF  ENGLAND  (12,449);  sire,  Bothalhaugh  (6529), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XVIII.,  p.  123.)  Additional 

12th  July,  1904,  Rose  of  Birkby,  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  fiUy,  by 
Baron's  Fashion  (10,973),  VoL  XXIII. 

KTDD,  ALKXANDBR  B.,  Ferrsrden  r*rm,  BKontrose. 

FLORA  MONTROSE  (11,838);  sire.  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton 
(4122),  Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  64.) 
Additional  produce — 

5fch  May,  1906,  Mona  Pride,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  off  fore  leg  blaok, 
near  fore  leg  black,  with  inside  half  of  hoof  white,  hind  legs  white  half  way  to 
hoGka,  filly,  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol  XXII. 

LAIRD,  JOHK,  FanUU,  gllnmooilin. 

BETTY;  brown,  fore  pasterns  white,  foaled  1896;  bred  by  and 
property  of  John  Laird,  Faulds,  Kilmacolm;  sire.  Sir 
Morell  Mackenzie  (9416),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Lily,  bred  by 
Donald  Black,  Auchenfoil,  Kilmacolm,  by  British  Com- 
mander (1981),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

14th  May,  1904,  brown,  a  few  white  hairs  on  face,  hind  legs  white  to  near 
hocke,  aUy,  by  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol  X. 

Jftay,  1902,  Minnie,  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  fore  pasterns  and  near  hind 
pastern  white,  fiUy,  by  Boyal  Bounty  (10,873),  Vol.  XXII. 

1908,  foal  died. 

2Srd  Jane,  1905,  light  brown,  oolt,  by  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 

laAlIB,  R.  O.,  Hayton  Boom,  Howmlll,  Garliale. 

HAYTON'S  COUNTESS  (15,603);  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (6998), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVI.,  p.  201.)  Additional 
prodnce — 

Gih  June,  1905,  Hayton's  Alice,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  three  white  socks, 
iOly,  by  Ohainbearer  (10,326),  Vol.  XX. 


liAMBABT,  lUJor  O.  F.   W.,  C.V.O.,  Bmii  Para,  Co.  BtMith. 

ROSEHAUQH  ALICE  (13,881);  sire,  Merry  Lad  (9616), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  60.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  white 
stripe  inside  off  fore  leg,  filly,  by  King  Tom  (11,773),  Vol.  XXV. 

KEIR  JEAN  DARNLEY  IL  (15,118);  sire,  Moneycom, 
Vol.  XIII.,  p.  40.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  60.) 
Additional  produce — 

2nd  April,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white, 
white  spot  on  near  side,  filly,  by  King  Tom  (11,773),  Vol.  XXV. 

LANS,  B.  H.,  BQah  Hall,  LiniATady. 

DUCHESS  OF  DUNGIVEN  (13,819);  sire,  Lord  Glencaim 
(7957),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  60.) 
Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  white,  far  hind  heel 
white,  colt,  by  Flash  Sturdy  (11,710),  Vol.  XXV. 

LAMO,  ALXXANDBB  A.,  Oameyland,  Benfirew. 

BROOMFIELD  LASS  (10,516);  sire,  Gartsherrie  (2800), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  42.)  Additional 
produce — 

July,  1904,  bay,  narrow  stripe  on  face,  a  little  white  on  legs,  oolt,  by  Clan 
Chattan  (10,627),  Vol.  XXI. 

JEAN  OP  GARNEYLAND  (15,605);  sire.  Primus  (8897), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  202.)  Additional 
produce — 

July,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Clan  Chattan 
(10,627),  VoL  XXL 

June,  1906,  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  white  on  nose,  little  white  on  hind 

legs,  fiUy,  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

spot  on 

XJkNO,  JOBN,  Colbeg,  Oftrgimiiook. 

BLACK  SALLY;  black,  hind  feet  white,  white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  26th  June,  1894;  bred  by  Robert  Robertson,  Mill  of 


Dnimmond,  Muthill;  property  of  John  Lang,  Gulbeg, 
Gargnnnock ;  sire,  Vanora'e  Prince  (9461),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam, 
Tibby,  bred  by  Robert  Robertson,  by  Sir  Donald  (3190), 
Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

23rd  Hay,  1898,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  oolt  (bred  by  James  Sands, 
Greenfoot,  GargunnockX  by  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  VoL  X. 

5th  May,   1903,   oolt  (dead),   (bred  by  James  Sands),   by  Rosedale   (81M), 

Vol.  xn. 

3rd  June,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  near  fore  leg 
black,  oolt,  by  Up  to  Time  (10.475),  Vol.  XX. 

IaAUBIS,  WTTtfiTAM  P.,  fjlmnnanton,  KIrkoowaa. 

TRIM  OF  SHENNANTON ;  bay  or  brown,  foaled  4th  June, 
1897;  bred  by  George  Paterson,  late  of  Coalcreoch,  New 
Cumnock,  now  of  High  Park,  Coylton ;  property  of  William 
P.  Laurie,  Shennanton,  Kirkcowan;  sire,  Lord  Bute 
(10,082),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Coalcreoch,  bred  by 
G.  Paterson,  Coalcreoch,  by  King  William  (435),  Vol.  I. ; 

fr.-dam,  Jenny  of  Beoch,  a  black   mare  owned  by  John 
mith,  Beoch,  New  Cumnock.     Produce — 

13th  Jane,    1905,    brown,   white    hind   legs,    filly,    by    Cataclysm  (ll,d49). 
Vol.  XXV. 

LAW,  A.  W.  *  A.  M.,  MAinji  of  Saaqnliar,  Forres. 

NELLIE  OF  SANQUHAR  (12,629);  sire,  Westfield  Chief 
(6390),  VoL  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  44.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

1902  and  1903,  miBsed  foal. 

12th  April,  1904,  Nellie  of  Sanquhar  II.,  light  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  near 
hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

2Sth  May,  1905,  Prince  of  SaDquhar,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white 
feet,  colt,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

LAWERS  SPINSTER  (13,938);  sire,  Eastfield  Laird  (6720), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  67.)  Additional 
produce — 

1904,  missed  foal. 

6th  June,  1905,  Sanquhar  Spinster,  bay,  small  white  star  on  forehead,  hind 
feet  white,  fiUy,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 


IJkW,  A.  W.,  W&iterow,  Forres. 

NELLIE  MACEACHRAN  (14,646) ;  sire,  MacEachran  (9792), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  45.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  June,  1904,  Lady  Thomaa,  dark  bay«  white  star  on  f aoe,  oif  fore  foot  white, 
filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 

10th  May,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  eolt^  by 
Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 

ULWKLB,  THOMAS,  Bqientoai,  Oorebrldge. 

BELTON  BROSA  (9853) ;  sire.  Forward  (2773),  Vol.  VI.     (Laat 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  62.)    Additional  produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  Ben  Baron,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Baron 
Loudon  (12,034),  VoL  XXVL 

LAWBIK,  W.  C,  Catsraas,  WhltbovB. 

CATYANS  KATE  (16,175);  sire,  Prince  Edward  (1254), 
Vol.  II.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  225.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  Hallena,  bay,  narrow  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  logs  and  fore 
pasterns  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt, 
Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Eureka  (11,031),  Vol.  XXIU. 

LKAN,  THOMAS,  Wester  Doaaa,  Leadbuiu 

BLOSSOM  OF  WESTER  DEANS  (14,649);  sire,  Stonelaw 
Lord  Lyon  (2440),  Vol.  V.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  56,) 
Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  Lady  Rothschild,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,'  by 
Baron  Rothschild  (12,089),  Vol.  XXVI. 

BELL  OP  WESTER  DEANS  (14,652);  sire.  Prince  of  Brunstane 
(9977),  Vol.  XVn.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VH.,  p.  62.) 
Additional  produce — 

9th  June,  1905,  Lady  Loudon,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  legs  white  to  knees 
and  hooks,  white  spot  on  bottom  of  near  ribs,  filly,  by  Baron  Loudon  (12,034), 
Vol.  XXVL 

xxviii.  FOALS.  71 

I^B  BldONB,  Kn.  S.  AUBBXT  F.,  OoUon,  Drotbete,  Co.  Louth, 


MERIDA    (16,608);    sire,   Prince  of  Albion   (6178),   Vol.   X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  203.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  Golden  Gram,  obettnut,  white  faoe,  fore  leg9  to  knees,  and  off 
hind  leg  to  hook  white,  oolt,  by  Maeterpieoe  (11,822),  Vol.  XXV. 

BALKENNY  SALLY  (16,177);  sire.  Border  Baron  (10,169), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  226.)  Additional 
produce — 

28ih  April,  1905,  Lady  Maine,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  white  to  fet- 
look,  hind  legs  white  nearly  to  hooks,  filly,  by  Beaoonsfield  (12,044), 

ItKGKZX,  JOHN,  Inaliwood,  lUltoa  of  Oamprte. 

MAGGIE  CAWDOR  (14,653);  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,046), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  56.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1903,  brown,  oolt  (oastrated),  by  Here's  Laok  (11,372),  Vol.  XXIV. 

20th  May,  1905,  brown,  dark  fore  legs,  white  hind  legs,  small  ratoh  on  faoe, 
fillj,  by  Marooni  (11,817),  VoL  XXV. 

FAIRY  QUEEN  (15,124);   sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  56.)     Additional  produce — 

17th  June,  1904,  Gipsy  Queen,  brown,  a  little  white  spot  on  forehead,  dark  fore 
legs,  off  hind  leg  white,  near  leg  white  round  ankle,  mly,  by  Marconi  (11,817X 
Vol.  XXV. 

9th  July,  1905.  Boyal  Review,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  fore  legs 
white  below  knee,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

LUTCH,  ANDKXW  B.,  InoliBtelly,  Forres. 

QUININE  (12,560);  sire,  Moray  (7069),  Vol.  XL     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  63.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX. 

POLLY  OF  EARNSIDE  (15,157);  sire,  Duke  King  (5723), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  63.)  Additional 

13th  May,  1906,  PoUy  Thomas,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  fore  legs  black,  hind 
legs  a  Uttle  white  at  pasterns,  fiUy,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 



LXIMBTBB^  DUB3B  OF,  Carton,  Kajnoatli,  Oo.  Klldare. 

FANCY   (15,728);    sire.   Prince  Cedric  (10,253*),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  242.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  brown,  faoe  and  feet  white,  oolt,  by  Fortune  Teller  (1I,340)» 
Vol.  XXI V. 

LINDSAY,  JOHN,  BroadlMid,  Stewwrton. 

MAGGIE  OF  BRAIDLAND  (15,612);  sire,  Right  at  Last 
(8947),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VL,  p.  204.) 
Additional  produce — 

May,  1904,  light  brown,  white  face,  one  hind  leg  white,  colt  (dead),  bj  Oaaa- 
bianoa  (10,623),  VoL  XXI. 

16th  May,  1905^  light  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  ankles  white,  ftUy,  by- 
Sir  Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 

LINDSAY,  THOMAS  C,  Aitkenlirae,  Monkton. 

LADY  ANDERSON  (14,655J;  sire.  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  57.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  April,  1904,  Baron  Monkton,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs- 
white,  colt,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

MAY  QUEEN  OF  AITKENBRAE  (15,613);  sire.  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  205.) 
Additional  produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  brown,  face  white,  four  white  feet,  fiUy,  by  Rozelle  (10,638), 
Vol.  XXI. 

LITTLE,  KLKANOB,  Wormaiilvy,  Burgb-by-Sandfl,  CorUale. 

JEAN  OF  WORMANBY  (14,658);  sire,  Vanguard  (4768), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  57.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Qallant  Gartly,  brown,  white  star  on  face,  off  fore  pastern  and 
hind  legs  white  half  way  to  the  hooka,  colt,  by  Gartly  Brand  (12,159), 
Vol.  XXVL 

xxviiL  FOALS.  73 

BESS  OF  STOCKHOLM  (15,611);  sire,  The  Twin  (5410), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  64.)  Additional 
produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  Nelly,  brown,  little  white  on  faoe  half  way  down,  off  fore  leg 
white  to  knee,  with  brown  stripe  running  down  to  pastern  joint,  near  fore  leg 
white  stripe  up  to  knee,  off  hind  leg  white  to  hock  joint,  flllj,  by  Ascot  (10,494), 
Vol.  XXL 

LOOAN,  DAVID,  Hl^htown  of  Graigs,  DnmfMes. 

MAGGIE  LAUDER  (13,874) ;  sire,  Knight  o'  Lothian  (4489), 
Vol.  VHL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  64.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1904,  Marina,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (owned  l^  (1)  A.  A  W. 
Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  BaroD  Borneo  (11,266), 

LONOMOBS,   L.  S.,   Baldavle,  Banff. 

MAY  OF  BALDAVIE;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  11th  May,  1894;  bred  by  and  property  of 
L.  E.  Longmore,  Baldavie,  Banff;  sire,  The  Darwin  Hero 

J 8324),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Blackton  Mary,  bred  by  J.  Moir, 
Mackton,  by  Banff,  by  The  Don  (859),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

31st  March,  1905,  Sweet  May,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  small 
white  mark  behmd  off  fore  pastern,  filly,  by  Hillhead  Chief  (10,774),  VoL  XXII. 

LOVELY  JUBILEE  (16,182);  sire.  Knight  of  Garlieston  (7894), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  228.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  May,  1905,  Hill  o'  Doane,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  legs, 
small  white   spot  on   near   fore    pastern,  oolt,  by  Hillhead    Chief    (10,774), 

VoL  xxn. 

IiONOWOSTH,  ■.  T.  DA1CX8,  D.L.,  Olynwood,  Atblmie,  Irebwd. 

META  (15,793) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVL,  p.  263.)     Additional  produce— 

8th  Jane,1906,  Evermore,  brown,  white  ratch  on  faoe,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Everlasting  (11,331),  VoL  XXIV. 


LOW,  ALKXANDKB,  lUrgaret'a  MOll,  Kllmaoftlin. 

DARLING  II.  (15,130);  sire,  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  58.)     Additional  produce — 

Maj,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  foot  dark,  a  little  white  on  other 
three,  filly,  by  Silyer  Cup  (11,184),  VoL  XXIII. 

MARION  IV.  (15,617) ;  sire,  Royal  Alexander  (9997),  VoL  XVIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII. ,  p.  65.)     Additional  produce — 

Jaly,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  off  fore  foot  dark,  a  little  white  on  other 
three  feet,  colt,  by  Prinoe  Qallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 

LYON,  JAlfXS,  Pmniachley,  Kofheaasr. 

DANDY ;  sire,  8L  Mimgo^  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  IX., 
p.  6.     (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  135.)    Additional  produce— 

190S,  Lady  of  Lyons,  bay,  white  faoe,  three  white  legs,  near  fore  foot  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Proose, 
Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Golden  Victor  (11,056),  Vol.  XXIIL 

M'ADAM,  JAMXS,  Gralgtoy,  CaJrtla-DooglM. 

MAGGIE  OF  CRAIGLEY  (15,622);  sire.  Prince  of  Galloway 
(8919),  VoL'XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  66.) 
Additional  produce — 


17th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  a  little  white  on  off  fore  pastern,  hind  legs 
white,  colt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Moni^omery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. 

M'ALXSTBR,  JAMXS,  Melkte  KUmory,  BotlMMur. 

JESSIE  OF  MEIKLE  KILMORY  (13,147);  sire.  Prince  Gallant 
(6176),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  66.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  o' 
Buohlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

POLLY  OF  MEIKLE  KILMORY  (16,188);  sire.  Gallant 
Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL, 
p.  230.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  April,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Boyal 
Bleud  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 


KILMOBY  MAGGIE  (16,189);  sire,  Royal  Alexander  (9997), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  230.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

16th  June,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Errant 
Boj  (12.572),  Vol.  XXVn. 

M 'ARTHUR,  DONALD,  Newton  of  Damawaj,  Fonreik 

FANNY  OF  BURGIE  MAINS  (12,810);  sire,  Caimbrogie 
Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  47.) 
Additional  produce — 

7th  April,  1902,  DiJl  of  Newton,  baj.  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  flllj,  bj 

KippendATie  Stamp  (9774).  Vol.  XVI. 

22nd March,  1904,  Darlinsof  Newtc 
Kippendavie  Stamp  (9774).  VoL  XVI. 

9th  April,  1905^  Dandy  of  Newton 
near  hind  leg  white,  flUy,  by  Kippendavie  Stamp  (9774),  Vol.  XVI. 

22nd  March,  1904,  Darling  of  Newton,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  fiUy.  by 


9th  April,  1906l  Dandy  of  Newton,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  and 
-  -  -     .    -  .^-^^^^^ 

M^CAIG,  ARCHIBALD,  Ubrael,  Sonthand,  Campboltowii. 

MAGGIE  OF  KNOCKSTAPLE  (6924) ;  sire,  Kintyre  Champion 
(2914),  Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XL,  p.  211.)  Additional 
produce — 

1902,  Flora,  brown,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  lilly  (owned  by  (1)  William 
Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2)  Hugh  Munro,  Poplar  Grove,  Wapella, 
N.W.T.),  by  Florirel  (12,149),  Vol.  XXVI. 

M*CAIO,  R.  8TBWART,  KllliUt,  Stranraor. 

BLOSSOM  OF  KILHILT  (15,628);  sire,  Moncreiffe  Marquis 
(9963),  Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  209.) 
Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  MaroeUus 
<11,110).  VoL  XXIII. 

KILHILT  TRIM  (15,629) ;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  210.)     Additional  produce — 

8Ut  May,  1906,  Nugget,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Marcellus 
■(11,110),  VoL  XXIII. 


M'CAZO,  WIUUAH,  Boneluui,  WhtChoni. 

JEAN  OF  ROUCHAN  (13,157);  fsire,  Darnley's  Last  (6663), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  55.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  Ma^ifica,  baf,  stripe  on  face,  little  white  on  off  bind  ankle,  filly 
(bred  by  John  M'CuUooh,  Rouchan ;  owned  bv  (1)  William  M*Oaig ;  (2)  A.  J^  W. 
Montgomery ;  (3)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475). 

K'CLXAN,  JABEBS,  Anofanall,  Straarmer. 

PRINCESS  MAY  (11,466) ;  sire,  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  60.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  Lady  Mollie,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  feet»  filly*  by 
Meroutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 

EVA  (15,133);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  68.)     Additional  produce — 

lOth  May,  1905,  bay.  stripe  on  face,  black  off  fore  foot,  near  fore  and  hind  feet 
white,  colt,  by  Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXm. 

M'CLXLIJkND,  ANDKBW,  Olentnrk,  Wlctown. 

MARY  OF  GLENTURK  (12,545);  sire,  Top  Knot  (6360), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  60.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  three  white  feet  and  legB,  far  fore 
foot  and  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

BESSIE  OF  GLENTURK  (14,288);  sire,  Fortune  Still  (9752), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  68.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  feet  and  legs,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

NANCY  OF  GLENTURK  (14,289);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  48.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  and  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

xxviii.  FOALS,  77 

M'CONGBIXy  JOHK,  CMrMwUlooh,  Creetown. 

MARY  OF  CARSEWILLOCH  (4787);  sire,  Lochryan  (1470), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  69.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  July,  1905,  brown,  very  small  white  mark  on  forehead,  far  fore  and  far 
hind  ankles  white,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

M'CONCSIC,  WHJiIAM,  Malas  of  Pennliigluuiie,  Newton-Stewart. 

BELL  OF  PENNINGHAME  (13,518);  sire,  Top  Knot  (6360), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  48.)  Additional 
produce — 

22Dd  May,  1905,  brown,  black  points,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol  XXIV. 

SHAMROCK  OF  PENNINGHAME  (14,676);  sire,  Prince  of 
Carruchan  (^8151),  Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV, 
p.  167.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  June,  1905,  blaok,  white  face,  hind  ankles  white,  and  white  spot  on  outside 
of  for  fore  hoof,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

DARLING  OF  PENNINGHAME  (15,639);  sire.  Bridegroom 
(9886),  Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  213.) 
Additional  produce — 

13th  June,  1905.  bay,  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  feet  round  hoofheads,  colt,  by 
General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 

K^CONinBLL,  WILLIAM,  Glao&iidK,  Kirkoowmii. 

JENNY  RAE  (7518);  sire.  Good  Hope  (1679),  Vol.  IV.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXvL,  p.  62.)    Additional  produce — 

Slst  liay,  1905,  Betty  Rae,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  far  hind  foot  and  fetlock  white, 
filly,  by  Prince  of  Galloway  (8919),  VoL  XIII. 

WINSOME  CHARTERIS  (13,519) ;  sire.  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  62.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  Blythe  Baroness,  bay,  face  white,  hind  feet  and  legs  white,  far  fore 
foot  blaok  and  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 


FLORA  MACGREGOR  (13,922);  sire,  Prince  of  Garruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  69.) 
Additional  produce — 

21st  April,  1905,  €ray  Baron,  hrowzi,  faoe  white,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white, 
fore  feet  blade  and  white,  colt,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

DUCHESS  OF  GLASNICK  (14,678) ;  sire,  Prince  of  GaUoway 
(8919),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  70.) 
Additional  produce — 

18th  Jane,  1905,  Gallowaj  Laird,  brown,  small  star  on  forehead,  near  hind  foot 
and  inside  of  hoofhead  white,  oolt,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  VoL  XXIV. 

MEG  MERRILEES  (15,641);  sire,  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  214.)  Additional 
produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  King  of  Galloway,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet  and  fet- 
locks, with  black  stripe  on  near  fore  foot,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Galloway  (8919), 

M'GUUaOGH,  JOHN,  Laffgan,  Ballaatrae. 

MONA  OF  LAGGAN;  sire,  Darnley's  Patent,  Vol.  XVIIL, 
p.  96.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  63.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  May,  1904,  Prestwidc  Freeman  (Vol  XXVIII.),  brown,  white  face^four 
hite  feet,  oolt  (owe 
Solway  (11,269),  Vol 

12th  May,  1905,  N( 
PoweU  (10,963),  Vol.  XXII 

white  feet,  oolt  (owned  by  Thomas  C.  Lindsay,  Aitkenbrae,  Monkton),  by  Baron 

1.  XXIV. 

12th  May,  1905,  Nora,  bay,  white  ratch  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baden 

KACOONALD,  AULAN,  New  Park,  St.  NlnlMUi,  Stlrllnff. 

YOUNG  NANCY  (16,195);  sire,  Wear  Them  A'  (8385),  Vol.  XII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  232.)     Additional  produce — 

ISth  May,  1905,  Bet,  light  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg 
white,  filly,  by  Rothesay  Bay  (10,624),  Vol.  XXI. 

BCACDONALD,  JAMES,   Knooksteple,   GamplMltowii. 

MARY  O'  ARGYLE  (15,143);  sire,  Gregor  Macgregor  (5842), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  168.)  Additional  pro- 

15th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  oolt  (owned  by  William 
Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew),  by  Fashion  Plate  (10,746),  Vol.  XXII. 

xxTiii.  FOALS,  79 

lIACDONAU>,  JOHN,  Kuy  Park,  BalUndAllotih. 

MERRY  THOUGHT  (16,196);  sire,  Crown  of  Scotland  (9516), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  232.)  Additional 
produce — 

23rd  March,  1905,  Benrinnes,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore 
pMtem  white,  colt,  by  Macllroy  (9795),  Vol.  XYI. 

M'DOUOAU.,  DUNCAN,  BaUooIi  Karttn,  Millport. 

BUTE  PRINCESS ;  light  bay,  white  face,  and  upper  and  lower 
lips  white,,  hind  legs  and  one  fore  leg  white,  foaled  1895 ; 
bred  by  the  late  John  Barbour,  North  Rilruskin,  "West 
Ealbride ;  property  of  Duncan  MacDougall,  Balloch  Martin, 
MiUport;  sire.  Knight  Templar  (9931),  Vol.  XVIL;  dam, 
bred  by  the  late  John  Barbour,  by  Woodside  Prince  (4116)^ 
Vol.  VII.     Produce— 

1903,   Larga  Princess,   bay,    flUy   (owned  by  (I)  Walter   S.   Park,   Hatton, 
Biihopton ;  (2)  Charles  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837)r 

voL  ixii. 

M^DOWALL,  DAVID,  COfliiliewl,  OlonlQM. 

MAY  FLY  (15,259);  sire,  William  the  Conqueror  (9093), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  98.)  Additional 
produce — 

19th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face  partly  to  off  side,  fore  legs  and  near  hind  leg 
white,  filly,  by  MaroeUns  (11,110),  VoL  Ixill. 

MAGGIE  OF  GLENHOWL;  sire,  William  the  Conqueror 
(9093),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  63.) 
Additional  produce — 

18th   May,    1905,    bay,    face  and  legs  white,    oolt,    by   Maroellus  (11,110), 

VoL  xxni. 

M'KWXN,  DUNCAN,  Snimylaw  Farm,  Bridge  of  Allan. 

HEG;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  three  white  legs,  near  fore  leg  black, 
foaled  June,  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of  Duncan 
M'Ewen,  Sunnylaw  Farm,  Bridge  of  Allan;  sire,  Royalist 
(6242),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Lily,  bred  by  Mr.  M'Ewen,  by 
M*Master  (3823),  Vol.  VII. ;  gjr.-dam,  Mayflower,  bred  by 
Mr.  King,  Carsemeg,  Greenloaning.     Produce — 

17th  April,  1906,  Diok,  brown,  large  white  rateh  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  one 
fore  leg  white  to  knee,  other  leg  white  round  hoofhead,  oolt,  by  Up  to  Time 
(10.475),  VoL  XX. 


NANCY ;  brown,  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white, 
grey  mark  on  hip,  foaled  May,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Duncan  M'Ewen,  Sunnylaw  Farm,  Bridge  of  Allan ;  sire, 
Senator  (10,283),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Lily,  bred  by  Mr. 
M*Ewen,  by  M'Master  (3823),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  May- 
flower,  bred  by  Mr.  Ring,  Garsemeg,  Greenloaning. 
Produce — 

Idth  May,  1905,  Luoy,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  fore  lep 
black,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

M^XWSN,  JOHN,  Wester  Gambnshinnie,  Braeo. 

JEAN  II.  OF  CAMBUSHINNIE  (15,145);  sire,  Rosedale 
(8194),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  168.) 
Additional  produce — 

15th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Keir  Democnt 
(12,187),  VoL  XXVI. 

ALBANA  (15,146);    sire.   Prince   of  Albion   (6178),   Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  169.)     Additional  produce — 

9th  June,  1903,  Master  Favourite,  VoL  XXVIII.,  brown,  white  stripe  on  fsoe, 
four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

19th  July,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  small  white  maik 
on  both  knees,  colt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

1905,  no  foal. 

M*XWAN,  PETBR,  Hall  of  Abemtbven,  AnehterardAT. 

BEAUTY   (14,293);    sire,  M'Vinnie  (9318),  Vol.  XV.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  50.)    Additional  produce — 

5th  June,  1905,  Lady  Bullcr,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  off  fore  foot 
black,  filly,  by  General  Buller  (10,760),  Vol.  XXII. 

IfXWnfO,  JOBKPH,  iHMMrit,  Campbeltowii. 

DARLING  OF  LOSSIT ;  black,  white  on  face,  three  white  legs, 
foaled  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph  M'Ewing, 
Lossit,  Campbeltown;  sire,  Gay  Everard  (10,758),  Vol.  XXII.; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Lossit,  bred  by  J.  M*Ewing,  by  Ettrick 
Shepherd  (2763),  Vol.  VI.  Produce- 
May,  1903,  Lady  Lossit,  bay,  with  grey  hairs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William 

Taylor;   (2)   S.    J.    Prouse,    IngersoU,    Ontario),    by   Sir   Reginald   (10,980), 

Vol.  XXII. 

xxTiii.  FOALS.  61 

H*FABI.AKB,  AUBZANDm,  Mttikto  W1nhatt4Mi  Farm,  Botbeaay. 

LADY  ARCHER  (16,20:i);    sire,  Archer  (10,154),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  234.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  June,  1905,  Bluebell,  brown,  white  faoe,  white  hind  legs,  white  near  fore 
fetlock,  filly,  by  Roy»l  Blend  (11,888),  Vol.  XXV. 

M^FARLANK,   ROBERT,  Spittalton,   Kippdn. 

LILY  OF  SPITTALTON  (15,150);  sire,  The  Dunston  Boy 
(7319),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  71.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

2Itt  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white, 
colt,  by  Montrave  Ronald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 

M'TARTiANR,  ROBERT,  Tomloh,  Invergorclan. 

JESS  GARTLY  (14,294);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  71.)     Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  black,  white  ratoh  on  face,  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 


IRIS  GARTLY  (14,684) ;  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  71.)     Additional  produce — 

3rd  April,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  white  hair  through  body,  a  little  white  on 
near  fore  leg,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol  XVIII. 

MUFF  (16,205);   sire.  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  235.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white, 
colt,  by  Sir  Lachlan  (10,460),  Vol.  XX. 

M'FIE,  HUGH,  BaUycanl,  Botbesay. 

EOSE  OF  BALLYCAUL  (16,207) ;  sire.  Fickle  Fashion  (10,546), 
Vol.  XXL  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  236.)  Additional 
produce — 

30th  June,  1905,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white,  colt,  by 
Boyal  Blend  (11,839),  Vol.  XXV. 



M'FQB,  JOHN,  BaUjonrrle  Vmih,  Rothesay. 

BETTY  EVERARD  (16,208) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol  IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  236.)     Additional  produce— 

12th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  white,  off  blaek,  near 
hind  foot  white,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Gartly  Prince  (11,720),  Vol.  XXV. 

MH}AW,  JABOES,  Momtt  PleaMmt,  Loidiaiis,  Stranraer. 

MELANIE  (14,685);  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  170.)    Additional  produce— 

29th  April,  1905,  Rita,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Maroellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

M'OZItCHRIST,  JAMXS,  Anohentrols,  Balfiron. 

MYSIE  (14,686) ;   sire.  Prince's  Heir  (8168),  Vol.  XIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  170.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  Bessie,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  and  hind  leg» 
white,  filly,  by  Dunure  Blend  (11,691),  Vol.  XXV. 

VHSXLL,  AMDBBW,  BarMOleoli,  Newton-Stewart. 

TRIM  OF  BARSALLOCH ;  sire,  Knight  of  EUerslie  (3737), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  72.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  feet  and  ankles,  ooll, 
by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol  XXVI. 

LI£Y  of  BARSALLOCH  (16,209);  sire,  Sir  John  Maxwell 
(9415),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  236.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  feet  and  ankles,  filly,  by  BaroDHon 
(10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

M'GILL,  GEOBOS,   Clialleidi,  Newton-Stewart. 

EVELINA  (14,278) ;  sire,  Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XX VL,  p.  65.)     Additional  produce — 

18th  June,  1905,  bay,  narrow  blase  on  face,  near  hind  ankle  white,  colt,  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  VoU  XIV. 

FOALS.  » 

K^HABO,  OBOROB,  Burwli^Fiy  MmigiMib. 

MARY  KIRKMICHAEL  (15,152);  sire,  Douglas  Jerrold  (6690), 
VoL  XL  (Laat  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  171.)  Additional 
produce — 

1st  June,  1906,  Doon  Pearl,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  forehead,  near  fore  leg 
white,  far  fore  leg  silvery,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028), 

VoL  xxm. 

M11VNB8,  KATTBSW,  Pittenttaui,  Grtoft 

POLLY  OF  PITTENTIAN  (13,520);  sire,  Vanora's  Prince 
(9461),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  61.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg  white,  oolt,  by 
Rerelanta  (11,876),  Vol  XXV. 

MCINTOSH,  AIAXANDXB,  Ore«B]i|]],  Hoarton. 

MINNIE  OF  GREENHILL  (16,213) ;  sire,  Sir  Donald  (10,466), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  238.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  July,  1905,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  one  fore  foot  and  both  hind  legs  white. 


colt,  by  Edwin  Mao  (12.566),  Vol.  XXVII. 

M'lMTSlUB,  JAMBS,  Logftn  Mains,  Ardwell,  Strmnra«r. 

ANNETTE  (12,252);   sire,  Excelsior  (5751),   VoL   X.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  66.)    Additional  produce — 

23rd  April,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  white,  one  hind  foot 
white  imdde,  far  hind  foot  black,  oolt,  by  MarceUos  (11,110),  Vol  XXIIL 

M'SAY,  ABCHZBALD  M.,  Braobaff,  BotbMUiy. 

ROSELEAF  (12,847) ;  sire,  Rosemount  (8953),  Vol.  XIII.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  73.)    Additional  produce — 

8th  Jnly,  1905.  bay,  etripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  pastern  white, 
and  a  little  white  on  off  fore  pastern,  flUy,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

JESS  OF  BRUCHAG  (15,661);  sire.  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  73.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  Mfty,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  wliite. 
fflly,  by  Baron's  Best  (11,697),  Vol.  XXV. 


HACKAT,  H.  M.  B.,  Bnrcle  IiOd«e  Farm, '  B^in. 

FENELI.A  (13,129);  sire,  Barrister  (10,312),  Vol.  XX.     (Laat 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  73.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  dark  browD,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs  up  to  knees 
and  hocks,  colt,  bj  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

M'KAY,  JOHN,  GroMmm  Farm,  Barrhead. 

MISS  TAYLOR  (16,218);   sire,  Sir  Everard  (5363),  Vol.   IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  239.)     Additional  produce — 

16th  June.  1905,  brown,  white   stripe  on  face,   three  white  feet,   Ally,  bj 
Hiawatha  (10,0(>7),  Vol.  XVIII. 

M'KAT,  BOBKRT,  Anobafoiir,  Toward. 

NETTA ;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  near  hind  leg, 
foaled  May,  1895;  bred  by  Peter  Maclntyre  Simpson, 
Eilfinan  Hotel,  Kilfinan ;  property  of  Robert  Mackay, 
Auchafour,  Toward ;  sire.  Toward  Castle  (9863),  Vol.  XVL  ; 
dam,  Mary,  bred  by  Robert  Barr,  Maymore,  by  Damley 
(222),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

20th  April,  1903.  Celtic  Clan  (Vol.  XXVIII.),  black,  white  spot  on  face,  oolt 
(owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837),  VoL  XXII. 

10th  April,  1904,  Bess,  brown,  white  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  The  Keal  Mackay 
<11.968),  Vol.  XXV. 

3rd  May,  1905,  Mayflower,  brown,  white  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Baron's  Crest 
<12,024),  Vol.  XXVI. 

M'KXAN,  JOHN  M.,  Iiomlooh,  Bishopbrlggs. 

LUMLOCH  FANCY  (16,220);  sire,  Moneycorn,  Vol.  XIIL, 
p.  40.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII,  p.  240.)  Additional 
produce — 

2nd  July,  1905,  Lumloch  Marchioneto,  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  and  near  hind 
legs  white,  white  spot  on  belly,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

MlOBICB,  WUililAM,  CarM  of  Trowan,  Criaff. 

BONNIE  JEAN  OF  WOODEND  (13,165);  sire.  Master  Robin 
(8040),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  52.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

20th  May,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

^  2nd  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  white  spot 
on  off  knee,  colt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

xxnii.  FOALS.  86 

.    M'KBNBIB,  AMDBBW,  DttlmonB,  AlaMS. 

LADY  MABEL  (14,690);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VL,  page  67.)     Additional  produce — 

6th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  wbito  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by 
Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 

LADY  FLORA  (15,156);  sire.  Merry  Lad  (9616),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  172.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  July,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by 
Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  VoL  XVIII. 

M*KI8SOGK,  P.,  Olenliaad,  IiMwalt. 

BELL  OF  GLENHEAD  (13,525);  sire,  Darnley's  Hero  (5697), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  74.)  Additional 

lOth  July,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  white  8i)ot  on  belly,  oolt,  by 
MaroeUuB  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

META  OF  GLENHEAD  (16,225);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  ni.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  242.)  Additional 
produce — 

2Gth  May,  1905,  brown,  star  on  face,  three  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Maroelliw 
(11.110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

M'KZTTRIGK,  WILLIAM  A.,  danyard,  I>niiiimore. 

BLUEBELL  (16,227);   sire,  Excelsior  (5751),  Vol.   X.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  242.)     Additional  produce — 

2Dth  June,  1905,  black,  white  face,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  near  hind  ankle 
white,  off  hind  leg  white  to  hock,  colt,  by  Mercutio  (11,481),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BESS  OF  CLANYARD  (16,228);  sire,  Moncreiffe  Marquis 
(9953),  VoL  XVIL.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  242.) 
Additional  produce — 

9th  May,  1905,  bay,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white  half  way  to  hooks,  near  fore 
ankle  white,  colt,  by  Mercutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 


M'MAATXBy  HUGH,  BlAlrlmy,  Port-WIUlam. 

MAGGIE  OF  BLAIRBUY  (9967) ;  sire,  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  455.)    Additional  produce — 

May,  1898,  Nell  of  Shennanton,  brown,  white  Btripe  on  face,  filly  (owned  by 
W.  P.  Laurie,  Shennanton,  Eirkcowan),  hj  Gregor  Maogregor  (6842),  VoL  X. 

HECUBA    (15,506);    sire,    Baron's    Pride   (9122),   Vol.   XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p,  170.)    Additional  produce — 

18th  June,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  outside  of  near  fore  foot  black,  rest  white, 
hind  legs  white  to  hooks,  colt,  by  Alexander  Everard  (11,242),  Vol  XXIV. 

17th  June,  1905,  bay,  small  white  spot  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Argosy 
(11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MllASTKR,  JOHN,  Cnllioni  llaliis,  StranrMr. 

MABEL  OP  CULHORN  (16,232);  sire.  Handsome  Prince 
(10,356),  Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  244.) 
Additional  produce — 

29th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face  and  off  hind  leg,  oolt,  by  FrivoUty  (11,040), 

VoL  xxrfi. 

NANCY  OF  CULHORN  (16,233);  sire,  William  the  Conqueror 
(9093),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  244.) 
Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe  and  hind  legs,  flUy,  by  Meroutio  (11,4S1), 

MliABTBR,  WILLIAM,  Cliallocli,  Ihuraffit. 

DAISY  OF  CHALLOCH  (13,172);  sire.  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
Vol.  L  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XX.,  p.  145.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  June,  1905,  Challooh  Champion,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legB, 
oolt,  by  MarceUus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

FICKLE  FORTUNE  PRINCESS  IIL  (14,166*);  sire,  Cedric 
(1087),  Vol.  II.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  20.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

28th  June,  1906^  GhaUooh  Conqueror,  brown,  star  on  forehead,  white  bind 
pasterns,  oolt,  by  Frivolity  (11,040),  VoL  XXIIL 


JOHN,  Ootlaad,  Wlfftowa. 

BELLE  OF  GOTLAND  (13,944);  sire,  MacDonnott  (6037), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  75.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1904,  PhjUu,  baj,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  fore  ankles  white,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery :  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by 
SUver  Ught  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

M'NAB,  WILLIAM,  Keitbook  House,  Breolilii. 

JESSIE  GAKTLY  (15,161);  sire.  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  174.)     Additional  produce — 

21st  April,  1904,  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  with  four  white  legs  above 
ankles,  filly,  by  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol  XX. 

28th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  down  face,  white  legs  up  to  knees  and  hocks,  filly, 
by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 

M*NAIR,  Mrs.,  Wasteiton,  Bearsdsn. 

MISS  GOODWOOD  (12,564);  sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  76.)    Additional  produce — 

May,  1903,  Dido,  brown,  white  face,  near  hiod  leg  and  off  hind  pastern  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomeiy ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. 

M^KBK,  JOHN,  Alton  House,  Crieff. 

POOR  GIRL  (13,945);  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  76.)    Additional  produce-* 

19th  June,  1906,  lAdy  Ann,  dark  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

MTAGGABT,  JOHN,  CnlBalsHtry,  CMtto-Donglas. 

MAGGIE  OF  CULNAIGHTRY  (14,698);  sire.  Archduke 
(8431),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  174.) 
Additional  produce — 

15th   May,    1904,   Tees,   light  bay,   black   legs,   filly,   by   Argosy  (11,247), 

Vol  xxrv. 

FANNY  OF  BARLOCCO  (14,949);  sire,  Ravenswood  (10,423), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  107.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1906,  dark  bay,  ratch  on  face,  white  on  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  King's 
Cnsst  (11,3a')),  VoL  XXIV. 


MTU&K,  WZI.LIAK  A.,  BarlAe,  Dftlrj,  OiOlowAy. 

FLIRT  (13,176) ;   sire,  WiUiamwood  (8391),   Vol.  XII.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  77.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  July,  1905,  bay,  broad  white  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hooks» 
near  fore  leg  white  to  knee,  ooit,  by  Bathillet  (11,870),  Vol  XXV. 

M'WnxZAM,  JAXEl&y  Stoneytown,  Molben  SO.,  Keith. 

LADY  EVERARD  (13,531);   sire,  Sir  Everard  (6353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  53.)     Additional  produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  bay.  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Frinoe 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

MAXUBB,  ROBBBT,  RedhaU  Fann,  Oargannook. 

NELLY  OF  REDHALL  (15,666) ;  sire.  Gallant  Poteath  (8638), 
Vol  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  222.)  Additional 
produce —  ^ 

2nd  May,  1905,  light  brown,  whire  hind  legs,  near  fore  foot  black,  and  off  one 
white  tip,  colt,  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

MAZB,  JAMX8,  GreenhUl,  WUton,   Lamlngton. 

JESS  OF  JERVISWOOD  (11,766);  sire,  Knight  of  Lothian 
(4489),  Vol.  VIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  23.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

June,  1908,  Black  Bess,  black,  white  stripe  on  forehead,  far  hind  foot  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  Robert  Beith,  BowmsnTiile, 
Ontario),  by  Baron  Briton  (10,678),  Vol.  XXII. 

MAITLAND,  R.  C,   Baltiftlgardy,  ZnTcmrle. 

MISS  BRIGHT  (7592);   sire,  Honour  Bright  (1689),. Vol.  IV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  54.)     Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1904,  Bright  Edward,  brown,  white  band  on  face,  white  lateh  on 
near  fore  and  hind  feet,  off  hind  foot  white  to  hock,  colt,  by  Royal  Edward 
(11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

5th  May,  1905,  Bright  Fortune,  bay,  white  band  on  face,  white  ratch  on  near 
hind  and  fore  feet,  off  fore  foot  white  to  fetlock,  colt,  by  Fortune  Still  (9752), 
Vol.  XVI. 


KATE  OF  THE  GARIOCH  (13,947);  sire,  Darnley's  Hero 
(5697),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  70.)  Addi- 
tional produc< 

4th  June,  19(^,  Kate  Fortune,  light  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVI. 

MANSKLL,  ALBXBT,   CroMrU»,  Ponrlth. 

CROSSRIGG  PANSY  (16,240);  sire,  MacAndrew  (9940), 
Vol.  XVn.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVH.,  p.  246.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  bav,  white  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Solway 
(11,269),  Vol.  XXIV. '     - 

DAISY  OF  CROSSRIGG ;  sire,  B<m7ue  Pnnce,  Vol.  XII.,  p.  407. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  54.)     Additional  produce — 

8th  June,  1906,  CroBsrigg  Lily,  bay,  white  on  face  and  all  four  legs,  filly,  bj 
Sir  Harry  (9411),  Vol.  XIV. 

KANSKROH,  THOBIA8,  Tarn  Oreen,  Newton-ln-GArtmel. 

MAY  FLOWER  (15,671) ;  sire.  May  Duke  (10,089),  Vol.  XVIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX VI.,  p.  224.)     Additional  produce — 

9th  Mar*  1906,  May  Rose,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  foot  white, 
filly,  by  Lord  Nelion  (12,225),  Vol.  XXVL 

ICABB,  JOHN,  Uppermlll,  Tarves,  Aberdeenshire. 

ZEHNETTA  (14,702) ;  sire.  Pandora's  Prince  (10,391),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  54.)     Additional  produce — 

11th  May,  1905,  brown,  blaze  on  face,  fore  fetlocks  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,, 
by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

AIRIES  PANSY  (14,703);  sire.  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  78.)  Additional 
produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  Tarves  Pansy,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  small  mark  on  near  fore 
foot,  near  hind  leg  and  off  hind  fetlock  white,  fiUy,  by  Gaimbogie  Chieftain 
(11,291),  VoL  XXIV. 

DARLING  XVIIL  (16,242);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  247.)  Additional 
produce — 

11th  April,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  fore  fetlocks,  mark  on  near  hind  pastern^ 
and  off  hind  1^  white,  oolt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XX. 


UfAKHWATifi,  H.  B.,  BaeliMi,  Bnnislitoii,  PeebiMddre. 

VIOLET  (13,951) ;  sire,  Baron'a  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  179.)    Additional  produce — 

24th  June,  1901,  fiUj  (dead),  bj  Sir  Thomas  (9681),  Vol.  XV. 

€HALLOCH  DUCHESS  (14,310);  sire,  Macgregor  (U87), 
Vol.  IIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  157.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  July,  1901,  oolt  (castrated),  bj  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

April,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Sir  Brerard's  Last 
<11,534),  Vol.  XXIV. 

12th  April,  1906,  bay,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Baron  Rothschild  (12,039),  VoL  XXVL 

MYOSOTIS  (14,311) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  157.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  June,  1901,  colt  (castrated),  by  Sir  Thomas  (9681),  Vol.  XV. 

June,  1903,  Lily  of  Bachan,  brown,  a  little  white  on  face  and  hind  legs,  fillT 
<owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  IngersoU,  Ontario),  by  Black 
Rod  (10,609),  Vol.  XXI. 

21st  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Comrade  (12,538), 
Vol.  XXVII. 

HEARTEASE  (16,243) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  247.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1904,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
VoL  XIV. 

CHALLOCH  PRINCESS  (16,244);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  248.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1904,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Brunstane  (9977), 
Vol.  XVII. 

17th  May,  1905,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  filly,  by  Knight  of  Airies  (12,199), 
Vol.  XXVI. 

POMONA   (16,328);    sire,   Baron's   Pride   (9122),   Vol.   XIV. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  274.)    Additional  produce — 

June,  1906,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery), 
by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 


MABRWATiTi,  WILLIAH,  IrfMbftrgiis,  Klrkondtelglit. 

PRINCESS  MAY  (15,674);  sire,  Prince  Albert  of  Rosehaugh 
(9357),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII,  p.  78.) 
Additional  produce — 

llih  June,  1906,  dark  bay,  white  face,  fore  feet  and  far  hind  foot  white,  flUy, 
by  Baron'B  Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 

KATHSR,  MAl^THXW,  8llT«rkiiowefl,  DaTldiMtt  •  Mains,  MldlotlilMU 

POLLY  OP  SILVERKNOWES  (15,676);  sire,  Rosario  (9996), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  226.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  June,  1906^  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Mannion  (11,429), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

MARTIN,  STXPHBN,  Low  Warden,  HuTliain. 

SMILER;  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  foaled  April,  1900;  bred  by 
William  Walker,  Abbey  Farm,  St.  Bees,  Cockermouth; 
property  of  Stephen  Martin;  sire,  Damley  Again  (9182),  . 
Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  White  Spot^  bred  by  Messrs.  Mein, 
Burgh-by-Sands,  Cariisle,  by  Brown  Spot  (6661),  Vol.  XI. 
Produce — 

3rd   May,    1905,    bay,    white  face  and  legs,   oolt,  by  Sir  Everest  (10,917), 

MATTHEWS,  A.  B.,  Newton-Stewart. 

ECHO  (14,315);    sire.  Prince  of  Camichan  (8161),  Vol.  XII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  79.)    Additional  produce — 

90th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  feet,  oolt,  by  General  Hunter 
(12,161),  VoL  XXVL 

MATTHEWS,  JAMBS,  Xhmiiiroaele,  bieolu 

BLINK ;  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  foaled  7th  May, 
1893 ;  bred  by  John  A.  Horn,  Brangan,  Portsoy ;  property 
of  James  Matthews ;  sire,  Lord  Montrose  (7973),  Vol.  XII. ; 
dam,  Mayflower,  bred  by  the  late  Lawrence  Drew,  Merryton, 
Hamilton,  sold  at  the  Merryton  Sale  as  a  three  year  old  to 
Mr.  M*Gibbon,  Campbeltown,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  May,  1906,  Pride  of  Drnmrouie.  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
feet,  filly,  by  Hillhead  Chief  (10,774),  VoL  XXIl. 



KATBBWB,  BOBBKT,  Unnii,  Tortliorwidd,  DnmfMas. 

HECUBA  (9900);   sire,  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I.      (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  71.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  May,  1905,  Miw  Pax.  dark  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  fillj,  bv 
Baron  Pax  (12,037),  VoL  XXVI. 

CROWN  IMPERIAL  (12,614);  sire,  Crown  Royal  (4315), 
Vol.  VIIL  (Last  entry,  VoL  XX VII.,  p.  79.)  AdditioiuJ 
produce — 

Iflt  May,  1905,  Imperial  Hood,  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  half  of  near  fore 
fetlook  white,  white  hind  1^^  oolt,  by  Baron  Hood  (11,260),  Vol.  XXIV. 

WOODBINE  (13,222) ;  sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VII.    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  59.)     Additional  produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  Honeysuckle,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Royal 
Edward  (11.495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

WEARDALE  LASS  (13,509) ;  sire,  Bothalhaugh  (6529),  Vol.  XI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXII.,  p.  50.)    Additional  produce — 

12th  June,  1906,  Proud  Edward,  bay,  white  faoe,  two  far  legs  white,  oolt,  \fj 
Boyal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PEGGY  LINNS  (15,677);  sire.  Crown  Them  All  (9517), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  226.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  June,  1905,  Johnny  Pax,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  two  legs  white, 
oolt,  by  Baron  Pax  (12,037),  VoL  XXVI. 

BSATTHKWB,  W.  *  J.,  MoorlioaM,  Carlitle. 

SALLY ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled 
1895;  bred  by  Jeremiah  Gaite,  Powhiil,  Kirkbride; 
property  of  W.  &  J.  Matthews;  sire,  Cawder  (7568), 
Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Sally,  bred  by  Benjamin  Smith,  Langlands- 
head,  Kirkbride,  Cariisle,  by  Lord  Eskdale  (2963),  Vol.  VI 
Produce — 

May,  1903,  Ophelia,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  h  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Lothian  Moss- 
trooper (10,375),  VoL  XX. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  98 

UBS,   Ux,,  Fortlssit,  81i«tt8. 

MISSIE;  foaled  28th  May,  1890;  bred  by  John  Cooper, 
CoUielaw,  Lanark ;  sire,  M*Cuaig  (8802),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam, 
Lily,  bred  by  R.  H.  Walker,  Hartwood,  West  Calder, 
owned  by  Alex.  Clark,  Todlaw,  by  Gay  Wyndham  (6778), 
Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Baldie.     Produce — 

June,  1902,  Jeanie  Shaw,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W. 
MoDtgomerr;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Thomas  (9681), 
Vol  XV. 

MWKTtlC,  JOHN,  Cralgite,  ClAoknuuuuui. 

LADY  ORLANDO  (15,678);    sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  226.)     Additional  produce — 

19th  May,  1906,  Dainty,  brown,  white  on  face,  filly,  by  Baron  Briton  (10,678), 
Vol.  XXII. 

MAY  ROSE  (15,679);  sire,  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  227.)  Additional 

22nd  July,  1905,  Lady  Marie,  brown,  white  on  face,  three  feet  white,  near  fore 
foot  black,  fUly,  by  Baron  o'  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JESS'  LAST  (15,680);  sire.  Last  of  the  Princes  (9568), 
Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  227.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  Ihlay,  1904,  Jennie,  dark  brown,  white  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Dunure  (11,827),  VoL  XXIV. 

4th  May,  1905,  Beauty,  dark  brown,  white  on  f aoe,  four  white  feet,  fiUy,  by 
The  Dean  (10,937),  Vol.  XXII. 

PEARL  (15,681);   sire,  The  Most  Noble  (10,657),  Vol.  XXL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  227.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1904,  Lord  Kinross,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  black,  other 
feet  white,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton-Stewart),  by  Labori  (10,791), 

15th  July,  1905,  St.  Swithin,  bay,  stripe  on  fnoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by 
Lsbori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXIL 


MBlKfig,  THOBCAS,  KsrpMwaterhoad,  Lanmaliagaw. 

MISSIE  OF  KYPES  (14,709);  sire,  Lord  Wolseley  (9577), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  177.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  Lady  Meikle,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  lea- 
white  half  up  to  hocks,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  James  Watson,  Chalkieside,  Mumd- 
burgh ;  (2)  W.  S.  Park ;  (3)  0.  B.  Eaid,  Simooe,  Ontario),  by  FrivoUty  (U,040), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

MgTKT.lCllff,  J.  *  W.,  Begff,  Klrkealdy. 

LADY  SUMMIT  (13,960);  sire.  The  Summit  (9442),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  79.)     Additional  produce — 

April,  1905,  roan,  star  on  face,  black  legs,  colt,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL 

MBNNIX,  ALKXANDXR  MACG.,  Brawlaadknowes,  Oarttr. 

GAltTLY  FORECAST  (16,251);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262)^ 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  250.)  .Additional 
produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  Grartly  Standard,  brown,  white  face,  fore  legs  and  off  hind 
leg  white,  colt,  by  Everiasting  (11,831),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MSNZIXS,  W.  M.,  Colts,  GasOe-KaimedF. 

MABEL  IL  OF  CULTS  (14,323) ;  sire,  William  the  Conqueror 
(9093),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  80. > 
Additional  produce — 

lOth  May,  1905,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  white  ankles,  filly,  by  Maroellus  (11,110)^ 
Vol.  XXIII. 

COMELY  (15,178);    sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XaVIL,  p.  80.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  ankle  white,  oolt,  by^ 
FrivoUty  (11,040),  Vol.  XXIII. 

VIOLETTA  OF  CULTS  (16,253);  sire,  Springhill  Baron 
(10,652),  Vol.  XXI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p,  251.). 
Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,   brown,  face  and  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Maroellus  (11,110),. 
Vol.  XXIII. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  9^ 

lOBBSON,  JOHK,  BlilUil]],  Gartly. 

MAID  OF  HONOUR  (15,688);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8161),  Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  81.) 
Additional  produce — 

loth  May,  1906,  Favonrite  Maid,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  spot  on  top  of 
nev  shoulder,  off  fore  leg  white  to  knee,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Boyal 
Favourite  (10,630).  Vol.  XXI. 

MZDDXiXMAS,  BOBXBT  C,  AaohenamM,  MlUlken  Park. 

KATE  KYLE  (12,808) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (U87),  Vol.  III.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  117.^     Additional  produce — 

19th  July,  1903,  Minnie,  brown,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid,. 
Slmcoe,  Ontario),  by  Clan  Ghattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

BIXLLi,  PKTXR,  AolMoratMter,  Tbnrao. 

BLACON  PRINCESS  (15,273);  sire,  Prince  Pleasing  (10,259*),. 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  209.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1904,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt  (owned  by  A.  k  W^ 
Montgomery),  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

13th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  feet,  fiUy,  by  Prince- 
Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIII. 

MILNK,  JOHN,  KalBS  of  WlUlAmston,  Inaoh. 

ROSE  OF  AUCHNACLOICH  (16,263) ;  sire.  Thane  of  Cawdor 
(5388),  Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  254.) 
Additional  produce — 

2iid  May,  1905,  Baron  Boyal,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  1^  black,  hind 
legs  white  half  up  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Baron  Buby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LOTTIE  (16,264);   sire.  Gold  Mine  (9540),  Vol.  XV.      (Last 
entry.  Vol.  aXVIL,  p.  254.)    Additional  produce — 

2Sth  April,  1905,  Lauretta,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  and  hind  legs  whit» 
half  np  to  knees  and  hocks,  filly,  by  Baron  Buby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MXNTOy  W.  R.,  Crondaoe  House,  Fenoe  Houses. 

TRILBY  (13,967);  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  82.)     Additional  produce — 

Ist  Biarch,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white  half  way  to  hocks^ 
filly,  by  Clydesdale  Stamp  (11,660),  Vol.  XXV. 


LINNET  (13,968);  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  73.)     Additional  produce — 

5th  Jan.,  1906,  bay.  white  stripe  on^ace,  hind  feet  and  paatema  white,  fiUj,  bj 
Oay  Boy  (11.722),  Vol.  XXV. 

NELLIE  (14,328) ;  sire,  Cambo  (10,322),  Vol.  XX.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  82.)     Additional  produce— 

12th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  a  little  white  on  inside  of  far  hind  coronet, 
any,  by  Clydesdale  Stamp  (11,6G0),  Vol.  XXV. 

BENA  (14,327);    sire,  Sir  Thomas   (9681),  Vol.   XV.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  82.)     Additional  produce — 

3rd  June,  1905,  bay,  face,  and  hind  legs  white  half  up  to  hooka,  colt,  by 
Clydesdale  Stamp  (11,660),  Vol.  XXV. 

BEATRICE    (14,329);    sire,   Castlereagh   (10,324),   Vol.    XX, 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  82.)    Additional  produce  — 

16th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  filly,  by  Clydesdale  Stamp  (11,660), 
Vol.  XXV. 

DOLLY  OF  CROUDACE  (15,182) ;  sire,  Londonderry  (7934), 
Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  181.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  Mav,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  and  hind  fetlocks  white,  colt,  by  Gay 
Boy  aiJ22),  VoL  XXV. 

NECKLACE ;  sire,  Cmspiracy,  Vol.  XVIIL,  p.  52.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  82.)     Additional  produce— 

12th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white  half  way  to  bocks,  ftUy,  by 
Clydesdale  Stamp  (11,660),  Vol.  XXV. 

MINTYy  JAMBS  D.,  Sklllymamo,  Strtehen. 

ROSE  OF  SKILLYMARNO;  brown,  white  face,  hind  logs 
white,  foaled  20th  April,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  D.  Minty,  Skillymarno,  Strichen;  sire,  M'Camon's 
Erskine  (9941),  Vol.  XVIL ;  dam,  Bessie,  bred  by  Mr. 
Catto,  Bogengarry,  Ardallie,  Cruden,  by  Baron  Erskine 
(5519),  Vol.  XV.;  gr.-dam,  by  justice  (1165),  VoL  IL 
Produce — 

21st  May,  1903,  Lady  Lovat,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  ankle 
white,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  Alexander  Burr,  Tolloford ;  (2)  J.  R.  Johnston,  Spring- 
ford,  Ontario,  Cauada),  by  Mains  of  Aides  (10,379),  YoL  XX. 

jcxviii.  FOALS.  97 

mrOHBUi,  AMDBXWy  Baroliotfkta,  KirkoadlHrlglit. 

BET  OF  BARCHESKIE  (13,970);  sire,  M^Meekan  (9600), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  82.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  forehand  near  hind  ankles 
white,  far  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

BRENDA  VII.  OF  BARCHESKIE  (14,330);  sire,  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  83.) 
Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1906,  browD,  white  face,  near  fore  ankle  and  far  fore  and  hind  legs 
white,  white  patch  on  belly,  filly,  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PRINCESS  OF  GALLOWAY  IL  (14,715);  sire,  Macgregor 
(1487),  Vol.  III.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  83.) 
Additional  produce — 

24th  ICay,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt, 
by  King's  Crest  (11,385),  VoL  XXTV. 

QUEEN  MARGARET  OiP  BARCHESKIE  (14,716);  sire, 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL, 
p.  83.)    Additional  produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  fore  ankles  and  near  hind  leg  white,  colt, 
by  Baron^B  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

DUCHESS  OF  BARCHESKIE  (16,268);  sire.  Prince  Shapely 
(10,111*),  Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  256.) 
Additional  produc< 

9th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  ankle  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

MITCHBLL,  A.  *  W.,  IrfMh^,  Plttenweem,  Flfo. 

NELLIE  OF  LOCHTY  (13,542) ;  sire.  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  73.)    Additional  produce — 

BCay,   1905,  brown,  small  white  spot  on  face,  colt,   by  St.  Elmo  (12,345), 
"  XXVI. 


MISSIE   (15,694);    sire,   Macgregor   (1487),   Vol.   IIL      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  232.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  flUy,  by  Chamberlain  Joe 
<12,<W2),  VoL  XXVL 



MITCIULL,  OKOBCn,  Brozlmni  #Mrk,  BroaAom. 

PRINCESS  OP  STRATHBROCK  (14,332);  sire,  Prince  Alex- 
ander (8899),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  163.) 
Additional  produce — 

11th  Jane,  1904,  Darling,  brown,  gtripe  on  l^e,  white  feet,  fillj,  by  Lothian 
Tom  (11,811),  VoL  XXV. 

MITCHKLL,  aira»,  Kewton,  Marlrinoli. 

MARY  OF  MARKINCH  (13,198);  sire,  Old  Tower  (3042), 
Vol.  VI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XX.,  p.  152.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  ICay,  1898,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  6n  face,  one  hind  leg  white,  filly 
(owned  by  W.  Clark,  Netherlee,  Oathoart),  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  VoL  XI. 

MOFFAT,  OAVXN,  Xulrliad,  Palnnre,  Ckilloway. 

MALLIE  (14,719);   sire,  St  Blais^  (3987),  Vol.  VII.      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  83.)    Additional  produce — 

*  2nd  June,  1906,  bay.  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  half  fore  pastern 
white,  flUy,  by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 

BELL  OF  MUIRFAD  (16,271);  sire,  Petruchio  (9967), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  257.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  June  1905,  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white,  filly,  by 
Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MOFFAT    BOBS&T  ■.,  CiunmenidAlo,  Amiaii. 

DARLING ;  bay,  white  face,  a  little  white  on  both  hind  legs, 
foaled  June,  1897;  bred  by  Joseph  Japies,  Hollybush, 
Eirkbampton ;  property  of  Robert  E.  Moffat;  sire,  Prince 
of  Elgin  (9646),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Polly,  bred  by  Joseph 
James,  by  Charmer  (2014),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by 
Mr.  Dobinson,  Cummersdale,  Annan.     Produce — 

]^y,  1903,  Jessie  Moffat,  bay,  white  face,  white  on  all  four  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Russell,  Ontario),  by  Royal 
Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

xxYiii.  FOALS.  99 

MOMTGOIIXRT,  A.  *  W.,  M««liMr]udl  aad  Bwdu,  nrkondtalght. 

DUKINA  (12,486);  sire,  Prince  of  Fashion,  Vol.  XIL,  p.  361. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  59.)    Additional  produce — 

UftT,  1905^  black,  white  face,  little  white  on  off  fore  boofhead,  hind  legs  white» 
filly,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  YoL  XIV. 

CAILLIACH  (14,970);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  84.)    Additional  produce — 

14th  Hay,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 

FAVOURITE  (15,165);  sire.  Prince  Resemblance  (10,260*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXV.,  p.  175.)  Additional 
produce — 

July,  1903k  FAir  Maid,  bay,  white  face,  hind  logs  and  off  fore  leg  white,  fllly 
(H.B.,  W.  A.  M'Turk,  Barlae,  owned  by  Professor  Cumming,  Hslifaz,  K.S.), 
by  Prince  Shapely  (10,lll*),  Vol.  XVIH. 

Favov/riU  U  now  dead. 

FORTUNE  (15,191);   sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  183.)    Additional  produce — 

16th  Blay,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron*s  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. 

KONTOOimtT,  JOHN,   Compstoiiaiitf,  Twsrnbolm  B.B.O. 

BLACON  FASHION  (15,703) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI,,  p.  234.)    Additional  produce — 

29Ui  Jnne,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  fllly,  by  Baron  Mitchell 
(10,688).  Vol.  XXII. 

KOSEY  OF  COMPSTONEND  (16,273^;  sire,  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  257.) 
Additional  produce — 

20lh  April,  1905,  Peach  Blossom,  bay,  white  faoe,  fore  feet  white,  hind  legs 
white  up  to  hocks,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Graham  Bros., 
Claremont,  Ontario),  by  Majestic  (11,421),  VoL  XXIV. 



MONTaOMXRY,   WZLLZAM,  BamonMli,  Gastto-DofnslM. 

DIAMOND  (14,732);  sire,  Goldenberry  (2828),  Vol.  VI.    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  184.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1906,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  hind  feet  and  far  fore  foot  white,  oolt, 
by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

KONTBOCOB,  His  Grace  The  DUKX  OF,  K.T.,  ▲.D.C.,  BnoliABaB 

Caetle,  Drymen. 

QUEEN  ANNE  II.  (11,463);  sire,  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  61.)     Additional  produce — 

3lBt  May,  1904,  Princess  Crathome,  bay,  white  face,  both  hind,  near  fore  leg, 
and  off  fore  fetlock  white,  fiUy,  by  Crathome  (11,669),  Vol.  XXV. 

KOBX,  JOHN,  Fordhead,  Kippen. 

JEAN  OP  FORDHEAD  (13,205);  sire.  Lord  Albion  (6950), 
Vol.  XL  (Lafit  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  85.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1905,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  The  Dean 
(10,937),  VoL  XXII. 

JEANIE  OARTLY  (14,726);  sire.  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  85.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1906,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Montrave  Ronald 
(11,121),  VoL  XXIII. 

BELL  OP  PORDHEAD  (15,707);  sire,  Abbotsleigh  (9703), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  86.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Montrave 
Ronald  (11.121).  Vol.  XXIII. 

MOBGAN,  JAMSS,  Bowhonae,  Allea. 

ROSIE  OP  BOWHOUSE;  bay,  hind  legs  and  one  fore  leg 
white,  foaled  1888 ;  bred  by  John  Lang,  The  Bield,  Gar- 
gunnock;  property  of  James  Morgan;  sire,  Portune  Still 
(9752),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Mysie,  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Bums, 
of  Rosehaugh,  Doune,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam, 
by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

15th  April,  1904,  Alloa  Lad  (12,801),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  white  face,  near  hind 
leg  white,  colt  (owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475), 
Vol.  XX. 

xxvin.  FOALS,  101 

K0KI80N,  AUEZANIXBB  O.,  Conkle,  Banfl: 

LADY  MENNIE  (13,979);  sire,  Prince  of  Cathcart  (8915), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  86.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  Jnne,  1906,  brown,  oolt  (died  6th  July,  1905),  by  EyerlaBtmg  (11,331), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

MOBBIBON,  ABCfffRAT.P,  Grmlffborooli,  RotlMMj. 

TIBBIE;   sire.  General  Lockhart   (10,558),  Vol.   XXI.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  86.)    AdditioniJ  produce — 

iBt  July,  1905,  Highland  Blend,  bay,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white  to  hpoka,  a 
Utile  on  fore  knees,  oolt,  by  Boyal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 

HOBISON,  JA1KB8  O.,  Ttppertj,  Banff. 

DALL  (10,047);  sire.  Black  General  alias  Young  Marshall 
(1954),  Vol.  V.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  481.  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

2iid  May,  1892,  Black  Bess  of  CulTie,  blaok,  filly,  by  Lord  Montraie  (7973), 
Vol  XII. 

DUFF  (10,048);  sire.  Saint  Fumack  (735),  VoL  L     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XIII.,  p.  481.)     Additional  produce — 

3rd  June,  1897,  Duff  II.,  black,  white  points  behind,  fiUy,  by  Sir  Morell 
Mackenzie  (9416),  VoL  XIV. 

Dui  and  Duff  11.  cUed  in  1904. 

JESS  OF  CULVIE  (16,274);  sire,  Ardnacraig  (4812),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  258.)    Additional  produce — 

IGth  May,  1896,  Love  of  Cnlvie,  brown,  with  grey  hairs,  flUy,  by  Sir  Everard 
(5858),  Vol  IX. 

MOBBIBON,  WniMAM,  Hnnmurt,  Blrnle. 

BUTE ;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white, 
foaled  18lh  May,  1892 ;  bred  by  James  E.  Colvin,  Wester 
Manbeen,  Elgin;  property  of  William  Morrison,  Hillhead, 
Bimie;  sire,  Ardnacraig  (4812),  Vol.  IX.;  dam,  Sally, 
bred  by  James  E.  Colvin,  by  MacNab  (3824),  Vol.  VII. ; 
gr.-dam,  Dal,  bought  at  Falkirk  Tryst  in  1873  from  Mr.  • 
Edgeley.     Produce — 

May,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  foot  white,  flUy,  by  Pride  of 
Airiei  (11,454),  VoL  XXIV. 


MOBTOK,  JOBN,  AvlAlirlel^  Wldtborn. 

MAKY  HANNAH  (16,280);  sire,  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XI 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  259.)    Additional  produce— 

]2fch  May,  1906,  Luoy  Gray,  black,  white  star  on  forehead,  a  little  white  on 
near  iote  ankle,  white  hind  ankles,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  VoL  XXIV. 

MORTON,  Mm.,  HalBS  Farm,  I>iimbartoiL 

BELL  OF  MAINS ;  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
1896;  bred  by  and  property  of  Mrs.  Morton,  Mains  Farm, 
Dumbarton ;  sire,  Prince  of  Oarthland  (9828),  VoL  XVI. ; 
dam,  Madam,  bred  by  Donald  MacNab,  Duchlage,  Loss,  by 
The  Abbot  (1320),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

190S,  Miss  MaoDouzall,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  small  white  mark  on 
outside  of  near  fore  Teg,  flUy  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Beo* 
frew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Pronse,  IngersoU,  Ontario),  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  VoL  XIIL 

HOUBRAT,  JOHN  J.,  Naamoor,  Biimblliiff  Bridga. 

MONA  n.  (14,731);  sire,  Prince  of  Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIIL 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  87.)    Additional  produce — 

14th  April,  1905,  Mona  IV.,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  and  one  fore 
foot  white,  filly,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

KUIB,  JOHN,  Bamlillltmi,  New  Galloway. 

LADY  BETTY  (16,281);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  260.)    Additional  produce — 

22nd  June,  1905,  Eva,  brown,  white  hind  legs,   filly,  by  Mao  of  Newfield 
(12.6e7)»  Vol.  XXVII. 

MUXBi  JOHN,  Loebnaw  Home  Fann,  Straaraer. 

LOTHIAN  PRINCESS  (16,282);  sire.  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
VoL  XIX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  260.)  Additional 
produce — 

1st  June,   1905,   Princess   Marianna,   brown,   white  scratch  on  face,  white 
fetlocks,  filly,  by  MaiceUus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIIL 

MUm,  WALTSB,  CbapelhlU,  Herrlok. 

DLA.MOND  (14,732) ;  sire,  Goldenberry  (2828),  VoL  VI.    (Last 
entry,  VoL  XXlV.,  p.  184.)    Additional  produce- 
July,  1903,  Emerald,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  ankle  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Professor  Gumming,  Halifax, 
N.S.),  by  Sturdy  Eoyal  (11,969),  VoL  XXV. 

xxvm.  FOALS,  103 

MUIBBXAB,  K.  C,  Halleroft,  Conook,  Dtfbeattto. 

URSULA  (13,985);  sire,  Flashwood'a  Best  (9211),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  62.)     Additional  produce — 

15th  Mftj,  1906,  browxL,  stripe  oa  face,  three  white  feet,  one  black  foot,  oolt, 
by  Baron's  Chief  (10,971),  Vol.  XXIII. 

MUmtO,  KENNSTH,  Tulllifli,   Knnloeliy. 

LILY  OF  MUNLOCHY  (15,709);  sire,  MacEachran  (9792), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  236.)  Additional 
prodace — 

3rd  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  The 
Factor  (10,469),  VoL  XX. 

KUKDOOH,  JAMSS,  0«rtoral«,  Shettleston. 

CHRYSTALINA  (15,200);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  76.)     Additional  produce — 

27th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  pasterns,  colt,  by  Baron's 
Best  (11,597).  Vol.  XXV. 

MONTRAVE  WINSOME  (15,711);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  237.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

16th  July,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  pasterns  white,  fiUy, 
by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

MX7BRAY,  Colonel  (tbe  late),  Polmalse,  Stirling. 

NELLY  MOIR ;  sire,  Jordanshaw  r3343V  Vol.  VI.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXV.,  p.  61.)    Additional  produce — 

April,  1903,  Lady  Murray,  brown,  dark  points,  small  star  on  forehead,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  h  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  Wm.  Meharey,  Bnssell,  Ontario),  by 
Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

KUBBAY,  JAKXS  F.,  Loltllo,   Metglo. 

BET  OF  LEITFIE  (16,284);  sire,  Darward  Lely  (9900), 
VoL  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  261.)  Additional 
produce — 

lit  Jane,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Enigma 
(10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 


mnt&AY,  JOHN,  MvniiiMrton,  TbornMIl,  8tlrllii«. 

VICTORIA  II.  (13,988) ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  88.)    Additional  produce — 

7th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  bv  Marmion 
(11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NSZL80N,  WILLIAM,  Halning  Valley,  LinUtligow. 

NANCY  OF  HAINING  VALLEY  (14,736);  sire.  Prince 
Wyben  (9364),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  77.) 
Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  foot  and  ankle  white^ 
Ally,  bj  Drumflower  (10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 

DARLING  OF  HAINING  VALLEY  (14,737) ;  sire,  Sir  Eveiard 
(5353),  Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  89.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

April,    1905,    bay,    stripe   on   face,    filly,    by    Gallant  Oarruchan   (12,581),. 
Vol.  XXVII. 

BLACK  PRINCESS  (14,747);  sire,  Vanora's  Prince  (9461), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  89.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  black,  white  face,  little  white  on  near  fore  foot,  hind  l^^  whiter 
colt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184).  Vol.  XXIII. 

NXLSON,  JOHN,  Thombarrow  Farm,  Penrltli. 

FANNY  OF  THORNBARROW  (15,204) ;  sire.  Baron  o'  Threave 
(3403),  Vol.  VIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  77.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

April,  1905,  dark  brown,  no  white,  filly,  by  Marksman  (11,427),  Vol.  XXIV. 

POLLY  OF  THORNBARROW  (15,205);  sire,  Forest  Hera 
(9529),  Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  78.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

May,  1905,  Baron  Nelson,  bay,  white  face,  small  white  patch  on  oif  fore  foot, 
white  patch  on  near  fore  leg,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Solway  (11,369)». 

xxvni.  FOALS.  106 

MXSBITT,  T.,  IbMNttU  VMrm,  Wltton-le-Weftr  A.8.O. 

SWALLOW  (13,556);  sire,  King  Lawrence  (4475),  Vol.  VIIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  78.)     Additional  produce — 

1st  June,  1905,  chestnut,   white  stripe  on  face,  fillj,  by  Prince  Regent — 

SALLY  MACNEIL  (15,716);  sire,  Lord  Wolseley  (9577), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  238.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  white,  colt,  by  Prince 
Regent— Riddeirs. 

mess,   CHABLSS  J.,  CalroMle  Mains,  Nlgg  Statloa,  BoMHdiln. 

CALROSSIE  MABEL  (15,718);  sire,  Balmedie  Sage  (9878), 
Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  89.)  Additional 
produce — 

14th  April,  1906,  dark  bay,  white  face,  white  splatches  on  front  of  aU  four  legs^ 
filly,  by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 

NICHOLSON,  WILLZAM,  BomMe,  Klrkondlirlglit. 

KATE  OF  ARNBRAE  (12,286);  sire,  Scottish  Pearl  (2949), 
VoL  VI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  89.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  June,  1906.  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  VoL  XIV. 

MAGGIE  OF  BLAWQUHAIRN  (13,107);  sire,  King  of  the 
Forest  (1170),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  62.) 
Additional  produce — 

16th  July,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  Romeo 
(11,266),  Vol.  XXIV. 

KATE  OF  BOMBIE  (13,220);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  VoL  UL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p,  78.)    Additional  produce — 

30th  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  spot  on  off  fore 
pMtem,  filly  (owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomeiy),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
VoL  XIV. 


ROSIE  OF  BOMBIE  (13,559);  sire,  Maccregor  (1487),  Vol.  IE. 
(Last  eatry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  90.)     Additional  produce— 

27tb  ADril,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  6Uj,  by  Majestic  (11^421), 

Vol.  A.JL1  T. 

BOMBIE  LILY  (14,346) ;  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XaVIL,  p.  90.)    Additional  produce — 

19th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Majestic 

(11,421),  Vol.  xxrv. 

NICOIi,  WILLIAM,  Gaadiurtoii,  Inaob. 

JEAN  OF  CARINSTON  (16,288);  sire.  Royal  Alexander  (9997), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  262.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  First  Choice,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  two  white  feet,  oolt,  by 
Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NISBXT,  JABCBS,  Lambden,  Qreenlaw. 

MAY  OF  LAMBDEN  (12,287);  sire,  Briglands  (4269), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  79.)  Additional 
produce — 

12th  April,  1905,  Polly,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  pasterns,  filly,  b> 
Boreland  Pride  (10.318),  Vol.  XX. 

NOBTHUIEBSRLAND,  K.O.,  DUKB  OF,  Alnwtok  GMlle,  Alnwtok. 

LOTHIAN  QUEEN  (12,163);  sire,  Lothian  King  (6985), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  65.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  May,  1906,  Lothian  Lady,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  logs,  filly, 
by  Crusader  (9178),  Vol.  XL 

MOLLY  OF  ALNWICK  (15,721);  sire,  Dunbeth  (4977), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  91.)  Additional 
produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  Mabel,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  fore  feet  and  hind  legs  white 
filly,  by  Crusader  (9178),  Vol  XL 

xrviii.  FOALS.  107 

O'lmLL,  WZLUAM,  Ktaaealy  Honae,  XalAliido,  Go.  DaVUn. 

CAMILLA  (15,723^;    sire,   Baron's  Pride  (9122),   Vol.   XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  240.)    Additional  produce — 

nth  May,  1904,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (dead),  by  Fortane  TeUer 
{11,340),  VoL  XXIV. 

May,  1905,  blaok,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Fortune  Teller  (11,340), 


hy,  i^fuo 

MONTRAVE  KITTIWAKE  (15,726) ;  sire,  Macgrogor  (1487), 
VoL  IIL  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  241.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1904,  Miu  O'Neill,  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  white  spot  on  near 
>re  foot,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Mo 
Ontario),  by  Fortune  Teller  (11,340),  Vol. 

vuuc,    A«rv-x,    ««wa    V  x<i«7U^    u»j,     >*>uv«    *ow«,,    num.»    u..uu  *^»,    <Tau*»    w,yw  wm    •«««> 

fore  foot,  fiUy  (owned  by  (I)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 

-*     -  1.  ::mv. 

OVXNS,  WALTER,  Tonr,  Cttrtle-DoiislMi. 

LILY  OF  TORR  (15,729) ;  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600),  VoL  XV. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XX VII.,  p.  91.)    Additional  prodace — 

19th  June,  1905,  brown,  blase  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

DARLING  VL  (16,294);  sire,  Prince  Attractive  (10,250*), 
VoL  XIX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  263.)  Additional 
produce — 

24th  April,  1905,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  hind  leg  and  pastern  white,  white 
spot  on  top  of  near  fore  hoof,  filly,  by  King's  Crest  (11,385),  VoL  XXIV. 

PAPS,  JOHN,  BIrkbF,  Iforyport. 

FANNY  OF  SEAVILLE  (15,732);  sire.  Forest  Hero  (9529), 
VoL  XV.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  243.)  Additional 
prodace — 

4th  May,  1905,  Daisy  of  Birkby,  bay,  white  faoe,  far  hind  pastern  white,  near 
hind  pastern  partly  white,  filly,  by  Attractive  Prince  (11,590),  VoL  XXV. 

PABK,  WALTKB  B.,  Battoa,   Bldiopton. 

HATTON  POLLY  (10,079);  sire,  Belted  Knight  (1395), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p,  92.)  Additional 
prodace — 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  fsoe,  one  fore  and  both  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Boyal  Chattan  (11,489),  Vol.  XXIV. 




KATE  PARK  (13,007);  sire,  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  66.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Boyal  Chattan  (11,489), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

PARK,  WILLIAM,  BnmsfeaiM,  Portobello. 

LADY  ROSE;  sire,  Royal  Mail  (7219),  Vol.  XL     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  92.)    Additional  produce— 

23th  May,  1906,  brown,  white  faoe,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Prinoe  of  Bmn> 
Btane  (9977),  VoL  XVH. 

LADY  HELEN  (15,214);  sire.  Lord  Stewart  (10,084), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  92.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  March.  1905,  Marmora,  light  brown,  white  faoe,  white  hind  feet,  fiUy,  by 
Marmion  (11,429),  VoL  XXIV. 

FLORADORA  (16,295);  sire.  Prince  of  Brunstane  (9977), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  264.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  June,  1905,  Baronora,  black,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron*a 
Pride  (9122).  Vol.  XIV. 

PATS,  BOBBBT,  Draflan,  Timmaliagow. 

BELL  OF  DRAFF  AN  (13,229) ;  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  VoL  XXL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  Xx.,  p.  161.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1902,  Draffan  Belle,  bay,  face  and  three  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  off 
fore  pastern,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  FUit. 
Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Royal  OharUe  (11,488),  VoL  XXIV. 

PATBB80N,  OBOBOX  B.,  Dnnnallifn,  Tluuikertoa. 

DARLING  (16,216);  sire,  Barrister  (10,312),  VoL  XX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  191.)    Additional  produce — 

June,  1903,  Gtom,  brown,  faoe  and  hind  pasterns  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Acme  (1(>,485)» 
Vol.  XXI. 


PATIBBON,  JOHN,  WMtar  Fi«w,  Ktppen  Statton. 

WHINNIE  BLOSSOM  (15,217);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  92.)  Additional 
produce — 

21st  May,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  feefe,  off  fore  foot  black,  filly 
(owned  by  Stephen  Mitchell,  of  Boquhan,  Klppen),  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard 
(10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

JEAN  OF  WESTER  FREW  (15,218);  sire,  Royal  Gartly 
(9844),  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  81.) 
Additional  produce — 

2Gth  June,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  off  hind  foot  brown,  oolt,  by 
Bahoaedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

PATXB80N,   KOBIBT,  BUI  of  0rlp,  Bttrllnc. 

PEGGY  OF  HILL  OF  DRIP  (15,733);  sire,  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  92.) 
Additional  produce — 

7th  Jane,  1905.  brown,  white  face,  white  underlip,  white  mark  on  front  of  off 
fore  leg,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Boyal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

JUBILEE  MAID  (15,734);  sire.  Queen's  Herald  (9379), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  244.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  May,  1905,  bay.  white  mark  on  face,  white  on  near  fore  and  near  hind 
puterns,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  VoL  XX. 

BET  OF  DRIP  (15,735);  sire.  Captain  Alexander  (10,175), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  93.)  Additional 
produce — 

10th  June,  1906,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  fiUy,  by  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 

NORA  OF  DRIP  (16,297);  sire.  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
VoL  XIX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  265.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  April,  1905,  brown,  white  pear-shaped  mark  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white, 
-oolt,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX. 


PATON,  BOBBRT,  Mains  «r  AlrlM,  Stnaraer. 

AIEIES  MAGGIE;  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  off  fore 
pastern  white,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  Ist  June,  1897 ; 
bred  by  N.  MacMillan,  The  Knowe,  Kirkconnel ;  property 
of  Robert  Paton,  Mains  of  Aides,  Stranraer ;  sire,  Prince 
Gladen  (9818),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Jean,  bred  by  N.  MacMillan, 
by  Stirling  Bridge  (7287),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  bought  in 
Campbeltown,  by  N.  MacMillan.     Produce — 

28th  April,  1903,  bUtok,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt  (owned  by  D. 
Bidden,  BlaokhaU,  Paialey),  by  Big  Barr  (10,d86),  Vol.  XXIII. 

iBt  May,  1904,  Airies  Jean,  blaok,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Bi^ 
Barr  (10,986),  Vol.  XXIII. 

15th  May,  1905,  Maggie  II.,  blaok,  white  stripe  down  faoe,  four  white  lega^ 
filly,  by  Big  Barr  (10,9^),  Vol.  XXUL 

PAUL,  JAKXS,  Walton,  LliiUti«ow, 

ROSE  OF  CARNOCK  (7720);  sire.  Prince  Charlie  (634), 
Vol.  I.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  62.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1902,  Rose  of  Walton,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  off  fore  leg  white  to 
knee,  both  hind  legi  white  round  hoofheads,  filly,  by  Tarn  o'  Shanter  (12,387). 
Vol.  XXVI. 

PXACOCK,  JOHN  T.,  Low  Newport  rarm,  Sllksworth,  Sunderlmiid. 

QUEEN  MARY  (14,360);  sire,  Scottish  Crown  (9851),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  68.)     Additional  produce — 

7th  April,  1905,  King  Harrv,  black,  white  stripe  down  faoe,  fore  legs  blade, 
near  hind  leg  white,  and  far  hind  pastern  white,  oolt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,164), 

PBNDRBZOH,  OBOBOB,  Dalhonslo,  BonayrtSK- 

LINNET  (11,574);  sire.  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  X!XVI.,  p.  82.)    Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  roan,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas'  Pride  (12,294), 
Vol.  XXVI. 

KATE  OF  RINGSIDE  (14,757);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  nL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  191.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  May,  19a5,  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  lege  white,  filly,  by  FnU  of  Pride 
(12,151),  Vol.  XXVI. 


NELLY  OF  RINGSIDE  (14,759);  sire,  Ormonde  (7092), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  94).  Additional 
produce — 

16th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  colt,  by  Prince  Thomae'  Pride  (12,294), 

MYSIE  OF  RINGSIDE  (14,760);  sire,  Ormonde  (7092), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  94.)  Additional 
produce — 

8th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  l^s  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas* 
Pride  (12.  294),  VoL  XXVI. 

JESS  OF  RINGSIDE  (14,762);  sire,  Prince  of  Brunstane 
(9977),  VoL  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  94.) 
Additional  produce — 

9th  liay,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  far  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Prince 
Thomas'  Pride  (12.294),  VoL  XXVI. 

LADY  EVERGREEN  (16,223);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  95.)    Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1906^  brown,  white  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white  to  hook,  and  far 
hind  leg  white  on  fetlock,  colt,  by  Prince  Thomas'  Pride  (12,294),  Vol.  XXVI. 

LILY  OF  RINGSIDE  (15,736) ;  sire,  Rosario  (9996).  Vol.  XVII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  244.)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  March,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Prince 
Thomai'  Pride  (12,294),  VoL  XXVI. 

PBTCH,  THOMAS,  UtOe  Ayton,  Great  Ayton  B.8.O. 

VIOLET;  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  foaled 
13th  May,  1894 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Fetch, 
Little  Ayton,  Great  Ayton  R.S.O. ;  sire,  Jupiter  (5905),- 
VoL  X. ;  dam,  bred  by  John  Joseph  Barker,  Marton,  by 
Tarn  o'  Shanter  (851),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  by  Castlereagh 
(10,324),  VoL  XX.     Produce— 

19th  May,  1908.  Pride  of  Snnnyride  (13,132),  VoL  XXVIIL,  brown,  colt,  by 
General  French  (11,048),  VoL  XXIII. 


PHOLZP,  JAMXS,  ClAsrfordJi,  Etrlehon. 

QUEEN  OF  BARROHILL  (12,300);  sire,  M^Vicar  (5204), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  95.)  Additional 
produce — 

llth  May,  1905,  brown,  a  little  white  on  face,  three  white  feet,  off  fore  foot 
black,  oolt,  by  Rose  Crown  (11,156),  YoL  XXIII. 

PHILLIPS,  CSARUes  A.,  IMldawn,  Castto-DoiiglM. 

TARANTELLA  (16,740) ;  sire.  Jewel  Prince  (10,207),  VoL  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX  VL,  p.  245.)    Additional  produce — 

5th  May,  1905,  lAU  of  Dildawn,  bright  bay,  white  face,  off  hind  leg  white, 
near  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Mitchell  (10,688),  VoL  XXII. 

PHILLIPS,  JAMXS,  Cmtm,  Klrkoadlwisht. 

JEAN   III.   (14,363);    sire,   Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.   XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  95.)    Additional  produce 

16th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  leg  white  nearly  to  knee, 
outside  of  near  fore  foot  white,  a  littile  white  on  near  hind  leg  to  the  fetlodc,  far 
hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BARONS  DARLING  (15,741);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  246.)  Additional 
produce — 

19th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  a  little  white  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white;,  and 
white  to  fetlock  on  far  leg,  far  fore  foot  and  a  little  of  pastern  white,  colt,  by 
Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PBILP,  THOMAS,  Waiter  CMh,  Str»tliml«lo,  FilMhlre. 

QUEEN  OF  CASH  (15,742) ;  sire,  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  246.)    Additional  produce — 

15th  June,  1904,  Prince,  bay,  white  face,  hind  pasterns  white,  colt,  by  Lathrisik 
Prince  (11,393),  VoL  XXIV. 

3rd  June,  1905,  May  Queen,  brown,  white  face,  off  hind  pastern  white,  filly,  by 



Lathrisk  Prince  (11,393),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PICKXN,  ANDBSW,  Knoekrtvooh,  Saltcoats. 

ROSE  OF  KNOCKRIVOCH  (15,224);  sire,  Scotch  Earl 
(10,125),  Vol.  XVm.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  194.) 
Additional  produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  inside  half  of  near  fore  foot  white, 
outside  half  black,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Look  Out  (12,213)» 
Vol.  XXVI. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  113 

PIOKXN,  JAMXS,  MUton,  Klrkondbiiglit. 

DANDIE  OF  MILTON ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet 
and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  June,  1900;  bred  by  William 
Hunter,  Old  Cumnock ;  sire.  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XI. ; 
dam,  Dandie,  bred  by  David  Howat,  Killoch,  Ochiltree,  by 
St.  Blaise  (3987),  Vol.  VII.     Produce— 

19th  Ma  J,  1906,  Dandy  King,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  fore  feet  and  hind 
legt  white,  colt,  by  King  of  Fashion  (12,195),  Vol.  XXVI. 

PIGKXN,  JAMXS,  Tom,  Klrkondtolffht. 

LADY  ROSS  (15,744) ;   sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XX VII.,  p.  96.)    Additional  produc< 

Maj,  1905,  Lain,  bay,  white  snip  on  hoofheads  of  fore  feet,  white  hind  legs, 
fiJlv^iby  Lothian  Again  (11,804),  Vol.  XXV. 

POLWAKTH,  Bight  Hon.  LOBD,  Hertonn  Honae,  St.  BoAWtlls. 

BORDER  FASHION  PLATE  (12,618);  sire,  Prince  of  Fashion, 
Vol.  XIL,  p.  361.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  97.) 
Additional  produce — 

22nd  June,  1905,  Fashion's  Flash,  black,  white  spot  on  forehead,  off  fore  leg 
and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron  o'  Dee  (11,264),  VoL  XXIV. 

LADY  ALEXIS  (12,880*);  sire,  Prince  Charming  (10,254*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  97.)  Additional 

Ist  May,  1905,  Maggie  Alexis,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  fore  leg  add  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Baron  o'  Dee  (11,264),  VoL  XXIV. 

>iAGGIE'S  LAST  (16,306) ;  sire,  Pergusson  (9526),  Vol.  XV., 
or  M*Kaith  (10,229),  Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL, 
p.  268.)     Additional  produce — 

14th  April,  1905.  Maggie  Soott,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  far  hind  leg  white, 
fiUy,  by  Bsron  o*  Dee  (11,264),  Vol.  XXFV. 

MAC'S  COMELY  (16,307);  sire,  M'Raith  (10,229),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  268.)    Additional  produce — 

9th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  o'  Dee 
(11,264),  Vol.  XXrV. 



^BATTy  oaOROa,  atndstoiiea,  New  Aberdour. 

MISSIE  OF  HINDST0NE8  (15,750);  sire,  Cairnbrogie  Stamp 
(4274),  Vol.  VIII.  (Laat  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  249.) 
AdditioDlil  produce — 

6th  June,  1904.  Charlotte,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  white  Boeka,  fiUj,  bj 
Toward  Gastie  (13,180),  Vol.  XXVIII. 

lit  Jane,  1905,  Q^rgie  Bell,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  fiUj, 
by  Cairnbrogie  Chieflain  (11,^1),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PRKMTlOS,  BAVZD,  FonlfllilAlds,  Wliltlmm. 

JESS  OF  FOULSHIELDS  (15,229);  sire,  Badallan  Prince 
(9708),  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  98.) 
Additional  prodac< 

16th  July,  1905,  brown,  wiiite  faoe,  off  hind  leg  and  near  hind  ankle  white, 
oolt,  by  Baron  Templeton  (11,870),  VoL  XXIV. 

PKIKR08S,  JAMBS,  AnoliliielMh,  SothlMnay. 

BESSIE  OF  AUCHINOLEOH  (15,230);  sire,  MacNab  (3824), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  etttry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  195.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  April,  1905,  Iri«,  dark  grty,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  filly,  by  Pearl  Oyster 
(10,831),  Vol.  XXII. 

PRINOIiK,  WILLIAM,  Brallton,  OlMtton  K.S.O.,  NorthnmberUuid. 

PRINCESS  MAGGIE  (11,956);  lire,  Prince  Geoige  (1256), 
Vol.  II.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  71.)  Additional 
pro4uce — 

13th  May,  1904,  bay,  stripe  down  faoe,  white  legs,  white  marks  on  belly,  and 
from  Hank  to  near  hook  white,  oolt  by  Branton  DnCe  (12,061),  Vol.  XXVI. 

LADY  CASTLEREAGH  IL  (12,620);  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324), 
Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  86.)  Additional 
produce — 

27th  Maroh,  1905,  brown,  stripe  down  face,  and  hind  hoofheads  white,  ftUy,  by 
Prince  Sandy  (10,110),  Vol.  XVIII. 

BRANTON  BELLE  (12,899);  sire,  Wee  Macgregor  (7383), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  76.)  Additional 
produce — 

3rd  May,  1904,  bay,  stripe  down  faoe,  white  legs  below  knees  and  hocks,  white 
marks  on  beUy.  oolt,  by  Branton  Duke  (12,061),  Vol.  XXVI. 

24th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  down  faoe,  far  hind  and  fore  pasterns  white,  fillj, 
by  Historian  (10,775),  Vol.  XXII. 


BAIATON,  W.  H.,  mimatn,  BtonqrklrtE,  a&d  Dnnracit. 

LADY  JEAN, (13,245);  sire,  Bonnie  Sanquhar  (6568),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  67.)    Additional  produce— 

Mat,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  fmoe,  fore  pasterni  and  hind  lege  white,  oolt,  by 
Prfrolity  (11,040).  VoL  XXfll. 

BAMSAT.  IAIN,  of  ^n^^^H^M*    Islav 

BLACKIE    (16,313);    sire,   Baron's  Pride  (9122),   Vol.   XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  270.)    Additional  produce— 

lOth  Hay.  1904,  Ardimenay  Charlie,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  white  hind 
pointB,  oolt,  by  Prinoe  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. 

SAND,  JOHN  P.,  WMtMwton,  Alawlok. 

LAMDBTON  AMY  (16,314) ;  sire,  Amiability  (10,491),  Vol.  XXL 
(Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  270.)    Additional  produce— 

27th  April,  1904,  Prinoe  Newton,  brown,  white  blaxe  on  face,  hind  legs  white 
to  hodn,  oolt,  by  Historian  (10,776),  VoL  XXIT. 

BAVSN,  JOHN  KABTIN,  TlM  Wood^  CoCkTmotttli. 

JESS  OF  THE  WOOD  (14,770) ;  sire.  Prince  of  Earnock  (8154), 
Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry.  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  99.)  Additional 
produce —  ... 

7th  Jime,  1906,  Boyal  Bvereet,  bay,  four  white  feet,  and  stripe  on  face,  oolt,  by 
Sir  Bverest  (10,917).  VoL  XXII. 

RBD,  JAMSS,  llaTentMi,  Urqnliart,  Bsln. 

LADY  LEOPOLD  (10,972) ;   sire,  Leopold   (3766),  Vol.  VII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  99.)    Additional  produce— 

20th  May,  1906,  Uy,  faoe  white,  fiUy,  by  Brave  Soot  (12.062),  Vol  XXVI. 

MAGGIE  HAROLD  (16,315);  sire,  Prince  Harold  (9973), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  270.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  Blay,  1906,  Fsirlie,  bay,  narrow  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  pasterns  white, 
iUly,  by  Brave  Soot  (12,062),  Vol.  XXVI. 


BXED,  JAKBI^  Neflier  Tnllooli,  LanraioAkivlL 

DANDY  (10,122);  sire,  Tulloch  (1852),  Vol.  IV.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  72.)     Additional  produce^ 

llthfltfay,  1905,  Gallant  Knight,  blade,  white  root  on  face,  white  off  hind  foot, 
colt,  by  Knight  of  TuUooh  (12,202),  VoL  XXVI. 

LADY  FLORENCE  (14,009);  sire,  His  Lordship  (8696), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  99.)  Additional 
produce — 

16th  June,  1905,  Florabelle,  black,  white  face,  white  hind  legs  to  hocka,  anudl 
part  of  near  fore  foot  white,  flllj,  by  Toredoal  (12,396),  Vol.  XXVI. 

BONNY  JEAN  (14,771);   sire,  Master  Jack  (7049),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  87.)    Additional  produce — 

.  12th  June,  1905,  Fanny  Kyle,  brown,  face  white,  fore  feet  and  off  hind  foot 
white,  flUy,  by  Toredoal  (12,396),  Vol,  XXVL 

MURIEL  (16,316);   sire.  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  271.)    Additional  produce — 

16th  May,  1906,  Bianoa  Pride,  white  face,  and  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by 
bianoa  (10,623),  VoL  XXI. 

BXID,  J.  T.  G.  *  W.,  Hillside  ot  Sow,  DoniM. 

HILLSIDE  MISSIE;    sire,  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XI.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  87.)    Additional  produce — 

I7th  April,  1905,  Hillside  Maid,  black,  ratch  on  faco,  hind  legs  white,  flUy,  by 
The  Dean  (10.9^),  Vol.  XXII. 

HILLSIDE  EOSIE  IL;  sire.  The  Colour  (n,211).  Vol.  XXIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  99.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  July,  1905,  Hillside  Roseleaf,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white, 
filly,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  VoL  XL 

HILLSIDE  RACHEL  (16,318) ;  sire,  Maogregor  <1487),  Vol.  IIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  271.)    Additional  produce — 

3lBt  May,  1905,  Hillside  Barity,  chestnut,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 


XX7III.  FOALS.  117 

SKID,  PXTXB  Mil.,  Low  Skooff,  Whlthom. 

MATILDA  (6620);   sire,  The  Maister  (1846),  Vol.  lY.     (Laat 
entry,  Vol.  X.,  p.  127.)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  Jnly,  1905,  Venus,  blaek,  ratch  on  face  from  between  oyes  down,  fore  feet 
white  above  fetlooks,  hind  feet  white  nearly  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Argoey  (11,247), 

BBNNZK,  JA1CK8,  lata  Allantenld,  KiLRyth,  now  BoweiAeld  Farm, 


MISS  EDWIN  (14,773);  sire,  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280), 
VoL  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  100.)  Additional 
produce — 

23rd  Amil,   1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  oolt,  by  Here's  Lnek  (11.372), 
Vol.  XXJV. 

LADY  KYLE  (15,757);  sire,  King  o'  Kyle  (10,213),  VoL  XIX. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  251.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  Marcb,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  fore  ankles  white, 
filly,  by  Marconi  (11,817),  VoL  XXV. 

KXNWICK,  BOBXBT,  Bnobley,  Blfllioplirlggs. 

MISS  SCOTT;   sire,  Crookston  (5676),  VoL  X.     (Last  entry, 
VoL  XIV.,  p.  200.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1902,  light  brown,  white  face,  hind  pasterns  white,  flUy,  by  Field  Comet 
(10,747),  Vol.  XXIL 

18th  May,  1903,  Miss  Renwiok,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor ;  (2)  exported  to  Canada),  by  Sir  Simon 
(10^465).  VoL  XX. 

PRINCESS  LAWRENCE  (13,249);  sire,  Prince  Lawrence, 
VoL  VII.,  p.  261  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  89.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

1st  June,  1903,  Handsome  Princess,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  Walter  S.  Park ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by 
Handsome  Prince  (10,366),  VoL  XX. 

RXZfWICK,  WZLUAH,  Keftdowlleld,  Coratorpblne. 

ORANGE  GIRL   (13,906);    sire,  Holyrood   (9546),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  96.)     Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Breadalbane 
(U,637),  VpL  XXV. 

Orangt  Girl  (13,906)  died  18<A  Jvly,  1905. 


SARAH  GitAND  (15,758) ;  sire,  Le  Grande  (11,395)  Vol.  XXIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  100.)    Additional  produ< 

20th  May,  1906,  baj,  white  nttch  on  face,  fore  legs  and  Dear  hind  leg  white,  off 
hind  foot  white,  oolt,  bj  Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIII. 

BXTSON,  JOHN,  Laagsldo,  Laiuurk. 

EVE  (U,777) ;  sire,  Buxom  Lad  (7533),  Vol.  XIL     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXlV.,  p.  197.)     Additional  produce — 

Maj,  1904,  May  Queen,  bay,  face,  near  fore  and  near  hind  leg  white,  filly 
(owned  by  H.  Briggs),  by  Acme,  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

BICBABD80N,  J08BPH,  Hayton  Bn»w,  W«M  Newton,  A«p«trla. 

LADY  MEMBER  (14,778);  sire,  Life  Member  (10,080), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  101.)  Additional 
produce — 

23rd  April,  1905,  Bonny  of  Hayton  Brow,  bay,  with  white  stripe  down  &ee, 
four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Speciality  (11,547),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BICKSRBT,  JOHN,  New  SandflfleUI,  Burgh-bsr-Saads,  Carllele. 

LOFTY   (8854);    sire.  Nelson   (1493),  Vol.  IIL     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XVIL,  p.  73.)    Additional  produce — 

July,  1903^  violet,  bay>  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A  ^ 
W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Bussell,  Ontario),  by  Biooarton  (11*481). 

Lofty  (8854)  m  i\avi  dead. 

RICHMOND  AND  OOBDON,  DUKX  OF,  Ooedweed,  Cbieheeter. 

LADY  FLORENCE  (2859);  sire,  Prince  Albert  Victor  (617), 
Vol.  L  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  202.)  Additional 
produce — 

A[yril,  1896,  Damsel  (17,033),  Vol  XXVIII. ,  chestnut,  ratoh  on  faoe,  near  bind 
leg  white,  filly  (bred  by  the  late  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Gordon),  by  Buon 
Methven  (12,835),  Vol.  IXVIII. 

BISK,  JA1IX8,  Bast  PittondralOh,  BrMhlB. 

LENA    (14,781);    sire,    Belvidere   (9128),   Vol.    XIV,      (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  89.)    Additional  produce — 

23rd  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  foot  white,  fiUy,  by 
Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,887),  Vol  XXIL 

xxviii.  FOALS,  119 

LADY  OF  THE  BORDER  (14,782);  sire,  Prince  Thomas 
(10,262),  Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  101.) 
Additional  produce — 

9tb  May,  1906,  Lftdy  Belle,  brown,  white  oa  face,  white  spot  on  all  her  feet, 
filly,  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

IDA   (15,762);    sire,  Fortune  Still   (9752),  Vol.   XVL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  101.)    Additional  produci 

18th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  hair  through  body,  white  face,  some  white  on  hind 
legs  and  off  fore  leg,  white  stripe  on  belly,  oolt,  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837), 

RISK,  JAMXS,  KUlfleld,  Oufbrle. 

PRINCESS  SHEILA  (13.253);  sire,  Prince  Patrick  (8933), 
VoL  XIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  101.)  Additional 
produce — 

rith  June,  1905,  brown,  white  mark  on  face,  two  white  feet,  filly,  by  Lord 
Lovat  (11,408),  Vol.  XXIV. 

FLANDERS  BEAUTY  (13,706);  sire,  Kippendavie  Stamp 
(9774),  Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p,  102.) 
Additional  produce — 

4th  Jane,  1906,  bay,  white  mark  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Pride  of 
Blaoon  (10,8S7),  Vol.  XXII. 

BISK,  BOBKBT  C,  Trowan,  Grleli; 

BELL  OF  TROWAN  (16,319);  sire,  That's  a'  Right  (9687), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  272.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  down  face,  both  fore  legs  white  up  to  knees,  near 
hind  imstern  white,  far  hind  leg  white  up  to  hock,  and  white  up  front  of  leg  from 
hoek  to  stifle,  colt,  by  BeveUnta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 

BITCHIS,  A.  8.,  Fimej  Farm,  OreMMOk, 

DAISY  OF  FANCY  FARM  (14,783);  sire,  Prince  Frederick 
(8905),  VoL  Xni.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  199.) 
Additional  produce — 

26th  May,  1903,  Meg,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Elator  (10,340), 
VoL  XX. 


BITTKB^  Bin.  X.  J.  S.,  Boe  Park,  Llmavady. 

MULLAGH  (12,312);   sire,  Lord  Glencaim  (7957),  VoL  XH. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  178.)     Additional  produce — 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Flash  Sturdy 
(11,710),  Vol.  XXV. 

ROBERTSON,  JAMBS,  Barmaoklty,  XlgiB. 

BAEMUCKITY  BEAUTY ;  bright  bay,  with  four  white  feet, 
near  hind  one  with  less  white  than  others,  foaled  20th  April, 
1899;  bred  by  Peter  Innes,  Orbliston,  Fochabers;  property 
of  James  Robertson,  Barmuckity,  Elgin;  sire,  Pnnce  of 
Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Queen  of  Orbliston, 
bred  by  George  Gordon,  Tullochallum,  Dufftown,  by  Gay 
Gallant  (7742),  Vol.  XII.     Produce— 

13th  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  bind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Brave  Soot  (12,062), 
Vol.  XXVL 

R0BBRT80N,  J.  *  T.,   Ctondrle,  Klrkoolm. 

CARINA  (12,313);   sire,  Craichmore  Darnley  (5667),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  91.)     Additional  produce — 

Ist  May,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  ou  faoe,  fore  pasterns  and  hind  l^s  white, 
oolt,  by  King's  Royal— Riddell's. 

CARINA   IL  (16,323);    sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVHL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  273.)    Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  brown,  star  on  face,  hind  pasterns  white,  oolt,  by  Frivolity 
(11,040),  Vol.  XXIII. 

R0BBRT80N,  JAMBS,  Gndolimore,  Leswalt. 

NANCY  OF  CLENDRIE  (14,377);  sire,  Aim  Well  (4216), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  70.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  oolt,  by  King's 
Royal— Riddell's. 

ROBBRTSON,  JABOBS,  Redlleld,  Twynholiii. 

DARLING  MACGREGOR  (14,787);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  91.)  Additional 
produce — 

nth  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  far  fore  foot  and  leg  white 
half  way  to  knee,  bind  feet  and  legs  white  to  hocks,  oolt,  by  Baron  Mitch«Jl 
(10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 



BOBXRTSON,  JOHN  C,  Fodderty,  IMncwaU. 

GARTLY  FAVOURITE  (14,322);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  102.) 
Additional  produce — 

28th  Maj,  1906,  Knight  of  Wyvis,  hlaok,  white  stripe  down  face,  off  hind  leg 
white  to  hock,  oolt,  by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XYHI. 

PRIDE  OF  WYVIS  (16,321);  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  272.)  Additional 
produce — 

Jl^h  ICaj,  1905,  Maid  of  Wyvis,  brown,  white  strine  down  face,  near  fore  and 
hind  legs  white,  fiUj,  by  Everlarting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIY. 

S0BBRT80N,  ttOBXBT,  MiU  off  DmmmoBd,  Mathlll. 

FLORA ;  sire.  Prince  of  Currah  (8916),  Vol.  XIIL     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  102.)     Additional  produce— 

13th  June,  1906,  Annie  Drummond,  black,  foor  white  feet  and  legs  nearly  up 
to  kneea  and  hooks,  fiUy,  by  Revelanta  (11,876),  Vol  XXV. 

GAY  MAGM5IE  (15,765);   sire,  Gay  City  (10,194),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI. ,  p.  253.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  Jane,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Revelanta  (11,876), 
VoL  XXV. 

B0BXBT80N,  THOMAS,  Clendrl«,  Klrkoolm. 

MISS  MEIKLE  (6368);  sire,  Prince  George  Frederick  (644), 
Vol.  I.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  125.)  Additional 
produce — 

let  Jnly,  1906,  Heikle's  Last,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  legs,  colt,  by 
-•— '•  Boyal— RiddeU's. 

BOBDISON,  JAMBS,  *  SOK,  Jmbm  Street,  Carlisle. 

DINAH  OF  CABER  SLACKS;  bay,  white  stripe  down  face, 
near  hind  leg  and  off  hind  fetlock  white,  foaled  10th  May, 
1898;  bred  by  Mrs.  Milbum,  Caber  Slacks,  Carlisle; 
property  of  James  Robinson  &  Son,  James  Street,  Carlisle ; 
sire    Hamish  M^Cunn  (10,355),  Vol.  XX. ;   dam,  bred  by 


Mrs.  Milbiirn,  by  Pride  of  Whale  (8130),  Vol.  XII.;  gr.-dain, 
bred  by  Mrs.  Milburn.     Produce — 

1903,  bay,  flUy  (bred  by  Mrs.  Milburn),  by  Erakine  II.  of  DrumlAnrig  (9743). 

13th  April,  1904,  Janet,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  white  o£F  hind  fetlock, 
filly,  by  (Sradle  Hall.  Vol.  XXIII..  p.  150. 

7th  June,  1905.  Qeorge.  light  bay,  star  on  forehead,  white  off  hind  fetlock,  colt, 
by  Picador  (10,833),  Vol  XXII. 

BODOXB,  JAMSS,  N«therplaoe,  N«wton  Mmuiis. 

FICKLE  FORTUNE  PRINCESS  (13,201»);  sire,  Cedric 
(1087),  Vol.  II.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  12.)  Addi 
tional  produce — 

18th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  lega.  cult,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIII. 

ROSKBXRT,  The  XABL  OF,  K.O.,  Dalmeny  Park,  Bdlnlnusli. 

PRINCESS  OF  DALMENY  (14,790);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  201.) 
Additional  produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  white  spot  oa 
hoofhead  of  off  fore  leg.  hind  legs  white  up  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Dmmflower 
(10,637),  Vol.  XXI. 

ROSE  OF  DALMENY  (16,327);  sire,  Balbirnie  Stamp  (6445), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  274.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  dark,  off  fore  l«g 
white  up  over  fetlock  joint,  hind  legs  white  up  to  hocks,  white  stripe  up  to 
thigh  on  near  hind  leg.  filly,  by  ReaUty  (12,298),  VoL  XXVI. 

PRIMA  DONNA  (16,329);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  275.)  Additional 
produce — 

1905,  Handy  Andy,  bay,  white  face,  fore  lees  and  near  hind  pastern  white,  oolt 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  Professor  Gumming,  Halifax,  N.S.).  by 
Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BOBS,  JOHN,  Klllenlff,  AlaaM. 

BUTE  (15,768);    sire,   Merry   Lad   (9616),   VoL   XV.      (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  103.)    Additional  produce— 

ISth  May,  1905,  Knight's  Bute,  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  white  far  hind 
leg,  other  legs  dark,  filly,  by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 

xxvuL  FOALS.  123 

DALLY ;  dark  browu,  white  on  face,  some  white  on  near  fetlock, 
foaled  17th  April,  1900;  bred  by  William  Watt,  Upper 
Forgie,  Keith ;  property  of  John  Ross,  Millcraig,  Alness ; 
sire,  Crown  of  Scotland  (9616),  Vol.  XV.;  dam,  Dall,  grey, 
foaled  May,  1883,  bred  by  Gleorge  Gray,  Cantly  Grange, 
Keith,  by  Earl  of  Moray  (6711),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  a 
Clydesdale  mare.     Produce — 

Ist  Maj,  1905,  Tarrel  Marquia,  dark  bay,  white  forehead,  and  narrow  white 
itripe  down  to  noee,  hind  legs  and  far  fore  leg  white  to  nearlj  hocks  and  knee^ 
near  fore  leg  dark,  oolt,  by  Monoreiffe  Marquia  (9993),  Vol.  XVII. 

BOT7TLXDOX,  JOSSPH,  BanaUotfh,  Port-Wmiam. 

BLOSSOM  OF  BARSALLOCH  (15,917);  sire.  Baron's  Pride 
(S122),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  140.) 
Additional  produce — 

3rd  Ifaj,  1905.  brown,  white  star  and  pointed  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  feet, 
colt,  by  Gay  Spark  (11,724),  Vol.  XXV. 

FIGURE  OF  BARSALLOCH  (16,330);  sire,  Damley's  Last 
(6663),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  275.) 
Additional  produce  • 

8th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  star  on  faoe,  white  hind  feet,  flUy,  by  Dnrbar 
<11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

NANA  (16,331);  sire,  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  276.)    Additional  produce — 

27th  May,  1905,  Nanette,  bay,  white  faoe,  white  feet  and  anklea,  filly,  by 
Durbar  (11.696),  Vol.  XXV. 

BOUTUBDOX,  Wn.f.TAM,  Xlrlff  nurm,  Port-Wllllam. 

BELL  VL-OF  ELRIG  (14,027);  sire,  Belvidere  (9128), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  92.)  Additional 
produce — 

9th  June,  1906,  brown,  white  faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  VoL  XIV. 

SAMXMI,  JAMSS,  Qreenfoot,  Gargnimook. 

KATE  OF  GREENFOOT  (15,247);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  VoL  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  201.) 
Additional  produce — 

21>t  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  nMur  fore  foot  white,  other  three  black,  flUy, 
by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 


8CARUBTT,  W.  J.  TOBXX,  of  CMsha,  Argyllidilre. 

TREASURE  (12,317);  sire,  Fortune's  Favourite  (9751), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  104.)  Additional 
produce — 

21st  June,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  little  white  at  hoofheada  inaide  hind 
feet,  colt,  by  Sir  Nestor  (11,946),  VoL  XXV. 

MARY  OF  GIGHA  (15,773);  sire,  Clan  Roy  (9165),  Vol.  XIY. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  104.)     Additional  produce — 

24th  XmV,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Sir  Clement 

),  Vol. 

(12,365),  Vol.  XXVI. 

800TT,  ANDREW,  Woodend,  by  O—ttacary. 

QUEEN  OF  SCOTS  (16,336);  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  277.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  May,  1905,  Soott's  Hero,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  le|>, 
oolt,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX. 

8GOTT,  THOMAS  (ute  rarmer,  Newlanda,  Bargeddle), 
102  TowBliMd,   KlrklntHlooh. 

MISSIE  OF  NEWLANDS  (10,174);  sire,  Champion  of  the 
North  (1092),  Vol.  11.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  520.) 
Additional  produce — 

1893,  Jenny  of  Meadowend,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  foot  Uack, 
other  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  John  Allan,  Meadowend,  Clackmannan),  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

SCOTT,  WILLIAM,  Blaokpark,  Wigtown. 

BLYTHE  OF  KNOCKSTOCKS  (11,062);  sire,  Glenree  (2142), 
Vol.  V.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  489.)  Additional 
produce — 

nth  May,  1905,  brown,  ratcb  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  oolt, 
by  Daahwood  (11,676).  Vol.  XXV. 

LADY  MAXWELL  (14,392);  sire,  Sir  John  Maxwell  (9415), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  106.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1906,  brown,  fore  feet  white,  hind  feet  dark,  filly,  by  Argoiy  (11,247), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  126 

SCOTT,  WILLIAM,  Lanrlek  Home  Farm,  Donne. 

DAINTY  OF  BERRYYARDS  (14,385);  sire,  Prince  of  Scotia 
(7161).  Vol  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV;,  p.  72.) 
Additional  produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  bey,  white  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Baron  o' 
Buchlyvie  (11,263).  Vol.  XXIV. 

SCOULAR,  AMD&KW,  BIgganliiels  ICalnfl^  Blggar. 

JESS  OF  BIGGARSHIELS  (12,323);  sire,  Walston  (4101), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XVII.,  p.  181.)  Additional 
produce — 

June,  1902,  Walston  Jess,  brown,  white  face,  three  legs  white,  a  little  white  on 
near  fore  pastern,  filly  (owned  by  Robert  Ness,  Howick,  Quebec,  Canada),  by 
Grsphic  (10,766),  Vol.  XXII. 

8KAHA1I  HABBOUK  STUD,  Limited,  Senliam  Harbour. 

ROSSIE;    sire,   The  Councillor  (10,138),  Vol.   XVIIL     (Last 
entry,  VoL  XX VII.,  p.  109.)    Additional  produce — 

12th  Bfay,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fore  ankles  white,  filly,  by  The 
Provost  (11,560),  Vol.  XXIV. 

YOUNG  POLLY  (11,866);   sire,  Pride  of  Aln  (6162),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XIXl,  p.  41.)    Additional  produce — 

4th   July,    1905,    bay,    white   face   and   legs,    colt,   by  Aldoursn   (11,996), 
Vol  XXVI. 

BEAUTY  (12,534);  sire,  Caimbrogie  Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI. ,  p.  95.)    Additional  produce — 

Ist  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  legs  white,  white  patch  inside  of  off 
hind  leg,  colt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

HIGH  TIDE  (12,821);  sire,  Height  of  Splendour  (6836), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  107.)  Additional 
produce — 

I8th  June,   1906^   bay,  face   and   legs   white,  colt,  by  Silver  Gup  (11,184), 

VoL  xxin. 


PEARL  DROP  (13,131);  sire,  Duddingston  (7658),  Vol.  XII. 

,  Vol.        " 

(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  95.)     Additional  produce — 

b  I 

17th  April,  1906,  grey,  face  and  legs  white,  oolt,   hy  Silver  Cap  (11,184), 

LADY  FAIR  (13,137);  sire,  Cairngorm  (6567),  Vol.  XL    (Lart 
entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  107.)    Additional  produce — 

22xul  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  foot  and  other  legs  white,  filly,  bj 
Airies  Prinoe  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

SUNSHINE  (13.138);  sire,  Laughton  (8750),  Vol,  XIIL    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  107.)     Additional  produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  foot  white. 
fllly,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184).  Vol.  S^III. 

LADY  LOFTY  (13,309) ;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  23.)    Additional  produce — 

11th  April,  1905,  brown,  faoe  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Airiee  Fxinee 
(10,667),  VoL  XXII, 

KITE   (13,606);    sire,   Castleguard   (9155),  VoL   XIV.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  72.)    Additional  produce — 

25th  Biay,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  ankle  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt, 
by  Bilver  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

MAGGIE  EVERARD  (13,900);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  73.)  Additional 
produce — 

18th  April,  1905,  blaok,  stripe  on  faoe,  oolt,  by  SUver  Cap  (11,184),  VoL  XXIU. 

PLEASURE    (14,396);    sire.    Buxom   Lad   (7533),   Vol.  XII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  97.)     Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1906,  brown,  white  faoe  and  legs,  oolt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184}» 

VoL  xxm. 

NANCY  HOPE  (14,403);  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10.084), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  97.)  Additional 
produce — 

22nd  April,  1905,  blaok,  star  on  faoe,  white  hind  leg,  fllly,  by  SUver  Cap  (11,18^)> 


CLYDESDALE  TYPE  (14,437) ;  sire,  Scottish  Stondard  (9674), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  108.)  Additional 
produce — 

IStii  Jane,  1906,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Airies  Prince 
(10,667X  VoL  XXII. 

JUSTICE  (14,802);    sire,   Holyrood  (9546),  VoL   XV.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  204.)    Additional  produce — 

9ih  May,  1905^  bay,  white  face  and   lega,  fiUy,  by   Silver   Chip   (11,184), 

GERANIUM   (14,804);    sire,    Carthusian    (9722).   Vol.    XVI. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  97.)    Additional  produce — 

Iflt  May,  1906^  black,  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Silver 
Cup  {U,184),  Vol.  xxin. 

DAWN   (14,810);    sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.   XVIII. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXFV.,  p.  207.)    Additional  produce — 

30th  Aparil,  1906^  bay,  stripe  on  face,  and  white  lega,  colt,  by  Grathome  (11, 
VoL  XX  V. 

C3HERUB   (14,815);   sire,  Montrave  Mac   (9958),  Vol.  XVII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  108.)    Additional  produce — 

14th  May,  1905|  brown,  face  and  near  hind  leg  white,  white  patch  on  off  hind 
foot,  oolt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ORANGE  LILY  (16,256) ;  sire,  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  204.)    Additionsd  produce — 

17th  April,  1906,  barown,  itripe  on  face,  white  hind  fetlookB,  colt,  by  Baron 
Stewart  (10,982),  VoL  XXTTL 

QUEENLIKE   (15,261);    sire,   Carthusian   (9722),   Vol.   XVL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  109.)    Additional  produce — 

16th  Bftay,  1906,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
SilTer  Cnp  (11,184),  VoL  XXIII. 

LADY  .NEWTON  (15,777);  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  257.)    Additional  produce  — 

2ekh  May,  1906,   brown,  face  and  legs  white,  fill7,   by  Hiawatha  (10,067). 


LADY  STEWART  (15,780);  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  109.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

2dth  June,  1905,  bay,  broken  atripe  on  face,  four  white  ankles,  oolt^  by  Silver 
Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

PINK  PEARL  (15,781);  sire,  Johnnie's  Style  (6867),  Vol.  XI. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  258.)    Additional  produce — 

22nd  April,  1906,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  fiUy,  by  Airies  Prince  (10,667), 

LADY  FERN  (15,783);   sire,  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  VoL  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  259.)     Additional  produce — 

29th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  and  far  fore  legs  white,  ooli,  by 
Airies  Prince  (10,667),  VoL  XXII. 

FREEDOM  (16,341) ;  sire,  Carthusian  (9722),  Vol.  XVI.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  279.).    Additional  produce — 

7th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot  and  off  hind  leg  white,  eolt, 
by  Airies  Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

LADY  SARAH  (16,342);  sire,  Chastelard  (10,179),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  279.)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  July,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  fore  and  off  hind  feet  white,  oolt,  br 
Aldouran  (11,996),  Vol.  XXVL 

PARAFFIN  (16,343);  sire,  Go  Ahead  (5052),  VoL  IX.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  280.)     Additional  produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  and  near  hind  ankles  white,  fiUy, 
by  Crathome  (11,669),  Vol.  XXV. 

PENDANT  (16,344) ;  sire,  Carthusian  (9722),  VoL  XVI.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XX  VlL,  p.  280.)    Additional  produce— 

28th  June,  1905,  black,  face,  hind  legs,  and  fore  pasterns  white,  filly,  by  Sflver 
Cup(ll,l84),  Vol.  XXIII. 

WELCOME  (16,345) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  280.)    Additional  produce— 

9th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

xxviiL  FOALS.  129 

LOOPLINE  (16,349) ;  sire,  Sir  Thomas  (9681),  VoL  XV.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  281.)    Additional  produce — 

27th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  face  aod  hind  legs,  oolt,  by  Baron  Stewart 
(10,982),  VoL  XXIIL 

8XWSLL,  JAMXS,  TlM  Stabb,  Klrtgllntmi,  Ourllflle. 

DARLING  IL  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (14,600) ;  sire,  Drumlanrig 
(5716),  Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  12.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

12th  Hay,  1905,  Jenny  of  Stubb,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white  half  way 
to  hoclo,  filly,  by  Baron  BeauUeu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

SHAND,  JAMXS,  HUUHoad,  Boiurtte. 

NELLT ;  brown,  white  face  and  hind  legs,  foaled  1895 ;  bred  by 
William  Knight^  Crossbrae,  Turriff;  property  of  James 
Shand,  HOlhead,  Bourtie ;  sire.  Mercury  (9614),  VoL  XV. ; 
dam,  Bet^  bred  by  William  Knight,  by  Lome  IL  (1209), 
Vol.  IL ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Young  Clyde  (1359),  Vol.  II. 
Produce — 

8th  Mi^,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  lega  white,  oolt,  by  Carbineer  (10,522), 
Vol.  XXL 

SHAW,  JOHN,  Mlddleton,  Mnthlll. 

LAWRENCE  MEG  (11,980);  sire.  Sir  Lawrence,  Vol.  XL, 
p.  168.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  99.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Keir 
Democrat  (12,187),  Vol.  XXVI. 

SHBNNAN,   R.  *  J.,  Balig,  Kirkeadbrislit. 

SHEILA  (11,981);   sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.     (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  110.)    Additional  produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet  white,  oolt, 
by  Baron^  Pride  (9122),  Vol  XIV. 

SOi^la  (1 1,981)  died  20th  April,  1905. 

BET  IV.  OP  BALIG  (15,787);  sire,  Prince  Attractive  (10,250*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p,  260.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  foot  and  hind  logs  white,  oolt,  by 
Baron's  Pnde  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 



NANNIE  OP  BALIG  (16,352);  sire,  Prince  Shapely  (10,111»)» 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  282.)  Addi- 
tional prodace — 

23rd  April,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet  white,  oolt^ 
bj  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  SHAMROCK  (16,353);  sire,  Shamrock  (10,905), 
Vol.  XVIIL  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p-  283.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

26th  June,  1905,  bav,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  white  hind  feet,  filly,  bj  King'a 
Crest  (11,385),  Vol.  XXIV. 

amCBRATT,  PBTB&,  West  Uufrton,  LanrenoeUrk. 

NELLIE  JACK  (14,821);   sire,  Master  Jack  (7049),  Vol.  XL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  210.)    Additional  pit>dac< 

24th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  feet  and  ankles,  fiUy,  by 
bianca  (10.523),  Vol.  XXI. 

8tB80N,  THOMAS,  Orlasdale,  BurgH-lqr-Saiidi,  GarUito. 

LILY  WHITFIELD;  roan,  face,  hind  legs,  far  fore  leg.  and 
near  fore  foot  white,  foaled  May,  1897;  bred  by  Joseph 
Whitfield,  Wiggonby,  Wigton ;  property  of  Thomas  Sibson^ 
Grinsdale,  Burgh-by-Sands,  Carlisle;  sire,  Lord  Lothian 
^998),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  bred  by  Joseph  Whitfield,  by  St. 
Gatien  (3988),  Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Joseph  Greenup, 
The  Nook,  Silloth.     Produce— 

29th  Maj,  1901,  Pansy,  roan,  face  and  hind  legs  white.  Ally,  bj  Andrew 
Lothian  (10,670),  Vol.  XXII. 

3rd  June,  1903,  Daisy  Lothian,  bay,  white  hairs  through  bod^,  faoe  and  near 
jaw,  hind  legs,  and  far  fore  leg  white,  small  patch  on  inside  of  near  fore  knee, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Andrew  Lothian  (1(^070),  Vol  XXII. 

28th  May.  1905,  oolt  (dead),  by  Gallant  Fauntleroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 

SIMy  WOULIAK,  Braehead  K«ls,  K«lc  Whit^ooM. 

GIPSY  MAID  (14,825);   sire,  Lord  Rosslyn  (9788),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  21L)    Additional  produce — 

2nd  April,  1904,  Gipsy  Maid  II.,  bay,  white  bell  on  forehead,  and  small  ratoh 
on  faoe,  fore  feet  black  and  white,  with  grey  feather,  filly,  by  Golden  Cnast 
(11,355),  XXIV. 

20th  May,  1905,  Gipsy  Maid  HI.,  chestnut,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white 
legs  and  feet,  filly,  by  Fbuhlight  (11,036),  Vol.  XXIII. 

xrviii,  FOALS,  181 

PRINCESS  OP  KIRKSIDE  (14,034);  sire,  Pandora's  Prince 
(10,391),  Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  110.) 
Additional  produce — 

9th  June,  1906,  Sir  Rnpert.  baj,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fare  foot  white, 
oolt,  by  Eyerlaating  (11,&1),  Vol  XXIV. 

ARCHINA  (15,265);    sire,   Sir  Archie  (10,134),  Vol.  XVIH. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  110.)    Additional  produce — 

13th  July,  1906,  Wardend  ProYoet,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  hj 
Hfllhead  Chief  (10,774),  YoL  XXU. 

QUEEN  OPHELLA.  (16,357);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  284.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

10th  June,  1906,  Boyal  Olaf,  bay,  ratoh  on  faoe,  four  white  lega,  oolt,  by  Boyal 
Alrah  (12.717),  VoL  XXVII. 

8XIIF80N,  ALBZAlfDMB  M.,  WliltaoNM,  SMt  XUtolda. 

COUNTESS  III.  OF  GIRVAN  (12,501);  sire,  Eastfield  Stamp 
(6723),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XVIIL,  p.  137.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

1901,  oolt  (dead),  by  Prinee  Alexander  (8899),  VoL  Xm. 

1902,  dark  bay,  ratoh  on  faoe,  off  fore  leg  and  off  hind  1^  white,  fiUy,  by 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVTQ. 

1906,  colt,  by  Locking  Aiturance— Shire. 

LADY  FREDERICK  (15,789);  sire,  Prince  Frederick  (8905), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  261.)  Additional 
produce — 

1908^  Lady  Simpson,  dark  bay,  ratoh  on  faoe,  three  white  lega,  filly  downed  by 
William  Anderson,  Milton,  Amatilla  Co.,  Oregon,  U.S. A.),  by  Alexander  Albion 
(10,150).  VoL  XIX. 

NELLIE  OF  HAWBANK;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  dark 
fore  legs,  white  hind  legs,  foaled  May^  1895;  bred  by  the 
late  John  Leggat,  Hawbank,  East  Kilbride;  property  of 
Alexander  M.  Simpson,  Whitecross,  East  Kilbride;  sire, 
Prince  of  Elgin  (9646),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Bell  of  Hawbank, 
brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  white  mark  on 




side,  foaled  1886,  bred  by  John  Leggat,  by  Sir  Maurice 
(4721),  Vol.  VIII.  \  gr.-dam,  Darling,  boueht  in  Campbel- 
town by  the  late  J^n  Crawford^  Manrahead,  Beith,  by 
Farmer's  Fancy  (302),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1900,  light  bay,  white  on  face,  some  white  on  legs,  fiUy,  bj  Judge  Holroyd 
(10,777),  vol.  XXII. 

1902,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Alexander  Albion  (10,150), 
VoL  XIX. 

8Z1CP80N,  Kn.  CATHBUNX,  Sonth  8t.  CoUiUMi,  Bottamr. 

ROSE  OF  ST.  COLMAC  (12,653) ;  aire,  Blythe  Prince  (8478), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  110.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  April,  1905,  Mary  Pollock,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white, 
oflf  fore  foot  white,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol  XVin. 

LADY  ANNETTA  (13,601);  sire,  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280), 
VoL  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  100.)  Additional 
produce — 

27th  May,  1906,  Main  Blend,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  feet,  one  white  spot 
on  near  fore  foot,  colt,  by  Boyal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 

BLSZOHy  J,  P.,  St.  JoWa  Wells,  Fyrle* 

LADY  EVELYN  (14,407) ;   sire,  Sir  Everard  (6353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  111.)    Additional  produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  ankles  white,  white  on  hoofhead 
inside  of  near  fore  foot  ana  on  ontside  of  off  fore  foot,  filly  by  EverlaatiiUF 
(11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

THELMA  (15,268);  sire,  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  111.)    Additional  produce — 

17th  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  leg  white, 
with  white  far  fore  ankle,  colt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  VoL  XXIV. 

CECILIA  (15,794);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  111.)    Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  on  outside  of  near  fore 
pastern,  off  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  white,  with  a  little  white  on  inside  of 
hind  leg,  flUy,  by  Everlasting  (11,331).  Vol.  XXIV. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  133 

/UiOAN,  WTTiTifAW,  Lwrg  Wmna^  GrMtowa. 

MEG  MERRELEES  (14,827);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  212.)  Additional 
produce — 

Jnlj,  1904,  blaek,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  white  mark  on  far 
flank.  fiUj,  bj  Baron's  King  (12,456),  VoL  XXYII. 

SMART,  JOHN,  Ckilltertiall,  DoadM,  N.B. 

EOSE  II.  OP  BORELAND  (12,930);  sire,  Loyalist  (6022), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  151.)  Additional 
produce — 

1901,  LiUie,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  flUy,  by  Coroner  (10,632), 
Vol.  XXI. 

June,  1903,  Cordelia,  bay,  white  faoe,  one  fore  and  one  hind  leg  white,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  HamUton,  Ontario),  by 
Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

SMITB,  A.  4k  J.  K.,  Leaaton,  Ukiper  Keith. 

NANCE  m.  (15,269);  sire,  Damley  Again  (9182),  VoL  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  100.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Young  Leaston,  brown,  star  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Sir  Humphrey  (ll,942)rVoL  XXV. 

KATE  OF  LEASTON  (16,362);  sire.  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton 
(4122),  Vol.  VIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  286.) 
Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  a  little  white  on  three  feet,  filly,  by  Sir 
Humphrey  (11.942),  Vol.  XXV. 

SMlTUy  MATTHXW,  Leathea,  Caatto-Doaglaa. 

LILY  OP  LEATHES  (15,802) ;  sire.  Prince  Attractive  (10,260*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  265.)  Additional 
produce — 

1904,  Baron's  Uly,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  A.  k  W.  Monteomery ;  (2)  ProfeiMr  Cumming,  Halifax,  N.S.),  by  Baron's 
Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 


SMITH,  TBOKASy  Ulaaon  Point,  ObMter. 

ROYAL   ROSE  (12,494);    sire,   Macgreeor  (1487),   Vol.  HI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  101.)    'Addidonal  produce— 

9th  April,  1905,  Blaoon  Defender,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind  legi 
white,  white  not  on  near  fore  knee,  ooM  (owned  by  A.  &  W,  Montgomery),  ^ 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  YoL  XIV. 

FICKLE  FORTUNE  PRINCESS  IL  (12,879*);  sire,  Cedric 
(1087),.  Vol.  XL  (Lagt  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  101.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

Ut  Miav,  1906,  Blaoon  Fortune,  brown,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  hind  lep 
white,  white  on  near  fore  paatern,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by 
Baron'B  Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIY. 

JEAN  MAGGREGOR  (13,278);  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  IIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  113.)  Additional 

29th  April,  1906,*Blaoon  Swagger,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  oolt 
.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  MaoBaith  (10,229),  VoL  XIX. 

(owned  by 

ORPHAN  PRINCESS  (13,281);  sire,  Prince  of  Fashion, 
Vol.  Xn.,  p.  361.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  83.)  Addi- 
tional  pn>dace — 

2lBt  Jane,  1905,  Peerless  Prinoess,  bay,  white  on  forehead  and  off  side  of  nose, 
off  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Borgue  Chief  (11,280),  Vol.  XXIV. 

SMITB,  THOKAB,  StonelioiiMlim,  Batfton  GnUtoB,  AberdMMlilrs. 

JIP  OF  STONEHOUSEHILL  (16,275) ;  sire,  Caimbrogie  Stamp 
(4274),  Vol.  VIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  210.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  faoe|  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Msiitf 
of  Airiee  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

DARLING  OF  STONEHOUSEHILL  (15,803);  aire,  Prince  of 
Craigwood  (10,408),  Vol.  XX,  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL, 
p.  265.)    Aaditional  produce — 

(Hh  May,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  fkoe,  white  fore  and  hind  legs,  fiBji  by 
Prince  of  Bozborgh  (10,616),  Vol.  XXI. 


SIOVH,  WILLIAM,  Oamurto,  01«M«rtoii,  Whltliont. 

JEAN  II.  OF  GAREARIE  (U,411);  sire,  Prince  Alexander 
(8899),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  lU.) 
Additional  produce — 

17tb  Jane,  1905,  light  bay,  white  on  face,  a  little  white  on  near  fore  and  both 
hind  anklefl,  oolt,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXY. 

TRIM  OF  GARRAEIE  (14,412);  sire,  Exquisite  (8621), 
Vol.  Xm.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII,  p.  114.)  Additional 
produce — 

17th  June,  1905,  bay,  a  little  white  on  face,  a  little  white  on  fore  and  hind 
anklei,  oolt,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  YoL  XXV. 

YOUNG  TIBBIE  OF  GARRARIE  (15,805);  sire,  Prince  of 
Galloway  (8919),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI., 
p.  26f>.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  little  white  on  face,  and  a  little  white  on  hind 
ankles,  colt,  by  Durbar  (11,695).  Vol.  XXV. 

SOMXBVILLB,  T.  A  J.  PUBDIB,  Mnlrhonae,  GamwittlL 

JESS  OF  MUIRHOUSE  (15,279);  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  211.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  points,  oolt,  by  Scotland's 
Hark  (12,852),  Vol.  XXVI. 

DARLING  OF  MUIRHOUSE  (15,280);  sire,  M*Cuaig  (8802), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  104.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  brown,  stripe  down  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  far  hind  foot 
white,  colt,  by  Revelanta  (11,876),  VoL  XXV. 

SPRINO,  JOHN,  AnoblBoleob,  Skene,  Aberdeenehlre. 

VICTORIA  (15,809) ;  sire.  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X.     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVL.  p.  268.)    Additional  produce — 

22nd  May,  1905,  Prince  Albert,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  white  under  lip,  off  fore 
and  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Frince  of  Garruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL 


VICTORIA  ROYAL  (15,810);  sire,  RoyaUst  (6242),  Vol.  X, 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  268.)    Additional  produce— 

6th  Mmt,  1906,  bay,  with  a  white  hair  through  body,  white  Btripe  on  face, 
white  under  lip,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Fortune  Still  (^52),  VoL  X VI. 

STARK,  JAMK8,  Coates  of  nnsaak,  Perth. 

BALMEDIE  SARAH  (15,811);  sire,  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  268.)    Additional  produce— 

2nd  May,  1905,  Duke  o'  Perth,  dark  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  fetlock,  both 
fore  and  off  hind  pasterns  white,  also  white  stripe  on  front  of  off  hind  hoek,  oolt, 
by  Baron  Stirling  (11,611),  Vol.  XXV. 

QUEEN  OF  COATES ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
fetlock  and  off  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  26th  May,  1895; 
bred  by  and  property  of  James  Stark;  sire.  Crown  of 
Scotland  (9516),  Vol.  XV.;  dam,  Roan  Nancy,  bred  by  the 
late  James  Stark,  Coates  of  Fingask,  by  Prince  Charlie  (628), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Fingask,  bred  by  the  late  James 
Stark.     Produce — 

18d9,  oolt  (dead),  by  Sir  Christopher  (10,286),  VoL  XIX. 

1900,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Benedict  (10,315).  Vol.  XX. 

16th  Jane,  1903,  Winifred,  bay,  with  white  hair  through  body,  white  stripe  on 
face,  and  fetlocks  white,  filly  (owned  by  George  Q.  Stewart,  Howick,  Quebec),  by 
Uthrisk  Baron  (11,392),  Vol.  XXIV.  ' 

8TSXL,  JOHN,  WestertoB  of  Cowle,  Baanooklmni. 

SILVER  ROSE  (15,285);  sire.  Prince  of  Fortune  (9826), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  213.)  Additional 
produce — 

1904,  no  foaL 

30th  April,  1905,  Oowie  Guard,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  off  hind  leg  bUck 
with  white  pastern,  colt,  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

BELL  COWAL  (15,286);  sire,  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074), 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  214.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

29th  April,  1904,  Cowie  Flora,  brown,  white  stripe  on-  f^e,  black  legs,  fillj,  by 
Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

17th  January,  1905,  colt  (dead),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  VoL  XX. 

XXVIII.  foals:  137 

8TBBL,  JQIBX^  Iioeliwood,  Gartooflli. 

LADY  FLASHWOOD  (12,928);  sire,  Flashwood  (3604), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  115.)  Additional 
produce — 

let  June,  1905,  baj,  white  star  on  forehead,  a  little  white  on  near  hind  pastern, 
iUly,  by  Noble  Lad  (?). 

8TKBL,  WXLUAM,  Haanastowii  Vtom,  Groenslnirg,  Pa.,  U.S.A. 

EOSELAWN  PRIDE  (11,063);  sire,  Earl  of  Livingston  (3587), 
Vol.  VII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  115.)  Additional 
produce — 

7th  May,  1904,  Mayflower,  brown,  no  white  marks,  filly,  by  Sit  Alan  (10,913), 

SALLY  (16.375);  sire,  Federal  (6741),  VoL  XL     (Last  entry, 
VoL  XXVIL,  p.  290.)    Additional  produce— 

3rd  May,  1905,  Sally's  Darling,  bay,  ratch  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks, 
near  fore  foot  a  little  white,  other  feet  black,  flUy,  by  Sir  Alan  (10^913), 

STXBLB,  •WTfiTiTAUff  H.,  Ssmiliiirtoii  Mains,  Blsgar. 

JEAN  OF  BLAWARTHILL  (15,147);  sire,  William  the  Con- 
queror (9093),  Vol.  XIIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  64.) 
Additional  produce — 

July,  1906,  bay,  some  white  on  faoe  and  legs,  fiUy,  by  Sir  Randolph  (12,372), 

STKVXNSON,  JOHN,  Knooknain,  Iieswalt,  8traiira«r. 

DAISY  OF  KNOOKNAIN  (13,617);  sire.  Excelsior  (5751), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXIV.,  p.  88.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  bay,  filly,  by  M*Raith  (10,229).  Vol.  XIX. 

4th  July,  1905,  bay,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Frivolity  (11,040),  VoL  XXIII. 

STXWA&T,  HUGH,  Sontbfl^d,  KirkmnlrlilU. 

ROSIE  (14,843);   sire,  The  Master  Prince  (9048),  VoL  XIIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  217.)    Additional  produce — 

May,  1902,  Miss  Stewart,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  hind  and  off  fore  leg  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  Bowie,  Clarendon  Farm,  Linlithgow;  (2)  A.  &  W. 
Montgomery ;  (3)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Acme  (10,486),  Vol.  XX. 




8TXWA&T,  JAMXS,  ConeapUa,  ]>iuiUMie. 

MADGE  CARRUCHAN  (12,984);  sire,  Prince  of  Carrachm 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.  (Lost  entary,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  116.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

18th  June,  1905,  Queen  l£abel,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  white 
tip  to  knee,  near  hind  leg  white  up  to  hook,  filiy,  bj  BaUnedie  Queen's  Govd 
<K),966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

8TSWART,  JAMSS  B.,  BanUog,  KeUsloii. 

LILY ;  bay,  white  mark  on  face,  hind  legs  white  to  near  hockB, 
foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  the  late  Robert  Knox,  Foreside, 
Neilston;  property  of  James  B.  Stewart,  Banklog,  Neikton; 
sire,  Prince  Alick  (10,100),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  bred  by  the 
late  Robert  Knox,  by  Young  Lord  Lyon  (994),  Vol  L 
Produce — 

22nd  June,  1902,  Boaie,  blaek,  white  face,  three  white  legs  and  one  knee  white, 
flUy,  by  Boyal  Suooeaa  (11,513),  Vol.  XXIV. 

20th  May,  1903,  Damsel,  blaok,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  Walter  Bowie,  Dykebarhill,  Paisley ;  (2)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ; 
(3)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Success  (11,513),  Vol.  XXIV. 

STEWART,  JOHN  F.,  Noranbaiik,  Forflur. 

MISS  OF  NORANBANK  (15,817);  sire,  Dae  Ye  See  (9896), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  117.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  fore  legs  white  half  way  to 
knees,  and  near  hind  leg  white  to  hooks,  colt,  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837), 

STIBUNO,  Captain  ABCHXBAUO,  of  Kelr,  I>aii1iUui«. 

LORN  A  DOONE  (U,421);  sire,  Kippendavie  Stamp  (9774), 
Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  117.)  Additional 
produce — 

18th  June,  1905,  Keir  Diadem,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVm. 

JESS  OF  KIRVENNIE  (14,475);  sire,  Duke  of  Rothesay  (9191), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  117.)  Additional 
produce — 

25th  April,  1906,  Kexr  Julia,  brown,  filly,  by  Up  to  IHme  (10,475),  VoL  XX. 

xxvni.  FOALS.  189 

KEIR  SYLVIA  WOOD  (16,298);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVL  (Laat  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  118.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

26th  May,  1906,  Keir  Statesman,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  ankle  white, 
hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX. 

VILLAGE  BEAUTY  (16,368);  sire.  Prince  Pleasing  (10,259*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  288.)  Additional 
produce — 

28th  May,  1906,  Keir  Bridesmaid,  brown,  white  face,  inside  of  near  hind  leg  and 
fore  ankles  white,  filly  (M.B.,  Thomas  Smith.  Blaoon  PointX  by  Borgue  Chief 
(11,280),  Vol.  XXIV. 

STUIUira  *  80N8,  WIUilAK,  DarUngfleld,  Kelao. 

MADGE;   sire,  Damley's  Hero  (6697),  Vol.  X.     (Last  entry. 
Vol.  XXVn.,  p.  118.)    Additional  produce— 

6th  June,  1905,  grey  roan,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  legs  white, 
fllly,  by  Boreland  Pride  (10,818),  VoL  XX. 

MEG  MIKELEES  (15,823);  sire,  Prince  Cedric  (10,253*), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  272.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  Hay,  1905,  grey,  white  latoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Boreland 
Pride  (10,318),  Vol.  XX. 

STODARTf  JOHN,  AdatetOB,  Haemerry,  XMt  Ii^tliiMi. 

MAY  OF  ADNISTON  (14,851);  sire,  Formakin  (9750), 
Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  108.)  Additional 
produce — 

24th  May,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Qay 
Everard  (10,758),  VoL  XXII. 

21st  Jane,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Sir  Humphrey  (11,942),  VoL  XXV. 

ADNISTON  MYSIE  (15,824);  sire,  Shaw  Stewart  (8986), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  272.)  Additional 
produce — 

2Dd  June,  1906,  bay,  white  faoe,  far  bind  leg  white,  oolt,  by  Sir  Humphrey 
(11,942),  VoL  XXV. 


ADNISTON  ROSIE  (15,825);  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol  XII 
(Last  entry,'  Vol.  aXVL,  p.  273.)    Additional  produce— 

24th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  faoe,  near  hind  leg  white,  fiUy,  by  Sir 
Humphrey  (11,942),  Vol.  XXV. 

8T0DDABT,  J.  E.,  Howden,  Mtd-Cftlder. 

HOWDEN  EOSIE  (16,385);  sire,  Scottish  Prince  (9673), 
Vol.  XV-  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  293.)  Additional 
produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  light  brown,  white  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Alexaoder 
Everard  (11,242),  Vol  XXIV. 

8TODDABT,  WILLIAM    PerwUmM,  Dyoe. 

MALL.  OF  AEYBURN  (11,082);  sire,  Hartington  (1450), 
Vol.  III.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  496.)  Additional 
produce — 

19th  June,  1902,  Bloom,  bay,  fiUy,  by  Eilmartin  (10,576),  Vol.  XXI. 

STOB&AB,  OBORGK,  Weater  Nether  Urquhart,  Ckiteside,  Flftdilri. 

LATHRISK  MABEL  (13,293);  sire,  Craichmore  Darnley  (5667), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXL,  p.  74.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May,  1904,  Urquhart  Mabel,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  both  hind  feet  and 
shanks  white,  filly,  by  Lathrisk  Baron  \1\,2&2\  VoL  XXIV. 

Lathrisk  Mabel  (13,293),  died  Sth  January,  1905. 

STOBRAB,  KICHABD,  Pyeeten,  Bfarkiiieli. 

RORY  OF  PYESTON  (14,853) ;  sire,  Johnnie's  Style  (6867), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  119.)  Additional 
produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Lathiiik 
Baron  (11,392),  Vol.  XXIV. 

8TBATHMOBS,  SABL  OF,  Home  Fann,  Glamls,  and  GllMlde  Hall, 

Bnmoiilleld,  Go.  Durluuii. 

MONTRAVE  CHARM  (10,626);  sire,  Montrave  Chief  (5222), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  119.)  Additional 
produce — 

12th  June,  1906,  Oarmc^i,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

xxviii.  .  FOALS,  141 

PRINCESS  OF  GLAMIS  (12,342);  sire,  Welbeck  (7384), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  109.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  July,  1905,  Potentate,  brown,  near  fore  leg  white,  white  ratch  on  off  fore 
shin,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

MINNLE  FLASH  WOOD  (12,948);  sire,  Flashwood  (3604), 
Vol.  VIL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  109.)  Additional 
produce — 

24th  June,  1905,  Monte  Carlo,  broWn,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and 
hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

PRUNELLA  (13,624);  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
VoL  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  109.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ist  June,  1905,  Picotee,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  off  fore 
foot  white,  flUy,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

REVIEW  (14,060);  sire,  Look  Again  (5972),  Vol.  X.  (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  119.)    Additional  produce — 

19th  May,  1906,  Parade,  brown,  grey  hair  through  body,  white  ratch  on  face, 
white  hind  legs,  off  fore  leg  and  near  fore  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Airies  Prince 
(10.667),  VoL  XXIT. 

GOLDEN  DREAM  (14,061);  sire,  Goldstone,  Vol.  XVIIL,  p.  60. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  119.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  Goldfoil,  bav,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  pasterns  and  near 
hind  leg  white,  white  on  innde  of  off  hind  leg,  colt,  by  E.G.B.  (12,185), 

8TBONG,  XDWABD,  WrMy  Sylra,  Wrefty,  Carllflle. 

DIAMOND;  sire,  Royal  Champion  (8956),  VoL  XIII.     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  82.)    Additional  produce — 

8th  May,  1905,  Kate  of  Wreay  Syke,  bay,  white  face,  hind  feet  and  near  fore 
foot  white,  filly,  by  Gartly  Recruit  (11,046),  Vol.  XXIII. 

SUTTON,  WALTXB^  WoodliMd,  Soalebj,  GarlUle. 

MISS  SCOTT  (14,427);  sire.  The  Scott  (10,015),  VoL  XVIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  191.)    Additional  produce — 

7th  May,  1904,  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  near  fore  foot  and  far  hind  foot 
white,  filly,  by  Prince  Ailsa  (11,139),  VoL  XXIIL 


STUB,  COUN  C,  Beggto  Item,  Mllnatliort. 

LADY  CHRISSY  (14,428) ;  aire,  Crown  and  Feather  (8659), 
Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  192.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  April,  1902,  Ladj  Helen,  brown,  white  on  faoe,  white  legs,  filly  (owned  b^ 
Wm.  Ewan,  Nether  Benohill,  Stanley),  by  Aliok's  Pride  (10,669),  VoL  XXIL 

TATXiOB,  JOHN,  Clirlstlaoli,  SaatlMnd,  CampbeltowB. 

DARLING  OF  CHRISTLACH  (13,628) ;  sire,  Richard  HI. 
(1802),  Vol.  IV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXL,  p.  166.)  Addi- 
tional  produce — 

12th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  faoe,  fiUy,  by  Sfar  Hugo  (10,934),  Vol.  XXII. 

JESS  OF  CHRISTLACH  (13,629) ;  sire,  Londonderry  (7934), 
Vol.  XII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  121.)  AdditioDal 
produce — 

3rd  June,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  black,  other  three  leg» 
white,  colt,  by  Sir  Hugo  (10,924),  Vol  XXII. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM,  Park  Xalnfl,  Renfrew. 

CORNTON  COUNTESS  (14,069) ;  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  111.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  July.  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  fetlocks,  filly,  by  Sir  Bando^ih 
(12,872),  Vol.  XXVL 

MAGGIE  M*COLL  (14,863);  sire,  Sir  Morell  MacKenzie  (9416), 
Vol.  XIV.     (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  121.)     Additional      1 
produce —  I 

4th  June,  1906,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Sir  Nestor 
(11,946),  VoL  XXV. 

LEGACY  (15,305) ;   sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol,  IX.    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  121.)    Additional  produce — 

24th  May,  1906,  Horatio,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  fetlocks,  oolt  (ovned 
by  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIU. 


MOUNTAIN  EOSE  (15,306);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (6353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entay,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  111.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1906,  Uy,  white  faoe,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Sir  Edward  (11,193)^ 

LOTTIE    (15,838);    sire,  Kosedale  (8194),   VoL   XIL     (Last 
entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  121.)    Additional  produce — 

29th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  faee.  three  white  legi,  colt,  by  Sir  Randolph 
02,872),  VoL  XXVI. 

ROSE  OF  PARK  MAINS  (16,393) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
VoL  XI.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  296.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  July,  1905,  bay,  star  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,   by  Sir  Bandolph. 
(1^372),  Vol.  XXVI. 

TXMPLBTON,  DAltI£L,  Tarnerlilll,  Ifanobline. 

MAGGIE  TEMPLETON  (15,839);  sire.  Prince  Rosemount 
(9992;),  VoL  XVII.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVI.,  p.  277.) 
Additional  produce — 

18th  April,  1906,  I^dy  BosweU,  light  brown,  white  face,  fonr  white  legs,  filly,, 
by  Crown  Derby  (10,728),  Vol.  XXH. 

TXMPLBTON,  MATTHSW,  Saadjrknowe,  Kelflo. 

BESS  OF  DROMGEE  (14,070);  sire,  Earl  of  Glasnick  (7679),. 
VoL  XII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  122.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  June,  1906,  black,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  far  fore  leg  black,  filly 
(owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

POLLY  OF  SANDYKNOWE  (14,431) ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
VoL  m..  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  122.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  faoe,  near  hind  leg  white,  white  spot 
>ide  of  far  hind  foot,  oolt,  by  Boreland  Pride  (10,318),  VoL  XX. 



JESS  OF  SANDYKNOWE  (14,432) ;  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  111.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  far  fore  leg  blMk, 
filly,  by  Borelaud  Pride  (10,318),  VoL  XX. 

MARY  OF  SANDYKNOWE  (14,864);  sire,  Royal  Standard 
(9847),  Vol.  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  112.) 
Additional  produce — 

lOth  April,  1905,  black,  white  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  near  fore  leg  Uack, 
oolt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIY. 

BELL  OF  SANDYKNOWE  (15,840);  sire,  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  122.) 
Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  brown,  near  fore  foot  and  near  hind  foot  white,  outside  of  hi 
fore  foot  and  inside  of  far  hind  foot  white,  fiUy,  by  Boreland  Pride  (10,318), 
Vol.  XX. 

THOM8,   TH01KA8  8.,   BeiiTlo,   DnndM. 

MARY  OF  BENVIE  (13,884);  sire.  Crusader  (9178),  VoL  XIV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  160.)    Additional  produce — 

12th  May,  1902,  Mary  of  The  Mains,  black,  white  spot  on  forehead,  near  hind 
foot  white,  filly  (bred  by  Henry  Einnaird,  Corrinsion,  Gateside ;  property  of 
Alexander  Hay,  Mains  of  Cultmalundie,  Tibbermoro),  by  Gold  Medal  (11.W7), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

THOKBON,  JOHN,  Cananastook,  Newtoa-Stewari. 

DAISY  OF  CARSENESTOCK ;  bay,  with  white  hairs  through 
body,  ratch  on  face,  three  white  feet,  foaled  May,  1901; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  Thomson,  Carsenestock, 
Newton-Stewart;  sire,  Top  Knot  II.  (10,472),  VoL  XX; 
dam,  Jess  of  Carsenestock,  bred  by  John  Thomson,  by 
King  of  Kintyre  (661),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Bell  of  lisseiis. 
Produce — 

28th  April,  1905,   bay,  white  face  and  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  BarooBOD 
10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

THOMSON,  W.  ft  J.,  Nyadd,  Stirlliic. 

BELLE  II. ;  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
10th  May,  1890;  bred  by  and  property  of  W,  &  J. 
Thomson,   Nyadd,   Stirling;    sire.   Mountain   Boy  (6099), 


Vol.  X.;  dam,  Belle,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  338,  by  Duke  of 
Cumberland— Wylie's ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  (3750),  Vol.  VII., 
p.  338,  by  Baron  Keir  (34),  Vol.  I.    Produce— 

April,  1896,  Jennj.*  black,  filly,  by  Omtpvracy,  Vol  XVIII.,  p.  52. 

April,  1897,  bliwsk,  oolt.  by  Lord  Wolseley  (9677),  Vol.  XV. 

7th  April,  1898,  Kate  (17,165),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  black,  grey  bain,  white  faoe, 
four  white  lege,  filly,  by  Rlngmer  (10,428),  VoL  XX. 

June,  1899,  durk  brown,  filly,  by  The  Colour  (11,211),  VoL  XXIII. 

2Bth  May,  1901,  Lily,  bay,  fiUy,  by  Palmerston  (10,389),  Vol.  XX. 

17th  May,  1902,  bay,  oolt,  by  Fickle  Faahion  (10,546),  VoL  XXI. 

18th  June,  1903,  dark  brown,  filly,  by  Argoey  (11,247),  VoL  XXIV. 

13th  June,  1904,  Flora,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  mark  on  front  of  ofiF  hind 
leg,  aUy.  by  XTp  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

TOD,  WILLIAM,  Pardowna,  FbSllpstoim,  Lfnlttiigow. 

ROSIE  OF  PARDOVAN ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  near 
fore  pastern,  white  spot  inside  of  hind  coronet,  foaled  1899; 
bred  by  George  Smith,  The  Whim  Farm,  Lamancha;  pro* 
party  of  William  Tod,  Pardovan,  Philipstoun,  Linlithgow; 
sire,  A  Sma^  Scotch  (10,023),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Missie,  bred 
by  George  Smith,  by  Top  Knot  (6360),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
Jean,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

28th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  pastern  and  both  hind 
pasterns  white,  fiUy,  by  Gartly  Squire  (10,350),  Vol.  XX. 

TBAIN,  JOBN,  Snodgnws  Farm,  Irvine. 

MAEITA  ^866);    shre,   Darnley  (222),  VoL  I.     (Last  entry, 
VoL  XXVII.,  p.  124.)    Additional  produce 

lOth  July,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  faoe,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Springhill 
Baron  (10^652),  Vol.  XXI. 

LADY  LONGFORD  (14,436) ;  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353),  VoL  IX. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  124.)    Additional  prodace — 

2nd  Jnly,  1905,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind  legs,  a  little  white  on 
lar  fore  leg,  oolt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIII. 

EOSIE  OF  WOODWYND  (15,320) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
VoL  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p,  124.)  Additional 
produce — 

27th  June,  1906l  brown,  white  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  oolt,  by  Hiawatha 

<io,oer),  VoL  xvni. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  10 


TBOTTBB,  WILLIAM  B.,  North  Aoomli,  8toek«flfllrt-on-T^— . 

LADY  COESEWALL  (8921);  sire,  Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  HL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXII.,  p.  92.)    Additional  produce — 

18th  May,  1902,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Prince  of  AGllfield 
(9660),  Vol  XV. 

1st  June,  1903,  ConewaU  Prince,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legB,  colt,  by 
Crusader's  Prince  (11,319),  Vol.  XXIV. 

25th  May,  1905,  Miss  Corsewall,  bay,  white  star  on  face,  black  legs,  filly,  by 
Royal  Crusader,  VoL  XXI.,  p.  158. 

VIVSKS  ft  80NB,  WILLIAM,  Domooktowii,   Aimaw 

LILY  LOTHIAN  (14,875);  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  126.)     Additional  produce— 

loth  June,  1905,  bay,   white  face,   hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  J.  M. 
Ebmnah,  Girvan  Mains,  Girvan),  by  Baron  o'  Buchlyvie  (11,2^),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BLACK  BESS  (16,405);  sire.  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXL    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  300.)    Additional  produce— 

26th  June,  1905,  Baron  of  Domock,  dark  brown,  white  face,  with  white  near 
hind  foot,  colt,  by  Baron  Lothian  (12,461),  VoL  XXVII. 

WADDELL,  WILLIAM,  Aii«lieiiMd6,  KlltMiniluui. 

JEAN  OF  AUCHENSALE  (16,406);  sire,  MacNeil  (4566), 
Vol.  VIII.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  300.)  Additional 
produce — 

lOth  May,  1903,  light  brown,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  Walter  S. 
Park ;  (2)  K.  Brydon,  Seaham  Harbour),  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527),  VoL  XXL 

WALKSR,  WILLIAM  LIDDLX,  Mortb  Moor  Farm,  Sflkswortli, 


HAWTHORN  (14,881) ;  sire,  Montrave  Rocket  (9809),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI. ,  p.  114.)    Additional  produce — 

15th  May.  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Airies  Prince  (10,667), 

PRINCESS  LOUISE  (14,883) ;  sire,  Holyrood  (9546),  Vol.  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol  XXIV.,  p.  228.)    Additional  produce— 

3rd  June,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  white  mark  on  near  coronet^ 
near  knee  white,  filly,  by  Crathome  (11,669),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  147 

JANE  EVERAED  (16,866) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XX Vl,  p.  285.)    Additional  produce — 

15th  April,  1905,  black,  face  and  hind  lega  white,  white  mark  on  near  coronet, 
and  whHe  mark  on  near  knee,  colt,  by  Silver  Gup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

WILD-ROSE  EVERARD  (15,867);  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  286.)  Additional 
produce — 

13th  June^  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Silver  Oup  (11,184), 
Vol.  XXTTI. 

WAI&AGB,  KSBIBT,  Penystoii  Varm,  A^. 

MAID  OF  FORTUNE  (15,328) ;  sire,  Crusader  (9178),  Vol.  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  128.)    Additional  produce— 

6th  June,  1905,  Castle  Fortune,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  small  white 
■pot  on  off  knee,  colt,  by  Dunore  Castle  (11,028),  Vol.  XXIII. 

WALItACX,  JAIOBS  ▲.,  Glayorop,  KlrMnner. 

LIME  JUICE  (11,137);   sire,  Premier  Lyon  (2328),  Vol.  V. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XaV.,  p.  87.)    Additional  produce — 

Ist  Jnne^  1904,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  far  fore  leg  black,  others  white,  filly,  by 
Gallant  Conohie  (12,154),  Vol.  XXVI. 

MAGGIE  OF  CLAYCROP  (12,961);  sire.  Nobleman  (6110), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  160.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  July,  1904,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  others  black,  colt 
(owned  by  David  Vance,  Canada),  by  Qallant  Conchie  (12,154),  Vol.  XXVI. 

DAISY  OF  CLAYCROP  (16,325) ;  aire,  William  the  Conqueror 
(9093),  Vol  Xm.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  115.) 
Additional  produce — 

3rd  June,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  black,  others  white,  colt  (owned 
by  John  Vance,  Canada),  by  Baron  of  Buchly  vie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

9th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  black,  other  legs  white,  oolt, 
by  Baron  Hood  (11,260),  Vol.  XXFV. 


WAIifiAfflB,  JOmr,  Hay  CloM,  OiOlihwalte,  OarlUOa. 

BEIDE  (15,327) ;   sire,  Bridegroom  (9886),  Vol.  XVII.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  128.)    Additional  produce — 

22iid  May,  1905«  brown,  white  star  on  face,  black  len,  colt,  by  Orown  Dexbj 
(10,726),  Vol.  XXn. 

DAISY  OF  HAY  CLOSE  (16,413):  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (6998), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  303.)  Additional 
produce — 

'  8th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Cromi 
Derby  (10,726),  VoL  XXU. 

WALLVr,  WILUAK  (DnaBnudi,  Pwrtott),  Gluipil  PUmw, 


MISS  EVERAED  (U,442) ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  128.)    Additional  produce— 

6th  June,  1906,  Dan  Everard,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face»  hind  legs  and  near 
fore  leg  white,  colt,  by  Bathillet  (11,870),  VoL  XXV. 

WARWICK,  &•  *  A.,  The  Ba^garaliy  Nettiar  Dental,  CaiUale. 

LADY  JESS  (15,871);  sire,  Crown  Rights  (10,182),  Vol.  XIX. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  287.)    Additional  produce— 

4th  May,  1905,  Orown  Gold,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore 
leg  white,  colt  (owned  by  (1)  John  Kerr,  Red  Hall,  Wigton ;  (2)  T.  J.  Benr, 
Hensall,  Ontario),  by  Qartly  Gold  (10,755),  Vol.  XXIL 

WATaON,  A.  Bw,  Bvmliead,  Anobterlkoiiaei  Dimdaa. 

BURNHEAD  LOVE  (15,331) ;  sire,  Prince  of  Fashion,  VoL  XII., 
p.  361.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  116.)  Additional 
produce — 

6th  July,  1904»  Janet,  light  bay,  white  itripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hoob, 
filly,  by  Mazawattee  (10^817),  Vol.  XXII. 

MAGGIE  COWAL  (15,873) ;  sire,  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074). 
Vol.  XVIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  288.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  June,  1904,  Madge,  black,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Mazawattee  (10,817), 

97th  May,  1905,  Mona,  black,  white  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Monttaye  Mac  (9958), 
Vol.  XVII. 

xxTOi.  FOALS,  149 

WATSOW,  JAIOU,  Ifniraloiw,  MotoWIwh. 

GOLD  LACE  (15,332);  sire,  Gold  IL  (5826),  Vol.  X,    (Lost 
entiy,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  129.)    Additional  produce— 

22nd  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg 
vhite,  ooh,  by  Grown  Derby  (10,726),  Vol.  XXIL 

JESSIE  GARTLY  ri 5,869) ;  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  286.)    Additional  produce — 

29lh  Maj,  1906,  bay,  wMte  face,  three  white  feet,  mM,  by  Crown  Derby 
(ia726),  VoL  XXIL 

WAntOV,  Mrs.  M.  ■.,  BonMpAttUL  Cto, 

BOSALINDA  (15,874);  sire.  King  of  the  Roses  (9927), 
Vol.  XVII.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVL,  p.  288.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

Slit  April,  1905,  Silver  Rose,  bay,  white  blace  on  faoe,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by 
SilTer  Cup  (11,184),  VoL  XXITI. 

WATSON,  WZUJAM,  DowntolMn,  Dnndiea, 

ROSE  OP  DOWNIEKEN  (13,317);  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  Xn.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  95.)  Addi- 
Cional  produce — 

19tb  Hay.  1905,  bay,  faoe  white,  with  brown  Bpot  over  left  ty%  off  legs  white 
to  knees  and  hocks,  near  legs  partly  white,  tUly,  by  Montrave  Mac  (9958), 

JEAN  OF  DOWNIEKEN  (14,887);  sire.  Mains  of  Airies 
(10,379),  Vol.  XX.  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXIV,  p.  230.) 
Additional  produce — 

April,  1903,  Jan,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  fore  feet  partly  white,  off  hind  leg 
white,  fiUy,  by  Casabianca  (10,528),  Vol.  XXI. 

WAUOH,  WZUJAM,  Clirlstlelaiida,  Annan. 

LIME  LEAP  (16,417);    sire,  Fitz-Gallant  (9209),  VoL   XIV. 
(Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  304.)    Additional  produce— 

22Dd  April,  1905,  Jess  of  Christielands,  brown,  star  on  face,  inside  of  off  fore 
foot  white,  near  fore  foot  white  round  hoofhead,  fiUy,  by  Qallant  Fauntleroy 
(11,716),  VoL  XXV. 


WXBSTBR,  WILLIAH,  Dataton,  FliiMaii,  Baaehoiy. 

LADY  ANN  (16,418);  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  304.)  Additional 
produce — 

26th  May,  1906,  Nancy,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  near  hind  paitem  white,  other 
three  black,  filly,  by  Rose  Emperor  (11,883),  Vol  XXV. 

WBXB,  niAlfCZft,  KdlB  of  Soatbwlok,  bF  IHuuMm. 

DAKLING  (15,879);  sire.  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112»),  Vol.  XVIH. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  290.)    Additional  produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  Mayflower,  .brown,  star  on  forehead,  three  dark  legs,  near  hind 
leg  white,  fiUy,  by  Lothian  Again  (11,804),  Vol.  XXY. 

MAGGIE  OF  SANDILANDS  (13,321);  sire,  Gay  Wyndham 
(6778),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  130.) 
Additional  produce — 

10th  April,  1905,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  colt  (owned  by  A.  &  W. 
Montgomery),  by  Acme  (10,485),  VoL  XXI. 

MODEL  (14,101);   sire,  Monogram   (3845),  Vol.  VIL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  98.)    Additional  produce — 

25th  May,  1906,  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  and  spot  on  off  fore  pastern, 
colt,  by  Baron  Templeton  (11,270),  Voh  XXIV. 

MISSIE  OP  SANDILANDS  (14,449);  sire.  Excelsior  (6751), 
Vol.  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  130.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  off  hind  pastern  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Redder 
wick  (11,604),  VoL  XXV. 

MISS  GARTLY  (14,470);  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVL  (Last  entry,  VoL  XXVIL,  p.  130.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

6th  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  three  legs  white,  off  fore  pastern  white,  oolt,  by 
Acme  (10.486),  Vol.  XXI. 


WSSTXJkMD,  NORMAN  ML,  SMtor  Tnlloeh,  Lanr«iioeldrk. 

EOSEBUD  (16,419);  sire,  Prince  of  Camichan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  305.)    Additional  produce — 

9th  July,  1905,  light  bay,  white  face,  legs  white  to  knees  and  hocks,  white  tip 
«n  off  fia^  fiUy,  by  Casablanca  (10,523),  VoL  XXI. 

WUITC,  THOMAS,  SMrtertoWB,  Douglas  Watar,  Lanark. 

<JUEEN  MARY  II.  (14,103);  sire,  Eastfield  Prince  (6722), 
Vol.  XL  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  131.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  bay,   face  and  legs  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Alister  (11,595), 
VoL  XXV. 

LADY  SMITH  (16,422) ;  sire.  Royal  Charlie  (11,488),  Vol.  XXV. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  306.)    Additional  produce— 

20th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  hind  leg  white,  white  spot  on 
near  hiad  pastern,  filly,  by  Baron  Alister  (11,595),  Vol.  XXV. 

WHYTB,  JOHN,  Netber  Gralgends,  Johnstoiie. 

EACJHEL  (15,883);  sire,  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XI.    (Last 
entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  291.)     Additional  produce — 

19th  July,  1906,  black,  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  and  a  little  white  on  off 
fore  foot,  oolt,  by  Olan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

wnJEOX,  AUEKANDXB,  Pitlandie,  Stanley,  Pertludilre. 

NELL  (14,451);   sire.  Juryman  (5906),  Vol.  X.     (Last  entry, 
Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  132.)    Additional  produce — 

19th  May.  1905,  Fanny  of  Pitlandie,  dark  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  feet, 
filly,  by  Baron  St.  Clair  (11,609),  Vol.  XXV. 

NELLIE  CULRAVEN  (15,340);  sire,  Lord  Culraven  (10,221), 
VoL  XIX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  231.)  Additional 
produce — 

15th  April,  1905,  Barney,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face  and  hind  feet  white,  colt, 
by  Baron  St  Clair  (11,609),  VoL  XXV. 

NeUit  Culraven  (15,340)  died  2&rd  AprU,  190& 


ROSE  OF  QUILQUOX  (12,969);  sire,  Lord  FitzLyon  (1747), 
Vol  IV.  (Laat  entry,  Vol.  XIX.,  p.  162.)  Additional 
produce — 

3lBt  Mav,  1905,  brown,  white  spot  on  faoe,  bind  feet  white,  fiUy,  by  Gvbineer 
(10,522),  VoL  XXI. 

WIUJAMSON,  ▲UaCANPlS&,  agrptand,  KMKeiidtelgfet. 

CZARINA   (11,160);   sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IH.    (Lut 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  132.)    Additional  produce — 

3rd  May,  1905,  Prinoess  Nettie,  bay,  white  on  face,  white  hind  pastem,  filly, 
by  Baron^B  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

BEULAH   (14,452);    sire,    Baron's   Pride   (91 22^  Vol  XIV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  132.)    Additional  produce — 

18th  May,  1905,  Princeae  Cypress,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind  le& 
and  one  fore  pastern  white  up  leg,  filly,  by  Majestie  (11,421),  VoL  XXFV. 

WTLLTAMflON,  JAMSB,  Upper  SanwK^  Klrkcndtolgbt. 

DOLL  OF  UPPER  SENWICK  (10,316);  sire,  Young  Lome 
(997),  Vol  I.  (Last  entry.  Vol  XXIIL,  p.  97.)  Addi- 
tional produce — 

May,  1903,  Mariana,  light  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  pastern  and  off  hind  leg 
white,  and  with  a  little  white  on  inside  of  near  hind  hoofhead,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatty  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Peerless 
(10,832),  Vol.  XXII. 

WTTjTifAllISON,  THOMAS  S.,  Pardsliaw,  CodkermontlL. 

JEWEL  OF  PARDSHAW  (16,428);  sire,  Sterling  (9425), 
Vol  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol  XXVIL,  p.  308.)  Additional 
produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  bright  bay,  white  faoe,  near  fore  foot  and  near  hind  leg  white, 
with  a  little  white  on  off  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Ked  Ticket  (10,866),  Vol.  XXn. 

BLOSSOM  OF  PARDSHAW  (16,429);  sire,  Knight  of  Drum- 
lanrig  (9777),  Vol  XVI.  (Last  entry.  Vol  XXVIl, 
p.  308.)     Additional  produce — 

llth  April,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  star  on  forehead,  off  hind  foot  white,  fiU?,  by 
Sir  Anthony  (10,642),  Vol.  XXI. 

xxTui.  foals:  15* 

WZLflON,  J.  *  J.,  T«tt,  IdlMrtMi,  Oumwiifth. 

LIBERIA  (12,694) ;  sire,  Ethiopia  (5750),  Vol.  X.     (Laat  entry, 
Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  98.)    Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1902.  Yett  Queenie  (17,200),  VoL  XXVIIL,  brown,  white  on  faoo, 
hind  leg!  white  and  fore  legs  black,  fiUj,  by  Aome  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

Haj,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (dead),  by  Acme 
(10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

YETT  MAEY  (14,456) ;  sire,  Master  Robin  (8040),  Vol.  XII. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  100.)    Additional  produce — 

Ut  Joly,  1903,  Tett  Kate,  bay,  white  on  face,  white  hair  through  coat,  grey 
iplatoh  on  near  fore  leg,  dark  points,  fiUy,  by  The  Provost  (11,560),  VoL  XXIV. 

nth  June,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  legblack,  other  legs  white,  and  a 
little  white  on  ohowk,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  vol.  XVIII. 

17th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Hiawatha 
aO,0e7),  VoL  XVHL 

WILSON,  JAMBS,   Artwaffc,  New  Comnook. 

MISSIE  OF  ASHMARK  (14,453);  sire,  MacMurray  (9602), 
Vol.  XV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXV.,  p.  91.)  Additional 
prodnce — 

8th  April,  1904,  brown,  spot  on  forehead,  far  fore  foot,  near  fore  leg,  and  hind 
legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Marconi  (11,817),  VoL  XXV. 

WHiSON,  JAMKS,  Wostlmni,   Camlnukuis. 

HEATHER  BELL  (11,410);  sire,  St.  Blaise  (3987),  Vol.  VIL 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XX.,  p.  38.)    Additional  produce — 

Jidy,  1903^  Madelon,  black,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  A  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Edmund 
(11,192),  VoL  XXTTL 

WILSON,  JOHN,  Iklftwliall,   Laagwatliby  B.S.O. 

BLOSSOM  OF  EDENHALL  (15,890);  sire,  WilUamwood 
(8391),  VoL  XIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  293.) 
Additional  produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Damael,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Gold  Mine 
(9540),  VoL  XV. 


WILSON,  JOHN,  TtnwaUL  Sliaws,  DdhiIMm. 

GOLD  LASS  (14,113);  sire,  Gk)ldfinder  (6807),  Vol.  XI.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XX Vl,  p.  119.)    Additional  produce — 

24th  Jane,  1905,  Lady  Bessie,  bay,  white  face  and  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Prinoeof 
Balmanno  (9976),  Vol.  XVII. 

WILSON,  JOHN  S.,  Plnnton  Kalns,  Borgne,  Klrkeadbiiglit. 

KATE  OF  PLUNTON  MAINS  (16,434);  sire,  Koh-i-noor 
(8742),  Vol.  XIII.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  310.) 
Additional  produce — 

29th  April,  1905,  Peggy  MaoHnley,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot 
white,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 

,  nay 
do),  by 

Ontario),  by  Mackinley  (10.228),  Vol.  XIX. 

WILSON,  PBTKB,   MIU  of  Oask,  AuohtentfOw. 

NANCE  OF  MILL  OF  GASK  (14,898);  sire,  Brooklyn  (6547), 
Vol.  XI.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  232.)  Additional 
produce — 

May,  1903,  Bees,  dark  brown,  white  catch  on  face,  one  white  hind  leg,  filly,  bj 
Magnet  (10,592),  Vol.  XXI. 

PRIDE  OF  MILL  OF  GASK  (14,900);  sire,  The  Summit 
(9442),  Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  233.) 
Additional  produce — 

April,  1908)  Darling,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  four  white  feet,  flUy,  by  Magnet 
(10,.592).  Vol.  XXI. 

June,  1905,  Nell,  brown,  white  hind  legs,   filly,   by  Eastfleld  King  (7683), 
Vol.  XIL 

WILSON,  ROBXBT,  ITOqiihanlty,  IMabaatttob 

LADY  MAXWELL  (14,695) ;  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600),  Vol  XV. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  173.)    Additional  produce— 

1903,  Lady  Gumming,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  a  little  white  on  nesr 
fore  foot,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &.  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Professor  Camming 
Halifax,  N.S.),  by  Prince  Shapely  (10,111»),  Vol.  XVIII. 

WILSON,  KOBBBT,  MamninrM*,  Bridge  of  Weir. 

ROYAL  JEAN  (12,974);  sire,  Royal  Signet  (8967),  Vol  MI. 
(Last  entry,  Vol.  XXL,  p.  84.)    Additional  produce— 

18th  July,  1904,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Hiavaths 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

xxviii.  FOALS.  155 

WXLBON,  Dr.  BOBBBT  M.,  TMrt^,  SUon. 

LADY  AGNES  (10,111);  sire,  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  78.)    Additional  produce — 

20ih  April,  1903,  Miranda,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
white,  on  hind  foot  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Monteomery ;  (2) 
W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,879),  Vol.  XX. 

DESDEMONA  (11,857);   sire,  Darnley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X. 
(Last  entry,  V  ol.  XVL,  p.  182.)    Additional  produce — 

24th  April,  190S,  Olivia,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  faoe,  black  legs,  black 
points,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W,  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 
Ontario),  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

WINIFRED  KATHEBINE  (16,430) ;  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  309.)  Additional 
produce — 

29th  May,  1904,  Julia,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind  less  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  t  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

AMELIA ;  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  near  hind  leg  and  off  hind 
foot  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1897  ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Dr.  Eobert  M.  Wilson,  Tarty,  Ellon ;  sire,  Marcus  Aurelius 
(10,088),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Galloway  Minnie,  foaled 
August,  1892,  bred  by  the  late  James  Lockhart,  Mains  of 
Airies,  Stranraer,  by  Darnley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XI.; 
gr.-dam,  Galloway  Lass.     Produce — 

4th  Jnly,  1906,  bay,  faoe  white  to  nose,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Fergus 
(12,028),  VoL  XXVL 

WOOD,  NATHAN,  WaMh  Tree,  KlrklMUiiptoii. 

GRACE  DARNLEY  (15,346);  sire,  Darnley  Again  (9182), 
Vol.  XIV.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVI.,  p.  119.)  Additional 
produce — 

5th  Hay,  1905,  Lady  Gartly,  bay,  white  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Gartly 
Brand  {U,lb%  Vol.  XXVI. 

WOOD,  W.   H.,  DrawdFkee  Castle,  CarUele. 

ELLICE  (13,102) ;  sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII.     (Last 
entry,  VoL  XXVI.,  p.  48.)    Additional  produc< 

4th  May,  1905,  Drawdykes  Baron,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 


WBIOBT  *  ftON%  JOKN,  SiUotli  Bmue  Vwm,  SUloth. 

ROSE  BLUSH  (12,696);  sire,  Browning  (5594),  Vol.  X.    (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  134.)     Additional  produce — 

2nd  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  SootUnd't 
Stamp  (11,522),  Vol.  XXIV. 

SEABREEZE   (15,902);    sire,   Lord    Lothian   (5998),  Vol  X. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  135.)    Additional  produce— 

28th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  and  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122X  Vol.  XIV. 

KATE  OF  SILLOTH  (16,439);  sire,  Montravo  MatcUm 
(9959),  Vol.  XVIL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  312.) 
Additional  produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  6Uy,  by 
Scotland's  Stamp  (11,522),  Vol.  XXIV. 

WSIOHT,  T.  B.,  C»frnlill1,  CHrvan. 

PIMPERNEL  (15,904) ;  sire,  Eastfield  Stamp  (6723),  Vol.  XI. 
(Last  entry.  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  297.)    Additional  produce — 

20th  July,  1904,  Oipsy  of  Gaimhill,  dark  browo,  white  faoe  and  hind  legs, 
£Qly,  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028),  VoL  XXIII. 

26th  July,  1905,  Bose  of  CairnhiU,  black  white  faoe,  near  fore  foot  black,  three 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028),  Vol.  XXIII. 

LILY  OF  CAIRNHILL  (15,905);  sire,  Blair  AthoU  hie  Con- 
tractor Gall  (7602),  Vol.  XL  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVL, 
p.  297.)    Additional  produce — 

9th  June,  1905,  BeU  of  Cairuhill,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  pastern  and  Dflsr 
hind  leg  white,  fiUy,  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028),  Vol.  XXIII. 

TRIM  OP  CAIRNHILL;  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  leg 
white,  foaled  1st  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
T.  B.  Wright,  Cairnhill,  Girvan;  sire,  Royal  Champion 
(8956),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Cairnhill,  bred  by  T.  B. 
Wright,  by  Goldfinder  (6807),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of 
Cairnhill,  by  Lord  Bobbiegee,  late  Bloom's  Boy  (4512), 
Vol.  VUL     Produce— 

lOth  May,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  far  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Dunure  GssUe 
(11,028),  Vol.  XXIII. 

xxviii.  FOALS,  157 

WBIOHT,  WILI.IA1I,  Xlrkwood,  StrmthaTOiL 

NORA  (14,772) ;   sire,  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol  XL     (Last 
entry,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  88.)     Additional  produce — 

3l8t  Hay,  1905,  Nora's  Prince,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  near  fore 
pastern  white,  colt,  by  Marmion  (11,429),  VoL  XXIV. 

TOUNO,  JAMBI,  OreanlMd,  StratliaFta. 

JEAN;     sire,     Primus     (8897).     VoL     XIIL       (Last    entry, 
Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  135.)    Additional  produce — 

5th  May,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white, 
Uy  (owned  ' 
Vol  XXV. 

fflly  (owned  by  John  Park,  Deohmont,  Cambnslang),  by  Baron  .AJister  (11,595), 

TOUNO,  Urs.,  Broadholm,  BearsdML 

JEAN ;  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
1891  j  bred  by  and  property  of  Mrs.  Young,  Broadholm, 
Bearsden ;  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Nancy, 
bred  by  Mrs.  Young,  by  Disraeli  (234),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

4th  May,  1903,  bay,  white  face,  lour  white  legs,  filly,  by  Prince  Alexander 
'^\  Vol.  XIIl. 

YOUNG,  STBPHBN,   Bai»tl«toii,  XlUMum. 

LADY  LOCHLOMOND  (16,444)^;  sire.  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
VoL  IX.  (Last  entry,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  314.)  Additional 
produce — 

July,  1904,  Lass  o'  Ballochmyle,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white, 
fll^  (owned  by  (1)  Alex.  Mlntyre,  Dunallan ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simooe,  Ontario), 
W  Prince  Otto  (12,291),  Vol.  XXVI. 

TOUNG,  THOMAS^  BnftWiead,  Baimotikbim. 

MAGGIE  OF  SNABHEAD  (14,906);  sire,  Boy  in  Blue  (5578), 
VoL  X.  (Last  entry.  Vol.  XXIV.,  p.  235.)  Additional 
produce — 

Ut  May,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  three  white  legs,. near  fore  tog 
black,  filly,  by  Hawthorn  (12,698),  Vol.  XXVn. 




CAROLINA  OF  FORGLEN  (16,446);  dark  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  off  fore  pastern  white,  white  stripe  up  to  knee,  off 
hind  leg  white  up  to  knee,  grey  hair  through  tail,  foaled 
27th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Sir  George 
William  Abercromby,  Bart.,  Forglen  House,  Turriff;  sire, 
Prince  of  G^rruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Caledonia 
(14,125),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Damley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X.; 
;r.-dam,  Charity  (9331),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Blue  Ribbon  (1961), 
^1.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Susie  (1852),  Vol.  V.,  by  Farmer  (286), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Trim  of  Awhirk  (458),  Vol.  II.,  by 
Clansman  (150),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bell,  by  Samson 
(740),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

22nd  May.  1904,   Forglen  Chief  (12,980),  VoL    XXVIII.,  brown,  oolt,  by 
Hillhead  Chief  (10,774),  Vol.  XXII. 


STELLA  (16,447);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  foaled  1899; 
bred  by  James  Dick,  Ballinton,  Kippen  Station ;  property  of 
James  Adam,  Muirpark,  Denny ;  sire,  Record  Reign  (10,440), 
Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Kate  of  Ballinton  (11,300),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
M*Dougall  (2269),  Vol.  V.;  gr.-dam,  Topsy  of  Torrance 
(10,539),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Cedric  (1087),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-gr.^iam, 
by  Prince  Chariie  (629),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Ist  Jane,  1903,  brown,  white  stripo  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  ^diite,  fillj 
(owned  by  Alexander  Fotheringham,  Woodlane,  Blair  Drummond),  by  Aigoqr 

(11^7).  VoL  xxrv. 

3rd  June,  1904,  Muirpark  (13,111),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe^ 
white  hind  legs,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  s  W.  Montgomery),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,472Qb 
VoL  XX. 

5th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475), 
VoL  XX. 



BESSIE  (16,448) ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  leg  black, 
other  three  white,  foaled  13th  May,  1900;  bred  by  Mrs. 
Andrew,  Acredales,  Haddington;  property  of  John  Adam, 
Sweethillock,  Alves,  Forres;  sire,  Gay  Everard  (10,758), 
Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Alice  II.  (14,135),  Vol.  XXUL,  by  Prince 
Ethelbert  (8135),  Vol.  XII.;  gr.^am,  Alice,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  6, 
by  St.  Mwngo,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  6;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  (1922), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Duke  of  Eothesay  (2744),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

31st  Mftrch,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Sir 
Evylyn  (10,918),  Vol.  XXU. 

DAISY  (16,449);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  2nd  March,  1901 ;  bred  by  William  Taylor, 
Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  property  of  John  Adam,  Sweet- 
hillock,  Alves,  Forres ;  sire.  Sir  Lionel  (10,647),  Vol.  XXI. ; 
dam,  Comton  Countess  (14,069),  Vol.  XXII.,  by  Sir  Everard 
(5353),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Comton  Duchess— dam  of  Sir 
Anthony,  (10,642),  Vol.  XXL— by  Boy  in  Blue  (5578), 
Vol.  X.;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Young  Lord  Haddo  (992),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  bay,  with  white  hairs,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs» 
eolt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  VoL  XXIV. 

ROYAL  POLLY  (16,450);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off 
hind  leg  white  at  pastern,  other  three  l^s  black,  foaled 
8th  March,  1902;  bred  by  Eepresentatives  of  the  late 
James  M'Kessack,  Earnside,  Alves,  Forres;  property  of 
John  Adam,  Sweethillock,  Alves,  Forres ;  sire,  Boyal  Carrick 
(10,270),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Polly  of  Earnside  (15,157), 
Vol.  XXV,  by  Duke  King  (6723),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam. 
Quinine  (12,560),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Moray  (7069),  Vol.  XL ; 
g.-er.-dam,  Quality  (9952),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  MacNab  (3824), 
Vol.  VIL  ;ff. -g.-gr.-dam.  Queen  of  Earnside  (3906),  Vol.  VII., 
by  Prince  uharlie  (629),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.^am,  Marion,  by 
Ploughboy  (590),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

0ih  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  feet  white,  fore  lega  blaok, 
oolt^  bj  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

ADAMS,    WT¥.¥.¥AW 

MINNIE  OF  CLUGSTON  (16,451);  black,  white  face,  one 
white  hind  leg,  foaled  4th  July,  1896;  bred  by  Andrew 
Mitchell,  Barcheskie,  Kirkcudbright;  property  of  William 


Adams,  Clugston,  Kirkcowan;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122)) 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Brenda  II.  of  Barcheskie  (12,871), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  Macgregor  (U87),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Brenda 
of  Barcheskie  (4901),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Young  Damley  (1874), 
Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bess  (566),  Vol.  III.,  by  Robbie  Bums 
(700),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Dall,  by  Rory  o'  More  (718), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

Jtme,  1901,  Transftgrie  (18,281),  Vol.  XXVin.,  black,  white  stripe  on  faee, 
white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Royal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

AONXW,  JOHN  M.   M. 

JESSIE  YET  OF  MARK  (16,452);  brown,  white  face,  near 
legs  white,  off  legs  black,  foaled  26th  June,  1889 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  tfohn  M.  M.  Agnew,  Mark,  Castle-Kennedy; 
sire,  Henry  Irving  (4440),  Vol.  VIII. ;  dam,  Nell  of  Mark 
(6899),  VoL  XI.,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  L  ;  gr.-dam.  Blossom, 
by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Flora,  by  Blacklock, 
(72),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-ffr.-dam,  Boreland  Nell,  by  Clyde  (155), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Darling.    Produce — 

1901,  brown,  fUly,  by  Dorehill  (10.186),  Vol.  XIX. 

1904,  brown,  filly,  by  KiUiilt  (9257),  Vol.  XIV. 

4th  July,  1905,  Yonng  Mark,  brown,  white  face  and  legs,  white  ratch  on  nesr 
hind  quartier,  eolt,  by  Frivolity  (11,040),  Vol.  XXUI. 

MAGKJIE  OF  MARK  (16,463);  dark  brown,  white  star  on 
forehead,  near  fore  foot  and  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled 
6th  June,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  M.  M. 
Agnew,  Mark,  Castle-Kennedy;  sire,  Kilhilt  (9257), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  NeU  of  Mark  (6899),  Vol.  XL,  by  Glenlee 
(363),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam.  Blossom,  by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Mora,  by  Blacklock  (72),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Boreland  Nell,  by  Clyde  (155),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

15th  May,  1905,  Nell  II.  of  Mark,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  four  white  legii 
flUy,  by  Frivolity  (11,040),  VoL  XXIII. 


NELL  OF  BABSOLUS  (16,454);  brown,  small  ratch  on  fsoe, 
white  foot,  foaled  1st  May,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  V^illiam  Agnew,  Billhead,  Leswalt,  Stranraer;  sire, 
Handsome  Prince  (10,356),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Baraolus 
(5175),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Speculation  laU  Stanley  (2426),  Vol.  V.; 
gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Barsolus,  by  Prince  (1785),  VoL  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Briton  (1082),  Vol.  II.    Produce— 

15th  May,  1905,  brown,  fiUy,  by  Frivolity  (11.040),  VoL  XXIIL 


BETTY  OF  TILLYFOUR  (16,455);  dark  bay,  white  rafcch  on 
face,  off  hind  leg  and  foot  white,  foaled  8th  June,  1893; 
bred  by  the  late  Henry  F.  Begg,  Tillyfour,  Aberdeen ; 
property  of  (1)  W.  T.  Farquharson  of  Whitehouse,  Aberdeen  ; 
(2)  Mr.  Aiken,  Whitehills,  Monymusk,  Abenleen;  sire, 
Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Lucy  (11,216),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Newhope  (3029),  VoL  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Dark  Lome  Bessy  (7409), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  L ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Keir 
Bessy  (194),  Vol.  if,  by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

2nd  Maj,  1900,  Fannj,  hrown,  vhite  ratch  on  faoe,  off  hind  foot  white,  filly 
<bred  by  W.  T.  Farquh&non),  by  Pandora's  Prince  (10,391),  Vol.  XX. 

20th  Jane,  1902;  Jip,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly  (bred  by 
W.  T.  Farquharson;  owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt, 
HamUtoQ,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Patron  (10,887),  VoL  XXIII. 


DONNA  COSSACK  (16,456);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  25th  April,  1896;  bred  by 
Alexander  Fleming,  Eaith,  Bothwell;  property  of  Robert 
Ainslie,  Dodridge,  Ford,  Dalkeith;  sire,  Don  Cossack  alias 
Carmuirs  (7558),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Mary  Sloan  (10,647), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Gold  (3657),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of 
Treesmax  (4106),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol  L 
Produce — 

1901,  Sir  Dudley  (12,741),  VoL  XXVIL,  by  Gay  Everard  (10,768),  VoL  XXIL 

April,  19(K2,  Lady  Ainslie,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  spot  on  belly,  fore 
legs  dark,  near  hind  leg  white,  far  hind  leg  white  inside  up  to  nock,  filly  (owned 
<1)  James  Watson,  ChaUdeside,  Musselburgh ;  (2)  W.  S.  Park ;  (3)  C.  £.  Eaid, 
Simeoe,  Ontario),  by  Gay  Everard  (10,758),  VoL  XXU. 


DINAH  (16,457);  brown,  white  on  face,  white  legs,  foaled 
18th  May,  1897 ;  bred  by  David  Cook  of  Carphin,  Luthrie, 
Cupar-Fife ;  property  of  John  Aitken,  Kirklauchlin,  Stoney- 
kirk;  sire.  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Carphin 
Maid  (13,028),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Look  Again  (5972),  Vol.  X. ; 
gr.-dam,  Betty,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily, 
by  Paisley  Jock  (581),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

17th  June,  1903,  Celtic  Star  (12,902),  VoL  XXVIII..  bay,  wbite  on  face,  white 
hind  lega,  colt  (owned  by  (1)  Matthew  Marahall,  Stranraer  ;  (2)  William  M*&ie, 
Lot  Angelot,  California,  U.S. A.),  by  Baronson  (10,961),  VoL  XXIII. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  1 1 



CITY  BELLE  (16,458);  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
May,  1902;  bred  by  John  P.  Stewart,  Thomley  Park, 
Paisley ;  property  of  Walter  A.  Aitkenhead,  Meadowbank, 
Polmont;  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam, 
Belisle  Lady  (17,123),  VoL  XXVIIL,  by  Grand  National 
(8676),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Polly  Taylor  (10,240),  VoL  XIII, 
by  Sir  Michael  (1530),  Vol.  III.;  g.-gr.-dam,  SaU  of  View- 
field  (5438),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Prince  Albert  (616),  VoL  L; 
ff.-ff.-OT.-dam,  Darling  (5700),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Glenlee  (362), 
Vol.  1.     Produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  faoe  and  legs  white,  oolt,  by  SUver  Cup  (11,184), 
Vol.  XXIII. 


BESSIE  OF  ALLANDS  (16,459);  brown,  white  on  face,  hind 
legs  and  off  fore  leg  white,  foaled  1897;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Hugh  Alton,  AUands  Farm,  Renfrew;  sire. 
Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.;  dam,  Rosie  of  AUands, 
Vol.  XVII.,  p.  3,  by  Lord  Beresford  (4178),  VoL  VII.; 
gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by  General  Williams  (327),  Vol.  I.: 
g.-gr.-dam,  Bell.     Produce — 

June,  1908,  dark  brown,  white  on  face  and  on  hind  leg*(  also  little  white  on 
fore  leg,  fiUy,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899).  Vol.  XIII. 

6th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  white  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Hiawatha 

(10,067).  Vol.  xvm. 


FANCY  FLORA  (16,460);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
and  inside  of  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  15th  May,  1886; 
bred  by  George  Hutchison,  Dranzie,  Milnathort;  property 
of  the  late  William  Alexander,  Loanside,  Clackmannan; 
sire,  Farmer's  Fancy  (302),  Vol.  I. ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Drunzie 
(6283),   Vol.   X.,   by    Monkcastle    Prince   (542),   Vol.   L; 

fr.-dam.  Gentle,  by  Strathendrick  Champion  (131),  Vol.  L 
^roduce — 

1895.  Bell  of  Loanside  (17.122),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  ratch  on  faoe,  near  fore 
and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy  (bred  by  the  late  William  Alexander),  by  Maokeniie 
(2990),  Vol.  VL 


LILY  OF  OLD  MAINS  (16,461);  brown,  foaled  1898;  bred  by 
William  Dunn,  Easter  Ballagan,  Strathblane ;   property  of 

xxviii.  MARES.  163 

Peter  Algie,  Old  Mains,  Inchinnan,  Renfrew;  sire,  Kyles 
of  Bute  (7896),  Vol.  XIL ;  dam,  Nancy— dam  of  Room  at 
the  Top  (3966),  Vol.  VIL— by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L; 
gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Scotsman  (759),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily, 
by  Prince  Royal  (647),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1901.  Sir  Ben  (12,789),  VoL  XXVII.,  brown,  oolt,  by  Sir  Simon  (10,466), 
Vol  XX. 

23rd  April,  1903,  Lady  Edmund,  bay,  white  face,  fonr  white  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains.  Renfrew ;  (2)  Colin  M^Keigan,  Strathroy, 
Ontario),  by  Sir  Edmund  (11,192),  Vol.  XXIU. 


LADY  KATE  (16,462);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind' legs  white, 
foaled  10th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  Alexander  M'Intyre, 
Danallan,  Rothesay;  property  of  David  Allan,  South  Fod, 
Dunfermline;  sire.  Royal  Carrick  (10,270),  Vol.  XIX.; 
dam,  Rosenthal  (13,523),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam,  Rose  Lawrence  (13,522),  Vol.  XXL, 
by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VIL,  p.  261 ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bute 
Rose  (9940),  Vol,  XIIL,  by  Springhill  Darnley  (2429), 
Vol.  V. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  R^sie  of  Donallan  (4812),  Vol.  VIIL, 
by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by 
Scotsman  (747),  Vol.  I.     Produce 

9th  July,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  a  little  white  on  legs  above  pastemt,  oolt,  by 
Royal  Chattan  (11,489),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ALLAN,  JOHN,    Alkimalilll 

L£NA  (16,463);  bay,  spot  on*  face,  three  white  feet,  foaled 
15th  May,  1896;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Allan, 
Aikenshill,  Newburgh,  Aberdeen;  sire,  Prince  of  Fortune 
(9826),  Vol.  XVL ;  dam.  Flora  Allan  (12,384),  Vol.  XVIIL, 
by  Damley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Aurora  Floyd 
(9345),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Voh  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (1068),  Vol.  V.,  by  Duke  of  Wellington 
(252),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jane,  a  bay  mare  bought  in 
Lanarkshire.    Produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Prince  of 
Bathgate  (8913),  Vol.  XIII. 

ALLAN,  JOHN,  Bosby. 

MISS  OF  CARDONA  (16,464);  black,  white  star  on  face,  near 
fore  foot  and  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  May,    1895; 




bred  by  William  Meiklejohn,  Cardona,  Blair  Drummond; 
property  of  John  AUan,  Busby,  Methven ;  sire,  Boy  in  Bine 
(5578),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Jean  of  Cardona  (11,916),  Vol  XVL, 
by  Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Alloa  Jean  (12,012), 
Vol.  XVI.,  by  Clydesdale  Jock  (1415),  Vol.  IL;  g.-gr.-dam. 
a  Keir  mare.     Produce — 

6th  May,  190S,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  white  hind  foot,  eolt 
(owned  by  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew),  by  MaroeiluB  (11,110), 

12th  June,  1904,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  oolt  (owned  by  Scott  Wyllie, 
Milton  of  Lunoarty,  Perth),  by  Maroellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

KATE  OF  LAUGHTON  (16,465) ;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  foaled  30th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  J.  Douglas  Fletcher 
of  Rosehaugh,  Avoch ;  property  of  John  Allan,  Busby, 
Methven;  sire,  MacEachran(9792),Vol.  XVL;  dam.  Duchess 
of  Laughton  (12,774),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince  of  Fashion, 
Vol.  XIL,  p.  361 ;  gr.-dam,  Marie  Stuart  (8326),  Vol.  XII., 
by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Balquhiddroch 
(5400),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Marquis  (1215),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Rosie  (5399),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Duke  of  Edinburgh  (246),  ToL  L; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Jewel  (273),  Vol.  II.,  by  Renfrewshire  Jock 
0596),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Sir  James  (780),  VoL  I. 
Froduce — 

24th  June,  1904,  Baronesg  Busby,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  bind  legs  irhite, 
filly  (owned  by  George  G.  Stewart,  Ho  wick,  Quebec),  by  Baron  Briton  (10.678), 
Vol.  XXII. 

ALLAN,  JOHN,   IfoadowMid. 

JENNY  OF  MEADOWEND  (16,466);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
near  fore  foot  black,  other  feet  white,  foaled  1893 ;  bred  by 
Thomas  Scott,  late  farmer,  Newlands,  Bargeddie,  now  residing 
at  102  Townhead,  Kirkintilloch ;  property  of  John  Allan, 
Meadowend,  Clackmannan;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Missie  of  Newlands  (10,174),  Vol.  XIIL, 
by  Champion  of  the  North  (1092),  Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of 
Rottenrow  (2932),  Vol.  VL,  by  Lofty  (4601  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  a  mare,  by  Prince  Charlie  (1253),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

5th  April,  1899,  Maggie  of  Meadowend,  bavi  ratoh  on  face,  ofif  fore  foot  blaok, 
other  three  feet  white,  flUy,  by  Alexander's  Heir  (10,151),  Vol.  XIX. 

6th  May,  1900|  Lily  of  Meadowend,  bay,  ratch  on  faoe,  four  white  feet,  fiUj,  by 
Alexander's  Heir  (10,151),  Vol.  XIX. 

17tb  June,  1904,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  far  hind  foot  wliite, 
filly  (owned  by  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton-Stewart),  by  Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII. 



BESS  OF  BUSH  (16,467) ;  light  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
feet,  foaled  22nd  April,  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Eobert  Allan,  Bush,  Keith ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. ; 
dam,  Rose,  bred  by  John  Pine,  Allochcadoch,  Keith,  by 
Derby  (227),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam.  Lovely,  bred  by  Andrew 
Dancan,  Northfield,  Gamrie,  by  Improver  (391),  Vol.  I. ; 
p.-gr.-dam.  Rose,  bred  by  John  Duncan,  late  Woodside 
"  »ttage,  Glenforkie,  by  Glenelg  (357),  Vol.  I.    Produce — 

dth  April,  190i  MoncreiflFe  (13,107),   Vol  XXVIII.,  bey,   oolt  (owned  by 
A  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Moncreiffe  MiurquiB  (9953),  VoL  X VII. 



FLORA  OF  DUDDINGSTON,  (16,468);  foaled  1896;  bred 
by  and  property  of  David  Allison,  Duddingston,  South 
Queensferry ;  sire.  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280),  VoL  XIV. ; 
dam,  a  mare,  bred  by  David  Allison,  by  St.  Stephen  (7231), 
Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  NeU  of  Parkhead  (1887),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Nell,  by 
Morton  (546),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Scotsman 
(749),  Vol.  L    Produce— 

Ufty,  1902,  Miss  AUiaon,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  one 
fore  putern,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Fktt, 
Hunilton,  Ontario),  by  Gartly  Squire  (10,850),  YoL  XX. 

Flora  (16,468)  is  fww  dead. 


FAIR  FLORA  (16,469);  bay,  with  a  grey  hair,  stripe  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  26th  June,  1900;  bred  by  Robert 
Eadie,  Bath  Fann,  Bogside,  near  Dunfermline ;  property  of 

il)  David  Sword,  Dunblane;  (2)  William  Allison,  Hole 
^arm,  Thomtonhall;  sire.  Harbinger  (10,565),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Fanny,  bred  by  Robert  Eadie,  by  Darnley's  Grandson 
(8570),  Vol.  XIIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Bett,  bred  by  Robert  Eadie,  by 
Admiral  (5),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

12th  May,  1905,  black  with  a  grey  hair,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  a  little 
white  ou  belly,  colt  (owned  by  James  Brown,  Merryton,  Hamilton),  by  Lord 
Ftuntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 


BUCHAN  BRIDE  (16,470);  dark  brown,  white  spot  between 
eyes,  four  black  legs,  foaled  27th  April,  1898 ;  bred  by 
Robert  Junor,  Auchenlumb,  Strichen ;  property  ot  Spence 
Alsop,  Wogle,  Kinellar,  and  43  and  44  Market  Buildings^ 


Aberdeen;  sire,  Merry  Hampton  (9615),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam, 
bred  by  Greorge  A.  Baird  of  Strichen,  by  Grand  Salute 
(7790),  Vol.  XIL;  gr.-dam,  Mysie  of  Strichen  (10,377), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Victor  Chief  (1856),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Bloom  (1905),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Improver  (39n,  Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-gr.- 
dam,  Julie ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Susie.     Produce — 

24th  May,  1906,  chestnut,  white  face,  one  foot  l)lAck,  other  three  white,  colt,  \sj 
Gold  Link  (11,732),  Vol.  XXV. 


BLACK  BEAUTY  (16,471);  black,  four  white  legs,  foaled  May, 
1896 ;  bred  by  James  Cameron,  Sunnyhall,  Lochee ;  property 
of  Alexander  Anderson,  Berryhill,  Dundee ;  sire,  Crown  and 
Feather  (8559),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  a  brown  mare,  bred  by 
James  Cameron,   by  Mains  of  Keir  (8834),   Vol.   XIIL; 

fr.-dam,  a  brown  mare,  bred  by  James  Cameron,  by  Northern 
tar  (8084),  Vol.  XII.     Produce- 
April,  1901,  black,  filly  (bred  by  J.  Cameron ;  owned  by  (1)T.  H.  Bett,  Piterno, 
Dundee ;  (2)  D.  Kerr,  Marshalland,  Beith ;  (3)  J.  Allen,  Kilbirnie),  by  Knight  of 
Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVUI. 

ANDXBSON,   O.   A. 

COUNTESS  OF  COMISTY  (16,472) ;  brown,  spot  on  face,  three 
white  feet,  foaled  21st  May,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
G.  A.  Anderson,  Comisty,  Huntly ;  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Sally  of  Highlands  (12,386), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Tweedbank  (3276),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam, 
Sally  Park  (6730),  Vol.  X.,  by  Honour  Bright  (1689), 
Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Young  Empire  (1879), 
Vol.  IV. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Susie,  by  Robbie  Burns  (700),  Vol.  1. 
Produce — 

17th  April,  1904,  Oounteu  Ruby,  brown,  smaU  spot  on  forehead,  a  little  white 
on  both  hind  feet,  fllly,  by  Baron  Buby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BETTY  OF  COMISTY  (16,473);  brown,  white  face,  off  hind  leg 
white,  foaled  10th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
G.  A.  Anderson,  Comisty,  Huntly;  sire.  Prince  Thomas 
(10,262),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam.  Rosebud  (12,387),  Vol.  XVIH,, 
by  Mount  Royal  (8065),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Rose  Mary 
(5214),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Earl  of  Mar  (1434),  Vol.  Ill;  g.-gr.- 
dam.  Rose  11.  (464),  Vol.  III.,  by  Duke  of  Wellington  (252), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Rose  (325),  Vol.  II.,  by  Field  Marshal 
(526),  Vol  I.     Produce— 

9th  July,  1905,  Protection,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  white  spot  on 
belly,  colt,  by  Everlagting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 

xxviii.  MARES.  167 


JEAN  OF  NEWBIGGING  (16,474);  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
"  wall "  eye,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1899  ;  bred  by  John 
Anderson,  Middle  Quarter,  Shettleston ;  property  of  John 
Anderson,  Newbigging,  Ceres,  Fife ;  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Flash  Queen  (11,741),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Day's  Eye  (8730), 
VoL  XIL,  by  Mainmast  (4570),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  May- 
flower of  Glasnick  (3865),  VoL  VII.,  by  Lord  Lyon  (48^), 
VoL  I. ;  ff.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Glasnick  (601),  Vol.  III.,  by 
Farmer  (286),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Daintie  (302), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Count  Bismarck  (1111),  VoL  II. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.- 
dam,  BelL     Produce — 

lat  Mar,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  fllly,  by  Toward  Castle 
<13,230),  VoL  XXVni. 


DAISY  BELL  (16,475) ;  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  foot  and 
off  fore  foc4)  white,  foaled  May,  1899;  bred  by  the  late 
William  Mackie,  Petty,  Fy  vie  ;  property  of  R  J.  Anderson, 
56  Westbum  Road,  Aberdeen ;  sire,  Royal  Alexander  (9997), 
VoL  XVIL;  dam,  Etona  (11,493),  VoL  XV.,  by  M*Camon 
(3818),  VoL  VII. ;  gr.-dam.  Primrose  of  Warthill  (7455), 
VoL  XL,  by  Young  Darnley  (1874),  VoL  IV. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jip  (4747),  VoL  VIIL,  by  Duke  of  Wellington  (252),  VoL  L; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Bet.  Produce- 
May,  1905,  dark  roan,  stripe  on  face,  ofl  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Prinoe'i}  Pride 

<io,^5).  Vol.  xxn. 

ANDBBSON,   T.   A. 

BANGLE  (16,476);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  both  hind  ankles 
white,  foaled  12th  April,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
T.  A.  Anderson,  Ballachraggan,  Alness ;  sire,  Baron  Glasserton 
10,682),  VoL  XXIL;  dam,  Bess  of  Nonikiln  (12,701), 
oL  XIX.,  by  Rosedale  (8194),  VoL  XIL ;  gr.-dam.  Bell  of 
Kessington  (9254),  VoL  XIL,  by  Knight  of  Snowdon  (2212), 
VoL  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Kessington  (3079),  VoL  VL, 
by  Young  Campsie  (929),  VoL  I.     Produce — 

7tli  April,  1905,  Beaatv,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white, 
inside  of  off  bind  foot  white,  fiUy,  by  Knight  of  Gowal  (10,074),  VoL  XYIII. 



LETTIE  (16,477);    brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  bind  pastern 
white,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by  Mrs.  Craig,  Drumlemble, 


Campbeltown;  property  of  T.  A.  Anderson,  Nonikiln, 
Alness;  sire,  Admiral  of  Rosehaugh  (10,149),  Vol.  XIX.; 
dam,  Lily  Dale  (13,754),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Rosedale  (8194), 
Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Eamock  (11,651),  Vol.  XV.,  bv 
Ghillie  CaUum  (3629),  Vol.  VIL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nannie  (3176), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  of  Kelvin  (656),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam, 
Mall  of  Woodhall,  by  Lofty  (457),  VoL  L     Produce— 

2l8t  May,  1905,  Lilly  Cowal,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  both  hind  legs  white,  filly, 
by  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 


ELLA  (16,478) ;  brown,  ratch  on  face,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled 
16th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William  Ander- 
son, Saphock,  Old  Meldrum ;  sire.  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379), 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Emma  (14,472),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Sirdar 
(4714),  Vol.  VIII.;  gr.-dam,  Saphock  Queen  (12,982), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Montrose  (1226],  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Ruby 
of  Saphock  (10,363),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Corsewall  (1420), 
Vol.  III. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Ruby  (277),  Vol.  II.,  by  Conqueror 
(199),  VoL  I    Produce— 

28th  Maj,  1905,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  oolt, 
by  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  VoL  XII. 

▲BOO,   JAMSa. 

QUEEN  ALEXANDRA  (16,479);  dark  bay,  with  white  hairs, 
Btripe  on  face,  one  hind  leg  white  nearly  to  hock,  other  legs 
dark,  foaled  18th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  Argo,  Crannabog,  Rothie- Norman;  sire.  Prince 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam.  Fortune's  Favourite 
(14,136),  Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Prince  of  Fortune  (9826), 
Vol.  XVL;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Keir  (12,395),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by 
Mains  o'  Keir  (8834),  Vol.  XIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Attraction  of 
Broadwater  (9362),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  The  Professor  (4066), 
Vol.  VIL;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Rose  of  Broadwater  (1871  \  Vol.  VI.; 
by  British  Empire  (1599),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-aam,  Kate. 
Produce — 

6th  May,  1905,  Siren,  bav  or  dark  chestnut,  spot  on  face,  hind  pasterns  white, 
flUy,  by  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 


ROYAL  BEAUTY  (16,480);  bay,  star  on  face,  foaled  29th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Argo,  Crannabog, 
Rothie-Norman ;  sire.  Fortune  Still  (9762),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam, 
Prairie  Flower  (12,393),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Royalist  (6242), 


Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Marchioness,  Vol.  XI.,  p.  9,  by  Windsor 
(2509),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bet,  by  Sir  William  Wallace 
(802),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Bet.     Produce — 

3rd  May,  1906,  twins,  both  bay,  white  faces  and  white  legs,  oolt  and  fillj,  hj 
ETerlacting  (ll,8Sl),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BELL  OF  PHILIPSTOUN  (16,481);  bay,  white  on  face,  both 
hind  less  white  up  to  hocks,  foaled  1895 ;  bred  bv  J.  Galder^ 
Ardargie,  Forgandenny ;  property  of  Thomas  Arkley,  Philips- 
toun,  Linlithgow;  sire,  Achilles  (8419),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam, 
Jean,  foaled  1886,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  304,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(673),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  the  Cove  (5634),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Young  Lord  Lyon  (994),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  (5210), 

;  g.-gr.-fl 
,  Vol  L 

Vol.  IX.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (668),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1902,  West  Lothian  (12,783),  VoL  XXVn.,  bay,  colt,  by  Coroner  (10,532)^ 
Vol  XXL 

1908^  bay,  white  legs,  filly,  by  Field  llarshal  (11,707),  Vol.  XXV. 

ABKSTRONO,  &.   *  J. 

ROSALIND  (16,482);  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  four  legs 
white  up  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  15th  May,  1897;  br^ 
by  John  Elder,  late  of  Jardinfield,  Chirnside,  Berwickshire ; 

Property  of  R.  &  J.  Armstrong,  Spring  Gardens,  Berwick-on- 
'weed;  sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Rosie 
of  Broxburn  (7630),  Vol.  XI.,  by  Sir  Michael  (1530), 
Vol.  IIL ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Broxburn  Park  (6526),  Vol.  X:., 
by  Boyal  Prince  (732),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Snip.     Produce — 

6th  Jane.  1905,  Halidon,  brown,  white  mark  on  forehead,  near  fore  leg  and 
both  hind  legs  white  to  half  way  up,  colt,  by  King's  Cap  (11,768),  Vol.  XXV. 


LADY  JANE  (16,483);  bay,  blaze  on  face,  white  feet»  foaled 
May,  1883;  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Armstrong,  Oreen,  Rigg  of 
Gretna;  property  of  Wm.  Armstrong,  Green,  Rigg  of 
Gretna;  sire,  New  Style  (560),  Vol.  I.;  dam,  Lady  Mary 
(3206),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Young  Clansman  (942),  Vol.  I.; 
gr.-dam,  by  Benicia  Boy  (41),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lord 
Raglan  (491),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
Hay,  1903,  Miss  Armntrong,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet 

white,  fllly  (owned  by  (I)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton. 

Ontario),  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149),  Vol.  XXIII. 



TRIM  OF  AUCHNEIGHT  (16,484);  dark  bay,  white  &oe, 
black  legs,  foaled  20th  May,  1894 ;  bred  by  James  Cocbnne, 
Barscarrow,  Sandhead,  Stranraer;  property  of  Thomas 
Baird,  Auchneight,  Drumore,  Wigtownshire ;  sire,  Excelsior 
(5751),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Barscarrow  (7268),  VoL  XI^ 
by  Prince  Edward  (1254),  Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Sir 
Roger  Tichborne  (793),  Vol..  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Merry 
Tom  (636),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

19th  June,  1904,  Tibbie  of  Auobneight,  light  bay,  tsro  looLg  white  spots  on  fftoe, 
little  white  on  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Sir  Wamphray  (11,203),  Vol  XXIH. 

26th  June,  1905,  King  Cole,  light  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  whitei,  oolt.  by 
Meroutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 


PRINCESS  HAROLD  (16,485);  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  pastern 
and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  12th  May,  1 898 ;  bred  by  James 
Barr,  Moss-side,  Stewarton  ;  property  of  William  Ballantyne, 
Wester  Busby,  Bushy;  sire.  Prince  Harold  (997  3),  VoL  XVIL; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Moss-side  (10,385),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Bine 
Ribbon  (1961),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Drumreoch  (4799), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Marquis  (519),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

24th  May,  1902,  brown,  white  hind  feet,  colt  (dead),  by  a  Montrave  oolt. 

lOth  May,  1903,  bay,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  EQUbead  Chief 
(10,774),  Vol.  XXII. 

17th  April,  1904,  bay,  white  bind  feet,  filly,  by  Gartehore  Khaki    (12,584), 
Vol.  XXVII. 


NELL  OF  AUCHENHAY  (16,486);  brown,  blaze  on  face, 
white  feet,  foaled  20th  April,  1896;  bred  by  the  late 
William  Barber ;  property  of  James  C.  Barber,  Auchenhay, 
Twynholm  R.S.O. ;  sire,  Flash  wood's  Best  (9211),  VoL  XIV.; 
dam,  Corsock  Dandy  (976),  Vol.  V.,  by  Dandy  Jim  (221), 
Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Dainty,  by  Farmer  (2064),  Vol.  V. 
Produce — 

29th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  black  legs,  filly,  by  Bojal  Soot 
(11,179),  Vol.  XXIII. 


LOTHIAN  BESS  (16,487);  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  19th  May,  1893 ;  bred  by  Thomas  Wright, 


Howgillside,  Ecclefechan ;  property  of  James  Barbour, 
Tinwald  Parks,  Dumfries;  sire,  Lothian  King  (6985), 
Vol  XL;  dam,  Doll  of  BengaU  (10,330),  Vol.  XIIL,  by 
Ypung  Pride  of  Scotland  (1368),  Vol.  II. ;  gr.dam,  Jean, 
by  Prince  of  Wales  (674),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Bfay,  1903,  Mub  Barbour,  bay,  spot  on  forehead,  hind  ankles  white,  ftUj 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Professor  Gamming,  Halifax,  Nova 
Sootia),  by  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*),  Vol.  X  VIU. 

BELL  OF  DUNGLASS  (16,488^;  brown,  star  on  face,  black 
legs,  foaled  5th  June,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  Barbour,  Dunglass,  Campbeltown;  sire.  Admiral  of 
Rosehaugh  (10,149),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Lily  IL  of  Newton 
(14,837),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Times  Again  (9063),  Vol.  XIIL ; 
gr.dam,  Lily  L  (1911),  Vol.  VL,  by  Keil  aim  Lo%  IV. 
(464),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  (991),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Lofty  III.  (469),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean.     Produce — 

July,  1908,  Bell  Barbour,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  J.  A.  Hunter,  Maohriebeg,  Campbeltown;  (2)  W.  S.  Park; 
<S)  C.  K  Eaid,  Simcoo,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 

BONNIE  (16,489);  bay,  small  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
feet,  foaled  1894;  bred  by  W.  Park,  Thursby,  Carlisle; 
property  of  Joseph  Barker,  Blackwell  Hall,  Carlisle ;  sire. 
Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Martha,  bay,  foaled 
1888,  VoL  XVIIL,  p.  165,  by  St.  Gatien  (3988),  Vol.  VIL ; 
gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Wiggonby  (12,598),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by 
Glancer  (341),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom  of  Little  Bampton 
(6862),  Vol.  X,  by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  II. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  John  Anderson  My  Jo — Kobinson's; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  a  prize  mare,  by  Lofty  (1735),  Vol.  IV. 
Produce — 

26th  May,  1908,  Bonnie  of  Blackwell,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white 
logs,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park;  (2)  John  P.  Sleigh.  St.  John's  WeUs, 
Fyvie),  by  Mark  Sturdy  (10,811).  Vol.  XXII. 


BLOSSOM  (16,490);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  foaled 
28th  May,  1894;  bred  by  G.  &  J.  J.  Richardson,  Cumcatch, 


Brampton;  property  of  J.  Barnes,  Tally  Ho,  Soiithwaite, 
Cumberland ;  sire,  Royal  George  (8205),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam, 
Richardson's  Jess,  bred  by  F.  Ferguson,  Moor  Row,  Wigton, 
Cumberland,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
Polly,  bred  by  Mr.  Bell,  Horsegills,  Brampton,  by  Glancer 
(341),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

8th  June,  1906,  Kenneth  Lass,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  four  white  legs,  white 
on  belly,  filly,  by  Montrave  Kenneth  (9622),  Vol.  XV. 


JESS  OF  THE  STREET  (16,491);  bay,  broad  blaze  down  face, 
legs  white  up  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  2l8t  May,  1892 ; 
bred  by  Joseph  Robinson,  Bankend  Farm,  Hesket-New- 
Market,  Cumberland;  property  of  William  Barnes,  The 
Street,  Wigton,  Cumberland;  sire,  Aberfeldy  (5477),  Vol.  X.; 
dam,  Blossom  of  Bankend,  bred  by  William  Hodgson,  Whelpo 
Farm,  Caldbeck,  by  Lord  Napier  (6974),  Vol.  Xl. ;  gr.-dam, 
Doll  II.,  bred  by  Peter  Graham,  Height  Farm,  Caldbeck,  by 
Mosstrooper  (548),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Doll  I.,  by  Wanderer 
(?).     Produce — 

25th  July,  1903,  Kate  of  the  Street,  bay,  white  faoe,  bind  legs  white  nearly  up 
to  hooka,  a  little  white  on  outnide  of  off  fore  foot,  fiUy  (owned  by  (I)  A.  &  'W. 
Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Darnley  Again  (9I82L 
VoL  XIV. 

10th  May,  1905,  Sally  of  the  Street,  bay,  white  on  face  running  over  the  off 
side  of  jaw  and  over  eye,  fore  feet  white,  white  blotch  on  both  kneee,  hind  lega 
white  to  stifles,  filly,  by  Evermore  (11,701),  Vol.  XXV. 

BARNXTT,   J.   ft  C. 

BLOSSOM  OF  WELLHILL  (16,492);  brown,  white  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  Juue,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  &  Charles  Barnett,  Wellhill,  Dunning;  sire.  The 
Leading  Article  (10,139),  Vol.  XVIII.;  dam,  Damsel  of 
Wellhill  (14,928),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Monarch  of  the  Glen 
(4186),  Vol  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Craigend  (6957),  Vol.  XI., 
by  Star  (824),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Betty,  by  Garibaldi 
(312),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
June,  1906.  Baron  BoUo  of  Dunning,  dark  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  off  foie 

pastern  and  ooth  hind  legs  white,  colt  (owned  by  Robert  Gardiner,  Hanhill.. 

Forteviot),  by  Baron  Stirling  (11,611),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxnii.  MARES.  173 

PRINCESS  GODOLPHIN  (16,493);  bay,  small  white  mark  on 
face,  one  les  dark,  other  three  white,  foaled  16th  June, 
19()0;  bred  by  His  Grace  the  Duke  of  Leeds,  Home  Farm, 
Hornby  Castle,  Bedale;  property  of  Mrs.  Margaret  Barr, 
Dykehead,  Dairy,  Ayrshire;  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084), 
Vol.  XVm.;  dam.  Princess  Macgregor  (13,892),  Vol.  XXIL, 
hy  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IH. ;  gr.-dam.  Princess  Golden- 
berry  (12,267),  Vol.  XVn.,  by  Goldenberry  (2828),  Vol.  VL  ; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Princess  of  Blaiket  (4074),  Vol.  VIL,  by 
Beaconsfield  (1942),  Vol.  V.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Laggan  (912),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of  Kilbride  (660)rVol.  I. 
Produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  Lady  GodolphJn,  redduh  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet 
and  legs,  one  dark  or  grey,  filly,  by  Maroellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 


JESS  OF  GAIGTON  (16,494);  dark  bay,  small  white  spot  on 
forehead,  both  hind  feet  white,  foaled  May,  1888 ;  bred  by 
John  Doaglas,  Macharioch,  Southend,  Campbeltown;  pro- 
perty of  John  H.  Barrowman,  Corrahil),  Kirkcudbright; 
sire,  Thane  of  Glamis  (855),  Vol.  L ;  dam,  bred  by  John 
Douglas,  Ardwall  Mains,  ^ew  Abbey,  Dumfries,  by  Ivan- 
hoe  II.  (399),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

ilay.  1902,  Jess  of  Corrahill,  dark  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  both  hind  feet 
white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Russell, 
Ontario),  by  Woodend  Gartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXI. 


DAELING  (16,495);  black,  white  star  on  face,  off  hind  foot 
white,  foaled  21st  June,  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Allan  Batchelor,  Milton,  Finavon,  Forfar ;  sire,  Dae  Ye  See 
(9896),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam.  Peg  of  Wardmill  (10,155), 
Vol.  XIII.,  by  Welcome  (904),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Sally,  by 
Eclipse  (268).  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

9th  June,  1904,  Finavon,  bay,  white  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by 
Knight  of  Oowsl  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. 

2&th  June,  1905,  Nellie,  black,  white  mark  on  face,  a  little  white  on  both  fore 
legs  and  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Northern  Fashion  (?). 



MAY  OF  MILLBURN  (16,496);  black,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  black,  foaled  May,  1898; 
bred  by  Andrew  Harvie,  Cairn,  Newton-Meams ;  property 
of  John  Bauchop,  Millburn,  Alexandria ;  sire,  Sir  Everard 
(5353),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Isabella  Croall  (10,654),  Vol.  XIV., 
by  Balloch  Jock  (1925),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Susy  of  Mull 
(2315),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Cumnock  Jock  (1112),  Vol.  IL ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lothian  Tam  (506),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  bj 
Royal  Chattan  (11,489),  Vol  XXIV. 


DAISY  OF  AIKTON  (16,497>;  bay,  white  face,  four  white  1^ 
foaled  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Beattie,  Aikton 
House,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  sire,  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195), 
Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Daisy  of  Kirtlebank  (6970),  VoL  XI.,  by 
Young  Lord  Clyde  (7401),  Vol.  XI.  Produce- 
May,  1902,  bay,  oolt  (owned  by  Mr.  Story,  Fauld),  by  Lord  Lothian  (5996)» 

Vol.  X. 

26th  June,  1903,  Prince  of  Aikton  (13,139),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  brown,  colt,  by 
Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

27th  April,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  three  white  legs,  colt,  by  Lord 
Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 


BESSIE  LEE  (16,498);  roan,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  vhite, 
foaled  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  Mr.  Kae,  Robgill  Mains, 
Ecclefechan ;  property  of  John  R.  Beattie,  Baurch,  Rigg  S.O., 
Carlisle;  sire,  Montrave  Lawrence  (10,241),  Vol.  XIX.; 
dam,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  bred  by  the  late  James  Lockhart, 
Mains  of  Airies,  Stranraer,  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379), 
•  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam,  Signora  (10,752),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Damley 
(222),  Vol.  1. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  M^gie  (947),  Vol.  V.,  by  Glenlee 
(363),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Samson  (740),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Clyde  (165),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

27th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  spot  on  near  fore  pastern,  hiixi 
lege  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067).  Vol.  XYIIl. 

xxvni.  MARES.  175 

NANCY  LEE  (16,499);  bay,  white  face,  little  white  on  hind 
hoof  heads,  foaled  23rd  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  R  Beattie,  Baurch,  Rigg  S.O.,  Carlisle ;  sire,  Balmedie 
Magnate  (10,309),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Andria  (14,480), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIII. ;  ffr.-dam,  Lily  of 
Langalbuinoch  (10,375),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Cheviot  (2672), 
Vol.  VI.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Pride  of  Dunlop  (1244), 
Vol.  n. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Sir  William  Wallace  (803), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

ZUt  April,  1905,  light  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  pastern  and  off  hind  pastern 
vhite,  a  little  white  on  near  hind  leg,  colt,  by  Royal  JPashion  (10,878),  YoL  XXII. 


DAISY  BELLE  (16,500);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  foaled 
May,  1898;  bred  by  Andrew  Beattie,  Kirtlebank,  RiggS.O., 
Carlisle ;  property  of  Thomas  Beattie,  Torduff,  Annan ;  sire. 
Prince  William  (8936),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam.  Daisy  of  Kirtle- 
bank, bred  by  Andrew  Beattie,  by  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195), 
Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  bred  by  J.  &  A.  Beattie,  Kirtlebank, 
by  Lucky  Getter  (1483),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Daisy  of 
Kirtlebank  (6970),  Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Lord  Clyde  (7401), 
Vol  XL  Produce- 
Hay,  1902y  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  black,  little  white  on  near  hind 

faoofhead,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  bj  Royal  Fashion  (10,878).  Vol.  XXII. 

Mav,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  faoe,  near  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  black, 
near  hmd  foot  white,  little  white  on  off  fore  hoofhead,  colt,  by  Boyal  Fashion 
(10^878),  VoL  XXII. 

ROSE  BLOOM  (16,601);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs 
black,  off  hind  pastern  white,  near  hind  leg  white  to  hock, 
foaled  25th  June,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas 
Beattie,  Torduff,  Annan ;  sire,  Royid  Baron  (10,268), 
Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Bess  of  Torduff  (13,704),  Vol.  XXII.,  by 
Ayrshire  (9707),  Vol.  XVI. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Lucky  Getter 
(1483),  Vol.  nl. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Darling,  by  Lothian  Tom 
(1211),  Vol.  IL  Produce- 
April,  1903,  Top«7,  brown«  white  stripe  on  faoe,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white 

to  hocks,  Mt  (owned  by  John  Brown,  Gait,  Ont.),  by  Royal  Fashion  (10,878), 

Vol.  XXH. 

1^,  1905,  Lily  Langtry,  dark  brown,  four  black  legs,  ftUy,  by  Boyal  Fashion 


DAMSEL  11.  (16,502);  browD,  white  face,  four  white  legs, 
foaled  June,  1892;  bred  by  Robert  Saunders,  Cubby  Hill, 
Longtown  ;  property  of  Messrs.  Bell,  Guard's  Mill,  Gretna ; 
sire,  Golden  Type  (8671),  Vol.  XIII ;  dam,  Damsel,  bred  by 
Robert  Saunders,  by  Charmer  (2014),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 
Jess,  bred  by  R.  Saunders,  by  Dandy  Jim  (221),  Vol-  L 
Produce — 

June,   1903,  Jesa,   bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Lord  Lotbko 
<5998),  VoL  X. 


NELL  (16,503) ;  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled 
May,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Bell,  Wood- 
field,  Annan ;  sire,  Prince  of  Johnstone  (9986),  Vol.  XVIL ; 
dam,  Rose,  bred  by  the  late  Francis  Ealpatrick,  Woodhall, 
Annan,  by  Lucky  Getter  (1483),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate, 
bred  by  the  late  Francis  Kilpatrick,  by  Gold  the  Second 
(5826),  Vol.  X.  Produce- 
May,  1903,  BeUe  of  Faehion,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  foot  white,  filly 

(owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton.  Ontario),  by 

Koyal  Fashion  (10,878),  Vol.  XXII. 

ROSE  DARNLEY  (16,504);  brown,  foaled  25th  April,  1896; 
bred  by  and  formerly  the  property  of  the  late  Charles  Birse, 
May  field,  Whitehouse,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Fitz-Grallant 
(9209),  Vol.  XIV.  ;  dam,  June  Darnley  (11,701),  VoL  XVL, 
by  King  James  (4474),  Vol.  VIII.;  gr.-dam.  May  (1939), 
Vol.  VL,  by  Dusty  Miller  (258),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-<iam,  Jap. 
Produce — 

25th  April,  1901,  Asloun  Darnley  (12,005),  Vol.  XXVI.,  dark  brown,  oolt 
<owned  by  Dalgety  Bros.,  London,  Ontario),  by  Koyal  CharUe  (11,488), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

Roit  Darnley  it  now  dead. 

BLACK,  J.   ft  J. 

MARY  OF  AUCHENFOIL  (16,505);  black,  white  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  about  1 890 ;  brecl  by  the  late  Donald  Black, 
Auchenfoil,  Kilmacolm ;  property  of  J.  &.  J.  Black,  Auchen- 
foil,  Kilmacolm :  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam, 
Betty  of  Auchenfoil  (8103),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Richard  lU. 
(1802),  Vol.  IV.;   gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Prince  David  (643X 

xxvin.  MARES.  177 

Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.Hiam,  Bell,  by  Young  Garibaldi  (973),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

19022,  Black  Prinoesa,  brown,  white  on  face  and  hind  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
William  Tajlor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2)  3.  J.  Prouse,  Ingeraoll,  Ontario),  by 
Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 


BESSIE  (16,506);  black,  white  ratch  on  face,  a  few  white  hairs 
on  off  hind  foot,  other  feet  black,  foaled  9th  June,  1901 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  Black,  Portyerrock,  Whithorn ; 
sire,  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Ella  of  Port- 
yerrock (15,945),  Vol.  XXVII.,  by  Meridian  (9323), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam.  Lively,  by  Voltiguer  (8379),  Vol.  XII. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Emperor  (273),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  Kate  M'Candlish,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  eve  ringled, 
off  fore  foot  mixed,  obher  three  feet  white,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  vol.  XXIY. 

BONXLI.A,   Mn. 

BLOSSOM  OF  RAMORNIE  (16,507);  brown,  white  face,  hind 
legs  and  near  fore  pastern  white,  foaled  29th  May,  1885; 
bred  by  James  Morgan,  Bow  House,  Alloa;  property  of 
Mrs.  Bonella,  Eamomie  Mill,  Ladybank;  sire.  Corse  wall 
(1420),  Vol.  IIL;  dam.  Darling  (3810),  Vol  VIL,  by 
Clydesdale  Jock  (1415),  Vol.  III.;  gr.ndam,  Missie,  by 
Prince  of  Wales  (676),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

25th  May,  1904,  Muaidora,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Ryeoom 
(10,639),  VoL  XXL 

6th  May,  1900,  Queen  of  Ramomie  (16,506),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  filly,  by 
Prince  of  Clay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX. 

QUEEN  OF  RAMORNIE  (16,508) ;  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  pasterns  white,  foaled  6th  May,  1900;  bred  by  the 
late  Robert  Bonella,  Ramornie  Mill,  Ladybank ;  property  of 
Mrs.  Bonella,  Ramomie  Mill,  Ladybank;  sire.  Prince  of 
Clay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam.  Blossom  of  Ramomie 
(16,507),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Corsewall  (1420),  VoL  IIL; 
gr.-dam,  Darling  (3810),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Clydesdale  Jock 
(1415),  Vol.  III. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Missie,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(676),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

5th  April,  1904,  Bureka,  bay,  broken  white  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg  and  off 
hind  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Byecom  (10,639),  Vol.  XXI. 

10th  May,  1905,  Faerie  Qneene,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly, 
by  Ryeoom  (10.6S9),  VoL  XXL 

VOL.  XXVIII.  12 



JESS  OF  BLINDCRAKE  (16,509);  light  bay,  white  snip  on 
face,  a  little  white  on  fore  feet)  hind  legs  white  a  little 
above  fetlocks,  foaled  May,  1897;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Pearson  Bowe,  Blindcrake,  Cockermouth ;  sire.  Prince  of 
Currah  (8916),  Vol.  XIII.;  dam,  Lily  of  Blindcrake 
(12,409),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Dr.  Wright  (6684),  Vol.  XL; 
OT.-dam,  Lofty  (3277),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  Royal  (648), 
Vol.  I.    Produce — 

.  29th  April,  1902,  Lady,  light  bay,  white  strine  on  face,  near  hind  1^  white  to 
fetlock,  a  little  more  white  on  far  hind  leg,  filly  (owned  by  William  f^kin),  by 
EbbgUl  (11,156),  Vol.  XXIII. 

2nd  May,  1905,  May  Flower,  brown,  white  star  on  faoe,  near  hind  1^  white  to 
fetlock,  flUy,  by  Sir  Anthony  (10,642),  Vol.  XXI. 


JESS  OF  WHITEFAULD  (16,510);  light  bay,  white  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  Eobert  Ken  wick,  Bachley, 
Bishopbriggs ;  property  of  James  Bowie,  Whitefauld, 
Torrance ;  sire,  Prince  of  Clay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam, 
Bell  of  Buchley  (10,128),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Callendar  (4901), 
Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam.  Young  Maggie,  by  Sir  Wyndham  (4728), 
Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Earl  of  Buchan  (264), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

190S,  Lucky  Jess,  brown,  white  on  face,  Ally  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor, 
Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Here's  lAck 
(11,872),  Vol.  XXIV. 


MAGGIE  OF  WOODHEAD  (16,511);  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  near  fore  foot  white  half  way  to  knee,  off  fore  leg 
white  half  way  to  knee,  with  two  black  stripes  on  foot, 
foaled  12th  June,  1900;  bred  by  Henry  Semple,  Ugadale, 
Campbeltown;  property  of  John  Boyes,  Woodhead,  Rirk- 
muirhill ;  sire,  William  the  Conqueror  (9003),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Jean  of  Rilmaho,  bred  by  Alex.  McLean,  Kilmaho, 
Campbeltown,  by  Bonnie  Prince^  Vol.  XII.,  p.  407 ;  gr.-dam, 
Nell,  bred  by  Alex.  Johnston,  Uigle,  Campbeltown,  by  Old 
Times  (579),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  bred  by  Angus  McAllister, 
Dalmore,  Tayinloan,  by  Doncaster  (238),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1904,  Lftdy  Bemple,  bay,  white  on  faoe,  near  fore  foot  and  off  hind  leg 

white,  fill}*  (M.B.  Henry  Semple;  F.B.  James  W.  Semple,  Groesveggate,  Miln- 

gavie ;  owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Proose, 

Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Baron's  Hope  (11,606),  Vol.  XXV. 

8th  June,  1905,  Blackwood  Pride,  brown,  white  faoe,  white  stripe  on  off  fore 
foot  at  heel,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Baron's  Best  (11,597),  VoL  XXV. 


LADY  TAYLOR  (16,512);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
fetlocks  white,  foaled  23rd  May,  1902;  bred  by  William 
Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  property  of  John  Boyes, 
Woodhead,  Kirkmuirhill ;  sire,  Sir  Edward  (11,193), 
Vol.  XXIII. ;  dam.  Legacy  (15,305),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Sir 
Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  Taylor,  Vol.  XIL, 
p.  204,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by 
Stanley  (3354),  Vol.  VL     Produce— 

5th  May,  1906,  brown,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Baron  Alister  (11,595).  Vol.  XXV. 

ROSIE  OF  KING'S  INNS  (16,513);  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  black  legs  and  feet,  foaled  21st  April,  1889;  bred  by 
William  Campbell,  King's  Inns,  Garnwath;  property  of  (1) 
Mrs.  Aitken,  Butelandhill,  Balemo,  Mid-Lothian ;  (2)  James 
Brash,  Hallyards,  Kirkliston,  Linlithgow ;  sire,  Master  of 
Blantyre  (2283),  Vol.  V. ;  dam,  Bell  of  King's  Inns  (5279), 
VoL  IX.,  by  Tom  Bowling  (878),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
Hay,  1903^  Buteland  Sentinel  (12,880),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  oolt,  by  Montrave 

Sentinel  (10,094),  Vol.  XVIII. 


LADY  ROSEDALE  (16,614);  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs, 
foaled  20th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph 
Briggs,  Dovenby  Grange,  Cockermouth ;  sire,  Rosevale 
(10,623),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Blossom  of  Blindcrake  (10,426), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  The  Bishop  (1642),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Lofty 
(3277),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Prince  Royal  (648),  Vol.  1.     Produce— 

8th  Jane,  1906,  Lady  Murray,  black,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  General  Murray  (12,163).  Vol.  XXVI. 


BLOSSOM  OF  THWAITE  (16,515);  light  bay,  very  white  face, 
hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg  white,  foaled  16th  April,  1890; 
bred  by  F.  E.  Villiers,  Closeburn  Hall,  Thornhill ;  property 
of  George  Broatch,  Thwaite,  Ruthwell  R.S.O. ;  sire,  Eastfield 
Chief  (6715),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Lady  of  Thwaite  (9419), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III.;   gr.-dam,  Jess 


of  Dressertland  (4212),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Prince  (609),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Merkland,  by  Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Ardmannoch.     Produce — 

1901.  Toredoal  (12,396),  Vol.  XXVI.,  black,  colt,  bj  King  of  Kyle  (10,213), 
Vol  XIX. 

14th  April,  1902,  Jess  (16.517),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  Ught  bay,  filly,  by  King  of  Kyle 
,  Vol. 

(10,213),  Vol.  XIX. 

17th  May,  1903. 1 
white,  filly,  by  King  of  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX. 

30th  April,  1904,  bay,  white  on  face,  whil 
white  legs,  filly,  by  King  of  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol 

17th  May,  1903.  Polly,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legi 

-         (T  ~  ' 

30th  April,  1904,  ^ay,  white  on  face,  white  spots  on  neok  and  breast,  four 

FANNY  OF  THWAITE  (16,516);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
and  near  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  off  hind  leg, 
foaled  28th  June,  1894;  bred  by  and  property  of  G«orge 
Broatch,  Thwaite,  Rathwell  R.S.O. ;  sire.  Prince  Robert 
(7135),  VoL  XL ;  dam.  Lady  of  Thwaite  (9419),  VoL  XIIL, 
by  Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Dressertland 
(4212),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  (609),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Sally 
of  Merkland,  by  Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Sally  of  Ardmannoch.     Produce — 

May,   1902,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,   filly  (owned  by  John  R. 
Seattle,  Baurch,  Bigg,  S.O.),  by  Boyal  Fashion  (10,878),  Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1903.  Darkie,  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  leg  white,  filly,  by 
King  of  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX. 

9th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  with  a  white  hair,  white  face  and  white  legs,  colt,  by 
Boyal  Edward  (11.495),  Vol  XXIV. 

JESS  OF  THWAITE  (16,617);  light  bay,  white  face,  both  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  14th  April,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
George  Broatch,  Thwaite,  Kuthwell  RS.O. ;  sire,  King  o' 
Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam.  Blossom  of  Thwaite  (16,515), 
Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Eastfield  Chief  (6715),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam. 
Lady  of  Thwaite  (9419),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Corsewall  (1420), 
Vol.  IIL;  g.-gr,-dam,  Jess  of  Dressertland  (4212),  VoL  VIL, 
by  Prince  (609),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Merkland,  bj 
Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Ard- 
mannoch.    Produce — 

12th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  both  fore  and  near  hind  fetlocks 
white,  filly,  by  Boyal  Fashion  (10,878),  Vol.  XXII. 



DAISY  OF  BROUGHAM  (16,518);  brown,  white  star  on  fore- 
head, hind  feet  white,  foaled  1898 ;  bred  by  William  Hope, 
Middlemoor  House,  Wigton,  Camberland ;  property  of  Lord 
Brougham  and  Yaux,  Brougham,  Penrith;  sire,  Sherrie 
Lothian  (10,284),  Yol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Gatra  Lass  (16,750), 
Yol.  XXVIII.,  by  Londonderry  (7934),  Yol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam, 
Lamplugh  Lass  (11,221),  Yol.  XV.,  by  Schulemaister  (3166), 
YoL  YI. ;  g.-g-.-dam,  Fanny  of  Gatra  (6997^,  Yol.  XL,  by 
Star  of  the  West  (828),  VoL  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bonny  of 
Gatra,  by  Mosstrooper  (548),  Yol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by 
Saint  (?).     Produce — 

1903,  black,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Baron  Glasaerton  (10,682),  Vol.  XXII. 

liay,  1904,  Royal  Broogham  (13,163),  Vol.  XXVIIJ.,  brown,  white  star  on 
face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  oolt  (owned  by  James  Belph,  Stainton,  Penrith),  by 
Mac&feekan  (9600),  Vol.  XV. 

1906,  brown,  oolt  (dead),  by  Baron  Solway  (11,269),  Vol.  XXIV. 


NELL  OF  BALCRAIG  (16,519);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  a  little 
white  on  near  fore  foot,  far  hind  leg  white,  foaled  30th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Archibald  Brown,  Balcraig, 
Port-WiUiam;  sire,  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX.;  dam, 
Trim  of  Balcraig  (13,716),  Vol.  XXII.,  by  Darnley's  Last 
(6663),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Bell  (1036),  Vol.  V.,  by  Abbey 
Prince  (2),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Merry  Tom  (536), 
VoL  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Lovely,  by  Clyde  (?);  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Nancy.     Produce — 

21st  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe.  near  bind  pastern  white,  fiUy,  by  Durbar 
(11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

BROWN,  JOHN,  Brldgehonse. 

NANNIE  OF  BALNAB  (16,520);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
pastern  white,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  foaled  6th  May, 
1885;  bred  by  A.  M^Ewan,  Mosspark,  Sorbie;  property  of 
John  Brown,  Bridgehouse,  Sorbie;  sire,  Tom  (877),  Vol.  L ; 
dam.  Lively  of  Mosspark  (5589),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Robin  (703), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Balcarry,  by  Briton  (3468), 
Vol.  VIL     Produce— 

9th  May,  1896,  Daiav  of  Bridgehouae  (15,960),  Vol.  XXVII.,  bay,  white  faoe, 
off  fore  and  off  hind  legs  white,  white  uatch  on  front  of  near  fore  leg,  fiUy,  by 
Duke  of  Rothewy  (9191),  Vol.  XIV. 


BROWN,  JOHN,  Daldene. 

EOSIE  OF  DALDERSE  (16,521);  foaled  ;  bred  by  and 

property  of  John  Brown,  Dalderse  Farm,  Falkirk  ;  sire.  Boy 
in  Blue  (5578),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  bred  by  J.  Brown,  by  Sir 
Archibald  (3185),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  of  Kersbonny 
(2718),  Vol.  VL,  by  Garibaldi  (315),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jean,  by  Lord  Clyde  (475),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1898,  Jess  of  Dalderse  (16,522),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  bay,  filly,  by  Balmedie  Prinoe 
Charming  (10.027).  Vol.  XVIII. 

Bone  of  DcUderae  (16,521)  is  now  dead. 

JESS  OF  DALDERSE  (16,522);  bay,  white  mark  on  forehead, 
fore  feet  black,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  1898;  bred  by  and 
property  of  John  Brown,  Dalderse  Farm,  Falkirk;  sire, 
Balmedie  Prince  Charming  (10,027),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam, 
Rosie  of  Dalderse  (16,521),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Boy  in  Blue 
(5578).  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  a  mare,  by  Sir  Archibald  (3185), 
Vol.  Vi. ;  g.-gr.'dam.  Darling  of  Kersbonny  (2718),  Vol.  VL, 
by  Garibaldi  (315),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lord 
Clyde  (475),  Vol.  1.     Produce— 

25th  May,  1903,  Lothian  Queen,  bay,  white  mark  down  face,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  A.  M.  Simpson,  Whitecroas,  East  KUbride ;  (2)  William  Anderson,  Milton, 
Amatilla  Co.,  Oregon,  U.S.A.),  by  Lothian's  Best  (10,374),  Vol  XX. 


ARDLETHEN  PINK  (16,523) ;  dark  bay,  white  hair  through 
body,  white  stripe  on  face,  a  little  white  on  near  hind 
pastern,  foaled  Ist  June,  1900 ;  bred  by  K.  Copland,  Milton, 
Ardlethen,  Ellon;  property  of  Robert  Brown,  Overhill, 
Belhelvie,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XX.  j  dam.  Crimson  (11,272),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Young 
Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam.  Tartan  of 
Kenmuir  (2987),  Vol.  VL,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jean  Douglas  (646),  Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Campsie  (929), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  the  Countess  of  Home's  prize  mare. 
Produce — 

15th  May,  1903,  Black  Queen,  black,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUv  (owned 
by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Balmedie 
Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

26th  May,  1904,  dark  bay,  narrow  white  stripe  on  face,  small  white  spot  on  off 
fore  coronet,  filly,  by  Ornamental  (11,446),  VoL  XXIV. 

23rd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and  ankles  white,  colt,  by 
BaroD  Buby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 


YOUNG  VESTA  (16,624);  brown,  with  white  hairs  through 
body,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled 
26th  June,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Bobert  Brown, 
Overhill,  Belhelvie,  Aberdeenshire;  sire.  Prince  Thomas 
10,262),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Balmedie  Vesta  (13,911), 
^ol.  X.XIL,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  VoL  III.;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Muirhousehead  (10,885),  VoL  XIV.,  by  Lord 
Lyon  (489),  VoL  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Nancy,  by  Clyde 
(164),  VoL  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Bob  Boy  (714),  VoL  I. 
Produce — 

15th  May,  1903,  ScoU  Guard  (13,181),  VoL  XXVIIL.  dark  bay,  oolt,  by  Bal- 
medie Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 


GOGAR  BELL  (16,525) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  hind 
foot  white,  foaled  May,  1887 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Brown,  Templehall,  Onniston ;  sire,  Good  Hope 
(2146),  VoL  v.;  dam,  Maggie  of  Gogar  Bank  (9436), 
VoL  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  VoL  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Sally.    Produce — 

1891,  brown,  oolt  (caatrated  and  sold),  by  St.  Stephen  (7291),  Vol.  XI. 

1892,  brown,  colt  (castiated),  by  Ormonde  (7092),  Vol.  XI. 

1898,  Miflide  of  Qogar  (16,528),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  brown,  filly,  by  Soottkh  Prinoe 
<9e73),  VoL  XV. 

1899,  DarUng  of  Freelandfl  (16,530),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  black,  filly,  by  Knight  of 
Cowal  (10,074),  VoL  XVIIL 

1900,  Charlie,  bay,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. 

1901,  Lady  Isabel  (16,531),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,   filly,  by  Prinoe  Alexander 
<8899),  VoL  XIII, 

1902,  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  John  Baxter,  Wood- 
bank,  Armadale),  by  Gartly  Squire  (10,350),  VoL  XX. 

May,   1903,    Freeland   (12,982),  Vol.    XXVIII.,    colt,    bv    Bancor    (11,263), 

1904,  Lady  Alicia,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  bv  Baron  Mitchell 
<10,68»),  VoL  XXII. 

May,  1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  one  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Breadalbane 
<11,637),  Vol.  XXV. 

GOGAR  QUEEN  (16,526);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white, 
foaled  1894;  bred  by  and  property  of  William  Brown, 
Templehall,  Onniston ;  aire.  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII. ;  dam.  May  (U,495),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Ormonde 
(7092),  Vol.  XL;    gr.-dam,   Lily  of  Gogar  Bank  (9437), 


Vol.  XIIL,  by  Baron  Renfrew  (37),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  (9436),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  Vol,  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Sally.     Produce — 

28th  May,  1904,  Royal  Freeland,  browii,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  0(A%  br 
Lothian  Tom  (11,811),  Vol  XXV. 

June,  1905,  Blossom,  bright  bay,  ratch  on  faoe^  three  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Cock  of  the  North  (12,102),  Vol.  XXVI. 

MAGGIE  II.  OF  GOGAR  BANK  (16,527);  brown,  stripe  on 
face,  three  white  feet,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Brown,  Templehall,  Ormiston ;  sire,  Prince  Romeo 
(8144),  Vol.  XII.;  dam.  May  (14,495),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by 
Ormonde  (7092),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  LUy  (9437),  Vol.  XIIL, 
by  Baron  Renfrew  (37),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  (9436), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-gr.-3am,  Sally. 
Produce^ — 

4th  July,  1903,  Baroness,  dark  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned 
by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Russell,  Ontario),  by  Baron 
Mitchell  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  by  Alexander  Everard 
(11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MISSIE  OF  GOGAR  (16,528) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Brown,  Templehall,  Ormiston ;  sire,  Scottish  Prince  (9673), 
Vol.  XV.;  dam,  Gogar  Bell  (16,525),  Vol.  XXVIIL.  by 
Good  Hope  (2146),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Gogar 
Bank  (9436),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Sally.     Produce — 

June,  1905,  brown,  small  ratch  on  face,  dA^k  feet,  colt,  by  Baron  Templeton 
(11,270),  VoL  XXIV. 

LADY  JANE  (16,529) ;  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white, 
foaled  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  William  Brown, 
Templehall,  Ormiston;  sire.  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam.  May  (14,495),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Ormonde 
(7092),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Gogar  Bank  (9437), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Baron  Renfrew  (37),  VoL  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  (9436),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Sally.     Produce — 

1904,  colt  (dead),  by  Lothian  Tom  (11,811),  Vol.  XXV. 

27th  Jane,  1905,  bright  bay,  whibe  face,  three  white  feet,  fiUy,  by  Cook  of  the 
North  (12,102).  Vol.  XXVI. 

xxviii.  MARES.  185 

DARLING  OF  FREELANDS  (16,530);  black,  white  face,  both 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Brown,  Templehall,  Ormiston;  sire,  Knight  of 
Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII.;  dam,  Gogar  Bell  (16,525), 
Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Good  Hope  (2146),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Gogar  Bank  (9436),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Blane  (76), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Sally.     Produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Alexander 
Everard  (11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  ISABEL  (16,531);  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  foot  white, 
others  dark,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Brown,  Templehall,  Ormiston ;  sire.  Prince  Alexander 
(8899),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Gogar  Bell  (16,525),  Vol.  XXVIII., 
by  Good  Hope  (2146),  Vol.  v.;  gr.^am,  Maggie  of  Gogar 
Bank  (9436),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blane  (76),  Vol.  1. ,  g.-gr.-dam, 
Sally.     Produce — 

16th  July,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  oolt,  by  Storm 
Kmg  (11,957),  VoL  XXV. 


MARY  OF  ALDERSTON  (16,532);  black,  white  stripe  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  May,  1897  ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Alexander  Brownlee,  Nether  Alderston,  Mid-Calder;  sire. 
Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Rosy,  brown,  foaled 
1885,  Vol.  X.,  p.  240,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VL ; 
gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Bloom  (5992),  Vol.  X.,  by  Rantin  Robin 
(685),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1902,  Lady  Brownlie,  brown,  grey  hairs  through  body,  white  face,  hind  lega 
white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2)  S.  J. 
Proiue,  Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Baron  Robgill  (10,689),  Vol.  XXII. 


ANNIE  OF  LOCHRYAN  (16,533);  bay,  white  star  on  face, 
fore  feet  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1889;  bred  by 
Matthew  Marshall,  Stranraer ;  property  of  George  Brownlee, 
Cousland,  Livingstone;  sire,  Excelsior  (5751),  Vol.  X. ;  dam. 
Pretty  Maid,  Vol.  XII.,  p.  149,  by  Hawkhead,  Vol.  IX., 
p.  83;  gr.-dam.  Lively  M*Kie  (2704),  Vol  VL,  by  Count 
Bismarck  (1111),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Young  Clyde 
(944),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  York  (1863),  Vol  IV. 

1897,  Georgina  (14,496),   VoL   XXIV.,  brown,  filly  by  Prince  of  Craigend 
(10,104),  VoL  XVIIL 





NELL  OF  JOEDANSTON  (16,534);  bay,  face  and  feet  white, 
foaled  16th  May,  1892;  bred  by  and  property  of  Andrew 
Bruce,  Jordanston,  Meigle ;  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Yol.  XII. ;  dam,  Rose  of  Jordanston  (5999),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Royal  Sovereign  (3151),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam,  Topsy  of 
Jordanston  (1988),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Thane  of  Glamis  (855), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jordanston  Jean  (35),  Vol.  IL,  by 
Young  Baronet  (919),  Yol.  I.     Produce — 

June,  1900,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet,   filly,   by  Benedict  (10,315)^ 
Vot  XX. 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  a  little  white  on  body,  oolt,  bj 
Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 


OIP  OF  HILLOCK  (16,535) ;  bay,  white  star  on  face,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by  Charles  Bruce,  Hillock, 
Leochel,  Aberdeen;  property  of  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery; 
(2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario ;  sire,  Bridgend  Qaalitj 
(6541),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam.  Rose  of  Hillock,  bred  by  William 
&  Charles  Bruce,  by  Royal  Oak  (3150),  Vol.  VI.,  gr.-dam, 
Fanny  of  Tarland  (2467),  Yol.  YL,  by  Dainty  Davie  (212^ 
Yol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Blyth  (84),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

16th  May,  1903,  Queen  of  HUlock,  bay,  fiUj  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Mont, 
gomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt),  by  Canny  man  (10,323),  Vol.  XX. 


LANGCOT  DAISY  (16,536) ;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face  down 
to  but  not  on  to  nose,  white  hind  socks,  foaled  April,  1894 ; 
bred  by  the  late  William  Mathison,  The  Langcot,  Forres; 
property  of  Charles  Minto  Bruce,  The  Langcot^  Forres; 
sire,  MacNab  (3824),  Yol.  VII. ;  dam,  Langcot  Peggy 
(14,951),  Yol.  XXY,  by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Yol.  IVT; 

fr.-dam,    Lily,    by    Prince    Albert  Victor    (617),   Vol,    I. 
'roduce — 

11th  May,   1901,  Diok,  brown,  colt  (castrated),   by  Fashion's  Fano>'  (9525), 
Vol.  XV. 

26th  May,  1905,  Princess  Rose,  black  or  dark  browa,  white  face,  near  hind  les 
white,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

xxviii.  MARES,  187 

BBVOX,   D.    C. 

PEGGY  KYLE  (16,537);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white 
legs  up  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  18th  May,  1899 ;  bred 
by  (M.B.)  H.  M.  S.  Mackay,  banker,  Elgin;  property  of 
D.  C.  Bruce,  Byres  Farm,  Fochabers;  sire,  Prince  of  Kyle 
(7155),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Glen  Peggy,  bred  by  H.  M.  S. 
Mackay,  by  Prince  Royal  (9641),  Vol.  XV. ;  gr.-dam,  Peggy, 
bred  by  Mr.  Dean,  Blackhills,  Elgin,  by  Strathspey  (3227), 
Vol.  VI.;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Earl  of  Moray  (6711),  Vol.  XL; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Comet  (192),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

1st  Maj,  1905,  bfty,  white  ratoh  on  face,  grey  legs,  oolt,  by  Monoreiife  Marquis 
(9963),  Vol.  XVII. 

BRVGS,  OSOBaS,  Roaefleld. 

AYESHIRE  JEAN  (16,538);  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face, 
one  hind  foot  white,  foaled  May,  1898;  bred  by  Mr.  Mair, 
Rnssia,  Fenwick;  property  of  George  Bruce,  Rosefield, 
Kinrossie,  Perth ;  sire,  Ethiopia  (5750),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
bred  by  Mr.  Mair,  by  The  Prince  (8339),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam, 
bred  by  the  Duke  of  Portland,  by  Macaulay  (5187),  Vol.  IX. 
Produce —    • 

May,  1901,  black,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL 

15th  April,  1905,  black  brown,  white  face,  one  fore  and  one  hind  leg  white, 
filly,  by  Enigma  (10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 

BBUCX,  GKOSax,  ToeUneaL 

EOSIE  CAERUCHAN  (16,539);  black,  white  spot  on  face, 
near  fore  fetlock  white,  foaled  10th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  George  Bruce,  Tochineal,  Cullen;  sire. 
Prince  of  Carrucban  (8151),  Vol.  XIL  ;  dam,  Evergreen 
(14,498),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.; 
gr.-dam,  Tibbie  Tocher  (12,419),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Lochfergus 
Hero  (2227),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Darlin*;  of  Auchterless 
(2437),  Vol.  VL,  by  Young  Clyde  (1359),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jess  (467),  Vol.  III.,  by  Scottish  Chief  (763),  Vol.  I. ; 
.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom  IV.  (91),  Vol.  II.,  by  Lofty  (455), 
'ol.  I.;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Susan,  by  Old  Wattie  (580), 
VoL  L;  g.-g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom  I.,  by  a  Broomfield 
horse.     Produce — 

24th  May,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  socks  on  near  fore  and  both 
hind  legs,  fiUy,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 




EOSE  OF  MYRETON  (16,540);  very  dark  brown,  white  stripe 
on  face,  foaled  20th  April,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Peter  Bruce,  Myreton,  Insch ;  sire,  Sir  Arthur  (10,455), 
Vol  XX. ;  dam,  Nellie  of  Myreton,  Vol.  XXIU.,  p.  9,  by 
Captain  Harrison  (6579),  Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Jip  of  Crombic, 
by  Black  Jock  (1584),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

4th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Craigwillie  (ll,4fiS), 
Vol.  XXIV. 

QUEEN  OF  MYRETON  (16,541);  bay,  white  spot  on  faee, 
both  hind  feet  and  one  fore  foot  wnite,  foaled  17th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  P.  &  G.  W.  Bruce,  Myretoo, 
Insch ;  sire.  Botanist  (4872),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Nellie  of 
Myreton,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  9,  by  Captain  Harrison  (6579), 
Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Jip  of  Crombie,  by  Black  Jock  (1584), 
Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

23rd  April,  1905,  colt  (dead),  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JANE  OF  MYRETON  (16,542);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  both 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  P.  &  G.  W.  Bruce,  Myreton,  Insch ;  sire, 
Botanist  (4872),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Topsy  of  Myreton  (14,158), 
Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Beggar  Man  (7477),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam, 
Gip,  by  Glancer  (342),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Love,  by  Young 
Topsman  (1037),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  a  mare  bought  tt 
Ratherglen  Fair.     Produce — 

20th  March,  1906,  dead  foal,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BUCCLKUCH  AND  aUKXNSBKRY,   K.G.,   K.T.,  His  Grftoe  Tk« 


MAGGIE  VI.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (16,543) ;  bay,  white  spot 
on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  2nd  June,  1901 ;  bred  bj  and 
property  of  His  Grace  the  Duke  of  Buccleuch  and  Queens- 
berry,  K.G.,  K.T.,  Drumlanrig  Castle,  Thornhill,  Damfriee- 
shire ;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Maggie  III 
of  Drumlanrig  (14,501),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Prince  Kobert 
(7135),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Drumlanrig  (12,729), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  Eastfield  Laddie  (6719),  Vol.  XI. ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Darling  of  Northfield  (4830),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Young  Loine 

jxviii.  MARES.  189 

(997),  Vol.  I. ;   g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Northfield  (4829), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Donald  Dinnie  (1116),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

2Dth  May,  1906,  Royal  Crown,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  1^;b,  white  spot  on 
hr  side  of  belly,  eolt,  by  Royal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MAGGIE  V.  OF  DRUMLANRIG  (16.544);  brown,  white  stripe 
on  face,  white  spot  on  near  hind  foot,  foaled  28th  April, 
1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  His  Grace  the  Duke  of 
Buccleuch  and  Queensberry,  K.G.,  K.T.,  Drumlanrig  Castle, 
Thornhill,  Dumfriesshire;  sire,  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIII. ; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Drumlanrig  (12,729),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Eastfield 
Laddie  (6719),  Vol.  XI.;  gr.-dam,  Dariing  of  Northfield 
(4830),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Maggie  of  Northfield  (4829),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Donald 
Dinnie  (1116),  VoL  II.     Produce— 

12th  Jane,  1905,  Maggie  IX.  of  Drumlanrig,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Beanlieu  (11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 


DARLING  OF  LETTRE  (16,545) ;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face, 
four  white  feet  and  legs,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Robert  M.  Buchanan,  Lettre,  Killearn ;  sire,  Flashwood 
Prince  (10,751),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Nannie,  bred  by  James 
A.  Campbell,  Esq.,  LL.D.,  M.P.,  of  Stracathro,  Brechin,  by 
Lawrence's  Heir  (6931),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  the  dam  of 
Hamish  M*Cunn  (10,355),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Jordanshaw  (3343), 
Vol.  VI.  Produce- 
June,  1901,  Royal  Flush  (11,906),  VoL  XXV.,  bay,  colt  (owned  by  James 

Kilpatriok,  Craigie  Mains,  Kilmarnock),  by  Casabianca  (10,523),  Vol.  XXI. 

June,  1902,  brown,  white  beU  on  face,  little  white  on  one  hind  foot,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  Alexander  M'Intyre,  Dunallan,  Rothesay ;  (2)  R.  C.  Marshall, 
Bmntohields,  Eilbarchan),  by  Sir  Wamphray  (11,203),  Vol.  XXIII. 

July,  1903,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  fiUy,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,680), 
Vol.  XXI. 

1904,  colt  (dead),  by  Labori  (10,791).  Vol.  XXII. 


NANCY  OF  LIVINGSTON  MILL  (16,646) ;  dark  brown,  white 
ratch  on  face,  black  legs,  one  white  hind  foot,  foaled  May, 
1894 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  Buchanan,  Livingston 
Mill,  Mid-Calder;  sire,  Darnley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL; 
dam,  Meg,  bred  by  Kobert  Buchanan,  by  Largmore  (2939), 
Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling,  bred  by  Kobert  Buchanan,  by  a 


black  colt,  by  Defiance  (226),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by 
Bergamie  (44),  Vol.  I.     rroduce — 

May,  1902,  Calder  Qaeen,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  near  hind  ankle  white,  fiQj 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  exported  to  Sonth  America),  by  Ban» 
KobgiU  (10,669).  Vol.  XXII. 

June,  1903,  Clan  Buchanan  (12,912),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  oolt  (owned  by  Aft 
W.  Montgomery),  by  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094),  VoL  XVIII. 

May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Lothian  Tom 
(11,811),  VoL  XXV. 


GRACE  OF  KIRKHOUSE  (16,547);  dark  brown,  with  a  grey 
hair,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by 
Robert  Hamilton,  Low  Motherwell,  Motherwell ;  property  of 
(1)  David  RiddeU,  Blackball,  Paisley ;  (2)  Walter  Buchanan, 
Kirkhouse,  Strathblane ;  sire,  Prince  of  Clay  (10,407), 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Jenny  of  High  Motherwell  (8483),  VoL  XIL, 
by  Baron  Teck  (2589),  VoL  VL  ;  gr.-dam,  Missie  of  the 
Mains  (4288),  VoL  VH.,  by  Bonnie  Breastknot  (108), 
VoL  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  VoL  L; 
g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (666),  VoL  I.     Produce— 

14th  May,  1905,  light  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs  grev,  GDt. 
by  Auchenflower  (12,007),  Vol.  XXVI. 


BRISK  WYLLIE  (16,548);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and 
near  fore  foot  white,  a  little  white  on  top  of  off  fore  foot, 
foaled  20th  April,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Burns,  Gibliston,  Colinsburgh;  sire.  Border  Baron  (10,169), 
VoL  XIX.;  dam,  Norah  (9450),  VoL  XIIL,  by  Willie 
Wyllie  (5446),  VoL  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  (6008),  VoL  X., 
by  Baron  (26),  VoL  I. ;  g.-gr.dam.  Miss,  by  Young  Baronet 
(919),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Old  Maggie.     Produce— 

6th  June,  1905,  Laird  Joe,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Chamber- 
lain Joe  (12,092),  Vol.  XXVI. 

PEGGY  STUART  (16,549);  bay,  with  a  white  hair  over  body, 
white  face,  four  white  feet,  foaled  5th  April,  1900;  bredbj 
and  property  of  John  Burns,  Gibliston,  Colinsburgh ;  sire, 
Royal  Stewart  (8968),  VoL  XIIL;  dam,  Maggie  (6008), 
VoL  X.,  by  Baron  (26),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Miss,  by  Young 


Baronet  (919),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Maggie.     Produce— 

1st  May,  1905.  May  Dew,  bay,  with  a  white  hair  over  body,  face  and  part  of 
off  side  of  jaw  white,  hind  feet  and  near  fore  foot  white,  small  white  niark  on 
top  of  off  fore  foot,  grey  mane,  filly,  by  Redmichael  (12,300),  Vol.  XXVL 

smiL  MARES.  191 

QUEEN  OF  THE  WEST  (16,550) ;  brown,  white  face,  four  white 
feet,  foaled  12th  July,  1898;  bred  by  James  M*Farlane, 
Clinton,  Ontario,  Canada;  property  of  Ephraim  Butt, 
Clinton,  Ontario,  Canada;  sire,  Balbougie  Stamp  (9115), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Alice,  Vol.  XL,  p.  400,  by  Callendar 
(4901),  Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Dykedale  (7509), 
Vol.  XL,  by  King  of  Clydesdale  (2199),  VoL  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Bell  IL  (370),  VoL  II.,  by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  VoL  L; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  feelL     Produce — 

1st  June,  1902,  dark  bay,  fiUy  (owned  bj  John  Sparrow,  Varna,  Ontario),  by 
Prince  of  Hurlford  (10,613),  Vol.  XXI. 

27th  May,  1903,  Huronia,  tieal  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Prince  of  Hurlford  (10,618),  Vol.  XXI. 


PRINCESS  ROBERTA  (16,551);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white 
feet»  foaled  15th  April,  1900;  bred  by  Matthew  Marshall, 
Stranraer ;  property  of  James  Calder  .of  Ardargie,  Forgan- 
denny ;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam.  Darling, 
bred  by  William  Hunter,  Gkirthland  Mains,  Stranraer, 
by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Old  Darling 
(7365),  Vol.  XL,  by  Tom  (877),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Puppet 
(2617),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489).  Vol.  I ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
by  Clyde  (1102),  Vol.  II. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Drumore  Old 
Farmer  (576),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  bay.  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white  below  hocks,  flUy,  by  Royal 
Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

LADY  SYBIL  (16,552) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white 
feet  and  pasterns,  foaled  22nd  May,  1900 ;  bred  by  William 
Marshall,  Lochfergus,  Kirkcudbright;  property  of  (1) 
A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  James  Calder  of  Ardargie, 
Forgandenny;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam, 
Mary  Macgregor  (12,864),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam.  Do  or  Die  (8908),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Peter 
the  Great  (3884),  VoL  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Dizzy  of  Eascarrel 
(4862),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Prince  Albert  (616).  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Susy  (4863),  VoL  VIIL,  by  Inkermann  (1161),  Vol.  II. 
Produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  bay,  ratch  on  ftkce,  near  fore  leg  blnck,  other  three  white  to 
below  knee  and  hocks,  filly,  by  Labori  (10,791).  Vol.  XXII. 



TIBBIE  COCHRANE  (16,553);  foaled  1885;  bred  by  William 
Cochrane,  Auchentibbert,  Sandhead ;  property  of  Matthew 
Caldwell,  Culhorn  Parks,  Stranraer;  sire,  Sanquhar  (2393), 
Vol.  V  ;  dam,  Tibbie  of  Airies  (6364),  Vol.  X.,  by  Farmer 
(286),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1898,  Galashiels  (11,041),  Vol.  XXIII.,  bay,  colt,  by  Jordanshaw  (3343), 

VoL  VI. 


KATE  OF  WARD  (16,654);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  one 
fore  leg  black,  foaled  10th  June,  1889 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  William  Caldwell,  Ward,  Rilbarchan;  sire, 
King  of  Clydesdale  (2199),  Vol.  V.;  dam,  Jessie  Wylie 
(8183),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Newman  (2305),  Vol.  V.;  gr.^lam, 
Kate  (1861),  Vol.  V.,  by  Lome  (499).  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Kate,  by  Rob  Roy  (2379),  VoL  V.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess. 
Produce — 

ISth  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  fore  legs  black,  filly,  bv  Sir 
Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 

CALLANDSB,  R.   *  W. 

BARR  DARLING  (16,555);  brown,  white  on  face,  off  hind 
ankle  white,  other  three  ankles  black,  foaled  1st  May,  1888; 
bred  by  and  property  of  R.  &  W.  Callander,  Upper  Barr, 
Newton-Stewart;  sire.  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ;  dam, 
Barr  Dandy,  Vol.  XL,  p.  33,  by  Good  Hope  (1679),  VoL  IV.; 
gr.-dam,  Barr  Jess,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I.    Produce — 

1894,  Daisy  of  Upper  Barr  (14,508),  Vol.  XXIV.,  bay,  filly,  by  Orlando  (8092). 
Vol.  XII. 


LADY  MARK  (16,556);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  William  Fergusson,  Glenlee 
Mains,  New  Galloway ;  property  of  John  G.  Calvert,  Brae- 
head,  Kirkmahoe;  sire,  Sir  Mark  (10,648),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam, 
bred  by  Peter  Reid,  Skeog,  Whithorn,  by  Petruchio  (9967), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Peter  Reid,  by  Derby  (227), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  Albert  Edward,  light  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hooka* 
near  fore  leg  white  to  knee,  off  fore  leg  white  to  ankle  joint,  oolt,  by  Royal 
Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 



PRIDE  OF  LOCHGORM  (16,557);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  off  hind  leg  white,  near  hind  leg  grey,  off  fore  foot 
white  over  coronet,  near  fore  foot  black,  foaled  April,  1899 ; 
bred  by  J.  Huntly  Macdonald,  Torbreck,  Inverness ;  property 
of  Robert  D.  Cameron,  Lochgorm,  Inverness;  sire,  Duke 
King  (5723),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Lady  Mima  (12,840),  Vol.  XIX., 
by  Right  at  Last  (8947),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Moss-side  (10,385),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Blue  Ribbon  (1961), 
Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Drumreoch  (4799),  Vol.  VIIL, 
by  Marquis  (519),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

7th  June,  19(^,  Lady  Baron  Af ton,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  near 
fore  foot  black,  off  fore  foot  white  over  coronet,  off  hind  leg  wnite,  white  sock  on 
near  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Baron  Afton  (11,255),  Vol.  XXIV. 


LILY  OF  LOCHHILL  (16,558);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near 
fore  point  black,  other  points  white,  foaled  21st  May,  1900; 
bred  by  John  Campbell,  Loch  hill,  Crossmichael ;  property  of 
John  Campbell,  Erncrogo,  Crossmichael,  Dumfriesshire ;  sire. 
Lord  Chancellor  (10,581),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Bonnie  of 
Bleatran  (14,161),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Craigie  Stamp  (7613), 
Vol.  XIL;  gr.-dam,  Smiler  of  Bleatran  (12,034),  Vol.  XVL, 
by  King  of  the  Ring  (2910),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Fan,  by 
Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.- gr.-dam,  Dinah 
(1715),  Vol.  v..  by  Dumbarton  (253),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Nelly.     Produce — 

25th  May,  1905,  Eve  of  Erncrogo,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  point 
black,  other  points  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Soot  (11,179),  Vol.  XXIII. 

GARLIftUB,    T.   M. 

TARRABY  QUEEN  IL  (16,559);  bay,  white  star  on  forehead, 
foaled  May,  1902  ;  bred  by  the  late  Joseph  Carlisle,  Tarraby, 
Carlisle ;  property  of  T.  M.  Carlisle,  Tarraby,  Carlisle ;  sire, 
Montrave  Lawrence  (10,241),  Vol.  XIX.  ;  dam,  Tarraby 
Queen  (15,430),  Vol.  XXVI.,  by  Scottish  Crown  (9851), 
Vol.  XVL ;  gr.-dam,  Sweet  Lavender  (12,628),  Vol.  XVIII., 
by  Bounding  Willow  (5580),  Vol.  X. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Sally  of 
Garriston  (7618),  Vol.  XL,  by  Glenamour  (2128),  Vol.  V. 
Produce — 

2nd  Jane,  1905,  Tarraby  PrincesB,  bay,  white  inark  down  face,  some  white  on 
upper  and  lower  Ups,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Ailsa  (11,139),  Vol.  XXIII. 

VOL,  XXVIII.  13 



MISSIE  OF  PERSILANDS  (16,560) ;  brown,  black  legs,  foaled 
1896 ;  bred  by  the  late  James  Gray  Carmichael,  Persilands, 
Biggar ;  property  of  Daniel  Carmichael,  Persilands,  Biggar ; 
sire.  Gang  Forward  (3619),  Vol.  YII. ;  dam,  Missie  of  Falla 
(16,661),  VoL  XXVIIL,  by  Knight  of  Lothian  (4489X 
Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  by  Stonelaw  Lord  Lyon  (2440), 
Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Broomfield  Champion  (95),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

13th  June,  1903,  Darling  of  Persilands,  dark  brown,  hind  legs  white,  ftUy 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  M.  Simpson,  Whitecross,  East  Kilbride ;  (2)  William  Anderson, 
Milton,  AmatiUa  Co.,  Oregon,  U.S.A.),  by  Caimhill  (11,292),  Vol.  XXIV. 

Jnly,  1904,  Lady  Dixon,  dark  brown,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  bv  King  Dick 
(10,212).  Vol.  XIX. 


MISSIE  OF  FALLA  (16,561) ;  foaled  ;  bred  by  the  ktc 

James  Good,  Falla,  Carnwath;  property  of  the  late  James 
Gray  Cai'michael,  Persilands,  Biggar ;  sire,  Knight  of  Lothian 
(4489),  VoL  VIII. ;  dam,  bred  by  the  late  James  Gt)od,  by 
Stonelaw  Lord  Lyon  (2440),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by 
John  Prentice,  Braehead,  Carluke,  by  Broomfield  Champion 
(95),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  bought  from  a  contractor  in 
Edinburgh.     Produce — 

1896,   Missie  of  Persilands  (16,-560),   Vol.   XXVIII.,   brown,   filly,  bj  Gang 
Forward  (S619),  Vol.  VII. 


JEANNIE  GORDON  (1 6,562) ;  very  dark  brown,  white  star  on 
face,  foaled  20th  May,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Gavin 
Catto,  Mains  of  Gight,  Fy vie ;  sire,  Royal  Alexander  (9997), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Gip,  bred  by  Gavin  Catto,  by  G  lancer 
(342),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Love,  bred  by  Gavin  Catto,  by 
Young  Topsman  (1037),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  bought  at 
Rutherglen  Fair.    Produce — 

29th  May,  1904,  Jeanie  Gordon  II.,  bright  bar,  white  on  face,  hind  paitemt 
white,  filly,  by  Royal  Ghattan  (11,489),  Vol  XXIV. 

28th  May,  1905,  Fred,  black,  a  little  white  above  paatenu,  oolt,  by  Prince  of 
Carruohan  (8151),  VoL  XU. 


HEATHER  SALLY  (16,563);   chestnut,  white  face,  hind  legs 
white,  white  spots  on  fore  legs,  foaled  11th  June,  1901 ; 

zzviij.  MARES.  196 


bred  by  Ferrier  Pace,  Ormiston  Mains,  Ormiston ;  property 
of  Robert  Chapman,  Johnston,  Gartcosh ;  sire,  Koyal  Patriot 
10,886),  Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Lady  Rosemount  (14,746), 
ol.  XXIV.,  by  Prince  Rosemount  (9992),  Vol.  XVII.; 
gr.-4am,  Mary,  by  Sir  Erskine  (8253),  Vol.  All. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Ella,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  107,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220^  Vol.  VL ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Topsy  of  Westerton  (2741),  Vol.  VII.,  by 
Admiral  (2550),  Vol.  VI. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy  Bright 
(2691),  Vol.  VL,  by  John  Bright  (411),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g. -g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Keir  Nancy  (2690),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Clyde  (156),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

May,  1904,  Glenboig  Lass,  light  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoa,  off  fore  leg  and 
both  Idnd  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  B.  Chapman;  (8)  A. 
k  W.  Montgomery;  (4)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Qay  Everard 
(10,758),  VoL  XXn. 


VIOLET  (16,564);  bay,  white  face,  white  legs,  white  patch  on 
belly,  foaled  19th  May,  1899  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Clark,  Hill  House,  Shadforth,  Durham ;  sire,  First  Lifeguard 
(10,061),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Alice  II.,  Vol.  XV.,  p.  62,  by 
Wee  Macgregor  (7383),  Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Alice  (1342), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Knight  o'  Keir  (1174),  Vol.  II.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Emily  (1340),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Beauty  (174),  Vol.  II.,  by  BlacK  Prince  (52), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Beauty,  by  Sir  William — Howie's ; 
g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-daro,  Sally,  by  Young  Samson  (?).     Produce — 

90th  March,  1903,  Lord  Durham  (13,066),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  black,  colt,  by  Lord 
Paimtleroy  (10,870),  VoL  XX. 

LILY  OF  LAIGHLIET  (16,565);  chestnut,  white  hind  legs, 
foaled  1899;  bred  by  William  Caldwell,  Both  well  Bank 
Farm,  Bothwell;  property  of  Robert  Clark,  Laighliet, 
East  Kilbride;  sire,  Prince  Curr  (10,400),  Vol.  XX.;  dam, 
Annie  Laurie,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  520,  by  King  Damley  (5106), 
Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Missie  of  Newlands  (10,174),  Vol.  XIIL, 
by  Champion  of  the  North  (1092),  Vol.  II. ,  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  of  Etottenrow  (2932),  Vol.  VI,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Prince  Charlie  (1253),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

1903,  dark  brown,  filly,  by  Clan  M'NeU  (11,304),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1904,  bay,  fiUy,  by  Baron  Clyde  (12,023),  Vol.  XXVI. 

1905,  filly  (dead),  by  Baron  Argus  (12,433),  Vol.  XXVII. 




COATS,   W.   A. 

ROSEBUD  OF  DALSKAIRTH  (16,566);  brown,  white  star 
on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
John  Scott,  Barr,  Skelmorlie;  property  of  W.  A-  Coats 
of  Dalskairth,  Dumfries ;  sire,  Ascot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. ; 
dam.  El  Dorado  (1 1,975),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850), 
Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam,  Nelly  of  Barr,  Vol.  XI.,  p.  159,  by  Znlu 
by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Barr 
(5016),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Captain  (121),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam. 
Bell,  by  an  Auchinbothie  horse.     Produce — 

24th  June,  1904,  Kjle  Bosie,  brown,  star  on  face,  off  hind  foot  white,  fiUy 
(owned  by  (1)  Peter  Crawford ;  (2)  George  Hay,  Lachute,  Montreal),  by  King  of 
Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX 



BESS  OF  TULLAMORE  (16,567) ;  bay,  white  star  on  forehead, 
off  hind  leg  white,  foaled  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Thomas  Cobbe,  J. P.,  Annagharvey  House,  Tollamore, 
King's  (Dounty,  Ireland ;  sire,  Drummuir  Stamp  (7655), 
Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Rose,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  hind  pasterns 
white,  bred  by  Thomas  Cobbe,  by  Vivian  (3282),  Vol.  VL  ; 
:.dam,  MoUie,  bred  by  Thomas  Cobbe,  by  Campsie  (2653), 
ol.  VI.     Produce — 


15th  May,  1904,  Rock,  bay,  white  star  on  faoe,  white  nose,  three  white  lega, 
colt,  by  Erskine's  Heir  (11,330),  Vol.  XXIV. 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  star  on  face,  white  band  on  near  hind  leg  below  fetlock, 
filly,  by  Dung  Lad  (11,690),  Vol.  XXV. 


MARK  HIM  MAGGIE  (16,568);  brown,  white  on  face,  oflFfore 
and  off  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  near  hind  foot^ 
foaled  31st  May,  1893;  bred  by  and  property  of  Eobert 
Cochran,  Portencallie,  Stranraer;  sire,  Mark  Him  (12,671), 
Vol.  XXVn. ;  dam,  Maggie,  bred  by  Robert  Cochran,  by 
Darnley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Young  Jenny, 
bred  by  Robert  Cochran,  by  Corsewall  Chief  (4304), 
Vol.  Vni. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jenny,  by  Clansman  (150),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

9th  May,  1906,  bfty,  white  faoe,  near  hind  foot  white,   filly,  by  FriroIit7 
(11,040),  Vol.  XXIII. 




ANN  M'MASTER  (16,569);  brown,  four  white  feet,  foaled 
1892;  bred  by  James  M^Master,  Newtonrigg,  Dumfries; 
property  of  William  Cochrane,  Currochtrie,  Drumore ;  sire, 
Balloch  Jock  (1925),  Vol.  V.;  dam,  Ann  of  Currochtrie 
.  (8805),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Victor  Chief  (1856),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam, 
Daintie  of  Currochtrie  (330),  Vol.  II.,  by  (Jeneral  Williamfl 
(326),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by  Hark  (1152),  Vol.  11. 
Produce — 

11th  May,  1899,  ManhaU's  Pride  (11,820),  Vol.  XXV.,  bay,  oolt,  by  Moncreiffe 
liarqiua  (9953),  VoL  XVII. 

^th  April,  1903,  Sunridge  (12,763)»  VoL  XXVIIL,  black,  oolt,  by  Meroutio 
(11,431),  Vol.  XXIV.        ^    ^  '^ 


DUNNYDEER  QUEEN  (16,570) ;  chestnut,  white  ratch  on  face, 
both  fore  feet  and  off  hind  foot  white,  white  sock  on  near 
hind  leg,  foaled  3rd  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  A.  Cooper,  Dunnydeer,  Insch ;  sire,  Prince  of 
Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL;  dam,  Princess  of  Newtown 
(13,393),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Parnell  (3051),  Vol.  VL ;  gr.-dam. 
Young  Nelly  Bell  (6062),  Vol.  X.,  by  Black  Samson  (62), 
Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nelly  Bell  (6061),  Vol.  X.,  by  Young 
Comet  (954),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

25th  June,  1904,  Ruby  Queen,  bay,  white  snip  on  face,  off  hind  foot  white» 
filly,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

2nd  June,  1905,  Ruby  Rose,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  white  sodcB  on  hind  feet 
and  off  fore  ankle,  fiUy,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MAYFLOWER  IIL  (16,571) ;  bay,  white  snip  on  face,  near  fore 
ankle  white,  both  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  foaled  May^ 
1900;  bred  by  John  A.  Horn,  Brangan,  Portsoy;  property 
of  John  A.  Cooper,  Dunnydeer,  Insch;  sire,  Glenzier 
(10,353),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Mayflower  IL,  bred  by  the  late 
David  M*Gibbon,  Ardnacraig,  Campbeltown,  by  Lawrence's 
Chief  (7910),  Vol.  XIL;  gr.-dam,  Mayflower,  bred  by  the 
late  Lawrence  Drew,  Merryton,  Hamilton,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

17th  May,  1905,  Brangan,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  inside  of  both  hind  ankles 
white,  oolt  (M.B.,  John  A.  Horn ;  F.B.,  John  A.  Cooper),  by  Balmedie  May 
King  (10,310),  Vol.  XX. 


OOOPBR,  JOHN,  Colltolaw. 

FLORA  OF  COLLIELAW  (16,572) ;  brown,  face  and  off  hind 
leg  white,  foaled  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Cooper,  Collielaw,  Carluke ;  sire,  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094) 
Vol.  XVIII.;  dam,  Young  Roaa,*  black,  foaled  1889, 
Vol.  XIII.,  p.  313,  by  BM  Bucdeuch,  Vol.  XL,  p,»5; 
OT..dam,  Rosa  of  Muirhead  (9613),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Pride  of 
Galloway  (601),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Victor  II. 
(1338),  Vol.  11.     Produce— 

15th  May,  1905,  brown,  faoe  und  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Sootknd'a  Fortiuie 
late  Boyal  Drummond  (11,902),  Vol.  XXV. 

SALLY  OF  COLLIELAW  (16,573);  brown,  face  and  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Cooper,  Collielaw,  Carluke;  sire.  Royal  Norman  (10,885), 
Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Young  Rosa,*  black,  foaled  1889, 
Vol.  XIIL,  p.  313,  by  Bold  Bucdeuch,  Vol.  XL,  p.  5; 
gr.-dam,  Rosa  of  Muirhead  (9513),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Pride  of 
Galloway  (601),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Victor  11. 
(1338),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

20th  April,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white  on  fore  paateni, 
fiUy,  bj  Scotland's  Fortune  late  Boyal  Drummond  (11,902),  Vol.  XXV. 

COOPXa,  JOHN,  KulrbAAd. 

BELL  OF  MUIRHEAD  (16,674) ;  dark  brown,  star  on  face, 
bind  leg  white,  foaled  1887 ;  bred  by  Donald  Black,  Devol, 
Port-Glasgow;  property  of  JohnOooper,  Muirhead,  GarstaiiB; 
sire.  Sir  Hildebrand  (4024),  Vol.  VII. ;  dam,  Nannie  (1943), 
Vol.  VL,  by  General  Williams  II.  (2801),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Nannie,  bred  in  Arran.     Produce — 

June,  1903,  I^iadem,  bay,  spot  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Norman 
(10,886),  Vol.  XXn. 

Ist  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  ftkoe,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Scotland'i 
Fortune  UUe  Royal  Drummond  (11,902),  Vol.  XXV. 

KUTH  (16,575);  brown,  star  on  face,  black  points,  foaled  17th 
April,  1897;  bred  by  (M.B.)  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton- 
Stewart;  (F.B.)  James  Semple,  West  Lindsay  lands,  Biggar; 
property  of  John  Cooper,  Muirhead,  Carstairs ;  sire,  Prince 
of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Naomi  (13,264), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XII. ;    gr.^am,  Hilda 

xxviii.  MARES.  199 

(10,607),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VII.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Governess  (5414),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Superior  (838), 
vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Swan's  Horse  (5386), 
Vol.  IX.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Henry  Meikle's  Horse; 

f.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Darling,  by  Young  Blaze  (920),  Vol.  I. 
rodace — 

6th  June,  1903)  JMiss  Cooper,  brown,  spot  on  faoe,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W. 
Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Fktt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Norman  (10,885), 

29th  April,  1905^  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Dimore  Mao. 


SUSAN  (16,576) ;  brown,  white  face,  four  white  feet>  foaled 
16th  May,  1896;  bred  by  John  Tervit,  Beechpark,  Lanark; 
property  of  Archibald  Core,  Swaites,  Thankerton;  sire, 
Heirat-Law (5867),  Vol.  X.;  dam.  Susan  II.  (3992), Vol.  VH., 
by  Prince  Edward  (1254),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Susan  (216), 
Vol.  II.,  by  Blaze  III.  (74),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-damj  Darling,  by 
Prince  (603),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1901,  Bell,  brown,  with  a  grey  hair,  white  faoe,  three  white  feet,  fiUy,  by 

Coroner  (10,532),  Vol.  XXI. 

18th  May,  1906,  Tam,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Scotland's 
Fortune  late  Koyal  Drummond  (11,902),  Vol.  XXV. 

oomme,  thoicas. 

BELL  OF  SOUTHPARK  (16,577);  dusky  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  fore  pasterns  and  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled 
1st  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Corrie, 
Southpark,  Borgue,  Kirkcudbright;  sire,  Acme  (10,485), 
Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Trim  of  Southpark  (14,524),  Vol.  XXIV., 
by  Flashwood's  Best  (9211),  VoL  XIV. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  of 
Culraven  (9433),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Oddfellow  (4602),  Vol.  Vfll.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  (1981),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Young  Byron  (1555), 
Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Die  (1747),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  (609), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Die.     Produce — 

I3ih  May,  1905,  very  dark  brown— may  turn  black,  face  and  legs  white,  white 
mark  on  belly,  oolt,  by  Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BARONESS  ROZELLE  (16,678);    bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
fore  pasterns  white,  hind  legs  white  half  way  up  to  hocks, 


foaled  May,  1902 ;  bred  by  William  Hunter,  Garthland 
Mains,  Stranraer;  property  of  David  Courage,  Royal  Oak 
Bar,  Aberdeen ;  sire,  Rozelle  (10,638),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam, 
Dora  of  Garthland  (12,798),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Lawrence's  Heir 
(6931).  Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam.  Old  Darling  (7365),  Vol.  XL, 
by  Tom  (877),  Vol.  1 ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Puppet  (2617),  Vol  VL, 
by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Clyde  (1102), 
Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by  Old  Farmer  (576),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  blaze  on  faoe,  off  fore  pastern  white,  other  three  legt 
white,  filly,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 


NELLY  MACDUFF  (16,579) ;  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead, 
near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1 900 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Alexander  Cowie,  Melrose,  Gamrie ;  sire.  Royal 
Union  (10,444),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Tibbie,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  25, 
by  Gamrie  Chief  (9222),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  Tibbie,  by 
Just  in  Time  (1456),  Vol.  III.     Produce— 

20th  June,  1908,  Netherwood  Law.  dark  brown,  broad  white  stripe  on  tu»,  one 
fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Martinet  (10,594),  Vol.  XXI. 


KATHIE  (16,580) ;  brown,  broad  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot 
and  near  fore  foot  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
Alexander  Cowie,  Melrose,  Gamrie ;  property  of  George  W. 
Cowie,  Easter  Bo,  Turriff;  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151)^ 

•  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Tibbie,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  25,  by  Gamrie 
Chief  (9222),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  Tibbie,  by  Just  in  Time 
(1456),  Vol,  in.     Produce— 

23rd  May,  1905,  brown,  white  spot  on  near  fore  leg,  both  hind  legs  white,  oolt^ 
by  Dama'a  Chief  (12,547),  Vol.  XXVII. 


SNAIGOW  WINIFRED  (16,581);  brown,  white  stripe  on  fore- 
bead,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  foaled  2nd  May,  1898 ;  bred 
by  and  property  of  William  H.  Cox,  of  Snaigow,  Murthly, 
Perthshire;  sire.  Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVL;  dam, 
Snaigow  Winsome  (13,752),  Vol.  XXII.,  by  Williamwood 
(8391),  Vol.  XII.;  gr.-dam.  Bell  of  Kirkton  (12,469), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Gallant  Stuart  (5787),  Vol.  X. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Kirkton  (5390),  Vol.   IX.,   by  Young  Rattier 

xxviii.  MARES,  201 

(1022),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Kirkton  (5389), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  TopBinan  (886),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bet^ 
by  Clydesdale  Jock  (1413),  Vol.  III.     Produce— 

lOth  April,  1905,  Snaigow  Welcome,  bay,  white  faoe,  both  hind  legs  white,  filly, 
bj  Boyal  Favourite  (10,680),  Vol.  XXI. 

PEARL  DUST  II.  (16,582);  bay,  star  on  face,  near  fore  fetlock 
and  hind  fetlocks  white,  foaled  15th  April,  1899 ;  bred  by 
Professor  M*Call,  F.R.C.V.S.,  Burnhead,  Milton  of  Campsie ; 
property  of  William  H.  Cox,  of  Snaigow,  Murthly,  Perth- 
shire; sire.  Prince  of  Moray  (10,257),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam. 
Pearl  Dust  (13,517),  Vol.  XXI.,  by  Castleguard  (9155), 
Vol.  XIV.;  p. -dam.  Pearl  Drop  (13,131),  Vol.  XX.,  by 
Duddingston  (7658),  Vol.  XII.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Pearl,  by  Damley 
(222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lucy — Drew's — by  Lincolnshire 
Lad  IL     Produce — 

27th  May,  1905,  Snaigow  Silver  Dust,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  and  white 
patch  on  nose,  four  white  feet,  polt,  by  Silver  Coin  (11,934),  VoL  XXV. 

MONTRAVE  LASSIE  (16,583);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  10th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Sir  John 
Gilmour,  Bart.,  of  Montrave,  Leven,  Fife;  property  of 
William  H.  Cox,  of  Snaigow,  Murthly,  Perthshire;  sire, 
Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Montrave  Ladybird 
(14,583),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII. ; 
gr.ndam.  La  Belle  (8325),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Loudoun  Laird 
(5182),  Vol.  IX. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Susie  of  Airies  (6367),  Vol.  X., 
by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Sir  Colin 
(6294),  Vol.  X.     Produce— 

26th  May,  1905,  Snaigow  Lawrence,  bay,  white  face,  both  hind  feet  white,  colt, 
by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630)  Vol.  XXI. 


KATE  OF  MILTON  (16,584);  dark  brown,  dark  legs,  foaled 
21st  June,  1894  ;  bred  by  Thomas  Russell,  Dechmont  Eoad, 
Uphall;  property  of  John  Craig,  Milton,  East  Kilbride; 
sire,  Damley 's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL ;  dam,  Jess  of  Black- 
burn (7800),  Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Blythe  (924),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

1902,  colt  (caatrated),  by  Pride  of  Airies  (11,454),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1903,  colt  (dead),  by  Nation's  Pride  (11,440),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1904,  bay,  little  white  on  face,  one  hind  fetlock  white,  filly,  by  Baron  Clydo 
(12,023),  VoL  XXVI. 

1905,  brown,  white  face  and  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Lewanika  (11,786),  Vol.  XXV. 



MAGGIE  OF  COUSTON  (16,585) ;  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  6th  June,  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Craig,  Couston,  Aberdour ;  sire,  Kippendavie  Stamp 
(9774),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Longleet  (12,276),  Vol.  XVU.,  by 
Lawrence  Again  (7909),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Violet, 
Vol.  XIV.,  p.  172,  by  Hawkhead,  Vol.  IX.,  p  83  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Godiva  (5416),  Vol.  IX.,  by  The  Maister  (1846),  Vol.  IV. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie  (1254),  Vol.  V,  by  Lord  Derby  (485), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom  of  Garliestoo  (1253), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Clyde  (1621),  Vol.  IV     Produce— 

24th  April,  1902,  Bessie,  bfty,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Lord  Forester 
<10,683),  Vol.  XXL 

26th  April,  190»,  Aberdour  (12,794),  YoL  XXVIIL,  light  bay,  oolt,  by  llaniik« 
(11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

13th  April,  1904,  Jess,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  filly,  by  Su:  Edward  (11,193k 
Vol.  XXIII. 

19th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  one  fore  foot  white,  ooit^  bj 
Prince  of  Brunstane  (9977),  Vol.  XVII. 


MARY  OF  CROOKMORE  (16,586);  dark  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  both  hind  feet  white,  foaled  26th  May,  1892 ;  bred 
by  James  Rainnie,  Dameye,  Monymask;  property  of 
Alexander  Gran,  Craithharr,  Reithhall,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire, 
Williamson  (9469),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  She,  foaled  1888, 
Vol.  XL,  p.  41,  by  Druid  Chief  (2061),  Vol.  V.;  ffr.^am. 
Lady  Lindsay  (5298),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Lome  II.  (1209),  VoL  IL; 
g. -gr.-dam,  Inver  Mary  (1099),  Vol.  V.,  by  Dainty  Dane 
(213),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kincragie  Nance  (1096), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Cairnbrogie  (116),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bell 
of  Guise,  by  Blyth  (80),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

7th  April,  1903^  Azalea,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  face,  both  hind  feet  whiter 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  "W.  Emalie,  Crookmore ;  (2)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery :  (3)  W. 
D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Ability  (10,484),  Vol.  XXI. 


MARy  KIRKLAND  (16,587) ;  bay,  foaled  June,  1896 ;  bred  by 
Malcolm  Logan,  Kirkland,  West  Kilbride;  property  of 
Hugh  W.  B.  Crawford,  Chapraanton,  Castle-Douglas;  sire, 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam.  Darling,  by  Westtield 
Chief  (6390),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Killantrae  Tibbie  (966), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Volunteer  (899),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by 
Young  Clyde  (944),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

•  June,  1903,  bay.  fllly,  by  Royal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

xxTiii.  •  MARES.  203 

LILY  OF  CHAPMANTON  (16,588) ;  dark  brown,  white  star  on 
forehead,  one  fore  paatem  and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
1898 ;  bred  by  John  Craigie,  Bums  Farm,  Creetown ; 
property  of  Hugh  W.  B.  Crawford,  Chapmanton,  Castle- 
Douglas;  sire.  Prince  Borneo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Black 
Bess,  black,  star  on  forehead,  white  feet,  foaled  18tb  May, 
1887,  bred  by  Colonel  M'Douall  of  Logan,  Stranraer,  by 
Lord  Dunglass  (2961),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Craiglemine  Logan 
(306),  Vol.  IL,  by  Highland  Laddie  (385),  Vol.  1 ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Blossom,  by  Lochend  Champion  (448),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam, 
Nancy,  by  Young  Clyde  (944),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Black  Bess.     Produce — 

July,  1905,  dark  brown,  star  on  faoe,  fore  foot  and  near  hind  paatem  white, 
«olt»  bj  King's  Crest  (11,385),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JENNIE  OF  CHAPMANTON  (16,589);  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  far  fore  pastern  and  both  hind  legs  white;  foaled  1901 ; 
bred  by  J,  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn ;  property  of 
Hugh  W.  B.  Crawford,  Chapmanton,  Castle-Douglas;  sire, 
Royal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam.  Dainty,  bred  by 
J.  W.  Findlay,  by  Damley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam, 
Sally  of  Bailliewhirr  (11,323),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Lord  Dalkeith 
(4517),  Vol.  VIIL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bailliewhirr  Kate  (3466), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie, 
by  Merry  Tom  (536),  VoL  L  Produce- 
April,  1905,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  both  fore  paatermi  and  both  hind  legs  white, 

fiUy,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

CBAWrOKD,  JAMXS,  fllotfieiid. 

SALLY  OF  FLOSH  (16,590);  roan,  white  on  face,  three  white 
legs,  foaled  1896 ;  bred  by  John  Irving  Isle  of  Dalton, 
Lockerbie ;  property  of  James  Crawford,  Floshend,  Gretna ; 
sire,  Scottish  Crown  (9851),  Vol.  XVI.;  dam,  Meg  of 
the  Isle,  bred  by  William  Neilson,  Mathemock,  Kilmacolm, 
by  Lord  Marmion  (6003),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Mathemock  (8928),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Jordanshaw  (3343), 
Vol.  VI. ;  g.-CT.-dam,  Nancy  of  Mathemock  (1620),  Vol.  V., 
by  Prince  of  Kenfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1903,  roan,  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  fiUv,  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149), 

1904,  dark  i^oan,  stripe  on  faoe,  white  legs,  filly,  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149), 


1905,  bay,  white  on  faoe  and  legs,  filly,  by  Royal  Citizen  (11,896),  Vol.  XXY. 


COUNTESS  OF  GRETNA  (16,591) ;  roan,  white  face  and  l^s» 
foaled  May,  1900 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Crawford, 
Floshend,  Gretna;  sire,  Prince  of  Kelton  (11,1 48),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
or  Sir  Mark  (10,648),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Maid  of  Gretna 
(14,182),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Baron  o'  Threave  (3403),  Vol.  VIL  ; 
gr.ndam,  Jean,  dam  of  Jean  of  Baurch  (13,361),  Vol.  XXL, 
by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by 
Challenger  (1088),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler  (7329), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Simon  Pure  (769),  Vol.  I. ;  g.  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by 
England's  Glory — Robinson's  ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ayr- 
shire Champion — Broatch's.     Produce — 

27th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face  and  legs,  oolt,  by  Boyal  Cituen  (11,896V» 
Vol.  XXV. 

CRAWFORD,  JAMXS,  Woodstone. 

MISSIE  (16,592);  bay,  foaled  1891 ;  bred  by  William  M'Gregor, 
Braehead,  Cambus ;  property  of  James  Crawford,  Woodstone, 
Port  of  Menteith  Station ;  sire,  M*Kinlay  (8010),  Vol.  XIL; 
dam,  Midtown  Nellie  (7540),  Vol.  XL,  by  Farmer  (286), 
Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Jewel  IIL,  by  Young  Eattler  (1022), 
Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jewel  IL  (278),  Vol.  IL,  by  Lochfergus 
Champion  (449),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Jewel  (273),  Vol.  XL, 
by  Renfrewshire  Jock  (696),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Sir 
James  (780),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

8th  June,  1903,  Black  Lily,  black,  white  ratch  on  face,  three  white  legs,  fiUj 
(owned  by  (1)  A.  M.  Simpson,  Whiteoross,  East  Kilbride ;  (2)  William  Andenom, 
Milton,  Amatilla  Co.,  Oregon,  U.S.A.),  by  Kyle  M'Nab  (11,389),  VoL  XXTV. 


DAISY  OF  KILBREEN  (16,593);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  white,  foaled  27th  July,  1896; 
bred  by  William  Smith,  Quarroch,  Portpatrick ;  property  of 
John  Crawford,  Kilbreen,  Lochans,  Stranraer ;  sire,  Raebum 
(11,867),  Vol.  XXV.;  dam,  a  mare,  bred  by  the  late  Robert 
Frederick,  Drumflower,  Dunragit,  by  Henry  Irving  (4440), 
Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Young  Mary  of  Drumflower  (519), 
Vol.  IIL,  by  Prince  Charlie  (629),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary 
of  Drumflower  (112),  Vol.  I.,  by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

June,  1900,  Kilbreen  Prince,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  ankk 
and  near  hind  ankle  white,  colt,  by  Prince  Bobert  (7135),  Vol.  XI. 

Srd  May,  1903,  Woodbum  (13,238),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  white  stripe  on  fMS^ 
four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Mercutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 

xxviii.  MARES,  205 


MARY  ALEXANDER  (16,594);  brown,  white  stripe  down  face, 
near  hind  hoof  and  far  hind  leg  white,  foaled  4th  May,  1897; 
.  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Crawford,  Dowhill,  Girvan ; 
sire,  William  the  Conqueror  (9093),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam, 
Princess  of  Dowhill  (13,039),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Prince  Alexander 
(8899),  Vol.  XIII.;  gr.-dam.  Princess  of  Drumbeg  (10,520), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Heather  King  (3687),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Queen  (5322),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Lucky  Getter  (1483),  Vol.  III. ; 
g.-g.-gr.  dam,  Jean  of  Drumbeg  (3372),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Liberal 
Tom  (446),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Clyde  (2022), 
Vol.  V.     Produce — 

4th  April,  1905,  Prinoeas  Alexander,  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  both  hind 
legs  and  near  fore  leg  white,  white  spot  on  far  knee,  filly,  by  Baden  Powell 
a0,963).  Vol.  XXIII. 


DARK  MARY  (16,595);  dark  brown,  small  white  star  on  fore- 
head, black  legs,  foaled  28th  June,  1896 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  William  Crawford,  Nuneaton  Fields,  Nuneaton ; 
sire,  Meridian  (9323),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Disdow  Mary 
(7126),  Vol.  XL,  by  Craichmore  Bob  (2038),  Vol.  V. ; 
gr.-dam,  Blackie's  mare  (4423),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Hercules 
(378),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

lath  June,  1900,  Disdow  B[ate,  light  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  dark, 
off  hind  foot  white,  near  hind  leg  white  at  hock,  fillj,  bv  Prince  Attractive 
(10.25O*),  Vol.  XIX. 

26th  May,  1905,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  off  hind  ankle  white,  colt,  by  M'Kinley 
(10,228),  Vol.  XIX.     . 


CRICHTON  BESSIE  (16,596);  bay,  black  points,  foaled  May, 
1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  The  Crichton  Royal 
Institution,  Dumfries ;  sire,  Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVI. ; 
dam,  Scottish  Girl,  Vol.  XV.,  p.  119,  by  Prince  Frederick 
(8905),  Vol.  XIII.;  gr.-dam,  Scottish  Lady  (11,017), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jenny 
Bell  (2595),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Tom  (877),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.  dam, 
Susie  (297),  Vol.  II.,  by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Bell,  by  Muircock  (550),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Fanny,  by  Farmer  (1652),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

eth  May,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  oolt,  by  Royal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 


CBUICXSBAMK,  teptala. 

BLACK  BESS  OF  CULVIE  (16,597) ;  black,  foaled  2nd  May, 
1892;  bred  by  James  O.  Morrison,  Tipperty,  Banff;  pro- 
perty of  Captain  Cruickshank,  Gamrie,  Banff;  sire.  Lord 
Montrose  (7973),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Dall  (10,047),  Vol.  XHL, 
by  Black  General  alias  Young  Marshal  (1954),  Vol.  V. ; 
gr.-dam,  Flora,  by  Champion  (128),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

14th  May,  1901,  Bess  II.  of  Tippertj,  light  brown,  off  fore  foot  and  hind 
ankles  white,  filly  (bred  by  James  6.  Morrison,  by  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094), 
Vol.  XVIII. 


NELLIE  OF  LADYSFORD  (16,598);  brown,  white  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  13th  May,  1892 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  Cruickshank,  Ladysfbrd,  Fyvie ;  sire.  Golden  Treasore 
(4417),  Vol.  VIIL  ;  dam,  Rose,  bred  by  James  CmickBhant 
by  Ringwood  (3955),  Vol.  VIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Letts  Mary,  bred 
by  James  Cruickshank,  by  Justice  (1165),  Vol.  11. 
Produce — 

2nd  June,  1902,  Lady  Albion,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore 
leg  white,  small  white  spot  on  near  fore  foot,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  Alex.  Bur. 
TuUoford,  Old  Meldrum  ;  (2)  Leslie  Durno,  Mains  of  Glaok,  Pitoaple ;  (3)  W.  a 
Park ;  (4)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simooe,  Ontario),  by  Knight  of  Albion  (9662).  VoL  XT. 

20th  May,  1904,  Airies'  Treasure,  dark  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  a  hitle  w)a%t 
on  near  fore  ankle,  off  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  white,  colt  (ovmed  by  Alexander 
Burr,  Tulloford,  Old  Meldrum).  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 


DAISY  OF  KEMPLETON  (16,599);  dark  brown,  stripe  on 
face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  May,  1897;  bred  by  John 
Edlpatrick,  Aucheninnes,  Dalbeattie;  property  of  John 
Cruickshank,  Kempleton,  Twynholm ;  sire,  Jasuer  (9764)> 
VoL  XVI. ;  dam,  Bess  of  Langside  (3982),  Vol.  VII.,  by 
Bonnie  Scotland  (1076),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Jean  (2071). 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1903,  Pearl,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  off  hind  foot  wfahe, 

filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.   Montgomery;   (2)  Robert  Beith,  BownuuiTflk. 

Ontario),  by  Peerlew  (10,832),  Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  colt,  by  Mi^estio  (11,421),  VoL  XXIV. 

XXVI II.  MARES,  207 


BUD  OF  AtrCHREDDIE  (16,600);  bay,  white  face,  fore  feet 
white  over  pasterns,  near  hind  leg  white  nearly  to  hock, 
foaled  2nd  May,  1899  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph 
Cruickshank,  Auchreddie,  Ellon;  sire,  M'Camon's  Erskine 
(9941),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam,  Love  of  Auchreddie  (13,757), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Prince  of  Kintore  (8921),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
gr.-dam,  Daisy  of  Auchreddie  (11,740),  Vol.  XVI.,  by 
MacKerlie  (6041),  Vol.  X. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Madge  of  Auchreddie 
(7136),  Vol.  XL,  by  Grand  Turk  (1148),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-g. -gr.- 
dam,  Gip  of  Auchreddie  (2103),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Eesolution 
(697),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

29th  Mfty,  1906,  brown,  white  face,  fore  feet  white,  hind  feet  white  to  hocks^ 
colt,  by  Prince  of  Roxburgh  (10,616),  Vol.  XXI. 


ROYAL  MAY  (16,601);  brown,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  23rd 
May,  1891 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  Cruickshank, 
Claymires,  Turriff;  sire.  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X.;  dam, 
Blyth  of  Claymires  (2104),  Vol.  VL,  by  Young  Lome  (997), 
Vol.  L  ;  gr.  dam,  Mally  (437),  Vol.  IL,  by  Eclipse  (268), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Montbletton,  by  Campsie 
(119),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Brown  Bess,  by  Surprise  (1317), 
Vol.  11.     Produce — 

13th  May,  1898,  Star,  bay,  oolt,  by  Prince  of  Clay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX. 

13th  May,  1900,  NeU,  brown,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Boyal  Union  (10,444), 
Vol.  XX. 

24th  April,  1902,  Jook,  chestnat,  oolt,  by  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 


DARLING  OF  MILTON  (16,602) ;  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  1892;  bred  by  Andrew  M*Dowall,  Milton, 
Mochrum;  property  of  Messrs.  Gumming,  Knockincur, 
ELirkinner ;  sire,  Gregor  Macgregor  (5842),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
Bess  of  Milton  (12,841),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Windsor  (2509), 
Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam.  Lady  Derby  (7528),  Vol.  XL,  by  Lord 
Derby  (485),  Vol.  L ;  g.-CT.-dam,  Darling  (602),  Vol.  III., 
by  Chieftain  (148),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Molly,  by  Clyde 
(1100),  Vol.  IL  Produce- 
May,  1902,  Lady  Kiddle,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  flUy  (bred  by 

A.  M'DowaU ;  property  of  (1)  Archibald  Crawford,  Broughton  Mains,  Sorbie  ; 

(2)  Alexander  Holm,  South  Africa),  by  Bloneycom,  VoL  XIII.,  p.  40. 

May,  J903h  oolt,  by  Boyal  Chief  (10,87«),  Vol.  XXII. 





KATE  OF  BORELAND  (16,603);  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead, 
four  white  feet,  foaled  1899 ;  bred  by  Alexander  Lang, 
Boreland,  Glenluce ;  property  of  J.  C.  Cunin^hame  of 
Dunragit;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  Al. ;  dam, 
Nancy,  bred  by  Alex.  Lang,  by  Macdermot  (6037),  Vol.  X. ; 
gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Boreland  (11,416),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Lyon — 
Waterlee— (2266),  Vol.  V.;  g. -gr.-dam.  Bell,  by  Young 
Garibaldi  (972),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Prince 
Royal  (647),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
July,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy, 

by  Frivolity  (11,040),  Vol.  XXIII. 


KOSIE  OF  TARBREOCH  (16,604);  brown,  white  spot  on 
forehead,  feet  mixed  black  and  white,  foaled  3l8t  May,  1888: 
bred  by  John  AJ*Caig,  Challoch,  Stranraer;  property  of 
John  Cunningham,  Tarbreoch,  Dalbeattie;  sire,  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  I.;  dam,  Nell  of  Challoch  (8706),  Vol.  XIL, 
by  a  horse  in  the  Oban  district ;  gr.-dam,  Sail  of  Ardoran 
(8289),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Samson  (3164),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

28th  May,  1902,  Artus,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  hiod  ankles  white,  fiUv  (owned 
by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery :  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  (^rnamcnl 
0,603),  Vol.  XXI. 



BELMOUNT  COUNTESS  (16,605);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
off  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  25th  April,  1902 ;  bred 
by  the  Earl  of  Durham,  Lambton  Castle,  Fence  Houses; 
property  of  Josias  Cunningham,  Belmount,  Antrim ;  sire, 
Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI.;  dam,  Lambton  Grace, 
Vol.  XXVL,  p.  31,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Scot,  by  Field  Marshal  (305),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

7tb  July,  1905,  Belmount  Clansman,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  hind  l«p 
white,  oolt,  by  Gay  Matthew  (11,723),  Vol.  XXV. 

BELMOUNT  CORA  (16,606);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  23rd  May,  1902;  bred  by  Robert 
Cochran,  Portencallie,  Stranraer;  property  of  Josias  Con- 
ningham,  Belmount,  Antrim;  sire,  Marcellus  (11,110), 
Vol.   XXIII. ;    dam.   Lady   Kate  (13,389),  Vol.  XXI.,  by 


Mains  of  Airiea  (10,379),  Vol.  XX.;   gr.-dam,  Violet  of 
Portencallie  (9503),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ; 

g.-CT.-dam,  Primrose  (9502),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Tom  (877), 
Vol  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-(iam,  Mall  (5893),  Vol.  X.,  by  Hercules 
(378),  Vol.  1. ;  Mall,    by  Defiance   (225), 

\  If  ^  C?      C3      C7      O  '  '  •  \  f' 

Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  a  mare  by  Farmer  (292),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

^h  May,  1906,  Belmoimt  Colleen,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  f out  white  legs, 
filly,  by  Baron  Kitchener  (10,499),  Vol.  XXI. 

CURK,   D.   *  J. 

LADY  HARVIE  (16,607);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near 
fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1898 ;  bred  by 
the  late  Andrew  Harvie,  Cairn,  Newton-Meams ;  property 
of  D.  &  J.  Curr,  Merrylee,  Newlands,  Glasgow;  sire,  Sir 
Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.;  dam,  Queen  of  Diamonds  (13,843), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.  dam. 
Lady  Macduff  (7364),  Vol.  XL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Whiteleys  Tibbie  (2369),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lord  Lyon 
(489),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Whiteleys  Jess.     Produce — 

Slay,  1901,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  colt  (castrated),  by  Magnet 
i\0,^\  Vol.  XXI. 

24th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Roval  Favourite 
'<10,630).  Vol.  XXI. 

■GIPSY  JANE  (16,608);  brown,  ratcb  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
and  off  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  23rd  May,  1900 ;  bred  by 
William  Watson,  Downieken,  Dundee ;  property  of  D.  &  J. 
Curr,  Merrylee,  Newlands,  Glasgow ;  sire,  Knight  of  Cowal 
(10,074),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Gipsy  Maid  (14,097),  Vol.  XXIL, 
by  Ochterlony  (6119),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam,  Gipsy  (9271), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Stanleymuir  (1536),  Vol.  III.;  g.-gr.  dam, 
Peg  of  Ochterlony  (438),  Vol.  II.,  by  Defiance  (224),  Vol.  L  ; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Cherry.     Produce — 

6th  March,  1905,  Jess,  dark  brown,  white  on  face,  white  aixit  on  near  fore 
m,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Times  (12,342),  Vol.  XXVI. 

Oipsy  Jane  died  at  foalivuj. 


MAGGIE  M,  (16,609);  bay,  white  bell  on  forehead,  part  of  near 
fore  foot  white,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  17th  May,  1896 ; 
bred  by  John  T.  Mungle,  North  Cobbinshaw,  West  Calder; 

VOL.  XXVIII.  14 


property  of  William  Dalziel,  Muirhousedvkes,  West  Galder ; 
sire,  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Darling  of 
Cobbinshaw  (8915),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Baron  Renfrew  (37), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean  (8480),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Diamond  (229), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Dal),  by  Young  Champion  (937),  VoL  L 
Produce — 

5th  July,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  faee,  oolt,  by  Bftron  Templeton  (11,270),. 
Vol.  XXiV. 


JUNE  (16,610);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet^  foaled 
10th  June,  1899;  bred  by  Messrs.  W.  &  G.  Proctor^ 
Hillbrae,  Udny ;  property  of  (1)  Charles  Lawson,  Danestone, 
Woodside,  Aberdeenshire;  (2)  George  Davidson,  Wattcn, 
Caithness-shire;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam, 
Jess  of  Hillbrae,  bred  by  W.  &  G.  Proctor,  by  Golden 
Treasure  (4417),  Vol.  VIII. ;  er.-dam,  Jip  (3995),  Vol.  VIL, 
by  Young  Empire  (2520),  Vol.  V. ;  g. -gr.-dam.  Love,  by 
Superior  (836),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.  dam,  Kate,  by  Lofty  (t). 
Produce — 

28th  May,  1904,  Baron  Hillbrae,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  bbdt; 
others  white,  oolt  (bred  by  W.  k  G.  Proctor),  by  Ornamental  (11,446)^ 
Vol.  XXIV. 

DAVIDSON,  JAMES,  Kelkle  Z>nimqii]iarn. 

MAGGIE  OF  DRUMQUHARN  (16,611);  brown,  stripe  w 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  about  1878;  bred  by  James 
Gibb,  Brannochlie,  Bridge  of  Weir;  property  of  James 
Davidson,  Meikle  Drumqubarn,  Balfron ;  sire.  Young  Clyde 
(947),  Vol.  I.;  dam,  Susan,  bred  by  James  Gibb,  by 
Garibaldi  III.  (316),  Vol.  L  ;  gr.dam,  Mary.  Produce- 
May,  1886,  Laird  Graeme  (5939),  Vol.  X.,  bay,  oolt,  by  The  Gallant  Gnemfr 

(3249),  VoL  VI. 

10th  May,  1887.  Major  B.  (8022),  Vol.  XII.,  bay,  colt,  by  Admiral  (2580), 
VoL  VI. 

20th  July,  1893,  DarliDg  (16,612),  VoL  XXVIII.,  bay,  fiUy,  by  Mains  o'  Keir 
(8834),  Vol.  XIII. 

DARLING  OF  DRUMQUHARN  (16,612);  bay,  white  stripe 
on  face,  four  legs  white  over  pasterns,  foaled  20th  July*. 
1893;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Davidson,  Meikle 
Drumqubarn,  Balfron ;  sire.  Mains  o*  Keir  (8834),  Vol.  XIII.; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Drumqubarn  (16,611),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by 

xxTiii.  MARES.  211 

Young  Clyde  (947),  VoL  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Susan,  by  Garibaldi  III. 
(316),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary.     Produce — 

20th  June,  1902,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legv  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Favourite 
(10^630),  Vol.  XXI. 

28th  June,  1903.  Meikle  Favourite  (13,099),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  colt,  by  Eoyal 
Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. 

July,  1904,  bay,  small  ratoh  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by 
Royal  Raider  (11,922),  Vol.  XXV. 

DAVIDSON,  JAMXS,  Newton  CSalrnle. 

COUNTESS  (16,613);  brown,  small  stripe  on  face,  legs  dark, 
foaled  8th  May,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
Davidson,  Newton  Caimie,  Huntly;  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Lady  Montgomery  (14.534), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Prince  of  Scotland  (8926),  Vol.  XIII.; 
gr.-dam.  Lady  Macgregor  (9217),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Macgregor 
(1487),  Vol.  Ill;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Laggan  (912), 
Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of  Kilbride  (660),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam, 
Missie.     Produce — 

12th  Bfay,  1905,  Bobs,  brown,  dark  legs,  white  over  pasterns,  colt,  by  Lord 
Cw we  (11,794),  Vol.  XXV. 

LADY  NEWTON  (16,614);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
foot  white,  foaled  18th  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  James  Davidson,  Newton  Gairnie,  Huntly ;  sire,  Prince 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Lady  Montgomery 
(14,534),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Prince  of  Scotland  (8926), 
Vol.  XIIL ;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Macgregor  (9217),  Vol.  XH.,  by 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Laggan 
(912),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of  Kilbride  (660),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Missie.     Produce — 

1st  May,  1905,  Lady  Newton  II.,  brown,  four  white  feet  over  pasterns,  filly,  by 
Everlasting  (11,^31),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BOSIE  OF  GATESIDE  (16,615);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  pastern  white,  foaled  8th  May, 
1898;  bred  by  L.  £.  Longmore,  Baldavie,  Banff;  property 
of  William  Davidson,  Grateside,  Douglas,  Lanarkshire;  sire, 
Baldavie  Chief  (10,026),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Sylvia  (12,830), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  Gala  Water  (5016),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Sally 
of  Caimhill  (9784),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Lome  (1208),  Vol.  IL; 


r,-gr.^am,   Betty  of  Cairnhill  (3633X  Vol.  VIL,  by  Old 
Imes  (578),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Dally.     Produce- 
May,  1905,  bay,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 



BESS  GARTLY  (16,616);  black,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white, 
foaled  23rd  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  P.  Anderson,  Drum- 
moral,  Isle  of  Whithorn  ;  property  of  James  Davie,  Bogton 
Farm,  Cathcart;  sire.  Up  To  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam.  Miss  Gartly  (14,470),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Royal  GarUy 
(9844),  Vol.  XVI. ;  gr.-dam.  Blossom  of  Drummoral  (13,681), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Homeward  (7822),  Vol.  XII. ;  g.-gr.^tm, 
Kate  (754),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Lochfergus  (1730),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean.     Produce— 

17th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  dark  legs,  one  hind  pastern  white, 
flUy,  by  Dunure  Link  (12,131),  Vol.  XXVI. 


JESS  OF  NORTH  SINTON  (16,617);  bay,  white  stripe  on 
face,  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  June,  1875;  bred  by  the 
l«te  James  Greive,  North  Sinton,  Hawick;  property  of 
George  Davies,  North  Sinton,  Hawick;  sire,  Baronet  (33), 
Vol.  I. ;  dam,  "  a  splendid  show  mare."     Produce — 

16th  May,  1900,  Border  Queen  (16,618).  Vol.   XXVIII.,  dark  brown,  white 
stripe  on  face,  filly,  by  The  Orphan  (12,392),  Vol.  XXVI. 

BORDER  QUEEN  (16,618);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  15th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Gkorge 
Davies,  North  Sinton,  Hawick;  sire,  The  Orphan  (12,392), 
Vol.  XXVL;  dam,  Jess  of  North  Sinton  (16,617), 
Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Baronet  (33),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam,  "a  splendid 
show  mare."     Produce — 

16th  May,  1904,  Teribus  (18,222),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  white  stripe  on  fsoe,  four 
white  legs,  white  hair  through  tail,  oolt,  by  Ettrick  Prince  (12,970),  Vol.  XXVIII 


MARY  FORBEa  (16,619);  dark  brown,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1896;  bred  by  George 
Simpson,  Fernhill,  Countesswells,  Aberdeen;  property  of 
James  D.  Dawson,  Meikle  Tillyeve,  Udny  Station;  sire, 
Forbes  (9749),  Vol.    XVI. ;    dam,   Meg  of  FernhiU,  dark 

xxviii.  MARES,  21S 

brown,  with  a  white  hair,  bred  by  Peter  Law,  Fernhill, 
Coantesswells,  by  Dusty  Miller  (259),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jip 
(16,812),  Vol.  XXVIIL.  by  Famun's  Glory-  M'Robbie^s  — 
Vol.  L,  Appendix;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mallie,  a  mare  bought  in 
Inverurie,  by  Sovereign  (2423),  Vol.  V.     Produce — 

9th  June,  1901,  Jean  Airien  (16,620),  Vol.  XXVIIL.  dark  brown,  filly,  by 
ICains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

14ih  May,  1902,  Rosa  Evelyn,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  fiUj 
(owned  by  John  Edwards),  by  Sir  Evelyn  (10,918),  Vol.  XXII. 

22nd  June,  1904,  Forbes  HoUoway,  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  off  hind  foot 
whit©  over  ankle,  colt,  by  Holloway  (11,069),  Vol.  XXIII. 

JEAN  AIEIES  (16,620) ;  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet 
white  over  ankles,  foaled  9th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  D.  Dawson,  Meikle  Tillyeve,  Udny 
Station;  sire,  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX.;  dam, 
Mary  Forbes  (16,619),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Forbes  (9749),  XVL;  gr.-dam,  Meg  of  Fernhill,  by  Dusty  Miller  (259), 
Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jip  (16,812),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Farmer's 
Glory  — M*Robbie's  —  Vol.    I.,    Appendix  ;     g. -g.-gr.-dam, 

Mallie,  by  Sovereign  (2423),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 


13th  May.  1905,  Eva  Carruchan,  black,  stripe  on  face,  some  white  on  near  fore 
foot,  both  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Priuce  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 


JEAN  (16,621);  aged;  bred  by  Samuel  Wilson,  Bonhard, 
Linlithgow ;  property  of  John  Dawson,  Blairhall  Mains, 
Culross;  sire.  Dainty  Davie  (212),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

Hay.  1878,  Boeie  (2121),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Crown  Prince  (206),  Vol.  L 

May,  18 
Vol  VIII. 

May,  1888,  Jean  of  Birkenwood  (11.362),  Vol.   XV.,  by  Sir  Maurice  (4721), 



KATR  OF  BEWALDETH  (16,622);  bay,  black  points,  foaled 
1897;  bred  by  1'homas  Green,  late  of  Bewaldeth,  now 
AUcmby,  Marypurt;  property  of  Thomas  Dawson,  Woodend, 
Bigrig>r,  Cumberland;  sire.  Life  Member  (10,080), 
Vol.  XVI 11. ;  dam,  l>r«d  by  Thomas  Green,  by  Lord  Dura 
(2248),  Vol.  V  ;  gr.  dam,  bred  by  Thomas  Green,  by 
Garibaldi  (3621),  Vol  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Sir  William 
Wallace  (2421),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

29ih  Aiiril,  1905,  bay,  legs  white  half  way  to  knees  and  hocks,  colt,  by  Flash 
Boy  (12.709),  Vol.  XXVII. 




QUEEN  OF  EHENSIDE  (16,623);  bay,  face,  near  fore  foot^ 
off  fore  leg,  and  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  April,  1900; 
•  bred  by  John  Quayle,  Ehenside,  Beckermont;  property  of 
Thomas  Dawson,  Woodend,  Bigrigg,  Cumberland;  sire, 
Castleguard  (9155),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Molly  of  Chapelhoase 
(14,944),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Money  com,  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  40; 
gr.-dam,  Gipsy  of  Chapelhouse  (14,948),  Vol.  XXV,  by 
Newman  (2305),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Gip,  by  Prince  Charlie 
(638),  Vol.  I.;,  Lofty,  by  Lofty  III  (469), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Imj,  white  face,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  hind  legs  white  to 
inside  hocks,  fiUy,  by  Flash  Boy  (12,709).  Vol.  XXVII. 


BELL  OF  LOCHFIELD  (16,624);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  n«ar 
hind  leg  and  off  fore  pastern  white,  foaled  May,  1892; 
bred  by  John  M'Niven,  Lochfield,  Doune;  property  of  John 
Dick,  Park  of  Keir,  Dunblane;  sire,  Brooklyn  (6547), 
yol.  XL  ;  dam,  Dolly  (7576),  Vol.  XL,  by  Gay  Lad  (2119), 
Vol.  v.;  gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Round  Eobin  (720),  VoL  L 
Produce — 

20th  May,  1903,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  black,  others  white,  fiUy,  bj 

Prince  Priam  (10,834),  YoL  X 

15th  Ju 

15th  July,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  white,  colt,  by  Marmion  (11,429\ 

PRINCESS  OF  ALLAN  (16,625) ;  bay.  stripe  on  face,  near  fore 
foot  and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1899;  bred  by 
James  Stirling,  Mains  of  Boquhapple,  Thomhill,  Stirling; 

Property  of  John  Dick,  Park  of  Keir,  Dunblane;  ore, 
'rince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Bonnie  Lady,  foaled 
1893,  bred  by  James  Stirling,  by  Bonnie  Lad  (8481), 
Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  foaled  1890,  bred  by  James  Stirling 
by  Sir  Archibald  (11,937),  Vol.  XXV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  foaW 
1886,  by  M'Master  (3823),  Vol.  VII.    Produce— 

20th  May,  1903,  ba/,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  and  both  hind  lea  white,  white 
spot  on  back  of  near  fore  knee,  filly,  by  Sylvander  (10,933),  Vol.  2X11. 

28th  May,  1904,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,476),  VoL  XX. 

June,  1906.  foal  (dead),  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JEXviii.  MARES.  215 


NELLIE  OF  CRANSLAGVOURITY  (16,626);  brown,  stripe 
on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1 896 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  William  P.  Dickie,  Cranslagvourity,  Rothesay;  sire. 
Prince  Rosemoant  (9992),  Vol.  XVL ;  dam,  Dandie 
(16,032),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by  Height  of  Splendour  (6836), 
Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Ettrick  (6338),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-OT.-dam,  Buteshire  Kate  (81), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360).  Vol.  11. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  I.    Produce— 

1903,  Azalea,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  flUy  (owned  by  (1)  A. 
^  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Golden  Victor 
{11,(»6),  VoL  xxin. 

1904^  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Mont- 
gomery), by  Pride  of  Blaoori  (10,837),  Vol.  XXU. 

20th  June.  1905,  brown,  white  faoe,  three  white  legs,  colt,  by  Royal  Blend 
(11.898),  Vol.  XXV. 

LILY  OF  CRANSLAGVOURITY  (16,627);  brown,  stripe  on 
face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  1897;  bred  by  and  property 
of  William  P.  Dickie,  Cranslagvourity,  Rothesay;  sire. 
Prince  Rosemoant  (9992),  Vol  XVL;  dam,  Dandie 
(16,032),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by  Height  of  Splendour  (6836), 
Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Ettrick  (5338),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Buteshire  Kate  (81), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1903,  brown,  colt  (owned  by  William  GUrk,  Netherlee,  Cathoart),  by  Pride  of 
Blaoon  (10,837),  VoL  XXII. 

1904,  brown,  spot  on  forehead,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Pride  of  Bkcon  (10,837), 

23rd  liay,  1905,  brown,  white  faoe,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Royal  Blend 
•(11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 


ROSE  IL  (16,628) ;  brown,  star  on  forehead,  hind  ankles  white, 
foaled  1888;  bred  by  Alexander  Dingwall,  Mahon,  Turriff; 
property  of  James  Dingwall,  Mahon,  Turriff;  sire.  Pride  of 
the  Clans  (4632),  VoL  VIIL ;  dam,  Rose  (2135),  Vol.  VL, 
by  Old  Times  (678),  Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Prodigy, 
Vol.  I.,  Appendix,    Produce — 

8th  May,  1906,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe,  hmd  legs  white  half  way  to  hocks,  filly,  by 
Hillbead  Chief  (10,774),  VoL  XXII. 






SALLY  OF  LESSON  HALL  (16.629);  bay,  face  and  hind  le;^ 
white,  foaled  26th  May,  1896;  bred  by  George  Mattinson, 
•Station  Hill,  Wigton,  Cumberland;  property  of  Messrs. 
Dixon,  Lesson  Hall,  Wigton,  Cumberland;  sire,  Scottish 
Banner  (9671),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Scott  (9541),  VoL  XIH.,  by 
Simon  Pure  (769),  Vol.  I. ;  OT.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Clydesdale 
Tam  (176V  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jeannie,  by  Merry  Tom 
(532),  Vol.  L ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Scotchman  (t). 
Produce — 

1900,  colt  (dead),  by  Forest  Hero  (9529),  Vol.  XV. 

1901,  colt  (dead),  by  Royal  Mauon  (10.883),  Vol.  XXII. 

1902,  colt  (dead),  by  Lothian  Mosstrooper  (10,375),  Vol.  XX. ' 

1904,  Gartljr  Jan,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  and  off  hind  1^ 
■*  hite,  near  hind  hoofhead  white,  filly  (owned  by  Alexander  MacG.  Mennie, 
Brawlandknowes,  Gartly),  by  Lord  Lothiaii  (5998),  Vol.  X. 


LA.NARK  LASS  (16,630) ;  bay,  white  face,  foaled  28th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  James  Weir,  Sandilands,  Lanark ;  property  of 
William  A.  Doran,  Tullakeel,  Ardee,  Go.  Louth ;  sire.  Coroner 
(10,532),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Maggie  of  Sandilands  (13,321), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Gay  Wyndham  (6778),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.^am, 
Queen  of  Trumps  (10.284),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Hartwood  (7927),  Vol.  XL, 
by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Cumnock 
Jock  (1112),  Vol  II .     Produce— 

2nd  June,  1905,  Lanark  Lass  II.,  bay,  white  faoe,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  flllj, 
by  King  Tom  (11,773),  Vol.  XXV. 


SALLY  OF  PIERBANKS  (16,631);  bay,  white  stripe  on  fsce, 
white  hind  pasterns,  foaled  1894 ;  bred  by  William  Paterson, 
Broadgate,  Ruthwell,  Dumfries ;  property  of  John  Douglas, 
Pierbanks,  Torthorwald,  Dumfries;  sire.  Prince  Robert 
(7135),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Polly,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  108,  by 
Golden  Avon,  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  60 ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  of  Upper- 
well  (14,149),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Gk)od  Hope  (2146),  VoL  V.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Tina  (6988),  Vol.  XL,  by  Campsie  (119),  VoKL 
Produce — 

17th  May,  1899,  Royal  Roberts  (11,177),  bay.  white  face,  hind  foot  white,  eolt 
(owned  by  W.  S.  Park),  by  Prince  of  CUy  (10,407)«  VoL  XX. 

May,  1900.  bay,  ratoh  on  faoe,  two  white  feet,  fiUy  (owned  by  J.  M'lntotK 
Drummuir,  Dumfries),  by  Prince  of  Balmanno  (9976)'.  Vol.  XVII. 

May,  1901,  brown,  three  white  feet,  colt  (castrated ;  owned  by  J.  M'lntoih),  by 
King  of  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX. 

;«viii.  MARES,  '  21T 

Bfav,  1903,  bay,  nich  on  face,  hind  pasteruB  white,  filly  (owned  by  W.  John- 
•ton,  Whitesands,  Dumfriei),  by  Monirave  Ronald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 

May,  1905,  Sheila,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Royal  Edward 
(11.495),  VoL  XXIV. 

D0:70IiAS,   PSTXB. 

ANNIE  ALLAN  (16,632);  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,. 
foaled  24th  June,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of  Peter 
Douglas,  Mathernock  Farm,  Kilmacolm ;  sire,  Labori 
(10,791),  VoL  XXIL;  dam,  Marv,  Vol.  XXVIL,  p.  31,  by 
Prince  Sturdy  {\0,\\2*\  Vol.  XV lit. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily,  by 
Lord  Zetland  (5181),  Vol.  IX.     Produce— 

22nd  July,  1906,  Marion,  brown,  star  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  feet 
white,  filly,  by  The  Summit  (9442).  Vol.  XIV. 

DRUKMOND,  Admiral. 

BET  OF  ESKHILL  (16,633);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  both 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  7th  June,  1898 ;  bred  by  William 
Rough,  Longbank,  Kirriemuir;  property  of  Admiral  Drum- 
mond  of  Eskhill,  Kirriemuir;  sire,  Dae  Ye  See  (9896), 
Vol.  XVIL  ;  dam.  Bell,  bred  by  William  Rough,  by  Farmer's- 
Fancy  (302),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Sally,  bred  by  John  Fyfe, 
Newton  of  Glamis,  Glamis,  by  Thane  of  Glamis  (855), 
Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nance,  by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

6th  May,  1905,  Betey,  dark  brown,  white  on  forehead  and  near  fore  leg  and 
both  bind  legs,  filly,  by  Laoellus  (11,390),  Vol.  XXIV. 


LAURA  OF  GRANGE  (16,634);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  far  fore 
pastern  and  one  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  Mav,  1896 ; 
bred  by  the  late  Sir  Uthred  Dunbar,  Bart.,  of  Mochrum^ 
Wigtownshire ;  property  of  Sir  William  Gospatrlck  Dunbar, 
Bart.,  C.B.,  of  Mochrum;  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan  (815 1)» 
VoL  XIL;  dam,  Jess  of  Grange  (14,548),  Vol.  XXIV,  by 
Flaahwood  (3604),  Vol.  VIL;  gr.-dam,  Jess  (7183),  Vol.  XL, 
by  Robin  (703),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Young 
Clyde  (944),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

4th  June,  1900,  Nora  of  Grange,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  (bred 
by  Sir  Uthred  DunlMkr  *  owned  oy  Mr.  Millar,  Bckrlockhart,  Qlenluoe),  by  Prinoe- 
Stnrdy  (10, 112»),  Vol.  X VIIL 

I4th  June,  1902,  Sthel  of  Grange,  dark  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  letc  and  both 
bind  legs  white,  filly  (bred  by  Sir  Uthred  Dunbar),  by  Moneycorn,  Vol.  XIII.» 
p.  40. 

13tb  June,  1906,  General  Dunbar,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  foot  and 
both  hind  feet  white,  eolt  (bred  by  Sir  William  C.  Dunbar),  by  General  Hunter 
(12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 





MEG  MERRILY  (16,636);  bay,  white  face,  white  lower  lip, 
hind  feet  white  above  ankles,  foaled  23rd  May,  1899;  bred 
by  and  property  of  Alex.  Duncan,  Mains  of  Bellyhack, 
Keith ;  sire,  Crown  of  Scotland  (95 1 6),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam. 
Miss  Royal  (11,311),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Prince  Royal  (650), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jipp  (2161),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Dvke  of  Perth^ 
Grant's;  g.-gr.-dam.  May  (739),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Comet  (192), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Maims,  by  Star  (824),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt,  bj  Prince  Alick  (10,100), 
Vol.  XVIII. 


ROSE  (16,636) ;  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  near  fore  pastern  and 
both  hind  pasterns  white,  foaled  1895 ;  bred  by  James  Scott, 
Cleddens,  Duntocher;  property  of  (1)  Wm.  Taylor,  Park 
Mains ;  (2)  G.  &  J.  Cocker,  Hill  of  Petty,  Fyvie ;  (3)  John 
Duncan,  Fortrie,  Ring  Edward,  Banff;  sire,  Sir  Everard 
(5363),  Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Kate  of  Cleddens  (6714),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Farmer's  Boy  (2097),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam.  Bell  (6713),  Vol.  X., 
by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

C'lBt  May,  1905,  Maysie,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Billhead  Chief  (10,774).  Vol.  XXII. 


JEAN  EISK  (16,637) ;  black,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  28th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  James  Risk, 
Millfield,  Guthrie ;  property  of  the  Dunfermline  Co-operative 
Society,  Urquhart  Farm,  Dunfermline ;  sire.  Lord  Fauntleroy 
(10,370),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam.  Princess  Sheila  (13,253),  Vol.  XX., 
by  Prince  Patrick  (8933),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.ndam,  lK}rna  Doone 
(11,963),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Sir  Houston  (10,646),  Vol.  XXI; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Betty  (5728),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Admiral  (2550), 
Vol.  VI. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Colin  Campbell  (1624), 
Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

29th  June,  1905,   black,   hind  legs  white,  fore  l^gs  blAok,  ftUr,  by  lAbori 
<(10,79I),  Vol.  XXII. 

xcYiii.  MARES.  219 


lOTHlAN  QUEEN  (16,638);  brown,  white  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  19th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  Wallace,  Hay- 
close,  Calthwaite,  Carlisle ;  property  of  James  Dunlop, 
Barassie,  Troon ;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
Jeannie  of  Skelton  (13,316),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Prince  of  Gar- 
ruchan  (8151),  Vol  XIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Bess  of  Skelton  (7934), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Baron  Scott  (1936),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Bell  of 
Skelton  (3078),  Vol.  VL,  by  Samson  (741),  m  L ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Nance,  by  Merry  Tom  (632),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

5tfa  April,  1905,  brovn,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  bj  Hiawatha  (10,067), 

VoL  xvin. 


KATE  OF  OLDHALL  (16,639);  light  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Robert 
Hendry,  Southannan  Mains,  Fairlie;  property  of  James 
Dunlop,  Oldhall,  Fenwick ;  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam.  Princess  Royal  (14,615),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by 
Top  Royal  (6361),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam.  May  Flower  (8249), 
Vol.  XIL,  by  Skelmorlie  (4027),  Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Gipsy  (3630),  VoL  VIL,  by  Young  Lord  Lyon  (994),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 


April.  1905,  Lady  Ronald,  dark  bay,  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  leg  dark,  other 
ihiee  feet  white,  fiUj,  by  Sir  Ronald  (10,464^  VoL  XX. 

ROSIE  OF  OLDHALL  (16,640);  black,  white  stripe  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  some  white  on  one  fore  foot,  foaled  1901  ; 
bred  by  Duncan  M'Dougall,  Barnauld,  Eothesay;  proper t\ 
of  James  Dunlop,  Oldhall  Farm,  Fenwick;  sire.  Fickle 
Fashion  (10,546),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  bay,  mare,  foaled  1891, 
bred  by  D.  M'Dougall,  by  Height  o'  Splendour  (6836), 
Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Kerrymenoch  (16,916), 
VoL  XXVIIL,  by  Benmore  (1943),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.^am,  Jess 
of  Walkinshaw  ^3893),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Conqueror  (196), 
VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-aam,  Maggie,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

April,  1904,  Vanderbilt,  light  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by 
CaHkbianca  (10,523),  Vol.  XXI. 

'^April,  1906,  Hiawatiia's  Heir,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  bj 
Hiawatha  (10,067).  Vol.  XVIH. 





JESS  OF  BARROCHAN  CROSS  (16.641);  brown,  foaled 
May,  1886;  bred  by  and  property  of  Mrs.  Dunlop,  Bar- 
rochan  Cross,  Houston ;  sire,  Clyde  (2023),  Vol.  V. ;  dam, 
Jenny  of  Barrochan  (7186),  Vol.  XL,  by  Lord  Lennox 
(2967),  Vol.  VL  ;  gr.-dam,  foaled  1866,  by  General  (322), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1895,  bay.  filly,  by  Claymore  (3522),  Vol.  VII. 

May,  1903,  Jeas  Dunlop,  bay,  white  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly  (owned  by 
Charles  E.  £aid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Clan  Ohattan  (10,527),  VoL  XXL 

This  mare  has  had  several  other  foaU. 


LADYSMITH  (16,642);  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  1897; 
bred  by  Charles  Duncan,  Little  Kilmory,  Rothesay; 
property  of  William  Dunlop,  Dunure  Mains,  Ayr;  sire 
Prince  Rosemount  (9992),  Vol.  XVIL  ;  dam.  Bell,  foaled 
1892,  Vol.  XVL,  p.  35,  by  Queen's  Own  (7176),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Kilmory  (4674),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Surpri8« 
(845),  Vol.  L ;  g.  gr.-dam,  Jess  (738),  VoL  IV.,  by  General 
Williams  (326),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Dandy,  by  Lofty- 
Crawford's.     Produce — 

23rd  May,  1903,  black,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (dead),  by  Lord  F^ontleroy 
(10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

1st  June,  1905,  Lily  White,  bay,  head  and  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron  of  Booh- 
lyvie  (11,263).  Vol.  XXIV. 

FAVOURITE'S  BLOSSOM  (16,643);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
leg  black,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled  5th  May,  1902; 
bred  by  George  Graham,  Faraway  Farm,  Kippen  Station; 
property  of  William  Dunlop,  Dunure  Mains,  Ayr;  sire.  Royal 
Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Bessie  Lea  (13,821), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Nell 
of  Longburgh  (7337),  Vol.  XL,  by  Nelson  (1493),  Vol.  IIL; 
g.-gr.-dam,  by  rrince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  IL  ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  by  Lord  Clyde  (481),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

27th  May,  1905,  Dunure  Blossom,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron  of 
Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

DUNURE  CLARINDA  (16,644);  brown,  face  and  legs  white, 
foaled  June,  1902;  bred  by  John  Weir,  Townhead,  Lanark; 
property  of  William  Dunlop,  Dunure  Mains,  Ayr;  sire, 
Dunure  Castle  (11,028),  Vol.  XXIIL  ;  dam,  Clarinda,  foaled 
1898,  Vol.  XXL,  p.  21,  by  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII.^ 

xxvm.  MARES,  221 

gr.-dwn,  Mary  Miller,  Vol.  XVIII.,  p.  22,  by  Skelmorlie 
r4027),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bell  Stirling,  foaled  1886,  by 
Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
brown,  foaled  1876.     Produce — 

8tb  July,  1905,  Jean  Beid,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUj,  by  Baron  of 
Bnchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV.       ^ 

DUNURE  ANNA  (16,645);  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  grey, 
other  three  white,  foaled  2nd  Jane,  1902;  bred  by  George 
M'Harg,  Barwheys,  May  bole ;  property  of  .William  Danlop, 
Dunure  Mains,  Ayr ;  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII.; 
dam,  Mary  Kirkmichael  (15,152),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Douglas 
Jerrold  (6690),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Carcluie 
(9282),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Knockdon  (1715),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Whitley s,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.- 
dam,  by  Loudoun  Tam  (508),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  Dunure  Foreman,  bay,  faoe  and  hind  legs  white,  a  little  white 
on  near  fore  leg,  colt,  by  Baron  of  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 


FLASH  FLOSSIE  (16,646);  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  leg 
and  far  hind  foot  white,  foaled  7th  July,  1899;  bred  by 
Robert  Paterson,  Hill  of  Drip,  Stirling ;  property  of  Richard 
Dunn,  Udston,  Hamilton;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
VoL  XIV.;  dara,  Missie  of  Drip  (13,996),  Vol.  XXII.,  by 
Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Kilmory  (8331),  Vol.  XII.,  by  MacLean  (2991),  Vol.  VI. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Kilmory  (4576),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Mount- 
stuart  (1770),  Vol.  IV. ;  *  g.-g.  gr.-dam,  Dandy  (4575), 
Vol.  VIlL,  by  Lofty  (462),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.ndam,  Jess 
(738).  Vol.  IV,  by  General  Williams  (326),  Vol.  L; 
g-"g-'g-"S'"g''-"^*™>  Dandy,  by  Lofty — Crawford's.    Produce — 

May,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fore  leg  white,  oolt,  by 
Blackheath  (12,051),  Vol.  XXVI. 


LAMBTON  ROSEBUD  (16,647);  bay,  white  blaze,  far  fore 
coronet  white,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1st  May,  1899;  bred 
by  and  property  of  The  Earl  of  Durham,  Lambton,  Fence 
Houses;  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam, 
Lambton  Rose  of  the  Border  (15,015),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Lord 
Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X.  ;  gr.-dam.  Border  Rose  (7466), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Challenger  (1088),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Blossom, 




by   Dumbarton   (253),   Vol.   I.  ;    g.-g.-gr.-dam,   Bonny,  by 
Merry  Tom  (532),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

5th  May,  1905,  Lambton  Victor,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legi,  eolt^ 
by  Lambton  Macgregor  (12,633),  VoL  XXVII. 

LAMBTON  MAUD  (16,648);  bay,  whi(^  bla^  on  face,  near 
fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  9th  May,  1900; 
bred  by  and  property  of  The  £arl  of  Durham,  lAmbton 
Castle,  Fence  Houses ;  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084), 
Vol.  XVIII.;  dam,  Lambton  Model  (15,016),  VoL  XXV., 
by  Eastaeld  Model  (6721),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Fanny  Fern 
(8857),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Gilderoy  (1438),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.  daiiv 
Barlae  Doll  (344),  VoL  IL,  by  Victor  (892),  VoL  L 
Produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  Lambton  Lilly,  bay,  white  blaze,  off  hind  leg  white.  Ally,  hj 
Lambton  Macgregor  (12,633),  VoL  XXVIL 

LAMBTON  JESS  (16,649) ;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  W  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  28th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  The  &ilof 
Strathmore,  Home  Farm,  Glamis ;  property  of  The  Earl  of 
Durham,  Lambton  Castle,  Fence  Houses;  sire.  Gold  Mine 
(9540),  VoL  XV.;  dam.  Pride  of  Glamis  (14,062).  VoL  XXIL, 
by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam,  Princess 
(11,086),  VoL  XIV.,  by  Holyrood  (4446),  VoL  Vffl.; 
j.-gr.-dam.  Princess  Alice  (6626),  Vol.  X.,  by  Macgregor 
1487),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  II.  (1639),  VoL  V.,  by 
"*rince  of  Kelvin  (656),  VoL  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by 
Salmon's  Champion  (737),  VoL  I.;  g-g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Darlinf^ 
by  Wellington  (1348),  Vol.  IL    Produce— 

5th  March,  1905,  Lambton  Pride,  bay,  near  hind  leg  and  both  fore  lega  white^ 
fiUy,  by  Lambton  Macgregor  (12,C33),  VoL  XXVIL 

DUBNO,   Ji 

KATE  CARRUCHAN  (16,650);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
off  fore  leg  white  over  knee,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled 
3rd  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Dumo^ 
Eastertown,  Old  Meldrum  ;  sire,  Prince  of  Carnichan  (8151)» 
Vol.  XIL;  dam,  Kate  Sirdar  (13.778),  VoL  XXII.,  by 
Sirdar  (4714),  VoL  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Wales, 
Vol.  XXI.,  p.  72,  by  Prince  George  of  /Tafas,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jackston  Missie  IL  (94), 
VoL  IL,  by  Billy's  the  Boy  (47),  VoL  L     Produce— 

15th  Miij,  1906,  Everlasting  Kate,  bay,  snip  on  face,  four  legs  white  to 
and  hock*,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11>3SI),  VoL  XXIV. 

XZV1II.  MARES.  22$ 


DOLLY  BLACK  (16,651);  brown,  white  down  face,  white  over 
near  fore  foot,  and  small  patch  of  white  over  ofif  hind  foot^ 
other  two  legs  black,  foaled  Ist  May,  1899;  bred  by  James 
Black,  Flinthills,  Methlic ;  property  of  Leslie  Dumo,  Maina 
of  Glack,  Pitcaple;  sire,  M'Gamon's  Erskine  (9941), 
Vol.  XVIL;  dam,  Dall  of  Flinthills  (14,148),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  The  Scottish  Hero  (7340),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Mary  of 
Flinthills,  by  Walter  Bentley  (4102),  Vol.  VII. ;  g. -gr.-dam, 
Gip  of  Flinthills  (3264),  Vol  VII.,  by  Young  Pope  (1003),. 
Vol.  I ;  g.-g.-gr.^am,  Love  of  Turnerhall  (3059),  Vol.  VI., 
by  Lord  Raglan  (1203),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Mary,  by 
Lord  Haddo  (486),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Peggy,  by 
Woodstone  (1350),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

17th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  star  on  forehead,  fore  legs  white  over  fetlocks,, 
hind  legM  white  half  way  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Carruohan  (8151),  Vol.  XII^ 


ROSE  OF  CORSE  (16,652);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  anklea 
white,  inside  of  off  fore  foot  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1892  ;. 
bred  by  and  property  of  George  Durward,  North  Newton^ 
Corse,    Lumphanan,    Aberdeenshire;    sire,    M'lver   (8007),. 
Vol.   XII. ;    dam,   Jewel  of  Tarland  (2168),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Lawers  Baron   Johnnie  (1181),  Vol.   II.;   gr.-dam,  Fanny 
(2167),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Dainty  Davie  (212),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam^ 
by  Blyth  (84),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
May*  1901,  Jipey,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  anklet  white,  inside  of  off  fore- 
foot white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D  Flatt,  Hamilton^ 
Ontario),  by  Gairloch  (8632),  Vol.  XIII. 


TULLOCH  JESS  II.  (16,653);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,, 
vhite  inside  off  hind  foot,  foaled  12th,  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
William  Littlejohn,  112  Clifton  Road,  Aberdeen;  property 
of  James  &  William  £dward,  Bogbum,  Auchenblae,  Kin- 
cardineshire ;  sire,  Prince  of  Aides  (10,103),  Vol.  XVIII. ; 
dam,  TuUoch  Jess  (14,660),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Master  of 
Blantyre  (2283),  Vol.  V.  ;  gr.-dam,  Marabelle  (13,121),. 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Pointsman  II.  (2324),  Vol.  V.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Dall  of  Blackburn  (928),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Bendaugh  (1580),. 
Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.dam,  Susie,  by  Old  Times  (578),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

25th  Biay,  1905,  Star  Grown,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  oolt^ 
br  Crown  and  Feather  (8569),  Vol.  XIII. 





MAG  OF  BLACKRIGG  (16,654);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  far 
fore  foot  white,  white  sock  on  far  hind  foot,  foaled  May, 
1888;  bred  by  the  late  George  Torrance,  Sisterpath  and 
Nutside,  Ghimside,  Berwickshire ;  property  of  Walter  Elliot^ 
Harehead,  Duns;  sire,  Pride  of  Sisterpath  (6164),  Vol.  X.; 
dam.  Brisk  of  Sisterpath  (3053),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Time  o'  Day 
(876),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,   1902,   bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  bind  pastemB  white,  eoit 

<(oastrated;  sold). 

May,  1903,  flUy  (dead). 

May,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  foot  white,  white  sock  on  far  hind  foot, 
filly,  by  M*Raith  (10,229),  Vol.  XIX. 

SNIP  OF  THE  MOORS  (16,655);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  foaled  %nd  April,  1900;  bred  by 
Walter  Elliot,  late  Pitcox,  Dunbar;  property  of  Walter 
KUiot,  Harehead  Duns;  sire,  Gay  Everard  (10,758), 
Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Kate  of  Eildon  (14,205),  Vol,  XXIU, 
by  Disraeli  (2057),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Caldbeck 
(11,503),  Vol.  XV.,  by  ^(^^sman^Steers— (Shire) ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jessie,  by  Clydesdale  Tarn  (176),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
June,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  pasterns  whiter 

-colt,  by  M^Baith  (10,229),  Vol.  XIX. 


■JENNY  OF  UNTHANK  (16,656);  bay,  white  star  on  face, 
near  fore  pastern  and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  20th 
June,  1899;  bred  by  E.  Fisher  &  Sous,  Highfield  Moor, 
Crosby-on-Eden,  Carlisle;  property  of  Wilson  Elliot, 
Unthank,  Penrith ;  sire.  Prince  of  Currah  (8916),  Vol.  XIII.; 
dam,  Lady  Darnley  (13,796),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Darnley  Again 
(9182),  Vol.  XIV.;  gr.-dam.  Blossom  of  Highfield  (12,771), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  MacAra  (6992),  Vol.  XI.  j  g.-gr.-dam, 
Countess,  by  Prince  Henry  (1257),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Kitty,  by  Sovereign  (1310),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

1903,  brown,  white  faoe,  near  fore  pastern  and  both  hind  legs  white,  fiUv  (bred 
hf  the  late  George  EUiot,  Unthank),  by  Prince  of  Kirkinde  (11,467),  Vol  ^JTi- 

1904,  chestnut,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,   filly  (bred  by  the  late  George 
Elliot),  by  Gold  Mine  (9540),  Vol.  XV. 

1905,  brown,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Prince  of  Kirkside  (11,467),  Vol.  XXn% 

xzTiii.  MARE&,  225 


MAG  OF  HIGHTAE  (16,657);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white 
feet,  foaled  15th  May,  1890;  bred  by  Eobert  Gibson, 
Hightad,  Castle-Douglas;  property  of  James  W.  Farries, 
Creochs,  Balmaghie,  Castle-Donglas ;  sire,  Eastfield  Cham- 
pion (6714),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Kate  of  Hightae  (9681), 
Vol.  XIII.,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol.  I.    Produce— 

18th  July,  1899,  Florence  of  Creochs  (16,658),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  baj,  white  stripe 
on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Resemblance  (10,260*),  Vol.  XIX. 

10th  Jane,  1904,  Kathleen,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  flUy, 
by  Baron  Briton  (10,678).  Vol.  XXII. 

PLOEENCE  OF  CREOCHS  (16,658);  bay,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  18th  July,  1899;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  W.  Farries,  Creochs,  Balmaghie,  Castle- 
Douglas;  sire.  Prince  Resemblance  (10,260*),  Vol.  XIX.; 
dam,  Mag  of  Hightae  (16,657),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Eastfield 
Champion  (6714),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Hightae  (9681), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Lofty— Teenan's— (460),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

^th  May,  1903,  Hermia,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt.  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Pride  of  Morning  (10,838),  Vol.  XXII. 


MISS  KNIGHT  (16,659);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  1st  May,  1890;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Ferguson,  Lundie,  Doune;  sire,  Knight  Errant  (44S3), 
Vol.  VIIL;  dam.  Mall  of  Lundie  (2199),  Vol.  VL,  by 
Conqueror  (199),  VoL  L;  gr.-dam,  Bet,  by  Dainty  Davie 
(211).  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Glance,  by  Ewing's  Grey  Emperor. 
Produce — 

June,   1902,   Kate,  bay,  white  face,  four   white  legs,  filly,  by   Sylyander 
(10,933),  Vol.  XXII. 

July,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Mannion  (11,429), 


BONNIE  MAGGIE  OF  BRIDESWELL  (16,660);  bay,  foaled 
20th  May,  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  George  Ferries, 
West  Learney,  Torpbins,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire.  The  Scottish 
Hero  (7340),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam,  Bonnie  Jean  of  Brideswell, 
bred  by  George  Ferries,  by  Jubilee  Eobert  (6868),  Vol.  XL ; 
gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Balchimmie,  bred  by  George  Ferries,  by 
Dainty  Davie  (214),  Vol.  I.    Produce— 

2Sth  May,  1906,  Clyde,  light  bay,  oolt  (castrated)  by  Crown  and  Feather  (8500), 

VOL.  XXVIII.  15 


PRINCESS  EOYAL  OF  BRIDESWELL  (16,661);  bay,  star 
on  face,  feet  and  pasterns  white,  foaled  26th  April,  1894; 
bred  by  and  property  of  George  Ferries,  West  Learney, 
Torphins,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Fitz-Gallant (9209), Vol.  XIV.; 
dam,  Pride  of  Cushnie  (10,574),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Royal  Oak 
(3150),  Vol.  VL;  gr.-dam.  Rose  of  Brideswell  (8368), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Robbie  Burns  (700),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

20tb  May,  1905,  Jaek  of  Learney,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  oolt,  by  Largiebeg  (11,78SK 
VoL  XXV. 

FnfDLAT,   J.   W. 

DAINTY  OF  BAILLIEWHIRR  (16,662);  brown,  white  ratcb 
on  face,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  30th  May^ 
1893 ;  bred  by  F.  &  J.  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn ; 
property  of  J.  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn;  sire^ 
Damley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam,  Sally  of  Bailliewhirr 
(11,323),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Lord  Dalkeith  (4517),  VoL  VIIL ; 
gr.-dam.  Bailliewhirr  Kate  (3466),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Warrior 
(902),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Merry  Tom  (536), 
Vol.  I.    Produce — 

April,  1900,  bay^  white  ratoh  on  faoe,_one  fore  le^  and^both  hmd  leg;s  whiter 
lly   (owne<" 
Vol  XXII. 

filly   (owned   by    Matthew   Marshall,    Stranraer),    by    Royal    Chief   (10^876^ 

April,  1901,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  one  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  whiftiL 
ftUy  (owned  by  Hugh  W.  B.  Crawford,  Chapmanton,  Castle-Douglas),  by  Boral 
Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1902,  Lily,  light  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  white  on  beUj, 
filly,  by  Eoyal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

5th  May,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  off  hind  fooi 
white,  filly,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

FLORA  II.  OF  BAILLIEWHIRR  (16.663);  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  bind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  F.  &  J. 
W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn;  property  of  J.  W. 
Fiudlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn;  sire,  Petnichio  (9967), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Flora  of  Bailliewhirr  (7231),  Vol.  XL,  by 
Oamet  Cross  (1662),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam,  Bailliewhirr  Kate 
(3466),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.^am. 
Maggie,  by  Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

5th  May,  1903,  brown,  fore  feet  black,  hind  feet  white,  oolt  (owned  b j  A.  & 
W.  Montgomery),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475).  Vol.  XX. 

9th  June,  1904,  brown,  near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  feet  white  over  tuutentt. 
flUy,  by  Eareka  (11,031),  Vol.  XXII. 

9th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  bj  Dubar 
(11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 

TRIM  n.  OP  BAILLIE WHIRR  (16,6J64);  dark  hrown,  small 
white  ratch  on  face,  four  black  legs*,  fdaled  May,  1900  ;  bred 
by  F.  &  J.  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn;  property 
of  J.  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn;  sire,  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Trim,  bred  by  F.  &  J.  W.  Findlay, 
by  Damley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Jenny  of 
Bailliewhirr  (11,324),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Caimbrogie  Stamp 
(4274),  VoL  VIIL ;  g.-gr.^am;  Flora  (7231),  Vol.  XL,  by 
Garnet  Cross  (1662),  VoL  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bailliewhirr 
Kate  (3466),  VoL  VII.,  by  Warrior  (902),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

•  12fch  May,  1906,  brown,  white  latoh  on  face,  four  black  legs,  colt,  by  Argoiy 
ai,247),  VoL  XXIV. 


SPRINGHILL  LILY  (16,665);  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
near  hind  foot  white,  others  black,  foaled  13th  June,  1895; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  Findlay,  Springhill,  Bailleston; 
sire,  Springhill  Victor  (7280),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam.  Forest  Queen 
(7233),  Vol  XI.,  by  Springhill  Darnley  (2429),  Vol.  V.; 
gr.-dam,  Forest  Mallie  (4740),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Pretender 
(599),  VoL  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mall,  by  Clydesdale  Tom  (177), 
Vol.  I.     Produce— 

10th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  fore  hoofi  blaok 
and  white,  fiUy,  by  Marconi  (11,817),  Vol.  XXV. 


FANNY  FORRESTER  (16,666);  brown,  white  face,  hindf  legs 
white,  foaled  15th  June,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  Finlayson,  Wester  Camps,  Carnock,  Dunfermline; 
sire.  Lord  Forrester  (10,583),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Fanny  of 
Wester  Camps  (15,037),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Boy  in  Blue 
(5578),  Vol.  X, ;  gr.-dam,  Jessie,  by  Uncle  John  (1336), 
Vol.  n. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  a  black  mare,  by  Never  }/iind  Him 
(557),  Vol.  1.     Produce—  \       ^ 

17th  April,  1906,  Moet  Likely,  bay,  white  faoe,  hind  le^  white,  near  fore  foot 
and  ankle  white,  colt,  by  Protector  (10.113),  Vol.  XVIII. 

DARLING  OF  MARSHSIDE  (16,667);  brown,  white  blaze  on 
face,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  William 
Watson,  Millom  Castle,  Millom,  Cumberland;  property  of 
Mark  Fisher,  Marshside,  Millom,  Cumberland ;  sire,  Gallant 
Barassie  (1 1,043),  Vol.  XXIIL ;  damj  Daisy,  bred  by  William 




Watson,  by  Duke  King  (5723),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Blosaom, 
bred  by  William  Watson,  by  Prince  Edward  (1254),  VoL  II. 
Produce — 

26th  Mftj,  1905,  Boeebnd,  bay,  white  blaze  on  face,  near  fore  leg  white  to  kue, 
hind  leg^  white  to  hooks,  grey  mane  and  tail,  fiUj,  by  Lord  Graham  (11,404)^ 
Vol.  XXIV. 

I   ' 


JESS  OP  RAITH  (16,668) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  Ist  June,  1897;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Alexander  Fleming,  Raith,  Bothwell;  sire.  Gallant  Prince 
(10,552),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam,  Lily  II.  of  Raith  (13,067). 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Plant^enet  (6142),  VoL  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of 
Raith  (4310),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Merry  Monarch  (538),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Lily — dam  of  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. — by  Yonng 
Garibaldi  (971),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  RenArewshiie 
Jock  (696),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Sir  Colin  Campbell 
(778),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

1902,  colt  (oastrated),  by  SpringhiU  Baron  (10,652)»  Vol.  XXL 

28th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Lotd 
Pauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 


ROSIE  OP  WESTMAINS  (16,669);  brown,  white  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  30th  April,  1902;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Andrew  Fleming,  Westmains,  Newbigging,  Camwath; 
sire,  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Nancy  of  Westmains 
(13,068),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (1741),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam, 
by  Blane  (76),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

20th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  white,  hind  legs  Uaek, 
fiUy,  by  Black  Hero  (12,052),  Vol,  XXVI. 

FLStfZNO,  JAMKS,  Bent 

BENT  ROSE  OF  THE  MACS  (16,670);  chestnut,  white  stripe 
on  face,  white  legs,  foaled  15th  July,  1900;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  Fleming,  Bent,  Strathaven ;  sire,  Mon- 
trave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVIL ;  dam.  Bent  Tibbie  (13,429X 
Vol.  XXI.,  by  Kosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam.  Bent 
Rosie  (10,582),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Ardnacraig  (4812),  VoL  IX.; 
\-dam.  Bent  Maggie  (105),  Vol.  II.,  by  Conqueror  (196), 
1. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Sir  Walter  Scott  (797), 
Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.  dam,  Doll,  by  Hastie's  Horse  (2160), 
Vol.  V. ;  g. -g.-g.-g.-gr. -dam,  Jean.     Produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Bent  Jean,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Hiawatha 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVTII. 


xxviii.  .  MARES.  3ai» 

NELLIE  OF  BENT  (16,671);  brown,  white  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  John  Martin,  Kerrymenoch, 
Rothesay ;  property  of  James  Fleming,  Bent,  Strathaven ; 
sire,  Becord  Beign  (10,424),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  a  mare  bred 
by  John  Martin,  by  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIIL ; 
gr.-dam,  bred  by  Mr.  Fulton,  Cuff  Farm,  Beith,  by  Flash- 
wood  (3604),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Cuff  (5408), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Sanquhar  (2393),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess 
(3262),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Boydston  Boy  (111),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Young  Clyde  (947),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.- 
gr.dam,  Nanny.     Produce — 

let  May,  1905,  Bent  Kate,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  hind 
feet  white,  filly,  by  Sir  Simon  (10,465),  Vol.  XX. 

FLXmNO,  JAMBS,  Carmiitai. 

CARMUIKS  PRINCESS  (16,672);  brown,  foaled  1893;  bred 
by  and  property  of  James  Fleming,  Carmuirs,  Larbert ;  sire. 
Prince  Ethelbert  (8635),  Vol.  XIII.;  dam,  Tibbie  of 
Balbougie  (7124),  Vol.  XI.,  by  President  (1240),  Vol.  II.; 
rr.-dam.  Fly  (1282),  Vol.  V.,  by  Donald  Dinnie  (1116), 
^ol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bet  (3634),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Young  Blaze 
(920),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 


May,  1903^  Carmuirs  Lily,  brown,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  M.  Simpson,  White- 
OSS,  East  Kilbride;   (2)  Wm.  / 
Rothesay  Bay  (10,624),  VoL  XXI. 

eross.  East  Kilbride;    (2)  Wm.  Anderson,  Milton,  Amatilla  Co.,  Oregon),  by 
-      ).Vc 

JEAN  OF  REDKIRK  (16,673);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1893 ; 
bred  by  the  late  Robert  Beattie,  Howend,  Longtown, 
Cumberland ;  property  of  James  Fleming,  Redkirk,  Rigg  of 
Gretna ;  sire,  Safeguard  (9395),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Jean  of 
Howend,  bred  by  the  late  Robert  Beattie,  by  Prince  Henry 
(1257),  Vol.  11. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Howend  (1001),  Vol.  V., 
by  Glancer  (341  )j  Vol  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Clydesdale  Tarn 
(176),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Ifay,  1903^  Miss  Fleming,  bay,  white  faoe,  off  hind  leg  white,  far  fore  and  near 
)iind  feet  wldte,  filly  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Prinoe  Tom  (ll,149)» 

May,  1904,  bay,  stripe  oh  face,  outside  of  near  hind  foot  and  inside  of  far  hind 
foot  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149),  Vol.  XXIII. 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Royal  Citizen  (11,896), 
VoL  XXV. 





POLLY  OF  ROAN  (16,674);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  20th  April,  1899;  bred  by  Robert 
Robb,  Upper  Haywood,  Gamwath ;  property  of  John 
Fleming,  Roan,  Newcastleton ;  sire,  Montrave  Sentinel 
(10,094),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam.  Bell  of  Upper  Haywood 
(16,320),  Vol.  XXVn.,  by  St.  Stephen  (7231),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.ndam,  Nancy  of  Newyearfield  (12,710),  Vol.  XIX.,  by 
Roving  Boy— Bertram's— (13,157),  Vol.  XXVHL;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Maggie  of  Newyearfield  (12,709),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Bd 
of  Monteith  (2753),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bell,  by  Dainty 
Davie  (216),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

l8t  Jane,  190S,  Lord  Johnston  (13,068),  Vol.  XXYIII.,  Uy,  oolt  (owned  bj 
A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

18th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  near  hind  leg  white,  little  white  on  iniide  of 
far  hind  leg,  oolt,  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 


BARONESS  MACGREGOR  (16,675);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off 
fore  and  near  hind  leg  white,  spot  on  inside  of  near  fore  leg, 
foaled  26th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  J.  Douglas 
Fletcher  of  Rosehaugh,  Avoch,  N.B. ;  sire,  Baron's  Pnde 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Marie  Macgreeor  (13,802), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam, 
Montrave  Marietta  (12,474),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Prince  of 
Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  St.  Mary  (4631), 
Vol.  VIII.,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Kate  of  Dumbreckshill  (2792),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lothian  Tam 
(1211),  Vol.  IL  ;  ff..g..g.-gr.-dam,  Nannie  (1^95),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Conqueror  (196),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

17th  May,  1905,  Black  Baroness,  black,  white  stripe  on  faoe^  off  hind  pattern 
white,  ally,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 


MADAME  (16,676) ;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  fore  feet  and  ankles  and 
inside  quarter  of  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  22nd  May, 
1893;  bred  by  W.  H.  Lumsden,  of  Balmedie,  AberdeeD; 
property  of  Patrick  Forbes,  Tillybin,  Kintore,  Aberdeen- 
shire ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ;  dam,  Lady 
Marjory  Erskine  (7492),  Vol.  XI.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744). 
Vol.    IV. ;    gr.-dam.    Lady    Margaret    Bellianden    (2492), 

MARES.  831 

Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  Charlie  (634),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam, 
M^  Murdockson  (245),  Vol.  II.,  by  Prince  Chariie  (629), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Mall  of  Kirkmabreck  (441),  Vol.  IL, 
bv  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Farmer 
(284),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

lOih  May,  1906,  Queenie  Oarrachan,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind 
lega  white  well  np,  fillj,  by  Prince  of  Carruohan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. 


JESS  OF  KNOCKINLAW  (16,677) ;  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on 
forehead,  white  hind  pasterns,  foaled  1891 ;  bred  by  the 
late  William  Stewart.  Kerrycfoy,  Rothesay;  property  of 
Robert  Forrest,  Knockinlaw,  Kilmarnock;  sire.  Height  o' 
Splendour  (6836),  VoL  XL;  dam,  Stewart's  Mare  (17,126), 
Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Prince  Victor  (652),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam, 
bred  by  Mr.  Muir,  late  of  Barone  Park,  by  M'Dougall's 
Horse  (4559),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  the  dam  of  Rosie  of 
Dunallan  (4812),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Scotsman  (747),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

June,  1901,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  both  hind  legs  and  one  fore  leg 
^hite,  flily  (owned  by  John  Crawford,  Manrahead,  Beith),  by  Boyal  Garrick 
<10,270),  VoL  XIX. 

1902.  Knookenlaw  (13,052),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  brown,  colt,  by  Lord  Dundonald 
{11,094),  Vol.  XXIIL 

May,  1903,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  weU  up  on  hind  legs,  fiUy, 
by  Sir  Lachlan  (10,460),  Vol.  XX. 

1905,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Prince  Otto  (12,291), 
Vol.  XXVI. 


NANCY  OF  STANE  (16,678);  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  1895;  bred  by  Alexander  Weir,  Smithston, 
Croy,  Dumbartonshire ;  property  of  Thomas  Forsyth,  Stane 
Farm,  Shotts ;  sire,  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XII, ;  dam,  Lily, 
bred  by  Alex.  Weir,  by  Brigadier  (4266),  Vol.  VIIL; 
gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Smithston  (7953),  VoL  XI.,  by  Campsie 
(119),  VoL  I.     Produce— 

1903,  oolt  (dead),  by  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

1904.  oolt  (dead),  by  FrivoUty  (11,040),  Vol.  XXIH. 

5tb  June.  1905,  brown,  white  face,  a  little  white  on  near  hind  leg,  colt,  by 
Lord  Fanntleroy  (10,370),  VoL  XX. 




MISSIE  OF  MUIRHOUSE  (16,679);  bay,  face  and  legs  white, 
foaled  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  Frame, 
Muirhouse,  Garstairs ;  sire,  Mayfield  Chief  (10,234), 
Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Tinwald  Rosebud  (12,156),  Vol.  XVU., 
by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  261;  gr.-^am,  Tinwald 
Rose  ^9528),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  (1949),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  of  Kepdowrie 
(657),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by  Prince  of  Walea 
(676),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

30th  April,    1904,  bay,   white  face,  three  white  legs,   flUj  (owned  by  Mr. 
Adanuon,  Hart  wood  Asjlum,  West  CalderX  by  Acme  (10^486),  Vol.  XXL 

28th  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  off  fore  pastern  and  both  hind  lefi. 
white,  colt,  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol,  XXI. 

LADY  RONA  (16,680);  brown,  four  black  lege,  foaled  22nd 
June,  1901 ;  bred  by  Joseph  Lee,  Congleton  Mains,  Drem, 
East  Lothian;  property  of  Alexander  Galbraith,  Upper 
Kinneil,  Bo'ness;  sire,  Montrave  Kenneth  (9622),  Vol  XV.; 
dam,  Montrave  Rona  (14,461),  Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Brookljn 
(6547),  Vol.  XL;  gr.^iam,  Tinwald  Rosebud  (12,156), 
Vol.  XVII.,  by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  261  ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Tinwald  Rose  (9528),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Lord  Erekine 
(1744),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.^iam,  Jean  (1949),  Vol.  VI.,  bj 
rrince  of  Kepdowrie  (657),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy, 
by  Prince  of  Wales  (676),  Vol.  I.      Produce— 

2nd  May,  1906,  Nora,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  mstern  white,  wliit» 
spot  on  off  hind  ooronet,  fiJlj,  by  Dnimflower  (10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 


KATHLEEN  MONCREIFFE  (16,681);  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
hind  legs  and  one  fore  foot  white,  foaled  23rd  April,  1898; 
bred  by  Peter  M^Ewan,  Hall  of  Aberuthven,  Auchterarder ; 

Property  of  Robert  Gardiner,  Henhill,  Forteviot;  sire, 
_  lontrave  President  (9808),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Peggy  of 
Aberuthven  (12,563),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Lord  Ailsa  (6974), 
Vol.  X.;  ffr.dam,  Betty  (5728),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Admiral 
(2550),  Vol.  VL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  CJolin  Campbell 
(1624),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

8th  May,  1905,  Mus  M'Bwan,  baj,  white  face,  fore  pasterns  and  hind  kgi^ 
white,  filly,  by  General  Buller  (10,760),  Vol.  XXII. 

xxviii.  MARES.  23a 

OA&DINKR,   T.  J. 

BARONESS  NAIRNE  (16,682);  bay,  white  face,  irregular 
white  mark  on  near  jaw,  stripe  on  outside  of  near  fore  leg 
joining  white  pastern,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  Hth  June, 
1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  T.  J.  Gardiner,  Banchory ^ 
Goupar  Angus;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam^ 
Polly  (11,782),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VII., 
p.  261 ;  gr.-dam,  Miss  of  Banchory  (2298),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Dreadnought  (241),  Vol.  I.,  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Hayhill 
(930),  Vol.  II.,  by  Prince  Alfred  (618),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam. 
Bell,  by  Campsie  (119),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

4tii  Mftj,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  white,  oolt» 
by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 


JESS  OF  GARPIN  (16,683);  bay,  small  white  ratch  on  face, 
black  legs,  foaled  1893;  bred  by  George  Cochran,  North 
Cairn,  Kirkcolm ;  property  of  Andrew  Gebbie,  Gar  pin, 
Maybole ;  sire,  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam, 
North  Cairn  Bet  (9501),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I. ; 
gr.-dam,  Nanny,  by  Grand  Duke  (366),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Bet  (1117),  Vol.  v.,  by  Hercules  (378),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Bet^  by  Lothian  Tarn  (506),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1902,  Wee  Jean,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  grej,  other  three  white^ 

UI7,  by  Montrave  Mao  (9958),  Vol.  XVII. 

1903,  Dnnure  Jessica,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs  grey,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  William  Dnnlop,  Danure,  Mains,  Ayr ;  (2)  exported  to  Canada  by  David 
Q^i^VL,  23  Oowgate,  Dundee),  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028),  VoL  XXIII. 

Jmia,  1904,  Dnnnre  Qnery,  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  oolt,  by 
Dnnure  Castle  (11.028),  VoL  XXIII. 


JESS  OF  DALRIOCH  (16,684);  bay,  broad  white  stripe  on 
face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  1894;  bred  by  and  property 
of  John  Gemmell,  Dalrioch,  Campbeltown;  sire,  Primua 
(8897),  Vol.  XIIL  ;  dam,  Bell  of  Dalrioch  (3514),  Vol.  VIL, 
by  Fitz James  (1138),  Vol.  11. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  (3513), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  Alfred  (618),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Dalrioch  Jess,  by  Society's  Horse  of  1854;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Sal,  by  Lockhart's  black  horse  of  Lee.     Produce — 

1901,  bay,  flUj  (owned  by  James  Kerr),  by  William  the  Conqueror  (9093)^ 
VoL  xnL , 

1903,  Kate  GtemmeU,  bay,  flUy  (owned  by  (1)  James  A.  Hunter,  Machriebeg  ; 
(2)  W.  S.  Park;  (8)  G.  £.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Carthusian  (9722), 

1906,  brown*,  flUy,  by  Rowanson— Riddell's. 





BOSY  II.  OF  GLADSTONE  (16,685k  light  bay,  stripe  on  face, 
bind  legs  white  below  hocks,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  Andrew 
I^gan,  Overton,  Coylton,  Ayrshire ;  property  of  John  Oibb, 
Gladstone  Farm,  Bishopton  ;  sire,  Prince  of  Millfield  (9650), 
VoL  XV.;  dam,  Lady  Kyle  (12,817),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince 

Vol.  XIII.,  by  Macbeth 

,  Vol. 

XIIL,   p.  424 ;    g.-gr.-dam, 

of  Kyle  (7156),  Vol.  XI. ;  ^r.-dam.  Lady  Macbeth  (9867), 

Blyth  Meg  (564^  Vol  IIL,  by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  I; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  -Blyth,     by     The     Pope    (1237),    VoL    11. 
Produce — 

3rd  June,  1905,  dark  bay,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs  white,  fiUy  (owned  hj  John 
Crawford,  Manraehead,  Beith),  by  Prince  Otto  (12,291),  Vol.  XXVI. 


ELWAND  NETTA  (16,686);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  and 
near  fore  foot  white,  foaled  May,  1894;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Robert  Shirra  Gibb,  Boon,  Lauder ;  sire,  Mwand 
Chief  (9902),  Vol.  XVIL;  dam,  Netta  Solway  (11.783), 
Vol.  XVI.,  by  Macpherson  (3825),  Vol.  VIL  jgr.-dam,  NeU 
of  Auchencaim  (6079),  Vol.  X.,  by  King  William  (437), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Round  Robin  (721), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

lit  June,  1905,  dark  cheetnut,  white  on  face  from  forehead  to  nostrili^  white 
chin,  four  white  legs  to  knees  and  books,  colt,  by  Peatland — Diinlop's. 


LADY  DUNDONALD  (16,687);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  2l8t  June,  1902;  bred  by  James  Kil* 
Patrick,  Craigie  Mains,  Kilmarnock;  property  of  John 
Gibson,  Dalsraith,  Fenwick;  sire.  Lord  Dundonadd  (11,094), 
Vol.  XXIIL;  dam.  Princess  Ariel  (11,240),  VoL  XV.,  by 
St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam,  Mysie  (6024), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L ;  g.-CT.-dam,  Campbeltown 
Lily  (481),  Vol.  IIL,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  VoL  L 
Produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  Lord  CoUiDgwood,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  little  white  m 
near  fore  foot,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  VoL  XVIII. 

^xxviiL  MARE&  235 


DARLING  OF  BAEBUIE  (16,688);  bay,  white  stripe  down 
face,  white  round  o£f  hind  leg,  foiJed  Ist  June,  1898; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Gibson,  Barbuie,  Irongray, 
Dumfries;  sire,  King  of  Kyle  (10,213),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam, 
Nancy  of  Moniabrock  (8583),  Vol.  XII.,  by  King  of  the 
Forest  (1170),  Vol.  11. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  (4309),  Vol.  VIL, 
by  a  horse  owned  by  the  late  Samuel  Clark;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Mary  (2221),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (666),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Defiance  (224),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

26th  June,  1903,  Felicia,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  filly 
gowned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Professor  Cumming,  Halifax,  Nova 
Scotia),  by  Prince  of  Balmanno  (9976),  Vol.  XVII. 


LUCY  BARON  (16,689);  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  6th  May,  1902 ;  bred  by  William  Hood, 
Chapelton,  Borgue,  Kirkcudbright;  property  of  (1)  A.  &  W. 
Montgomery;  (2^  Francis  Gilbert,  Norham,  Lumphanan, 
Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam, 
fcially  Walker  (11,815),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Prince  Lawrence, 
Vol.  VIL,  p.  261;  gr.-dam,  Dizzy  of  Rascarrel  (4862), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Prince  Albert  (616),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Susy 
(4863),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Inkermann  (1161),  Vol.  IL    Produce— 

14th  May,  1905,  Lady  Everlasting,  black,  large  white  ratch  down  face,  four 
white  legs  to  knees  and  books,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  VoL  XXIV. 


JEAN  OF  BLAIKET  (16,690);  brown,  small  white  spot  on 
forehead,  near  fore  leg  brown,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled 
1901;  bred  by  Mr.  Henderson,  Newark,  Crocketford; 
property,  of  James  Gilchrist,  filaiket  Mains,  Crocketford; 
sire,  Ornament  (10,603),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  bred  by  James 
Graham,  Corsock  Bridge,  Dalbeattie,  by  Darnley's  Hero 
(5697>,  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Bet,  foaled  1887,  Vol.  X.,  p.  28, 
by  Macau/slan  (4552),  Vol.  VIIL ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Darling  of 
Bardarroch  (1061),  Vol.  V.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (1194),  Vol.  IL 
Troduce — 

May,  1906,  brown,  broad  white  stripe  down  faoe,  near  fore  and  near  hind  legs 
white,  flUy,  by  Royal  Scot  (11,179),  Yol.  XXIII. 





VINESSO  (16,691);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  ind 
hind  pasterns  white,  foaled  30th  March,  1891  ;  bred  bj 
Dugald  M*Kinnon,  Poteath,  West  Kilbride;  property  of 
James  Gilmour,  Netherton,  Carmunnock ;  sire,  Look  Again 
(5972),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Poteath  (4329),  Vol.  YU., 
by  Young  Garibaldi  (972),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  a  Campbeltowii 
mare.     Produce — 

20th  May,  1902,  Miss  Qilmour,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  one  fore  foot  and  both 
hind  legs  white,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  T.  H.  Hassard,  Millbnok, 
Ontario),  by  Pride  of  Airies  (11,454),  Vol.  XXIV. 


JEAN  OF  ALDERSTON  (16,692);  dark  brown,  white  raich 
on  face,  some  white  on  feet  and  le^s,  foaled  1896;  bredbj 
Archibald  Bulloch,  Milliken  Park;  property  of  Joha 
Gilmour,  Alderston,  Bellshill;  sire.  The  Summit  (9442), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Milliken  Kate  (12,425),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by 
Caractacus  (5623),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Milliken, 
Vol.  XIV.,  p.  32,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.^.- 
dam,  Polly,  by  Luck's  All  (510),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dMO, 
Maggie,  Vol.  XVIIL,  p.  10.  Produce- 
April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs  nearly  to  knees  and  hooks,  filly,  bf 

Pride  of  Airies  (11,454),  Vol.  XXIV. 

M  AUDSELL  (16,693) ;  very  dark  brown,  white  face,  near  hind 
leg  and  far  hind  foot  white,  two  white  spots  on  belly, 
foaled  1902 ;  bred  by  the  Earl  of  Wemyss,  Uarelaw,  Long- 
niddry;  property  of  John  Gilmour,  Alderston,  Bellshill; 
sire.  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Maid  of 
Airies— dam  of  MacAiries  (12,666),  Vol.  XXVIL— by  Mtint 
of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX.;  gr.-dam,  Mademoiselle 
(12,009),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VIL,  p.  261; 
g.-gr.-dam.  My  Lady  (10,233),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Morning  Star 
(3017),  Vol.  VI.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Genevieve  (5809),  Vol.  IX., 
by  Piince  Charlie  (634),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Crinoline 
(586),  Vol.  III.,  by  Newstead  (559),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g-g.-g-gr- 
dam,  Keir  AUce  (188),  Vol.  II.,  by  Comet  (192),  VoL  I. 
Produce — 

Jane,  1906,  black,  white  face,  far  fore  foot  white,  bind  legs  white  to  lioeka» 
flUy,  by  Sir  Humphrey  (11,942),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxviii.  MARES.  237 

GILMOOB,  Sm  JOBK,  Bart. 

MONTRAVE  RENA  (16,694);  brown,  white  face,  spot  on  off 
fore  hoofhead,  near  fetlock  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
4th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Sir  John  Gilmour 
of  Montrave,  Bart.,  Leven,  Fifeshire;  sire.  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Montrave  Rebecca  (13,441), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam, 
Montrave  Rosebud  (11,348),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Garnet  Cross 
(1662),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam.  Moss  Rose  (6203),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Prince  C!harlie  (634),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Rosebud  (1814), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Rose  of  Bute  (89),  Vol.  II.,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  II. ; 

f -g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Mettle,  by  Paterson's  Horse  of  Waterlee. 
roduce — 

24th  April,  1905,  Montrave  Bajab,  bay,  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs 
white,  offforefetlook  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XYUI. 

MONTRAVE  DOROTHY  (16,695) ;  brown,  white  spot  on  oif 
side  forehead,  near  fore  fetlock  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
5th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Sir  John  Glilmour 
of  Montrave,  Bart.,  Leven,  Fifeshire ;  sire,  Montrave  Ronald 
(11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. ;  dam,  Dukina  (12,486),  Vol.  XVIII., 
by  Prince  of  Fashion,  Vol.  XII.,  p.  361;  gr.-dam.  Princess  II. 
(10,556),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Princess  of  Girvan  (4661),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-CT.-dam,  liouise  (538),  Vol.  HI.,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by  Samson 
(741),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

23rd  Maj,  1905,  oolt  (dead),  by  Montrave  Magnus  (12,255),  Vol.  XXVI. 

MONTRAVE  ROMOLA  (16,696);  brown,  white  blaze  on  face, 
off  fore  fetlock  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  5  th  June,  1901 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Sir  John  Gilmour  of  Montrave, 
Bart.,  Leven,  Fifeshire;  sire.  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X.;  dam,  Robina  (12,487),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Prince 
Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Whiteleys  Tibby  (2369), 
Vol.  VL,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. :  g.-gr.-dam,  Whiteleys 
Jess.     Produce — 

5th  M^,  1905,  Montrave  Rosetta,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs 
nhite,  off  fore  fetlock  white,  filly,  by  Montrave  Magnus  (12,255),  Vol.  XXVI. 





MINNIE  MAC  (16,697);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  &r 
hind  leg  wnite,  foaled  7th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Robert  Gilray,  Loanhead,  Quothquhan,  Biggar; 
sire,  Coroner  (10,532),  Vol.  XXL ;  dam,  Mac's  Darling 
(14,587),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  M^Cuaig  (8802),  Vol.  Xm.; 
gr.-dam,  Jessie  Walston  (14,586),  VoL  XXIV.,  by  Walston 
(4101),  Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Bamflat  (3624), 
Vol.  VII.,  by  Osman  Pasha  (1777),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.-daiii. 
Jess  of  Bamflat  (2267),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Charley  (1618V 
Vol.  IV.  j  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Tom  Sayers  (882)^ 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-g.-gr. -dam,  Jess,  by  Ilawkwood  (373), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Missie,  by  Prince  Royal  (647)^ 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Briton  (93),  VoL  L; 
g-"g'-g--g--g--g--g-  gr.-dam,  Nancy.     Produce — 

24th  April,  1904,  Greaalina,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  leg^ 
filly,  by  King's  Crest  (11.385),  Vol.  XXIV. 

5th  May,  1905,  Alexander  Aome,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  leg  and 
both  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Acme  (10,485),  VoL  XXI. 


KATIE  M'CAMON  (16,698) ;  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet, 
foaled  28th  April,  1890;  bred  by  the  late  Win.  Taylor, 
Cairnfechal,  Udny;  property  of  Thomas  Glashan,  Mill  of 
Cromlet,  Meldrum,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  M'Camon  (3818), 
Vol.  VII.;  dam,  Jenny  Lind.(1784),  Vol.  V.,  by  Lord 
Inverurie  (487),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Findlaier — ^Tait'a^ 
Produce — 

29th  April,  1904,  Flash  Kate,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  ally,  by  Flaih 
Light  (11,036),  Vol.  XXIII. 

OOBMLXY,  A.   O. 

MISS  TODD  (16,699) ;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
1900;  bred  by  Hugh  Roger,  Billhead,  Kilmarnock; 
property  of  (1)  Smith  &  Richardson,  Columbus,  Ontario; 
(2)  A.  G.  Gormley,  Unionville,  Ontario;  sire,  King's  Croa 
(10,070),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Olarinda  of  Hillhead  (11,964). 
Vol.  XVI.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Hillhead  (10,152),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Lord  Lyon 
(489),  Vol.  I. ;  ff.-gr.-dam.  Bell  of  Hillhouse  (5345),  VoL  IX., 
by  a  Wigtownshire  horse ;  g.-g.-gr. -dam,  by  Rob  Roy  (714), 


Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (298),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

June  or  Jaly,  1903»  Dundonald  (12,950),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  baj,  small  white 
ifaripe  on  face,  oolt  (M.B.,  Hugh  Todd,  Harperland,  Dundonald ;  F.B.,  Smith  & 
BiehardBon ;  owned  by  A.  6.  Gormley),  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 


FARAWAY  LIL  (16,700);  roan,  white  ratch  on  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  5th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
G«orge  Graham,  Faraway  Farm,  Kippen  Station ;  sire, 
Fortune  Still  (9762),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Lady  Nancy  (12,846), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  Knight  Errant  (4483),  Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Southfield  (8388),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Remarkable 
(3949),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie.     Produce — 

25th  Jane,  1904,  Ijady  Alice,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by 
Dnnure  Blend  (11,691),  Vol.  XXV. 


MAY  QUEEN  (16,701);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
leg  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  Graham,  Wysebyhill,  Ecclefechan ;  sire,  Lord  Lothian 
(6998X  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Lily  of  Wysebyhill  (14,232), 
Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Prince  of  Johnstone  (9986),  Vol.  XVIL ; 
gr.-dam,  Nancy  of  Wysebyhill  (14,231),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by 
Lyon  of  Purdomstoun  (4549),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Overtown  Darline  (8448),  Vol.  XII,  by  Young  Lofty  (991), 
Vol.  I.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Congeith  Darling  (712),  Vol.  IV.,  by 
Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

27th  June,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and  pastema 
white,  colt,  by  Gallant  Fauntleroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 


BELL  OF  BARHAKROW  (16,702);  brown,  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  1900 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Graham, 
Barharrow,  Gatehouse;  sire,  Prince  Attractive  (10,250*), 
VoL  XIX. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Barharrow  (15,624),  Vol.  XXVI., 
by  Lord  Marmion  (2620),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam»  Maggie  of 
Blackcraig,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395),  Vol.  III.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Nanny  of  Blackcraig  (7588),  Vol.  XL,  by  Borgue  (2629), 
Vol.  VI.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Cowar  Jean  (7708),  Vol.  XL,  by 
Lofty  (460),  vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Scroggiehill  Young 
Horse  (1295),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

24th  June.  1905,  Montrose,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt, 
by  Baron  MitcheU  (10,688).  Vol.  XXII. 




LADY  BELL  (16,703) ;  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  foaled  1890 
bred  by  the  late  Wm.  Sloan,  Meikle  Garse,  Newton-Stewart 
property  of  Robert  Graham,  Auchengasael,  Twynholm  R.S.O. 
sire,  Excelsior  (5751),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Maggie  of  Meikle 
Carse  (10,185),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Young  Conqueror  (961), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1900,  Daisy  Bell,  bay,  white  face,  four  legs  white  below  knees  and  hocki, 
iOly,  by  Prince  Attractive  (10,260*).  Vol.  XIX. 

May,  1903,  Fairy  BeU,  bay,  white  face,  four  legs  white  below  knees  and  hodo, 
filly,  by  King  of  the  Hoses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII. 

90th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  colt,  by  Baron  Mitchell 
<10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

DARLING  OF  AUCHENGASSEL  (16,704);  bay,  white  face, 
four  white  feet,  foaled  1894 ;  bred  by  the  late  Wol  M*C. 
Barclay,  Mark,  Twynholm  R.S.O. ;  property  of  Robert 
Graham,  AuchengaBsel,  Twynholm  R.S.O. ;  sire,  Macgr^r 
(1487),  Vol.  III. ;  dam,  Hilda  (8080),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Charmer 
(2014),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  (1918),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lofty 
(460),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Inkermann  (1161), 
Vol.  II.     Produce — 

May,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  fill^  (bred  by  the  late  William 
M'C.  Barclay  ;  owned  by  William  Stroyan,  Culcaigne,  Twynholm),  by  Madcinkj 
<10,228),  Vol.  XIX. 

18th  June,  1905,  Queenie,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Baron 
MitcheU  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 


QU££N  B£SS  (16,705);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  29th  June,  1893 ;  bred  by  the  late 
Colonel  J.  G.  Smith,  Minmore,  Glenlivet;  property  of 
Colonel  George  Smith  Grant  of  Auchorachan,  Glenlivet; 
sire.  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Bessie  Sproat  (13,605), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Knight  of  Lothian  (4489),  Vol.  VIU.; 
gr.-dam,  Corsock  Dandy  (976),  Vol.  V.,  by  Dandy  Jim 
(221),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Dainty,  by  Farmer — Drumwall— 
(2064),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

28th  April,  1902,  Auohorachan  (12,009),  Vol.  XXVI.,  bay,  oolt,  bjr  Aifos 
<10,492),  Vcl.  XXI. 

25th  April,  1903.  Celtic  Uird  (12,890).  Vol  XXVIII.,  dark  brown,  oolt,  hj 
ArguB(lu,492),  Vol.  XXI. 

28th  April,  1904,  dark  brown,  ttripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly  (owned  bj 
A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Sorbie  Boy  (11,546),  VoL  XXIV. 

xcviii.  MARES,  241 

G&AT,   ADAM. 

DORRIS  III.  OF  INGLESTON  (16,706);  browD,  white  stripe 
down  face,  hind  legs  white,  far  fore  hoof  white,  foaled 
10th  May,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  Adam  Gray, 
Ingleston  of  Borgue,  Kirkcudbright;  sire,  MacMeekan 
(9600),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Dorris  11.  of  Ingleston  (13,452), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Archduke  (8431),  Vol.  XIII.;  gr.-dam, 
St.  Mary  (9701),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Macfariane  (2988),  Vol.  VI. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Dora  (1292),  Vol.  V.,  by  Young  Ross  (1370), 
Vol.  II.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Culraven  Nannie  (127),  Vol.  II.,  by 
Loudoun  Tarn  (509),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lofty 
(456),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  mil,  by  Spittal  Horse 
(1311),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

2nd  Maj,   1905,  Olga,   broivn,   white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUj,  by  Baron 
Mitchell  (10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

ANNIE  LAWEIE  II.  (16,707) ;  light  brown,  white  face,  little 
white  on  near  fore  hoof  head,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled 
1900;  bred  by  Robert  M*Dowall,  Auchengaillie,  Port- 
William  ;  property  of  Adam  Gray,  Ingleston  of  Borgue, 
Kirkcudbright ;  sire.  King  of  the  Eoses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII. ; 
dam,  Annie  Lawrie  (6414),  Vol.  X.,  by  Pride  of  Dunlop 
(1244),  Vol.  IL;  gr.-dam,  Young  Molly  (1560),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Glengamock  (327),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Auchengaillie 
(313),  Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Champion  (936),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.- 
dam,  MoUy,  by  Clyde  (1100),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

20th  May,  1905,  Knutty,  light  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by 
Majestic  (11,421),  Vol.  XXIV. 

RANEE  (16,708);  light  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  near 
hind  leg  white  to  hock,  white  spot  on  near  fore  knee,  foaled 
10th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Adam  Gray, 
Ingleston  of  Borgue,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire.  Prince  Attractive 
(10,250*),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Daisy  Bell  (14,235),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  Flashwood's  Best  (9211),  Vol.  XIV.;  gr.-dam,  Nita 
(5457),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ;.  g.-gr.-dam, 
Mary  (545),  Vol.  III.,  by  Superior  (837),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Nelly  of  Overlaw  (172),  Vol.  IL,  by  Loudoun  Tam 
(509),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean — dam  of  Lochfergus 
Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.— by  Lofty  (456),  Vol.  I.    Produce— 

8th  May,  1905,  Vera,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by 
on  MitcheU  (10,688),  VoL  XXII. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  16 





JEAN  OF  KILLELLAN  PAKK  (16,709);  bay,  white  face, 
foaled  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  David  Gray,  EilleUan 
Park,  Campbeltown;  sire,  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam, 
Jess,  bred  by  David  Gray,  by  Macgregor — Ferguson's— 
(1486),  Vol.  Ill ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  II.  (1422),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Young  Baronet  (919),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Madge  hte  Kate 
(488),  Vol.  III.,  by  Young  Garibaldi  (1559),  Vol.  III.; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Sovereign  (1).     Produce — 

1902,  bay,  filly  (owned  by  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew),  by  Sr 
Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 

1903,  Lady  Gray,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (I)  William 
Taylor ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  IngersoU,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Ronald  (10,464),  VoL  XX. 


DOLLY  (16,710);  ligbt  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  30th  June,  1902;  bred  by  Robert  Boyd, 
Westfield,  Airth ;  property  of  Henry  way,  Hawkhill, 
Kincardine-on-Forth ;  sire,  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966), 
Vol.  XXIII.;  dam,  Bessie  (14,943),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Union 
Bank  (10,016),  Vol.  XVII.;  gr.-dam,  Eosie,  VoL  XXV., 
p.  8,  by  Clinker  (7590),  Vol.  XII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by 
Sir  Archibald  (11,937),  Vol.  XXV.     Produce— 

27th  April,  1905,  light  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  colt,  by  Labori  (10,791)» 
Vol.  XXII. 


LILY  OF  KERSIE  (16,711);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot 
and  off  hind  foot  and  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  May, 
1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Gray,  Kersie  Mains, 
Stirling ;  sire.  Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Miss 
Canny  (9706\  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Ca'  Canny  (3476),  Vol.  \TI. ; 
gr.-dam,  Jean  (762),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Black  Comet  (66),  Vol.  L ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jean.     Produce— 

,  1904,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  VoL  XXIH 
1905,  filly  (dead),  by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10.966),  VoL  XXIII. 

EOSIE  OF  KERSIE  (16,712);  dark  brown,  small  spot  on 

a  little  white  on  far  hind  foot,  foaled  1900;  bred  by  David 

xxviii.  MARES.  243 

Dunn,  Starton,  Clackmannan;  property  of  James  Oray, 
Rersie  Mains,  Stirling;  sire,  Alexander's  Heir  (10,151), 
Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Bell— dam  of  Jess  (14,596),  Vol.  XXIV.— 
bred  by  David  Dunn,  by  Mountain  Boy  (6099),  Vol.  X.; 
gr.-dam,  Maggie,  bred  by  David  Dunn,  by  Lord  Kelbume 
(2253),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

2l8t  Mar,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  bj  Hiawatha  (10,067), 

VoL  xviii. 

DARLING  OF  KERSIE  (16,713);  black,  white  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
Gray,  Kersie  Mains,  Stirling ;  sire,  Boreland  Pride  (10,318), 
VoL  XX.;  dam,  Jess  of  Kersie  (11,363),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Gallant  Lad  (2781),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean  (762),  Vol.  IV., 
by  Black  Comet  (66),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean.     Produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  light  brown,  white  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Balmedie 
Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIIL 

OBEGOBY,   A.  M. 

LADY  GRANGE  (16,714) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four 
white  legs,   foaled    May,    1897;     bred   by  Miss  Jane  K. 
Murdoch,    Tullochbeg,    Huntly;     property    of    (1)    John 
Morrison,  Balnamoon,  Grange,  Keith;   (2)  A.  M.  Gregory, 
Maryhill    and    Nether    Bogside,    Elgin;     sire,    Moncreiffe 
Marquis  (9953),   Vol.   XVII. ;     dam,   May   of  Tullochbeg 
(16,974),  Vol.  XXVm.,  by  Lord  Lennox,  Vol.  VL,  p.  412; 
gr.ndam,  Queen,  by  Prince  Royal  (660),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
by  Noble  Grand  (3035),  Vol.  VI.     Produce- 
May,  1902,  Wilhelmina  (16,777),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  off 
fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  white,  filly  (bred  by  Jane  K.  Murdooh ;  owned  by 
Charles  Kemp,  Auohinorieye,  Bothiemay),  by  Prince  Harold  (9973),  Vol.  XVII. 

1904,  grey,  filly  (bred  by  John  Morrison ;  owned  by  Robert  Allan,  Bush, 
Keith),  by  Pearl  Oyster  (10,831),  Vol.  XXU. 

2l8t  May,  1905^  chestnnt,  white  faoe,  hind  l^s  white  to  stifles,  fore  legs  white 
over  knees,  white  spot  on  near  side  in  "oxter,"  colt  (bred  by  John  Morrison; 
owned  by  A.  M.  Gregory),  by  Imperialist  (11,376),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  MORAY  (16,716);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  oflF  fore 
leg  white  to  knee,  two  white  spots  on  near  fore  leg,  foaled 
June,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  Paterson,  Wester  Frew,  Rippen 




Station ;  property  of  A.  M.  Gregory,  Maryhill  and  Nether 
Bogside,  Elgin ;  sire,  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  VoL  XXI. ; 
dam,  Madge  (14,540),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Mountain  King 
(7074),  Vol.  XL;  gr.^iam,  Jess  of  Wester  Frew  (12,892), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  MacMaster  (3823),  Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Peggy— -dam  of  Nancy  of  Watston  (4856),  Vol.  VlJl.— by 
Lochend  Champion  (448),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

17tb  April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  od  face,  both  bind  legs  white  very  nearly  to 
hocks,  ftlly,  by  Balmedie  Queen's  GuArd  (10,966),  Vol.  XXin. 


DAISY  OF  SEATON  HALL  (16,716);  dark  bay,  slight  white 
mark  on  forehead,  far  hind  leg  white,  near  hind  leg  slightly 
marked  white,  foaled  9th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  William  Grice,  Seaton  Hall,  Bootle,  Cumberland;  sire. 
Buxom  Lad  (7533),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Seaton  Hall  P^^ 
(14,602),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Mains  of  Keir  (8834),  Vol.  XIH. ; 
gr.niam,  Damsel  II.  (5963),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  Edward 
(1254),  Vol.  IL;  g.-gr.-dam.  Damsel  (5962),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Gladstone  (333),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

SOth  March,  1904,  Baron  Buxom,  bay,  white  mark  on  forehead  and  nose, 
hind  leg  white,  other  three  legs  slightly  marked  white,  colt,  by  Chapelhill  (1U654), 
VoL  XXV. 

13th  April,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  ratch  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Chapelhill  (11,664),  Vol.  XXV. 

TWILIGHT  (16,717);  bay,  white  ratch  down  face,  three  white 
legs,  foaled  5th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Grice,  Seaton  Hall,  Bootle,  Cumberland ;  sire. 
Merry  Lad  (9616),  Vol.  XV.;  dam,  Sally  of  Seaton  Hall 
(14,604),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Londonderry  (7934),  VoL  XII. ; 
ffr.-dam,  Young  Moody,  foaled  1891,  Vol.  XIV.,  p.  162,  by 
Moneycom — RiddelPs — Vol.  XIIL,  p.  40 ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Moody 
(8839),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Gladstone  (333),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Seaton  Sally  (365),  Vol.  IL,  by  Prince  (609),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-g. -CT.-dam,  Seaton  Trim  (364),  Vol.  IL,  by  Shiner 
(768),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  a  horse  bred  by  Mr. 
Walker,  Glentoo ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Comet  (195), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

3rd  May,  1905,  dark  cheatnut,  far  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Chapelhill  (11,654), 
Vol.  XX  V. 

xxvTii.  MARES.  345 


WINSOME  MAID  (16,718);  bay,  white  face,  white  round  near 
cheek,  near  fore  pastern  white,  off  hind  leg  white  nearly  ap 
to  hock,  foaled  8th  June,  1890 ;  bred  by  George  Bean,  West 
Ballochy,  Montrose;  property  of  John  Guild,  Balcanquhal, 
Qateside,  Fife ;  sire,  Oairnbrogie  Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIIL  ; 
dam.  Dandy  of  Barlae  (2756),  Vol.  VI.,  by  General  Neil 
(1143),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Barlae  Doll  (344),  Vol.  II.,  by 
Victor  (892),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

loth  Jane,  1894,  Belle,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  MaoKerraU 
(9304),  Vol.  XIV. 

May,   1896,  Bett,  bay,  white  face,  near   hind  leg   white,  filly,  by  Prince 
Grandeur  (9638),  Vol.  XV. 

June,  1897,  Smnk,  bar,  white  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  other  three  feet  white, 
Frederick  '~  '  ' 

flUy.  by  Prince  Frederick  (8905),  Vol.  XIII. 

July,  1901,  Brisk,  bay,  white  face,  near  h 
Fenwiek,  Leadketty,  Xhinning),  by  Lord  Smith  (10,804),  Vol 

July ,1901,  Brisk,  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  white^  filly  (owned  by  James 

17th  May,  1905,  light  bay,  slightly  mixed  with  a  grey  hair,  white  face,  light 
mane  and  tail,  near  hind  leg  white  up  to  hook,  far  hind  leg  white  a  little  above 
pastern,  far  fore  foot  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron  Lothian  (12,461),  Vol  XXVIL 

BORDER  MELODY  (16,720);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  white  legs, 
foaled  26th  April,  1894;  bred  by  Lord  Polwarth,  Mertoun 
House,  St,  Bo^wells;  property  of  Robert  Hall,  Thorntree 
House,  Seaton  Bum,  Northumberland;  sire,  Prince  Alex- 
ander (8899),  Vol.  Xm. ,  dam,  Myrtle  of  Mertoun  (2821), 
Vol.  VI,  by  Sir  Colin  (777),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Esmeralda 
(730),  Vol.  rV.,  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

18th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  fiUy,  by  Lord  Roberts  (11,103),  VoL  XXIIL 









MAGGIE  OF  DRUMBEG  (16,719);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  27th  April,  1901 ;  bred  by 
Thomas  Shuttleworth,   Shillinghill,   Lochfoot,   Lochrutton;  \\ 

property  of  Alexander  Hall,  Drumbeg,  Collin,  Dumfries; 
sire.  Big  Swell  (10,696),  Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Daisy  of 
Lochfoot    (14,822),    Vol.    XXIV.,    by    Gartcraig    (7739),  p 

Vol.  XII;  gr.^am,  Sally  IL  of  Morningside  (10,179), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince  Charlie  (636),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Sally  of  Morningside  (10,178),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Young  Dainty  j 

Davie  (1873),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Screel  Horse. 
Produce — 




PRINCESS  HOLYROOD  (16,721) ;  grey,  hind  pasterns  white, 
foaled  4th  June,  1897;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert 
Hall,  Thorntree  House,  Seaton  Burn,  Northumberland; 
sire,  Holyrood  (9546),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Snowdrop  (13,837), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Pride  of  Crieff  (7111),  Vol.  XI.;  gr.-dam, 
Be%uty  (6237),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  of  Tyne  (1271),  Vol.  IL; 

g -gr.-dam,    Meg    of   Seaton    Bum    (6236),    Vol.    X.,    by 
onqueror  (1626),  Vol.  IV.     Produce — 

5th  May,  1906,  bay,  broken  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  bv  Lord 
Roberts  (11,103),  Vol.  XXIII. 

MONTRAVE  ROULETTE  (16,722) ;  bay,  spot  on  forehead,  and 
ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg  and  off  hind  pastern  white, 
foaled  26th  April,  1900;  bred  by  Sir  John  Gibnour,  Bart, 
Montrave,  Leven,  Fife ;  property  of  Robert  Hall,  Thorntree 
House,  Seaton  Burn,  Northumberland ;  sire,  Macgregor 
(1487),  Vol.  III. ;  dam,  Roberta  (13,082),  Vol.  XX.,  by 
Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Priscilla  of  Garth- 
land  (10,692),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L; 
g. -gr.-dam,  Alaggie  of  Airies  (6366),  Vol.  X.,  by  Derby 
(227),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom,  by  Young  Garibaldi 
(972),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Farmer's  Fancy 
(298),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

20th  June,  1905,  bi^,  white  face,  near  fore  leg,  off  fore  foot,  and  off  hind  foot 
white,  miy,  by  Lord  Roberts  (11,103),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ROSE  OF  FLIMBY  (16,723);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  white  legs, 
foaled  20th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Matthew  Kirkby,  Flimby, 
Maryport,  Cumberland ;  property  of  Robert  Hall,  Thorntree 
House,  Seaton  Bum,  Northumberland;  sire.  Lord  London- 
derry (10,585),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Grace  Darling  (14,641) 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Forest  Hero  (9529),  Vol.  XV.;  gr.-dam 
Scott  (9541),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Simon  Pure  (769),  VoL  L 
g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Clydesdale  Tam  (176),  Vol.  I. 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jeanmie,  by  Merry  Tom  (532),  VoL  L 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Scotchman  (?).     Produce — 

11th    May,   1905,  bay,   white   face   and   legs,   filly,   by  Hiawatha  (10,067). 
Vol.  XVIII. 


BLOSS  (16,724);  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1897; 
bred  by  John  Atkinson,  Howrigg,  Aspatria,  Cumberland ; 
property  of  James  Hamilton,  Drumburle,  Ayr;    sire.   Life 

xxYiii.  MARES,  S47 

Member  (10,080),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Lady  Charmer 
(12,399),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Charmer  (20U),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 
Nancy  D.  (7904),  Vol.  XL,  by  Nelson  (1493),  Vol.  III. ; 

f. -gr.-dam,  Fanny  D.  (3405),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  of  Kirk- 
ean    (1269),    Vol.    IL ;     g.-g.-gr.-dam,    Diamond    (3404), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Dumbarton  (253),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

23rd  April,  1903,  Drumburle  Chief  (12,943),  Vol.  XXVIII..  roan,  oolt,  by 
Primate  (10,099),  Vol.  XVIII. 

HAMILTON,   J.   *  J. 

MINNIE  IL  (16,725);  dark  brown,  foaled  June,  1898;  bred  by 
and  property  of  J.  &  J.  Hamilton,  Penkiln,  Garlieston, 
Wigtownshire;  sire,  Prince  Cedric  (10,253*),  Vol.  XIX.; 
dam,  Minnie  Palmer  (13,840),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Westfield 
Chief  (6390),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Killantrae  Tibbie  (966),  Vol.  V.,  by  Volunteer 
(899),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Young  Clyde  (944), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

June,  1904,  Amy,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  fiUv  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Silver  I^ht 

{11,629).  Vol.  ::a:iv. 


COUNTY  BELLE  (16,726)  j  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore 
ankles  and  near  hind  leg  wnite,  foaled  28th  May,  1899 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  Hamilton,  Low  Motherwell 
Farm,    Motherwell ;     sire.    Prince    of    Brunstane    (9977),  (l 

Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Jenny  of  High  Motherwell  (8483), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Baron  Teck  (2589),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.^am,  Missie 
of  the  Mains  (4288),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Bonnie  Breastknot  (108), 
Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (666),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  July,  1903,  bi£y,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  flUy,  by 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

BLACK  AEROW  (16,727);  black,  white  spot  on  forehead,  little 
white  on  off  hind  pastern,  foaled  26th  June,  1902 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Kobert  Hamilton,  Low  Motherwell  Farm, 
Motherwell;  sire,  Springhill  Baron  (10,652),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Jenny  of  High  Motherwell  (8483),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Baron 
Teck  (2f)89X  Vol.  VL  ;  gr.-dam,  Missie  of  the  Mains  (4288), 
Vol.  VIL,  oy  Bonnie  Breastknot  (108),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 





by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Prince 
of  Wales  (666),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

8th  June,  1905,  Lady  Sanger,  black,  with  a  white  hair  through  body,  white 
stripe  on  faee,  off  hind  ankle  white,  little  white  on  near  hind  ankle,  filly,  by  Lord 
Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. 


LADY  yiCCARTON  (16,728) ;  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  fetlocks 
white,  foaled  1902;  bred  by  William  Vivers,  Domocktown^ 
Annan ;  property  of  John  M.  Hannah,  Girvan  Mains,  Girvan ; 
sire,  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII.;  dam,  Lioness 
(11,645),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Lyon  of  Purdomstoun  (4549), 
Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Meg  (7676),  Vol.  XI.,  by  Robin 
the  Laird  (25),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Damsel,  by  Gilnockie 
(2806),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

28th  April,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  colt,  br  Baden 
PoweU  (10,963),  Vol.  XXIU. 


JENNY  HANNAY  (16,729);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot 
and  shin,  and  off  hind  leg  white,  foaled  13th  May,  1899; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Alexander  Hannay,  Broughton, 
Skeog,  Sorbie ;  sire,  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII. ; 
dam,  Jean  IL  (10,651),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Prince  Edward  (1254), 
Vol.  II. ;  gr.^am,  Broughton  Jean  (1311),  Vol.  v.,  by 
Farmer  (286),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Defiance  (225), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

15th  July,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by 
Royal  Chief  (10,876),  Vol.  XXII. 

25th  June,  1905,  light  bay,  white  face,  some  white  on  hind  anklea,  oolt,  by 
Dnrbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXV. 


GALLOWAY  MARY  (16,730) ;  bay,  star  on  forehead,  near  fore 
foot  and  hind  feet  white,  foaled  16th  June,  1896 ;  bred  by 
John  M'Camon,  Kirranrae,  Stranraer;  property  of  John 
Hardie,  Mull  of  Galloway,  Stranraer;  sire,  Macgregor 
(1487),  Vol.  IIL;  dam,  Mabel  of  Kirranrae  (11,465), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  Darnley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam, 
Kate  (1534),  Vol.  V.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.^am, 
Sally,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (301),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

5th  May,  1902,  Quinea  Gold  (13,020),  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  little 
white  round  fore  hoofheads,  spot  on  off  fore  knee,  colt  (owned  bv  John  Kerr, 
Bed  Hall,  Wigton,  Cumberland),  by  MaroeUus  (11,110),  VoL  XXIII. 

xxviii.  MARES.  24& 

HA8TIX,  DAVID  ft  80N8.  1; 

MAG  OF  EDDLEWOOD  (16,731);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face^ 
near  bind  fetlock  white,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  14th 
May,  1899;  bred  by  John  Noble,  Skirling  Craigs,  Biggar> 
property  of  David  Hastie  &  Sons,  Eddlewood  Farm^ 
Hamilton;  sire,  A  Sma'  Scotch  (10,023),  Vol.  XVIII. ; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Craigs  (12,888),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Osman 
Pasha  (1777),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Skirling  (2777), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Blaze  (1069),  Vol.  11. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by 
Tweed  (1335),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

1904.  flUy  (dead),  by  Gallant  Fauntieroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 

28th  Jane,  1905,  brown,  itripe  on  face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  colt,  by  Lord  1 

Fauntieroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX.  I 


ELIZA  OF  EDDLEWOOD  (16,732);  brown,  spot  on  face,  off 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  4:th  May,  1901  ;  bred  by  Jamea 
Eisk,  East  Pittendreich,  Brechin ;  property  of  David  Hastie  * 

&  Sons,  Eddlewood  Farm,  Hamilton ;  sire.  Lord  Fauntieroy 
(10,370),  VoL  XX.;  dam,  Eosebay  of  Stracathro  (11,706), 
Vol.  XVL,  by  Springhill  Darnley  (2429),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 
Careful  (3220),  Vol.  VIL,  by  What  Care  I  (912),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lord  Clyde  (477),  Vol.  1.     Produce — 

14th  July,  1905,  brown,   white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Auchenflower 
(12,007).  Vol.  XXVI. 

LILY  OF  THE  MAINS  (16,733);  chestnut,  with  silver  mane 
and  top,  white  face,  four  white  points,  hind  legs  white  well 
up  in  front,  foaled  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  Robert  Macfarlane, 
Spittalton,  Kippen;  property  of  Alexander  Hay,  Mains  of 
Cultmalundie,  Tibbermuir,  Perth;  sire,  Palmerston  (10,389)^ 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Lily  of  Spittalton  (15,150),  Vol.  XXV.,  by 
The  Dunston  Boy  (7319),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Jean  of 
Chesterhall  (7380),  Vol.  XL,  by  Black  Comet  (66),  Vol.  L ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  Anderson.     Produce — 

14th  June,  1905,  Jimmy  Lad,  brown,  whifce  face,  near  eye  ringled,  near  fore  leg 
Uack  and  grey,  off  fore  foot  white,  and  off  fore  knee  black  and  grey,  colt,  by 
Petruchio  (§967),  VoL  XVII. 


KATE  OF  CLARKSTON  (16,734);  brown,  smaU  white  stripe 
on  face,  white  spot  on  one  foot,  other  three  black,  foaled 
1886;  bred  by  John  Henderson,  Glenhead,  Dunblane^ 
property    of  James    Henderson,    Clarkston,    Doune;    sire,. 







M*Ma8ter  (3823),  VoL  VII. ;  dam,  Bell,  dark  brown,  bred 
by  John  Henderson,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam, 
Miesie,  bred  at  Glenhead,  by  Young  (Jaribaldi  (1881), 
Vol.  IV.  Produce- 
June,  1897,  Jean  of  Clarkaton  (16,735).  Vol.  XXVUI..  bay,  filly,  by  Gold 
Mine  (9540),  Vol.  XV. 

JEAN  OF  CLAKKSTON  (16,735);  bay,  white  spot  on  &ce, 
two  white  feet,  foaled  June,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  Henderson,  Clarkston,  Doune;  sire.  Gold  Mine 
(9640),  Vol.  XV.;  dam,  Kate  of  Clarkston  (16,734),' 
Vol.  XXVni.,  by  M'Master  (3823),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dim, 
Bell,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Missie,  by 
Garibaldi  (1881),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

1902,  Gay  Clyde  (12,999),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  M.  Simpwn, 
Whitecrogg,  East  Kilbride),  by  Sylvander  (10,933),  Vol.  XXII. 

HKWKT80N,   J.  ft  R. 

BARR  JEAN  (16,736) ;  bay,  star  on  face,  far  fore  pastern  and 
outside  of  near  pastern  white,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1st  Jane, 
1898;  bred  by  R.  &  W.  Callander,  late  of  Upper  Barr, 
Newton-Stewart;  property  of  J.  &  R.  Hewetson,  Upper 
Barr ;  sire.  Bridegroom  (9886),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Ban* 
Blossom  (14,617),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Flashwood  (36(H), 
Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Barr  Tibbie  (8184),  Vol.  XII.,  by 
Reviresco  (2372),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  the  dam  of  Blossom 
(1253),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

let  June,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  and  pasterns  white, 
fiUy,  by  General  Hunter  (12,161).  VoL  XXVI. 

LADY  WHITE  (16,737);  bay,  star  on  face,  fore  feet  and 
pasterns  white,  hind  feet  and  legs  white,  foaled  2nd  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  J.  &  R.  Hewetson,  Upper 
Barr,  Newton-Stewart ;  sire.  Top  Knot  II.  (10,472),  VoL  XX. : 
dam,  Jenny  Erskine  (12,789),  Vol.  XIX,  by  Orlando  (8092), 
Vol.  XII.;  gr.-dam.  Glen  (10,671),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Lord 
Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Beuchan  (6105X 
Vol.  X.,  by  Duntreath  (2750),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bell 
of  Newmains  (5922),  Vol.  X.,  by  Young  Clyde  (947^  Vol  L; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Darling  of  Newmains  (5921),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Annandale  Jock  (1914),  Vol.  V.     Produce — 

16th  June,  1905,  black,  white  spot  on  nose,  and  two  small  white  spots  on  fore- 
head, a  little  white  on  near  fore  foot  and  hoofhead,  both  hind  feet  and  legs  wbit« 
half  way  to  hocks,  colt,  by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 




HlUiy  DAVn>. 

JESS  OF  WYLIES  (16,738);  bay,  foaled  May,  1896;  bred  by 
and  property  of  David  Hill,  Wylies,  Annan ;  sire,  Scottish 
Crown  (9851),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Jess,  bred  by  David  Hill, 
by  Lucky  Getter  (1483),  Vol  HI.;  gr.-dam  Blooming  Nell, 

•  bred  by  David  Hill,  by  Lothian  Tom  (1211),  Vol.  H.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Bonnie  Jean  (5448),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Garibaldi 
(2115),  Vol.  v.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lord  Kaglan  (491), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

ISih  May,  1903,  Spot,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  colt 
(owned  hj  WiUiam  Renwick,  Meadowfield.  Corstorphine),  by  Lothian  Again 
(11,804).  VoL  XXV. 

May,  1904,  Pacific  (13,119),  bay,  ooH  (owned  by  WUliam  Renwick),  by  Lothian 
Again  (11.804),  Vol.  XXV. 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Gartly  Gold 
(10,766),  VoL  XXIL 

ROSE  OP  WYLIES  (16,739);  roan,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by 
and  property  of  David  Hill,  Wylies,  Annan ;  sire,  Harvester 
(10,202),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Blossom  of  Wylies,  bred  by 
David  Hill,  by  Prince  of  Rosa  (6195),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
Bonnie  Jean  (5448),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Garibaldi  (2115),  Vol.  V.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lord  Raglan  (491),  Vol.  I.    Produce — 

13th  Jane,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Boyal 
Fiahion  (10,878),  Vol.  XXII. 


BONNY  OF  NEWTONFIELD  (16,740);  chestnut,  face  and 
under  jaw  white,  white  legs,  foaled  1896;  bred  by 
Mrs.  Hannah  Hird,  Little  Broughton,  Cumberland ;  property 
of  Joseph  Hird,  Newtonfield,  AHonby,  Cumberland ;  sire. 
Prince  of  Currah  (8916),  Vol.  XIIL ;  dam,  Dinah  (8503), 
VoL  XIL,  by  Scotland's  Glory  (4197),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam, 
by  Al  —  Hetherington's  ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Bonny  —  dam  of 
Darling— (4066),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Prince  Royal  (648),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Gilnockie  (2806),  Vol.  VI.     Produce — 

30th  May,  1905,  Trim,  chestnut,  off  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  white,  fllly,  by 
Signalman  IIL  (11,527).  Vol.  XXIV. 


BET  OF  MIDTOWN  (16,741);  brown,  white  face,  four  white 
fetlocks,  foaled  25th  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Richard  Hodgson,  Midtown,  Burgh-by-Sands,  Cumberland; 
sire,  Lord  Lothian  (6998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Sally  of  Midtown 




(15,553),  Vol.  XXVI.,  by  Royal  Bank  (5309),  Vol.  IX.; 
gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Wiggonby  (12,598),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by 
Glancer  (341),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Blossom  of  Little 
Bampton  (6862),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269), 
Vol.  II  ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  John  Anderson  My  Jo— 
Robinson's ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  a  celebrated  prize  mare  in  Cuie- 
berland,  by  Lofty— Lockie's— (1735),  Vol.  IV.     Produce- 

7th  May,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  white  to  knee,  near  hind  leg  white 
to  hock.  tiUy,  by  Chief  Ruler  (11,303),  Vol.  XXFV. 

20th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  legs  white  to  knees  and  hocks,  colt,  br 
Chief  Ruler  (11,303),  Vol.  XXIV. 


JESS  OF  MAWBRAY  (16,742);  bay,  white  stripe  down  face, 
three  white  legs,  white  spot  on  side,  foaled  June,  1894; 
bred  by  Peter  Sherwen,  MiddletOn  Place,  Bootle,  Cum- 
berland ;  property  of  Thomas  Hodgson,  Mawbray,  Maryport,^ 
Cnmberland  ;  sire,  Caractaciis  (5623),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  bred 
by  Peter  Sherwen,  by  Scotland's  Glory  (3171),  Vol.  VI.; 
gr.-dam,  bred  by  Mr.  Ritson,  Seaton  Hall,  Bootle,  by  Prince 
Edward  (1254),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

4th  May,  1904,  Jewel,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  fillj,  by  Lord  London- 
derry (10,585),  Vol.  XXI. 

24th  April,  1905,  Grace  Darling,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs, 
fiUy,  by  Douglas  Chief  (11,682),  Vol.  XXV. 

HOI>OSON,   T.   B. 

CINDERELLA  (16,743) ;  brown,  with  white  hair  through  body, 
face  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  25th  May,  1898;  bred  by 
Wilson  Hodgson  &  Son,  Midtown,  Plumbland,  Aspatrift; 
property  of  T.  H.  Hodgson,  Salt  House,  Millom,  Cum- 
berland;  sire.  Gallant  Sunrise  (9912),  Vol  XVII.;  dam, 
Nancy  of  Flagstaff  (15,087),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Lord  Lothian 
(5998),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam,  Fanny  of  Flagstaff  (11,275), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI.;  g.-gr.4am, 
Dinah  (6360),  Vol.  X.,  by  Sir  Walter  (795),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Etigland^s  Glory.     Produce — 

Ist  June,  1903,  Chalcedony,  black,  with  a  white  hair,  white  face,  near  fore  kf 
and  both  hind  legs  white,  off  knee  white,  fiUj,  by  Sir  Everest  (10,917),  Vol.  XXU. 

20th  May,  1904,  bay,  colt  (castrated),  by  Sir  Everest  (10,917).  Vol.  XXIL 

1905,  no  foal. 


JESS  OF  HIGHRIGG  (16,744);  dark  bay,  white  stripe  down 
face,  white  spot  on  belly,  hind  legs  white,   foaled  1898; 





bred  by  William  Richardson,  Millfield,  Annan ;  property  of 
John  R.  Holliday,  Highrigg,  Hutton-in-the-Forest,  Penrith ; 
8ire,  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Bell  of  Irthington, 
bred  by  G.  J.  Bell,  late  of  Irthington,  now  at  1  Lonsdale 
Street,  Carlisle,  by  Duke  King  (5723),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
Jess  alias  Broken  Leg,  bred  by  Thomas  Graham,  Beanlands 
Park,  Crosby-on-Eden,  Carlisle,  by  Young  Wellington  (1043), 
Vol.  L ;  g. -gr.-dam.  Lofty,  by  Blooming  Heather  (78),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Diamond,  by  Clydesdale  Jock  (172),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jane,  by  Scotch  Miracle  (750),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

May,  1904,  BeU  of  Highrigg,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  far  fore  paatem 
and  both  hind  pasterns  white,  filly,  by  Signalman  III.  (11,527),  Vol  XXlV. 

DAMSEL  OF  HIGHRIGG  (16,745);  light  bay,  white  stri[)e  on 
face,  white  spots  on  near  side,  foaled  June,  1899 ;  bred  by 
Mr.  Hodgson,  Blencogo  Hall,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  pro- 
perty of  John  R.  Holiiday,  Highrigg,  Hutton-in-the-Forest, 
Penrith;  sire.  Grown  Rights  (10,182),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam. 
Blossom,  bred  by  Mr.  Loamas,  Calvo,  Silloth,  by  Lord 
Seaham  (2978),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Jeanie,  bred  by  Mr. 
Loamas,  by  Challenger  (1088),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

May,  1903,  Lucy  of  Highrigg,  dark  bay.  white  face,  one  hind  pastern  white, 
fiUy,  by  Signalman  III.  (11,527),  Vol.  XXIV. 

May,  1904,  Lofty  of  Highrigg,  light  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  pastern  white, 
filly,  by  Signalman  III.  (11,527),  Vol.  XXIV. 


SMILEK  OF  BLACKDYKE  (16,746);  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  18th  May,  1892 ;  bred  by  George 
Carruthere,  Spnrrcy,  Stainmore,  Kirkby  Stephen ;  property 
of  William  Holiiday,  Blackdyke,  Silloth;  sire,  Safeguard 
(9395),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam.  Tit  of  Ranbeck  (5285),  Vol.  IX., 
by  Gallant  Scotchman  (3614),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam.  Blossom 
(3324),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Ayrshire  Jock  (18),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess,  by  Royal  Farmer's  Glory  (5312),  Vol.  IX.;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  by  Mosstrooper  (548),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Jane,  1900,  oolt  (castrated  ;  owned  by  William  Dunlop,  Dunure  Mains,  Ayr), 
by  Forest  Hero  (9529),  Vol.  XV. 

13th  Jtme,  1901,  oolt  (castrated ;  owned  by  Mr.  Fleming,  Redkirk,  Gretna),  by 
NeU  Gow  (10,244).  Vol.  XIX. 

24th  Jane,  1903,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Scotland's  Stamp  (11.522),  Vol.  XXIV. 

15th  June,  1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Scotland's 
Stamp  (11,522),  VoL  XXIV. 

30th  May,  1905,  colt  (castrated),  by  Top  Knot  II.  (10,472),  Vol,  XX. 





FORMAKEN  BELLA  (16,747);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  Dear  fore  foot  black,  other  three  feet  white,  foaled  1898 ; 
bred  by  John  Currie,  Westland,  Rothesay;  property  of 
John  A.  Holms,  Formaken,  Bishopton ;  sire.  Prince 
Rosemount  (9992),  Vol.  XVIL ;  dam,  Maggie  of  Westland, 
bred  by  John  Currie,  by  Bounding  King  (7514),  Vol.  XII. ; 

fr.-dam,  Acholter  Maggie,  bred  by  W.  Crawford,  Acholter, 
ort-Bannatyne,  by  Sirdar  (4714),  Vol.  VIIL;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Nell.     Produce — 

Slst  May,  1905,  Maid  o'  the  Mill,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  on  off  ion 
foot,  Ally,  by  Sir  Edward  (11,193),  Vol.  XXIII. 


DEBORAH  (16,748);  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  foaled 
1 2th  June,  1902;  bred  by  George  Graham,  Faraway  Farm, 
Kippen  Station ;  property  of  David  A.  Hood,  Balgreddan* 
Kirkcudbright;  sire,  Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVIL; 
dam.  Lady  Nancy  (12,846),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Knight  Errant 
(4483),  Vol.  VIIL ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Southfield  (8388), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Remarkable  (3949),  Vol.  VIL ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie.     Produce — 

June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  legs,  colt  (dead),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. 


JESS  OF  MIDDLEMOOR  (16,749);  bay,  dark  points,  foaled 
1894;  bred  by  John  S.  Boadle,  Gatra,  Lamplugh,  Cocker- 
mouth  ;  property  of  (1)  Mr.  M*Gough,  Moorthwaite,  Cum- 
berland; (2)  William  Hope,  Middlemoor  House,  WigtoD, 
Cumberland ;  sire,  Londonderry  (7934),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam, 
Lamplugh  Lass  (11,221),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Schulemaister  (3166), 
Vol.  VL;  g.-dam,  Fanny  of  Gatra  (6997),  Vol.  XL,  by 
Star  of  the  West  (828),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bonny  of 
Gatra,  by  Mosstrooper  (548),  Vol.  1. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by 
Saint — Dickinson's ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ayrshire  Champion 
— Dickinson's.     Produce — 

lOth  April,  1904,  Rose  of  Conon,  bay,  dark  points,  filly  (bred  by  Mr.  H^Googh; 
owned  by  A.  M.  Thompson,  Conon  Brae,  Conon  Bridge),  by  Lothian  Mosstnx^ 
(10,375),  Vol.  XX. 





GATRA  LASS  (16,750);  bay,  white  star  on  face,  foaled  22nd 
May,  1895;  bred  by  John  S.  Boadle,  Gatra,  Lamplugh, 
Cockermouth ;  property  of  William  Hope,  Middlemoor 
House,  Wigton,  Cumberland;  sire,  Londonderry  (7934), 
Vol.  Xn.;  dam,  Lamplugh  Lass  (11,221),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Schulemaister  (3166),  Vol.  VL ;  gr.-dam,  Fanny  of  Gatra 
(6997),  Vol.  XL,  by  Star  of  the  West  (828),  Vol.  L; 
g. -gr.-dam,  Bonny  of  Gatra,  by  Mosstrooper  (548),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Saint — Dickinson's;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by 
Ayrshire  Champion — Dickinson's.     Produce — 

June,  1898,  Daisy  (16,618),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bey,  filly  (owned  by  Lord  Brougham), 
by  Sherrie  Lothian  (10,284),  Vol.  XIX. 

June,  1900,  brown,  colt  (castrated ;  owned  by  Mr.  Dancan),  bv  Lothian  Moss- 
trooper (10,375),  Vol.  XX. 

June,  1902,  bright  bay,  colt  (castrated ;  owned  by  John  Hope),  by  Lothian 
Moflstrooper  (10,375),  Vol.  XX. 

April,  1904,  bay,   filly   (owner  unknown),  by  Lothian  Mosstrooper  (10,375), 

22nd  April,  1905,  Gartly  Lass,  black,  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  foot  white,  hind 
legs  white  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Gartly  Brand  (12,159),  Vol.  XXVI. 


DARLING  OF  GREENHILL  (16,751) ;  dark  brown,  white  spot 
on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  July,  1899 ;  bred  by  Matthew 
Caldwell,  Barfillan,  Houston;  property  of  Gavin  Houston, 
Greenhill,  Elderslie;  sire,  Captain  Alexander  (10,175), 
Vol.  XIX. ;  dam.  Darling  of  Barfillan,  bred  by  Matthew 
Caldwell,  by  Master  of  Erskine  (4577),  Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam, 
Darling,  bred  by  Matthew  Caldwell,  by  Crown  Prince  (207), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1902,  Lady  Houston,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew  ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersol^ 
Ontario),  by  Clan  Ohattan  (10,527),  VoL  ZXI. 

HOUSTON,  Blrs. 

JEAN  OF  MACHRIEMORE  (16,752);  brown,  three  white  feet, 
foaled  May,  1891 ;  bred  by  Mrs.  M*Bride,  Lochsanish, 
Campbeltown ;  property  of  Mrs.  Mary  Houston,  Machriemore, 
Southend,  Kintyre ;  sire,  Damley's  Voucher  (6665),  Vol.  XL; 
dam,  Maggie,  bred  by  Mrs.  M'Bride,  by  Dreadnought  (241), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  bred  by  Mrs.  M*Bride,  by  Lome 
(499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  VqI.  I. 


uce — 

Anril,  1903»  Mary  Houston,  brown,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  James  A.  Hunter* 
Machriebeg;  (2)  W.  S.  Park;  (3)  C.  £.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Reginald 
a0,930),  Vol.  XXII. 





SYREN  OF  BERRIER  (16,753) ;  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  legs,  white  under  belly  and  on  near  side,  foaled 
18th  May,  1898;  bred  by  John  Stephenson,  Eycolt  Farm, 
Berrier,  Greystoke,  Penrith;  property  of  Henry  Charles 
Howard  of  Greystoke,  Penrith ;  sire,  Erskine  of  Drumlanrig 
(9743),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Sally,  bred  by  John  Stephenson, 
by  Signalman  (2403),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie,  bred  bj 
Mr.  Little,  Millbeck  Hall,  near  Keswick,  by  Wanderer  (1346), 
Vol.  II.     Produce — 

18th  June,  1905,  Jeweller,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  tfAi, 
by  Gold  Mine  (9540),  Vol  XV. 


TUCK  (16,754);  bay,  white  face,  hind  le^s  white,  foaled  1895: 
bred  by  the  late  Francis  Lawson,  Kirkell  Castle,  Wester 
Ross;  property  of  (1)  J.  Huntly  Macdonald,  Torbreck, 
Inverness;  (2)  George  Howe,  Castle  Heather,  Inverness; 
sire,  M*Cuaig  (8802),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Fanny,  dark  brown, 
white  star  on  forehead,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1885,  bred 
by  the  late  Francis  Lawson,  by  Gang  Forward  (3619), 
Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam.  Beauty,  bred  by  C.  M.  Cameron,  Bal- 
nakyle,  Munlochy,  by  Conqueror  (196),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
April,  1903,  Kuth,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  Thomai 

R.  M*Lagan,  Williamston,  Crieff ;  (2)  George  Q.  Stewart,  Howick,  Quebec),  by 

Pearl  Oyster  (10,831),  Vol  XXII. 


PANSY  OF  FAIRFIELD  (16,755);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
both  hind  feet  white,  foaled  20th  May,  1902;  bred  by 
Alexander  Cross  of  Knockdon,  Maybole ;  property  of  Thomas 
Howie,  Fairfield  Mains,  Monkton,  Ayrshire ;  sire,  Sir  Hugo 
(10,924),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Polly  of  Knockdon  (13,041), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Handsome  Prince  (10,356),  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam. 
Princess  (6365),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  VoL  I.; 
g. -gr.-dam,  a  Merry  ton  mare.     Produce — 

SlBt  Mav,  1905,  Rienzi,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  both 
hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  TiYlll, 


EVERGREEN  (16,756);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  off  hind  foot 
white,    foaled    17th    April,    1892;     bred   by   the  Earl  of 

•  Galloway,  K.T.,  Home  Farm,  Garlieston;  property  of  Darid 
Hunter,    Drury    Lane,    Whithorn;    sire,   Orlando  (8092), 




Vol.  XIL;  dam,  Gay  Lass  (9660),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Good 
Hope  (1679),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Garlieston  (1254), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom 
of  Garlieston  (1253),  Vol.  V.,  by  Clyde  (1621),  Vol.  IV. 
Produce — 

Sk-d  June,  1904,  Myrtle,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  white 
■pot  on  both  fore  hoofheads,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2) 
l>ugald  Ross,  Streetsville,  Ontario),  by  Eureka  (11,031),  Vol.  XXIII. 

MACHRIEBEG  BESS  (16,757);  bay,' white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  May,  1885;  bred  by  Janet  M'Gonechy,  Ardnacross, 
Campbeltown ;  property  of  James  A.  Hunter,  Machriebeg, 
Campbeltown;  sire.  Rocket  (3137),  Vol.  VI.;  dam,  Jess  of 
Ardnacross  (6396),  Vol.  X.,  by  Richard  III.  (1802),  Vol.  IV.; 
gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Ardnacross  (3859),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Lome 
(499),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1903,  Maud,  brown,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid, 

Simooe,  Ontario),  by  Florizel  (12,149).  Vol.  XXVI. 

HUNTSR,  J.   *  W. 

KATE  OF  MILLEARN  (16,758) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  22nd  May,  1895;  bred  by  and 
property  of  J.  &  W.  Hunter,  Millearn,  Crieff ;  sire,  Clathick 
(7587),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Bell,  brown,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
1879,  bred  by  Mr.  M'Ewan,  Millearn,  by  Admiral  (5),  Vol.  I.; 
gr.-dam,  Bell  I.,  brown,  foaled  1873,  bred  by  Mr.  M*Ewan, 
by  Breadalbane  (114),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

15th  May,    1904,  brown,  white  stripe   on    face,   hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Ma^Earic  (10.590),  Vol.  XXI. 

Ist  Jane,  1905,  Bell,  brown,  off  hind  leg  white,  other  three  feet  white,  filly,  by 
General  BaUer  (10,760).  Vol.  XXII. 


DARLING'S  LAST  (16,759);  light  bay,  white  on  face,  white 
feet,  foaled  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Hunter,  Garthland  Mains,  Stranraer;  sire.  Prince  Robert 
(7135),  Vol.  XL ;  dam,  Old  Darling  (7365),  Vol.  XL,  by 
Tom  (877),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Puppet  (2617),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Clyde  (1102), 
Vol.  11. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Old  Farmer  (576),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  feet  white,  oolt,  by  Baron 
Houdston  (11,607),  Vol.  XXV. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  17 






VILLAGE  BEAUTY  (16,760);  brown,  white  hind  feet,  foaled 
let  June,  1898 ;  bred  by  William  Argo,  Meadaple,  Rothie- 
Norman ;  property  of  John  &  William  Maitland  Hutcheon, 
Ordley,  Auchterless,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Prince  of  Cir- 
ruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL ;  dam,  Lily  of  Carlang  (9366), 
Vol.  XIIL.  by  Auld  Reekie  (1920),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Spark 
of  Carlung  (4380),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  King  of  Kintyre  (661), 
Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Jock,  by  Rob  Roy  (714), 
Vol.  L ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Clyde  (417),  Vol  L 
Produce — 

llth  May,  1905,  Hillhead  Beauty,  browD,  white  spot  on  face,  four  white  feet, 
filly,  by  Hillhead  Chief  (10,774),  Vol.  XXII. 

NANCY  OF  ORDLEY  (16,761);  bay,  white  spots  on  face,  hind 
legs  and  off  fore  foot  white,  foaled  30th  June,  1901: 
bred  by  John  Swallow,  Priestholm,  Annan  ;  property  of 
John  &  William  Maitland  Hutcheon,  Ordley,  AuchterieEfi, 
Aberdeenshire ;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
Meg  of  Priestholm  a  5,832),  Vol.  XXVL,  by  Prince  of 
Johnstone  (9986),  Vol.  XVII. ;  gr.  dam,  light  brown,  foaled 
1882,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  338,  by  Chariie,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (302), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy  (3760),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Baron  Keir 
(34),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

17th  April,  1905,  Nellie  of  Ordley,  light  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  hind  feei 
white,  fiUy,  by  Gold  Link  (11,732),  Vol.  XXV. 


BELL  MAXWELL  (16,762);  dark  brown,  three  white  1^ 
foaled  1894;  bred  by  J.  M*Harg,  Barbuchany,  Newton- 
Stewart;  property  of  Alexander  R.  Hutchison,  Belhamie, 
Colmonell;  sire.  Sir  John  Maxwell  (9415),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam, 
Beauty  of  Barbuchany  (5589),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Robin  (703), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Balcarry,  by  Briton  (3468),  Vol.  VII. 
Produce — 

May,  1899,   Maggie  Maxwell  (16,763),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  dark  brown,  fiUy.  by 
Lord  Edwin  (10,222),  Vol.  XIX. 





MAGGIE  MAXWELL  (16,763) ;  dark  brown,  two  white  legs, 
foaled  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  Alexander  R. 
Hutchison,  Belbamie,  Colmonell ;  sire,  Lord  Edwin  (10,222), 
Vol.  XIX.  ;  dam,  Bell  Maxwell  (16,762),  VoL  XXVIIL,  by 
Sir  John  Maxwell  (9415),  Vol.  XIV.;  gr.-dam,  Beauty  of 
Barbuchany   (5589),   Vol.   IX.,   by   Robin   (703),  Vol.  L; 




g.-gr.-dani,  Jess  of  Balcarry,  by  Briton  (3468),  Vol.  VII. 
Produce — 

27ih  May,  19H  Baron  Smith  (12.845),  Vol.  XXVni.,  brown,  oolt,  by  Sylvan- 
der  (10,933),  Vol.  XXII. 


LILY  OF  AUCHENREOCH  (16,764);  light  brown,  white  stripe 
on  face,  dark  legs,  foaled  27th  May,  1897 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Andrew.  Hyslop.  Auchenreoch,  Urr,  Dalbeattie  ; 
sire,  Prince  Gladen  (9818).  Vol.  XVL;  dam,  Phemia  (2009), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  (G09),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean.    Produce — 

13th  Jnly,  1902,  Dandy,  dark  brown,  white  face,  four  logs  grey,  filly  (owned 
by  Walter  Buchanan,  Kirkhouse,  Strathblane),  by  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*), 

June.  1904,  Fanny,  brown,  white  mark  on  face,  filly,  by  Petruchio  (9967), 
Vol  XVIL 

Hay,  1905,  Mattie,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Mathias  (11,430), 
Vol.  XXIV. 


MAUD  OF  INGLESTON  (16,765);  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  near  hind  foot  white  to  pastern,  foaled  16th  April, 
1899 ;  bred  by  Adam  Gray,  Ingleston  of  Borgue,  Kirkcud- 
bright; property  of  William  Ireland,  Fairladies,  St.  Bees, 
Cumberland;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam, 
Leda  of  Muncraig  (13,453),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Archduke  (8431), 
Vol.  XIIL ;  gr.-dam,  Leda  (9704),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Scots  Wha 
Hae  (4006),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mall  II.  of  Muncraig 
(3547),  VoL  VII.,  by  Bonnie  Scotland  (1076),  Vol.  IL ; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess,  by  Lofty  (456),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dara,  Jenny,  by 
Young  Samson  (1372),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

6th  May,  1905,  St.  Beghian,  bay,  colt,  by  Red  Ticket  (10,866),  Vol.  XXII. 

VILLAGE  BELLE  (16,766);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
legs  white,  white  mark  on  off  fore  ankle,  foaled  27th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William  Ireland,  Fairladies, 
St.  Bees,  Cumberland;  sire,  Darnley  Again  (9182),  VoL  XIV. ; 
dam,  Leezie  Lindsay  (12,605),  VoL  XVIII.,  by  Rob  Roy 
Macgregor  (9659),  VoL  XV. ;  gr.-dam,  Leonora  of  Torrs 
(11,566),  VoL  XV.,  bv  Lyon  of  Purdomstoun  (4549), 
VoL  VIII. ;,  Jean  of  Seafield  (6662),  VoL  X.,  by 
General  Neil  (1143),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  (1363), 
VoL  v.,  by  Garibaldi  (2115),  VoL  V.     Produce- 

dOth  Mav,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  faoe.  colt,  by  Baron's  Fashion  (10,973), 

Vol.  xxiii. 





DAISY  OF  EARNHILL  (16,767) ;  brown,  foaled  1897  ;  bred  by 
J.  MacDouald,  Pennygown,  Campbeltown;  property  of  (1) 
David  Riddell,  Blackball,  Paisley;  (2)  Telfer  F.  Ironaide, 
late  of  Earnbill,  New  Deer,  Aberdeensbire ;  sire,  Grood  Gift 
(10,564),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam,  Jess  of  Pennygown  (9913), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince  David  (643),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Molly, 
by  Johnnie  Cope  (417),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  MoU,  by 
Loudoun  Tam  (508),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

Mhj,  1903,  Rose  of  BlackhaU,  dark  bay,  white  faoe,  fore  legs  white  to  knMi, 
ue&r  hind  leg  white  to  bock,  a  little  white  ou  off  hind  pAstern,  fiUy  (owned  \n 
John  Scott,  HoUj  Mount,  Carndonagh,  Donegal),  by  Canongate  (10,5SlL 
Vol.  XXI. 


LADY  CAERICK  (16,768);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind 
foot  wbite,  foaled  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Archibald  Jackson,  Craigendmuir,  Stepps  Koad ;  sire,  Royal 
Carrick  (10,270),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Missie  II.  (14,262), 
Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXL; 
gr.-dam,  Missie  of  Craif<endmuir  (14,260),  Vol.  XXIIL,  bv 
Mains  of  Keir  (8834),  Vol.  XIIL  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie-full 
sister  to  Bell  (8560),  Vol.  XII.— by  Darnley  (222),  VoL  L: 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by  Clydesdale  Tom  (177),  Vol  L; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  a  Glasgow  prize  borse  about  18.58;,  Lily,  by  General  Williams  (326),  VoL  I. 
Produce — 

2nd  June,  litOo,  Togo,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  oolt.  by 
Marconi  (11.817),  Vol.  XXV. 

LORNA  DOONE  (16,769) ;  brown,  wbite  mark  on  face,  near  fore 
leg  dark,  otber  tbree  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Archibald  Jackson,  Craigendmuir,  Stepps 
Road;  sire.  Royal  Carrick  (10,270),  VoL  XIX.;  dam, 
Missie  III.  of  Craigendmuir  (15,102),  Vol.  XXV..  by 
Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. ;  gr.-dam,  Missie  of 
Craigendmuir  (14,260),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Mains  of  Keir 
(8834),  Vol.  XIIL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie— full  sister  to  Bell 
(8560),  Vol.  XII.— by  Darnley  (222),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Nancy,  by  Clydesdale  Tom  (177),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-daffl* 
Jess,  by  a  Glasgow  prize  horse  of  1858;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  General  Williams  (326),  VoL  L     Produce— 

9th  April,  1905.  bay,  '  bell '  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Koytl  Cbatton 
(11.486),  Vol.  XXV. 





BONNIE  BESSIE  LEE  (16,770);  brown,  bell  and  stripe  on 
face,  off  fore  leg  and  near  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white  on 
other  two  legs,  foaled  23rd  April,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  pro- 

g^rty  of  George  Jackson,  Hayston,  Kirkintilloch ;  sire.  Lord 
orthesk  (11,102),  Vol.  XXIIL ;   dam,  Bessie  of  Hayston 
(15,580),  Vol.  XXVL,  by  Scotch  Pearl  (2949),  Vol.  VI. ; 
Mam,  Jean  (1105),  Vol.  V.,  by  Donald   Dinnie  (1116), 
'ol.  II.     Produce — 


23rd  Maj,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  bj 
Marooni  (11,817),  Vol  XXV. 


BLACKIE  (16,771);  black,  white  face,  far  hind  foot  white, 
foaled  7th  April,  1890;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
M'D.  Jamieson,  Tynehead,  Mid-Lothian;  sire,  St.  Stephen 
(7231),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam.  Brown  Sally  (8565),  Vol.  XII.,  by 
Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam,  Black  Sally  (2429), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Black  Comet  (66),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Nancy, 
by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2l8t  April,  1904,  dark  brown,  white  star  on  face,  far  hind  foot  white,  oolt  (bred 
by  Andrew  M.  Alexander,  SamueUton,  West  Mains,  Haddington),  by  Sir  Nigel 
(11,947),  Vol.  XXV. 

2nd  Hay,  1906,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  stripe  on  far  fore  foot,  other 
three  feet  white,  filly  (bred  by  A  M.  Alexander  ;  owned  by  J.  M*D.  Jamieson), 
by  Sir  Blundell  (12.364),  Vol.  XXVI. 

JABDINX,   SIR  R.   W.   BUCHANAN,   Burt. 

LADY  MADGE  OF  CASTLEMILK  (16,772);  dark  bay,  white 
stripe  on  face,  white  spot  on  near  fore  foot,  hind  legs  white 
to  hocks,  foaled  26th  April,  1900 ;  bred  by  the  late  Sir  R. 
Jardine,  Bart.,  Gastlemilk,  Lockerbie ;  property  of  Sir  R.  W. 
Buchanan  Jardine,  Bart.,  Gastlemilk,  Lockerbie;  sire, 
Blacon  Macgregor  (10,167),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Madge  of 
Holmhead,  foaled  1896,  bred  by  Sir  R.  Jardine,  by  Royal 
Standard  (9847),  Vol.  XVL ;  gr.-dam,  Madge  of  Gastlemilk 
(8568),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Victor  Chief  (1856),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Maggie  (20),  Vol.  II.,  by  Samson  (740),  Vol.  I.; 
;..g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Biggar  (45),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
laggie,  by  Clyde  (165),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 


18th  April,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  legs  white  to 
koee  and  hocks,  off  fore  and  hina  legs  white  to  fetlook  joints.  Ally,  br  Gartly 
Gold  (10,755).  Vol.  XXII. 





MEG  OF  LOCHWOOD  (16,773);  black,  foaled  1900;  bred  by 
John  Ismay,  Browneison,  Wigton,  Cumberland;  property 
of  A.  R  Johnston,  Lochwood  Farm,  Beattock;  sire,  Wnee 
of  Princes  (9088),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Darling,  bred  by  John 
Ismay,  by  Darnley  Again  (9182),  Vol.  XIV.;  gr.  dam,  bred 
by  ThomajB  Ismay,  Lesson  Hall,  Wigton,  by  Grartsherrie 
(2800),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

Maj,  1905,  Lochwood  Tom,  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  hind  1^  white, 
colt,  by  Ascot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. 


MAGGIE  OF  KILLOCRAW  (16,774);  bay,  foaled  1893; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Hugh  Johnston,  Killocraw. 
Campbeltown;  sire.  Barrister  (10,312),  Vol.  XX.;  dam, 
Jess  of  Ballochgair,  bred  by  the  late  Hugh  Maxwell, 
Ballochgair,  Campbeltown,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam, 
Lily,  bred  by  the  late  Hugh  Maxwell,  by  Lofty  III.  (469), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1902,  Maggie  Ronald,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Inger^oU,  Ontario),  by 
Sir  Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 

1898,  Jess  of  Killocraw  (16,775),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  light  bay,  filly,  by  Gold  Mark 
(11,368),  VoL  XXIV. 

JESS  OF  KILLOCKAW  (16,775) ;  light  bay,  white  on  fece, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Hugh  Johnston,  Killocraw,  Campbeltown ;  sire,  Grold  Mark 
(11,358),  Vol.  XXIV.;  dam,  Maggie  of  Killocraw  (16,774), 
Vol.  XXVIII,  by  Barrister  (10  312),  Vol.  XX.;  gr.-dam, 
Jess  of  Ballochgair,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Lofty  III.  (469),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1902,  Lily  Johnston,  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  white  marks  on  both 
fore  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew  ;  (2)  S.  J. 
Prouse,  IngersoU,  Ontario),  by  Florizel  (12,149),  VoL  XXVI. 


BESSIE  OF  RATHILLET  (16,776);  bay,  white  face,  foaled 
10th  May,  1885 ;  bred  by  David  Carswell,  Rathillet,  Capar< 
Fife ;  property  of  John  Keith,  Balgay,  Dundee ;  sire,  Lord 
Macduff  (2970),  Vol.  VI. ;  dam,  Missie  of  the  Mains  (4288), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Bonnie  Breaatknot  (108),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  by 
Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (666),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

3rd  May,  1892,   Nannie  of  Noranbank  (12,935),   Vol.   XIX.,  bay,  fiUy.   by 
Prince  of  Scotia  (7161),  Vol.  XI. 




WILHELMINA  (16,777);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg 
and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1902;  bred  by  Miss 
Murdoch,  Tallochbeg,  Uuntly;  property  of  Charles  Kemp, 
Auchencrieve,  Rothiemay ;  sire,  Prince  Harold  (9973), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam.  Lady  Grange  (16,714),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by 
Monereiife  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XVII. ;  gr.-dam,  May  of 
TuUochbeg  (16,974),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Lord  Lennox, 
Vol.  VI.,  p.  412;  g. -gr.-dam,  Queen,  by  Prince  Royal  (650), 
Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Noble  Grand  (3035),  Vol.  VI. 
Produce — 

3rd  Jane,  1906,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Silver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MOLLY  (16,778);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  leg 
and  off  fore  leg  white,  foaled  1892;  bred  by  J.  &  W.  Rieg, 
High  Banks,  Kirkcudbright;  property  of  James  Kennedy, 
Beastockrigg,  Johnstone  Bridge,  Lockerbie ;  sire,  Prince 
Damley  (8133),  Vol.  XIL ;  dam,  Banks  Daisy  (10,133), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Hamlet  (4433),  Vol.  VIIL ;  gr.^am,  Fanny 
of  Bombie  (3104),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Sir  Colin  (3188),  Vol.  VL 
Produce — 

13th  June,  1888,  Nell  of  Beastockrigg  (15,589),  Vol.  XXVI.,  brown,  filly,  by 
Fitz^llaat  (9209),  Vol.  XIV. 

lOfeh  May,  1901,  Prince  of  the  Roses  (12,290),  Vol.  XXVI.,  dark  brown  with  a 
white  hair,  colt,  by  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  VoL  XVII. 

90th  June,  1905,  Prinoe  Edward,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  black, 
other  three  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

GLORY  (16,779);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  29th  May,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
Kennedy,  Beastockrigg,  Johnstone  Bridge,  Lockerbie ;  sire. 
King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam,  Nell  of 
Beastockrigg  (15,589),  Vol.  XXVL,  by  Fitz  Gallant  (9209), 
Vol.  XIV.;  gr.-dam,  Molly  (16,778),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by 
PrincH  Damley  (8133),  Vol.  XII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Banks  Daisy 
(10,133),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Hamlet  (4433),  Vol.  VIIL  ;  g.g. -gr.- 
dam,  Fanny  of  Bombie  (3104),  Vol.  VL,  by  Sir  Colin  (3188), 
Vol.  VL     Produce— 

16th  Maj,  1905,  SUver  Sand,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  near  hind  leg  white, 
other  three  dark,  colt,  by  Asoot  (10,494),  VoL  XXI. 





BELL  OF  HARVIESTOUN  (16,780) ;  light  bay,  with  grey 
hairs,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1900 ;  bred  by  Henry 
Gray,  Hawkhill,  Kincardine-on-Forth ;  property  of  (1)  Mr, 
M'Naughton,  Middleton,  CrieflF;  (2)  J.  Ernest  Kerr, 
Harviestoun,  Dollar;  sire,  Harbinger  (10,565),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Jane  of  Hawkhill  (15,065),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Flashwood 
(3604),  Vol.  Vn. ;  gr.-dam,  Vicarine,  by  M'Vicar  (5204), 
Vol.  IX. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Crown  Prince  (206),  vol.  L 
Produce — 

1906,  roan,  white  face  and  legs,  colt,  by  Bevelanta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXY. 

BARON'S  BEAUTY  (16,781);  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  and 
hind  legs  white,  near  fore  pastern  white,  foaled  25th  April 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  J.  Ernest  Kerr,  Harviestoniu 
Dollar;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Kate 
Loudon  (8753),  Vol.  XH.,  by  What  Care  I  (912),  Vol.  I.; 
gr.-dam,  Bess  of  Camregan  (5292),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Elari  of 
Buchan  (264),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean.     Produce — 

1904,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  aUy,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,690),  Vol.  XXI. 

1906,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  Ally,  by  Royal  Favouhte 
(10,680),  Vol.  XXI.  -«././       J 

NELLIE  OF  HARVIESTOUN  (16,782);  bay,  white  stripe  od 
face,  near  fore  leg  partly  white,  other  three  le^  white, 
foaled  2 let  May,  1901  ;  bred  by  Henry  Gray,  Hawkhill, 
Rincardine-on-Forth ;  property  of  J.  Ernest  Kerr,  Har- 
viestoun, Dollar;  sire,  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Jane  of  Hawkhill  (15,066),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Flashwood 
(3604),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Vicarine,  by  M'Vicar  (5204). 
Vol.  IX. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Crown  Prince  (206),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  stripe  od  near  fore  leg,  other  three  legs  white,  odt, 
by  Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 

ROSEDEW  (16,783) ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs, 
foaled  28th  May,  1901  ;  bred  by  Leonard  Pilkingion, 
Cavens,  Dumfries ;  property  of  J.  Ernest  Kerr,  Harviestoun, 
Dollar;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam.  Queen 
of  the  Roses  (12,302),  Vol.  XVII.,  by  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam.  Moss  Rose  (6203),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Prince  Charlie  (634),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Rosebud  (ISU), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Rose 




of  But6  (89),  Vol.  II.,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  II. ; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Mettle,  by  Sir  James  (4019),  Vol.  VII. 
Froduce — 

1906    bay,   white  spot  on  forehead,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  Hood 
(11,260),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ROSIE  OF  EAST  HALKET  (16,784);  black,  white  stripe  on 
face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  April,  1899 ;  bred  by  Matthew 
Gilmour,  Greenhills,  Beith ;  property  of  James  Kerr,  East 
Halket,  Dunlop,  Ayrshire;  sire,  Moncreiffe  Duke  (10,092), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Daisy,  bred  by  Thos.  Speirs,  Fortacres, 
Dundonald,  by  St.  Blaise  (3987),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  bred 
by  Robert  Caldwell,  Inchgotrick,  Riccarton,  by  Cairnbrogie 
Keir  (1993),  Vol.  V.  Produce- 
May,  1904,  Rosebud,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  ankles,  filly  (owned  by 

Andrew  Clark,  Fingart,  Dunlop),  by  General  French  (11,048),  Vol.  XXIII. 


ROSIE  OF  ERSKINE  (16,785) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  Thomas  Thomlinson, 
Hosket  Hill,  Kirkbampton ;  property  of  (1)  W.  S.  Park, 
Hatton,  Bishopton ;  (2)  Robert  Kerr,  Erskine  Home  Farm, 
Bishopton ;  sire,  Eastfield  Gallant  (7680),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam, 
Jess  of  Dalmuir,  foaled  June,  1887 — dam  of  Lord  Strath- 
cona  (11,802),  Vol.  XXV.— bred  by  T.  Thomlinson,  Hosket 
Hill,  by  Border  Style  (5572),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  bay, 
foaled  1881,  by  Topsman  —  NichoFs ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of 
Warwick  (16,307),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (477),  Vol.  I.; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  a  mare  by  Glenelg  (357),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt  (F.B.  and  owner, 
Robert  Kerr),  by  Kiccarton  (11.481),  Vol.  XXIV. 

May,   1906.  white  stripe  on  faoe,   three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Sir  Randolph 
(12,372).  Vol.  XXVI. 

KERR,  WHiUAJC,  Hondston. 

IMOGENS  (16,786) ;  dark  brown,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  foot 
white,  foaled  19th  May,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Kerr,  Houdston,  Girvan;  sire.  Enigma  (10,739), 
Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Nancy  Snodgrass  (14,639),  Vol.  XXIV., 
by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam.  Lady 
Grange  (13,483),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Earl  Grange  (4350), 
Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Darling  (1612),  Vol.  V.,  by  Earl  of 
Buchan  (264),    V  ol.  I. ;   g.-g.-gr.-dam,   Susie,   by   Lochend 




Champion  (448),  Vol.  I. ;   g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lofty  (456), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

27th  May,  1905,  Baron  Bill,  dark  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  eolt,  by 
Baron'B  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

KBBB,  WILLIAM,  Littte  Biohorn. 

SALLY  OF  LITTLE  RICHORN  (16,787);  bay,  stripe  on  face, 
fore  pasterns  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  10th  May,  1899 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  William  Kerr,  Little  Richom. 
Dalbeattie ;  sire,  Merchiston  (10,236),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam. 
Dandy  of  Blackhills  (10,006),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Gilderoy 
(1438),  Vol.  IIL;  gr.-dam,  Nanny  of  Blackhills  (4923), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Prince  (609),  Vol.  I. ;  g.  gr.-dam,  Nanny  L  of 
Blackhills.     Produce — 

23rd  June,  1903,  Peggy,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white,  fillj 
gowned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Rusaell,  Ontario),  b? 
Baron  Primrose  (10,980),  Vol.  XXIII. 


LADY  FRIVOL  (16,788);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore 
pasterns  and  off  hind  leg  white,  foaled  10th  May,  1901 ; 
bred  by  J.  Ernest  Kerr,  Harviestoun,  Dollar ;  property  of 
James  Kilpatrick,  Craigie  Mains,  Kilmarnock;  sire,  Roval 
Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Gaiety  (6127),  Vol.  X., 
by  Royal  Sovereign  (3151),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam,  Miss  of 
Glamis  Mains  (978),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

12th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Baron  of 
Buchly  vie  (11,263).  Vol.  XXIV. 

DAISY  BELL  (16,789) ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
white,  little  white  on  off  hind  foot,  foaled  5th  September, 
1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Kilpatrick,  Craigie 
Mains,  Kilmarnock ;  sire.  Prince  Alick  (10,100),  Vol.  XVIII.; 
dam,  Dorories  (16,165),  Vol.  XXVII.,  by  Sir  Everanl  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  Black  Beauty  (12,943),  Vol.  XIX.,  by 
Laughton  (8750),  Vol.  XIII. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Letitia  (10,758), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX. ;  g.-g.-gr.-d«n, 
Lady  Lawrence  (3736),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jemima,  by  Young  Lord  Ljon 
(994),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Darling,  by  Prince  Alfred 
(619),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gg.-g. -gr.-dam,  Hawkie,  by  Samson 
(741),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g. -g.-g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Kate.     Produce— 

31st  May,  1905,  brown,  white  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Baron  of 
Buohlyvie  (11,263),  VoL  XXIV. 




BELL  OF  NAPIERSTON  (16,790);  bay,  face  and  legs  white, 
foaled  12th  May,  1895;  bred  by  the  late  Robert  M'Nair, 
Westerton,  Bearsden ;  property  of  Mrs.  Kinloch,  Napierston, 
Bonhill ;  sire.  Royal  Signet  (8967),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam.  Miss 
(Joodwood  (12,564),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Flash  wood  (3604), 
Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam.  Ringlet  (11,506),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Knight 
of  Ellerslie  (3737),  Vol.  VII. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Westerton 
(4853),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Monkcastle  Prince  (542),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Samson  (3164),  Vol.  VI.     Produce — 

28th  May,  1900,  fiUy.  bj  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

14th  Ma  J,  1902,  dead  f  oaL 

lit  June,  1904,  Kinlooh  (13,050),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  dark  brown,  colt  (owned  by 
John  Findlay,  Springhill,  by  Baillieston),  by  Baden  Powell  (10,963),  Vol.  XXIII. 

5th  June,  1905,  black,  filly,  by  Baron  Leven  (12,831),  Vol.  XXVIII. 

FLORINDA  (16,791) ;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot 
white,  with  black  spot  on  outside,  hind  legs  white  half  way 
to  hocks,  blue  streaks  of  horn,  both  feet,  foaled  24th 
April,  1 901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Alex.  B.  Kydd, 
Ferryden  Farm,  Montrose ;  sire,  Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370), 
Vol.  XX.;  dam.  Flora  Montrose  (11,838),  Vol.  XVL,  by 
Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam, 
Hawkie  (5120),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Young  Pride  of  Scotland 
(1368),  Vol.  II.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Evelyn  (4223),  Vol.  VIL,  by 
Time  o'  Day  (876),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Barns  Maggie 
(28),  Vol.  II.,  by  Farmer  (1134),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

29feh  May,  1906,  May  Bloom,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face  down  over  off  nostril, 
near  fore  foot  and  pastern  white,  near  hind  leg  white  to  hook,  other  two  legs 
black,  fiHy,  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10.837),  VoL  XXII. 

FISHER  GIKL  (16,792);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  legs  white 
almost  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  20th  May,  1902  ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Alex.  B.  Kydd,  Ferryden  Farm,  Montrose ; 
sire,  Moncreiffe  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam.  Flora 
.  Montrose  (11,838),  Vol.  xVl,  by  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton 
(4122),  Vol.  VIL;  gr.-dam,  Hawkie  (5120),  Vol.  VIIL,  by 
Young  Pride  of  Scotland  (1368),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Evelyn 
(4223),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Barns  Maggie  (28),  Vol.  IL,  by  Farmer  (1134),  Vol.  IL 
Produce — 

5th  MaT,  190a,  Maid  of  the  Ferry,  bay,  round  white  spot  on  forehead,  fore  legs 
white  to  kneea,  near  hind  leg  white  to  hock,  off  hind  foot  and  fetlock  white,  filly, 
by  Pride  of  Blaeon  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 





MARY  KYLE  (16,793) ;  dark  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  foiled 
June,  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Andrew  Kyle,  Mair 
head  Farm,  Elderslie ;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.: 
dam,  Kate  Kyle  (12,808),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Macgregor  (14^7). 
Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam.  Pansy  of  Carlung  (4381),  Vol.  VUL,  bj 
Boydston  Boy  (111),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Hatton  Polly  (352^ 
Vol.  II.,  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam. 
Bell,  by  Young  Wattie  (1042),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
July,  1902,  black,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  oolt  (castrated ;  oiRmed  br 

John  Crawford,  Moasenn,  Lochwinnoch),  by  Royal  Peer  (11,175),  Vol.  XXIIL 

1903,  no  foal. 

1904,  no  foal. 

Jnne,  1905,  black,  stripe  on  face,  fonr  white  feet,  fiUr,  by  Clan    Chailsa 
(10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

MAGGIE  KYLE  (16,794) ;  light  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  1898;  bred  by  John  Torrance,  Dead  waters, 
Lesmahagow ;  property  of  Andrew  Kyle,  Muirhead  Farm, 
Elderslie ;  sire,  Prince  of  Kintyre  (8922),  Vol.  XIII.  :  dun, 
Maggie,  brown,  hind  legs  and  one  fore  leg  white,  bred  by 
Arch.  Jackson,  Craigendmuir,  Stepps  Road,  by  Premier  Prince, 
Vol.  X.,  p.  72 ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie— full  sister  to  Bell— (8560), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Damley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by 
Clydesdale  Tom  (177),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by 
Glasgow  prize  horse  about  1856 ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  bred 
in  Kintyre,  by  General  Williams  (326),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1902,  light  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Sir  Hugo 

(10,924),  Vol.  XXII. 

1903.  Mossend  Maggie,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  filly  (owned  br 
(1)  John  Crawford,  Moesend,  Loohwinnooh ;  (2)  W.  S.  Park ;  (3)  G.  E.  Bud, 
Simooe,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Edmnnd  (11,192),  Vol.  XXIII. 

COUNTY  BELLE  (16,795);  bay,  white  face,  three  white  1<^ 
foaled  1900;  bred  by  David  Reid,  Kilwhipnach,  Campbel- 
town ;  property  of  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew : 
(2)  St.  Clair  Cunningham,  Hedderwickhill,  Danbar;  (S) 
Andrew  Kyle,  Muirhead  Farm,  Elderslie;  sire,  Connty 
Fashion  (10,050),  Vol.  XVIIL  ;  dam,  Fanny  of  Kilwhipnach 
(1,3,584),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Times  Again  (9063),  Vol.  XHL : 
'.-dam,  Fanny  of  Oatfield  (6655),  Vol.  X.,  by  Lome  (499), 
ol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Johnnie  Cope  (417),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 


June,  1904,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Clan  Cbattan 
(10,527).  Vol.  XXI. 

June,  1905,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  oolt,  by  Clan  Ghattan 
(10,627),  Vol.  XXI. 





LOVIE  11.  (16,796) ;  chestnut,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot 
and  hind  feet  white,  foaled  7th  May,  1888;  bred  by  John 
Reid,  Culhay,  Alford ;  property  of  George  Laing,  Oldmill, 
Coull,  Tarland,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire,  Druid  Chief  (2061), 
Vol.  V. ;  dam,  Maggie  (6654),  Vol.  X.,  by  Waverley  (2505), 
Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Lovie  (1664),  Vol.  V,  by  Pilot  (588), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess.     Produce — 

19th  June,  1904,  Gip,  chestnut,  white  face,  off  fore  foot  and  bind  feet  white, 
fiUy,  by  Gairioch  (8632),  Vol.  XIII. 


MARY  OF  FAULDS  (16,797);  brown,  white  stripe  down  face, 
near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1897;  bred  by 
and  property  of  John  Laird,  Faulds,  Kilmacolm ;  sire.  Royal 
Exchange  (10,000),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Victoria,  grey,  foaled 
1885,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  270,  by  Rosehall— Scott's ;  gr.-dam,  Katie 
of  Faulds  (5520),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Rob  Roy  (2379),  Vol.  V. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Sovereign  (812),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

15ih  June,  1903,  Faulds  Lass,  light  brown,  white  face,  white  legs  to  knees  and 
hocks,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Siracoe,  Ontario),  by 
Golden  Gleam  (11,730),  Vol.  XXV. 

JESS  OF  FAULDS  (16,798);  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  foaled 
June,  1900;  bred  by  George  Findlater,  Jerviswood  Mains, 
Lanark ;  property  of  John  Laird,  Faulds,  Kilmacolm ;  sire. 
Black  Rod  (10,509),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam,  Lady  Grizzel  (13,790), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
DelUah  (11,809),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Mag  of  Auchengoll  (2418),  Vol  VI.,  by  Samson 
(741),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Nell,  by  Montrose  (544),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

7th  May,   1904,  dark  brown,  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  leg  white  round 
pasiem,  oif  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  dark,  filly,  by  The  Summit  (9442),  Vol.  XIV. 

29th  May,  1906,  light  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white  nearly  to  hock, 
colt,  by  Prince  OaUant  (6176),  Vol.  X. 

LAltBART,  Major  O.   F.   W.,  C.V.O. 

EDNA  MAY  (16,799);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  25th  April,  1900;  bred  by  Robert  Paton,  Knocken- 
dale,  Symington;   property  of  Major  G.  F.  W.  Lambert, 




C.V.O.,  Beau  Pare,  Co.  Meath;  sire,  Ethiopia  (5750), 
Vol.  X.;  dam,  Mall  of  Knockendale  (11,560),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
St.  Blaise  (3987),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Mall  of  Chapel 
(2729),  Vol.  VL,  by  Lochfergus  (1730),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr-dam, 
Kate,  by  Clyde  (1621),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

27th  May,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  and  off  hind  leg  white, 
white  stripe  inside  near  hind  leg.  filly,  by  King  Tom  (11.773),  Vol.  XXV. 


MAGGIE  (16,800) ;  light  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  1888;  bred  by  John  Dykes,  Old  Inns, 
Cumbernauld ;  property  of  James  Lambie,  Bonnyton  Moor, 
Eaglesham ;  sire,  MacNeil  (4566),  Vol.  VIII. ;  dam,  Jess, 
bred  by  John  Dykes,  Kipps,  Coatbridge,  by  Springfield 
Laddie  (818),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Gartverrie  Old 
Horse  (575),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1893,  brown,  filly  (sold),  by  Warlock— Mather's. 

1894,  brown,  filly  (dead),  by  Sir  John  Maxwell  (9415),  Vol.  XIV. 
:    1895,  foal  (dead). 

1896,  filly  (dead). 

3rd  May,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Rathillet  (11,870), 
Vol.  XXV. 


MAGGIE  DARNLEY  (16,801);  dark  brown,  spot  on  face,  hind 
pastern  white,  foaled  May,  1895  ;  bred  by  Alexander  Picken, 
Aulton,  Kilmaurs ;  property  of  Thomas  Lammie,  Steelpark, 
Ochiltree,  Ayrshire;  sire,  Double  Darnlev  (10,055),  Vol. 
XVIIF. ;  dam,  Magrecia  (12,612),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Orlando 
(8092),  Vol.  XII.:  gr.-dam.  Lady  Osbaldistone  (10,716), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Osbaldistone  (3874),  Vol.  VII. :  g. -gr.-dam, 
Madanae  Favart  (5492),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Kenmuir  Prince  (1459). 
Vol.  III.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Better  (647),  Vol.  III.,  by  Kenmuir 
(426),  Vol.  I.;   g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess.     Produce — 

29th  April,  1903,  Mary  Fleming,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  a  little 
white  on  far  hind  ankle,  dark  legs,  filly,  by  CioquevaUi  (11,011),  Vol.  XXia 

1904,  light  brown,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  ankles  white,   colt  (oastrated),  by 
Marconi  (11,817),  Vol.  XXV. 

1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  ankles  white,  wit. 
by  Prince  Betimes  (11,848),  Vol.  XXV. 

UkmE,   B.   H. 

PRINCESS  LILY  (16,802);   bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore 
foot  and  part  of  near  fore  ifoot  white,  foaled   15th  May, 




1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  B.  H.  Lane,  Rush  Hall, 
Limavady;  sire,  Aerial  Prince  (10,665),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam, 
Lady  Lilian  (14,644),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Montrave  Mosstrooper 
(9806),  Vol.  XVL;  gr.-dam,  Ladv  Lily  (12,811),  Vol.  XIX., 
by  Lord  Glencairn  (7957),  Vol.  XIL  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Itoyal  Lily 
(9847),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  His  Royal  Highness  (2165),  Vol.  V. ; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Sauchie  (8829),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Prince 
Chariie  (628),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

28th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  white,  white  Books  on  other 
three  legs,  filly,  by  Flash  Sturdy  (11,710),  Vol.  XXV. 


LADY  LONDONDERRY  (16,803);  brown,  white  bell  on  face, 
near  legs  black,  off  legs  white,  foaled  22nd  July,  1900; 
bred  by  James  Lang  &  SSons,  Aitkenhead,  Clackmannan; 
property  of  James  Lang  &  Sons,  Linbank,  Dollar;  sire, 
Lonl  Londonderry  (10,585),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Maggie  of 
Southfield  (8388),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Remarkable  (3949),  Vol.  VII. ; 

fr.-dara,  Maggie — dam  of  Darling  (6820)  and  Rose  (4805). 
roduce — 

16th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Baron  Briton  (10,678), 
Vol.  XXII. 


ROSIE  OF  BEILD  (16,804);  foaled  1892;  bred  by  the  late 
Thomas  MTarlane,  Grawtree,  Gargunnock;  property  of 
John  .Lang,  Beild,  Gargunnock ;  sire.  Mountain  Boy  (6099), 
Vol.  X. ;  dam.  Darling  of  Crawtree,  bred  by  Thomas 
M'Farlane,  by  Bay  Comet  (1058),  Vol.  IL  ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by 
Mr.  McQueen,  Tarr,  Ruskie,  Stirlingshire,  by  Dainty  Davie 
(213),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
June,  1902,  Ladv  Jane,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by 

W.  H.  Bryoc,  Areola,  Ana.,  N.W.T.),  by  Royal  Favourite  (10.630),  Vol.  XXI. 


NELL  OF  SHENNANTON  (16,805);  brown,  white  star  on 
face,  foaled  May,  1893;  bred  by  Hugh  M'Master,  Blairbuy, 
Port-WiUiam ;  property  of  William  P.  Laurie,  Shennanton, 
Kirkcowan ;  sire,  Gregor  Macgregor  (5842),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
Maggie  of  Blairbuy  (9967),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Warrior  (902), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  of  Blairbuy  (8804),  Vol.  XII.,  by 
Lofty  (460),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
Hay,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  bv  Dash  wood 

(11,676),  Vol.  XXV. 




FANNY  OF  SHENNANTON  (16,806);  dark  bay,  star  on  fiwe, 
dark  feet,  foaled  13th  June,  1897;  bred  by  the  late  Robert 
H.  Laurie,  Kirkcowan;  property  of  William  P.  Laurie, 
Shennanton,  Kirkcowan;  sire,  Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151), 
Vol.  XIL;  dam,  Arnott  (12,812),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Top  Knot 
(6360),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Susie  of  Aird  (4508),  Vol.  VIU., 
by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  General 
Williams  (326),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Cleeber  (152), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

25th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  and  off  fore  leg  white, 
filly,  by  Stalwart  (12,380).  Vol.  XXVI. 

BLOSSOM  OF  SHENNANTON  (16,807);  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  near  fore  foot  black,  others  white,  foaled  2l8t  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton-Stewart;  property 
of  William  P.  Laurie,  Shennanton,  Kirkcowan ;  sire,  Labori 
(10,791),  Vol.  XXII.;  dam,  Queen  of  Beailty  (13,184), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Top  Knot  (6360),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie 
of  Bariiean  (3882),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.dam.  Low  Ardwell  Bell,  by  Scotland  (1814),  Vol.  IV. 
Produce — 

2l8t  June,  1905,  black,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  leg  and  both  hind  Icgi 
white,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

LILY  OF  SHENNANTON  (16,808);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  fore 
legs  white,  foaled  5th  May,  1902 ;  bred  by  the  late  Robert 
H.  Laurie,  Kirkcowan;  property  of  William  P.  Laurie, 
Shennanton,  Kirkcowan;  sire.  Top  Knot  II.  (10,472), 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Bess  of  Kirkcowan  (14,645),  Vol.  XXIV., 
by  Orlando  (8092),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam,  Matty  of  Doonhill 
(8309),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Garnet  Cross  (1662),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Arbrack  (755),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Glengamock 
alias  General  Williams  (327),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Matty. 
Produce — 

8th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  and  off  hind  leg  white,  colt, 
by  Baroneon  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIII. 

LAVKRDB,   Mrs. 

MAGGIE  OF  CRAIGDHU  (16,809);  light  brown,  white  face, 
white  on  hind  legs,  foaled  June,  1895;  bred  by  the  late 
John  Parlane,  Craigdhu,  Whithorn ;  property  of  Mrs.  Grace 
Laverie,  Cairnheads,  Isle  of  Whithorn;  sire,  Belvidere 
(9128),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam.  Lady  Clara  (13,993),  Vol.  XXII.. 




by   Lord    Erskine  .(1744),    Vol.    IV.;    gr.-dam,   TowDfoot 
Darling,  by  The  Laird  (865),  Vol.  L     Produce^ 

Hay,  1S04,  Ruby,  bay,  white  striiie  on.  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  John  Wilson ;  (2)  A.  ft  W.  Montgomerr ;  (3)  Willism  Meharey,  RasselJ, 
Ontario),  by  Lord  Sunwick  (11.414),  Vol.  XXf  V. 

LAW,   A.  W. 

NELLY  KYLE  (16,810) ;  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  £q<\t  and 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  26th  May,  1899;  bred  by  and 
property  of  A.  W.  Law,  Whiterow,  Forres ;  sire.  Prince 
of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam,  Nellie  of  Sanquhar  (12,529), 
Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Westfield  Chief  (6390),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
NelUe  of  Gouagedale  (10,301),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Johnny  (414), 
Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  May  of  Boharm  (9849),  Vol.  XIIL,  by 
Never  Mind  Him  (557),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

drd  May,  1903i»  NeUie  Carriok,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  fillj  (owoed 
by  Thomas  Mereer,  Markdale,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Oarrick  (10,270),  Vol.  XIX. 

30tfa  April,  1905,  Bonnie  Jean,  bay,  white  stripe  ion  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind 
feet  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,202),  Vol.  XIX. 

LAW,   OHARf.M  X. 

REGINA  OF  HOLL  (16,811);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foiled  6th  June,  1892;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Charles  E.  Law,  Holl  Farm,  Boharm,  Keith;  sire,  The 
Regent  (5408),  Vol.  IX.;  dam,  Gip  of  Holl  (11,421), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  General  Gordon  (4168),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.^am, 
Meg  alias  Sally  (11,584),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Champion  of  Moray 
(138),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  foaled  about  1867. 
Produce — 

May,  1901,  Rose  of  Holl,  bay,  stripe  on)  face,  lilnd  feet  white,  filly,  by  Mon* 
tvave  ^ntinel  (1Q|094),  Vol.  XVIII. 

18th  April,  1905,  Gladys  of  Holl,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  VoL  XIX. 


JIP  (16,812);  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled 
May,  1876;  bred  by  the  late  John  Blaqjk,  Overhill, 
Newhills,  Aberdeenshire ;  property  of  Peter  Law,  Fern- 
hill,  Countesswells,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire,  Farmer^s  Glory — 
M'Robbie's — App.,  Vol.  I. ;  dam,  Mallie,  bought  in  Inverurie, 
by  Sovereign  (2423),  Vol.  V.     Produce — 

Meg  of  FemhiU,  dark  brown,  with  a  white  hair,  fiUy,  by  Dusty  MUler  (359), 
VoL  I. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  18 





BETT  (16,813);  black,  face  and  feet  white,  foaled  20th  May, 
1892  ;  bred  b}'  Thomas  Webster,  Nisbetfield,  Collessie,  Fift; 
property  of  John  Lawson,  of  CarristoD,  Markinch,  Fife; 
sire,  Prince  of  Scotia  (7161),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Jess  of 
Nisbetfield  (11,149),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Sir  William  (800), 
Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam.  Queen  of  Nisbetfield  (11,148),  VoL  XD^, 
by  Thumper',  g. -gr.-dam,  by  Glancer  (1440),  VoL  III. 
Produce — 

16th  May,  1903,  K»te,  black,  with  white  on  face  and  hind  legs,  aUj,  by  Baraii 
Uwrence  (10,030),  Tol.  XVIIL 

25th  May,  1904,  Lady  Frances,  bay,  with  white  on  face  and  legs,  fiDy,  bf 
Manorama  (12,239),  Vol.  XXVI. 

14th  May,  1905,  black,  face  and  feet  white,  colt  (owned  by  William  Benvick, 
Meadowfield,  Cdntorphine),  by  Storm  King  (11,957).  Vol.  XXV. 


EOSEMOUNT  BELLE  (16,814);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
white  hind  legs,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  John  M'Kay,  Barone 
Park,  Eothesay ;  property  of  John  Lennox,  Auchingee,  New 
Cumnock ;  sire,  Prince  Eosemount  (9992),  Vol.  XVIL ) 
dam,  Mary  of  Barone  Park  (13,163),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Ormonde 
(7092),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Dandy  of  Barone  (10,816), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Macferlane  (2988),  Vol.  VL  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jeanie  Park  (9943),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Samson  (3164),  VoL  VL 
Produce — 

June,  1903^  Scotland's  Hope  (13,180),  bay,  colt,  by  Crown  Derby  (10,726), 
Vol.  XXII. 


LKMNOX,   BCni. 

POLLY  OF  SHANTRON  (16,815);  bght  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  legs,  foaled  1896;  bred  by  John  Haonah, 
Balgrochan,  Gampsie ;  property  of  Mrs.  Lennox,  Shantron, 
Luss ;  sire.  Royal  Reward  (10,003),  Vol.  XVIL  ;  dam,  bied 
by  John  Hannah,  by  Garactacus  (5623),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam, 
bred  by  John  Hannah,  by  Farmer's  Profit  (4365),  VoL  VIIL 
Produce — 

May,   1901,   light  brown,   colt  (owned  by  the  Vale  of  Leven  Co-opeiative 
Society),  by  Royal  Sandy  (11,506),  Vol.  XXIV. 

May,  1902,  light  brown,  filly  (owned  by  Andrew  Wood,  Easter  Hill,  Gtrtmor«)» 
by  Royal  Everard  (11,165),  Vol.  XXIU. 

May,  190S,  light  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  four  white  legs,  fillj-,  by  Boral  Evenzd 
(11.165),  Vol.  xxin. 

1904,  no  foaL 

May;  1906,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Royal  Chsttaa 
(11,489),  VoL  XXIV. 




SALLY  II.  (16,816);  brown,  white  star  on  face,  foaled  17th 
May,  1893;  bred  by  W.  &  J.  C.  Barber,  Campbeltown, 
Twynholm  R.S.O. ;  property  of  Bobert  Liddle,  Moor  Park, 
Carlisle ;  sire,  Master  Bobin  (8040),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Sally 
of  Campbeltown  (11,688),  Vol.  XVL,  by  King  of  the  Forest 
(1170),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  (3250),  Vol.  VII.,  by 
President  (1240),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Mettle  (3249), 
Vol.  VII.,  by  Gladstone  (333),  Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Nanny, 
by  Lochend  Champion  (448),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

July,  1903,  Mi88  Liddle,  bay,  white  face,  off  hind  foot  white,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Riocarton 
11,481),  Vol  XXIV. 


FANCY  OF  LONGRIGG  (16,817);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three 
white  legs,  foaled  1893;  bred  by  the  late  George  Liddle,  Long- 
rigg,  Kirkbampton ;  property  of  Thomas  Liddle,  Longrigg, 
Kirkbampton,  Carlisle;  sire,  Aberfeldy  (5477),  Vol.  X. ; 
dam,  Sally  of  Longrigg  (14,275),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Charmer 
(2014),  Vol.  v.;  gr.Hiam,  Blythe  Liddle  (13,119),  Vol.  XX., 
by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  IL  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by 
Lord  Clyde  (1193),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by 
Annandale  Jock  (1914),  Vol.  V. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by 
Caledonia,  by  Old  Bay  Wallace  (572),  Vol  I.     Produce— 

^«u>/y  1903,  Luciana,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (I)  A.  k  W. 
Montgomery ;  (2)  Thomas  Mercer,  Markoale,  Ontario),  by  Lothian  Moestrooper 
(10,375),  VoL  XX. 

DARRIE  (16,818);  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
legs,  foaled  1899 ;  bred  by  the  late  George  Liddle,  Longrigg, 
Kirkbampton ;  property  of  Thomas  Liddle,  Longrigg,  Kirk- 
bampton, Carlisle;  sire.  The  Scott  (10,015),  Vol.  XVII. ; 
dam,  Sally  of  Longrigg  (14,276),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Charmer 
(2014),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Blythe  Liddle  (13,119),  Vol.  XX., 
by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  IL  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by 
Lord  Clyde  (1193),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by 
Annandale  Jock  (1914),  Vol.  V.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.^am,  Jess,  by 
Caledonia,  by  Old  Bay  Wallace  (572),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
July,  IdOS,  Ilia,  bay,  with  grey  hair  through  ooat,  face  and  legs  white,  filly 

(owned  by  (1)  A»  kW.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Thomas  Meroer,  Markdale,  Ontario),  by 

Riocarton  (11,481),  VoL  XXIY. 





PRINCESS  MAY  (16,819) ;  light  bay,  face  and  three  feet  white, 
foaled  2l8t  May,  1893;  bred  by  George  Hill,  Finfflaod, 
Wigton,  Gamberland ;  property  of  James  Lightfoot,  IiODg- 
newtoD,  Kirkbride,  Cumberland;  sire,  Charmer  II.  (7577), 
Vol.  XIL;  dam,  Princess  Alice  (11,374),  Vol  XV.,  by 
St.  Gatien  (3988),  Vol.  VIL  ;  gr.^am.  Nelson's  Polly  (7322), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Nelson  (1493),  Vol.  IIL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Princess 
Lofty  (5440),  Vol  IX.,  by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269), 
Vol.  11. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Royal  Farmer's  Glory 
(5312),  Vol.  IX.  Produce- 
May,  1898,  brown,  face  and  three  legs  white,  near  fore  leg  black,  filly,  by  LonI 

Tx>thian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

May,  1899,  bay,  mark  on  face,  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  Scott  Wylie,  MiHon 
of  Lnnoarty,  Perth),  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

May,  1902,  brown,  face  and  two  near  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Lord  Lothian  (d99S), 
Vol.  X. 

June,  1903,  Dunure  Lady,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  WillisiB 
Dunlop,  Dunure  Msins,  Ayr),  by  Lord  Tx>ihian  (5998),  VoL  X. 

26th  June,  1904,  Lady  Lightfoot,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  white  markinss  on  sll 
four  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  John  Adam,  Sweethillock,  Alves,  Forres ;  (2)  Levis 
Milne,  Mains  of  Findochty,  Buckie),  by  Lord  Lothian  (6998),  Vol.  X. 

Lnn>SAY,  JOHN. 

BELL  OF  BRAIDLAND  (16,820);  bay,  foaled  July,  1884; 
bred  by  Thomas  Miller,  Torbhlaren,  Lochgilphead ;  property 
of  John  Lindsay,  Braidland,  Stewarton ;  sire,  Monkbanis 
(1492),  Vol.  IIL;  dam.  Darling  of  Torbhlaren  ^6519), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Buteshire  Lad  (99),  Vol.  I. ;  sr.-dam,  SaJly,  W 
Sovereign  (812),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Old  Sally,  by  Ivanhoe  11. 
(399),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

1894,  Maggie  of  Braidland  (15,612),  Vol.  XX  VL,  light  brown,  filly,  by  Right  at 
Last  (8947)rvol.  XIII. 


TORES  JEAN  (16,821^ ;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
ankles  white,  foaled  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Lindsay,  Torre,  Castle-Doiigla«;  sire,  MacAra  (6992),  Vol.  XI.; 
dam,  bred  by  the  late  William  Lindsay,  Dunjop,  Castle- 
Douglas,  by  Sir  Michael  (1530),  Vol.  IIL  ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by 




the  late  William  Lindsay,  by  Prince  of  Kelvin  (656),  Vol.  I.  ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ivauhoe.     Produce — 

Maj,  1904,  brown,  star  oh  forehead,  little  white  on  fore  pasterns,  hind  legs 
white,  oolt  (owned  bj  Hugh  W.  B.  Crawford,  Chanmanton,  Uaitle-Donglas),  by 
Airlie  (11,240),  Vol.  XXIV. 


HUNTINGTOWER  (16,822);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  hind 
leg  white  nearly  to  hock,  near  fore  pastern  white,  little 
white  on  off  fore  pastern,  foaled  May,  1900  ;  bred  by  Adam 
Young,  formerly  of  Rirton,  Abington;  property  of  John 
Linton,  Eastfield,  Biggar;  sire,  Scotland's  Warrior  (10,451), 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Mysie  of  Kilwinning  (5168),  Vol.  VIIL,  by 
Marquis  (1215),  Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Sir  James  (781), 
Vol.  I.     Produce —         .     .     , 

19th  June,  1905,  Gloomy  Winter,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  white  to 
knees,  little  white  on  both  hind  paatems,  fillv,  by  Royal  Norman  (10,885), 
Vol.  XXII. 

UTTUB,  JOHN,  Blaekpark. 

SALLY  OF  BLACEPARK  (16,823);  grey,  foaled  1898;  bred 
by  David  Graham,  Kirkstyle,  Annan ;  property  of  John 
Little,  Blackpark,  Grocketford;  sire,  Enight  of  Logan 
(10,075),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  bred  by  David  Graham,  by 
Lord  Blackburn  (10,579),  Vol.  XXI. ;  gr.-dam,  Alice  Ruby 
(7282),  Vol.  XL,  by  Pride  of  the  Vale  (1783),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (4644),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lord  Clyde  (1193), 
Vol.  II.     Produce — 

8th  Jane,  1905,  Lady  Grace,  dark  brown,  fonr  white  legs.  Ally,  by  Gartl}' 
Gold  (10,756),  Vol.  XXII. 

LITTLK,  JOHN,  Stockholm. 

HARBINGER  LASSIE  (16,824);  black,  white  blaze  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  26th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  Bell, 
Cowshaw,  Lochmaben ;  property  of  John  Little,  Stcx^khoim, 
Beattock;  sire.  Harbinger  (10,565),  Vol.  XXL;  dam, 
Rothesay  Queen  (14,483),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Duke  of  Rothesay 
(9191),  Vol  XIV,;  gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Cowshaw  (10,403), 
VoL  XXII.,  by  Prince  Charlie  (636),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Sally  of  Cowshaw  (9388),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Ayrshire  Bob 
(8441),  Vol.  XIIL     Produce— 

25th  May,  1905,  Lilly,  roan,  oheeks  speckled  with  white,  under  jaw  white  from 
lips  to  throat,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  inside  of  thigh 
white,  filly,  by  Asoot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. 





KATE  OF  BRECKONIEHILL  (16,825) ;  brown,  stripe  on  faee, 
foaled  21 6t  June,  1888;  bred  by  William  Muir,  late  of 
Lochdougan,  Gastle-Douglas ;  property  of  Robert  Little, 
Breckoniehill,  Dalbeattie ;  sire,  Damley  King  (2717),  Vol.  YL; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Lochdougan  (3826),  VoL  VIL,  by  Emperor 
(277),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Johnnie  Cope  alias  Clyde 
(417),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lofty  (456),  VoL  L 
Produce — 

June,  1903,  Katherine,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white, 
filly  (owned  bv  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  R.  Beith,  BowmanviUe,  Ontarioi 
by  Woodend  Gartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXI. 

LONOWO&TH,  B.   T.  DAMX8,   D.L. 

CLARA  CARRUCHAN  (16,826);  light  bay,  white  face,  1^ 
white  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  17th  June,  1902 ;  bred  by 
William  Strachan,  Jackston,  Gamrie,  BaniOT;  property  of 
K  T.  Dames  Longworth,  D.L.,  Glynwood,  Athlone;  sire, 
Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XIL  ;  dam,  Clara  (11,182), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  St.  Gatien  (3988),  VoL  VII. ;  gr.-dam.  Charity 
(9331),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Blue  Ribbon  (1961),  Vol.  V.;  g.-gr.- 
(iam,  Susie  (1862),  Vol.  V.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  I. ;  g.^.- 
j<r.-dam,  Trim  of  Awhirk  (458),  Vol.  II.,  by  Clansman  (150), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Bell,  by  Samson  (740),  VoL  1. 
Produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  Lady  Clare,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  logi,  fil^,  bj 
Billhead  Chief  (10,774),  VoL  XXII. 


LOWTHER  KATE  (16,827);  bay,  foaled  1900;  bred  by  Jamee 
Howatson,  Potstown,  Ecclefechan;  property  of  (1)  Aaron 
Sisson,  Scotby,  Carlisle ;  (2)  the  Earl  of  Lonsdale,  Lowther, 
Penrith ;  sire,  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Violet 
(14,252),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10.379),  Vol.  XX.; 
gr.-dam.  Linnet  (11,574),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Prince  Gallant  (6176), 
Vol.  X. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Belle  Mahono  (4975),  Vol.  VIIL,  by 
Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Culmore 
(864),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dAin, 
Susie,  by  Prince  (1785),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

1904,  foal,  dead. 

4th  May,  1905,  Lowther  Lizzie,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  four  white  legi,  fillji  ^J 
Baron  Solway  (11,269),  Vol.  XXIV. 





ENAMEL  (16,828);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  pastern  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  5th  May,  1897;  bred  by  W.  H. 
Balston,  Colmore,  Stranraer ;  property  of  John  M'Camon, 
BarnhiUs,  Kirkcolm ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.;  dam. 
Emerald  (12,901),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince  Robert  (7135), 
Vol.  XI.;  gr.-dam,  Eila  (7741),  Vol.  XI.,  by  M'Camon 
(3818),  Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.^am,  Nell  (864),  Vol.  IV,  by 
Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.  gr.-dam,  Susie,  by  Prince  (1785), 
VoLIV.    Produce— 

90th  May,  1904,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  other  three  legs  dark, 
eolt,  by  Gkrthiuian  (9722),  toL  XVI. 

1905t,   bay,  stripe  down  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  MaroeUus  (11,110), 

voL  xxm. 

LADY  BET  (16,829);  bay,  star  on  forehead,  off  fore  leg  dark, 
other  three  legs  white,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  Matthew 
Marshall,  Bridgebank,  Stranraer;  property  of  John  M'Camon, 
Bamhills,  Kirkcolm;  sire.  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL; 
dam.  Swallow  (13,952).  VoL  XXII.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Dora  (499),  Vol.  III.,  by  Gleniffer  (361), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Esmeralda  (730),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of 
Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1903,  oolt  (dead)  by  Baronson  (10,981),  VoL  XXIII. 

11th  April,  1906,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  fore  feet  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by 
MareeUuB  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIIL 

BARNHILLS  NANCY  (16,830);  dark  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore 
1^  dark,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by 
Messrs.  Grainger,  Drumburgh,  Carlisle;  property  of  John 
M'Camon,  Barnhills,  Kirkcolm;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5993), 
Vol.  X.;  dam,  bred  by  Messrs.  Grainger,  by  Royal  Bank 
(5309),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  a  black  mare,  bred  by  Mr. 
Harrison,  Oakshaw  mil,  by  Glancer  (341),  Vol.  I.    Produce — 

7th  May,  1904,  Bamhills  Madge,  dark  bay,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Baronson 
(10.981),  VoL  XXIII. 

26th  April,  1905,  Bamhills  Peggy,  bay,  three  white  legs,  off  leg  dark,  filly,  by 
MatcelloB  (11,110),  VoL  XXIII. 


ROSE  OF  CHAPEL  HOUSE  (16,831);  brown,  white  ratch  on 
face,  white  feet  and  legs  half  way  up  to  knees  and  hocks, 









.    VOL. 

foaled  24th  May,  1901;  bred  by  John  B.  Brown,  Chapel 
House,  Whitehaven ;  property  of  Andrew  McClelland,  Glen- 
turk,  Wictown;  sire.  Gay  Montrose  (9916),  Vol  XVII.; 
dam,  Violet,  Yol.  XVI.,  p.  27,  brown,  bred  by  the  late 
Richard  Cousins,  Coach  Koad,  Whitehiiven,  by  Londondemr 
(7934),  Vol.  XIL;  gr.^am,  Maggie  of  Scalefe  (9518), 
Vol.  XIII.,  by  Challenger  (1088).  Vol.  11. ;  g.-gr.  dam,  Peg 
of  Scales  (3494),  Vol  VII.,  by  Prince  Royal  (C48),  Vol.  I. 
Prodnce — 

30th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  faoe,  near  fore  foot  and  ankle  white,  other  ibree 
legs  white,  colt,  by  Baronson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXIIL 

MAGGIE  OF  GLENTURK  (16,832) ;  bay,  white  face  and  hind 
legs,  foaled  28th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Thomas  Hall,  Fatfield 
House,  Washington  R.S.O. ;  property  of  Andrew  McClelland, 
Glenturk,  Wigtown;  sire,  The  Factor  (10,469),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam,  Brooklyn's  Princess  (13,090),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Brooklp 
(6547),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Greenfoot  (7805), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Clydesdale  Jamie  (2686),  Vol.  VL ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Ambrae  (4302),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Boy  in  Blue  (112), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr. -dam,  Jean.     Produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and  far  hind  feet  and  legs  white, 
white  on  belly,  aUy  by  Baronson  (10,981).  Vol.  XXIII. 


GIP  OF  TILLYCHETLY  (16,833);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  29th  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  Charle« 
M*Combie,  Tillychetly,  Alford,  Aberdeenshire ;  sire,  Royalist 
(6242),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Lovie  IL  of  Tillychetly  (15,303), 
'  Vol.  XXV,  by  Dunblane  (5729),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Love  of 
Tillychetly  (11,468),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Druid  Chief  (2061), 
Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lovie  (300),  Vol.  IL,  "by  Robbie  Bums 
(700),  Vol.  L  ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Kate.     Produce — 

15th  May,  1906,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  fillv,  by  Prinee's 
Pride  (lO.feS),  Vol.  XXII. 


MONTRAVE  REITA  (16,834);  bay.  ratch  on  face,  far  fore 
fetlock  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  6th  May,  1899 ;  bred  by 
Sir  John  Gilmour,  Bart.,  Montrave,  Leven,  Fife;  property 




of  William  M'Connell,  Glasnick,  Newton-Stewart;  sire, 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol  III;  dam,  Robina  (12,487), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol  XI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Whiteleys  Tibby  (2369),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Whiteleys  Jess.     Produce — 

23rd  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  near  fore  and  hind  feet  and 
fetlocks  white,   far   hind   foot   black   and   white,  filly,  bv   Argosy   (11,247). 

Vol.  xxrv. 

COUNTESS  OF  GLASNICK  (16,835) ;  brown,  white  blaze  on 
face,  white  hind  feet,  pasterns,  and  fetlocks,  ratch  up  to 
front  of  far  hind  hock,  foaled  8th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  William  M'Connell,  Glasnick,  Newton-Stewart ; 
sire,  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX.;  dam.  Princess  Darnley 
(12,835),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L ; 
;r.-dam,  Lady  Darnley  (8729),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Darnley  (222), 
^ol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Clytie  (3863),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Warrior 
(902),  Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Lothian  Jock  (1752), 
Vol.  IV ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Prince  Charlie  (625), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 


19th  May,  1905.  brown,  face,  hind  feet  and  legs,  and  far  fore  foot  and  pastern 
rhite,  colt,  by  Barouson  (10,981),  Vol.  XXin. 


MARY  BRUCE  (16,836);  light  bay,  white  face,"  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  1892;  bred  by  the  Earl  of  Galloway,  K.T., 
Home  Farm,  Garlieston ;  property  of  Peter  M*Cosh,  late  of 
Cairngaan,  Kirkmaiden,  now  care  of  Mr.  M'Gaw,  Several, 
Drummore ;  sire,  The  Observer  (8338),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam, 
Gwendoline  (9661),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Gay  Lad  (4397), 
Vol  VIII.;  gr.-dam,  Governess  (5414),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Superior 
(838),  Vol.  1. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Swan's  Horse  (5386), 
VoL  IX.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  a  horse  owned  by 
H.  Meikle ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Darling,  by  Young  Blaze  (920), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1901,  Cairngaan  (12,073),  VoL  XXVL,  brown,  colt  (owned  by  Graham  Bros., 
Claremont,  Ontario),  by  Lord  Donglas  (11,093),  VoL  XXIII. 


SARAH  LEE  (16,837);  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  1898; 
bred  by  and  property  of  David  M*Culloch,  Forth,  Lanark ; 
aire,  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam,  Naimy 




of  Forth  (15,141),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Early  Mora  (6712), 
Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Jewel,  foaled  1883,  Vol.  VII.,  p.  406, 
by  Star  of  the  Forth  (2435),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Diadem 
(3967),  Vol.  VII,  by  Baron  Lawers  (1055),  Vol  IL ;  g.*- 
gr.-dam,  Meg  Murdockson  (245),  Vol.  II.,  by  Prince  Cbaiue 
(629),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Mall  of  Kirkmabreck  (441^ 
Vol.  IL,  by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by 
Farmer  (284),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
July,  1902,  Jenny  Lee,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  spot  on  belly,  fiUy 
(owned  by  Bobert  Ness,  Howiok,  Quebec),  by  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

July,  1003«  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Aome  (10,485), 
Vol.  XXI. 

July,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  one  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  bj 
Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 


BELL  OF  WHITEFIELD  (16,838);  bay,  white  stripe  down 
face,  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  1895;  bred  by  Peter 
M'Galloch,  Whitefield,  (jl-leuluce;  property  of  Miss  Jeanie 
M'Gulloch,  Whitefield,  Glenluce ;  sire.  Handsome  Prince 
(10,356),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam.  Bell  of  Whitefield  (2620),  VoL  VI., 
by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Whitefield  Maggie 
(308),  Vol.  IL,  by  Victor  (892),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.dam,  Nell,  by 
Freedom  (?).     Produce — 

20th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  gtripe  down  face,  far  hind  foot  white,  oolt,  bj 
Gay  Matthew  (11,723),  Vol.  XXV. 


MAGGIE  OF  LAGGAN  (16,839) ;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face, 
far  foot  white,  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  James  Young,  Peatland, 
Dundonald ;  property  of  John  M'CulIoch,  Laggan,  Ballantrae; 
sire,  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam,  Missie, 
bred  by  James  Young,  Peatland,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIIL ;  gr.-dam,  Daisy  (5892),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Newstead 
(559),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Balmuildy  (4077), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Young  Prince  of  Wales  (1017).  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

^30th  April,  1905,  Ailaa,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  hind  legs  white  to 
hocks,  filly,  bj  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 


TRIM  OF  CARDRAIN  (16,840);  bay,  white  face,  oflF  hind  foot 
white,  three  black  legs,  foaled  1893;  bred  by  and  property 




of  W.  A.  M'Calloch,  Cardrain,  Drummore;  sire,  Excelsior 
(5751),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Lady  Louisa,  Vol.  V.,  p.  268,  by 
Victor  Chief  (1856),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam,  Tibbie  (1658), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Qlenlee  (363),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nell  (835), 
Vol.  IV.,  by  Farmer  —  Drumflower  —  (286),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

20th  May,  1903,  l4Mi7  Meicutio,  bay,  white  ratoh  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly 
<ao]d  to  (1)  M.  Bfanhall ;  (2)  John  Graham,  Carberry,  Manitoba),  by  Meroutio 
(11.431),  VoL  XXIV. 


LILY  OF  THE  GLEN  (16,841);  light  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  near  fore  pastern  and  both  hmd  legs  white,  foaled  1895 ; 
bred  by  John  Marshall,  Laverockhill,  Torrance  of  Campsie ; 
property  of  Dugald  M 'Donald,  Auchavoulaig,  Bothesay; 
sire,  Prince  of  Campsie  (9824),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Maggie, 
bay,  foaled  1888,  Vol.  XVI.,  p.  158,  by  Young  Duke  of 
Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Jenny  of  Fishieston 
(11,767),  Vol.  XVL,  by  Lord  Lennox  (2967),  VoL  VI.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Ladylands  (11,801),  Vol.  XVI.,  by 
Sir  William  Wallace  (803),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1901,  Ben  Har  (12,480),  Vol.  XXVII.,  bay,  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Merry 

Hampton  (%15),  VoL  XV. 

May,  1903,  dark  chestnut,  colt  (owned  by  James  Duncan,  Bannatyne  Mains, 
Bute),  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 

2nd  May,  1904,  Pride  o'  the  Glen,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  dark, 
other  three  \ega  white,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  Pride  of  Blacon 
(10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 


TRIM  OF  GLENHOWL  (16,842);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  April,  1891 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
David  M'Dowall,  Glenhowl,  Glenluce;  sire,  Craichmore 
Damley  (5667),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Nancy,  bred  by  James 
M*Culloch,  Auchenmalg,  Glenluce,  by  Young  Surprise  (1378), 
Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  bred  by  Messrs.  Templeton,  Fell, 
Kirkcowan,  by  Tarry,  by  Young  Clyde  alias  Wee  Clyde 
(944),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

6tb  May,  1903,  GaUant  May,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  white 
«3ot  on  near  fore  foot,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  David  Riddell,  Blaokhall,  Paisley ;  (2) 
Henry  William  Ironside,  Puslinch,  P.O.,  Ontario),  by  Gallant  Prince  (10,552), 




M'OOWALL,  JOHN,  01rdstl]i«wood. 

QUEEN  OF  GIRDSTINGWOOD  (16,8i8);  bay.  white  &ce 
and  legs,  foaled  Isl  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  M'Dowall,  Oirdstingwood,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire.  Prince 
Attractive  (10,250*),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Mary  of  Girdsting- 
wood  (13,928),  Vol.  XXII.,  by  Montrave  Mosstrooper 
(9806),  Vol.  XVI.;  gr.-dam,  Mina  of  Girdstingwood  (12,552), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  II L  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Trim  of  Girdstiiigwood  (9915),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Belted  Knight 
(1395),  Vol.  III.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Auchnabony  (5570), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Prodace— 

1st  May,  1905,  bUok,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  bf 
King's  Crest  (ll,3a5),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JEAN  OF  GIRDSTINGWOOD  (16,844);  brown,  white  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1900;  bred  by  aod 
property  of  John  M*Dowall,  Girdstingwood,  Kirkcudbright; 
sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Mina  of  Gird- 
stingwood (12,552),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam.  Trim  of  Girdstingwood  (9915),  Vol.  XHI., 
by  Belted  Knight  (1395),  Vol.  III.;  g.-er.-dam,  Sally  of 
Auchnabony  (5576),  Vol.  IX.,  oy  Lochfergus  Champion 
(449),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Ist  May,  1905,  brown,   white  face,   hind  legs  white,   filly,  by  King's  Crest 
(11,386),  Vol.  XXIV. 

TEILBY  OF  GIRDSTINGWOOD  (16,845);  bay,  white  face, 
white  legs,  foaled  30th  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  John  M*Dowall,  Girdstingwood,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire, 
Woodend  Gartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Trim  of  Gird- 
stingwood  (9915),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395), 
Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Sally  of  Auchnabony  (5576),  Vol.  IX., 
by  Lochfergus  Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  pasterui,  oolt,  by  Baron*t  Pride  (912), 
Vol.  XIV.* 

M'DOWALL,  JOBN,  Kelton  Mains. 

NELL  OF  KELTON  MAINS  (16,846);  brown,  white  spot  on 
face,  foaled  1896  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  M'E>owaU, 
Kelton  Mains,  Castle-Douglas;  sire,  Montrave  Mosstrooper 
(9806),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  The  Fit,  bred  by  J.  M'Dowall, 
by  Pride  of  Borgue   (2332),   Vol.  V. ;    gr.-dam,  bred  by 




Mr.   Pardie,   Wheatcroft,   Crossmichael,   by   Robert  Barns 
(702),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
May,  1901,  Trilby*  brown,  stripe  .on  face,  hind  legs  white,  little  white  on  both 
fore  feet,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton, 
Ontario),  by  Graphic  (10,766),  Vol.  XXII. 


NELL  OF  AUCHENGAILLIE  (16,847) ;  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
one  hind  foot  white,  foaled  1897  ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  M'Dowall,  Auchengaillie,  Port- William ;  sire,  Bel- 
videre  (9128),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam.  Darling' Of  Auchengaillie 
(12,842),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ; 
gr.-dam,  Annie  Lawrie  (6414),  Vol.  X.,  by  Pride  of  Dunlop 
(1244),  Vol.  II.  ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Young  Molly  (1560),  Vol.  V., 
by  Glengamock  (327),  Vol.  I. ,  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Auchen- 
gaillie (313),  Vol.  II.,  by  Young  Champion  (936),  Vol.  L; 
g.  •g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Molly,  by  Clyde  (1100),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

June,  1903,  Lochty  Prince  (18^061),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face, 
dark  points,  colt  (owned  by  Alexander  and  William  Mitchell,  Lochty,  Pitten- 
weem),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,476),  Vol.  XX. 

BELL  IL  OF  AUCHENGAILLIE  (16,848);  brown,  ratch  on 
face,  both  hind  feet  and  one  fore  foot  white,  foaled  May, 
1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert  M'Dowall,  Auchen- 
gaillie, Port-William;  sire.  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam,  Heather  Bell  of  Auchengaillie  (2643),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Auchengaillie 
(313),  Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Champion  (936),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.- 

'       dam,  Molly,  by  Clyde  (1100),  Vol.  IL     Produce- 
May,  1904,  Blue  BeU,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 

A.  k  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Eureka  (11,031), 

voL  xxin. 


JEAN  OF  OVERTON  (16,849);  brown,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
1898 ;  bred  by  James  Scott,  Green  Farm,  Kilmacolm ; 
property  of  Hugh  M*£wan,  Overton,  Kilmacolm ;  sire. 
King's  Knight  (10,071),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Green 
Farm  (17,056),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Stumah  (5381),  Vol.  IX. ; 

fr.-dam,  Bessie,  a  chestnut  mare,  bred  by  J.  Muir,  Drumfork, 
[elensburgh,  by  Topsman  (886),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

lOth  June,  1908,  Lady  M*Ewan,  light  brown,  white  band  on  face,  off  fore  leg 
white  to  knee,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  \V.  S.  Park,  Hatton, 
Bishopton ;  (2)  T.  H.  Hassard,  Maibrook,  Ontario),  by  Ardlcthen  (11,246), 





MEG  OF  CAMBUSHINNIE  (16,850);  brown,  bell  on  face, 
little  white  on  hind  legs,  foaled  15th  May,  1899;  bred  bj 
and  property  of  John  M'Ewen,  Wester  Cambusbinme, 
Braco ;  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6 1 78),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Jean  IL 
of  Cambushinnie  (15,145),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Rosedale  (8194), 
Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Cambushinnie  (10,801), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  M'Master  (3823),  Vol.  VII.;  §.-gr.-djuB, 
Lilias  of  Cambashinnie  (2654),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Tichborne 
(874).  Vol.  I.;  e.-g.-gr.-dam.  Blossom  (2652),  Vol  VI, 
by  Clydesdale  Jock  (1416),  Vol.  IIL ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  DolL 
Produce — 

May,  1908.  Oambusbinnie  Laird  (12,885),  VoL  XXVIIL,  bay,  oolt,  bf  Sjl- 
vander  (10,988),  Vol.  XXU. 

Haj,  1904,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Marmion  (11,429),  VoL  XXIV. 

1905,  no  foal. 


LADY  CARRY  (16,851);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  I^ 
white,  foaled  8th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  Macfarlane,  Tomich,  Invergorden;  sire,  Carbineer 
(10,522),  Vol.  XXL;  dam.  Lady  Horatio  (14,683), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Gold  Mine  (9540),  VoL  XV. ;  gr.-dam, 
Lady  Grace  Rowan  (1 2,337),  Vol.  XVIL,  by  Knight  Errant 
(4483),  Vol.  VIIL;  g.-gr.-dam.  Young  Jess  of  Torbrei 
(5125),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Sir  Garnet  (779),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam.  Old  Jess,  by  Clyde  (1621),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

lOtb  June,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  off  hind  leg  whita^ 
a  little  white  on  off  fore  leg,  filijr,  bj  Sir  Lachlan  (10,4^0),  Vol.  XX. 


LADY  HELEN  (16,852);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  legs 
white  to  knees  and  hocks,  foaled  6th  June,  1902;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Robert  Macfarlane,  Tomich,  Invergordon; 
sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam.  Iris  GarUy 
(14,684),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVL; 
;r.-dam.  Iris  (13,159),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744X 
ol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Cupid  (15,301),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  GoW- 
finder  (6807),  Vol.  XI. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Dargavd 
(10,915),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Marathon  (2994),  Vol.  VL; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Auldmuir  (3200),  Vol.  VII.,  by 
Crown  Prince  (207),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  (1901), 
Vol.  VL,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by 
Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Sir  Uchlan  (10,460),  Vol.  XX. 





MARY  OF  CRAWTREE  (16,853);  foaled  about  1884;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Thomas  Macfarlane,  Crawtree,  Gargunnock ; 
sire,  Morning  Time  (3849),  Vol.  VII. ;  dam.  Darling  of 
Crawtree,  bred  by  Thos.  Macfarlane,  by  Bay  Comet  (1058), 
Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Mr.  M'Queen,  Tarr,  Ruskie,  by 
Dainty  Davie  (213),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Qreenfoot  Maggie  (14,382),  Vol.  XXIII.,  brown,  filly  (owned  bj  James  Sands, 
Oraenfoot,  Gargannook),  by  Ardargie  (7431),  Vol.  XIL 


POLLY  OF  AUCHENTROIG  (16,854);  black,  blaze  on  face, 
one  fore  leg  black,  the  other  white,  both  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  28th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
M'Oilchrist,  Auchentroig,  Balfron;  sire.  Protector  (10,113), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Mysie  (14,686),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Prince's 
Heir  (8168X  Vol.  XIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Mysie  of  Seafield  (7610), 
Vol.  XL,  by  His  Royal  Highness  (2165),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Bell  of  Seafield  (7607),  Vol.  XL,  by  Duke  of  Edinburgh 
(248),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Bet.     Produce — 

20ih  Hay,  1904,  Bobs,  dark  brown,  white  face,  fore  legs  blaok,  one  hind  leg 
blaek,  the  other  white,  oolt,  by  Royal  Raider  (11,922),  Vol.  XXV. 

leth  June,  1905,  Pretoria,  blade,  white  face,  fore  legs  blaok,  one  hind  leg  blaok, 
the  other  white,  ftlly,  by  Montrave  Ronald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 

DAISY  BELL  (16,855) ;  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore 
leg  white,  the  other  black,  hind  feet  and  legs  white,  foaled 
1st  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  M 'Gilchrist, 
Auchentroig,  Balfron ;  sire.  Baron  Lawrence  (10,030), 
Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Lenore  (14,687),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by 
Protector  (10,113),  Vol.  XVIIL;  gr.-dam,  Mysie  (14,686), 
VoL  XXIV.,  by  Prince's  Heir  (8168),  Vol.  XIL  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Mysie  of  Seafield  (7610),  Vol.  XL,  by  His  Royal  Highness 
^165),  Vol.  v.;  g.-g^-gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Seafield  (7607), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Duke  of  Edinburgh  (248),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.- 
dam.  Bet.     Produce — 

12th  Mav,  1905,  Dainty  Oirl,  brown,  white  face,  fore  legs  black,  one  hind  leg 
blaek,  the  other  white,  filly,  by  Montrave  Ronald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 


LADY  BLANCHE  OF  BARSALLOCH  (16,856);  brown,  white 
on  face,  fore  feet  black,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  10th  June, 
1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Andrew  M*Gill,  Barsalloch, 
Newton-Stewart ;  sire.  Prince  Sturdy  (10,1 1 2*),  VoL  XVIIL ; 
dam,  Lily  of  Barsalloch  (16,209),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by  Sir  John 




Maxwell  (9415),  Vol.  XIV.  ;  gr.-dam,  Trim  of  Baraalloch, 
Vol.  XXVII.,  p.  72,  by  Knight  of  Ellerslie  (3737),  Vol  VIL; 


r.-dam,   Beauty   of  Barsalloch,   by   Good  Hope  (1679), 

IV.     Produce 

26th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  white  hind  feet  and  ankles,  oolt,  by  Barouon 
(10.981),  VoL  XXIU. 


HOLLIN  FLORA  (16,857);  bay,  white  star  on  face,  foaled 
1899  j  bred  by  and  property  of  George  M*Gill,  late  Challoch, 
Newton-Stewart,  now  Hollinbrook  House,  Littleboroa^h, 
near  Manchester ;  sire,  Prince  Sturdy  (10,112*),  VoL  XVIIL; 
dam,  Hollin  Nell,  bred  by  G.  M*Gill,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(673),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Mr.  Agnew,  Barscalloch, 
Kirkcolm,  by  Blue  Ribbon  (1961),  Vol.  V.     Produce— 

27th  April,  1904,  bay,  star  on  face,  far  hind  sock  white,  filly,  by  Lord  Stevsrt 
<  10,084),  Vol.  XVIII. 

12th  May,  1905,  bay,  blaze  on  face,  far  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legi  white,  filly, 
by  Baronson  (10,981),  VoL  XXIII. 

BRISK  OF  PITTENTIAN  (16,858);  brown,  a  little  whit45  on 
face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  June,  1900;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Matthew  M'Innes,  Pittentian,  Crieff;  sire, 
Lothian's  Best  (10,374),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Dora  of  Overhill 
(11,891),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Ayrshire  Lad  (6450),  Vol.  XI.; 

rr.-dam,  Blyth  Giri  (2448),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Pure  Blood  (1278). 

^ol.  II. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Paisley  Nancy  (208),  Vol.  IL,  by  Tom 
Garstairs  (879),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  the  Dalrioch 
mare.     Produce — 


2nd  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  both  hind  legs  white, 
filly,  by  Bevelanta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 

DOLLY  OF  PITTENTIAN  (16,859);  black,  white  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  15th  June,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Matthew  M'Innes,  Pittentian,  Crieff;  sire,  Baron  Mitchell 
(10.688),  Vol.  XXIL  ;  dam,  Polly  of  Pittentian  (13.520). 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Vanora's  Prince  (9 161),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam, 
Dora  of  Overiiill  (11,891),  Vol.  XVL,  by  Ayrshire  Lad 
(6450),  Vol.  XL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Blyth  Giri  (2448),  Vol.  VI., 
by  Pure  Blood  (1273),  Vol.  IL  ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Paisley  Nancy 
^208),  Vol.  IL,  by  Tom  Garstairs  (879),  Vol.  I. ;  g.  g-g.-g^^- 
aam,  Jess,  the  Dalrioch  mare.     Produce — 

26th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Lord  Mic  (12.222). 
Vol.  XXVI. 





EOSIE  OF  WEST  MAINS  (16,860);  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  14th  April,  1891;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Daniel  M'Intosh,  West  Mains,  Colquhalzie, 
Machany,  Perthshire ;  sire,  Eastfield  Laird  (6720),  Vol.  XL  ; 
dam,  Nancy  of  Victoria  (11,893),  Vol.  XVL,  by  Lochbrow 
(2225),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  a  grey  Clydesdale  mare.    Produe 

June,  1902»  Maggie  Kerr,  bay,  white  spot  on  forehead,  off  fore  foot  and  both 
hind  feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  Peter  Mlntoeh,  Strageath  HaU,  Muthill),  by 
Bojal  Signet  (8967),  Vol.  XIII. 

Judo,  1903,  Kate  MacEarie,  brown,  white  ttripe  on  face,  fore  feet  black,  hind 
feet  white,  filly  (owned  by  Peter  M'Inioeh),  by  MacEarie  (10,590),  Vol.  XXI. 

LADY  JANE  (16,861);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  black  legs, 
foaled  May,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  Alexander 
M*Intyre,  Dunallan,  Eothesay;  sire,  Sir  Everard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX.;  dam,  Nellie  of  Ardlaraont  (12,107),  Vol.  XVII.,  by 
Plantagenet  (6142),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Mary  of  Ardlamont 
(12,106),  Vol.  XVII.,  by  Lord  Dunglass  (2961),  Vol.  VL; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Point  Farm  (7125),  Vol.  XL,  by  Old 
Times  (579),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g.-gr.dam,  Lily  Crichton  (3132), 
Vol.  VL,  by  Scottish  Chief  (763),  VoL  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily  Montgomery,  by  Conqueror  (197),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1901,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Royal  Carriok  (10,270),  Vol.  XIX. 

1902,  twins— oolt  and  filly— (both  deadX  by  Marcellas  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

1903,  no  foal 

1904«  Lady  Elspetb,  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  off  fore 
paatem  white,  near  hind  leg  and  off  hind  fetlock  white,  filly,  by  Baron  of 
Buchlyvie  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 

NELL  OF  LOGAN  MAINS  (16,862);  bay,  white  on  face,  four 
white  legB,  foaled  10th  May,  1900 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  M'Intyre,  Logan  Mains,  Kirkmaiden ;  sire,  Moncreiffe 
Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam,  Jenny  Lind  (13,161), 
VoL  XX.,  by  Handsome  Prince  (10,366),  Vol.  XX. ,  gr.-dam, 
Bet  of  Skaith  (9941),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  L  ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Skaith  (2625),  Vol.  VL,  by  Royal  Charlie 
(728),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Darling  II.  of  Skaith  (2622), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Premier  (595),  Vol.  I. ;  g-.g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie 
(346),  Vol.  XL,  by  Scotsman  (759),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

19th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  near  hind  foot  black,  other  three  white, 
illly,  by  Mcroutio  (11,431),  Vol.  XXIV. 
VOL.  XXVIII.  19 




PRINCESS  CHRISTIAN  (16,863);  brown,  star  on  face,  black 
points,  foaled  27th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  M'lntyre,  Logan  Mains,  Kirkmaiden ;  sire,  Pnnce 
Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL ;  dam,  Annette  (12,252),  Vol.  XVIL, 
by  Excelsior  (5751),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Bet  of  Skaith  (9941), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of 
Skaith  (2625),  Vol.  V.,  by  Royal  Charlie  (728),  Vol.  L; 

f-g.-gr.-dam.  Darling  11.  of  Skaith  (2622),  VoL  VL,  by 
remier  (595),    Vol.   I. ;    g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,    Maggie    (346), 
Vol.  II.,  by  Scotsman  (769),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

8tb  June,  1906,  brown,  white  star  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  MareeUoft 
(11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 


LADY  BUTE  (16,864);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
pastern  and  off  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white  on  off  fore  foot, 
foaled  17th  June,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Arch.  M. 
MacKay,  Bruchag,  Rothesay;  sire,  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837)^ 
Vol.  XXII.;  dam,  Roseleaf  (12,847),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Eose- 
mount  (8953),  Vol.  XIIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Sunflower  (10,815). 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Chastlar  (4291),  Vol.  VIIL  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary 
of  Bruchag  (4820),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Miller's  Boy  (1764), 
Vol.  IV. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Honest  Sandy  (387), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  a  Dunagoil  mare,  by  Young  Clyde 
(1360),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Round  Bobin 
(721),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

16th  June,  1905,  Rosie,  black,  white^face,  white  over  fore  fetlocks,  hind  legs- 
white,  filly,  by  Baron  of  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MACKAY,   H.   M.   8. 

PEARL  MAIDEN  (16,865);  brown,  star  on  face,  off  fore 
and  hind  ankles  white,  foaled  9th  April,  1902 ;  bred  by 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour ;  property  of 
H.  M.  S.  Mackay,  Burgie  Lodge  Farm,  Elgin ;  sire,  Lord 
Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam.  Pearl  Drop  (13,131), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Duddingston  (7658),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam, 
Pearl— dam  of  Randolph  Churchill  (10,421),  Vol.  XX.— by 
Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lucy.     Produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  bay,  filly  (died  when  two  days  old),  by  Balmedie  Queen  s  Guard 
(10.966),  Vol.  XXin. 

ROMOLA  (16,866);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  ankle 
white,  hind  legs  white  up  to  hocks,  foaled  26th  May,  1902 ; 
bred  by  William  McLaren,  Inch  Farm,  Kincardine-on-Forth ; 




property  of  H.  M.  S.  Mackay,  Burgle  Lodge  Farm,  Elgin ; 
sire,  Eoyal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Mary  of 
Inch  (16,217),  Vol.  XXVII.,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  of  Inch  (9809),  Vol  XIIL, 
by  Corse  wall  (1420),  Vol.  III.;  g. -gr.-dam,  Darling  of  Inch 
(5493),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Prince  Charlie  (628),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-e.-gr.- 
aam,  Nancy— dam  of  Kob  Roy  (709),  Vol.  I. — by  a  horse 
owned  by  Mr.  Fulton,  Sproulston.     Produce — 

18th  June,  1905,  Baron  of  Burgle,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  wbite  legs, 
colt  (owned  by  James  Kilpatriek,  Craigie  Mains,  Kilmaroock),  by  Baron  of 
Buchlyvie  (11.263),  Vol  XXIV. 


OLIVE  (16,867);  bay,  white  face,  white  legs,  foaled  May,  1900; 
bred  by  William  Howie,  Burnhouses,  Galston;  property  of 
John  M'Kay,  Barone  Park,  Rothesay;  sire,  Hiawatha 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam.  Mary  Macaulay  (14,628), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Macaulay  (5187),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Mary, 
by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Burnhouses 
(8530),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam. 
Star,  by  Sir  William  Wallace  (803),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Drumlemble  (6067),  Vol.  X.,  by  Lofty  IIL  (469>, 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g- -gr.-dam.  Star,  by  Loudoun  Tam  (508), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  light  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  a  little  dark  on  off  fore 
leg,  filly,'by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  VoL  XXV. 


HORTENSE  (16,868);  brown,  white  feet,  foaled  June,  1889; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Peter  M*Keand,  Airlies,  Whauphill ; 
sire,  Bauldy  (2592),  Vol.  VI.;  dam,  Josephine  (8773), 
VoL  XII.,  by  The  Maister  (1846),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam, 
Gretchen  (1582),  Vol.  V,  by  Abbey  Prince  (2),  Vol.  I. ; 
g. -gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Kildarroch,  by  Clyde  alias  Briton  (154), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Sloehabert,  by  Prince  Charlie 
(625),  Vol.  I.     Produce^ 

1897,  Maggie  of  Crai«ley  (15,622),  Vol.  XXVI.,  light  bay,  filly,  by  Prince  of 
GaUoway  (8919),  Vol.  XIII 


ROSIE  OF  CARSE  OF  TROWAN  (16,869);  brown,  white 
face,  four  white  feet,  foaled  7th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  William  M*Keich,  Carse  of  Trowan,  Crieff; 
sire.  Granite  (10,766),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Molly  of  Woodend 
(14,689),  Vol.   XXIV.,  by  Jordanshaw   (3343),  Vol.  VI.; 




gr.-dam,  bred  by  Robert  M'Kean,  Lumloch,  by  Young  Duke 
of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (1679), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (478),  Vol  1.     Produce— 

7th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  spot,  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white, 
Ally,  by  Montrave  Ronald  (11,121),  Vol.  XXIII. 


JEAN  OF  MILLBURN  (16,870);  black,  grey  hairs  througk 
coat  and  tail,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  ieffs,  foaled  8th  May, 
1901 ;  bred  by  John  Bauchop  Millbum,  Alexandria; 
property  of  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  (2) 
Colin  M*Keigan,  Strathroy,  Ontario;  sire.  Sir  Simon 
(10,465),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Peggy  of  Auchentullich  (13,698), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam, 
Nannie  (1943),  Vol.  VL,  by  General  Williams  II.  (2801), 
Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

27th  May,  1905,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  four  white  less,  colt  (bred  by  and 
property  of  John  Bauchop),  by  Royal  Chattan  (11,489),  Vol  XXIV. 


JESS  OF  HIGH  AUCHENSALE  (16,871);  dark  bay,  spot  on 
face,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  14th  April,  1897;  bred  by 
James  Smith,  Pittengardner,  Fordoun ;  property  of  William 
M'Kendrick,  High  Auchensale,  Rilbarchan ;  sire.  Master  of 
Blantyre  (2283),  Vol.  V. ;  dam,  Bonnie  Jean  II.  ( 1 2,660), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Crown  Royal  (4316),  Vol.  VIII.;  gr.^am, 
Bonnie  Jean  (5052),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Colfin  (182),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Dall  of  Keithock  (1740),  Vol.  V,  by  Lord  Lyon 
(489),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

27th  Aprils  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  \en  white,  fiUy, 
by  Ideal  (10,573).  Vol.  XXI. 


TRIM  (16,872);  foaled  1895;  bred  by  J.  &  S.  Owens,  Kevans, 
Whithorn;  property  of  David  M'Kenna,  Low  Malzie, 
Wigtown ;  sire,  MacMorland  (9601),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Trim 
of  Kevans— dam  of  Sceptre  (8979),  Vol.  XIII.— by  Tom 
(877),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam.  Flower  of  Kevans  (2786),  Vol.  VL, 
by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Cleeber  (152), 
Vol.  I.    Produce — 

Mav,  1901,  Bell,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  for&  fetlock  aa«]^both 
hind  legs  white,  filly  (exported  to  South  Africa  bv  Alexander  Holm),  hv 
of  Roxburgh  (10,616),  Vol.  XXI. 





GERTIE  MILLER  (16,873);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  April,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  MacKesaack,  Kinloss,  Forres;  sire,  Prince  of  Kyle 
(7155),  Vol.  XI.;  dam,  Maggie  Lauder  II.  (14,215), 
Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Juryman  (5906),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie 
Lauder  (13,937),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Derby  (227),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dara,  Nell  of  Drum  bain  (6153),  Vol.  X.,  oy  Johnnie 
^U),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Pope  (593),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

14tb  April,  1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  white,  others  dark, 
oolt,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

20th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  dark,  hind  hoofs  white, 
filly,  by  Prince  Thomas  (10.262),  Vol.  XIX. 

BET  OF  BARRHILL  (16,874);  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  1895;  bred  by  John  Smith,  Bluehill,  Auchen- 
caini;  property  of  Charles  M*Kie,  Barrhill,  Auldgirth, 
Dumfriesshire ;  sire,  MacMeekan  (9600),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam, 
Bell,  bred  by  H.  W.  B  Crawford,  Hall,  Auchencairn,  by 
Gay  Prince  (6796),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Jessie  Erskine  (8241), 
Vol.  XIL,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ;  g. -gr.-dam, 
Meg  of  the  Marr  (7103),  Vol.  XL,  by  Sir  William  Wallace 
(804),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Meg,  by  Lofty  (462),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

May,  1903,  Jane  Austen,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Kussell,  Ontario),  by  Rozeile 
(10.638),  VoL  XXI. 

SALLY  11.  (16,875);  brown,  spot  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled 
1898;  bred  by  J.  Hunter,  Hardlawbank,  Holy  wood,  Dum- 
fries ;  property  of  Charles  M*Kie,  Barrhill,  Auldgirth, 
Dumfriesshire ;  sire.  Prince  of  Balmanno  (9976),  Vol.  XVI. ; 
dam,  Sally,  bred  by  the  late  James  Hunter,  Hardlawbank, 
by  Crown  Jewel  (2708),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam.  Darling,  bred  by 
the  late  Miss  McMillan,  Maryholm,  Terregles,  by  Lofty 
(460),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
May,  1903,  Rote,  bay,  white  face,  ofif  fore  foot  and  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned 

by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Russell,  Ontario),  by  Rozelle 

(10,688),  Vol.  XXI. 





BLOSSOM  (16,876);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and 
both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1900;  bred  by  Miss  Catherine 
Johnston,  Tallant,  Islay;  property  of  James  Mackieson, 
Gessintully  Mill,  Thornhill,  Stirlingshire ;  sire,  Stately  Gitj 
(10,466),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Kate,  bred  by  Charles  Morrison, 
Esq.,  of  Islay,  by  Clotoire  (7592),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dMn, 
Chatty,  bred  by  Charles  Morrison,  Esq.,  by  Leslie  Kofiis 
(2947),  Vol.  VL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Sir  William  Willicc 
(804),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

I6th  May,  1904,  Daisy,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  off  hind  kl 
white,  near  hind  leg  black,  fillj,  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 


POLLY  MACLEAN  (16,877);  bay,  white  face,  fore  legs  and  off 
hind  leg  white,  foaled  29th  May,  1900;  bred  by  James 
M 'Clean,  Auchneil,  Stranraer;  property  of  John  M'LachUn, 
Drums  Farm,  Greenock ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Princess  May  IL  (13,151),  Vol.  XX.,  by 
Johnnie's  Style  (6867),  Vol.  XI.;  gr.-dam,  Princess  M»y 
(11,466),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-gr.-daro,  Marjorie  (4785),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489), 
Vol  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Bellamack  (599),  Vol.  III.,  by 
•     Prince  (609),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

25th  May,  1905,  Nancy  of  Dmms,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 
leg  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. 


NELLY  OF  WILLI AMSTON  (16,878);  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
fore  feet  black,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  24th  June,  1897 ; 
bred  by  the  late  David  Cook,  of  Garphin,  Luthrie,  Cupar- 
Fife;  property  of  Thomas  R.  M 'Lagan,  Williamston,  Crieff; 
sire.  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Mary  of 
Carphin  (13,024),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Gallant  Laird  (4390), 
Vol.  VIIL ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  (9683),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Path- 
finder (584),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Lily — dam  of  Nancy— 
(4937),  Vol.  VIIL  Produce- 
June,  1905,  dark  brown  or  black,  white  face,  both  fore  feet  and  near  hind  foot 

white,  miy.  by  Baron  Stirling  (11,611),  Vol.  XXV. 




KUkBXN,  W.   D. 

DKUMMORE  LILY  (16,879) ;  bay,  white  face,  white  spot  on 
near  fore  foot,  hind  legs  white  below  hocks,  foaled  10th 
May,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  W.  D.  MacLaren, 
Drummore,  Doune;  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ; 
dam,  Drummore  Darling  (13,170),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Brooklyn 
(6547),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam.  Bet  of  Mackeanston  (7704), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  I. ;  g.- gr.-dam,  Kate, 
by  Lord  Clyde  ,(1474),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-g.-gr.5am,  Maggie. 
Produce — 

8th  Maj,  1908,  bfty,  near  fore  pastern,  off  hind  pastern,  and  near  hind  leg 
-vrhite,  white  stripe  on  off  fore  knee,  fillj,  by  Sylvander  (10,933),  Vol.  XXII. 

DRUMMORE  MAGGIE  (16,880) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  pastern  white,  off  leg  black,  white  on  hind 
pasterns,  foaled  27th  April,  1901;  bred  by  and  property  of 
W.  D.  MacLaren,  Drummore,  Doune;  sire,  Royal  Gartly's 
Heir  (10,631),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Drummore  Darling  (13.170), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam.  Bet  of 
Mackeanston  (7704),  Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Lome  (997), 
Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Lord  Clyde  (1474),  Vol.  III.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie.     Produce — 

I4th  June,  1905,  black,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  white  below  hooks,  colt,  by 
Mftrmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BESS  II.  OF  LANDBERRICK  (16,881);  bay,  white  star  on 
forehead,  white  hind  legs  and  feet,  far  fore  foot  white,  the 
other  foot  black,  foaled  15th  June,  1887;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  M'Master,  late  Landberrick,  Whauphill, 
now  Auchleand,  Wigtown;  sire,  Lawrence  Drew  (6139), 
Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Mary  of  Landberrick  (2725),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Bess  (1595),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Emperor,  (2^73),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
May.  1897.  Mary  of  Auchleand  (16,882),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  filly,  by  Baron's 

Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. 

May,  1899,  bay,  filly  (owned  by  .Mr.  Campbell,  Outon,  Whithorn),  by  Balmedie 
Prince  Charming  (10,027),  Vol.  XVIII. 

May,  1902,  Jean,  brown,  near  hind  foot  white,  others  black,  filly,  by  Money- 
-otwn.  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  40. 

July,  1904,  Bess  III.,  chestnut,  one  fore  foot  and  far  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by 
Big  Barr  (10,986),  Vol.  XXIII. 




MARY  OF  AUCHLEAND  (16,882);  bay,  ratch  od  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  May,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  M*Ma8ter,  Aachleand,  Wigtown ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Bess  II.  (16,881),  Vol.  XXVIIL, 
by  Lawrence  Drew  (5139),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Mary  of 
Landberrick  (2725),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  VoL  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Bess  (1595),  Vol.  V.,  by  Emperor  (273),  VoL  I. 
Produce — 

31st  May,  1905,  bay,  small  short  ratoh  on  face,  four  white  feet,  colt  (owned  bj 
A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton  Stewart),  by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  VoL  XX VL 


LILY  OF  CULHORN  (16,883);  brown,  white  spot  on  face, 
white  legs,  foaled  May,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  M*Master,  Culhorn  Mains,  Stranraer ;  sire,  Moncreiffe 
Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Maggie  Stewart  (15,662X 
Vol.  XXVL,  by  Craichmore  Darnley  (5667),  VoL  X.; 
gr.-dam,  Nancy,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nancy 
(82),  Vol.  II.,  by  Victor  (892),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Old 
Nancy,  by  Briton  (1082),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

9th  May,  1905,  bay  (may  turn  out  roan),  white  face,  fore  feet  and  hind  legs 
white,  white  ratch  down  oflp  loin,  fiUy,  by  Maroellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIIL 


JEANIE  FLASH  WOOD  (16,884);  bay,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
10th  June,  1891 ;  bred  by  James  N,  Smith,  Barlae> 
Kirkinner ;  property  of  John  M*Meekan,  Gotland,  Wigtown ; 
sire,  Flashwood  (3604),  Vol.  VII. ;  dam,  Lady  Marmion 
(11,033),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Lord  Marmion  (2620),  Vol.  VL; 
gr.^iam,  Kate  of  Barlae  (2974),  Vol.  VL,  by  Young  Prince 
of  Renfrew  (1014),  VoL  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Yoang 
Clyde  (944),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ploughboy  — 
M'Master's.     Produce — 

25th  May,  1897.  Lily  of  Meikle  Knox  (14,832).  Vol.  XXIV.,  brown,  ftlly,  hy 
Petruchio  (9967),  Vol.  XVII. 

BESS  OF  GOTLAND  (16,885);  black,  stripe  on  face,  three 
white  legs,  foaled  1898 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John 
M'Meekan,  Gotland,  Wigtown;  sire,  Petruchio  (9967), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Jean  of  Barlae  hie  Jeanie  Flashwood 
(16,884),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Flashwood  (3604),  VoL  VII. ; 





gr.  dam,  Lady  Marmion  (11,033),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Bonnet  of 
Blue  alias  Lord  Marmion  (2620),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate 
of  Barlae  (2974),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Young  Prince  of  Eenfrew 
(1014),  Vol.  L;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Young  Clyde 
(944),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ploughboy — M'Master's. 
Produce — 

April,  1904,  Oriana,  black,  white  face,  near  fore  and  hind  feet  white,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  A,  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by 
saver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MAGGIE  OF  GOTLAND  (16,886);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  Ist  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  the  late  James 
N.  Smith,  Barlae,  Kirkinner ;  property  of  John  M^Meekan, 
Gotland,  Wigtown ;  sire.  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. ; 
dam,  Darling  of  Barlae  (12,922),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Darnley's 
Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Bess  of  Barlae  (5776), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Young  Farmer  (1880),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam^ 
Kate  of  Barlae  (2974),  Vol.  VL,  by  Young  Prince  of  Kenfrew 
(1014),' Vol.  L;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Young  Glyde  (944)^ 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Ploughboy — M*Master\s. 
Produce — 

July,  1904,  Olindo,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  far  hind  ankle  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton.  Ontario)^ 
by  Silver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

M'MULLON,   J.   ft  J. 

DAMS£L  11.  (16,887);  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  black 
legs,  foaled  May,  1890;  bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph  & 
Jonathan  M'Mullon,  Low  House,  Tallentire,  Gockermouth ; 
sire,  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ;  dam.  Damsel,  bred  by 
J.  &  J.  M'MuUon,  by  Young  Eobbie  Burns  (1369),  Vol.  IL  ; 
gr.-dam,  Smiler,  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Routledge,  Berrier^ 
Greystoke,  Penrith,  by  Gilnockie  (2806),  Vol.  VI.  Produce- 
June,  1S98,  Lothian  Damsel  (16,888).  Vol.  XXVIIL,  light  bay,  filly,  by  Lord 

Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

May,  1899,  colt  (oastrated). 

April,  1902,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  black  legs,  filly,  by  Primate  (10.099)^ 

VoL  xvin. 

AprU,  1904,  oolt  (castrated). 

30th  April,  1905,  light  bay,  white  face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  oolt,  by  Lord 
Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. 

LOTHIAN  DAMSEL  (16,888);  light  bay,  face  and  hind  fetlocks 
white,  foaled  June,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph 




&  Jonathan  M'Mullon,  Low  House,  Tallentire,  Cockermoath ; 

sire,    Lord   Lothian    (5998),   Vol    X. ;    dam,   Damsel  IL 

(16,887),  Vol.  XXVm.,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VL; 

gr.-dam,  Damsel,  by  Young  Robbie  Burns  (1369),  VoL  11. ; 

g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Gilnockie  (2806),  Vol.  VI.    Produce- 
August,  1902,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Lothian  Mosstrooper  (10,375),  Vol.  XX. 
May,  1904,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Lothian  Mosstrooper  (10,375),  VoL  XX. 

LOTHIAN  LADY  (16,889) ;  bay,  white  face,  near  foie  fetlock 
white,  hind  legs  white  below  hocks,  foaled  26th  July,  1899; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Joseph  &  Jonathan  M'MuIIod, 
Low  House,  Tallentire,  Cockermouth;  sire.  Lord  Lothiu 
(5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Smiler  II.,  bred  by  J.  &  J.  M'MuUon, 
by  Corsair  (1419),  Vol.  HI.;  gr.-dam.  Damsel,  bred  bj 
J.  &  J.  M^Mullon,  by  Young  Robbie  Bums  (1369),  VoL  IL; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Smiler,  by  Gilnockie  (2806),  Vol.  VI.  Produce- 
May,  1904,  foal  (dead). 

5th  May,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  mark  half  way  down  face,  near  fore  fetlock  and 
hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Gallant  Fauntleroy  (11,716),  Vol.  XXV. 


LADY  AFTON  (16,890);  brown,  white  face,  near  legs  white, 
small  stripe  of  white  round  top  of  off  fore  hoof,  foaled 
30th  April,  1899^;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  M*Nee, 
Afton  House,  Crieff;  sire,  Le  Beau  (9933),  Vol.  XVII.; 
dam.  Poor  Girl  (13,945),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Montrave  Mac 
(9958),  Vol.  XVII.;  gr.-dam,  Nell  Skelmorlie  (12,757), 
Vol.  XIX.,  by  Skelmorlie  (4027),  Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  (3426),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Young  Conqueror  (959),  VoL  L; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Hercules  (378),  vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  leg  dark,  a  little 
^hite  round  top  of  off  fore  foot,  white  mark  on  off  fore  knee,  colt,  by  Revelanta 
(11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 

SAKAH  PRIDE  (16,891);  brown,  white  face,  small  brown  spot 
near  right  eye,  hind  legs  white,  fore  legs  white  aboat  half 
way  to  knees,  foaled  12th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  John  M*Nee,  Afton  House,  Crieff;  sire.  Baron's  Pri<le 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Poor  Girl  (13,945),  Vol.  XXIL,  by 
Montrave  Mac  (9958),  Vol.  XVII. ;  gr.-dam,  Nell  Skelmorlie 
(12,757),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Skelmorlie  (4027),  Vol.  VIL; 
g.-gr.  dam,  Maggie  (3426),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Young  Conqueror 




(959X  Vol.  L;    g.-g.-gr.-dam,   by   Hercules  (378),  Vol.  I. 
Proaace — 

26th  Ifay,  1905,  Lady  Sarah,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  whiie  legs,  two  very  small 
blaek  spots  on  off  tore  hoofhead,  filly,  by  Prince  of  iirunstane  (9977), 

M'NXILL,   D. 

ULY  OF  LOCHEND  (16,892);  roan,  white  spot  on  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  May,  1890;  bred  by  Dugald  McNeill, 
Dunamuc]^  Lochgilphead ;  property  of  D.  McNeill,  Lochend, 
Ardrishaig;  sire,  ^gyll  Lad  (6441),  Vol.  XL;  dam.  Lady 
Glassary  (8816),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Foreside  (3341),  Vol.  VIL ; 
;r.-dam,  Lily,  foaled  1876,  by  Strathendrick  Champion  (131), 
"ol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary,  by  Sovereign  (812),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 


1903,  Miss  McNeill,  dark  brown,  white  faoe,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by 
^1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll,  Ontario), 
^hr  Comer  Stone  (11,016),  Vol.  XXIII. 

BiACRAX,   A.   D. 

IIUTHVEN  MAGGIE  II.  (16,893);  bay,  narrow  white  stripe 
down  face,  little  stripe  on  near  hind  foot,  white  sock  on 
off  hind  foot,  foaled  15th  April,  1895 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  A.  D.  MacRae,  Ruthven,  Kingussie,  Inverness-shire; 
sire,  Kaeside  (7861),  Vol.  XIL ;  dam,  Ruthven  Maggie 
(8820),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Prince  Charlie  (628),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam, 
by  Lord  Clyde  (475),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Keir  Mains 
Stud  Horse.     Produce — 

15th  May,  1902,  Ruthven  May,  brown,  white  face,  white  feet,  filly,  by  Kil- 
Icerran  (11,881),  Vol.  XXIV. 

16th  June,  1904,  Ruthven  Fancy,  rich  bay,  little  white  on  hind  feet,  colt 
gowned  by  John  Robertson,  Fodderty,  Dingwall),  by  M^Nab's  Fancy  (11,814), 
Vol  XXV. 


BELL  IL  OF  CATTADALE  (16,894);  bay,  white  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  18S6;  bred  by  and  property  of  George 
Macrae,  Cattadale,  Campbeltown;  sire.  Old  Times  (579), 
Vol.  I. ;  dam,  Bell  of  Cattadale,  bred  by  George  Macrae,  by 
Prince  David  (643),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily,  bred  by  William 
Henderson,  Carrine,  Campbeltown,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Blossom,  by  Glancer  (3632),  Vol.  VII,    Produce — 

June,  1904,  bay,  white  face,  colt  (owned  by  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains, 
Renfrew),  by  Sir  Hugo  (10,924),  Vol.  XXII. 


f . 




LADY  MACKINLEY  (16,895);  brown,  white  mark  on  fice, 
foaled  28th  May,  1900;  bred  by  Walter  Muir,  late  Chtpel- 
hill,  Rerrick ;  property  of  John  M'Taggart,  Culnaigbtry, 
Castle-Douglas;  sire,  Mackinley  (10,228),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam, 
Diamond  (14,732),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Goldenberry  (2828), 
Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam.  Nettle  II.  (6550),  Vol.  X.,  by  Boy  in  Blue 
(112),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.^am,  Lily  of  Dolphinton  (49),  Vol  II., 
by  Workman  (1351),  Vol.  II.     Produce— 

18th  July,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  some  white  on  fore  feet  and  on  off 
hind  leg,  /Bolt,  by  Rathillet  (11,870),  Vol.  XXV. 



ROYAL  QUEEN  (16,896);  bay,  stripe  down  face,  near  fore 
pastern  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  10th  April,  1893; 
bred  by  William  Milne,  Overhall  Home  Farm,  Insch ;  pro- 
perty of  John  Machray,  Drimmies,  Pitcaple,  Aberdeenshire ; 
sire.  Mount  Royal  (8065),  Vol.  XII.;  dam,  Rosebod, 
Vol.  XVI.,  p.  89,  by  El  Ameer  (3591),  Vol.  VIL ;  gr.-dim, 
Rachel  Ann,  foaled  1880,  by  Young  Lord  Inverurie  (3319), 
Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-daro,  a  black  mare,  by  Donald  Dinnie  (237), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

5th  June,  1900,  Royal  Carlung  (11,486),  Vol.  XXIV.,  light  bav,  colt,  by  Priace 
of  Carlung  (7146),  Vol.  XI. 

25th  April,  1905,  Royal  Bess,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  foot  aad 
hind  pasterns  white.  Ally,  by  Gold  Crown  (11,727),  Vol.  XXV. 


PEGGY  OF  FARRANFAD  (16,897) ;  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
white  hind  foot,  foaled  July,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Maffett,  Farranfad,  Clough,  Co.  Down ;  sire.  Let 
Me  Never  (6936),  Vol.  XL ;  dam,  Kate,  bred  by  William 
Maffett,  by  General  Roberts  (13,003),  Vol.  XXVIIL; 
gr.-dam,  Jessie,  bred  by  the  late  Thomas  LearmonUi, 
Middleton  Farm,  Cessnock  Road,  Govan,  by  Darnley  (222), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

8th  June,  1905,  Lissoid,  bay,  white  f&ce,  near  hind  foot  black,  other  three  white, 
oolt  (owned  by  Horace  W.  Mafifett,  Greenwood,  Clough,  Go.  Down),  by  Bnatt- 
knot  (9145),  Vol.  XIV. 


.^,.v     MARES. 



KATE  OF  REDHALL  (16,898);  light  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
near  fore  leg  white,  off  one  black,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks, 
foaled  7th  June,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Robert 
Mailer,  Redhall  Farm,  Garguiinock;  sire,  Royalist  (6242), 
Vol.  X.;  dam,  Nelly  of  Redhall  (15,666),  Vol.  XXVL,  by 
Gallant  Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  Knight 
(7758),  Vol.  XL,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395),  Vol.  III.; 
$:.-gr.  dam,  Nina  of  Portnellan  (2845),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Farmer 

(286),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.  dam,  Nelly  (1666),  Vol.  V,  by  Prince 

),    vol.    I.;    g.-g. -g.-gr.d 
Walter  Scott  (797),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

of  Wales  (673), 

I. ;    g.-g. -g.-gr. -dam,   Norah,   by  Sir 

19th  June,  1904,  light  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  white  tips  on  fore 
legs,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

KOYAL  MAY  (16,899) ;  brown,  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  black, 
hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  foaled  1 5th  May,  1 90 1  ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Robert  Mailer,  Eedhall  Farm,  Gargunnock ; 
sire.  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Jenny  of 
Redhall  (15,668),  Vol.  XXVL,  by  Balmedie  Prince  Charming 
(10,027),  Vol.  XVIIL;  gr.-dam,  Nelly  of  Redhall  (15,666), 
Vol.    XXVL,    by    Gallant    Poteath    (8638),    Vol.    XIII.; 

;.-5r.-dam,    Nancy    Knight   (7758),    Vol.    XL,    by   Belted 

'night  (1395),  Vol.  III.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Nina  of  Portnellan 
(2845),  VoL  VI.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Nelly  (1666),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L; 

r"8-"g-"g"g^'"*^*™>  Norah,  by  Sir  Walter  Scott  (797),  Vol.  I. 

TOduce — 


16th  Jane,  1904,  light  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  foot  black,  other  three 
feet  white,  filly,  by  Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII. 

MAGGIE  OF  REDHALL  (16,900);  light  brown,  white  hind 
feet,  foaled  7th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  Mailer,  Redhall  Farm,  Gargunnock  ;  sire,  Palmerston 
(10,389),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Nelly  of  Redhall  (15,666), 
Vol.  XXVL,  by  Gallant  Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
gr.-dam,  Nancy  Knight  (7768),  Vol.  XL,  by  Belted  Knight 
(1395),  Vol.  in.-;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nina  of  Portnellan  (2845), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g.-gr.^am,  Nelly 
(1666),  Vol.  v.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Norah,  by  Sir  Walter  Scott  (797),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

llth  June,  1905,  piebcJd,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  white  over  shoulders  and 
up  off  hip,  filly,  by  Dunure  Blend  (11,691).  Vol.  XXV. 




]CAIXM>IJI,  W.  T. 

DUNMORE  BET  (16,901) ;  bay,  white  mark  on  face,  four  whit^ 
feet,  foaled  1885 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  W.  T.  Malcolm, 
Dunmore  Home  Farm,  Larbert;  sire,  British  Champion 
(3466),  Vol.  VIL ;  dam,  Dunmore  Bet  (1468),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Black  J«b8,  by  Ailaa 
(3370),  Vol.  VII.  Produce- 
May,  1894,  Jean  of  Blawarthfll  (15,147),  Vol.  XXV.,  bay,  fiUy,  by  TVllliBinthfr 

Conqueror  (9098).  Vol.  XIII. 

DUNMORE  DAISY  (16,902);  black,  foaled  Ist  July,  1894; 
bred  by  William  Thomson,  Blair's  Farm,  by  Larbert; 
property  of  W.  T.  Malcolm,  Dunmore  Home  Farm,  Larbert; 
sire.  Boy  in  Blue  (5578),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Blair's  Maggie 
(17,154),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  by  Earl  Grange  (4350),  Vol.  VIIL: 

fr.-dam,  Nancy,  foaled  1875,  by  Come  Again  (3531),  Vol.  VII. 
Voduce — 

20th  May,  1903,  Dunmore  Rose,  brown,  filly  (owned  by  (I)  A.  M.  Simpaoo, 
WhiteorosB,  East  Kilbride;  (2)  William  Anderson,  Milton,  Amatilla  Oo.^ 
Oregon,  U.S.A.),  by  Rothesay  Bay  (10,624),  Vol.  XXI. 


BLOSSOM  OF  FELLEND  (16,903);  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1893 ;  bred  by  W.  &  S. 
Nicholson,  Bombie,  Kirkcudbright ;  property  of  Robert 
Mailman,  Fellend,  Bingford,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire,  Macgr^r 
(1487)  Vol.  III. ;  dam,  Nell,  bred  by  the  late  Wm.  MiTligan. 
Craigley,  Castle-Douglas,  by  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX; 
gr.-dam,  Rosie,  foaled  1883,  Vol.  VI.,  p.  310,  by  Prince 
Albert  (616),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Craigley  (2530), 
Vol.  VL,  by  Dandy  Jim  (221),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jean 
(2529),  Vol.  VL,  by  Buittle  Laddie  (1077),  Vol.  IL 
Produce — 

May,  1904,  Lily,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  hf  |1> 
A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  William  Meharey,  Russell,  Ontario),  by  M^Kmlcf 
(10,228),  Vol.  XIX. 


CROSSRIGW>  VIOLET  (16,904);  bay,  white  mark  down  face, 
all  four  legs  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1901  ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Albert  Mansell,  Crossrigg,  Penrith;  sire, 
MacMeekan  (9600),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Daisy  of  Crossrigg, 
Vol.  XXL,   p.  50,   by  Bonnie  Pnnce,   Vol.  XIL,  p.  407;, 




gr.^am^  the  dam  of  Knight  Templar  (9931),  Vol.  XVIL,  by 
Sir  Wyndham  (4728),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jeannie  Gray 
(6144),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lord  Salisbury  (1206),  Vol.  11. ; 
;,  Maggie  of  Netherwood,  by  Sir  Walter  (796), 
Produce — 


23rd  April,  1905,  bay,  white  faoo,  all  four  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Baron  Solway^ 
(11,269),  VoL  XXIV. 


LIZZIE  OF  TARN  GREEN  (16,906);  bay,  white  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  28th  May,  1 902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Thomas  Mansergb,  Tarn  Green,  Grange-over^nds,  Lan- 
cashire;  sire.  Climax  (10,529),  VoL  XXL;  dam.  Primrose, 
bred  by  the  Earl  of  Durham,  Lambton  Castle,  Fence- 
Houses,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Liz, 
bred  by  the  Earl  of  Durham,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VL 
Produce — 

14th  Jane,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  filly,  by  Lord  Nelson  (12,225),  VoL  XXVI. 


ZENITH  (16,906);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  log  and  oflT 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  Srd  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  pro- 
perty of  John  Marr,  UppermilK  Tarvea,  Aberdeenshire; 
sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Zehnet 
(7810),  Vol.  XL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam,  Nazli 
(3221),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Boydston  Boy  (111),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Concetta  (6),  Vol.  IL,  by  The  Earl  (862),  Vol.  I.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (1395),  Vol.  V.,  by  Lochend  Champion 
(448),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

12tb  April,  1905,  brown,  with  white  hairs,  white  face  and  legs,  colt,  by  Ever- 
iMting  (11,331).  VoL  XXIV. 

ROSE  OF  AIRIES  (16,907);  brown,  star  on  forehead,  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  August,  1900;  bred  by  the  late  Jamea 
Lockhart,  Mains  of  Airies,  Stranraer;  property  of  John 
Marr,  Uppermill,  Tarves,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Carthusian 
(9722),  Vol.  XVL;  dam,  Adrienne  (13,499),  Vol.  XXL,  by 
Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam,  Princess 
(6365),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L ;  g-gr.- 
dam,  a  Merrytpn  mare.     Produce — 

16tli  June,  1905,  Rosette,  brown,  white  hind  socks  and  marks  on  fore  pasterns,. 
filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 




DARLING  XIX.  (16,908);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  white 
mark  on  near  fore  foot,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  20th  Mij, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Marr,  Uppermill, 
Tarves,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,  Prince  Thomas  (10,262), 
Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Darling  VIII.  (11,513),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Caimbrogie  Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIIL  ;  er.-dam.  Darling  V. 
(6498),  Vol.  X.,  by  Strathleven  (1539),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dim, 
Darling  IV.  (2499),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Merry  Mason  (1222), 
Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.  gr.-dam,  Young  Darling  (237),  Vol.  IL,  by 
Banker  (24),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-CT. -dam.  Darling — the  dam  of 
Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L— by  Samson  (741),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kate — Knox's.     Produce—- 

19th  May,  1905,  Darling  XX TV.,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  fore  fetlooka  and  hind 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  Vol.  XXIV. 


MEBLE  (16,909) ;  brown,  white  spot  on  forehead,  near  fore  foot 
black,  others  white,  foaled  12th  May,  1896 ;  bred  by  R  &  J. 
Findlay,  Springhill,  Baillieston;  property  of  Henr}-  K 
Marshall  of  Rachan,  Broughton,  Peeblesshire;  sire.  Prince 
of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Chrystal  (5387),  Vol.  IX-, 
by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Skerblin  ^516),  Vol.  HI, 
by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;  ^.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  oy  Largs  Jock 
(444),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Angus  MKjeachy'a 
horse.     Produce — 

22nd  Mav,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  far  fore  leg  and  botii  hind  legs  white, 
filly,  by  Balmedie  Queen'i  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXII t 

Merh  (16,909)  died  June,  1906. 

TANSY  (16,910);  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1897; 
bred  by  James  Hunter,  Culgroat,  Stranraer;  property  of 
Henry  B.  Marshall  of  Rachan,  Broughton,  Peeblesshire; 
sire,  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IH. ;  dam,  foaled  13th  Msj, 
1893,  Vol.  XVn.,  p.  145,  by  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.-dam,  Ruby  (12,190),  Vol.  XVIL,  by  Earl  of  Stair  (1129), 
Vol.  n. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Culgroat  (2363),  Vol.  VI.,  bj 
Young  Sir  Colin  (1376),  Vol.  H.     Produce— 

24th  Maj,  1901,  bay,  colt  (oastrated),  by  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVH 

May,  1903.  filly  (dead),  by  Enigma  (10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 

1904,  foal  (dead),  by  Sir  Everard's  Last  (11,634),  Vol.  XXIV. 

9th  April,  19Q5,  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legi  white,  eoli»  fay 
Enigma  (10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 




MIMOSA  (16,911);  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  foaled  20th  April, 
1898;  bred  by  Adam  Gray,  IngTeston  of  Borgue,  Kirkcud- 
bright ;  property  of  Henry  B.  Marshall  of  Rachan,  Broughton, 
Peeblesshire;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dwn, 
Barr  Girl  (12,496),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Top  Knot  (6.360), 
Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Barr  Kate  (2002),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Glen- 
gamock  (327),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

April.  1903.  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  colt,  bj  Enigma  (10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 

Mhj,  1904,  baj,  ipot  on  face,  white  feet,  fiUy,  by  Sir  Everard's  LaHt  (11,534), 

23rd  ApriL  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
Drumflower  (10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 

AUBURN  (16,912);  bay,  face  and  near  fore  foot  white,  foaled 
10th  April,  1899;  bred  by  William  Marshall,  Lochfergus, 
Kirkcudbright;  property  of  Henry  B.  Marshall  of  Rachan, 
Broughton,  Peeblesshire;  sire.  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Mary  Macgregor  (12,864),  Vol.  XIX.,  by 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.;  gr.^am,  Do  or  Die  (8908), 
Vol.  XII.,  bv  Peter  the  Great  (3884),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Dizzy  of  Rascarrel  (4862),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Prince  Albert 
(616),  Vol.  I.;  g.-ff.-gr.-dam,  Susy  (4863),  Vol.  VIII.,  by 
Inkermann  (1161),  vol.  II.   'Produce — 

April,  1903,  brown,  colt  (castrated),  by  Sir  Everard's  Last  (11,534),  Vol.  XXIV. 

XEVVFIELD  GEM  (16,913) ;  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  fetlocks 
white,  foaled  4th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  J.  &  A.  Carson, 
Newfield,  Dairy,  Galloway:  property  of  James  Marshall, 
Overton,  Grangemouth;  sire,  Craignelder  (9892),  Vol.  XVIL; 
dam,  Lady  Jane  (12,095),  Vol.  XVIL,  by  Lothian  King 
(6986),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Newfield  (8198),  Vol.  XII , 
by  Skelmorlie  (4027),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  New- 
field  (6032),  Vol.  X.,  by  Champion  (1612),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Robert  Burns  (702),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1902,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  colt,  by  Sir  Hugo  (10,924),  Vol.  XXII. 

1903,  Lady  Marshall,  bay,  white  face,  wall  eye,  hind  legs  white,  very  small 
white  chip  on  near  fore  foot,  fill3'  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains, 
Renfrew;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse,  Ingersoll,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Edmand  (11,192), 

1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  HiawathA  (10,0G7), 
Vol.  X  VIII. 

VOL.  xxvin. 






JESS  OF  BARBAUCHLAW  (16,914) ;  dark  brown,  white  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  about  1882  or  1883;  bred  by  the 
late  Thomas  Harvie,  Barbauchlaw  Mill,  Armadale,  West 
Lothian ;  property  of  William  Marshall,  Barbauchlaw, 
Armadale ;  sire,  Frince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I. ;  dam, 
Maggie,  bred  by  the  late  Thomas  Harvie,  by  Vanquisher 
(889),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1894,  Meg  of  Barbauchlaw  (16,915),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  filly,  by  Rixrio  (4663). 
Vol.  VIII. 

MEG  OF  BARBAUCHLAW  (16,915) ;  bay,  white  bkze  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  1894 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Marshall,  Barbauchlaw,  Armadale,  West  I^thiao; 
sire,  Kizzio  (4668),  Vol.  VIII. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Barbauchlaw 
(16,914),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.; 
gr.ndam,  Maggie,  by  Vanquisher  (889),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

22Dd  April,  1902,  Miss  Marshall,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  and  near  fwe  foot 
white,  fiUy  (owned  by  (1)  A.  M.  Simi>son,  Whitecross,  East  Kilbride  ;  (2)  Wilbufi 
Anderson,  Milton,  Amatilla  Co.,  Oregon,  U.S. A.),  by  HiUhcad  Chief  (10,774). 
Vol.  XXII. 


ROSIE  OF  KERRYMENOCH  (16,916);  black,  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  legs,  foaled  May,  1885  ;  bred  by  Mrs.  Maclndoe, 
Walkinshaw,  Paisley;  property  of  (1)  Mr.  M'Killop,  Scalpsie, 
Rothesay;  (2)  John  Martin,  Kerrymenoch,  Rothesay; 
sire,  Benmore  ( 1 948),  Vol.  V. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Walkinshiir 
(3893),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Conqueror  (196),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1889,  oolt,  by  Current  Coin  (7627),  Vol.  XII. 

Maj,  1897,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  bv  John  Weirl  Vf 
Prince  Rosemount  (9992),  Vol.  XVII. 

May,  1903,  bay,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Golden  Victor  (11.056),  Vol.  XXIIL 

2nd  June,  1904,  Dora,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  1^  and  one  hiD<i  kg 
white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W-  Montgomery  ;  (2)  Professor  Camming 
Halifax,  Nova  SootU),  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837),  Vol  XXIL 

JEAN  OF  KERRYMENOCH  (16,917);  dark  brown,  white 
stripe  on  face,  one  fore  leg  and  one  hind  leg  white,  foaled 
15th  April,  1897  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Martin, 




Kerrymenoch,   Bute;    sire,   M*Vinnie  (9318),   Vol.  XIV.; 
dam,   Dandy   II.,   bred   by  John   Martin,  by  Lord   Ailsa 
(5974),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Dandy  L,  bred  by  Bryce  Martin, 
Glecknabae,  by  Lofty  (461),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
May,  1901,  bay,  hind  legs  white,  fitly,  by  Fickle  Fashion  (10.546),  Vol  XXI. 

May.  1902,  dark  brown,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Pride  of  Blaoon  (10,837), 

3rd  Jane,  1904,  Dolly,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  hind  leg  white, 
filiy  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  Professor  Gamming,  Halifax,  Nova 
Scotia),  by  Pride  of  Blaoou  (10,837),  Vol.  XXII. 


LAMPITS  PRIMROSE  (16,918);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
far  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  white  spot  on  near  side, 
foaled  1894 ;  bred  by  Donald  Black,  Auchenfoil,  Kilmacolm; 
property  of  (1)  John  Lambie,  Fogorig,  Duns;  (2)  John 
Mather,  Lampits,  Carstairs  Junction ;  sire.  Prince  f'rederick 
(8905),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Young  Betty  of  Auchenfoil  (8106), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam,  Betty 
of  Auchenfoil  (8103),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Richard  III.  (1802), 
Vol.  IV  ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Prince  David  (643),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Young  Garibaldi  (973),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1902,  filly  (bred  by  and  property  of  John  Lambie),  by  Black  Bod  (10,509), 

3rd  July,  1905,  brown,  face  and  legs  white,  flUy  (bred  by  and  property  of  John 
Mather),  by  Prince  of  Maryfield  (12,289),  Vol.  XXYI. 


NINA  (16,919);  dark  brown,  white  bell  on  face,  little  white  on 
near  hind  pastern,  foaled  19th  May,  1897;  bred  by  John 
Bauchop,  Auchentullich,  Alexandria ;  property  of  Matthew 
Mather,  Silverknowes,  Davidson's  Mains,  Midlothian ;  sire. 
Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam.  Bell  of  Auchentullich 
(12,402),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ; 
gr.-dam.  Bell  oF  Meadowlield  (9015),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Darnfey 
(222),  Vol.  L  ;  _g.-gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Meadowfield  (6658), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Molly 
(1726),  Vol.  V,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Garibaldi  (318),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

6th  June,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  siwt  on  far  hind 
paatem,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Maryfield  (12,289),  Vol.  XXYI. 





QUEEN  ALEXANDRA  (16,920);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
four  white  feet,  small  black  spot  on  near  hind  foot,  aod 
white  spot  on  near  side  of  bod}',  foaled  29th  March,  1901 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton-Stewart; 
sire,  Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII.;  dam.  The  Diamond 
Queen  (14.314),  Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899), 
Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam.  Gallant  Lady  (12,805),  Vol.  XIX.,  by 
Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Fulwood  Prince 
Vol.  v.,  p.  149,  by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-e.- 
gr.-dam,  Jess  (1249),  Vol.  V.,  by  Glancer  (340),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.dam.  Darling,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  I. ; 
8-"S* '§•"§• 'S''-"^*™>  Fanny.     Produce — 

17th  March,  1905,  browm  ratoh  on  face,  white  feet,  small  white  spot  on  near 
fltifle,  filly,  by  ReveUnta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 

FL0REN(3E  NIGHTINGALE  (16,921);  brown,  small  star  on 
forehead,  near  hind  foot  almost  wholly  black,  others  white, 
foaled  7th  June,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of  A  B. 
Matthews,  Newton-Stewart;  sire.  Big  barr  (10,986), 
Vol.  XXIIL;  dam,  The  Diamond  Queen  (14,314), 
Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XUL: 
sr.-dam,  Gallant  Lady  (12,805),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Top  Gallant 
(1850),  Vol.  IV.;  g. -gr.-dam,  Fulwood  Princess,  Vol.  V., 
p.  149,  by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  (1249),  Vol.  V.,  by  Glancer  (340),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr- 
dam,  Darling,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g  -g.-g- -gr.- 
dam,  Fanny     Produce — 

22nd  May.  1905,  black,  large  star  on  face,  a  little  white  on  far  fore  foot,  other 
feet  almost  wholly  black,  filly,  by  General  Hunter  (12,161),  Vol.  XXVI. 


MAGGIE  OF  KILNHILL  (16,922) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
a  little  white  on  near  hind  toot,  foaled  l.'ith  May,  1899; 
bred  by  George  Fraser,  Kilnhill,  Laurencekirk ;  property  of 
James  Matthews,  Home  Farm,  Drumrossie,  Insch;  sire, 
.  Prince  of  Airies  (10,103),  Vol.  XVIIL  ;  dam,  Pride  IL  of 
Kilnhill  (13,434),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Gilderoy  II.  (5038), 
Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  Nell  of  Kilnhill  (6183),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Prince  Chariie  (629),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie  (6060), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Young  Lord  Haddo  (992),  Vol.  I. ;  g.  g.-gr.-dam, 
Gip.     Produce — 

18th  May,  1904,  MIm  Ramsay,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white, 
a  very  little  white  on  fore  feet,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Laugh  ton  (11,858),  VoL  XXV. 




KATTHXWS,  W.   ft  J. 

NANNIE  OF  MOORHOUSE  (16,923) ;  bajs  white  star  on  face, 
foaled  1896;  bred  by  and  property  of  W.  <fe  J.  Matthews, 
Moorhouse,  Carlisle;  sire,  Lord  Sempill  (8781),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Lofty,  bred  by  W.  &  J.  Matthews,  by  Young  Glenlee 
(976),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.  dam,  Fanny,  bred  by  the  late  G.  Matthews, 
Moss-side,  Abbey  Town,  by  Dumbarton  (253),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Nannie,  by  Luck's  All  (?).     Produce — 

July,  1903,  Royal  Nannie,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  filly 
gowned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario)  by 
Koyal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 


BONNY  OF  WESTFIELD  (16,924);  bay,  white  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  1890;  bred  by  Joshua  Harrison,  late 
of  Westfield  House,  Aikton,  Cumberland;  property  of  ^1) 
Wm.  Mattinson,  White  Croft,  Ireby,  Wigton;  (2)  John 
Mattinson,  Park  Head,  Silloth;  sire.  Charmer  (2014), 
VoL  V. ;  dam,  bred  by  Wm.  Harrison,  Westfield  House^ 
by  Nelson  (1493),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Wm.  Harrison, 
by  Dumbarton  (253),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  bought  from 
Captain  Spencer,  late  of  Whitehaven.     Produce — 

11  th  April,  1908,  Damsel,  bay,  white  stripe  down  face,  three  white  legi,  filly,, 
by  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

14th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Lord  Lothian 
(5998),  Vol.  X. 

DARLING  OF  PARK  HEAD  (16,925);  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  15th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  D. 
Walker,  Greysouthern,  Cockermoath;  property  of  John 
Mattinson,  Park  Head,  Silloth  ;  sire,  Knight  of  Drumlanrig 
(9777),  Vol.  XVI.;  dam,  Fanny  of  Greysouthern  (16,409), 
Vol.  XXVII.,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam. 
Snip  of  Crosby  (7930),  Vol.  XL,  by  Challenger  (1088), 
Vol,  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny  (7929),  Vol.  XL,  by  Marquis  of 
Lome  (524),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dara,  Maggie.     Produce — 

4th  May,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Lord  Lothian 
(5098),  VoL  X. 

LADY  BET  (16,926) ;  bay,  white  on  forehead,  far  fore  and  hind 
legs   white,    foaled    18th    June,    1901 ;     bred   by    Messrs. 




Emmerson,  Lawrence  Holme,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  pro- 
perty of  John  Mattinson,  Park  Head,  Silloth ;  sire.  Royal 
Keir  (10,881),- Vol.  XXH. ;  dam,  Smiler,  bred  by  Measn. 
Emmerson,    by    Queensberry   Prince  (9993),   Vol.    XVIL; 

fr.-dam,  Popsy,  bred  by  Christopher  Carr,  Aldoth»  Abbej 
'own,  by  Challenger  (1088),  Vol.  11. ;  e.-gr.^am,  by 
England's  Glory;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Laird  of  Glenlee  (1176), 
Vol.  IL     Produce — 

15th  Mfty,  1905.  Jewel,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  leg§  white,  (IIIt,  bj  R«vil 
Champion  (8956),  YoL  XIII. 


BLOSSOM  OF  WHITECROFT  (16,927);  chestnut,  white  face, 
three  white  legs,  foaled  1889 ;  bred  by  Messrs.  Little, 
Hunley,  Scaleby,  Carlisle;  property  of  Wm.  Mattinson, 
Whitecroft,  Ireby,  Mealsgate,  Carlisle ;  sire,  Baron  of  Dram- 
lanrig  (1935),  Vol.  V.;  dam,  Polly  of  Hunley  (11,854), 
Vol.  XVL,  by  Young  Baldi  (1353),  Vol.  H. ;  gr.-dam,  Jc« 
of  Aglionby,  by  Justice  (421),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

17th  August,  1898,  Jenny,  black,  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  legs 
white,  filly  by  Boyal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

17th  July,  1900,  Lady,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Crown  Rigfato 
10,182),  VoL  XIX. 

10th  June,  1903,  Darling,  black,  white  hairs  through  body,  star  on  face,  £tf 
fore  leg  gprey  inside,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Sir  Anthony  (10,642),  VoL  XXI. 

24th  June,  1904,  chestnut,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Blacon  Haron 
<10,510),  Vol.  XXI. 

7th  July,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Lord  Lowther  (12,650), 
Vol.  XXVII. 

Blossom  of  Whitecroft  had  three  or  four  foals  before  Mr.  Mattinson  bovffht  her. 


KATE  OF  DENMUIR  (16,928) ;  dark  brown,  small  white  latch 
half  way  down  face,  near  hind  leg  white  round  pastern, 
other  three  legs  black,  foaled  24th  April,  1892;  bred  by 
George  Tod,  Denmuir,  Cupar-Fife ;  property  of  James 
Maxwell,  Banington,  Strathmiglo,  Fife ;  sire,  Prince  of 
Scotia  (7161),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam,  Jessica  (6995),  VoL  XL,  by 
Lothian  Laddie  (504),  VoL  L ;  gr.-dam,  Dunmore  Jc«s 
(3269),  VoL  VII.,  by  Victor  (892),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess, 
by  Rob  Roy  (714),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Ifith  June,  1905,  Lord  Ninian,  black,  white  face,  four  legs  white  up  to  pasterns 
inside  of  near  fore  foot  black,  colt,  by  Ryeoom  (10,639),  Vol.  XXI. 





ROSIE  OF  SPARNELBANK  (16,929);  bay,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  1895 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Maxwell,  Sparnelbank,  Galston;  sire,  St.  Blaise 
(3987),  Vol  VII.;  dam,  Polly,  bred  by  Hugh  Craig, 
Cattadale,  Campbeltown,  by  Cairngorm  (6567),  Vol.  XI. ; 
gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Cattadale  (7109),  Vol.  XL,  by  Largs  Jock 
(444),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  bred  by  Mrs.  Drain.     Produce — 

1900.  bay,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Golden  Sovereign  (10,198),  Vol.  XIX. 

1901,  Sparnelbank  (13,214),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  colt  (owned  by  James  Kil- 
patrick,  Oraigie  Mains,  Kilmarnock),  by  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*),  VoL  XVIII. 


JULIET  (16,930) ;  brown,  stripe  on  face,  black  legs,  wjiite  spot 
on  near  fore  footj  foaled  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of 
John  Meikle,  Craigrie,  Clackmannan ;  sire,  Prince  Komeo 
(8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Craigrie  Rose,  bred  by  George  G. 
Learmonth,  Northbank,  Bo'ness,  by  M*Vicar(5204),  Vol.  IX.; 
gr.-dam,  Silverwood  Maggie  (9145),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Warrior 
(902),  VoL  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Border  Chief  alias 
Merry  Tom  (535),  \'^1.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Farmer 
(285),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
June,  1903,  Clara,  bay,  white  on  face,  four  white  feet  and  legs,  filly  (owned  by 

W.  H,  Bryce,  Areola,  Am.,  N.W.T.),  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BETTY  OF  BOGHEAD  (16,931);  dark  bay,  white  spot  on  face, 
near  fore  foot  and  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  1897 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Meikle,  Boghead,  Arbroath ; 
sire,  Muns  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Mary,  a 
black  mare,  bred  by  Captain  Stewart,  Knockrioch,  Campbel- 
town, by  Londonderry  (7934),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam,  Mary 
Newman,  brown,  bred  by  Captain  Stewart,  by  Newman 
(2305),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary,  chestnut,  dam  of  Lord 
Harry—  Drew's— (1478).     Produce— 

15th  May,  1904,  bay,  off  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Lord  Rosehill  (12.228), 
Vol.  XXVI. 

8th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  both  shoulders,  near  fore  leg  dark,  other 
three  white,  filly,  by  Eoyal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol:  XXI. 




MTYKf.mff,   J.   *  W. 


MONTRAVE  MARJORIE  (16,932);  bay,  face  and  legs  white, 
wall  eye  on  near  side,  foaled  14th  May,  1890;  bred  by 
Sir  John  Gilmour  of  Montrave,  Bart.,  Leven,  Fife  ;  property 
of  J.  &  W.  Meiklem,  Begg,  Kirkcaldy;  sire,  Height  o' 
Splendour  (6836),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  St.  Mary  (4631), 
Vol.  VIII.,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VL  ;  gr.-dam,  Kate 
of  Dumbreckshill  (2792),  Vol.  VL,  by  Lothian  Tarn  (1211), 
Vol.  11. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Nannie  (1695),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Conqueror 
(196),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
July,   1905,  bay,   white  face,   three  white  feet,   filly,  by  Brooklyn  (65I7K 

VoL  XI. 

LADY  HIAWATHA  (16,933);  brown,  white  face,  hind  1.^ 
white,  foaled  June,  1899  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  J.  <k  Vi'. 
Meiklem,  Begg,  Kirkcaldy;  sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067), 
Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Kirkcaldy  Kate  (13,961),  VoL  XXH., 
by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Young  Tartin 
(10,205),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I.: 
g. -gr.-dam.  Tartan  of  Kenmuir  (2987),  Vol.  VL,  by  Damley 
(222),  Vol.  L ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  Douglas  (646),  Vol.  III., 
by  Young  Campsie  (929),  Vol.  I.  ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  the 
Countess  of  Homers  prize  mare.     Produce — 

April,  1905,  brown,  white  face  and  legs,  filly,  by  Royal  FaTonrite  (10.63D^ 
Vol.  XXI. 

ORPHAN  (16,934);  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  foot  white, 
foaled  4th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  J.  ^  W. 
Meiklem,  Begg,  Kirkcaldy;  sire.  Prince  of  Albion  (6178), 
Vol.  X. ;  dam.  Medallion  (14,321),  Vol.  XXIII.,  by  The 
Summit  (9442),  Vol.  XIV.  ;  gr.-dam.  Young  Tartan  (10,205). 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.  dam. 
Tartan  of  Kenmuir  (2987),  Vol.  VL,  by  Damley  (222), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  Douglas  (646),  Vol.  III.,  by 
Young  Campsie  (929),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  the  Countess 
of  Home's  prize  mare.     Produce — 

June,  1905,  brown,  black  legs,  oolt,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XT. 


ROSIE  OF  LOCHRAN  (16,935);  roan,  black  legs,  foaled  1892; 
bred  by  Robert  Spittal,  Kenmuir,  Tollcross  ;  property  of 
Robert  Meiklem,  Lochran,  Blair-Adam,  Kinross-shire;  sire, 
Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Young  Tartan  (10,205), 




Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L;  gr.-dam, 
Tartan  of  Kenmuir  (2987),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Darnley  (222), 
Vol.  I. ;  ff. -gr.-dam,  Jean  Douglas  (646),  Vol.  III.,  by  Young 
Campsie  (929),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  the  Countess  of  Home's 
prize  mare.     Produce' — 

1896,  Miss  Meiklem  (16,250),  Vol.  XXVII.,   brown,  fillj,   bv  WiUUmwood 
(8391),  Vol.  XII. 

May,  1900,  Young  Rosie,  brown,  two  white  feet,  filly,  by  Prince  of  Roxburgh 
(10.616),  Vol.  XXI. 

Hay,  1903.  roftn,  star  on  face,  black  legs,  filly,  by  Concord  (10,720),  Vol.  XXII. 

May,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  filly,  by  Sir  Simon  (10,465), 
Vol.  !fcx. 

April,  1905,  bay,   white  ratch  on  face,  two  white  feet,  colt,  by  Blackband 
(11,623),  Vol.  XXV. 

MAGGIE  OF  LOCHRAN  (16,936);  brown,  foaled  1895;  bred 
by  the  late  Gilbert  Keith,  Lochran,  Blair-Adam ;  property  of 
Bobert  Meiklem,  Lochran,  Blair-Adam,  Kinross-shire;  sire, 
Scottish  Standard  (9674),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Nancy  of  Monia- 
brock  (8583),  Vol.  XII.,  by  King  of  the  Forest  (1170), 
Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  (4309),  Vol.  VIL,  by  a  horse 
owned  by  the  late  Samuel  Clark ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Mary  (2221), 
Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (666),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess,  by  Defiance  (224),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1902,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  J.  k  W. 
Meiklem,  Begg,  Kirkcaldy),  by  Alick'a  Pride  (10,669),  Vol.  XXII. 

filay,  1903,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Montrave  Mac  (9958), 

May,   1904,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  Sir  Simon  (10,465)^ 
VoL  XX. 

May,  1905^  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Blackband  (11,623),. 
Vol.  XXV. 


GARTLY  COUPON  (16,937);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off 
fore  and  hind  legs  white,  outside  of  near  fore  ankle  white, 
foaled  22nd  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Alexander 
MacG.  Mennie,  Brawlandknowes,  Gartly;  sire,  Prince 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Gartly  Chaperon 
(13,187),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Williamwood  (8391),  Vol.  XII.; 
gr.-dam,  Cinderella  (9546),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Skelraorlie  (4027), 

Vol.  VIL;   g.-gr.-dam,  Belinda  ^1 165)^  VoL  V.,  by  Prince 
by   Campsie   (119),  Vol.   L;    g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,   a  mare,  by 

(1786),  VoL  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Black  Bess  (603),  Vol.  III., 

'),   Vol.   I.  •    g.-fi 
Samson  (740),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

29th. April,  1905,  Gartly  Bonus,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  off  fore  and 
hmd  legs  white,  colt,  by  Everlasting  (11,331),  VoL  XXIV. 


BELLE  OF  BERFEKN  (16,938);  black,  white  face,  hin.l  lejn 
white,  foaled  1887;  bred  by  Mr.  Bailtie,  Dramhead,  Mill- 
port; property  of  D.  &  J.  Miller,  Berfern  Farm,  Inverkip; 
sire,  Woodside  Prince  (4116),  Vol.  VII.;  dam,  Lily,  foaled 
1875,  bred  by  Alexander  Love,  Margaret's  Mill,  Kilmacolm, 
by  General  Williams  (327),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Mar- 
garet's Mill  (2488),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Young  Garibaldi  (973), 
Vol.  L  ;  K.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Lang's  Horw,  by  Koyal  Charlit 
(729),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Dainty.     Produce — 

15th  Jane,  1904,  J»n,  brown,  white  face,  bind  leg>  white,  fill;  (owned  bjr  (I) 
W.  S.  Park;  (2)  C.  E.  E*id,  Simoa^  Ontario),  bj  Kojal  atiien  (n,896L 
Vol.  XXVI. 

V  (16,939);  dark  biflwn,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled 
1899;  bred  by  Arthur  Lang,  West  Kilbride  Farm,  Kil 
macolm  ;  property  of  James  Miller,  Stacklawhill,  St«warton; 
sire,  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol,  X.;  dam.  Darling,  bred  by 
Arthur  Lang,  by  Rule  Britannia  (8217),  Vol.  XIL  ;  gr.-dani. 
Maggie  Lauder,  bred  by  Arthur  Lang,  by  Sir  John  (2413), 
Vol.V.     Produce— 


QUEEN  OF  TURIN  (16.940);  dark  brown,  white  ralch  on 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  25th  June,  1900 ;  bred  by  atnl 
property  of  David  Milne,  North  Mains  of  Turin,  Forfar: 
sire,  Benedict  (10,315),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Princeaa  of  Kyle 
(12,870),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.-dam.  Lady  Daniley  (8729),  Vol  XIL,  by  Darnley  (22:'), 
Vol.  I.;  g.^.dam,  Clytie  (3863),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Warrior 
(902),  Vol.  1. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Lothian  Jock  (1752), 
Vol  IV. ;  g. -g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Prince  Charlie  (625), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

e  lint  on  face,  bind  f"* 
ite  ratch  on  face,  GUf.  Vf 




mUfX,   JOHN. 

LADY  MARY  (16,941);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  a 
little  white  on  off  fore  pastern,  near  hind  leg  white  half  way 
up  to  hock,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by  Alex.  M*Intyre, 
Dunallan,  Eothesay;  property  of  John  Milne,  Mains  of 
Williamston,  Insch;  sire,  Lord  Lionel  (10,584),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Rosenthal  (13,523),  Vol.  XXL,  b}'  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam.  Rose  Lawrence  (13,522),  Vol.  XXL, 
by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VIL,  p.  261 ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Bute 
Rose  (9940),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Springhill  Darnley  (2429), 
Vol.  v.;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Dunallan  (4812),  Vol.  VIIL, 
by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  VqI.  II. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by  Scots- 
man (747),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  Tommy  Atkins,  brown,  white  ratoh  on  face,  dark  points,  colt, 
hy  Prince  Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX. 

MINTO,   W.   R. 

MADAM  RACHEL  (16,942);  brown,  face  and  near  hind  fetlock 
white,  foaled  12th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  Edward  Weigh tman. 
Middle  Herrington,  Sunderland;  property  of  W.  R.  Minto, 
Croudace  House,  Fence  Houses;  sire,  Cambo  (10,322), 
Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Rachel,  bred  by  the  Marquis  of  London- 
derry, Seaham  Hall,  Seaham  Harbour,  by  Prince  of  Albion 
(6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam,  Montrave  Rachel  (1 1,446),  Vol.  XV., 
by  Rizzio  (4668),  Vol.  VIIL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Banks 
(2612),  Vol.  VL,  by  Young  Ross  (1370),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  by  Hercules  (378),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2nd  Maj,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  fetlock  white,  fiUy,  by 
Clydesdale  Stamp  (ll,r»60),  Vol.  XXV. 


BUD  OF  CAIRNTON  (16,943);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
off  hind  leg  black,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled  21st  April, 
1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  D.  Minty,  Cairn  ton, 
Kemnay,  Aberdeenshire;  sire.  Sir  Joseph  (10,459),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam,  a  dark  brown  mare,  bred  by  Mr.  Hetherwick,  Mains  of 
Auchnagatt,  Ellon,  by  Justice  (1165),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  a 
bay  mare,  bred  by  Mr.  Hetherwick,  by  The  General  (1324), 
Vol.  11.     Produce — 

4th  May,  1902,  Polly,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  leg  white,  other 
-three  black,  filly,  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

12th  May,  1905,  Bohrangus,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  l^s  white,  colt 
•(owned  by  Alexander  Burr,  TuUoford,  Old  Meldrum),  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379), 
VoL  XX". 





YOUNG  ROSA  (16,944);  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  foiled 
1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  Gavin  Mitchell,  Knock, 
Bathgate ;  sire,  Prince  of  Millfield  (9650),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam, 
Rosa,  bred  by  Gavin  Mitchell,  by  Height  of  Splendour 
(6836),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Missie  II.,  bred  by  Gtnn 
Mitchell,  by  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII.; 

g.-gr.-dam,  Missie,  by  Miller  Jock  (541),  Vol.  I.  ;   &'-g-^- 

,  VoLl; 

dam.  Old  Nell  (5645),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Morton  (546), 

g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam.   Old    Mag,    by   Scotchman    (749),    Vol.  L 

Produce — 

May,  1902,  Rosalea,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  pastern  and  hind  les*  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Boghall  Mao  (11,276),  Vol.  XXIV. 


DAISY  OF  STRATHBROCK  (IG,945);  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
fore  feet  white,  near  hind  leg  white  to  hock,  white  spot  on 
top  of  off  foot,  foaled  24th  April,  1897 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  George  Mitchell,  Broxburn  Park,  Broxburn; 
sire.  Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Rose  of  Strath 
brock  (12,584),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  St.  Stephen  (7231), 
Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam.  Queen  of  Broxburn  Park  (10,884), 
Vol.  XIV,  by  Callendar  (4901),  Vol.  IX. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean 
of  Broxburn  Park  (6527),  Vol.  X.,  by  Highland  Chief  (382), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Snip — dam  of  Kat«  (6526),  Vol.  X. 
Produce — 

14th  June,  1904,  Bessie  of  Strathbrock,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore 
foot  white,  hind  feet  white  running  up  to  hock,  fiUy  by  Baron  Mitchell  (10,^). 
Vol.  XXII. 

LIZZIE  OF  STRATHBROCK  (16,946);  bay,  white  face,  small 
white  spot  between  nostrils,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  19th 
May,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  George  Mitchell, 
Broxburn  Park,  Broxburn ;  sire,  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074), 
Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Nellie  of  Strathbrock  (13,973),  Vol.  XXII., 
by  Darnley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Rose  of 
Strathbrock  (12,584),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  St  Stephen  (7231), 
Vol.  XL ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Queen  of  Broxburn  (10,884),  Vol.  XIV., 
by  Callendar  (4901),  Vol.  IX. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Brox- 
burn (6527),  Vol.  X.,  by  Highland  Chief  (382),  Vol.  L ; 
g. -g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Snip.     Produce — 

19th  May,  1905,  Fancy  of  Strathbrock,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  bUck  feet, 
filly,  by  Alexander  Everard  (11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 




HIGHLAND  LASS  (16,947);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  17th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  William  Simpson, 
Stripeside,  Grange,  Keith ;  property  of  James  Mitchell, 
Kirkton  of  Premnay,  Insch;  sire,  Royal  Standard  (9847), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Rose  III.  of  Braco,  bred  by  Alex.  Leslie, 
Braco,  Keith,  by  Leopold  (3766),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Rose 
of  Braco  (4745),  Vol.  VlIL,  by  Remarkable  (1277),  Vol.  II. ; 
f^-gr.-dam.  Old  Fanny,  a  prize  mare,  by  Grey  Comet  (192), 
I.     Produce — 


20th  July,  1904,  Lady  Moncrei£fe,  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white 
feet,  fillv  (M.B.,  William  Simpson  ;  F.B.  and  owner,  James  Mitchell),  by  Mon- 
-creiffe  Marquis  (9953),  VoL  XVII. 

LADY  WINGATE  (16,948^;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near 
fore  foot  black,  other  tnree  white,  foaled  29th  May,  1902; 
bred  by  George  H.  Diiffus,  Blackpark,  Premnay;  property 
of  James  Mitchell,  Kirkton  of  Premnay,  Insch;  sire,  Wingate 
( 1 0,948),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Jessie  Rosslyn,  bay,  foaled 
1897,  Vol.  XX.,  p.  Ill,  by  Lord  Rosslyn  (9788),  Vol.  XVI. ; 
gr.-dam,  Royal  Jess  (13,051),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Mount  Royal 
(8065),  Vol.  XII.;  g.-gr.-dam.  Young  Darling  (8316), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (1741),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Darling  of  Parkholm  (2264),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Warrior  (902), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

doth  May,  1905,  Benachie,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt, 
by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BELL  OF  GREENYARDS  (16,949);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near 
hind  leg  white,  half  way  to  hock,  other  three  legs  black, 
foaled  June,  1892;  bred  by  the  late  John  Henderson, 
Glenhead,  Dunblane;  property  of  John  Mitchell,  Green- 
yards, Dunblane ;  sire.  Mountain  Boy  (6099),  Vol.  X. ;  dam, 
bred  by  the  late  John  Henderson,  by  Lord  Kelburne  (2253), 
Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  the  late  John  Henderson,  by 
Tichborne  (874),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

July,  1902,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white,  filly,  by  Sylvander 
<10,938),  Vol.  XXII. 

July,  1903,  ooH  (castrated),  by  Rosedale  (8194),  Vol.  XII. 

July,  1904,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Up  to 
Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

1905,  no  foal. 




ALICE  (16,950) ;  bay,  ratch  ou  face,  near  fore  ankle  white,  near 
hina  leg  white  half  way  to  hock,  other  two  ankles  black, 
foaled  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  the  late  John  Henderson, 
Glenhead,  Dunblane;  property  of  John  Mitchell,  Green- 
yards, Dunblane;  sire.  Federation  (11,034),  Vol.  XXIIL : 
dam,  Jean,  bred  by  the  late  John  Henderson,  by  Lord 
Kelburne  (2253),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam.  Brisk,  bred  by  the  late 
John  Henderson,  by  Tichborne  (874),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

April,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  hind  leg  white,  oolt,  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  Vol.  XX. 


LIZZIE  (16,951^;  foaled  about  1884,  bred  by  James  Dougad, 
Blaircessnock,  Port  of  Monteith ;  property  of  William 
Mitchell,  Auchyle,  Port  of  Monteith ;  sire,  Topsman  (886), 
Vol.  I. ;  dam,  Nancy,  bred  by  James  Dougal,  by  Lord  Clyde 
(475),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
June,  1898,  Bose  of  Menteith  (15,696).  VoL  XXVI.,  brown,  ftUy,  by  FI*shwood 

(3604),  Vol.  VII. 


ROSIE  OF  BLACKDUB  (16,962) ;  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  10th  June,  1895;  bred  by  Thomas 
Shedden,  Clonherb,  Fenwick ;  property  of  William  Mitchell, 
Blackdub,  Stirling ;  sire.  Royal  Reward  (10,003),  Vol.  XVII.; 
dam,  foaled  10th  July,  1892,  bred  by  Thomas  Shedden,  bj 
Right  at  Last  (8947),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  foaled  July,  1883, 
bred  by  Messrs.  Robert  &  James  Allison,  Hartfield  Farm, 
Paisley,  by  Young  Ivanhoe  (1888),  Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

1903,  colt  (castrated),  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

Ist  June,  1904,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

11th  June,  1905,  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  legs  vhite, 
ftUy  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

KATE  OF  LUNDIE  (16,953);  light  brown,  white  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  1896  ;  bred  by  John  M'Pherson,  Edra- 
mucky,  Killin,  Perthshire;  property  of  (1)  A,  Feigoson, 
Lundie,  Doune;  (2)  William  Mitchell,  Blackdub,  Stirling; 
sire,  Kippendavie  Stamp  (9774),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Kate  of 
Edramucky,   bred   by  John  M*Pherson,   by  Etam  (1131), 




Vol.  II.  ]  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  CraggantoU,  bred  by  John 
M'Pherson,  CraggantoU,  Killin,  by  Breadalbane  (114),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

Jane,  1903,  Celia,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  filly  (owned  b? 
(1)  A.  &  VT.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  General 
Ix»kbart  (10,558),  VoL  XXI. 

June,  1904,  light  brown,  with  a  grey  hair,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs, 
filly,  by  Dnnure  Kim  (12,130),  Vol.  XXVI. 

19th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  some  white  on  inside  of  near  hind  leg,  filly, 
by  The  Real  Mackay  (11,968).  Vol.  XXV. 


JESS  OF  FREELAND  (16,954);  light  bay,  white  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  about  1894;  bred  by  Robert  Holmes, 
Faulds  Farm,  Gourock ;  property  of  James  Moffat,  Freeland, 
Renfrew ;  sire,  Prince  Frederick  (8906),  VoL  XIII. ;  dam, 
Jenny,  dark  brown,  foaled  1890,  bred  by  Robert  Holmes, 
Faulds,  by  Top  of  the  Walk  (8369),  VoL  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  a 
mare  bred  by  James  Duncan  of  Benmore,  by  Druid  (1120), 
VoL  11. ;,  a  mare  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664), 
VoL  I.     Proouce — 

July,  1902,  Lady  Freeland,  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  fetlock,  and  hind 
legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  Charles  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Sir  Hugo 
(10,924),  Vol.  XXII. 


JEANIE  LEE  (16,955);  light  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  fore 
feet  black,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  10th  April,  1898 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  Joseph  Moggach,  Mains  of  Towiebeg, 
Botriphnie,  Keith;  sire.  Sir  Morell  Mackenzie  (9416), 
VoL  XIV. ;  dam,  Rose  of  Towiebeg,  bred  by  James  Shaw, 
Ladycroft,  Knockando,  Morayshire,  by  Lord  Settrington 
(4539),  VoL  VIII. ;  gr.  dam.  Lady,  bred  by  James  Shaw,  by 
Johnny  alias  Rantin'  Johnny  (414),  VoL  I.     Produce — 

4tb  May,  1903,  Emma  of  Towiebeg,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet» 
ffllj.  by  Royal  Charlie  (11,488),  Vol.  XXIV. 


JENNY  OF  REDNOCK  (16,956);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
and  near  hind  legs,  white,  four  white  feet,  foaled  15th  May, 
1899;   bred  by  Robert  Wilson,  Kersifield,  Talbot  Street, 




Grangemouth ;  property  of  Thomas  Moir,  Castle  of  Bednock, 
Port  of  Monteith ;  sire,  The  Gallant  (11,961),  Vol.  XXV.; 
dam,  Tibbie  of  Yonderhaugb,  bred  by  Kobert  Wilson,  by 
Speed  the  Plough  (8283X  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess,  bred  by 
the  late  Kobert  Cars  well,  Airth  Mains,  Airth,  Stirlingshire, 
by  Zetland  (1044),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

2l8t  June,  I9a3,  Caetle  Favourite  (12.892),  Vol  XXVIII.,  bay,  with  a  white 
hair  through  body,  colt,  by  Koyal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

6th  July,  1904,  Flossy,  bav,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  hj 
Loudoun  King  (10,225),  Vol.  XIX. 

27th  June,  1905,   Blossom,   brown,  white  face,  ott  fore  leg  black,  near  fore 
ankle  and  both  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Dunure  Blend  (11,691),  Vol.  XXV. 

MONTGOMBBY,   A.   St  W. 

LADY  GARTLY  (16,957) ;  white  spot  on  face,  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  14th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  M*Dowall,  Girdsting- 
wood,  Kirkcudbright;  property  of  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery, 
Netherhall  and   Banks,    Kirkcudbright;    (2)  Exported   to 

»  South  America;  sire,  Woodend  Gartly  (10,663),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Mary  of  Girdstingwood  (13,928),  Vol.  XXII.,  by 
Montrave  Mosstrooper  (9806),  Vol.  XVI. ;  gr.-dam,  Mint 
of  Girdstingwood  (12,552),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Macgregpr 
(1487),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Trim  of  Girdstingwood  (9915), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Belted  Kfaight  (1395),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-c.-gr.-dain, 
Sally  of  Auchnabony  (5576),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Lochfei^ 
Champion  (449),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

11th  May,   1906,  black,   star  on  forehead,  filly,  by  King's  Crest  (11.386). 
Vol.  XXIV. 


JESS  OF  FORDHEAD  (16,958);  dark  brown,  ratch  on  face, 
near  hind  foot  white,  other  feet  black,  foaled  April,  1901 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  More,  Fordhead,  Kippen; 
sire,  Casabianca  (10,523),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Jean  of  Fordhead 
(13,205),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lord  Albion  (6950),  Vol.  XI.; 
gr.-dam,  Darling  of  Fordhead  (11,636),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Admiral  (2550),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Fordhead 
(2559),  Vol.  VI.,  by  M'Kellar's  Horse;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  a 
mare,  by  Surprise  (846),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  The  Dean  (10^9371, 




HO&ISOlf,  A.   O. 

€0£SRIE  NA:NC£  (16,959) ;  black,  white  stnpe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  white  markings  on  inside  of  off  hind  leg,  foaled 
12th  May,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  A.  O.  Morison, 
Gavenwood,  Banff;  sire,  Scottish  Crown  (9851),  Vol.  XVI. ; 
dam,  Lady  Mennie  (13,979),  Vol.  XXlL,  by  Prince  of 
Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIII.;  gr.-dam,  Signora  (10,752), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie 
(947),  Vol.  v.,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess, 
by  Samson  (740),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Clyde 
(155),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

16th  May,  1906,  Corskie  Mftrquis,  black,  star  on  forehead,  oolt,  by  Moncreiffe 
Uarqnis  (U953),  Vol.  XVII. 

OOESKIE  PRINCESS  (16,960);  light  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  legs  white  nearly  to  hocks,  one  fore  pastern  white, 
foaled  16th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  A.  0. 
Morison,  Oavenwood,  Banff;  sire.  Prince  of  Carruchan 
(8151;),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Lady  Mennie  (13,979),  VoL  XXII., 
by  Prince  of  Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Signora 
(10,752),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  (947),  Vol.  V.,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jess,  by  Samson  (740),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean, 
by  Clyde  (155),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

29th  liarch,  1905.  Cbrskie  Queen,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  pattern 
white,  most  of  near  fore  pastern  white,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  filly,  by  Hill- 
hewl  Chief  (10.774),  Vol.  XXII. 


.SUSIE  OF  BAILLIEWHIRR  (16,961);  brown,  four  black  legs, 
foaled  May,  1893 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  (1)  Francis 
Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn ;  (2)  D.  Morrison,  Borland, 
Kirkcowan ;  sire,  Darnley's  Last  (6663),  Vol.  XL ;  dam, 
Jenny  of  Bailliewhirr  (11,324),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Caimbrogie 
Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam.  Flora  (7231),  Vol.  XL, 
by  Garnet  Cross  (1H62),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bailliewhirr 
Kate  (3466),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Maggie,  by  Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1898,  Lilly  (16,996),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  fiUy  (owned  by  Hugh  Parker,  Bore- 
"  Bahnaghie),  by  King  of  the  Roses  (9927),  VoL  XVII. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  21 





LOVE  OF  CULVIE  (16,962);  brown,  with  grey  hairs  through 
body,  foaled  16th  May,  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  O.  Morison,  Tipperty,  BanflF;  sire,  SirEverard  (5353), 
Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Culvie  (16,274),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by 
Ardnacraig  (4812),  Vol.  IX.;  gr.^am,  Dall  (10,047), 
Vol.  XIII.,  by  Black  General  alias  Young  Marshall  (1954), 
Vol.  v.;  g.-gr.-dam.  Flora,  by  Champion  (128),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

2nd  June.  1899,  Mary,  black,  white  feet,  filly  (owned  by  John  Lyon),  by  Prixkoe 
Maogregor  (10.404*),  Vol.  XX. 

13th  June,  1905,  Meg  of  Tipperty,  light  brown,  near  fore  foot  white,  white 
looks  behind,  filly,  by  Moncreine  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XYII. 

DUFF  II.  (16,963);  black,  foaled  3rd  June,  1897;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  0.  Morison,  Tipperty,  Banff;  sire,  Sir 
Morell  Mackenzie  (9416),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Duff  (10,048), 
Vol.  XIII.,  by  Saint  Fumack  (735),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam.  Dall 
(10,047),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Black  General  alias  Young  Marshall 
(1954),  Vol.  v.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Flora,  by  Champion  (128), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

7th  May,   1904,   May  of  Tipperty,   light  brown,   four  white  socks,  fill?-,  by 
Moncreiffe  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XVII. 

Duff  II.  is  now  dead. 


LADY  AGNES  (16,964);  brown,  face  and  feet  white,  foaled 
6th  July,  1892;  bred  by  James  Torrance,  Brackenridge, 
Strathaven ;  property  of  Alexander  Morton,  Stepps  Hill 
Farm,  Stepps  Road  ;  sire,  Torrance  King  (8371),  Vol.  XII. ; 
dam,  Mary  of  Brackenridge  (12,021),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Prince 
George  Frederick  (644),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Bessie  Lea  (1314), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Emperor  (276),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Prince 
(603),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

26th  May,  1904,  Miss  Hiawatha,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  white  on 
belly,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10.067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

5th  July,  1905,  Lady  Hiawatha,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  white  utripe 
on  near  fore  leg,  white  on  belly,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVUL 


BURNS  JEAN  (16,965) ;  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  near  fore 
foot  and  both  hind  feet  white,  foaled  5th  April,  1899;  bred 
by  and  property  of  William  Morton,  High  Bowhill,  New- 




milns;  sire,  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIII.;  dam, 
Annie  Swan  (10,899),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Darnley  Monarch 
(3554).  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  High  Bowhill  (8903), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Stanley  (3354),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  I., 
by  Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

14th  April,  1905,  brown,  colt,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  JoL  XIV. 


KATE  OF  HAPLANDS  (16,966);  dark  brown,  dark  legs,  no 
white,  foaled  1894 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Motion, 
Haplands,  West  Kilbride ;  sire,  Scottish  Banner  (9671), 
Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Sally,  dark  brown,  foaled  1886 — dam  of 
Darling  of  Haplands— (15,197),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Laird  of 
Logan  (2928),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

1903,  brown,  white  face,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1) 
3Ir.  MlXowall;  (2)  Thomas  Kennedy,  Nettlehirst,  Beith),  bj  Prince  Aliok 
(10,100),  Vol.  XVIII. 

KUIB,   A.   K. 

BESS  OF  RISPAIN  06,967) ;  brown,  far  fore  foot  and  far  hind 
foot  white,  foaled  June,  1896;  bred  by  and  property  of 
A.  K.  Muir,  Rispain,  Whithorn ;  sire,  Royal  Gartly  (9844), 
Vol.  XVI. ;  dam.  May  Queen,  brown,  foaled  1891,  Vol.  XIV., 
p.  436,  by  Flashwood  ^3604),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Maizena 
(10,901),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Windsor  (2509),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Broompark  Bess  (1510),  Vol.  V.,  by  Robin  (703),  Vol.  L; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie.     Produce — 

3rd  May,  1904,  Sir  Herbert  (13,201),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bay,  star  on  forehead,  colt 
(owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Kosario  (9996),  Vol.  XVII. 


ROSIE  OF  MULLOCH  (16,968);  dark  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near 
hind  ankle  white,  foaled  12th  May,  1895  ;  bred  by  Walter 
Muir,  Chapelhill,  Rerrick  ;  property  of  Walter  Muir,  jun., 
Mulloch,  Kirkcudbright;  sire,  Balgreddan  Prince  (7450), 
Vol.  XII.;  dam.  Nettle  11.  (6550),  Vol.  X.,  and  (12,082), 
Vol.  XVII.,  by  Boy  in  Blue  (112),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of 
Dolphinton  (49),  Vol.  II.,  by  Workman  (1351),  Vol.  II. 
Produce — 

2nd  July,  1903,  Adrians,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  ankle  and  hind  Wb  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Baron's  Peer  (10,979),  Vol.  XXIII. 



MAGGIE  OF  WILKIESTON  (16,969);  brown,  white  apot  on 
forehead,  near  fore  foot  white,  hind  feet  white  above 
pasterns,  foaled  3rd  June,  1896 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Muir,  Newhouse,  Wilkieston,  Midlothian  \  sire, 
Prince  Romeo  (8144),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam,  Rosalea  (12,279), 
Vol.  XVII.,  by  Rosewood  (7207),  Vol.  XI. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie 
of  Newhouse  (8909),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Liberal  Tom  (446), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Knockglass  (9134),  Vol.  XII.,  by 
Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  II.    Produce— 

9th  May,  1903,  Rose  of  Newhouse,  brown,  spot  on  face,  bind  feet  white,  fUlv 
(owned  by  (1)  WiUiam  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouae,  IngerMlI, 
Ontario),  by  Monirave  Sentinel  (10,094),  Vol  XVIIL 


JESS  OP  PETTERIL  HILL  (16,970) ;  bay,  star  on  facc^  little 
grey  on  both  hind  lees,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  John  Millican, 
Newton  Arlosb,  Rincbride,  Cumberland;  property  of  Mr. 
Mulcaster,  Petteril  Hill,  Southwaite,  Carlisle;  sire,  The 
Scott  (10,015),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam,  Bright  Duchess  II.  alifu 
Bet  (7617),  Vol.  XL,  by  Young  Wallace  (2540),  Vol.  V. ; 
gr.-dam.  Bright  Duchess  (7616^  Vol.  XL,  by  Glancer  (1145), 
Vol,  11. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  oy  Farmer's  Glory — Philip's. 
Produce — 

lat  May,  1903,  Perdita,  bay,  wbite  ratoh  ou  face,  hind  feet  white,  little  white 
on  off  fore  foot,  fiUy  (bred  by  Philip  Tweddle,  Houghton  House,  Carlisle ;  owned 
by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Boyal 
<diampion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

MUNDXLL,   W.   *  O. 

BAKONESS  OF  DELNY  (16,971);  bay,  white  sUr  on  face, 
small  white  spot  on  near  hind  ankle,  three  black  legs,  foaled 
18th  May,  1902;  bred  by  John  Hendry,  Chapel,  Kingford; 
property  of  W.  &  0.  Mundell,  Delny,  Koss-shire;  sire. 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam.  Rosebud  (14,614), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Montrave  Matchless  ^9959),  Vol.  XVIL ; 
gr.-dam,  Kosie  of  Chapel  (13,094),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lothian 
King  (6985),  Vol.  XL  ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Trim  (10,669),  Vol.  XIV., 
by  King  of  the  Forest  (1170),  Vol.  XL;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Mary 
of  Fencefoot  (4272),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Farmer  (285),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  Baron  Delny,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  leggi^ 
oolt,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

xxvni.  MARES.  325 

ROSE  OF  TULLICH  (16,972);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  foaled  28th  June,  1900;  bred  by  the  late  Colin  Munro^ 
Tullich,  Mnnlochy;  property  of  Kenneth  Manro,  TuUich, 
Munlochy,  Ross-shire;  sire,  Kippendavie  Stamp  (9774)^ 
Vol,  XVL;  dam,  Maggie  of  Munlochy  (11,929),  Vol.  XVI., 
by  Earl  of  Moray  (6711),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Gip,  black, 
foaled  1885,  by  Gang  Forward  (3619),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.^am, 
Kate,  grey,  foaled  1874,  by '  Wellington  (906),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

7th  April,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by 
King  DnMB  (11J64),  Vol.  XXV. 

MISS  MABTIN  (16,973) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  lega 
white,  foaled  26th  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  the  late  Colin 
Munro,  Tullich,  Munlochy  ;  property  of  Kenneth  Munro^ 
Tullich,  Munlochy,  Kose-shire;  sire.  Sir  MaHin  (10,649), 
Vol.  XXI. ;  dam.  Golden  Link  (13,212),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Gold- 
finder  (6807),  Vol.  XI.;  gr.-dam,  Primrose  (11,735), 
Vol.  XVI.,  by  Lord  Erekine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Eosie  of  Barsalloch  (6915),  Vol.  XL,  by  Sir  Michael  (1530), 
Vol.  III. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bloom  (1889),  Vol.  VL,  by  Lord 
Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Young  Clyde 
(944),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  York  (1863),  Vol.  IV. 
Produce — 

23rd  Jane,  1905.  brown,  white  spot  on  faoe,  hind  legs  white,  fillj,  by  Elippen- 
davie  Stamp  (9774),  Vol.  XVI. 


MEG  OF  TULLOCHBEG  (16,974) ;  bay,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
May,  1888;  bred  by  the  late  William  Murdoch,  TuUoch- 
beg,  Huntly;  property  of  Jane  R.  Murdoch,  Tullochbeg, 
Huntly;  sire.  Lord  Lennox,  Vol.  VL,  p.  412;  dam.  Queen, 
bred  by  Mr.  Eitchie,  Towie,  Kennethmont,  by  Prince  Royal 
(650),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Sangster, 
Drumrossie,  Insch,  by  Noble  Grand  (3035),  Vol.  VL 
Produce — 

1893,  brown,  colt  (oastrated). 

1895,  brown,  oolt  (oastrated). 

May,  1897,  Lady  Grange  (16,714),  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,. 
flUy  (owned  by  A.  M.  Gregory,  Bogside,  Elgin),  by  Moncreiffe  Marqais  (9953), 

1901,  brown,  oolt  (castrated),  by  A  Sma'  Sootch  (10,023),  Vol.  XVIII. 

1903,  brown,  oolt  (castrated),  by  Crystal  Star  (11,023),  Vol.  XXIII. 

1904,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  A.  M.  Gregory),  hy 
Merryton  (11,825),  Vol.  XXV. 



TIBBIE  II.  OF  KILFILLAN  (16,975);  dark  brown,  white 
face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1898;  bred 
by  John  A.  M'Keand,  Drumtrodden,  Port- William ;  property 
of  John  Murray,  KilfiUan,  Glenluce ;  sire,  King  of  the  Roses 
(9927),  Vol.  XVII.;  dam.  Miss  M'Leod,  bred  by  John 
M*Keand,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie,  bred  by  John  M'Keand,  by  Windsor  (2509),  Vol.  V. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  Young  Warrior  (2543),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Lochfergus  (1730),  Vol.  iV.     Produce — 

1903,  brown,  filly  (bred  by  and  property  of  John  A.  M*Keand),  by  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  VoL  XX. 

22nd  May,  1904,  dark  brown,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  fiUy 
(M.B.,  John  A.  M*Keand;  F.B.  and  owner,  John  Murray),  by  Top  Knot  iL 
(10,472),  Vol.  XX. 

6th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legu  white,  filly,  by  Marcellos  (11,110), 
Vol.  XXIII. 


MELODY  (16,976);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  over  fore 
pasterns,  white  up  to  hocks,  foaled  14  th  May,  1900;  bred 
by  Robert  Cochran,  Portencallie,  Stranraer;  property  of 
William  Murray,  Borrowmoss,  Wigtown ;  sire,  Ornament 
(10,603),  Vol.  XXL;  dam,  Nora  Macgregor  (14,176), 
Vol.  XaIIL,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  IIL,  or  Montrave 
Mosstrooper  (9806),  VoL  XVI. ;  gr.-dam.  Lady  Bay  (10,501), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Violet  of  Portencallie  (9503),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Darnley  (222), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Primrose  (9502),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Tom 
(877),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  JVlall  (5893),  Vol.  X.,  by 
Hercules  (378),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Defiance 
(225),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by  Farmer  (292),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

6tb  May,  1905,  Sweet  Melody,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  on  all  four  lega, 
filly,  by  MarcelluH  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII. 

NKILSON,   J.   ft  T. 

OARTSHORE  PRIMROSE  (16,977);  dark  brown,  white  on 
face,  near  hind  leg  dark,  other  three  legs  white,  foaled  13th 
June,  1896;  bred  by  Alexander  Whitelaw  of  Gartshore, 
Kirkintilloch ;  property  of  J.  &  T.  Neilson,  Rinnans  Farm, 
Balfron ;  sire,  The  Summit  (9442),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam.  Lady 

ixviii.  MARES,  327 

Douglas,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  97,  by  Barrister  (10,312),  Vol.  XX.; 
gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1903,    light    brown,    oolt    (castrated;    iwid),    by    Sir    Wamphray    (11,203), 

15th  May,  1905,  Princess  Favourite,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  brown, 
other  three  white,  filly,  by  Royal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 


PEGGY  PRIMROSE  (16,978);  brown,  spot  on  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  20th  April,  1899;  bred  by  William  Kerr, 
Houdston,  Girvan;  property  of  William  Neilson,  Raining 
Valley,  Linlithgow;  sire.  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIIL; 
dam.  Gallant  Lady  (12,805),  Vol.'  XIX.,  by  Top  Gallant 
(1850),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam,  Fulwood  Princess,  Vol.  V.,  p.  149, 
by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Vol.  IV.;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jess 
(1249),  Vol.  v.,  by  Glancer  (340),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam, 
Darling,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Fanny.     Produce — 

July.  1904,   bay,   face,  and  legs  white,  colt  (dead),  by  Sir  Hago  (10,924), 
Vol.  XXII. 

June,  1905,  black,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
ToL  XIV. 

MARY  OF  HAINING  VALLEY  (16,979);  bay,  stripe  on  face, 
near  hind  leg  and  off  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  21st  April, 
1901 ;  bred  by  W.  F.  Storey,  The  Fauld,  Longtown,  Cum- 
berland; property  of  William  Neilson,  Haining  Valley, 
Linlithgow ;  sire,  MacAndrew  (9940),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam. 
Royal  Nell  (17,132),  VoL  XXVIIL,  by  Royal  Conqueror 
(9386),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam.  Blossom,  by  Baron  of  Drum- 
lanrig  (1935),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Polly  of  Hunley  (11,854), 
Vol.  XVI.,  by  Young  Baldie  (1353),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  of  Aglionby,  by  Justice  (421),  Vol,  I.     Produce — 

l8t  May,  1905,  brown,  filly  (dead),  by  Baron's  Pride  (9122),  VoL  XIV. 

OATHIE  OF  HAINING  VALLEY  (16,980);  bay,  face  and  legs 
white,  foaled  1902 ;  bred  by  Eobert  Eenwick,  Buchley, 
Bishopbriggs ;  property  of  William  Neilson,  Haining  Valley, 
Linlithgow ;  sire.  Fashion  Plate  (10,746),  Vol.  XXIL  ;  dam, 
Nora  (13,185),  Vol.  XX,  by  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.; 
gr.-dam,  Mona  (11,519),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Old  Times  (679), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary  of  Baraskomel  (4884),  Vol.  VIII. , 
by  Richard  IH.  (1802),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Young  Moll 


g88),  Vol.  III.,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;   g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam^ 
oil,  by  Loudoun  Tarn  (508),  Vol.  L     Produce- 
June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  ffboe.  off  hind  leg  white,  with  a  very  little- 
white  on  near  hind  leg,  filly,  by  Dramflower  (10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 


LADY  DEAN  (16,981);  bay,  white  face,  white  legs,  foaled 
12th  May,  1898 ;  bred  by  the  Marquis  of  Londonderry,. 
K.6.,  Seaham  Hall,  Seaham  Harbour;  property  of  J. 
Nelless,  East  Farm,  Monkseaton,  Whitley  Bay;  sire.  Knight 
of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam.  Day  Dream  (11.865), 
Vol.  XVL,  by  The  Regent  (5408),  Vol.  IX.  ;  gr.-dam,  Dusky, 
by  Sanquhar  (2393),'  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Dignity,  by  Prince 
of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

12th  June,  1901,  Park  Prince  (1S,121),  Vol.  XXVm.,  bar,  colt,  by  Flaahwood 
Prince  (10,751).  Vol.  XX. 

NXL80N,   O.   *  C. 

JESS  OF  STOCKBRIDGEHILL  (16,982) ;  bay,  white  snip  oa 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  18th  April,  1896;  bred  by  and 
property  of  G.  &  C.  Nelson,  Stockbridgehill,  Ecclefechan; 
sire,  Raeburn  (9833),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Nelly  of  Dogslacks 
(6563),  Vol.  X.,  by  FitzJames  (1436),  Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam, 
Smiler  (6356),  Vol.  X.,  by  Prince  of  Campsie  (1265),  Vol.  II.; 
^.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by  England's  Glory  —  Robinson's. 
Toduce — 


1902.  bay,  filly,  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149),  VoL  XXIII. 

190B,  Brave  Nehion  (12,872),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  black,  or  very  dark  brown,  oolt 
(owned  by  J.  Crawford,  Floehend,  Gretna),  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149),  Vol.  XXIII. 

1904,  bay,  filly,  by  Prince  Tom  (11,149X  Vol.  XXIII. 


YOUNG  DARLING  (16,983);  brown,  white  ster  on  face  and 
spot  on  nose,  one  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  May,  1898; 
bred  by  James  Paterson,  Sandieston,  Lochwinnoch;  pro- 
perty of  John  Nelson,  Dalquhairn,  Irongray,  Dumfries; 
sire.  Prince  Gallant  (6176),  Vol.  X.;  dam.  Darling  (5692), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Jess  (5869), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Sir  William  WaUace  (803),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

Jime,  1903,  Jean,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by  BozeUe 
(10,638),  VoL  XXI. 

April,  1905,  Bosie,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  little  white  on 
one  fore  paetem,  filly,  by  Royal  Edward  (11,495),  Vol.  XXIV. 

MXtiii,  MARES.  32» 


FLOWER  OF  CAIRNIESTON  (16,984);  bay.  white  ratch  on 
face,  foaled  May,  1899;  bred  by  John  Wilson,  Greenlaw, 
Insch,  Aberdeenshire ;  property  of  William  Nicol,  Caimieston^ 
Insch ;  sire.  Prince  of  Haalkerton  (10,107),  Vol.  XVIII.  -^ 
dam,  Dall,  bred  by  John  Wilson,  Fordmoutii,  Calsalmond, 
by  King  Sanquhar  (7879),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy,  bred 
by  John  Cniickshank,  Rothiemay,  by  Prince  Royal  (650), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

27ih  April,  1904,  Flower  Girl,  \mj,  flUy  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery;  (2>^ 
W.  D.  FUtt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Baron  Baby  (11,288),  VoL  XXIV. 


JESS  OF  AUCHGOYLE  (16,985) ;  bay,  white  face,  foaled  1891 ;. 
bred  by  and  property  of  Neil  Nicolson,  Auchgoyle,  Tighna- 
bruaich ;  sire.  Coronet  (8543),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Jess  of 
Portavadie,  bred  by  Hugh  M'Kellar,  Portavadie,  Tighna- 
bruaich,  by  Clyde  (2023),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  Hugh 
M'Kellar,  by  Marquis  of  Bute  alias  Greneral  (520),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

23rd  May.  1895,  Darling  of  Auchgoyle  (16,d86),  VoL  XXYIII.,  brown,  Ally,  by 
Toward  Castle  (9863),  Vol.  XYI. 

DARLING  OF  AUCHGOYLE  (16,986) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on 
face,  fore  feet  and  legs  black,  near  hind  leg  white  to  pastern, 
and  small  patch  of  white  on  inside  of  far  hind  pastern,  foaled 
23rd  May,  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of  Neil  Nicolson, 
Auchgoyle,  Tighnabruaich ;  sire,  Toward  Castle  (9863), 
Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Auchgoyle  (16,985),  Vol.  XXVIIL, 
by  Coronet  (8543),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Portavadie, 
by  Clyde  (2023),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Marquis  of  Bute 
alias  General  (520),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1899,  brown,  oolt  (dead),  by  Lord  Loudon  (9936),  Vol.  XYII. 

doth  April,  1900,  Charlie  of  Auchgoyle,  brown,  oolt  (castrated)  (owned  by 
Messrs.  Stephen,  KeUy),  by  Ascog  Chief  (10.307),  Vol.  XX. 

3rd  May,  1901,  Norah  of  Auchgoyle,  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  white  hind 
feet,  filly  (owned  by  Messrs.  Nicolson,  Corra),  by  Silverwood  (10,910), 

12th  May,  1902,  Nanny  of  Auchgoyle,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore  feet  and 
»  legs  black,  hind  feet  white,  fllly,  by  General  French  (11,048),  VoL  XXIII. 

4th  May,  1903,  bay,  fore  legs  white  to  knees,  hind  hooks  white,  colt  (castrated)- 
(owned  by  Walter  S.  Park),  by  Lord  Melbourne  (11,410),  Vol.  XXIV. 

8th  May,  1904,  Ardlamont  (12,803),  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks, 
small  white  spot  on  near  side  of  lower  lip,  oolt,  by  The  Real  Mackay  (11,968)^ 
VoL  XXV. 

10th  May,  1905,  brown,  <x>lt,  by  Baron's  Crest  (12,024),  Vol.  XXVI. 



DOLLY  GRAY  (16,987) ;  roan,  white  face,  irregular  markings  of 
white  on  legs,  foaled  1899 ;  bred  by  Miss  Bridget  Rice,  Grange 
Abbey,  Raheney,  Co.  Dublin ;  property  of  William  O'NeiU, 
Kinsealy  House,  Malahide,  Co.  Dublin;  sire,  Montrave 
Dandy  (10,239),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Blossom,  bred  by  Miss 
Rice,  by  Tullyallan  (9455),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  a  brown 
mare,  bred  by  Miss  Rice,  by  Orphan  (3045),  Vol.  VI. 
Produce — 

19th  May,  1904,  baj,  with  white  hairs  through  body,  white  face,  off  fore  leg 
and  both  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  leg  splashed  with  white,  colt,  by  Fortune 
Teller  (11,:«0),  Vol.  XXIV. 

ORB,  Mrs. 

SILVER  QUEEN  (16,988);  bay,  with  white  hair  through  body, 
white  face,  four  white  feet  and  legs,  foaled  14th  June,  1899  ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Mrs.  Orr,  Boagstown,  Avonbridge ; 
sire,  Golden  Sovereign  (10,198),  Vol.  AlX. ;  dam.  Princess 
of  Millfield  Vol.  XXL,  p.  57,  by  Prince  of  Millfield  (9660), 
Vol.  XV. ;  gr.-dam,  Gloriana,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lucy.     Produce — 

14th  June,  1905,  bay,  white  face,   hind  legs  white  up  to  hocks,   filly,  by 
•Goshawk  (11.735),  Vol.  XXV. 


•GAY  LASS  (16,989) ;  light  bay,  white  face,  both  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  10th  April,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas 
Oswald,  Byers  Garth,  Durham ;  sire,  Crusader  (9178), 
Vol.  XIV.;  dam.  Flash  Girl,  Vol.  XXVL,  p.  80,  by 
Lawrence's  Chief  (7910),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam,  Gip  of 
Nafferton,  bred  by  George  Spraggan,  Nafferton,  Northum- 
berland, by  Ride  Britannia — Trotter's;  g.-gr.-dam.  Bet  of 
Nafferton,  by  Beaconsfield  (1943),  Vol.  V.     Produce — 

loth  April,  1905,  Phyllis  of  Byers  Garth,  bay,  with  white  face,  white  legs, 
miy,  by  Royal  Crest  (12,322),  Vol.  XXVI. 


DARLING  V.  (16,990);  brown,  blaze  on  face,  fore  feet  and  far 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  23rd  June,  1888;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Walter  Ovens,  Torr,  Castle-Douglas;  sire, 
Grouse  (5847),  Vol.  X.;  dam.  Darling  IV.  (10,929), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Clarence  (2680),  Vol.  VI.<  gr.-dam,  Darling  III. 

xxYin,  MARES.  331 

(3951),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Marquis  (517),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Darling  II.  (263),  Vol.  II.,  by  Lochfergua  Champion  (449), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-^.-gr.Hclam,  Darling,  by  Clyde  alias  Johnnie  Cope 
(417),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Lothian  Tom  alias 
Loudon  Tarn  (506),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

12th  June,  1892,  oolt  (oastrated),  by  Patridan  (8095).  Vol.  XII. 

26th  May,  1894,  filly  (dead),  by  MaoMeekaii  (9600),  Vol.  XY. 

l8t  June,  1898,  Darling  VI.  (16,294),  Vol.  XXVII.,  fiUy,  by  Prince  Attractive 
*<10,250»),  Vol.  XIX. 

26th  May,  1904,  brown,  white  on  forehead,  near  hind  pastern  white,  others 
black,  filly,  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

19th  May,  1905,  dark,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  both  hind  legs  and  hoofs 
white,  colt,  h^y  King's  Crest  (11,385),  Vol.  XXIV. 


PRIDE  OF  ROSEFIELD  (16,991);  foaled  18th  May,  1893; 
bred  by  George  Bruce,  Hoeefield,  Balbeggie,  Perth ;  property 
of  John  Ower,  Rashiehall,  Balbeggie,  Perth  ;  sire,  Balbirnie 
Stamp  (6445),  Vol.  XI. ;  dam,  Queen  of  Rosefield  (6000), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Baron  Pollock  (1183),  Vol.  II. ;  gr.-dam,  Jean 
Hope  (4452),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Islesman  (395),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (676),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

25th  June,  1902,  Tib  of  Rosefield,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  white  near 
hind  foot,  liUy,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XI. 

11th  May,  1904,  Rose  of  Rasbiehall,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  white  off 
hind  foot,  fiUy,  by  Brooklyn  (6547),  Vol.  XI. 

25th  April,  1905,  Jean  of  Rashiehall,  brown,  white  face,  near  hind  1^  white, 
filly,  by  Enigma  (10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 


STAR  (16,992);  grey,  star  on  face,  foaled  1898;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Kobert  Watson  Palister,  Percyhill,  Wigton, 
Cumberland ;  sire,  MacFergus  (8805),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam, 
Starligbt,  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Thomas  Palister,  by  Coming 
Again  (3532),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Clifty,  bred  by  Mr. 
Robinson,  Cliftondykes,  Clifton,  Westmorland,  by  Gilnockie 
(2806),  Vol.  VI.  Produce- 
June,  1901,  bay,  white  face,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  Forster,  Carlisle),  by  Prince  of 

•Currah  (8916),  Vol.  XIII. 

June,  1903,  Venus,  bay,  white  face,  uear  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  John  Kerr,  Red  Hall,  Wigton ;  (2)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (3)  William 
Meharey,  Russell,  Ontario),  by  Blacon  Baron  (10,510),  Vol.  XXI. 

May,  1906,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Speciality  (11,547), 




YOUNG  MARY  (16,993);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  twa 
white  feet,  foaled  20th  May,  1887 ;  bred  by  John  Park,. 
Glenshinnoch,  Bishopton ;  property  of  William  Park,  Glen- 
shinnoch,  Bishopton ;  sire,  Lord  Beresford  (4178),  Vol.  VII. ; 
dam,  Mary  of  Glenshinnoch  (8945),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Lyon — 
Waterlee— (2266),  Vol.'  V.;  er.-dam,  Flower,  bred  by 
William  Gibson,  Broughton,  Newark,  by  Banker  (24),. 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1893.  Lady  Frederick  (15.789),  Vol.  XXVI.,  bay,  white  hind  legi,  fiUy,  by 
Prince  Frederick  (8905),  Vol.  XIII. 

LADY  GLASGOW  (16,994);  brown,  face  and  near  legs  white, 
off  hind  pastern  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1896;  bred  by 
the  late  R.  Sinclair  Scott,  Flatt  Farm,  Largs;  property  of 
William  Park,  Glenshinnoch,  Bishopton;  aire,  Prince  of 
Cathcart  (8915),  Vol.  XIIL;  dam,  Tinwald  Forest  Queen 
(11,736),  Vol.  XVL,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.; 
gr.-dam,  Tinwald  Forest  Flower  (9527),  Vol.  XIIL,  by 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Queen  of  the  Forest 
(5415),  Vol.  IX.,  by  King  of  the  Forest  (1170),  Vol.  IL  ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie  (3422),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Largs  Jock  (444)^ 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

24th  April,  1904,  brown,  broad  stripe  on  faoe,  near  fore  and  hind  leg  white» 
filly,  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 

4th  July,  1905,  bay.  stripe  on  faoe,  three  white  legs,  filly,  by  Dunure  Favourite 
(11,692),  Vol.  XXV. 

NETTIE  OF  GLENSHINNOCH  (16,996);  bay,  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  7th  April,  1899; 
bred  by  the  Marquis  of  Londonderry,  K.G.,  Seaham  Harbour; 
property  of  William  Park,  Glenshinnoch,  Bishopton ;  sire^ 
Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol  XVIIL  ;  dam,  Nattie  (13,902), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Holyrood  (9546),  Vol.  XV. ;  gr.-dam,  Nyanza, 
Vol.  XVI.,  p.  70,  by  The  Regent  (5408),  Vol.  IX. ;  t-gr.- 
dam.  Narcotic,  by  Pride  of  the  Vale  (8128),  Vol.  xfl. ; 
g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Kegina.     Produce — 

20th  June,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legi,  oolt,   by  Dunure 
Favourite  (11,692),  Vol.  XXV. 


LHuY  OF  BORELAND  (16,996);   bay,  foaled  1898;   bred  by 
J.  W.  Findlay,  Bailliewhirr,  Whithorn,  N.B. ;  property  of 

:xxyiii.  MARES,  188 

Hugh  Parker,  Boreland,  Balmaghie,  Castle-Doaglaa ;  sire, 
King  of  the  Boses  (9927),  Vol.  XVIL;  dam,  Susie  of 
Bailliewhirr  (16,961),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Damley's  Last 
(6663),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Jenny  of  Bailliewhirr  (11,324), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  Caimbrogie  Stamp  (4274),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Flora  (7231),  Vol.  XL,  by  Garnet  Cross  (1662), 
Vol.  IV.  j  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bailliewhirr  Kate  (3466),  Vol.  VII., 
by  Warrior  (902),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by 
Merry  Tom  (536),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
May,  1903,  Ethelbert  (12,969),  Vol.  XXVUI.,  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  leg 

"white,  and  inside  of  near  hind  leg  white,  colt  (owned  bj  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomerr ; 

(2)  A.    G.  Soderborg,    Osoo,    Illinois,    U.S.A.),    by    Bstcon    Briton    (10,878), 

Tol.  XXII. 


JESSIE  OF  WAKDBOWIE  (16,997) ;  brown,  white  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  13th  June,  1898;  bred  by  Bobert 
Stevenson,  Nether  Broadfield,  Howwood  ;  property  of  Ninian 
Parker,  Wardbowie,  Howwood;  sire.  Prince  Alick  (10,100), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Jess,  bred  by  David  M*Connell,  Sandhill, 
Coylton,  by  Crusader  (9178),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by 
David  M'Connell,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

1st  June,  1902,  dark  brown,  white  face,  hind  feet  white,  oolt  (castrated ;  owned 
by  George  Robb),  by  Royal  Success  (11,513),  Vol.  XXIY. 

28th  April,  1906,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by 
Boyal  Chattan  (11,489),  Vol.  XXIV. 


l^ANNIE  OF  INCH  PARK  (16,998);  bay,  white  face,  oflF  fore 
and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1893;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Parker,  Inch  Parks,  Stranraer ;  sire,  Prince  Robert 
(7135),  Vol.  XL ;  dam.  Inch  Park  Nell  (5688),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Bess,  by  Biggar  ^45), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Briton  —  M'Lellaud  s  — 
(1082),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

1902,  Lawrence  Pride  (12,637),  Vol.  XXVII.,  black,  oolt,  by  Baron  Lawrenoe 
<10,030),  Vol.  XVIII. 


HOSA  OF  DRAFFAN  (16,999);  bay,  white  face,  four  white 
legs,  foaled  July,  1900;  bred  by  Benjamin  TumbuU, 
Blindcrake,  Cockermouth ;  property  of  Robert  Pate,  Draffan, 
Lesmahagow;  sire,  Blacon  Kenneth  (10,166),  Vol.  XIX.; 


dam,  Polly  of  Blindcrake  (15,852),  Vol.  XXVI.,  by  Duke  of 
Richmond    (7668),   Vol.    XII. ;    gr.-dam,   by   Londonderry 
(7934),  Vol.  XII. ;  g.-gr.^am,  by  Paisley  Jock  (582),  Vol  I. 
Produce — 

April,  1904,  Draffan  Rose,  baj,  face,  hind  legs,  and  near  fore  pastern  white^ 
spot  on  off  fore  leg,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.&  W.  Montgomery;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt, 
Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  King's  Crest  (11,385),  Vol.  XXIV. 

April,  1905,  Rosette,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  fiUv,  by  Baron  Alister  (ll,595)v 
Vol.  XXV; 


BLOSSOM  OF  WESTER  FREW  (17,000);  dark  bay,  stripe  onr 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  June,  1900;  bred  by  John 
Steele,  Findowie,  Dunkeld ;  property  of  John  Paterson,. 
Wester  Frew,  Kippen  Station;  sire.  Prince  of  Johnstone 
(9986),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Rosie  II.  (18,815),  Vol.  XXVI.,. 
by  Juryman  (5906),  Vol.  X.  ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Findowie 
(15,814),  Vol.  XXVI.,  by  Bold  Edward  (12,055),  Vol.  XXVL; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Findowie  (15,813),  Vol.  XXVL,  by 
St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie  of 
Boreland  (2999),  Vol.  VL,  by  Clydesdale  Tam  (177),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

28tli  May,  1905,  Rosebud,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by^ 
Balmedie  Queen's  Guard  (10,966),  Vol.  XXIII. 


MAGGIE  PICKEN  (17,001);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  two 
hind  legs  and  fore  pasterns  white,  foaled  27th  June,  1901 ;. 
bred  by  Robert  Picken,  Langside,  Craigie ;  property  of 
Robert  Paterson,  Hill  of  Drip,  Stirling ;  sire.  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Vanora's  Princess  (14,002), 
Vol.  XXII.,  by  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam, 
Vanora  (9348),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Janet  of  Whiteleys  (5470),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Master 
Lyon  (2282),  Vol.  V. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  (678),  Vol.  VIIL, 
by  Rob  Roy  (714),  Vol.  1.;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam.  Old  Nancy,  by 
Briton  (1082),  Vol.  11.     Produce— 

12th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Prince 
Victor  (12,707),  Vol.  XXVII. 


MAGGIE   OF    WOODYETT    (17,002);    bay,   white  face  and 
four  white  legs,  foaled  1893;   bred  by  Archibald  Grentles^ 

xxviii.  MARES.  335- 

Woodyett,  Dennjr;  property  of  William  PatersoD,  Barnego, 
Denny;  sire,  Eoyal  Erskine  (7216),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam,  Jess  of 
Woodyett  (13,814),  Vol.  XXII.,  by  Lord  Eeay,  Vol.  X., 
p.  401 ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  (13,813),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Jock  (404),. 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1899,  Tib,  bay.  filly  (owned  by  (1)  Willmm  Taylor ;  (2)  M.  B.  Thomson,  Croaslee- 
House,  Houston),  by  Sir  Bverard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. 


BESS  OF  AIRIES  (17,003) ;  dark  brown,  with  black  legs,  foaled 
May,  1900;  bred  by  John  M'Gamon,  Bamhills,  Kirkcolm;: 
property  of  Eobert  Paton,  Mains  of  Airiae,  Kirkcolm ;  sire, 
Carthusian  (9722),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam.  Strawberry  (14,672), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Scott  Erskine  (10,127),  Vol.  XVIIL;  gr.-dam,. 
Mabel  of  Kirranrae  (11,465),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Darnley's 
Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Kate  (1534),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Farmer  (286),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Farmer's^ 
Fancy  (301),  Vol.  I.     Produce—  . 

15th  May,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  filly,  by  Baronson  (10,981),. 

7th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Missionary. 


LOVELY  OF  MOUNT  LOTHIAN  (17,004);  bay,  white  face, 
four  white  legs,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  John  M*Kie  of" 
Emespie,  Castle-Douglas ;  property  of  George  Pendreigh, 
Dalhousie,  Bonnyrigg;  sire,  Koh-i-noor  (8742),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Ernespie  Mare  (13,939),  Vol.  XXIL,  by  Paragon 
(7096),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395), 
Vol.  III. ;  g.  -gr.-dam,  Bess  of  Knockmulloch  (6523),  Vol.  X., 
by  Sir  Colin  (3188),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

3rd  June,  1906,  brown,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Prince  Thomas* 
Pride  (12,294),  Vol.  XXVI. 

B.   P. 

JESSIE  OF  PRIESTCROFT  (17,005);  bay,  white  star  on  face,, 
near  fore  foot  and  fetlock  white,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  25th 
May,  1899  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  R.  P.  Petch,  Esq.,. 
Priestcroft,  Skelton  in-Cleveland,  Yorks ;  sire,  Knockovalley 
(9565),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam,  Jessica  (8674),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Castle- 
reagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  (576),  Vol.  III.,  by 
The  Swell  (870),  Vol.  L     Produce-^ 

25th  April,  190.5,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  off  fore  leg  white,  fillv,  by^ 
Baron  Gartly  (11,601),  Vol.  XXV. 



JNELLDB  OF  SANDWITH  (17,006) ;  light  bay,  with  white  rose 
on  forehead,  white  hind  feet,  foaled  Ist  May,  1894 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  John  Pettigrew,  Dale  Land,  Sandwith, 
Whitehaven ;  sire.  King  Lawrence  (4475),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam, 
Countesa,  p.  423,  VoL  V IL,  by  Prince  Charlie  (638),  Vol.  L ; 

f.-dam,  Julia  of  Moresby  (4020),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Prince  of 
ilbimie  (658),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.^am,  Lady  Mary  (136), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Hamilton  Jock  (1151),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
a  bay  mare.     Produce — 

Ist  May,  1898,  Darling,  light  bay,  filly  (owned  by  Mr.  Hopgood,  Preston),  by 
^hulemaiater  (3166),  Vol.  YL 

28th  May,  190S,  light  bay,  colt  (owned  by  J.  Boadley,  Kirtlebank),  by  Lord 
Lorton  (?). 

28th  June,  1905,  light  bay^,  white  mark  down  forehead,  colt,  by  Sir  Everest 
<10,917),  Vol.  XXII. 


LIZZ  OF  FLAGSTAFF  (17,007) ;  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and 
off  hind  legs  white,  foaled  Ibth  June,  1890  ;  bred  by  Eobert 
Littlejohn,  Brownrigg,  Abbeytown,  Cumberland ;  property  of 
Charles  A.  Phillips,  Dildawn,  Castle-Douglas,  N.B. ;  sire, 
Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Jess  of  Flagstaff  (9863), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Challenger  (1088),  Vol.  H. ;  gr.-dam,  Dinah 
(6360),  Vol.  X.,  by  Sir  Walter  (795),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
by  England's  Glory  (?).     Produce — 

Ist  Jane,  190o,  Pearl  of  Dildawn,  dark  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and 
off  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Baron  MitoheU  (10,688),  VoL  XXII. 


DEWDROP  (17,008) ;  brown,  spot  on  face,  a  little  white  on  near 
hind  foot,  foalea  3rd  June,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of 
James  Philip,  Clayford,  Strichen ;  sire,  Robert  Hampton 
(10,429),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Bonnie  Nannie  Everard  (13,567), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy 
of  Glenboig  (10,116),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Montrose  (2293), 
Vol.  v.;  g.-ffr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Hamilton  Jock  (1151), 
Vol.  IL     Produce — 


23rd  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  a  little  white  on  face,  fore  feet  black,  hind  feet 
^hite,  oolt,  by  OlympuB  (11,840),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxviii.  MARES.  337 

CORRA  LILY  (17,009);  bay,  white  on  face,  hind  legs  and  near 
fore  leg  white,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by  William  Clark, 
Corra,  Kirkgunzeon;  property  of  James  Phillips,  Carse, 
Kirkcudbright;  sire.  Royal  Ensign  fl 0,629),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Jewel  (14,173),  Vol.  XXUL,  by  Prince  Shapely 
(10,111*),  Vol.  XVIIL;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Meikle  Knox 
(11,955),  VoL  XVL,  by  Commander  (2029),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Lily  of  Barsyard  (7042),  VoL  XI.,  by  Victor  IL  (1338), 
VoL  IL    Produce — 

20th  May,  1906,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  fore  feet  and  to  top 
of  far  fore  fetlock  white,  colt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Baron's  Pride 
(9122),  Vol.  XIV. 


MAGGIE  OF  AULTON  (17,010);  dark  brown,  star  on  face, 
near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  1883;  bred  by  the  late  James 
Meikle,  Nether  Mains,  Kilwinning;  property  of  Alexander 
Picken,  Aulton,  Kilmaurs ;  sire,  Bttrick  Shepherd,  late  Pride 
of  Gala  (2763),  Vol.  VI. ;  dam,  Lily  of  Nether  Mains  (5637), 
Vol.  IX.,  by  Scottish  Chief  (763),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Forgie. 
Produce — 

June,  1904,  Fanny,  brown,  8trii>e  of  white  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white, 
filly  (owned  b}^  A.  Kenneth  &  Sons,  coalmasters,  Dreghorn),  by  Genenil  French 
(11,048),  Vol.  XXIII. 

4th  June,  1905,  brown,  broken  ratch  on  face,  hind  Ings  white,  a  little  white  on 
far  fore  pastern,  colt,  by  Look  Out  (12,213),  Vol.  XXVI. 


DARLING  OF  KNOCKRIVOCH  (17,011);  brown,  stripe  on 
face,  four  white  legs,  black  stripe  on  outside  of  near  fore  leg, 
foaled  1900;  bred  by  J.  &  J.  Hamilton,  Penkiln,  Garlies- 
town;  property  of  (1)  James  Martin,  Gill  well,  Stewarton; 
(2)  Andrew  Picken,  Knockrivoch,  Saltcoats ;  sire,  Petruchio 
(9967),  Vol.  XVIL;  dam.  Young  Susie  of  Garrarie  (13,611), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.^am, 
Susie  of  Craigdhu  (5778),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Topsman  (836), 
Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Trim  of  Craigdhu  (891),  Vol.  IV.,  by 
Premier  (595),  VoL  I. ;  g. -g.-gr. -dam,  Jenny.     Produce — 

20th  June,  1904,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  far  fore  and  both  hind  legs  white,  near 
fore  leg  black,  filly  (bred  by  James  Martin,  Oillwell,  Stewarton),  by  Silver  Light 
<11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  22 



PEGGIE  OF  MILTON  (17,012);  brown,  face  and  legs  white, 
foaled  25th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  David  L.  Picken,  Milton, 
Kirkcudbright ;  property  of  James  Picken,  Milton,  Kirkcud- 
bright; sire,  Fashion  Plate  (10,746),  Vol.  XXII.;  dara, 
Mrs.  Macgregor  (12,610),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Macgregor  (U87), 
Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Flora  of  Milton  (4960),  Vol.  VIII.,  by 
Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mary  of  Drumlane 
(2423),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Hero  (380),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bet, 
by  Sir  Colin  (3188),  Vol.  VI.     Produce— 

3rd  May,  1905,  Princess  of  London,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  ankle 
and  three  l<>gs  white,  filly,  by  Prince  of  London  (11,859),  Vol.  XXV. 

JEAN  OF  MILTON  (17,013);  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  and  part  of  off  fore  foot  white,  foaled  June, 
1901;  bred  by  David  L.  Picken,  Milton,  Kirkcudbright; 
property  of  James  Picken,  Milton,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire, 
Fashion  Plate  (10,746),  Vol.  XXII.;  dam.  Flora  of  Milton 
(4960),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Corsewall  (1420),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam, 
Mary  of  Drumlane  (2423),  Vol.  VL,  by  Hero  (380),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Bet,  by  Sir  Colin— Young's— (3188),  Vol.  VL 
Produce — 

8th  July,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  spot  on  faoe,  near  fore  ankle  and  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 


GOLD  DROP  (17,014);  bay,  face  and  three  legs  white,  off  fore 
leg  grey  and  white,  foaled  25th  April,  1900;  bred  by 
Alexander  Maxwell,  Warrix,  Irvine ;  property  of  His  Grace 
the  Duke  of  Portland,  Berriedale;  sire,  Golden  Sovereign 
(10,198),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Lily  MacAulay  (13,957),  Vol. 
XXII.,  by  MacAulay  (5187),  Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam,  Camelon 
Maggie  (1668),  Vol.  V.,  by  Young  Scotsman  (1028),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

18th  June,  1903,  Baron  Berriedale,  ba3%  ratoh  on  faoe,  white  hind  lega,  oolt,  by 
Baron*8  Peer  (10,979),  Vol.  XXIII. 


BESSIE  OF  FOULSHIELDS  (17,016);  bay,  white  face,  off 
hind  leg  and  near  fore  foot  white,  foaled  20th  April,  1900; 
bred  by  and  property  of  David  Prentice,  Foalshields, 
Whitburn ;  sire,  Koyal  Blantyre  (10,269),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam, 


Miss  of  Foulshields  (15,228),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Prince  George 
(1256),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Ivanhoe  (396),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

3rd  Mar,  1905,  bay,  white  face#  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Alexander  Everard 
(11,242),  Vol.  XXIV. 

PROCTOR,   W.   ft  O. 

MAY  OF  HILLBRAE  (17,016);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
two  white  feet,  fore  feet  black,  foaled  28th  May,  1898; 
bred  by  and  property  of  W.  &  G.  Proctor,  Hillbrae,  Udny, 
Aberdeen ;  sire.  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XL ;  dam, 
Hillbrae  Kate,  bred  by  W.  &  G.  Proctor,  by  M^Camon 
(3818),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  Jip  (3995),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Young 
Empire  (2520),  Vol.  V. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Love,  by  Superior 
(836),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Lofty  (?).     Produce — 

20th  May,  1904,  Hillbrae  Miss,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by 
Ornamental  (11,446).  Vol  XXIV. 


BESS  V.  OF  THURDISTOFT  (17,017);  bay,  blaze  on  face, 
white  feet,  foaled  25th  May,  1896;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Purves,  Thurdistoft,  Thurso;  sire,  Baron  Braco 
(9120),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Bess  IV.  (12,900),  Vol.  XIX.,  by 
Splendour  (5370),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Bess  IIL  of  Thurdistoft 
(6637),  Vol.  X.,  by  The  Marquis  (6345),  Vol.  X. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Bess  II. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bess  I.     Produce — 

28th  May,  1905,  Bees  VI.,  bay,  blaze  on  faoe,  two  white  feet,  flUy,  by  Boyal 
Stewart  (8968),  Vol.  XIII. 

RALSTON,   W.   H. 

LADY  TRIM  (17,018);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg 
and  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  8th  June,  1897;  bred  by 
Robert  Ralston,  Island  of  Coll ;  property  of  W.  H.  Ralston 
(Dunragit),  Milmain,  Stoneykirk ;  sire,  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  IIL;  dam.  Lady  Jess  (10,110),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Prince 
Edward  (1254),  Vol.  II.;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Wildflower  (4974), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Blue  Ribbon  (1961),  Vol.  V.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  alias  Beauty  (355),  Vol.  II.,  by  Victor  (892),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Nell,  by  Muircock  (550),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.- 
dam,  Jean,  by  Farmer  (292),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

July,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly,  by  Enigma 
(10,739),  Vol.  XXII. 


LADY  DAISY  (17,019);  light  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg 
and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  29th  April,  1899;  bred  by 
Eobert  Ralston,  Island  of  Coll ;  property  of  W.  H.  Ralston 
(Dunragit),  Milmain,  Stoneykirk ;  sire,  Prince  of  Quality 
(10.416*),  Vol.  XX.;  dam.  Lady  Jean  (13,245),  Vol.  XX., 
by  Bonnie  Sanquhar  (5568),  Vol.  X.  ;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Mary 
Grey  (10,109),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Callendar  (4901),  Vol.  IX.; 

e.-gr.-dam.  Lady  Mary  (5710),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Volunteer  (81J9), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lady  Janet  (638),  Vol.  Ill,  by  Lord 
Lyon    (489),    Vol.    I. ;    g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,   Nell,   by    Glasgow 

Geordie  (349),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  a  mare,  by  Biggar 
(45),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
March,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  off  fore  paatern  and  hind  legs  white, 
colt,  by  MaroeUus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXUI. 


DARLING  OF  KILD ALTON  (17,020);  bay,  white  face,  near 
hind  leg  white  nearly  to  hock;  foaled  28th  April,  1896; 
bred  by  William  Montgomery,  Banks,  Kirkcudbright; 
property  of  (1)  John  Linton,  Easbfield,  Biggar;  (2)  lain 
Ramsay  of  Kildalton,  Islay ;  sire,  Baron's  Pride  (9122), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  dam.  Lyric  Gem  (12,882),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Knight 
of  Lothian  (4489),  Vol.  VIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Culquha 
(12,396),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Windsor  (2509),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jean  of  Arbrack  (755),  Vol.  IV.,  by  General  Williams 
(327),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Matty.     Produce — 

17th  May,  1904,  Ardimeraaj  Prince,  dark  bay,  whit-e  face,  white  points  on  one 
fore  and  two  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Prince  Alexander.  (8899),  VoL  Xlll. 

23rd  May,  1905,  Ardimersay  Duke,  bay,  white  faoe,  white  hind  legs,  oolt,  by 
Cawdor  Cup  (10,046),  Vol.  XVIII. 


PRIMROSE  OF  TULLOCH  (17,021);  brown,  spot  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  19th  April,  1897;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  Reid,  Nether  Tulloch,  Laurencekirk; 
sire,  Earl  of  Haulkerton  (10,189),  Vol.  XIX. ;  dam,  Dandy 
(10,122),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Tulloch  (1852),  Vol.  IV.;  gr.-dam, 
Nelly  of  Easter  Tulloch  (5018),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Sovereign 
(813),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Colonel  (184),  VoL  I. 
Produce — 

23rd  May,  1905,  TuUocIi  II.,  bay,  white  faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt,  by  Ca«a- 
bianca  (10,523),  Vol.  XXI. 

xxviii.  MARES.  341 


JESSIE  OF  DUNBLANE  (17,022);  roan,  foaled  May,  1891; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  Reid,  Balquharn,  Alford, 
Aberdeenshire  ;  sire,  Dunblane  (5729),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Zillah, 
Vol.  VIIL,  p.  373,  by  Druid  Chief  (2061),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 

Gipsy  Nell  (5087),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lome  XL  (1209) 

;  gr.-aam, 
.  Vol.  IL ; 

ff..ffr.Hdam,  Gipsy  (1776),  Vol.  V.,  by  Dusty  Miller  (259), 

vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jip,  by  Remarkable  (1277),  Vol.  IL  ; 

g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Dall,  by  Tarn  o'  Shanter  (1319),  Vol.  II. ; 

g. -g.-g. -g.-gr. -dam,  a  mare,  by  Rory  O'More  (718),  Vol.  I. 

Produce — 

26th  June,  1903,  Young  Jessie,  bay,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.,  k  W.  Montgomery  ; 
(2)  W.  D.  Flatt  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Airlie  (11,240),  Vol.  XXIV. 


FANNY  OF  LOW  SKEOG  (17,023) ;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  four 
white  legs,  foaled  29th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Peter  MacM.  Reid,  Low  Skeog,  Whithorn;  sire,  Copestone 
(10,723),  Vol,  XXII.;  dam.  Pink,  bred  by  Peter  MacM. 
Reid,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  L ;  er.-dam,  Maggie,  bred 
by  Alexander  Reid,  IjOw  Skeog,  Whithorn,  by  Lochfergus 
Champion  (469),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Bess,  by  Lord  Lyon 
(489),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

2nd  May,  1904,  Pink,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  white  ankles,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A. 
&  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Rosario  (9996),. 
Vol.  XVII. 


BUXOM  LASS  (17,024);  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  four  white 
pasterns,  foaled  11th  May,  1893;  bred  by  Keir  Stud  Pro- 
prietors, Dunblane ;  property  of  Walter  Keir,  Craigarnhall, 
Bridge  of  Allan ;  sire.  Buxom  Lad  (7533),  Vol.  XIl. ;  dam, 
Keir  Lome  Peggy  (5494),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Young  Lome  (997), 
Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Keir  Peggy  (187),  Vol.  II.,  by  Samson 
(741),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr. -dam,  Jean,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (298),. 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1901,  Chamberiain  Joe  (12,092).  Vol.  XXVI. 

May,  1903,  colt  (castrated),  by  Argosy  (11,247),  Vol.  XXIV. 

10th  April,  1904,  Pansy,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  three  white  legs,  off  fore  leg 
black,  filly,  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XXI. 


KATE  OF  BANKS  (17,025);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  foaled 
2nd  May,  1894;  bred  by  and  property  of  Walter  Reid, 
Craigarnhall,  Bridge  of  Allan ;  sire,  Ethiopia  (5750),  Vol.  X.; 
dam,  Maggie  III.,  bred  by  Walter  Reid,  by  His  Royal 
Highness  (2165),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam,  Young  Maggie  (4989), 
Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lanarkshire  Lad  (4495),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.- 
dam,  Maggie.     Produce — 

1903,  foal  (dead),  by  Sylvander  (10,983),  Vol.  XXII. 

6th  May,  1904,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  colt  (castrated),  by  Chamberlain  Joe 
(12,092),  Vol.  XXVI. 

10th  April,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  white  spots  on  other 
pasterns,  colt,  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

FLORA  OF  CRAIGARNHALL  (17,026) ;  bay,  star  on  forehead, 
four  white  legs,  foaled  28th  April,  1905;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Walter  Reid,  Craigarnhall,  Bridge  of  Allan ; 
sire.  The  Colour  (11,211),  Vol.  XXHI. ;  dam,  Jean,  bred  by 
Walter  Reid,  by  Ardnacraig  (4812),  Vol.  IX.;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  III.,  bred  by  Walter  Reid,  by  His  Royal  Highness 
(2165),  Vol.  v.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Young  Maggie  (4989),  Vol.  VIH., 
by  Lanarkshire  Lad  (4495),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie — Lawson's.     Produce — 

20th  April,  1903,  foal  (dead),  by  General  Lockhart  (10,558),  Vol.  XXI. 

let  May,  1904,  foal  (dead),  by  Lothian  John  (11,807),  Vol  XXV. 

10th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  The  Dean  (10,937), 
Vol.  XXII. 

MAGGIE  IV.  (17,027);  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  off  hind 
ankle  white,  near  fore  leg  white,  foaled  30th  April,  1896; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Walter  Eeid,  Craigarnhall,  Bridge 
of  Allan;  sire,  The  Colour  (11,211),  Vol.  XXIIL ;  dam, 
Maggie  III.,  bred  by  Walter  Reid,  by  His  Royal  Highness 
(2165),  Vol.  v.;  gr.-dam.  Young  Maggie  (4989),  Vol.  VIIL, 
by  Lanarkshire  Lad  (4495),  Vol.  VIII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie — 
Lawson's.     Produce — 

let  May,  1902,  Maggie  V.,  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Fickle 
Fashion  (10,546),  Vol.  XXL 

10th  May,  1903,  Prince  of  Banks,  bay,  white  hairs  through  body,  white  face 
And  legs,  colt,  by  Sylvander  (10,933),  Vol.  XXII. 

Ist  April.  1905,  colt  (dead),  by  Up  to  Time  (10,475),  Vol.  XX. 

Jcxviii,  MARES.  343 

LILY  IL  (17,028) ;  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
20th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  Walter  Reid, 
Craigarnhall,  Bridge  of  Allan;  sire,  The  Colour  (11,211), 
Vol.  XXIII: ;  dam,  Lily,  Vol.  VIII.,  p.  346,  by  Young 
Lome    (997),    Vol.    I. ;    gr.-dam.    Young   Maggie    (4989), 

.  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Lanarkshire  Lad  (4495),  Vol.  VIL ;  g. -gr.- 
dam,  Maggie — Lawson's.     Produce — 

lOth  May,  1904,  bay,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Lothian  John  (11,807),  Vol.  XXV. 

MAGGIE  V.  (17,029) ;  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled 
Ist  May,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of  Walter  Reid, 
Craigarnhall,  Bridge  of  Allan ;  sire.  Fickle  Fashion  (10,546), 
Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Maggie  III.,  bred  by  Walter  Reid,  by  His 
Royal  Highness  (2165),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam.  Young  Ma^^gie 
(4989),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lanarkshire  Lad  (4495),  Vol.  VIII. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie — Lawson's.     Produce — 

20th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  near  fore  hoofhead  white, 
colt,  by  Keir  Democrat  (12,187),  Vol.  ;CXVI. 


BRITISH  QUEEN  (17,030);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  hind 
leg  white,  foaled  28th  May,  1902 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Ren  wick,  Meadowfield,  Corstorphine ;  sire,  Gartly 
Squire  (10,350),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Daisy  of  Meadowfield 
(15,237),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Prince  Alexander  (8899),  Vol.  XIII. ; 

fr.-dam.  Princess  Lawrence  (13,249),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Prince 
.awrence.  Vol.  VIL,  p.  261 ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bell  of  Meadowfield 
(9015),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily  of  Meadowfield  (Q658),  Vol.  X.,  by  Old  Times  (579), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.  g.-gr.-dam,  Molly  (1726),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

5th  June,  1905,  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  a  little  white  on 
inflide  of  near  hind  pastern,  filly,  by  Blackband  (11,623),  Vol.  XXV. 


EDELWEISS  (17,031);  bay,  wbite  face,  off  fore  leg  white  over 
pastern,  hind  legs  white  below  hocks,  foaled  27th  June, 
1896;  bred  by  George  Bean,  West  Ballochy,  Montrose; 
property  of  William  Eiach,  Gilrivie,  Montrose;  sire,  Lord 
Rosslyn  (9788),  Vol.  XVL  ;  dam.  Glow  (11,690),  Vol.  XVI., 
by  Young  Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam, 
Evelyn  (4223),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Time  o'  Day  (875),  Vol.  I. ; 

344  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  .    vol. 

g.-gr.-dara,  Barns  Maggie  (28),  Vol.  II.,  by  Farmer  (1134), 
Vol.  II.     Produce — 

1902,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by  W.  MacGregor,  West 
Mains,  Rossie),  by  Moncreiffe  Marquis  (9963),  VoL  XVII. 

1903,  bay,  filly,  by  Master  Tom  (11.113),  Vol.  XXIII. 

1904,  bay,  colt,  by  Silver  Star  (11,530),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Lord   Lawrence  (11,798). 
Vol.  XXV. 

RICHARDSON,   W.   *  J. 

MAGGIE  OF  HARTBUSH  (17,032);  grey,  foaled  1890;  bred 
by  A.  &  J.  Todd,  Tinwald  Shaws,  Dumfries ;  property  of 
W.  &  J.  Richardson,  Hartbush,  Amisfield,  Dnmfries;  sire, 
Eaatfield  Prince  (6722),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Shaws  Nancy, 
Vol.  XL,  p.  523,  by  Young  Biggar  (3304),  Vol.  VL  ;  gr.-dam. 
Lass  of  Tinwald  (7896),  Vol.  XL,  by  Clyde  alias  Briton 
(154),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

24th  May,  1903,  Heather  Bell,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  and  both  hind  legs 
white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (2)  Graham  Brothers,  Clare^ 
mont,  Ontario),  by  Bozelle  (10,638),  Vol.  XXI. 


DAMSEL  (17,033);  chestnut,  foaled  April,  1895;  bred  by  the 
late  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Gordon,  Goodwood ;  property  of 
the  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Gordon,  K.G.,  Goodwood ;  sire. 
Baron  Methven  (12,835),  Vol.  XXVIII.;  dam,  Lady  Florence 
(2859),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Prince  Albert  Victor  (617),  VoL  I. ; 
gr.-dam.  Duchess  of  Beaufort  (362),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Sir  Robert 
r787V  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Nancy,  winner  of  silver  cup  at 
Chicnester  in  1873.     Produce — 

20th  April,  1904,  Damsel  II.,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Lynwood  (10,226),  Vol.  XIX. 

25th  April,  1905,  Goodwood  Tet,  bay,  star  on  face,  off  fore  fetlock  and  hind 
feet  white,  oolt,  by  Lynwood  (10,226),  Vol.  XIX. 


LOVE  OF  TORRAN  (17,034);  bay,  white  points,  foaled  1889; 
bred  by  and  property  of  T.  0.  Richmond,  Torran,  Ford, 
Lochgilphead ;  sire.  Macaroni  (3814),  Vol.  VIL ;  dam. 
Love,  bred  by  the  late  Robert  Husband,  Gellet,  Dunfermline, 
by  Bold  Briton,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  34;  gr.-dam,  Love  of  Grellet 
(1360),  Vol.  v.,  by  Young  Blaze  (920),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Nancy.     Produce — 

1893,  Dainty  of  Berryyards  (14,385),  Vol.  XXIII.,  bay,  filly,  by  Prince  of 
Scotia  (7161),  Vol.  XI. 

XXVIII.  •  MARES.  345 

RIGKXKBT,  JOHN,  MoakhUl  MUl. 

JEAN  HARBINGER  (17,036);  bay,  white  down  face,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  20th  April,  1899;  bred  by  the  late  William 
Thomlinson,  Hoskethill,  Carlisle;  property  of  John  Rickerby, 
Monkhill  Mill,  Carlisle;  sire,  Knight  Harbinger  (10,073), 
Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam,  mare  bred  by  William  Thomlinson,  by 
Oceana  alias  Macbeth  (6118),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of 
Dalmuir — see  pedigree  of  Lord  Strathcona  (11,802),  Vol, 
XXV. — bred  by  William  Thomlinson,  by  Border  Style 
(5572),  Vol.  X.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Topsman;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  of  Warwick  (15,307),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Lord  Clyde 
(477),  Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Glenelg  (357),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

24th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  colt,  by  Lord  Lothian  (5998), 
Vol.  X.  ♦ 

BICKXBBY,  JOBDT,  Sandafleld. 

BLOSSOM   OF  SANDSFIELD  (17,036);   dark  brown,  white 
stripe  on  face,  near  hind  fetlock  white,  foaled  1898 ;  bred  by 
John  Rickerby,  Drumburgh  Castle,  Carlisle;    property  of 
John    Rickerby,   Sandsfield,    Carlisle;    sire.   Lord    Lothian 
(5998),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Lofty  (8854),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Nelson 
(1493),  Vol.  III. ;   OT.-dam,  Fingland  (8232),  Vol.  XIL,  by 
England's    Glory — ^Robinson's;    g.-grndara,    by    Ploughboy 
(3890),  Vol.  VII.     Produce- 
August,  1903,  Pansy,  bay,  white  near  fore  leg  and  two  white  hind  legs,  white 
spot  on  off  fore  leg,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  Wm.  Meharey, 
KuBsell,  Ontario),  by  Lothian  Mosstrooper  (10,375),  vol.  XX. 


TROW  AN  JEAN  (17,037);  brown,  white  down  face,  white  on 
near  fore  pastern,  and  both  hind  legs  white  up  fully  half  way 
to  hocks,  foaled  10th  May,  1897 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Robert  C.  Risk,  Trowan,  Crieff;  sire.  Lord  Wolseley  (9577), 
Vol.  XV.  ;  dam.  Countess  (13,254),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Eastfield 
King  (7683),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Lizzie  of  the  Glen  (1 1,023), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Monarch  of  the  Glen  (4186),  Vol.  VII.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Forr  (2937),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Breadalbane 
(114),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

Mav,  1901,  colt  (owned  by  George  A.  Ferguson,  Surradale,  Elgin),  by  Carbineer 
(10, 5&),  Vol.  XXI. 

May,  1902,  filly  (owned  by  Mr.  Sharp,  Forr  Farm,  Crieff),  by  Baron  Mitchell 
(10,688),  Vol.  XXII. 

22ad  May,  1905,  light  brown,  white  down  face,  both  hind  legs  white  fully  half 
up  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Revelanta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 


RITTBR,  Hn.  K.  J.  S. 

MAID  OF  ELLERSLIE  IV.  (17,038);  bay,  white  blaze  on  face, 
white  hind  feet,  foaled  1898;  bred  by  J.  E.  Ritter,  Roe 
Park,  Limavady;  property  of  Mrs.  E.  J.  S.  Ritter,  Roe  Park, 
Limavady;  sire,  Earl  of  Ulster  (12,959),  Vol.  XXVIII. ; 
dam,  Maid  of  Ellerslie  (12,311),  Vol.  XVII.,  by  Knight  of 
Ellerslie  (3737),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.^am,  Jess  of  Glengall  (6468), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie, 
by  Lofty  (458),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  the  dam  of  Campsie 
(119),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

20th  Jnly,  1904,  bay,  white  on  face,  white  hind  legs,  colt,  by  Flash  Sturdy 
(11,710),  Vol.  XXV. 

BOBKRTSON,   CHABUES,   High  Feorline, 

BESS  OF  HIGH  FEORLINE  (17,039);  light  brown,  white 
stripe  on  face,  foaled  1899  ;  bred  by  Walter  S.  Park,  Hatton, 
Bishopton ;  property  of  Charles  Robertson,  High  Feorline, 
Shiskine,  Arran ;  sire.  Gallant  Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Jean  of  Auchensale  (16,406),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by  McNeill 
(4566),  Vol.  VIIL;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Killellan  (7437), 
Vol.  XL,  by  London  Prince  (472),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gi\-dam,  the 
dam  of  Hawkie  (70),  Vol.  II.,  by  General  Williams  (326), 
Vol.  I.;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  L; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Farmer — Sproulston  —  (290),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

15th  June,  1902,  Fanny  of  Shiskine,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  slightly 
mixed  with  grey  hairs,  two  white  hind  legs,  fore  legs,  one  dark  and  one  white, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  Walter  S.  Park ;  (2)  0.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario),  by  Clan 
Chattan  (10.527),  Vol.  XXI. 

BOBBBTSON,   CHABLBS,   Snnhowey. 

MARY  ANN  (17,040);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and 
ankles  white,  foaled  4th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  Charles  Robertson,  Sunhowey,  Echt ;  sire,  Royal  Charlie 
(11,488),  Vol  XXIV.;  dam,  Boosie,  bred  by  Charles 
Robertson,  by  M*Camon  (3818),  Vol.  VIL ;  gr.-dam,  Bessie 
Bell,  bred  by  Robert  Lyon,  Westhill,  Skene,  by  Young 
Prince  Alfred  (4134),  Vol.  VIL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Mallie,  by 
Dainty  Davie  (212),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  June,  1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  and  ankles  white,  colt 
(owned  by  James  Barrie,  Home  Farm,  Balmedie),  by  Ascot  (10,494),  Vol.  XXI. 


BOBXRTSON,  J.   **T. 

CLENDRIE  MARY  (17,041);  brown,  white  face,  white  spot  on 
near  knee,  three  white  legs,  foaled  June,  1899 ;  bred  by 
John  Barbour,  Balgown,  Kirkmaiden ;  property  of  J.  <^  T. 
Robertson,  Ciendrie,  Kirkcolm ;  sire,  Moncreiffe  Marquis 
(9953),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Bell,  bred  by  Robert  Barbour, 
Balgowan,  Kirkmaiden,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395),  Vol.  III. ; 
gr.-dam,  Doll  of  Gillfoot  (4397),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (674),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  mare  by  Emperor,  Vol.  I., 
Appendix.     Produce — 

iBt  JunCf  1904,  brown,  stripe  on  fftce,  near  hi  A  leg  black,  others  white,  filly 
<owned  by  David  Biddell,  Blackhall,  Paisley),  by  Sir  Wamphray  (11,203), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

lOth  June,  1905,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  pastern  white,  other  legs 
black,  Ally,  by  Frivolity  (11,040),  Vol.  XXIII. 

R0BKBT80N,   Mrs.   JSSSIX. 

BLOOM  OF  FETTERCAIRN  (17,042);  dark  brown,  white 
stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  6th  May,  1893;  bred 
by  William  Merchant,  Bogmill,  Fettercairn,  Kincardine ;  pro- 
perty of  Mrs.  Robertson,  Hiliockhead,  Towie,  Aberdeenshire; 
sire,  Master  Jack  (7049),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Dall  (r2,575). 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Morning  Star  (3017),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Bell  of  Kilmundie  (9007),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Robert  Burns  (702), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

Ist  May,  1902,  Rose  of  Towie,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  feet, 
filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  W.  D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario), 
by  Fortune  StiU  (9752),  Vol.  XVI. 


LADY  ALINE  (17,043);  brown,  slight  white  stripe  on  face, 
three  legs  white,  off  fore  leg  black,  foaled  4th  June,  1900; 
bred  by  and  property  of  John  Robertson,  Glenays,  Ayr; 
sire,  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Lucy  Escotte 
(12,157),  Vol.  XVIL,  by  Prince  Fortunatus  (8136),  Vol.  XIL; 
gr.-dam,  Imperial  Duchess  (10,656),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Young 
Duke  of  Hamilton  (4122),  Vol.  VIl. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Bardrainy  (7340),  Vol.  XL,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Darling  of  Bardrainy  (4686),  Vol.  VIIL,  by 
Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

18th  May,  1905,  Dora,  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  filly,  by  Dunure  Castle  (11,028), 
Vol.  XXIII. 



BONNY  OF  BLENCOGO  (17,044);  bay,  white  face,  both  hind 
legs,  near  fore  leg,  and  off  fetlock  white,  foaled  1900 ;  bred  by 
John  Wilson,  Blencogo  House,  Wigton ;  property  of  James 
Robinson  &  Son,  James  Street,  Carlisle ;  sire.  Life  Member 
(10,080),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Blossom,  bred  by  Mr.  Wilson, 
Blencogo  House,  Wigton,  by  Royal  George  (8205),  Vol.  XIL; 
gr.-dam,  Dina,  bred  by  Miss  Graham,  Broadmoor,  Wigton, 
by  Coming  Again  (3532),  Vol.  VII.     Produce— 

26th  May,  1904,  DoUv,  ligbt  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  and  near  hind  legs 
white,  off  fore  fetlock  white,  Ally,  by  Sir  Mark  (10,648),  Vol.  XXI. 


BELL  OF  NETHERPLAGE  (17,045);  dark  brown,  ratch  on 
face,  near  hind  ankle  white,  foaled  5th  July,  1901 ;  bred  by 
John  Lindsay,  Broadland,  Stewarton ;  property  of  James 
Eodger,  Netherplace,  Newton-Mearns ;  sire,  Gartly  Squire 
(10,350),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Bell  of  Broadland  (13,894), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Queen's  Own  (7176),  Vol.  XL;  gr.^am, 
Darling  of  Kerry tonila  (11,344),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Darnley  King 
(2717),  Vol.  VL;  g.-gr.-dara,  Ascog  Rosie  (2590),  Vol.  VL, 
by  Druid  (1120),  vol.  IL  ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Lome 
(499),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

19th  June,  1904,  black,  ratch  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  off  fore  pastern  white, 
filly,  by  Rathillet  (11,870),  Vol.  XXV. 

Bell  of  NtiktrpUux  (17,045)  died  \^th  June,  1904. 


lOLA  (17,046);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  John  Taylor,  Tarney 
Bachle,  Blackford ;  property  of  Peter  Roger,  Kinbroon, 
Rothie-Norman ;  sire.  Royal  Verdict  (10,891),  Vol.  XXIL; 
dam,  Jesamine,  bred  by  the  Earl  of  Mar  and  Kellie,  Alloa 
Park,  Alloa,  by  Prince's  Heir  (8168),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam, 
Young  Jess  of  Alloa  Park  (6497),  Vol.  X.,  by  Cetewayo 
(1409),  Vol.  IIL;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  (3753),  Vol.  VIL,  by 
Clydesdale  Jack  (1415),  Vol.  IIL;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  mare, 
believed  to  be  by  Prince  of  Wales  (676),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

3rd  July,  1905,  Revelanta's  Heir,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  bind  legs,  dark 
fore  legs,  colt,  by  Revelanta  (11,876),  Vol.  XXV. 


ROSE  LEAF  (17,047);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
paBterns,  off  fore  pastern  dark,  foaled  20th  May,  1901 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  Peter  Roger,  Kinbroon,  Rothie- 
Norman;  sire,  Fortune  Still  (9752),  Vol.  XVI.;  dam,  Jip, 
Vol.  XXV,  p.  71,  by  Prince  Charlie^s  Heir  (6173),  Vol.  X. ; 

fr.-dam,  Rose,  bred  by  the  late  John  Roger,  Kinbroon,  by 
ritish  Empire  (1599),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess.    Produce — 

7th  March,  1905,  Ivj  Leaf,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  dark  legs,  fill}-,  by  Olympus 
(11,840),  VoL  XXV. 


DRUMBERTNOT  QUEEN  (17,048);  grey,  white  snip  down 
face,  off  hind  leg  white  up  to  hock,  and  near  hind  leg  white 
half  way  to  hock,  foaled  15th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Robert  Rodger,  Mains  of  Dun,  Montrose ;  sire. 
Lord  Fauntleroy  (10,370),  Vol.  XX. ;  dam,  Drumbertnot 
Princess,  bred  by  Robert  Rodger,  by  Handsome  Prince 
(10,356),  Vol.  XX;  gr.-dam,  Drumbertnot  Bell,  bred  by 
Robert  Rodger,  by  LAwrence's  Heir  (6931),  Vol.  XL ; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Queen,  by  Sir  Michael  (1530),  Vol.  III. 
Produce — 

29th  May,  1905,  Drumbertnot  King,  black,  white  imip  down  face,  hind  legs 
white  to  hookB,  colt,  by  Pride  of  Blacon  (10,837).  Vol.  XXII. 


JEAN  OF  SOUTHEND  (17,049);  foaled  1892;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Alexander  Ronald,  Pennyseorach,  Southend,  by 
Campbeltown,  Argyllshire ;  sire,  Primus  (8897),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Maggie  of  Knockstaple  (6924),  Vol.  XL,  by  Kintyre 
Champion  (2914),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess,  bred  by  John 
Reid,  Oatfield,  Campbeltown,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  mare  by  Johnny  Cope  (417),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

May,  1903,  Star,  light  brown,  white  hind  legs,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  James  A. 
Hunter,  Machriebeg ;  (2)  W.  S.  Park ;  (3)  C.  £.  Eaid,  Simooe,  Ontario),  by  Sir 
Ronald  (10,464),  Vol.  XX. 


MILLCRAIG  BEAUTY  (17,050);  bay,  foaled  16th  May,  1901 ; 
hred  by  and  property  of  John  Ross,  Millcraig,  Alness; 
sire,  Balmedie  May  King  (10,310),  Vol.  XX.;  dam,  Bute 



(15,768),  Vol.  XXVI.,  by  Merry  Lad  (9616),  Vol.  XV.; 
r.-dam,  Eosie,  bred  by  Andrew  Ross,  Alness,  by  General 
eil  (1143),  Vol.  II.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  bred  by  Andrew 

Ross,  by  Morning  Star  (1769),  Vol.  IV . ;  g.-gr.-dam,  grey 

mare  bought  from  Murdo  Bethune,  Brae,  believed  to  be  by 

Conqueror,  (197),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

4th  June,  1905,  Cowars  Beauty,  bay,  dark  fore  and  white  hind  legs,  fillj,  by 
Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XVIU. 


JEAN  GARTLY  II.  (17,051);  dark  brown,  white  face,  white 
hind  legs,  foaled  8th  June,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of 
William  Routledge,  Elrig,  Port-William ;  sire.  Up  to  Time 
(10,475),  Vol  XX. ;  dam,  Jean  Gartly  (14,379),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  Royal  Gartly  (9844),  Vol.  XVI.;  gr.-dam.  Bell  V.  of 
Elrig  (12,632),  Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Bell  IV.  of  Elrig  (5010),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lord 
Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Bell  II.  (370),  Vol.  II., 
by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Bell. 
Produce — 

mth  May,  1905,  light  brown,  fillj,  by  Durbar  (11,695),  Vol.  XXII. 


JEAN  OF  BURNBRAE  (17,052);  black,  foaled  May,  1895; 
bred  by  Meikle  Brothers,  Malens  Place,  Torphichen;  pro- 
perty of  David  Russell,  Burnbrae,  Whitburn ;  sire,  William 
the  Conqueror  (9093),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam.  Rose  of  Torphichen 
(7602),  Vol.  XL,  by  Never  Mind  Him  (557),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

27th  July,  1902,  Queen,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  off  hind  foot 
white,  half  of  near  fore  and  half  of  near  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Tarn  o'  Shanter 
— RiddeU's— full  brother  to  Le  Grand  (11,:«5),  Vol.  XXIV. 

22nd  June,  1904,  blaok,  white  star  on  face,  colt,  by  Baron  Templeton  (11,270), 
Vol.  XXIV. 


LOTHIAN  BELLE  (17,053);  bay,  face  and  far  hind  leg  white, 
foaled  8th  May,  1897  ;  bred  by  Matthew  Kirby,  Home  Farm, 
Dearham ;  property  of  Henry  Eussell,  Crakeplace  Hall, 
UUoch,  Cockermouth;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ; 
dam,  mare  bred  by  John  MacMullen,  Dovenby,  Cumberland, 
by  Baron  o'  Threave  (3403),  Vol.  VII. ;  gr.-dam,  mare  bred 
by  Messrs.  MacMullen,  Low  House,  Tallentire,  by  The  Bishop 


XXVI II,  MARES.  351 

(1542),  Vol.   III.;    g.-gr.-dam,  mare,  by  England's  Glory. 
Produce — 

28th  April,  1903,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  b}'  Red  Ticket  (10,866), 
Vol.  XXfl. 

4th  May,  1904,  Qaeen  of  the  Rotes,  bay,  white  face,  far  bind  and  far  fore  leg 
White,  filly,  by  Red  Ticket  (10,866),  Vol.  XXII. 


BELL  HEATHER  (17,054);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white 
below  near  hock,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  12th  May,  1901 ; 
bred  by  E.  D.  Barr4  Cuninghame  of  Duchrae,  New  Galloway; 
property  of  W.  J.  Yorke  Scarlett  of  Gigha,  Argyllshire  ;  sire, 
Baron's  Pride  (9122),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Lady  Dee  (14,531), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Macfrregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam, 
Flora  of  Bumhouses  (8531),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(673),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Burnhouses  (8530), 
Vol.  XII.,  by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.dam,  Star,  by 
Sir  Wi]liam  Wallace  (803),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie 
of  Dnimlemble  (6067),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Lofty  III.  (469), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Star,  by  Loudoun  Tam  (508), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  brown,  white  on  face,  four  white  legs,  white  spot  on  off  flank, 
filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 


NELLY  OF  CUMWHITTON  (17,055);  bay,  white  face,  near 
fore  foot  dark,  other  feet  white,  foaled  12th  June,  1894; 
bred  by  John  Wallace,  Skelton  Pasture,  Penrith,  now 
Hayclose,  Calthwaite,  Carlisle;  property  of  Hugh  Scott, 
Cumwhitton,  Headsnook,  Carlisle ;  sire,  Henry  Irving 
(4440),  Vol.  VIII.;  dam.  Bell  II.  of  Skelton  Pasture 
(12,355),  Vol.  XVIL,  by  Queensferry  (7175),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.-dam.  Bet  of  Skelton  Pasture  (11,138),  Vol.  XIV.,  by 
Baron  Scott  (1936),  Vol.  V.  ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Belle  of  Skelton 
Pasture  (3078),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Samson  (741),  Vol.  I. ;  g.g.-gr.- 
dam,  Nance,  by  Merry  Tom  (532),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

May,  1903,  Lady  Soott,  bay,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  ankles  white,  filly 
(owned  by  W.  H.  Pugh,  Claremont,  Ontario),  by  Right  at  Last  (8947),  Vol.  XIII. 

May,  1904,  brown,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Master  Romeo  (11,112),  Vol.  XXIIL 


JESS  OF  GEEEN  FARM  (17,056);   brown,  hind  legs  white, 
foaled   1888;    bred    by    Robert    Harvey,    Toward   Farm, 


Toward,  now  Carrickstone  Farm,  Cumbeniauld ;  property  of 
James  Scott,  Green  Farm,  Kilmacolm;  sire,  Stumah  (5381), 
Vol.  IX. ;  dam,  bred  by  John  Muir,  Drumfork,  Helens- 
burgh, by  Topsman  (886),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

1898,  Jean  of  Overton  (16.849),  brown,  flUy,  by  King's  Knight  (10,071), 
Vol.  XVIII. 

1902,  Sturdy  Jean,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  a  little  white  on  near  fore  leg, 
hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  T.  H.  Hassard,  Millbrook, 
Ontario),  by  Royal  Sturdy  (11,511),  Vol.  XXIV. 

LADY  KETER  (17,057);  bay,  white  hairs  through  body,  white 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  24th  May,  1900 ;  bred  by 
William  Keter,  Bogside,  Renfrew  ;  property  of  James  Scott, 
Green  Farm,  Kilmacolm;  sire,  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094), 
Vol.  XVIII.;  dam,  Polly  Keter  (15,115),  Vol.  XXV.,  by 
Prince  of  Carruchan  (8151),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of 
Bardrainy  (7340),  Vol.  XL,  by  Top  Gallant  (1850),  Vol.  IV. ; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Darling  of  Bardrainy  (4686),  Vol.  VIII.,  by 
Prince  of  Renfrew  (664),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

7th  July,  1903,  Ijady  Jane,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  a  little  white  on  near  fore 
leg,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  W.  S.  Park ;  (2)  T.  H.  Hassard,  MiU- 
brook,  Ontario),  by  Dunure  (11,327),  Vol.  XXIV. 

29th  July,  1904,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  br 
Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

SCOTT,  Kesflra. 

COWFORD  NETTA  (17,058);  brown,  face  and  legs  white, 
white  mark  on  belly,  foaled  23rd  May,  1895;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Messrs.  Scott,  Cowford,  Stanley,  Perthshire; 
sire,  Macandrew  (9940),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  (3arnet,  brown, 
foaled  1890,  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  210,  by  Garnet  Cross  (1662), 
Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Cowford  (5750),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Sir  James  (782),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Young 
Glasgow  Geordie  (5459),  Vol.  IX. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Mally,  by 
Heather  Jock ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Mally.     Produce — 

12th  June,  1903,  Cowford  Netta,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned 
by  (1)  Thomas  R.  M'Lagan,  Williamston,  Crieff ;  (2)  George  G.  Stewart,  Howick), 
Quebec),  by  Battle  Axe  (10,984),  Vol.  XXIII. 

COWFORD  QUEEN  (17,059) ;  bay,  ratch  on  face,  near  hind  leg 
white,  foaled  23rd  April,  1897;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Messrs.  Scott,  Cowford,  Stanley,  Perthshire ;  sire,  King  of 
the  Roses  (9927),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam.  Garnet,  brown,  foaled 

:xxviiT.  MARES.  868 

1890,  Vol.  XIII.,  p.  210,  by  Garnet  Cross  (1662),  Vol.  IV.; 
gr.-dam,  Eosie  of  Cowford  (5750),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Sir  James 
(782),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Young  Glasgow  Geordie 
(5459),  Vol.  IX. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Mally,  by  Heather  Jock ; 
g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Mally.     Produce — 

19feh  June,  1905,  Cowford  Ladj,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  white  mark  on 
4iear  fore  pastern,  fillj,  by  Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII. 

COWFORD  LILY  (17,060);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot 
and  hind  legs  white,  foaled  6th  July,  1898 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Messrs.  Scott,  Cowford,  Stanley,  Perthshire ; 
sire,  Montrave  Kenneth  (9622),  Vol.  XV. ;  dam.  Gurnet, 
brown,  foaled  1890,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  210,  by  Garnet  Cross 
(1662),  Vol.  IV. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Cowford  (5750),  Vol.  IX., 
by  Sir  James  (782),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie,  by  Young 
Glasgow  Geordie  (5459),  Vol.  IX. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Mally,  by 
Heather  Jock ;  g. -g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Mally.     Produce — 

25th  June,  1903,  Cowford  Mally,  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  white  on  nose,  filly 
(owned  by  (1)  Thomas  R.  M 'Lagan,  Williamston,  Crieff;  (2)  George  G.  Stewart, 
Howick,  Quebec),  by  Battle  Axe  (10,984),  Vol.  XXIU. 


LOFTY  OF  THORNTHWAITE  (17,061);  bay,  star  on  face, 
hind  ankles  white,  foaled  1891 ;  bred  by  the  late  Jonathan 
Pape,  Beck  Farm,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  property  of 
Wilkinson  Scott,  Thorn thwaite  Close,  Wigton,  Cumberland ; 
sire.  Lord  Seaham  (2978),  Vol.  VI. ;  dam,  Fanny,  bred  by 
the  late  Jonathan  Pape,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ; 
gr.-dam,  Fanny,  bred  by  Mr.  Harrison,  Lowfield,  Bothel, 
Aspatria,  by  Clydesdale  Tam  (176),  Vol.  I.  ;•  g.-gr.-dam, 
Fanny,  by  Young  Glancer  (1882),  Vol.  IV.  Produce- 
May,  1898,  Bet  (17.062),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  black,  filly,  by  Royal  Champion  (8956), 

Vol.  XIII. 

June,  1899,  Soott  (17,063),  Vol.  XXVHI.,  black,  filly,  by  The  Scott  (10,015), 
Vol.  XVII. 

June,  1900,  Prince,  bay,  star  on  face,  white  hind  foot,  colt  (owned  by  Mr. 
Thompson,  Plumpton,  Penrith),  by  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

June,  1901,  bay,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt  (owned  by  William  Clark, 
Netherlea,  Cathcart),  by  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol  XIII. 

June,  1902,  bay,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Champion  (8956), 
Vol.  XIII. 

June,  1903,  bay,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Champion  (8956), 

13th  June,   1904,  bay,   stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Royal 
Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

3rd  August,  1905,  bay,  stripe  down  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Royal 
Champion  (S956),  Vol.  XIII. 

VOL.  XXVIII.  23 

354  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  .    voi^ 

BET  OF  THORNTHWAITE  (17,062);  black,  star  on  face,, 
near  hind  ankle  white,  foaled  May,  1898;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Scott  Wilkinson,  Thornthwaite  Close,  Wigton, 
Cumberland ;  sire,  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. ; 
dam,  Loffcy  (17,061),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  by  Lord  Seaham  (2978),. 
Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,    Fanny,    by    Clydesdale   Tarn    (176),    Vol.    I. ; 

f.-g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by  Young  Glancer  (1882),  Vol.  IV. 
roduce — 

May,  1902,  bay,  star  on  face,  ooU,  by  Neil  Gow  (10,244),  Vol.  XIX. 

August,  1908,  black,  white  face,  fiUy,  by  Gartly  Gold  (10,755),  Vol.  XXII. 

l£ay,  19Q5,  black,  stripe  on  face,  both  hind  legs  white  in  front,  filly,  by  Lord 
Jim  (11,407),  VoL  XXIV. 

SCOTT  OF  THORNTHWAITE  (17,063);  black,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  June,  1899 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Wilkinson 
Scott,  Thornthwaite  Close,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  sire,. 
The  Scott  (10,015),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Lofty  (17,061), 
Vol.  XXVIII.,  by  Lord  Seaham  (2978),  Vol.  VI. ;  gr.-dam, 
Fanny,  by  Gartsherrie  (2800),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny, 
by  Clydesdale  Tam  (176),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -gr.-dam  Fanny,  by 
Young  Glancer  (1882),  Vol.  IV.  Produce- 
June,  1904,  bay,  star  on  face,  black  legs,  colt,  by  Royal  Champion  (8956),, 

VoL  xin. 

May,  1905,  foal,  dead. 


DAISY  BELL  (17,064);  chestnut,  with  a  white  hair  through- 
body,  white  face,  some  white  on  feet,  foaled  1898;  bred  by 
Eobert  Paton,  Trees,  Ayr;  property  of  William  Scott,. 
.  Priestfield,  High  Blantyre;  sire,  Royal  Reward  (10,003), 
Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Lily  M'Clymont  (14,753),  Vol.  XXIV., 
by  Knight  of  Ellerslie  (3737),  Vol.  VII.;  gr.-dam,  Alice 
(6393),  Vol.  X.,  by  Royal  George  (731),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,. 
Nancy — dam  of  Jess  (299),  Vol.  II.     Produce — 

22nd  May,  1902,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  white  legs,  filly  (dead),  by  Labori- 
(10,791),  VoL  XXII. 

190a,  no  foal. 

1904,  no  f oaL 

26th  April,  1905,  Fly  Mick,  chestnut,  with  a  white  hair  through  body,  white 
stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  off  fore  hoof  blue,  colt,  by  Lord  Fauntieroy 
(10,370),  Vol.  XX. 

zxTiii.  MARES.  355 

ft«AWAM  HABBOVB  STUD,  Limited. 

EOWENA  (17,065);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
1897 ;  bred  by  David  M*Gibbon,  Campbeltown ;  property  of 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland ; 
sire,  Charming  Day  (12,906),  Vol.  XXYHL;  dam,  Tibby, 
bred  by  David  M*Gibbon,  by  Le  Prince  (10,219),  Vol.  XIX.; 
gr.-dam,  Rowan,  bted  by  Messrs.  Richardson,  Longnewton^ 
Darlington,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.     Produce — 

5th  Maj,   1905,  bay,  white  face   and  legB,  filly,  by    Silver   Oup    (11,184)» 

ALLISON  (17,066);  brown,  star  on  face,  far  hind  leg  white, 
foaled  4th  June,  1898 ;  bred  by  the  Marquis  of  London- 
derry, K.G.,  Seaham  Hall,  Seaham  Harbour;  property  of 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland  ; 
sire.  Knight  of  Cowal  (10,074),  Vol.  XV III. ;  dam,  Bonnie 
Anne  (13,500),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L; 
gr.-dam,  Jeanie — dam  of  Barrister  (10,312),  Vol.  XX. — by 
Chancellor  of  Blackball  (1094),  Vol.  11.     Produce— 

30th  May,  1906,  brown,  star  on  face,  white  patch  on  near  hind  foot,  filly»  by 
Aldouran  (11,996),  Vol.  XXVI. 

PARSLEY  (17,067);  brown,  white  face,  far  hind  leg  white, 
little  white  on  near  hind  ankle,  foaled  29th  April,  1900; 
bred  by  the  Marquis  of  Londonderry,  K.G.,  Seaham  Hall, 
Seaham  Harbour ;  property  of  Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd., 
Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire,  Lord  Stewart  (10,084), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam.  Pleasure  (14,396),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by 
Buxom  Lad  (7533),  Vol.  XIl. ;  gr.-dam,  Keir  Peggy  IV. 
(3659),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Briton  (94),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Keir 
Peggy  j(187),  Vol.  IL,  by  Samson  (741),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Jean,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (298),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

7th  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
Airiea  Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

JASPER  (17,068);  brown,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  little 
white  on  far  fore  ankle,  foaled  6th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour, 
Sunderland;  sire.  King  Dick  (10,212),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam, 
Jeannie  Darnley  (8668),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Damley  (222), 
Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Robina  (2278),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Springfield 
Laddie  (818),  VoL  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Eosie  of  ToUcross  (128), 

366  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK,  ,     vol. 

Vol.  IL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Rosie,  by  Glancer  (347),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

.    26th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  legs  white,  l^Uy,  by 
Baron  Stewart  (10,982),  Vol.  XXIII. 

QUAKERESS  (17,069);  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  little 
white  on  fore  ankles,  foaled  9th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour, 
Sunderland;  sire.  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVHL ; 
dam,  Queensland  (13,505),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Prince  of  Fashion, 
Vol.  XIL,  p.  361;  gr.-dam,  Laughton  Queen  (11,310), 
Vol.  XV.,  by  St.  Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VL  :  g.-gr.-dam, 
Marie  Stuart  (B326),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Balquhiddroch  (5400),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Marquis  (1215),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie  (5399), 
Vol.  IX:,  by  Duke  of  Edinburgh  (246),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Jewel  (273),  Vol.  IL,  by  Renfrewshire  Jock  (696), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  by  Sir  James  (780),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

18th  April,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  ankle  white,  filly,  by 
Silver  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIII. 

RADIANT  (17,070) ;  bay,  atripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  12th  May,  1900;  bred  by  the  Earl  of 
Strathmore,  Glamis  Castle,  Glamis;  property  of  Seaham 
Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire, 
Benedict  (10,315),  Vol.  XX.;  dam.  Nectarine  (7870), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Prince  Edward  (1254),  Vol.  IL ;  gr.-dam,  Nell 
(864),  Vol.  IV.,  bv  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Susy, 
by  Prince  (l785),''Vol.  IV.     Produce— 

llth  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  pastern  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt 
gowned  by  A.  Smith,  Leaston,  Upper  Keith),  by  Silver  Cup  (11,1^4),  Vol.  XXIII. 

EAMBLER  (17,071);  bay-roan,  white  face,  off  fore  pastern  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  19th  June,  1900;  bred  by  the  late 
R.  Sinclair  Scott,  Burnside,  Largs ;  property  of  Seaham 
Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire, 
Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Scottish 
Brilliant  (14,391),  Vol.  XXIIL,  by  Prince  Frederick  (8905), 
Vol.  XIIL;  gr.-dam,  Scottish  Ruby  (12,642),  Vol.  XVHL, 
by  Prince  Lawrence,  Vol.  VIL,  p.  261  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Hatton 
Beauty  (5687),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vpl.  I. ;  g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Hatton   Bella  (6.26),  Vol.  III.,  by  Time  o'  Day 


(875),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  BeU,  by  Young  Wattie  (1042), 
Vol.  I.     Produce— 

5ih  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  faoe,  white  legs,  oolt,  by  Airiea  Prinoe  (10,667)» 
Tol.  XXIL 

PRINCESS  MARCELLA  (17,072);  brown,  stripe  on  face,  far 
fore  leg  white,  other  three  ankles  white,  foaled  April,  1901 ; 
bred  by  Matthew  Marshall,  Stranraer ;  property  of  Seaham 
Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire, 
Marcellus  (11,110),  Vol.  XXIII.;  dam.  Swallow  (13,952), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.^am, 
Dora  (499),  Vol.  IIL,  by  Gleniffer  (361),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Esmeralda  (730),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of  Renfrew  (664), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  bay,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  SUver  Cup  (11,184), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

JUJUBE  (17,073);  bay,  white  star,  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled 
18th  April,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Seaham  Harbour 
Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland ;  sire,  Lord 
Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  dam,  Jenny  Wren  (14,811), 

Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Holy  rood  (9546),  Vol.  XV.j^r.-dam,  Jetty 
Jessica  (8674),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.; 

(13,136),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Hope  (6841),  Vol.  XL;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jessica  (8674),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.; 
g.-ff.-ffr.-dam,  Jess  (576),  Vol.  IIL,  by  The  Swell  (870), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  leg  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by 
Airies  Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXIL 

SUGAR  (17,074);  grey,  white  face,  fore  ankles  and  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  26th  April,  1901  ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland ; 
sire,  Pearl  Ovster  (10,831),  Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Susette 
(13,897),  Vol."  XXIL,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.; 
gr.-dam,  Susie  (8669),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  L ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Nannie  of  Balwherrie  (4362),  Vol.  VIIL,  by 
Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Nelly.     Produce — 

13th  April,  1905,  grey,  star  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  Ally,  by  Airies  Prinoe 
(10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

NECTAK  (17,075);  brown,  star  on  face,  black  points,  foaled 
2l8t  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Seaham  Harbour 
Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland ;  sire,  Pearl  Oyster 


(10,831),  Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Nettle,  Vol.  XVIL,  p.  59,  by 
Prince  of  Avondcde,  Vol.  X.,  p.  300 ;  gr.-dam,  Nioa  (8673), 
Vol.  XIL,  by  Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  111.;  g. -gr.-dam,  Nance 
(573),  Vol.  III.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Garibaldi  (318),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

7th  May,  1905,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  oolt,  by  Silver  Cup  (11,184), 

YoL  xxm. 

HOSTESS  (17,076) ;  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  ankle  and  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  27th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland ; 
sire.  Lord  Stewart  (10,084),  Vol.  XVHL ;  dam,  High  Tide 
(12,821),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Height  of  Splendour  (6836),  Vol.  XL; 
gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Meadowfield  (6658),  Vol.  X.,  by  Old  Times 
(579),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Molly  (1726),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince 
of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lily,  by  (Garibaldi 
(318),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

2l8t  May,  1905,  bay,  white  faee,  fore  anklee  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by 
SUvcr  Cup  (11,184),  Vol.  XXIIL 

PRIOKESS  (17,077);  bay,  white  face,  near  hind  leg  and  far 
hind  fetlock  white,  foaled  31st  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Robert 
Copland,  Milton  Ardlethen,  Ellon;  propeity  of  Seaham 
Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire, 
Royal  Surprise  (10,889),  Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  Forget Me-Not 
(10,604),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV. ; 
;r.-dam.  Princess  (812),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Prince  of  Wales  (673), 
^ol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Sir  Walter  Scott  (797),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 


19th  April,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  fore  pasterns  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by 
SUver  Cup  (11.184)  VoL  XXIIL 

BRACKEN  (17,078) ;  bay,  white  face  and  legs,  foaled  20th  June, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd., 
Seaham  Harbour,  Sunderland;  sire.  Pearl  Oyster  (10,831), 
Vol.  XXIL;  dam,  British  Queen  (12,828),  Vol.  XIX..  by 
Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. ;  gr.-dam.  Bell  of  New- 
mains  (12,734),  Vol.  XIX.,  by  Prince  Edward  (1264),  Vol.  IL ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Barbeth  Bell,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Barbeth  Tibbie  (5784),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Scottish  Champion 
(5339),  Vol.  IX. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Darling,  by  Cairn  Tom 
(117),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

lOth  May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  a  little  white  on  fore  ankles,  hind  leg  white, 
fiUy,  by  Airies  Prince  (10,667),  Vol.  XXII. 

:zxTiii.  MARES,  369 

SHXA&D  *  nWXSH. 

KATE  OF  WHITEHOUSE  (17,079);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  23rd  May,  1891 ;  bred  by  R  &  W.  Callander,  Upper 
Barr,  Newton-Stewart;  property  of  Sheard  &  Eewish, 
Whitehouse,  Kirkmichael,  Isle  of  Man;  sire,  Top  Knot 
(6360),  Vol.  X.;  dam,  Barr  Kate  (2002),  Vol.  VL,  by 
Glengamock  (327),  Vol.  I.      Produce — 

April,  1895,  Mona's  Doke,  bay,  oolt  (dead  ;  bred  by  Mr.  Jos.  Mylohroest),  by 
Duke  of  Rotheeay  (9191),  VoL  'XIT. 

May,  1897,  bay,  oolt  (castrated;  bred  by  Mrs.  Mylchreest),  by  Boyal  Fame 
(10,272),  VoL  XIX. 

April,  1898,  bay,  oolt  (castrated ;  bred  by  Mrs.  Mylchreest),  by  Duke  of  Britain 
(10,186),  Vol.  XIX. 

14th  April,  1901,  Lord  Viking  (13,075),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  bav,  oolt  (bred  by  Mrs. 
Mylchreest ;  owned  by  Sheard  &  Xewish),  by  Lord  Balgray  (6953),  Vol.  XI. 


JANET  OF  WEST  MUIRTON  (17,080);  brown,  white  star  on 
forehead,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  May,  1895 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Peter  Sherratt,  West  Muirton,  Laurencekirk; 
sire.  Master  Jack  (7049),  Vol.  XL ;  dam,  Corsebald  Jess 
(2968),  Vol.  VL,  by  Pilot  (588),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam.  Bet,  by 
Caimbrogie  (116),  Vol.  L     Produce — 

8th  May,  1904,  black,  -nrhite  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  black,  other  feet  white, 
oolt,  by  Ideal  (10,573),  Vol.  XXI. 

21st  May,  1905,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  black,  other  feet 
white,  filly,  by  Casabianoa  (10,523),  Vol.  XXL 

MAM  (17,081);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  black, 
other  feet  white  up  to  knees,  white  stripe  on  near  side  of 
belly,  foaled  21st  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
Peter  Sherratt,  West  Muirton,  Laurencekirk;  sire,  Ideal 
(10,573),  Vol.  XXL  ;  dam,  Nellie  Jack  (14,821),  Vol.  XXIV., 
by  Master  Jack  (7049),  Vol.  XL ;  gr.-dam,  Corsebald  Jess 
(2968),  Vol.  VL,  by  Pilot  (588),  Vol.  L ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bet,  by 
Cairn brogie  (116),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

19th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  off  feet  black,  near  feet  white,  a  little 
white  OD  off  knee,  colt  (owned  by  William  Low,  Balmakewan,  Laurencekirk),  by 
Casabianca  (10,523),  Vol.  XXI. 

BESS  OF  BALNABREICH  (17,082) ;  black,  white  stripe  on  face, 
foaled  11th  June,  1898 ;  bred  by  George  Eraser,  Balnabreich, 
Keith ;  property  of  Alexander  Sim,  Deskford,  Cullen ;  sire, 


M'llroy  (9795),  Vol.  XVI. ;  dam,  Jean  of  Balnabreich 
(9641),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Derby  (227),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Peg  of 
Balnabreich  (7248),  Vol.  XL,  by  Wellington  (906),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

May,  1904,  Peggy  of  Congash,  bay,  face  and  logs  white,  filly  (M.B.,  Qeorge 
Fra§er;  F.B.,  Alex.  Sim;  owned  by  John  M^Ainah,  Congash,  Grantown-on-SpeyX 
by  Moncreiffe  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XYII. 


RARITY  OF  GARGUSTON  (17,083) ;  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  pasterns  white,  foaled  19th  May,  1897  ;  bred  by  Robert 
Trotter,  Garguston,  Muir  of  Ord ;  property  of  A.  M.  Simpson, 
Whitecross,  East  Kilbride ;  sire,  Prince  Albert  of  Rosehaugh- 
(9367),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Royal  Rose  of  Garguston  (13,306), 
Vol.  XX.,  by  Royalist  (6242),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Nellie  of 
Balnakyle  (12,090),  Vol.  XVII.,  by  Lucky  Boy  (3811),. 
Vol.  VII.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nellie  Blair  (5685),  Vol.  IX.,  by 
Young  Pride -of  Scotland  (1368),  Vol.  11. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam^ 
Maggie  of  Wheatpark  (10,335),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  HamUton 
Jock  (1151),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Bell,  by  Merry  Tom — 
Knockendale.     Produce — 

1902,  Judge  Wright  (12,611),  Vol.  XXVII.,  bay.  with  a  grey  hair,  colt,  by 
Olan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXI. 


LADY  ELIZABETH  (17,084);  light  bay,  white  stripe  on  face, 
near  fore  foot  white,  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  13th  June, 
1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Mrs.  Catherine  Simpson,. 
South  St.  Ck)lmac,  Rothesay;  sire,  Lord  Colum  Edmund 
(9280),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Rose  of  St.  Colmac  (12,653), 
Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Blythe  Prince  (8478),  Vol.  XIIL  or  Orlando 
(8092),  Vol.  XII. ;  gr.-dam,  Buteshire  Darling  (378),  Vol.  IL, 
by  Young  Lome  (997),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (81), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  IL ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

2nd  May,  1905,  Colmac  Blend,  brown,  white  on  face,  white  spot  on  near  fore 
foot,  white  hind  feet,  colt,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,893),  Vol.  XXV. 


HETTIE  HAROLD  (17,085) ;  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  foaled 
May,  1901 ;  bred  by  Alexander  Taylor,  Clockeasy,  Urquhart, 
Elgin ;  property  of  James  Sinclair,  Scotstonhill,  Elgin ;  sire. 
Prince  Harold  (9973),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  Jane,  bred  by 
Alexander  Taylor,  by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Vol.  IV 

xxviii,  MARES.  361' 

gr.-dam,  Kate,  bred  by  Alexander  Taylor,  by  Champion  of 
Moray  (138),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jip,  by  Pope  (?). 
Produce — 

llth  April,  1906,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  fillj,  by  Pride  of  Airies 
(11,454),  Vol.  XXIV. 

JEAN  OF  WATERSIDE  (17,086);  dark  brown,  white  face,  oflf 
hind   leg  white,   foaled    1898;    bred   by   and  property  of 
William    Skeoch,   Waterside,   Beith ;    sire,   Royal   Reward 
(10,003),  Vol.  XVII.;   dam,  Jess,  black,  white  face,  three 
white  legs,  foaled  1882,  bred  by  Robert  M*Harry,  Clachan- 
more,    Stoneykirk,    by    Young    Biggar    (3304),  Vol.  VI. ; 
gr.-dam,  brown,  with  grey  hairs,  bred  by  Robert  M*Harry, , 
by  General  Williams  (326),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
June,  1908,  Peggy,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  filly  (owned  by 
(1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;    (2)  Hugh  Munro,  Poplar  Orove, 
Wapella,  N.W.T.,  Canada),  by  Dunure  (11,327),  Vol.  XXIV. 


TRIM  OF  GRANGE  (17,087);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind' 
legs  white,  foaled  May,  1900;  bred  by  David  Walker, 
Belhamage,  Barrhill;  property  of  James  Slater,  Grange, 
Kirkcudbright;  sire.  Prince  Regnant  (10,418*),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam,  Kate  of  Belhamage  (12,029),  Vol.  XVI.,  by  Stud-Book 
Laddie  (3228),  Vol.  VI.;  gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Foreside  (2790), 
Vol.  VI.,  'by  Young  Lord  Lyon  (994),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, . 
by  Prince  Alfred  (619),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Hawkie — the 
dam  of  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I.—by  Samson  (741),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

26th  May,  1904,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four  white  legs,  fiUy,  by  Hundalee 
(11,750),  VoL  XXV, 


RED  DAISY  (17,088);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet 
white  to  pasterns,  foaled  28th  May,  1890;  bred  by  James 
M*Harg,  Barbuchany,  Newton-Stewart ;  property  of  Hugh 
Sloan,  Rigg,  Kirkconnel,  Dumfriesshire ;  sire,  Fordham 
(5769),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Beauty  of  Barbuchany  (5589),  Vol.  IX., 
by  Robin  (703),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Balcarry,  by  Briton 
(3468),  Vol.  VII.  Produce- 
May,  1894,  DoU  of  Rigg  (17.089).  Vol.  XXVIII.,  brown,  filly,  by  Alyth  Stamp 

(9110),  Vol  XIV. 

Red  Daisy  (17,088)  died  aboiU  1900. 

362  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  .    voi- 

DOLL  OF  RIGG  (17,089);  brown,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  and 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1894 ;  bred  J)y  and  property  of 
Hugh  Sloan,  Rigg,  Kirkconnel,  Dumfriesshire;  sire,  Alyth 
Stamp  (9110),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam.  Red  Daisy  (17,088), 
Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Fordham  (5769),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam. 
Beauty  of  Barbuchany  (5589),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Robin  (703), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Balcarry,  by  Briton  (3468), 
Vol.  VII.    Produce— 

15th  May,  1903,  Daisy  of  Rigg,  brown,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  mtsiern 
white,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  William  Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  (2)  S.  J.  Prouse, 
IngersoU,  Ontario),  by  Prince  of  Brunstane  (9977),  Vol.  XVII. 

May,  1904,  light  brown,  hind  legs  white,  colt  (castrated),  by  Baron  Beaulieu 
(11,257),  Vol.  XXIV. 

1st  May,  1905,  brown,  white  face,  fore  legs  white,  white  marks  on  both  sides, 
.filly,  by  Lord  Lonsdale  (11,799),  Vol  XXV. 


,JESS  OF  CKEOCH  (17,090);  brown,  white  spot  on  face,  three 
white  feet,  foaled  May,  1898;  bred  by  Thomas  Barr, 
Eskechraggan,  Kothesay ;  property  of  John  Sloan,  Oreoch, 
New  Cumnock;  sire.  Archer  (10,154),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam, 
Nelly,  bred  by  Thomas  Barr,  by  Lord  Colum  Edmund 
(9280),  Vol.  XIV.;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  (1922),  Vol.  VI.,  by 
Duke  of  Rothesay  (2744),  Vol.  VI. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  by  Lofty 
(461),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

11th  May,  1904,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Marconi  (11,817),  Vol.  XXV. 

27th  April,  1905,  brown,  white  spot  on  nose,  hind  feet  white,  fiUy,  by  Baron 
JRomeo  (11,266),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BELL  OF  CREOCH  (17,091);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
legs  white,  foaled  1901  ;  bred  by  Robert  Muir,  Mecknoch, 
Rothesay ;  property  of  John  Sloan,  Creoch,  New  Cumnock ; 
sire,  Fickle  Fashion  (10,546),  Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Princess 
May,  bay,  foaled  1897,  Vol.  XXIL,  p.  195,  by  Crown  Agent 
(10,053),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Vanora's  Princess  (14,002), 
Vol.  XXIL,  by  Prince  of  Kyle  (7155),  Vol.  XL  ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Vanora  (9348),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.- 
;r.-dam,  Janet  of  Whiteleys  (5470),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Master 
iyon  (2282),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Jean  (678),  Vol.  IIL, 
by  Rob  Roy  (714),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g. -g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Nancy, 
by  Briton  (1082),  Vol.  IL     Produce— 

27th  April,  1905,  Lady  Bute,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  lega^  ftUy,  br 
Baron  Romeo  (11,266),  Vol.  XXIV. 


ucxYiii.  MARES  363 


'GRISELDA  (17,092) ;  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind 
feet  white,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  Gktvin  Moffat,  Muirfad, 
Palnnre,  Galloway ;  property  of  William  Sloan,  Larg,  Cree- 
town;  sire,  Peti-uchio  (9967),  Vol.  XVII. ;  dam,  a  brown 
mare,  bred  by  J.  M'Adam,  Blackpark,  Newton-Stewart,  by 
Pioneer  (9349),  Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  a  grey  mare,  bred  by 
R.  Russell,  Knockann,  Kirkcowan,  by  Miller  (3006),  Vol.  VI. 
Produce — 

1903,  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  white  spot  on  far  hind  foot,  oolt,  by  John  Hood 
^12,607),  Vol.  XXVII. 

1905,  black,  white  spot  on  near  fore  and  far  hind  heel,  fiUj,  by  Baron's  King 
<12,456),  VoL  XXVII. 

J*RISCILLA  (17,093);  dark  brown,  star  on  face,  near  hind  foot 
white,  foaled  June,  1900;  bred  by  William  M'Michael, 
Barholm  Mains,  Creetown;  property  of  William  Sloan, 
Larg,  Creetown ;  sire,  Curator  (10,727),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam, 
Lily  of  Barholm  Mains  (8811),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Sir  Michael 
(1530),  Vol.  III. ;  gr.-dam,  Doll  (876),  Vol.  IV.,  by  Glenlee 
alias  Lord  Clyde  (362),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
June,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  white  spot  on  near 

fore  foot,  colt,  by  Baron's  King  (12,456),  Vol.  XXVII. 

Jane,  1905,  brown,  star  on  face,  far  hind  foot  white,  oolt,  by  Baron's  King 
(12,465),  Vol.  XXVII. 

•CREMONA  (17,094);  light  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  white 
markings  on  fore  and  hind  feet,  foaled  6th  May,  1901; 
bred  by  Peter  M'M.  Reid,  Low  Skeog,  Whithorn ;  property 
of  William  Sloan,  Larg,  Creetown  ;  sire,  Prince  of  Roxburgh 
(10,616),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam.  Pink,  light  bay.  white  face,  four 
white  legs  to  knees  and  hocks,  bred  by  Alex.  Reid,  Low 
Skeog,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie, 
black,  white  face  and  legs,  bred  by  Alex.  Reid,  by  Lochfergus 
Champion  (449),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Bess,  black,  white  face 
and  legs,  by  Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

July,  1904,  light  brown,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  far  fore  foot  white,  white  mark- 
ings on  hind  lega,  tilly,  by  Baron's  King  (12,456),  Vol.  XXVII. 

Jnlv,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  faoe,  hind  feet  white,  filly,  by  Baron's  King 
(12,455),  Vol.  XXVII. 


QUEEN  BESS  OF  CRANSHAWS  (17,095);  black,  white  spot 
on  face,  far  hind  leg  white  below  pastern,  foaled  May,  1900; 


bred  by  George  Findlater,  Jerviswood  Mains,  Lanark; 
property  of  Andrew  Smith  of  Cranshaws,  Duns ;  sire,  Black 
Eod  (10,509),  Vol.  XXI.;  dam,  Bell  of  Jerviswood, 
Vol.  XIIL,  p.  68,  by  Lord  Lennox  (2967),  Vol.  VI.  ; 
gr.-dam,  by  Topsman  (886),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

19ih  April,  1905,  black,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  hind  leg  white  from  hoof  to- 
below  knee,  far  hind  leg  white  below  pastern,  colt,  by  Baron  Sproat  (11,610),. 
VoL  XXV. 

NELL  OF  INCHCORSIE  (17,096);  black,  with  a  few  white 
hairs  through  body,  white  stripe  down  face,  near  fore  leg 
white,  white  spot  on  off  fore  knee,  hind  legs  white  to  hocks, 
foaled  14th  April,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  CharleB- 
Smith,  Inchcorsie,  Rothiemay,  Banffshire ;  sire,  Prince 
Thomas  (10,262),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Nettle  of  Inchcorsie 
(13,272),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lord  Montrose  (7973),  Vol.  XIL ; 
gr.-dam,  Lily  Craig  (11,598),  Vol.  XV.,  by  Ardnacraig 
(4812),  Vol.  IX.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rose  of  Inchcorsie  (7823), 
Vol.  XL,  by  Johnny  (414),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Susie 
(7822),  Vol.  XL,  by  Black  Samson  (62),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

8th  April,  1905,  Meta  of  Inchcorsie,  dark  brown,  white  Btripe  on  face,  four 
white  legs,  filly,  bj  Moncreiffe  Marquis  (9953),  Vol.  XYII. 

SMITH,  JAMBS,  Plttengardaer. 

GLITHERO  NETTIE  II.  (17,097);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,, 
one  hind  foot  white,  foaled  24th  April,  1898;  bred  by  and 
property  of  James  Smith,  Pittengardner,  Fordoun ;  sire, 
Prince  Stephen  (9363),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Glithero  Nettie 
(11,036),  Vol.  XIV,  by  Garnet  Gross  (1662),  Vol.  IV.; 
gr.-dam,  Hadijah  (5024),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Lawers  Baron 
Pollock  (1183),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Concetta  (6),  Vol.  IL, 
by  The  Earl  (862),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  (1395), 
Vol.  v.,  by  Lochend  Champion  (448),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

29th  May,  1903,  The  Cornet  (13,224),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  black,  white  stripe  oa 
faoe,  four  white  feet,  colt  (owned  by  Alexander  M 'Robbie,  Sunny  side,  Aberaeen), 
by  Ideal  (10,573),  Vol.  XXI. 

bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  white  hind  foot,  foaled  23rd 
March,  1899;  bred  by  and  property  of  James  Smith, 
Pittengardner,  Fordoun;   sire,  Prince  of  Airies  (10,103), 

3CXVIII.  MARES.  366 

Vol.  Xyill.  ;  dam,  Bonnie  Jean  11.  of  Pittengardner 
(12,660),  Vol.  XVin.,  by  Crown  Royal  (4315),  Vol.  VIII.; 
gr.-dam,  Bonnie  Jean  (5052).  Vol.  VIIL,  by  Colfin  (182), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Dall  of  Keithock  (1740),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Lord  Lyon  (489),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

4th  June,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  oolt,  bj  Canny- 
man  (10,323),  VoL  XX. 

PITTENGARDNER  DALL  (17,099);  dark  bay,  white  spot  on 
face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  6th  April,  1900;  bred  by  the 
late  John  Craighead,  Tarbothills,  Aberdeen;  property  of 
James  Smith,  Pittengardner,  Fordoun ;  sire.  Prince  Stephen 
(9363),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Pittengardner  Nell,  Vol.  XXIV., 
p.  85,  by  Ardlethen  Champion  (9873),  Vol.  XVIL  ;  gr.-dam, 
by  Gilderoy  II.  (5038),  Vol.  IX.     Produce— 

1st  May,  1905,  bay,  white  spot  on  face,  white  hind  foot,  filly,  by  Gannyman 
^{10,323),  Vol.  XX. 

SMITH,  JABCS8,  Bmmiihangte, 

PINK  OF  BURNSHANGIE  (17,100);  chestnut,  white  face  and 
white  legs,  foaled  1892 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  James 
Smith,  Burnshangie,  Strichen  ;  sire,  Riugwuod  (3955), 
Vol.  VIL;  dam,  Bonnie  (4117),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Prince  of 
Wales  (673),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam.  Bent  mare,  Nancy.  Produce — 

16th  April,  18^)9,  light  chestnat,  white  face,  colt  (sold),  by  Handsome  Prince 
<:{10,356),  Vol.  XX. 

28th  April,  1901,  light  bay,  filly,  by  Last  of  the  Princes  (9568),  Vol.  XV. 

8th  April,  1902,  bright  bay,  filly,  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol.  XX. 

26th  April,  19C3.  Gay  Briton  (12,998),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  dark  bay,  colt  (owned  by 
Alexander  Burr,  Tulloford,  Old  Meldrum).  by  Mains  of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol  XX. 

SMITH,  JOHN,  Kaster  TUUtlirowle. 

iOVE  OF  EASTER  TILLATHROWIE  (17,101);  brown, 
narrow  white  stripe  down  forehead,  near  fore  and  hind 
legs  white,  off  fore  hoof  head  white,  foaled  16th  May,  1897; 
bred  by  James  Smith,  Kirkney,  Gartly ;  property  of  John 
Smith,  Easter  Tillathrowie,  Gartly  ;  sire,  MoncreifFe  Marquis 
<9953),  Vol.  XVIL  ;  dam.  Queen  II.  of  Graigwillie  (12,657), 
Vol.  XVIII.,  by  Prince  Albert  Victor  (617),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam, 


Queen  (249),  Vol.  IL,  by  Eclipse  (268),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam; . 
Bet,  by  Inkermann  (3697),  Vol.  VII.     Produce— 

17th  May,  1904,  brown,  white  stripe  down  face,  fore  legs  partly  white  to  knees^ 
hind  legs  white  to  hooks,  filly,  by  Sir  Hector  (11,536),  Vol.  XXIV. 

18th  May,  1905,  black,  broad  white  stripe  down  face,  fore  legs  white  to  knees, . 
hind  legs  white  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Silver  Light  (11,529),  Vol.  XXIV. 

BlIXTH,  JOHN,  Pntaobantee. 

JEAN  OF  PUTACHANTEE  (17,102);  black,  one  fore  leg  and 
both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  June,  1889;  bred  by  and 
property  of  John  Smith,  Putachantee,  Campbeltown;  sire, 
Ettrick  Shepherd  (2763),  Vol.  VL ;  dam.  Blossom  of 
Skernish  (2973),  Vol.  VL,  by  Prince  David  (643),  Vol.  I. ; 

fr.-dam,  Nell,  by  Argyle — Clark's — (15),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
ess,  by  Prince  Charlie  (640),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Swift. 
Produce — 

June,  1903,  Jean  Smith,  dark  brown,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  James  A.  Hunter, 
Machriebeg,  Campbeltown  ;  (2)  W.  S.  Park ;  (8)  C.  E.  Eaid,  Simcoe,  Ontario), 
by  Mathias  (11,430),  Vol.  XXIV. 


BESS  OF  LEATHES  (17,103);  light  brown,  star  on  forehead, 
hind  foot  white,  foaled  1890;  bred  by  William  Smith, 
Garrarie,  Whithorn ;  property  of  Matthew  Smith,  Leathes, 
Castle-Douglas;  sire,  Lord  Erskine  (1744),  Vol.  IV.;  dam, 
Bess  of  Craigdhu  (4128),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Lord  Derby  (485), 
Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Jean  (645),  Vol.  III.,  by  Robin  (703), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Emperor  (273),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Young  Clyde  (944),  Vol.  I.   Produce — 

May,  1899,  Lily  of  Leathes  (15,802),  Vol.  XXVI.,  light  brown,  white  star  on 
face,  fore  feet  and  hind  legs  white,  filly,  by  Prinoe  Attractive  (10,250*), 
Vol.  XIX. 

MARY  OF  LEATHES  (17,104);  brown,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  30th  May,  1899;  bred  by  R.  D. 
Barr^  Cuninghame  of  Duchrae,  New  Galloway ;  property 
of  Matthew  Smith,  Leathes,  Castle-Douglas  ;  sire,  Gold  Mine 
(9540),  Vol.  XV.;  dam.  Sunflower  (11,211),  Vol.  XV.,  by 
Prince  of  Wales  (673),  Vol.  L;  gr.-dam,  Kate  (3158), 
Vol.  VIL,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  L;  g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie 
(1870),  Vol.  VL,  by  Farmer  (284),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

5th  June,  1904,  Alfred  (12,799),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  dark  bay,  small  star  on  fore- 
head, some  white  on  hind  legs,  oolt  (owned  by  A.  &  W.  Montgomery),  by  Argo«y 
(11,247),  Vol.  XXrV. 

xxvnu  MARES.  367 

SMITH,   W.   K. 

BURGH  LASS  (17,105);  bay,  white  star  on  face  and  line  over 
forehead,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  Idth  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
the  late  Mr.  Hill,  Fingland,  Carlisle;  property  of  W.  R 
Smith,  Windy  walls,  Kelso;  sire.  Lord  Lothian  (5998), 
Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Fanny  of  Fingland  (14,635),  Vol.  XXIV.,  by 
Macbeth  (6118),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  bred  by  the  late  Mr.  Hill, 
by  Lord  Eskdale  (2963),  Vol.  VL ;  g.-gr.-dam,  bred  by  the 
late  Mr.  Hill,  by  Prince  of  Kirkbean  (1269),  Vol.  H. 
Produce — 

14th  Jane,  1906,  Lady  Blanche,  brown,  white  face,  white  circle  on  off  eye,  hind 
legs  white,  fiUy,  by  Boreland  Pride  (10,318).  Vol.  XX. 


LADY  WINGATE  (17,106);  bay,  fore  points  dark,  hind  legs 
white,  foaled  1902;  bred  by  Robert  Harper,  Mellenside, 
Insch ;  property  of  William  Smith,  Bishopton,  Hayne, 
Aberdeenshire ;  sire,  Wingate  (10,948),  Vol.  XXII. ;  dam, 
Bess,  bred  by  Robert  Harper,  by  Independence  (6851), 
Vol.  XL;  gr.-dam,  Rose  II.,  bred  by  the  late  George  Harper, 
Mellinside,  by  Young  Clyde  (1359),  Vol.  II. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Rose  I.,  by  Young  Lord  Raglan  (995),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

16th  May,  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  one  fore  pastern  white,  hind  legs 
white  nearly  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Best  of  All  (12,048),  Vol.  XXVI. 


MARY  OF  BAITLAW  (17,107);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  feet  or  legs,  foaled  June,  1898;  bred  by  James 
Crawford,  Baitlaw,  Biggar;  property  of  John  Somerville, 
Rowhead,  Biggar;  sire,  Robert  Darnley  (10,115),  Vol.  XVIIL; 
dam,  Jess,  bred  by  John  Gemmell,  Dalrioch,  Campbeltown, 
by  Loyalist  (6022),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Rosie  of  Dalrioch 
(15,052),  Vol.  XXV.  and  (16,090),  Vol.  XXVIL,  by  Lome 
(499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lillie,  by  Largs  Jock  (444),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

June,  1902,  Polly,  brown,  white  stiipe  on  face,  far  fore  foot  and  near  hind 
foot  white,  filly  (bred  by  James  Crawford  ;  owned  by  John  Gilchrist,  Quothqnan 
Law,  Biggar),  by  Graphic  (10,766),  Vol.  XXII. 

June,  1904,  Charlie,  light  chestnut,  white  stripe  on  face,  colt,  by  King  Dick 
(10,212),  Vol.  XIX. 

May,  1905,  Robin,  light  bay,  white  face,  colt,  by  Baron  Bothsohild  (12,039), 
Vol.  XXVI. 

368  CLYDESDALE  STUD-BOOK.  .    vol. 


LADY  WATHA  (17,108);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  four 
white  feet,  foaled  12th  April,  1900;  bred  by  the  Earl  of 
Strathmore,  Glamis  Castle,  Glamis;  property  of  Robert 
Sommerville,  Seafield  Farm,  Bathgate ;  sire,  Hiawatha 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Lady  Bell  (8997),  Vol.  XH., 
by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Grace  (862), 
Vol.  IV.,  by  Tom  (877),  Vol.  I.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Dunmore  Maggie 
(87),  Vol.  II.,  by  Victor  (892),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.^am,  Nell, 
by  Muircock  (550),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by  Farmer 
(292),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

11th  June.  1904,  colt  (dead),  by  Baron  Templeton  (11,270),  Vol.  XXIV. 

25th  May,  1905,  dark  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near  fore  foot  black,  other 
three  white,  colt,  bj  Acme  (10,485),  Vol.  XXI. 

SOBIERVIIJ.]:,   T.   ft  J.   PUBDIX. 

BELL  OF  MUIRHOUSES  (17,109);  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
leg  and  both  hind  legs  white,  far  fore  foot  white,  foaled 
7th  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  Robert  M.  Dixon,  Moorhouse 
'  Hall,  Wigton,  Cumberland ;  property  of  T.  &  J.  Purdie 
Somerville,  Muirhouse,  Carnwath ;  sire,  Royal  Champion 
(8956),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam.  Blossom,  bred  by  R.  M.  Dixon,  by 
Lord  Lothian  (5998),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam,  Lofty,  bred  by 
R.  M.  Dixon,  by  The  Bishop  (1542),  Vol.  III.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Smiler,  by  Star  of  the  West  (828),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Bonnie,  by  Clydesdale  Tam  (176),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

lOth  June,  1905,  bay,  face  and  legs  white,  colt,  by  Scotland's  Fortane  laU 
.Royal  Druramond  (11,902),  Vol.  XXV. 


RACHEL  OF  BALBIRNIE  (17,110);  dark  chestnut,  white 
stripe  on  face,  white  fetlocks,  foaled  29th  March,  1896; 
bred  by  Edward  Balfour  of  Balbirnie,  Markinch ;  property 
of  James  Stark,  Coates  of  Fingask,  Perth ;  sire,  William  wood 
(8391),  Vol.  XIL;  dam.  Miss  Alice  (8069),  Vol.  XIL,  by 
Gallant  Lad  (2781),  Vol.  VI.  ;  gr.-dam,  Lady  Peveril  (4395), 
Vol.  VIII.,  by  Lord  Derby  (485),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Bess 
(1595),  Vol.  v.,  by  Emperor  (273),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

11th  May,  1904,  bay,  colt  (owned  by  Mr.  Qibson,  Ballunnie,  Brechin),  by  Baron 
Briton  (10,678),  Vol.  XXII. 

4th  June,  ,1905,  Lillias,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  hind  fetlocks  white,  filly,  by 
Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXIL 

xxviii.  MARES.  369 


KOSE  OF  BALHEPBURN  (17,111);  dark  brown,  white  stripe 
on  face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
and  property  of  John  Stark,  Balhepburn,  Rhynd,  Perth ; 
sire.  Mount  Royal  (8065),  Vol.  XII. ;  dam.  Blossom,  bred  by 
James  Stark,  Coates,  Perth,  by  Lord  Colum  Edmund  (9280), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy,  bred  by  James  Stark,  by  Prince 
Charlie  (628),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

9th  Maj,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  hind  legs  white,  fiU j  (owned  by  William  Tod, 
East  Brackley,  Kinross),  by  Petruchio  (9967),  Vol.  XVII. 


KILHAM  NANCY  (17,112);  bay,  white  face,  far  fore  leg  and 
both  hind  legs  white,  near  fore  ankle  white,  foaled  2nd 
May,  1 901  j  bred  by  Seaham  Harbour  Stud,  Ltd.,  Seaham 
Harbour,  Sunderland;  property  of  Thomas  H.  Stawart, 
Kilham,  Mindrim,  Cornhill-on-Tweed ;  sire,  Lord  Stewart 
(10,084),  Vol.  XVIIL;  dam,  Dulcie  (13,507),  Vol.  XXL,  by 
Laughton  (8750),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Dorothy  (10,763), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Castlereagh  (10,324),  Vol.  XX.;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Dora  (4753),  Vol.  VIII.,  by  Newstead  (559),  Vol.  L  ;  g.-g.- 
gr.-dam,  Keir  Fanny  (193),  Vol  IL,  by  Tm/ocib— Galbraith^ ; 
g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Volunteer  (1339),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-g.- 
g. -gr.-dam,  by  Premier  (694),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

12th  April,   1905,  bay,   white  stripe  down  face,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by 
Bintorian  (10,775),  Vol.  XXII. 


BELL  OF  KNOCKGLASS  (17,113);  dark  brown  with  a  grey 
hair,  small  star  on  forehead,  dark  legs,  foaled  1892  or  1893; 
bred  by  the  late  Archibald  Mitchell,  Clochkeil,  Campbeltown ; 
property  of  Archibald  Steel,  Knockglass,  Uplawmoor ;  sire, 
Sir  Everard  (5353),  Vol.  IX.;  dam,  brown,  foaled  1888, 
Vol.  XL,  p.  129,  by  Hazelwood  (7811),  Vol.  XIL ;  gr.-dam, 
Bell  of  Clochkeil  (2543),  Vol.  VL,  by  Doncaster  (238), 
Vol.  I. ;  g. -gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  Loudoun  Tam  (508),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

1900,  brown,  white  face,  oolt  (dead),  by  Prince  Alick  (10,100),  Vol.  XVIII. 

lUOl,  brown,  white  face,  colt  (castrated ;  owned  by  CSaulfield  Bros. ,  Ashyard, 
Hurlford).  by  Prince  Alick  (10,100),  Vol.  XVIII. 

May,  1903.  Jess,  dark  brown,  with  a  grey  hair,  white  stripe  on  face,  white 
hind  foot,  filly,  by  Prince  Alick  (10,100),  Vol.  XVIII. 

May,  1904,  Betty,  light  brown,  with  a  grey  hair,  white  stripe  on  face,  white 
iind  foot,  filly,  by  Royal  Craigie  (11,492),  Vol.  XXIV. 

VOL.  xxviir.  24 



COWIE  ROSE  (17,114);  bay,  face  and  three  legs  white,  near 
fore  leg  black,  foaled  1st  June,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property 
of  John  Steel,  Westerton  of  Cowie  Farm,  Bannockbum ; 
sire,  Springhill  Baron  (10,652),  Vol.  XXL ;  dam.  Silver 
Rose  (15,285),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Prince  of  Fortune  (9826), 
Vol.  XVI. ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Prince  Charlie  (9478), 
Vol.  XIV. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess,  Vol.  X.,  p.  181,  by  Crown  Royal 
(4315),  Vol.  VIIL,  or  Rizzio  (4668),  Vol.  VIII.;  g.-g.-gr.- 
dam,  Missie  (1760),  Vol.  V.,  by  Conqueror  (196),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Lochend  Champion  (448),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

3rd  July,  1905,  Cowie  Daisy,  bay,  white  face,  off  fore  leg  black,  other  three 
legs  white,  filly,  by  Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII. 


BLACKBIRD  (17,115);  black,  white  face,  hind  legs  white, 
foaled  8th  June,  1898;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Steel,  Hannastown  Farm,  Greensburg,  Pa.,  U.S.A. ;  sire. 
Federal  (6741),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Roselawn  Lady  (11,054), 
Vol.  XIV.,  by  Springhill  Darnley  (2429),  Vol.  V. ;  gr.-dam, 
Maggie  (1821),  Vol.  V.,  by  Wandering  Willie  (901),  Vol.  L  ^ 

;.-gr.-dam.  Darling  (1820),  Vol.  V.,  by  Campsie  (119),  Vol.  L 

^roduce — 


5th  May,  1905,  Steele's  Damley,  bay,  white  face,  fore  legs  black,  hind  legs, 
white  to  hocks,  colt,  by  Sir  Alan  (10,913),  Vol.  XXIT. 


NINA  L  OF  FOD  (17,116);  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,, 
foaled  17th  May,  1900;  bred  by  William  Eeid,  Bumside, 
Braco,  now  Beech  wood,  Dunblane ;  propeity  of  James  S. 
Stenhouse,  Fod,  Dunfermline;  sire,  Cawdor  Cup  (10,045), 
Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Nancy  (14,372),  Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Royal 
Signet  (8967),  Vol.  XIU. ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  Knight  (7768),. 
Vol.  XL,  by  Belted  Knight  (1395),  Vol.  IIL ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Nina  of  Portnellan  (2845),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Farmer  (286),  Vol.  I. ; 
g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Nelly  (1666),  Vol.  V.,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Norah,  by  Sir  Walter  Scott 
(797),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

2nd  May,  1905,  Nina  II.  of  Fod,  light  bay,  ratch  on  face,  hind  fetlocks  white^ 
filly,  by  Marmion  (11,429),  Vol.  XXIV. 

XXVIII.  MA^ES,  a71 

PRINCESS  I.  OF  FOD  (17,117);  dark  brown,  on*  fore  fetlock 
and  both  hind  legs  white,  foaled  6th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by 
James  Durno,  Westertown,  Warthill,  Aberdeenshire;  pro- 
perty of  James  S.  Stenhouse,  Fod,  Dunfermline ;  sire.  Mains 
of  Airies  (10,379),  Vol  XX.;  dam,  Lady  Madge  (14,553), 
Vol.  XXIV.,  by  Gallant  Poteath  (8638),  Vol.  XIIL;  gr.-dam. 
Lady  Darnley  (7272),  Vol.  XL,  by  Darnley  (222),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Buteshire  Darling  (378),  Vol.  II.,  by  Young 
Lome  (997),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.^lam,  Buteshire  Kate  (81), 
Vol.  IL,  by  Young  Clyde  (1360),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam, 
Lily,  by  Round  Robin  (721),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

21j9t  April.  1906,  Prince  Buby,  brown,  one  fore  fetlock  and  both  hind  legs 
white,  colt  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,268),  Vol.  XXIV. 


DRYMEN  BESS  (17,118);  bay,  face  and  hind  feet  white,  grey 
mane  and  tail,  foaled  17  th  May,  1900;  bred  by  the  Duke  of 
Montrose,  K.T.,  Buchanan  Castle,  Dry  men ;  property  of 
John  Steven,  Purroch,  Hurlford ;  sire,  Wansbeck  (10,018), 
Vol.  XVIL;  dam,  Drymen  Nannie  (14,336),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  Prince  William  (10,419),  Vol.  XX. ;  gr.-dam,  Nannie 
Buchanan  (13,203),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lord  Ailsa  (5974),  Vol.  X.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Buchley  Nannie,  by  Farmer's  Boy  (2097),  Vol.  V. 
Produce — 

SOth  May,  1904,  Zaza,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  three  white  legs,  filly  (owned  by 
James  Picken,  TorrB,  Kirkcudbright),  by  Baron  of  Buchlyvie  (11,263),  VoL  XXIV. 


BELL  OF  CAIRN  ^7,119);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face,  near 
fore  and  both  hind  feet  white,  foaled  16th  May,  1893; 
bred  by  R.  &  D.  Wright,  Downan,  Ballantrae ;  property  of 
James  Stevenson,  Cairn,  New  Cumnock ;  sire,  Goldfinder 
(6807),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Dark  Belle  (3127),  Vol.  VL,  by 
Young  Clansman  (941),  Vol.  I.;  gr.-dam,  Jess,  by  a  colt  of 
Stanleymuir  breed  which  belonged  to  Mr.  Douglas,  Ballan- 
trae ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Darling.     Produce— 

1903,  *'picked"  filly,  by  Sir  Archie  (10,134),  Vol.  XVIII. 

17th  May,  1905,  Maud  of  Cairn,  brown,  blaze  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly,  by 
Prince  Utica  (11,474),  Vol.  XXIV. 


MARY  OF  KNOCKNAIN  (17,120);   bay,  face  and  hind  feet 
white,  foaled  25th  May,  1898;    bred  by  and  property  of 


John  Stevenson,  Knocknain,  Leswalt,  Stranraer;  sire, 
Macgregor  (1487),  Vol.  III.;  dam,  Daisy  of  Knocknain 
(13,617),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Excelsior  (5751),  Vol.  X. ;  gr.-dam. 
Princess  Mina  (13,616),  Vol.  XXI.,  by  Prince  of  Wales 
(673),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Nell  of  Glencyre  (6472),  Vol.  X., 
by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Birsie  (6471), 
Vol.  X.,  by  Cairn  Tom  (117),  Vol.  I.  Produce- 
June,  1903,  bay,  white  face,  fiUv,  by  Gallant  Prince  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. 

May,  1905,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  foot  and  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Mar- 
ceUufl  (11.110),  Vol  XXIII. 

YOUNG  BELL  (17,121);  bay,  white  face,  three  white  feet,  foaled 
11th  May,  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  Stevenson, 
Knocknain,  Leswalt,  Stranraer ;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7 1 35)> 
Vol.  XI. ;  dam,  Bell  of  Knocknain  (14,417),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  Old  Times  (579),  Vol.  I. ;  f2;r.-dam,  Fanny  of  Baraskomel 
(10,007),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Sir  William  Wallace  (803),  Vol.  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Nora.     Produce — 

May,  1905,  bay.  white  face  and  legs,  filly,  by  Missionary — Marshall's. 


BELL  OF  LOANSIDE  (17,122);  light  bay,  white  stripe  on 
face,  hind  legs  white,  foaled  1895 ;  bred  by  the  late  William 
Alexander,  Loanside,  Clackmannan  ;  property  of  (1)  William 
Alexander,  Loanside;  (2)  David  Y.  Stewart,  East  Carse  of 
Trowan,  Crieff;  sire,  MacKenzie  (2990),  Vol.  VI.;  dam, 
Fancy  Flora  (16,460),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  by  Farmer's  Fancy 
(302),  Vol.  L ;  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Drunzie  (6283),  Vol.  X., 
by  Monkcastle  Prince  (542),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.  dam,  G^entle,  by 
Strathendrick  Cliampion  (131),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

26th  April,  1901,  Lady  Freda,  brown,  stripe  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  near  fore 
leg  white,  with  black  pastern  or  ankle,  filly  (bred  by  th«  late  William  Alexander ; 
owned  by  Robert  Chapman,  Glenboig),  by  Koyal  Favourite  (10,630),  Vol.  XXI. 

1903,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  colt  (castrated ;  bred  by  the  late 
William  Alexander;  owned  by  William  Boy,  Balgrochan,  Torrance),  by  Tlie 
Dean  (10,937),  VoL  XXII. 

11th  April,  1905,  bav,  white  ratch  on  face,  four  white  feet,  filly  (bred  by  the 
late  William  Alexander;  owned  by  A.  B.  Matthews,  Newton  Stewart),  by 
Labori  (10,791),  Vol.  XXII. 


BELISLE  LADY  (17,123);  dark  brown,  white  face,  off  hind 
foot  white,  other  three  feet  black,  foaled  6th  May,  1890; 


bred  by  A.  W.  Taylor,  Belisle,  Hurlford ;  property  of  John 
P.  Stewart,  Thornlie  Park,  Paisley;  sire,  Qrand  National 
(8676),  Vol.  XIII. ;  dam,  Polly  Taylor  (10,240),  Vol.  XIII., 
by  Sir  Michael  (1530),  Vol.  III.;  gr.-dam,  Sail  of  Viewfield 
(5438),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Prince  Albert  (616),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dara^ 
Darling  (5700),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Glenlee  (362),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

1894,  fflly  (sold),  by  The  Summit  (9442),  Vol.  XIV. 

1895,  no  foal. 

1896,  fiUy  (dead),  by  Gallant  Prince  (10,552).  VoL  XXI. 

1897,  no  foal. 

1898,  filly  (sold),  by  Good  Gift  (10,564),  Vol.  XXI. 

1899,  filly  (sold),  by  Hiawatha  (10,067),  Vol.  XVIIL 

1900,  no  foal. 

1901,  Magnetta  (17,124),  VoL  XXVIIL,  dark  brown,  filly,  by  Magnet  (10,592)^ 
Vol.  XXI. 

1902,  City  Belle  (16,458),  VoL  XXVIIL,  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs, 
filly  (owned  by  Walter  Aitkenhead,  Meadowbank,  Polmont),  by  Hiawatha 
(10,067),  Vol.  XVIII. 

1903,  no  foal. 

1904,  Lady  Hia,  brown,  white  faoe,  fonr  white  legs,  filly,  by  Hiawatha  (10,067)^ 

1905,  no  foal. 

MAGNETTA  (17,124);  dark  brown,  stripe  on  face,  three  white 
feeti  foaled  1901 ;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  P.  Stewart, 
Thornlie  Park,  Paisley;  sire,  Magnet  (10,592),  Vol.  XXL; 
dam,  Belisle  Lady  (17,123),  Vol.  XXVIIL,  by  Grand 
National  (8676),  Vol.  XIIL  ;  gr.-dam,  Polly  Taylor  (10,240), 
Vol.  XIIL,  by  Sir  Michael  (1530),  Vol.  IIL  ;  g.-gr.-dam. 
Sail  of  Viewfield  (6438),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Prince  Albert  (616), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-ff. -gr.-dam,  Darling  (5700),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Glenlee 
(362),  Vol.  L  Produce- 
May,  1904,  Lady  Ohattan,  bay,  with  a  white  hair,  little  white  on  face,  three 

white  feet,  filly,  by  Clan  Chattan  (10,527),  Vol.  XXL 


SALLY  OF  BALLIACHRACH  (17,125);  brown,  white  ratch 
on  face,  fore  legs  dark,  with  white  ratch  on  off  leg,  off  hind 
leg  dark,  near  hind  leg  white,  foaled  1892 ;  bred  by  and 
property  of  Robert  Stewart,  Balliachrach,  Rothesay;  sire, 
Queen's  Own  (7176),  Vol.  XL;  dam,  Jean  of  Balliachrach, 
bred  by  Robert  Stewart,  by  SU  Mwngo,   Vol.  IX.,   p.  6; 


gr.-dam,  Darling  (1771),  Vol.  V.,  by  Surprise  (845),  Vol.  I. ; 
^.-gr.-dam,  a  dark  brown  mare,  by  Lofty  (-^774),  Vol.  VTI. 
Produce — 

1898,  Bell,  bay,  flUy,  by  Prino©  Shapely  (10,111*),  Vol.  XVIII. 

1901,  Jess,  black,  filly,  by  Prince  Cedrio  (10.253*),  Vol.  XIX. 

July,   1904,   brown,  white   ratch    on    face,    colt,    by    Battle   Axe    (10,984), 
Vol.  XXIII. 

29th  JuDe,  1906,  brown,  face  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Blend  (11,898), 
Vol.  XXV. 

STSWAST,  tbe  late  WILLIABf . 

STEWARTS  MARE  (17,126);  foaled  1877;  bred  by  and 
property  of  the  late  William  Stewart,  Kerrycroy,  Eothesay ; 
sire,  Prince  Victor  (652),  Vol.  I. ;  dam,  bred  by  Mr.  Muir, 
late  of  Barone  Park,  Rothesay,  by  M^Dougall's  Horse  (4559), 
Vol.  VIII.;  gr.-dam — the  dam  of  Rosie  of  Dunallan  (4812), 
Vol.  VIIL— by  Scotsman  (747),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

1891,  Jess  of  Knockinlaw  (16,677),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  dark  bay,  filly,  by  Height 
o'  Splendour  (6836),  Vol.  XI. 

STOCK,   J.  H.,   M.P. 

MATCH  (17,127);  bay,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled  May, 
1893 ;  bred  by  David  Hunter,  Drury  Lane,  Whithorn ; 
property  of  J.  Henry  Stock,  M.P.,  of  Glenapp,  Ballantrae, 
and  The  White  Hall,  Tarporley,  Chester;  sire.  Exquisite 
(8621X  Vol.  XIII.;  dam,  Mary  of  Drury  Lane  (13,471), 
Vol.  XXL,  by  Bold  Dragoon  (3442),  Vol.  VII. ,  cr.-dam, 
Nancy  of  Gowanside,  by  Robin  Hood  (706),  VoL  L; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Missie  of  Stoneyburn.     Produce — 

19th  May,  1902,  White  Hall  Match  II.,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  legs,  a 
little  white  on  fourth,  filly,  by  Drumflower  (10,537),  VoL  XXL 

23rd  May,  1904,  White  HaU  Flower,  bay,  hiad  legs  white,  colt,  by  Drumflower 
^10,537),  Vol.  XXI. 

8th  May,  1905,   Matchless,  bay,   white  on  face,   four  white  logs,  oolt,  by 
Rathillet  (11,870),  VoL  XXV. 

JESS  OF  KILDROCHAT  (17,128);  bay,  white  ratch  on  face, 
hind  legs  white,  foaled  May,  1898;  bred  by  Andrew 
M*William,  Kildrochat,  Stranraer;  property  of  J.  H.  Stock, 
M.P.,  of  Glenapp,  Ballantrae,  and  The  White  Hall,  Tar- 
porley, Chester;  sire,  The  Orphan  (12,392),  Vol.  XXVL  ; 
dam,  Rosie,  brown,  foaled  1889,  Vol.  XIIL,  p.  462,  by  St. 
Lawrence  (3220),  Vol.  VI.;   gr.-dam,  Jean  of  Kildrochat 

jrxviii.  MARES.  216 

(9988),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Sanquhar  (2393),  Vol.  V. ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jess  of  Kildrochat,  by  Glenlee  (363),  Vol.  I. ;  g. -g.-gr.-dam, 
Maggie  of  Kildrochat  (2760),  Vol.  VI.,  by  Merry  Tom 
(536),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Young  Clyde 
(944),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

27th  Jane,  1906,  Violet  of  Olenapp,  bay,  white  face,  three  white  len,  filly,  by 
Springhill  Barou  (10,652),  Vol  XXI. 


JIP  OF  ARYBURN  (17,129);  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  fore 
feet  white,  foaled  14th  May,  1892  ;  bred  by  and  property  of 
George  Stoddart,  Aryburn,  Dyce,  Aberdeen ;  sire,  The 
Scottish  Hero  (7340),  Vol.  XL  ;  dam,  Mall  of  Aryburn 
(11,082),  Vol.  XIV,  by  Hartington  (1450),  Vol.  III.; 
gr.-dam,  Kate  II.  (4158),  Vol.  VII.,  by  British  Empire 
{1599),  Vol.  IV. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  I.,  by  Lord  Haddo  (486), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Byron  (100),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

^rd  May,  1902,  Rose,  brown,  filly,  by  Lord  Melbourne  (11,410),  VoL  XXIY. 

BLOOM  OF  ARYBURN  (17,130);  bay,  foaled  4th  June,  1897; 
bred  by  and  property  of  George  Stoddart,  Aryburn,  Dyce, 
Aberdeen ;  sire,  Ardlethen  Champion  (9873),  Vol.  XVII, ; 
dam,  Jane,  brown,  foaled  1891,  Vol.  XIV,  p.  496,  by 
Knight  of  Banff  (5115),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam.  Mall  of  Aryburn 
(11,082),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Hartington  (1450),  Vol.  IIL ; 
g. -gr.-dam,  Kate  IL  (4158),  Vol.  VII.,  by  British  Empire 
(1599),  Vol.  IV.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  I.,  by  Lord  Haddo 
(486),  Vol.  L;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Mall,  by  Byron  (100),  Vol.  L 
Produce — 

12th  May,  1903,  Ka«e,  brown,  filly,  by  Lord  Melbourne  (11,410).  Vol.  XXIV, 


MAGGIE  ALBION  OF  PYESTON  (17,131);  dark  brown, 
white  stripe  on  face,  hind  feet  white,  foaled  13th  June, 
1 901  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  Richard  Storrar,  Pyeston, 
Markinch,  Fife;  sire,  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X. ; 
dam,  Bet  of  Pyeston  (9171),  Vol.  XII.,  by  Corsair  (1419), 
Vol.  IIL;  gr.-dam,  Rose  of  Pyeston  (9168),  Vol.  XIL,  by 
Tom  Sayers  (883),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Rosie.     Produce — 

26th  April,  1905,  dark  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  foot  and  hind  legs 
white,  filly,  by  Lathriak  Baron  (11,398),  Vol.  XXIV. 



ROYAL  NELL  (17,132);  bay,  star  on  face,  one  fore  and  both 
hind  feet  white,  foaled  1895  ;  bred  by  the  late  E.  Murray, 
Morton  Head,  Carlisle;  property  of  Wilson  F.  Story,  The 
Fauld,  Longtown,  Cumberland ;  sire.  Royal  Conqueror 
(9386),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Blossom,  bred  by  F.  &  A.  Little^ 
Hunley,  Scaleby,  Carlisle,  by  Baron  of  Drumlanrig  (1935), 
Vol.  v.;  gr.^am,  Polly  of  Hunley  (11,854),  Vol.  XVL,  by 
Young  Baldi  (1353),  Vol.  H. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Aglionby,. 
by  Justice  (421);  Vol.  L     Produce — 

2lBt  April,  1901,  Mary  of  Haining  Valley  (16,979),  Vol.  XXVIII.,  Uy,  white 
stripe  on  face.  Dear  hind  leg  and  off  hind  ankle  white,  filly  (owned  by  William 
Neikon,  Haining  Valley,  Linlithgow),  by  MacAndrew  (9940),  Vol.  XVII. 

10th  April,  1902,  bay,  filly  by  Montrave  Kenneth  (9622),  Vol.  XV. 

2nd  May,  1994,  bay,  star  on  face,  two  white  feet,  filly,  by  Pioador  (10,833),. 


MADGE  (17,133);  brown,  white  face,  three  white  less,  foaled 
May,  1898 ;  bred  by  Edward  H.  Kussell,  £rooinpa»:,  Abbey 
Town,  Carlisle;  property  of  John  Strong,  Anthorn,  Kirk- 
bride,  Carlisle;  sire,  Scottish  Banner  (9671),  Vol.  XV.;. 
dam,  Lil  of  Broompark  (15,245),  Vol.  XXV.,  by  Sir 
Edward  of  the  Tarns  (8999),  Vol.  XIII. ;  gr.-dam,  Lofty 
(5876),  Vol.  IX.,  by  Simon  Pure  (769),  Vol.  I ;  g.-gr.-dam, 
Jen,  by  EnglmuTs  Glory — Robinson's;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Lofty^ 
by  Brave  Nelson  (1404),  Vol.  III.     Produce — 

14th  May,  1903,  Maud,  bay,  8trii>e  on  face,  hind  legs  white,  filly  (owned  br  (1) 
G.  k  J.  J.  RichardBon,  Cum  catch,  Brampton  ;  (2)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery ;  (3)  W.. 
D.  Flatt,  Hamilton,  Ontario),  by  Royal  Uhampion  (8956),  7ol.  XIII. 

MARY  MACAULAV  (17,134);  bay,  white  face,  hind  feet  and 
fore  foot  white,  foaled  15th  May,  1891;  bred  by  the  late 
James  Howie,  Bumhouses,  Galston ;  property  of  Alexander 
Struthers,  Dornel,  Cumnock;  sire,  Macaulay  (5187),  Vol.  IX. ; 
dam,  Nelly  of  Burnhouses  (9755),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Old  Times 
(579),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Burnhouses  (8530),  Vol.  XII., 
by  Lome  (499),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam.  Star,  by  Sir  William 
Wallace  (803),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.  gr.-dam,  Maggie  of  Drumlemble 
(6067),  Vol.  X.,  by  Lofty  III.  (469),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-g.-gr.-dam,. 
Star,  by  Loudoun  Tam  (508),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

12th  May,  1904,  Mary  of  Rodgerton,  bay,  ratch  on  face,  off  fore  foot  dark,  other 
three  feet  white,  ftlly  (owned  by  Hugh  Alexander,  Fore  Rodgerton,  Auchinleok).. 
by  Marconi  (11,817),  Vol.  XXV. 

xxviii.  MARES.  377 


KOSEFLOWEK  (17,135) ;  brown,  ratch  on  face,  hind  feet  white,^ 
foaled  24th  May,  1895;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Stuart,  Earlsfield,  Rennethmont,  Aberdeenshire;  sire,. 
Damley's  Hero  (5697),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Mayflower  II.,  bred 
by  R.  S.  M'Caig,  Kilhilt,  Stranraer,  by  Callendar  (4901),. 
Vol.  IX. :  gr.-dam,  Mayflower,  Vol.  V.,  p.  231,  by  Lord 
Lyon  (489),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  (1532),  Vol.  V.,  by 
Clydesdale  Tom  (180),  Vol.  I.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Fanny,  by 
Samson  (740),  Vol.  I.     Produce — 

7th  M»j,  1904,  brown,  spot  on  face,  filly,  by  Baron  Ruby  (11,263).  Vol  XXIV. 

25th  May,  1905,  brown,  ratoh  on  face,  near  hind  foot  white,  filly,  by  Baron 
Ruby  (11,268),  VoL  XXIV. 

NELLIE  BROWN  (17,136);  brown,  ratch  on  face,  near  fore 
foot  and  off  hind  foot  white,  foaled  19th  May,  1898;  bred 
by  and  property  of  William  Stuart,  Earlsfield,  Kennethmont, 
Aberdeenshire;  sire.  Prince  of  C/lay  (10,407),  Vol.  XX.; 
dam,  Jip,  bred  by  William  Stuart,  by  Independence  (6851), 
Vol,  XL  ;  gr.-dam.  Bloom,  bred  by  William  Stuart,  by 
Prince  George  of  Wales,  Vol.  VIIL,  p.  36 ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Nellie 
Milne,  bred  by  William  Milne,  Newton  of  Ardoyne,  Insch,. 
by  Black  Samson  (62),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Missie  (1484),. 

;  W?. 

Vol.  v..  by  Robbie  Burns  (700),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

28th  June,  1904,  brown,  ratoh  on  faee,  hind  feet  white,  colt,  by  Baron  Ruby 
(11.268),  Vol.  XXIV. 


SALLY  OF  WOODHEAD  (17,137);  bay,  white  spot  on  fore- 
head, near  fore  foot  and  near  hind  foot  white,  foaled  28th 
April,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  John  &  Walter 
Sutton,  Woodhead,  Scaleby,  Carlisle;  sire,  Damley  Again 
(9182),  Vol.  XIV.;  dam,  Miss  Scott  (14,427),  Vol.  XXIIL, 
by  The  Scott  (10,015),  Vol.  XVIIL ;  gr.-dam.  Darling  of 
Woodhead  (12,673),  Vol.  XVIIL,  by  Simon  Pure  (769), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Dinah  of  Westbury,  by  Young  Robbie 
Burns  (1369),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Dumbarton 
(253),  Vol.  L     Produce— 

2lBt  Hay,  1904,  Jess  of  Woodhead,  brown,  white  mark  on  forehead,  four  white- 
feet,  fiUy,  by  Royal  Champion  (896t(),  Vol.  XIII. 


SWANSTON,    aCn. 

BUTE  (17,138);  brown,  white  face,  four  white  legs,  foaled 
28th  June,  189G;  bred  by  John  Fleming,  Coates,  Penicuik; 
property  of  Mrs  Swanston,  Duns  Mill,  Duns ;  sire,  Robert 
Darnley  (10,115),  Vol.  XVIII. ;  dam,  Ma^rgie  Lauder 
(13,070),  Vol.  XX.,  by  Lammermoor  Lad  (7906),  Vol.  XIL ; 
gr.-dam,  Rosabelle  Ray  (9629),  Vol.  XIIL,  by  Middleton 
Laddie  (3843),  Vol.  VII. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate  of  Coates  (7241), 
Vol.  XI.,  by  Glancer  (342),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-gr.-dam,  White 
Missie,  by  Young  Clyde  (945),  Vol.  I.     rroduce — 

Ist  May,  1903,  Celtic  Laddie  (12,898),  Vol.  XXYIII.,  bay,  stripe  on  face,  foor 
-white  legs,  colt  (owned  by  (1)  William  Elliot;  (2)  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by 
3Iontrave  Dauntless  (11,119),  Vol.  XXIII. 


LILY  OF  KIRKCARSWELL  (17,139);  brown,  stripe  on  face, 
four  white  legs,  foaled  1897 ;  bred  by  Hugh  Duncan, 
Langalchorad,  Kingarth,  Bute;  property  of  David  Syminton, 
Kir  kcarswell,  Kirkcudbright ;  sire.  Prince  Rosemount  (9992), 
Vol.  XVII.;  dam.  Dandy  (4578),  Vol.  VIIL,  by  King 
William  (437),  Vol.  I. ;  gr.-dara,  Harvey's  mare,  by  Young 
Samson  (1374),  Vol.  11.  Produce- 
July,  1903,  Matchless,  bay,  white  face,  near  fore  leg  and  near  hixxd  1^  white, 

^ff  fore  hoofhead  white,  white  inside  of  far  hind  leg,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  k  W. 

Montgomery;    (2)   AV.    D.    Flatt,   Hamilton,   Ontario),    by    Peerless    (10,832), 

Vol.  XXII. 

TAYLOR,  A.   W. 

BKLISLE  LADY  (17,140);  brown,  white  on  face  and  legs, 
foaled  10th  April,  1902;  bred  by  and  property  of  A.  W. 
Taylor,  Belisle,  Hurlford;  sire.  Prince  Shapely  (10,111*), 
Vol.  XVIIL;  dam.  Duchess  of  Belisle  (12,951),  Vol.  XIX., 
by  Macaulay  (5187),  Vol.  IX. ;  gr.-dam,  Lily  of  Belisle 
(9193),  Vol.  XIL,  by  Prince  Charlie— Dunmore— (634), 
Vol.  1. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Lily.     Produce — 

26th  May,  1905,  brown,  four  white  legs,  filly,  by  Rozelle  (10,638),  Vol.  XXI. 


KATE  OF  EDINGHAM  (17,141);  brown,  white  stripe  on  face, 
three  white  feet,  foaled  May,  1893;  bred  by  the  late  Thomas 
Wilkin,  Tinwald  Downs,  Dumfries;  property  of  John  Taylor, 
Edingham,  Dalbeattie;  sire,  Prince  Robert  (7135),  Vol.  XI.; 
dam,  Queen  Bess  (7966),  Vol.  XL,  by  Sir  Wyndham  (4728), 
Vol.  VIIL;   gr.-dam.  Princess  Mabel  (935),  Vol.  IV.,  by 


Royal   Prince   (732),  Vol,  L;    g.-gr.-dam,  Darling  (1840), 

Vol.  v.,  by  Lofty  (460),  Vol.  I.     Produce- 
May,  1902,  Ambrosine,  blnck,  white  face,  off  fore  and  hind  legd  white,  white 
«platch  on  near  flank,  filly  (owned  by  (1)  A.  &  W.  Montgomery  ;  (2)  J.  Ernest 
Kerr,  Harviestoun,  Dollar),  by  Woodend  Gartly  (10,663).  Vol.  XXII. 

PRINCESS  OF  BALMAGHIE. (17,142);  brown,  white  blaze 
on  face,  white  hind  feet,  foaled  7th  May,  1898;  bred  by 
Grahain  Hutchison,  Balmaghie,  Castle-Douglas ;  property  of 
John  Taylor,  Edingham,  Dalbeattie;  sire.  Prince  Cedric 
(10,253*),  Vol.  XIX.;  dam,  Jean  of  Balmaghie  (14,257), 
Vol.  XXIII.,  by  Prince  of  Albion  (6178),  Vol.  X.;  gr.-dam, 
Molly  Darling  (6234),  Vol.  X.,  by  Macgregor  (1487), 
Vol.  HI. ;  g.-ffr.-dam.  Darling  (268),  Vol.  II.,  by  Victor  II. 
(1338),  Vol.  II.;  g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Lochfergus  Champion 
(449),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-g.-g. -gr.-dam,  Sally,  by  Lothian  Tam  (506), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

3rd  May,  1903,  Roeeden  (12,715),  Vol.  XXVIL,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  near 
fore  foot  and  hind  legs  white,*  colt  (owned  by  A.  k  W.  Montgomery),  by  llaron 
Briton  (10,678),  Vol.  XXII. 

TATI.OR,  THOUAS,  Ardwell. 

ARDWELL  MARE  (17,143);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  foaled  1896; 
bred  by  John  Craig  of  Bellsfield,  Blantyre;  property  of 
Thomas  Taylor,  Ardwell,  Girvan ;  sire.  Sir  Morell  Mackenzie 
(9416),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Clarioda  (13,036),  Vol.  XX.,  by 
Gallant  Prince,  (10,552),  Vol.  XXI. ;  gr.-dam,  foaled  1882, 
Vol.  v.,  p.  149,  by  Clydesdale  Prince  (1623),  Vol.  IV.; 
g.-gr.-dam,  Jess  (1249),  Vol.  V.,  by  Glancer  (340),  Vol.  I. ; 
g.-g.-gr.-dam.  Darling,  by  Farmer's  Fancy  (300),  Vol.  1. 
Produce — 

1.5th  May,  1900,  Royal  Ardwell  (12,314),  Vol.  XXVI.,  dark  brown,  white  ratch 
-on  face,  off  hind  leg  white,  colt,  by  Royal  Champion  (8956),  Vol.  XIII. 

TAYX.OB,  TBOBIA8,  IfaacweUtowii. 

-JEAN  OF  MAXWELLTOWN  (17,144);  bay,  stripe  on  face, 
hind  pasterns  white,  one  fore  pastern  a  little  white,  foaled 
1892;  bred  by  and  property  of  Thomas  Taylor,  Maxwell- 
town,  Dailly ;  sire.  Lord  Ailsa  (5974),  Vol.  X. ;  dam,  Jess  of 
Dalgig  (6001),  Vol.  X.,  by  Strathclyde  (1538),  Vol.  III. ; 
^  gr.-dam,  Jean  (2014),  Vol.  VL,  by  Victor  II.  (13.>8),  Vol.  II.; 
g.-gr.-dam.  Mall,  by  Lofty — MacVinnie's — (465;,  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

1899,  Prince  Ailsa  (11,139),  Vol  XXIII.,  bay,  broken  narrow  stripe  on  face, 
jfore  pctftemu  and  hind  legs  white,  colt,  by  Prince  Regnant  (10,418*),  Vol.  XX. 



MARTHA  (17,145);  brown,  foaled  1899;  bred  by  Samuel 
Mitchell,  Dallivady,  Campbeltown  ;  property  of  William 
Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  sire,  Gallant  Prince  (10,552)^ 
Vol.  XXI. ;  dam,  Lily  of  Dallivady,  Vol.  XXIIL,  p.  60.,  by 
Premier  Prince,  Vol.  X.,  p.  72 ;  gr.-dam,  Jess  of  Dallivady 
(10,031),  Vol.  XIII.,  by  Young  Sir  Colin  III.  (9101), 
Vol.  XIII.     Produce— 

8th  June,  1905,  *,  black,  spot  on  face,  three  white  fetlocks,  filly  (M.B.,  Samael 
Mitchell;  F.B.,  William  Taylor),  by  Rowanson— Riddeirs. 

ROSETTE  (17,146) ;  brown,  bell  on  face,  white  hind  leg,  foaled 
19th  May,  1900;  bred  by  and  property  of  William  Taylor, 
Park  Mains,  Renfrew ;  sire,  Sir  Simon  (10,465),  Vol.  XX. ; 
dam,  Rosie,  Vol.  XL,  p.  Ill,  by  Bosebery,  Vol.  IX.,  p.  268; 
gr.-dam,  Kate  (3653),  Vol.  VII.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (2958), 
Vol.  VI.;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Lofty  III.  (469),  Vol.  I. 
Produce — 

13th  May,  1905,  bav  or  brown,  off  hind  fetlock  white,  filly,  by  Sir  Randolph 
(12,372),  Vol.  XXVi; 

ROSAMUND  (17,147) ;  dark  brown,  white  face,  hind  legs  white^ 
foaled  15th  July,  1901  ;  bred  by  and  property  of  William 
Taylor,  Park  Mains,  Renfrew;  sire,  Sir  Hugo  (10,924), 
Vol.  XXII. ;  dam,  Rosie,  Vol.  XL,  p.  Ill,  by  Bosebery^ 
Vol  IX.,  p.  268 ;  gr.-dam,  Kate  (3653),  Vol.  VIL,  by  Lord 
Clyde  (2958),  Vol.  VI.  ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Kate,  by  Lofty  IIL 
(469),  Vol.  I.     Produce— 

13th  May,  1906,  colt  (dead),  by  Sir  Randolph  (12,372),  Vol.  XXVI. 


LUCY  OF  DYKE  (17,148);  light  bay,  white  face,  near  fore 
pastern  white,  three  white  legs,  foaled  4th  May,  1898 ; 
bred  by  and  property  of  James  T.  Tennant,  Dyke,  Sandi- 
lands,  Lanark ;  sire,  Montrave  Sentinel  (10,094),  Vol.  XVIII.; 
dam,  Missie  of  Dyke  (13,632),  Vol.  XXL,  by  Maclachlan 
(7017),  Vol.  XL  ;  gr.-dam,  Nancy  of  Dyke  (9205),  Vol.  XIL, 
by  Young  Lochfergus  (984),  Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Jean,  by 
Samson  (741),  Vol.  L;  g. -g.-gr.-dam,  Maggie,  by  Wattie — 
Scott's.     Produce — 

28th  April.  1905,  bay,  white  stripe  on  face,  off  fore  leg  white,  spot  on  both  hind 
paBterns,  Ally,  by  Royal  CharUe  (11,488),  Vol.  XXIV. 

Jtxviii.  MARES.  381 


«TEEMER  (17,149);  black,  white  stripe  down  face,  one  white 
leg,  a  little  white  on  off  fetlock,  foaled  1892;  bred  by 
Thomas  Snowden,  Wide  Open  Gates,  Scaleby,  Cumberland ; 
property  of  Messrs.  Thomlinson,  Rigghead,  Kirklinton, 
Carlisle ;  sire,  Safeguard  (9395),  Vol.  XIV. ;  dam,  Steemer 
(11,041),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Prince  Henry  (1257),  Vol.  11. ; 
gr.-dam,  Polly  (11,040),  Vol.  XIV.,  by  Lord  Clyde  (477), 
Vol.  I. ;  g.-gr.-dam,  Old  Steemer,  by  Merry  Tom  (532), 
Vol.  I.     Produce — 

25th  June,  1899,  Blossom,  black,  witli  a  grey  hair,  white  face,  hind  legs  white, 
-«  little  white  on  top  of  off  fore  foot,  filly  (owned  by  Robert  Barron,  Mains, 
Mondynes,  Fordoun),  by  Montrave  Kenneth  (9622),  VoL  XV. 


DARLING  OF  ABBEY  (17,150);  bay,  stripe  on  face,  near  hind 